#but you'd assume the big stuff would still cause the most distress
faggling · 4 months
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ficletfan · 4 years
Hi! If you're still taking requests, could you please write some headcanons of liam, damien, (separate) and/or the coven (poly) with a selkie s/o who's very protective of their seal-coat? If you'd rather not do all those characters, you can pick whichever one you'd prefer to write about! I really like your writing, it's not often I see monster prom x reader stuff anymore! Hope you're well! 💕
Female Selkie are more at risk to loose their coats, as men tend to be-- basically summoned play boys, so this reader isn't specified but is based on the females behavior more than the males
Selkie reader who is protective of their coat, headcanons!:
- You attend school in your human form, you portray yourself as a human, hiding away your seal coat in a side bag on your hip seperate from your backpack
- So far he hasn't realized thats what the bag was for, assuming it was to hold more supplies.
- Your mistake was asking him to grab you your pencil case from your bag on a study date.... He couldn't find it in your first bag so he check the second
-He's confused why you have such a thing, it feels like a swimsuit... But with a very minor fuzzy feel to it... Its unusual and he was going to compliment your taste in jackets
- Panicking you toss your notebook at him and bonk him in the back of the head
- Hes hurt more emotionally than physically, but you just squabble over, grip your coat to your chest and hug him. (Possibly crying)
- It doesn't take long to find out why you were so afraid of anyone touching it, you spill the beans on your origin and without your coat you can never return to the sea and most shockingly you'd have to do whatever a coat thief says until you can steal it back
- you've shocked him silent
- "Has your coat been stolen before?"
- He'd be just as protective as you after this conversation, but with this trust you'd allow him to touch the coat and even see you transform ( Fun fact Selkie must be naked with their coat to transform, so it's rather intimate!)
- it's totally crossed his mind the idea of him trying to use your seal coat on himself, if you let him it wouldn't work but it'd be a good laugh
-purple seal Liam, make it happen
- Sadly your arson boyfriend is a huge hazard to your coat, one fire accident and your power is gone! Poof forever!
-You've had many arguments about fireworks and matches in the house, anything outside you're cool with but nothing inside
-Even then if you have your coat on you you'll panic too
- Hes so confused, why is it sometimes okay and other times you yell at him? You get super stressed about it very fast
- after a fight one day you take your coat to the waters edge, strip and transform for some time in the water to cool your nerves
- some time later Damien must have gone searching for you, he knows you love the beach so here he is looking.
- You stare, pondering revealing yourself as he sits by your clothes and neatly folds them
- a few minutes of him beating himself up you transform back in the water, fully clothed he jumps in after you to apologise for being a jerk about the fire thing
- He doesn't even care that you're naked, thats a first.
- you explain Selkie coats and the rules around them and he nearly loses his shit at himself "WAIT SO I BASICALLY ALMOST RUIN YOUR LIFE EVERY TIME I LIT THOSE HOUSE FIRES??"
-If anyone takes your coat as bribery they won't have a worried Selkie but an angry demon stabbing them to death
- Hes gonna ask... If he skins something or someone and gives it to you can you become them?... No.
The Coven (poly, my favorite :3c): (longer due to being 3 people, sorry)
-All the girls of the coven are human, magic users but in the end human, somehow you rationalize that they would like you better in your human state.
- None of them knew you're a Selkie, they had taken a liking to you for your personality and in the end you all date in a poly relationship.
-Hope is the first one to ever find this seal coat, of course she was digging through your things for a mission when she found it. Its huge compared to her, its bigger than you so no matter your size it's big on her.
- it was meant to be playful, coming down stairs with this big coat over her shoulders, but you lost your mind at the sight
- you swarm her with questions as you try to rip the coat away from her, making her defensive " Where did you find it, when did you find it. Who saw you with it" questions along those lines
- Hope knows its yours but geez, you all share articles of clothing normally, why is this so big of a deal? For a moment she yanks back, doubling your distress
- Joy steps in to this argument by taking the coat from you both and firmly telling you both to calm down, Faith assists Hope in cooling her temper and Joy takes you into her room for a chat. You're reluctant to reveal your true identity, just asking for the coat back
- "I've never seen you that upset with anyone, that coat has to mean something to you" you lie, saying its a family heirloom... Your girlfriend looks less than impressed
- "well if it's just old and fragile I guess You wouldn't mind me storing it in a pocket dimension for safe keeping?"
- Oh no, you're wailing now, she didn't think her bluff would send you to tears, basically begging her to give it back
- of course Hope being protective almost kicks the door down hearing such anguish from you.
-after cuddles and the return of the coat you reluctantly explain that you're a Selkie.
-Really only Faith knows what that is, making her feel guilty for the fear this must have caused "Selkie lose all their powers if their seal coat is destroyed and losing it in the wrong hands could make them a slave to those who stole it"
- you admit that you were also convinced they would love you less knowing you were a monster
- you're slightly teased that they've all dated monsters before, you're a goof if you think they wouldn't totally kiss a monster
- Plans to keep your coat out of evil hands is made
- of course seeing you strip and transform for the first time makes your girlfriends blush and snicker
- you get all the pets in seal form, hope lowkey wants to pat the seal belly
- beach dates are now a must
Thank you so much for this request! I had lots of fun writing it and I miggght make a part 2 (your coat being stolen would be great story material!~)
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
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A/n: I really enjoyed this prompt. I mean, who doesn't love to think about Shawn becoming a dad?
Warnings: none, just fluff, and it kind of for like a split second alludes to smut, but nothing too out there.
Word count: 1.7k which is actually a lot longer than I thought it would be.
"Oh my gosh! Bub, you were the cutest baby ever!" I hold the picture of him in a high chair closer to my face and giggle at baby Shawn's bemused face.
"What can I say? I've always been cute," he shrugs like it's nothing and Aaliyah hit his shoulder.
"Shut up, no you weren't! Don't make me show her the pictures from when you were like thirteen."
"Do you have some?" I ask excitedly, turning my body to face her. She's sitting cross legged on the couch behind Shawn and me, who are spread out on the floor looking at his baby pictures.
"Honey, no!" He says to me.
"I do. Give me a second." She shoots up the stairs and Shawn leans his head back.
"Oh god, this is the worst."
I turn my attention back to the picture in my hand, tho time with him in a sweater, sitting on Manny's lap during Christmas. Then I find one from when he's about five. He's in the hospital holding a baby that I'm assuming is Aaliyah.
His lips ghost over my clothed shoulder. "What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" He asks quietly.
I sigh and put the pictures down. "Is now the time to talk about kids?"
He furrows his brows at me and pushes my hair behind my ear. "Sure," he said finally. "Why?"
"Do you think it's still too early for us to think about having one? I mean, we've been married three year. And I know you're working on another album, so it's hard to plan around traveling, and touring, and promo and-"
He cuts me off with a soft kiss. "I can stop that for a while. You know that, right? You know I'd stop if we were having a baby. Because I want to spend that time with you."
"But I don't- I don't want you to stop if I'm pregnant. It's not fair to you."
"And it's not fair to you or the baby if I'm touring the world while you're here lonely, and needy."
I rest my forehead against his with a soft exhale. "I want a baby, Shawny."
He nods, "Thought you might," he said smugly. "Let's talk more about it when we get home, eh?"
I hum, "'kay."
"So?" Shawn prompts.
"Hey, I already said what I wanted to. The ball is in your court now. All you have to do is tell me no and it's dropped."
"What makes you so sure I'm gonna say No? I want a baby too."
"Really?" I ask, with only a small smile on my face because I don't want to get too excited.
"Of course I do." His arms wrap around my waist. "I think you'd be the sexiest pregnant woman ever."
"So, does that mean we can start trying?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck.
He nods. "We can definitely start trying." Shawn pushes a strand of hair out of my face and lets his hands wander down my back. "In fact, I think we should start right now." A sharp tap on my ass causes a squeal to emit the back of my throat.
"Hmm… you seem to really like that. Should I spank you more often?"
I laugh, "just take my clothes off already." I reach between our bodies and tart to palm him through his tight black jeans. He groans and I swear it's the sexiest thing I've ever heard.
"Jesus, fuck. Okay. Let's get you to bed, honey. I can't wait to get you pregnant," his mouth attaches to the hollow behind my ear as he leads me to our bedroom.
Five months. That's how long it's taken us to conceive. But he doesn't know that yet because he's on a small, two week tour with iheart. It's okay though because it's given me a chance to plan how I want to tell him.
After six years together, and having been married half of that time, I know he likes surprises. Which is why I went down to this little shop that doe embroidery and had them stitch a single word on the front of his blue distressed cap that I got him a few months ago.
I wrap the pregnancy test in tissue paper and set it in the box under the hat. He should be home within the hour, told me he didn't want me to come get him because traffic would be he'll getting there. So instead, I start on dinner and thank God the he said he was craving pasta when I asked him what he wanted.
I hear the door open just as I'm placing the garlic bread on the counter. It only then occurs to me that I should have kept it there as a fun little 'bun in the oven' joke.
"Y/n! I'm home!" He calls from the living room.
I dust my hands off on the back of my jeans and rush to him, wrapping myself around his toned, beautiful body. "Hi, rockstar. I missed you."
"It's only been two weeks," he chuckles into my hair before setting me back on the ground.
I pout and pull away, "Does that mean you didn't miss me, Mendes?"
"Now don't go twisting my words, Mendes." He leans down, placing a soft kiss to the tip of my nose. "Of course I missed you."
I hum in acknowledgement. "You know, it doesn't matter how long we've been married. I will never get tired of you calling me that. It's always like a fun little surprise.
He smiles and holds my face in his hands. "I love you, y/n Mendes."
I bite my lip, "I love you, Shawn Mendes. And speaking of surprises, I have a big one. Now go put your stuff in the room, winner's ready."
"Oh really?"
I nod, my lips in a thin line, biting back a smile.
"And what's for dinner?" He grabs his suitcase and starts rolling it down the hall to our room.
"Pasta," I rock back and forth on my heels. "Just like you wanted."
He narrows his eyes at me, "You're up to something. I feel it."
"Can I not just be a devoted housewife for the night?"
This makes him laugh. "You can be whatever you want to be, pumpkin." He reaches for me one more time and pecks my lips. "Maybe I should buy you some pearls for when you're feeling like a housewife."
I kiss him again, oh how I've missed those lips. "I've never thought about owning pearls. You think they'd look good on me?"
"I think everything looks good on you." He let's go of my waist. "Give me just ten minutes to wash up and I'll be right back."
"That was delicious, baby. Thank you." Shawn says, taking our plates to the sink.
"I also made dessert. Pie, because you told me the other day you were craving it," I follow him from the dining room.
He groans, "You're trying to make me fat. My trainer is going to kill me," he jokes only for me to shrug and place the pie back in the oven to reheat it.
Shawn's arms wrap around my waist and he places a soft kiss to the back of my neck. "So what's that surprise you had for me?"
I turn in his arms, "you want it now or after dessert?"
"Now," he smiles wide. "I'm excited."
I pat his arms, "Go to the living room. I have to go get it."
I rush to our bedroom and take the box from under my side of the bed. I bring it out, hands behind my back. "So, I think you're really going to like this one. It's something you've wanted for quite some time now."
I take the box from behind my back and hand it to him. "Open it."
He smiles softly at me and removed the lid. "Another hat?" He asks, unwrapping it. "'Dad?' Is this some kind of new kink? Because if it is, that's kinda hot. I'm not gonna lie."
I laugh, "No, Shawn. There's something else in there." I'm swaying back and forth on my heels. I'm so nervous to see his reaction.
He unwrap the stick that says plain as day 'PREGNANT and just stares at it for a solid minute.
"Shawn?" I prompt when he hadn't said anything. "Bubs, you okay?"
He finally looks up at me and wipes at his red, splotchy face, trying to remove the tears that we're steadily falling. He stands up, the test still in his hands. "Is this real?" He takes in a breath. "You're not pranking me?"
I shake my head, tears starting to fall from my eyes too. "It's real."
"We're having a baby," he says mostly to himself.
"We're having a baby," I confirm, wiping at my eyes.
He runs his hands over his face again, letting out a deep breath. "Thank you, Jesus. C'mere, pumpkin." He reaches for my hands and pulls me into his chest, kissing the top of my head over and over again. "I'm so lucky. I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am." A few more kisses on my lips and he pulls away, eyes dry but still red and puffy. "I am so in love with you. I didn't think I could love you more. But I do. God. I love you so much." Shawn pushes a strand of hair away from my face, "I'm gonna be a dad."
"You are," I say taking his face in my hands.
"This is the best gift you could ever give me," he leans into my touch. "I'm gonna have a little boy running around. A little mini me."
"Now don't be so sure. My y/l/n genes are pretty strong. It's nearly inevitable that we'll have a girl."
"Even better. We'll have a tiny you running around. Double the you to love." He presses his lips to my palm. "I don't care what we have as they're healthy and they're yours."
I nod, "me too."
He finally manages to pull away from my grasp and we stand there in comfortable silence for a minute before he shakes his head with a soft chuckle. "A baby? We're having a baby! I just - I want to scream it to the entire world that I made a baby with the most beautiful woman in the world!"
Tags: @curlyshawny @shawns-badreputation @bbellbagel @anamariel2301 @ivegotparticulartaste @turtoix @tomshufflepuff
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