#but Its important that museums do exist and are appreciated as a wealth of knowledge
sourkitsch · 2 years
When I was a boy, newly interested in art, my mother took me to the Metropolitan Museum. We looked around the lobby, and when we discovered that there were no art classes being offered, my mother lost interest. I begged her, I wanted to see something, so she let me go upstairs alone. The Met then wasn't like it was now: it was like a big warehouse for scholars. When I got to one dark room filled with paintings I heard a tapping sound, like a cane on the floor. I was fearful, somebody was coming towards me. This guy came up to me -- he had polished shoes -- he put his walking stick on my sternum and pushed me down. He told me 'Dirty little boys like you should not be in museums like this.' Years later I realized who that man was: James Rorimer the director of the museum.
from Jerome Witkin: Painting History, Memory and Fantasy
The Met now has a number of Witkins in its collection.
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thehollow06-blog · 5 years
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Chapter No.1: ART
Pablo Alarcón
The background of an artwork.
Graffiti is one of the most famous form of art nowadays. It was influenced by many artistic styles, depending on the artist. However, all the pieces of art that you can see on the streets have in common the freedom. Some people say that a street artist doesn’t respect art, but if you want to give life to a wall you have to know about form, harmony, shapes, colors, dimensions and so on. Moreover, giving essence to a work of art is something that only privileged artists achieve. For this achievement you don’t have to be an expert of theory techniques. You just need to practice a lot and understand the art that flows of you.
A topic that people always forget when they see and feel an artwork is the culture that the artist shows to his or her audience. Art almost always goes hand in hand with culture. For a better understanding of this point, it’s important that people must know the meaning of culture in this argument. For whom writes, culture is the way of think and act that a person has, gave by the knowledge that he or she acquired in his or her life. For that reason, art is an expression of the culture and of those who formed it, because the human being is more of others than of himself.
At this point you may think: So, what is the difference of a piece of art in a gallery than a piece of art in the streets? The audience. The art in the streets catch you quickly and you don’t have to think a lot for understanding the artwork. In a gallery or a museum, you have to think a lot for understanding the artwork. Moreover, sometimes you need prior knowledge of the type of art or the artist.
Focusing in the street art, and as I said at the beginning, Graffiti was influenced by many artistic styles, but mannerism influenced the way of doing graffiti.
Mannerism is an artistic style which the main idea is: “do well effortlessly with freedom, with a lot of forms and figures, making a well detailed piece of art”. This artistic style was divided on early and high mannerism. Furthermore, it appeared between Renaissance and Baroque (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d; Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.; The Art of Story, n.d)..
If we talk about Mannerism, we talk about the Italian artist Giusseppe Arcimboldo. He became famous with his portrait of the emperor Rodolf II. The paint was called Vertumnus. This is a portrait painting produced in Milan in 1590–1591. The fruits and vegetables symbolize the abundance of these resources always on the year when he was emperor (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d; Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.; The Art of Story, n.d).
So, what is the background in artworks? The culture.
Ecuador has many artistic contributions in the streets. In popular streets you can see a lot of beautiful walls exhibiting different types of art in every traffic light. A wall comes alive with graffiti. As in Mannerism, you can feel free painting a lot of shapes with different colors and you do it effortlessly, because you aren’t preoccupated in form, just in harmony. In the capital of Ecuador, you can see a lot of painted walls. Graffiti has made Quito a beautiful city, and at the same time, graffiti is a way to communicate. However, it is difficult to communicate what you think doing art. Many people say, “you can either beautify a wall or communicate, but not both.” Nevertheless, you can do both, but you must innovate your work constantly (Cambridge Dictionary, n.d; Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.; The Art of Story, n.d).
Ecuador have many excellent artists that beautify the streets. Each artist has her or his authentic style. One of the most popular is Apitatan. He painted the walls of the whole country. The picture in this post “me voy a volver” is a good example of ecuadorian art, made by Apitatan. He has used pictures and typical phrases of our culture, and he has made innovative art. He did art for every kind of people. You don’t have to be an artist to understand his art. That’s the reason he is a well-known artist in many countries. And a good example of the importance of background in an artwork.  Nowadays, he represents our culture and demonstrate the background of an artwork, and this is the way of how graffiti influence society. It is a graphic form of communicate the society problems and achieves.
Finally, a curious fact to share is that the Mannerist paintings of Arcimboldo were not appreciated until years after his death. The main reason was not following the traditional rules of art. Therefore, who knows in a few years, the Graffiti is appreciated as much as it should be now.
Cambridge Dictionary. (n.d.). Mannerism. Retrieved from https://dictionary.cambridge.org/es/diccionario/ingles/mannerism
Encyclopedia Britannica. (n.d.). Mannerism. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/art/Mannerism
The Art Story. (n.d.). ARTWORKS BY GIUSEPPE ARCIMBOLDO. Retrieved from https://www.theartstory.org/artist/arcimboldo-giuseppe/artworks/
Review: I Am Mother
In 2019, the story of I Am Mother from the screenwriter Michael Lloyd Green caught the attention of Netflix audience and many film critics. As it showed in a big group of movies produced in the new century, one of the biggest fears for human beings is their extinction. People have imagined different ways of an extinction. The typical ways showed in a film have being the extinction because a falling meteorite, zombies or an untreatable disease. There is a characteristic that all these ways have in common: the problem of an unhabitable atmosphere. However, just a few movies show a future after a mass extinction event. I Am Mother have the common characteristic, the supposed unhabitable atmosphere.
This is one of the first movies of the Australian director Grant Sputore and it show the capacity of the director to make a great movie just with a few characters. The excellent performance of the two Oscar winner Hilary Swank as woman, along with the good development of the rising star Clara Rugaard as daughter, and the familiar voice of Rose Byrne as mother help to elaborate a fresh movie of science fiction and suspense. Also, the movie fits the genre’s mystery and fantasy. Being one of the first films of the director, it gives a fresh touch because it is not known exactly what surprises can show on the big screen. That is the reason because the platform Rotten Tomatoes described it as “ambitious sci-fi story that largely achieves its impressive aims”. In addition, this platform highlights good comments from the audience, and a common criticism “impossible to criticize in depth without spoilers”, and the reason is the simplicity as the story is told.
The thread of history is never lost. From the beginning it is well explained as a robot with artificial intelligence represented as a mother raising a human girl. She treats her with love whenever her daughter meets the rules of the home. When she does not do it, she shows herself as a mother, she takes seconds to decide how to act, so that her daughter doesn’t realize her mother's objective behind everything she does. That is why for the outcome the director does not need to use external resources to solve the main problem of the plot, in other words it is a film so well told that it does not need the resource Deus ex machina.
This movie takes the audience since the beginning of the story. Camera angles and sounds create sensations on the audience. The white light in the shots works well generating warmth in the viewer, suspense and fear. These feelings generated in the audience depend on the music that plays in each scene so the game between lights and sound is a highlight of this movie. Those are great resources that can be used to classified as a suspense movie. Not only suspense is the genre of this movie, it is also included in science fiction movies because of the argument of a possible future with robots with AI controlling the world. However, being a topic so seen on the big screen, the audience is not so attracted to see another movie about a possible future, since the theme has been widely used since the beginning of the cinema.
Outside the issue of extinction due to natural causes or the fact that all human discoveries at one point can lead to extinction, the film shows a future in which classism persists and the difference in the benefits that a group of people have privileged and the deficiencies in which the majority of the population lives. On this occasion reference is made to the demolishing robot as the cause of this class difference, however, it is nothing more than a machination of the evils that exist in today's society, such as bad governments and the poor distribution of wealth that it has occurred both in the past and in the present, and hopefully, unlike the evidence in this movie, the future doesn’t have these evils that affect society.
The innocence of the girl shows that the human is good by birth. As long as she has no prejudices acquired from society, her heart will be noble and fair. A pure heart does not think in difference of classes nor in difference of situations. A pure heart acts guided by the only idea of helping others, without expecting anything in return. This is evidenced in the little girl because despite her inexperience in practice she is able to treat the lady medically, guided solely by her impulse to help. Her nobility of heart is even evidenced after a betrayal, since noticing the lies of her mother robot did not react as a common human would, that is, getting angry with the person who betrayed her. That is the reason she makes a good acting, because she looks like a girl that never had human contact.
A feeling that if born with the human being as shown in the movie is frustration. In his case, frustration is not knowing what waits her outside. It is a frustration united with great curiosity, because it is a world that has no knowledge and has only heard stories. It can also be seen that the little girl has a great love for life. From his early years, the most curious thought she has is the reason for life. Constantly in her features and attitudes you can tell how she seeks to give a reason to her existence, since living between machines feels different and she is not clear about the reason she is in the world. With this it can also be argued that happiness is only real when it is shared, and no matter how much the little girl has it all, that she does not suffer from hunger, she needs another human being. Therefore, it is evident how humans are social beings and are more of others than of themselves. A person's life is the set of small parts of other lives and when you don't have that constant sharing with those parts of other lives, you cannot fully develop as a human being.
In conclusion, this is a though provoking movie because it showed a possible future when artificial intelligence decides how the world should work and performs experiments on how humans should act according to ethical standards. Furthermore, the movie is a rich material, that manages the plot of the film well with the few characters it has and with the cinematographic resources such as visual and sound effects, which surround the viewer without making him or her not blink through the one hundred fifteen minutes. For this reason, it is a worth seeing movie that you can watch in family with friends or alone. The plot is not difficult to understand, daughter catches your attention with her perfect development so you enter through the film and feel like she feels, because we are human beings and the frustration and deep feelings of other human beings touch our soul.
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doodlewash · 6 years
My name is Barbara Rosenzweig and I’m from the USA, cherishing art in all things, all my life. My love of nature and art began as a child growing up in culturally rich Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There, I had the opportunity to hike through the woods, walk through the creeks, appreciate the unique wildlife I found, and still take advantage of the wealth of museums the city offered.
I was very fortunate that at the time I was going to public school. The city fostered an appreciation of art by giving free classes to anyone who wanted them and was willing to spend Saturday mornings studying at the School Art League. I was exposed to all art media and joyfully experimented, creating many kinds of art forms. Much to my surprise, at the end of my senior year in high school, I won first place in the city-wide art show for an oil painting that I thought may have been too strange for the times, but I guess it wasn’t. Unfortunately, that wonderful program, though immensely valuable to so many students, no longer exists.
Even though training as an undergraduate for a medical career in college, I continued my art studies at the Philadelphia Museum of Art and Tyler School of Fine Arts. Along the way, it struck me that I’d really prefer to share my knowledge and love of nature with children, rather than practice as a physician. Once I started teaching science to middle school children, doing my graduate studies at night, I found that there was little time left for art classes. Soon followed marriage and a family, making that option impossible.
However, I was not about to totally abandon my love of art. Throughout my 36 years, I had students draw and write observations about everything we studied. That included the amazing organisms we saw under the microscope, fungi and plants my students and I brought in, and preserved animal specimens the school district provided. When we studied fish, I brought a few in so that we could make prints by the traditional Japanese method, Gyotaku. During all those years, photographing my garden and travels were my other creative outlets. Once retired, it took me another five years to get up the courage to start taking watercolor classes.
I had taken a 45-year hiatus from formal art lessons and was nervous that since I had concentrated on oil painting as a youngster, this would be too difficult a challenge for me to succeed at. I persevered, though, because I loved the luminous quality of watercolors and its convenient portability! This was very important for someone who still loves to travel!
That was about ten years ago when I took as many classes as I could, started painting every day, and attended watercolor demonstrations as often as possible. I still paint with two different groups twice a week. In each, the teacher and other students critique each other’s work. Hearing other perspectives and suggestions helps me keep an open mind as to the possible approaches that may improve my paintings. That keeps me committed to improving my skills. (Below is an example of my “beginner” watercolor when I was 63.)
Over the years, I’ve found that the synthetic Loew-Cornell La Corneille 7020 Series Ultra Round and flat brushes have served me well. I mostly use Holbein, but also Daniel Smith and Winsor & Newton professional watercolors. My paper preference is Arches 100% Rag Watercolor Paper 300 lb. cold pressed. This thick paper can take a lot of abuse!
Since I rarely “knock out” a painting the first time around, I find that I can lift the paint either with a water-filled brush and paper to blot, a “scrubber” (fabric dye brush), and/or Mr. Clean Original Magic Eraser when I have a large area to “adjust” without damaging the paper. I can just imagine that those proficient and experienced watercolor artists reading this are probably pulling their hair out about now, but remember, I’m still in the learning process. Hopefully, in a few more years, I won’t need to go to such drastic lengths to get the results I want.
A favorite watercolor technique of mine, mingling, allows me to keep colors bright, yet combine them to make a rainbow effect. To achieve this look without muddy results, I lay down one color, then quickly rinse the brush, add another color and place it just touching the previous one before it dries.
This can be repeated allowing the colors to gently mix, but keeping their unique qualities, too. Besides the rich shadows in many of my paintings, I also use this technique to create my Rainbow Animals and Sports Series watercolors. The results are always surprising and fun! That’s the beauty of watercolor – unexpected splendor.
My garden of almost 50 years has given me much to enjoy and still provides an almost endless variety of plant material to inspire my paintings.
Even the local produce market and objects around my home are fair game for me to practice with.
Florida remains the greatest source of inspiration not only for the natural beauty of the ocean, beaches, tropical foliage, wildlife, and fabulous sunsets, but also for the vibrant beach life of families making lasting memories.
By age 64, I started sharing my watercolors professionally. Since that time, my work has been featured in galleries and art shows. I’ve enjoyed sharing my original paintings, fine art prints, and commissions on Etsy and Facebook (links below), and still treasure the wonderfully appreciative and inspiring notes I receive from my clients.
Now at 73, I continue my love of the rich color I achieved so many years ago in the oil paintings of my youth and try to bring that vibrant color to my watercolor paintings. My work is heavily influenced by artists such as Georgia O’Keeffe and Van Gogh, but I can’t seem to get too far away from a realistic style. Perhaps all my years as a science teacher and photographer won’t “allow” it! Every painting, even after all this time, is still a challenge, taking me weeks to complete!
In my watercolors, I try to express my love of nature’s vitality and convey those special moments that families share together. I still consider myself a novice and continue to enjoy my journey of exploration in watercolors.
Barbara Rosenzweig Facebook Website Etsy
GUEST ARTIST: “Painting My Passions, Creating Memories” by Barbara Rosenzweig - #doodlewash #WorldWatercolorGroup #watercolor #watercolour My name is Barbara Rosenzweig and I'm from the USA, cherishing art in all things, all my life.
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller Discusses why Grandpas are Mentors and Memory Makers for Children by Mel Feller
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Mel Feller Discusses why Grandpas are Mentors and Memory Makers for Children by Mel Feller
 Mel Feller believes that every child deserves a grandparent who will love unreservedly, and every grandparent needs the opportunity to love and to be loved. Although it may not take a whole village to raise a child, it definitely takes a loving family. Grandpas are a decisive ingredient in the family mix. They have a unique connection to their grandchildren and a wealth of gifts to offer, talents and insight to share with each child.
 For countless families, family life is spiraling out of control. Parents are progressively busier, and family life is more often like a compression cooker. The stresses of dual careers and a wealth of outside events leave far too little parent-child time. Grandparents can make a huge difference to these busy families.  As a grandpa, I try to be there and love to be there for my kids and grandchildren.
 I firmly believe that grandpas have many things to impart to their grandchildren, both by their modeling and their mentoring. Having lived numerous years and experienced a great deal, their understanding can comfort and enrich their grandchildren’s lives in a variation of ways.
 When you look at it intentionally, we see that grandpas are powerful models for their grandchildren, and their actions and example often speak louder than their words. From grandpas, children learn both attitudes, values and unconditional love. Grandpas show grandchildren how to be good citizens; they are witnesses to their faith; and they are models for getting older. Their very existence exposes children to the seasons of life and clarifies them respect for other ages and stages of life.
 Grandpas are custom-built mentors. They have a warehouse of insight to share. Over the years, they have refined their gifts and their talents, learned valuable skills and established interests that are advantageous, educational and advantageous to their grandchildren. Their life understanding can guide and teach their grandchildren immensely.
 In addition, grandparents mentor grandchildren when they share a talent or new activity, such as building a birdhouse, landscaping or gardening, visiting a museum, or taking a nature walk. Grandparents have a profusion of experience, which they often take for granted, and they generally have more time than parents do. Furthermost grandchildren welcome the occasion to try something new with a grandpa.
 In my experience, grandpas are perfect memory-makers. By spending time and mentoring their grandchildren, they build appreciated and treasured memories that will last a lifetime. They do not need a trip to Disneyland to do so, but it helps, nonetheless they do need a readiness to share their time and talent. If you are a grandpa who wants to try something new, birthdays and holidays are opportune times. Consider making a birthday banner that the grandkids might even help create. Make one-of-a-kind personalized birthday cards with a depiction of the birthday child. Give gift certificates for overnights at grandpa’s house or a special date or outing of their choosing. Write a letter to your grandchild explaining your excitement when they were born. Take your grandchild on a memorable trip or adventure for a milestone birthday.  Better yet just, take them on a trip with you.
 Grandpas can build memories by working on a combined project or developing a mutual hobby like stamp or coin collecting. Grandkids who are into sports love to have their grandpas follow the identical sports teams and compare notes with them.
 A sad reality today is that today, fewer and fewer grandpas and grandchildren live in the same community. A great many of the more than 72 million grandparents in the U.S. are long-distance grandpas. Both parents and grandparents must be innovative to keep connected. E-mail, skype, texting, cell phones and snail mail become important opportunities for staying in touch. The lines of communication can be maintained by sending stories, jokes, riddles or creating an on-going tale by e-mail.  My preference is still by phone and surprise visits whenever possible.
 Therefore, grandpas are distinctive models and mentors. The ages of their grandchildren will decide the experiences, activities and adventures that can be shared. As children grow out of some actions, they will grow into others. Interaction with their grandpas is assured to enrich their lives and leave them with an immense amount of treasured memories.
 Do you find yourself in a constant state of mental chaos? Do you feel like your career goals and lifetime dreams just can’t be met no matter how hard you work to achieve them?
 There is a reason, you will never reach your full potential unless you move from being an imposter to being who you really want to be by being deeply authentic. No amount of material possessions, money, or high-ranking career position will make you happy or feel fulfilled if your inner confidence does not match your external success. Mel Feller and Coaching for Success 360 coaching and the art and science of self-mastery will transform your life and get you there.
 Instead of traditional and motivational touchy-feely coaching, my style is edgy, bold, straightforward, instructional and results-driven. Motivation is great but only if you do something with it!
 Mel Feller chooses to work with people I feel a deep trust and connection with so we can make change on a cellular level, cognitively with passion and high-energy. No lies. No bull. No excuses. Purity, honesty, hard work.
 Mel Feller – Personal Development, Business, Executive, Internet and Real Estate Investments Coach/Mentor and Business Owner
 Mel Feller was a senior staffer for over 5 years with both United States Senator Jake Garn and The Senate Banking and Finance Committee.
 Mel Feller is a speaker at entrepreneurial forums training business professionals on marketing strategies and the “Secrets of Online Marketing”. He provides consulting services on all aspects of business including organizational performance, sales and marketing strategies, employee productivity and retention, successful solution implementation, technology leverage and customer service in all business and fields.
 Mel Feller's areas of technology expertise include emails and social media, solution development discipline and methodology, business process leads and project management.
 Mel Feller has twenty-five years’ experience with companies, nonprofits and individuals in the research and writing of both government and private grants.
 In addition to his regular consulting and management responsibilities, Mel Feller was published in the Top 100 Mentors; he has published two books on "Creative Real Estate Financing" and “Multiple Secrets to Success”, and presented numerous executive lectures for Fortune 500 corporations on “leadership and business practices”.
Visit him at www.melfeller.com and www.melfellersuccessstories.com
 Mel Feller’s dynamic presence, instinctive strategic vision, and creative thinking produce effective, sustainable bottom-line results for his clients. His “Can Do” attitude generates confidence in his executive coaching clients and strategic consulting corporate clients. Throughout Mel Feller’s career, he has increased the profitability of nearly every organization with which he has worked.
 Mel Feller has a unique ability to relate to his clients because he came from The United States Senate, where Mel was the Chief of Staff for a United States Senator and was always meeting with prominent business people or politicians.  His main love was dealing with constituents that were the grass root voters!  Since founding Coaching For Success 360 In 1989, he has effectively translated that experience into results for his clients. He focuses on separating daily distractions from the real issues in order to put the executive and/or business on the right path to grow and prosper. Results are immediate, growth sustainable, and profitability long-term.
 Dozens of Mel Feller’s clients have been on Inc.’s 500/5000 list and many have been named as a “Best Places To Work.
Using Mel Feller’s intuitive, systematic approach, and our proven strategic and tactical tools, we help you plan for profit.
 Mel Feller believes that what gets measured is improved. Therefore, he is continually developing processes and systems that allow you to easily measure, manage and maintain a highly profitable business.
 Mel Feller is  ready to help you increase your sales, trim and manage your operating costs and see your profits soar and/or leverage your time for Business or Real Estate!
  “Truth telling, honesty, and candor: I loved you Mel Feller! You have so much energy and knowledge! I truly hope I get another opportunity to be coached by you. I see myself a little clearer now, and it’s not so bad.”
Lisa Mathews
 “Mel Feller you added more value than we can possibly see right now. Mel Feller, you are warm, inviting, and accommodating. Thank you for coming alongside us in this transition!”
Vanessa Cavanaugh
“Mel Feller the best education session that we have attended in many years! Thank you so much — I am very excited to put everything you have taught us into practice!”
Michael Randolph
 “Mr. Mel Feller, Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving a marvelous keynote at our Symposium! While we have not yet collected the official feedback, the unofficial feedback was that You Were a Hit! I heard nothing but compliments regarding your presentations. Thank you for making such a positive impact on our attendees! ”
Lyle Cunningham VP
 "Mel Feller uses his humor, compassion, and direct nature to help bring out the best in me. Mel Feller is committed to helping me live...I mean, really live, life to its fullest."
Jose Rodriguez
 Mel Feller Links
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