#buy Spirulina
vedikrootsayurveda · 7 months
Looking for a natural source of calcium, potassium, and Vitamin B? Discover the power of Spirulina Capsules. Why wait? Buy now!
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organicpowderpure99 · 25 days
Blackcurrant Powder Never Compromise on Taste, Vitamins, and Nutrients
Patients suffering from Type-2 diabetes and hypertension are recommended Blackcurrant Powder. Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the hottest and coldest months of the year.
Visit- https://www.organicpowderpure.com/blackcurrant-powder-never-compromise-on-taste-vitamins-and-nutrients/
Phone: 5102953775
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skytagproducts · 8 months
Spirulina Powder Benefits: The Tasteless & Odorless Superfood That Makes Every Meal A Healthy Feast
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Do you ever wonder how some people seem to have an endless supply of energy and stay fit as a fiddle? It's not always about hours in the gym or eating bland salads day in and day out. Meet the not-so-secret weapon: Organic Spirulina Powder, a powerhouse of nutrients that can turn every meal into a nutritional fiesta without affecting the taste or smell. It's like a magician's wand for your food, adding health without the hocus-pocus.
Before we dive into the culinary wonders of spirulina, let's get to know this secret unsung hero a bit better. Spirulina is a green algae that has been cherished for centuries for its incredible health benefits. Packed with protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it's a nutrition powerhouse.
But here's where the magic happens: Spirulina powder is both odourless and tasteless. You heard it right! It's like a chameleon of the superfood world, blending seamlessly with any dish without altering its taste or aroma. So, let's embark on a flavourful journey through some Indian culinary delights supercharged by the mighty spirulina.
You may have enjoyed a classic mango lassi, but have you tried the Spirulina Lassi? This vibrant green concoction not only looks exotic but is a nutritional powerhouse. Just blend some ripe mangoes or your favourite seasonal fruit, a dollop of yogurt, a pinch of cardamom, and a teaspoon of spirulina powder. It's like a tropical paradise in a glass, with spirulina secretly doing its health-boosting dance.
Indian curries are famous for their rich flavors, but they can also be calorie-packed landmines. Enter the Spirulina Curry – a guilt-free way to enjoy your favorite curry without compromising on taste. Add a teaspoon of spirulina powder to your curry sauce while cooking, and watch it turn into a vibrant green masterpiece. It's like a curry with a hidden agenda – the agenda of health!
Who doesn't love a plate of spicy and tangy chaat? The Spirulina Chaat takes this beloved street food to a whole new level. Sprinkle some spirulina powder over your chickpeas, potatoes, and tamarind chutney, and voila! You've got a chaat that not only tantalizes your taste buds but also nourishes your body. It's like a party in your mouth, and spirulina is the life of the party. You can also add teaspoon full to your mint or coriander chutney & watch it turn into a vibrant green, that to adding nutritional value to it, Healthy Chutney…Wow.
Biryani is the crown jewel of Indian cuisine, but it's often a calorie bomb. Well, fear not, for Spirulina Biryani is here to save the day. Mix a teaspoon of spirulina powder with yogurt and marinate your chicken or vegetables before adding them to your biryani. It's like a nutritional makeover for this royal dish. You'll feel like a biryani king or queen without the post-meal guilt.
Start your day on the right foot with a Spirulina Smoothie Bowl. Blend your favorite fruits, yogurt, and a teaspoon of Organic SpirulinaPowder, then pour it into a bowl. Top it with nuts, seeds, and some honey, and you've got a breakfast masterpiece. It's like an edible work of art that gives you the energy of a thousand suns.
You can also mix a teaspoon full of healthy Organic Spirulina Powder to your bowl of dalia, porridge, oats etc to add more nutritional value to your breakfast.
And yes not to forget your glass of juice or protein shake which can welcome a spoonful of Spirulina Powder too to turn healthier still.
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Now that we've jazzed up some Indian classics with Spirulina, let's talk about the incredible health benefits it brings to the table (literally):
1. Energizing Elixir: Spirulina is a natural energy booster, thanks to its high protein content and B-vitamins. Say goodbye to those mid-afternoon slumps and hello to sustained vitality.
2. Immunity Enhancement: Spirulina is a rich source of antioxidants, which help strengthen your immune system. It's like having a personal bodyguard for your health.
3. Detox Dynamo: It aids in detoxification by flushing out toxins from your body. Think of it as a daily spa treatment for your insides.
4. Weight Management: With its low calorie and high protein content, spirulina can help with weight management. It's like having a personal trainer for your metabolism.
5. Hair and Skin Radiance: The nutrients in spirulina promote healthy hair and skin, giving you that radiant glow. You'll look so good; people might think you have a secret skincare routine.
While spirulina itself is impressive, going organic takes it up a notch. Organic Spirulina is free from pesticides and harmful chemicals during cultivation or harvesting, ensuring that you get only the purest and healthiest form of this superfood.So to avail the best organic Spirulina Powder benefits, avoid cheaper forms & prefer only 100% Pure & Organic Spirulina Powder.
As much as we love spirulina, a little goes a long way. Start with small amounts and gradually increase to avoid any digestive discomfort. You can start with a regular teaspoon & gradually graduate to a tablespoon daily over a period of 15 days. So give your body time to adjust to this newly infused energy booster.
Now let us come to the most challenging part, spirulina powder where to buy, in its purest form? With all the knowledge you are now equipped with, regarding the beneficial effects of Organic Spirulina Powder & the plethora of unlimited products available from so many sellers, it all stands of no use, if you don’t buy the best Spirulina Powder product. The best option to buy Spirulina protein powder, the most convenient option is to buy Spirulina powder online from a company who offers you the assurance of the finest quality along with all the necessary certifications, for such a high profile product for complete peace of mind without falling in to the trap of cheap variants, which may be laced with many possible impurities& hard metals which is very easily possible since Spirulina is farming is done over water. So choose a company selling the finest Organic Spirulina Powder with the highest quality control& international certifications even it means spending a little extra for your health & peace of mind.
So, there you have it – the secret to maintaining your fitness and energy levels without compromising on taste or smell. Organic Spirulina Powder is the unsung but secret super-hero of the culinary world, making every meal a health-boosting masterpiece.
It's time to embark on the spirulina revolution. Try these spirulina-infused Indian dishes and watch your energy soar, your fitness improve, and your taste buds dance with delight. Organic Spirulina is your ticket to a healthier, happier you.
In the words of a famous quote (with a spirulina twist), "Let food be thy medicine, and let spirulina be the magician's wand that makes it taste heavenly while keeping you healthy!"
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nutritein · 2 years
Spirulina: Nature's Precious Gift For Good Health
Spirulina platensis, Spirulina maxima, and Spirulina fusiformis are the three most important species in terms of nutrition and possible medical use. Spirulina health supplements possess protein levels comparable to those found in eggs.
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“walk your step-rats” PLEASE 😭 can you imagine him putting a rat in a tiny pink harness and walking it around LA.
She’s definitely seen all of the Ratty Healy comments. Please I just need one picture of him holding a rat. Let us come full circle.
Also I vote he goes to Erewhon to get the Hailey Bieber smoothie (it’s actually only a matter of time before he’s pictured in Erewhon and that’s terrifying)
I’m dyinggggg HAHAHA. Hey, I actually made that smoothie at home. Like bought the ingredients and stuff. It’s really good. Would recommend. matty please buy and review it. He should become a smoothie influencer for the hiatus. His channel should be called “spirulina and pistachios” and it’s just him rage-ranting about LA while sipping his lil smoothie and giving it a rating out of 10.
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thebestoftragedy · 1 year
I was at Whole Foods the other week and spotted Solely Green Banana Fusilli Pasta. I was immediately horrified/delighted and texted @doctorcrusher​ about it, who demanded to know how it tastes. So I went back and bought a box a couple days later. Then I decided I wanted to make the most aesthetically bizarre pasta I could, and settled on trying to make it be colored such that, when the colors are inverted in an image editor, a photo would look like normal pasta with tomato sauce.
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I decided this would best be achieved with a nice white vegan Alfredo sauce (cashews, water, white miso, onion/garlic/mustard powders, white pepper, and lemon juice in the blender, then simmered on the stove to thicken) supplemented liberally with blue spirulina, which is absurdly blue and absurdly expensive. I meant to shoplift it from the self checkout but of course it was the 1 item that actually scanned on the first try. C’est la vie.
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The pasta. It looks similar to squid ink pasta, that kind of greenish brownish grayish. It turned more warm/brown toned while cooking and made the pasta water be the color of death sludge.
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I added some Violife vegan parmesan, because I have a block I’m trying to use up.
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Not blue enough, so I added more blue.
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The pasta said it would cook in 3-4 minutes. At 3, it was weirdly crunchy. At 4, it was soft and very gummy. I put olive oil on it immediately and it still all clumped into a big glob.
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Blue enough!
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Inverted: beautiful. Evocative of the Elephant’s Foot at Chernobyl. Finally, a vegan pasta dish that says: remember you will die.
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It tasted fine! The shitty banana pasta had a mild flavor that was easily covered by the sauce, which was perfectly tasty if a little bland (I usually add more mustard and some nutritional yeast, but I wanted a true blue and not a blue-green color). Cost of ingredients: like forty fucking dollars.
Disclaimer: Please steal from Whole Foods whenever and however you can. Don’t buy banana pasta for non-novelty reasons. You are free to interpret the name of this dish as referencing either the San Jose tourist trap (cost: about the same as this bowl of pasta, actually) or those boys from the teevee (cost: your sanity and soul), but do either at your own risk.
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weightlossmatcha · 8 months
Matcha Slim Energy Drink Mix Powder Supplement with Taurine & Spirulina 100g – Natural, Sugar Free, Vitamin Rich Green Tea Diet Detox Fuel for Weight Loss . Buy Now
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organicpowderpure99 · 2 months
Elevate Your Health with Organic Purple Sweet Potato Powder at Organic Powder Pure
Welcome to Organic Powder Pure, where we’re dedicated to providing you with the finest organic ingredients to support your health and wellness journey. One such powerhouse ingredient we offer is organic purple sweet potato powder, a nutrient-rich addition to your diet with a myriad of health benefits.
Visit- https://medium.com/@opowderpure/elevate-your-health-with-organic-purple-sweet-potato-powder-at-organic-powder-pure-8de6578ddf02
Phone: 5102953775
ADD- 1971 Airway Dr. Building 2A Hollister, CA 95023
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skytagproducts · 8 months
Organic Spirulina Tablets: Your Secret Weapon Against Hair Loss
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Are you tired of seeing more hair in your brush than on your head? Well, you're not alone in this hairy predicament! Hair loss is a common issue that affects people of all ages and genders. But what if I told you there might be a natural superhero that can help you combat hair loss? Enter spirulina, the green, mean, hair-saving machine.
Before we dive into how spirulina can help your luscious locks, let's address a sneaky culprit often behind hair loss: iron deficiency. Yes, you heard it right; your hair might be falling out because your body is low on iron. But don't worry, spirulina might just be the iron-rich knight in shining armour your hair needs.
Iron deficiency, also known as anaemia, is like a stealthy ninja that can wreak havoc on your body. It often goes unnoticed until you start shedding more hair than your pet. The connection between iron deficiency and hair loss is real, and here's why: Iron plays a crucial role in the production of haemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to your body's cells, including the ones responsible for hair growth.
Without enough iron, your hair follicles don't receive the oxygen and nutrients they need to thrive. This lack of nourishment leads to hair becoming weak, brittle, and ultimately saying goodbye to your scalp. It's like your hair is having a bad day at the spa because the oxygen facial got cancelled.
Now, let's talk about the green powerhouse that is Spirulina. Spirulina is a natural, algae-based superfood that's been around for centuries. It's not only packed with essential nutrients but is also a fantastic source of iron. And here's where the magic happens: spirulina's iron is like the superhero of the iron world.
You see, traditional iron supplements often come with a sidekick called "side effects." Constipation, nausea, and an upset stomach are common companions of these supplements. But spirulina doesn't roll that way. It provides your body with a gentle, natural source of iron, sparing you from the tummy troubles that often accompany other iron options.
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Imagine Spirulina as the gentle giant of iron supplements. It provides your body with a steady and easily absorbed supply of iron without making you feel like you swallowed a rusty nail. It's like upgrading from a rollercoaster ride to a gentle swing in the park – both fun, but one won't leave you feeling queasy.
Moreover, Spirulina is rich in other hair-loving nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients work together to strengthen your hair from the inside out, promoting healthy growth and reducing hair loss. It's like giving your hair a luxurious spa treatment from within, complete with cucumber slices for the eyes (figuratively speaking, of course).
While Spirulina's iron content is a standout feature, it doesn't stop there. This green superhero also packs a punch with:
1. Biotin: Spirulina contains biotin, also known as Vitamin H. Biotin is essential for hair health as it helps strengthen the hair shaft and promotes hair growth. It's like giving your hair a daily dose of vitamins with a side of spinach.
2. Protein: Your hair is primarily made of a protein called keratin, and spirulina is a fantastic source of plant-based protein. It provides the building blocks your hair needs to stay strong and resilient.
3. Vitamins and Minerals: Spirulina is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals like Vitamin E, vitamin A, Zinc, and Magnesium. These nutrients nourish your scalp and hair follicles, keeping your mane in top-notch condition.
Now that you're excited about spirulina's hair-saving potential, you're probably wondering how to incorporate it into your daily routine. Well, you have options:
1. Spirulina Tablets: If you're not a fan of the taste, you can find Organic Spirulina Tablets at the online stores of eCommerce companies like SKYTAG. Pop one or two tablets daily at breakfast to boost your iron intake& keep your hair strong & flowing graciously.
2. Spirulina Smoothies:The best part of Organic Spirulina Powder is that it is tasteless & odourless. It therefore combines well with every food product without affecting the taste adversely. Blend a teaspoon of Organic Spirulina powder into your morning smoothie, juice, protein supplement. You won't even taste it, but your hair will thank you later.
3. Spirulina Recipes: Get creative with Organic Spirulina Powder, since you now know its tasteless & odourless, by adding it to your favouritebreakfast recipes like Dalia, porridge, Musli breakfast, corn Flakes etc. You can even add 2 to 3 Teaspoons of Spirulina Powder to Baking Flour for Breads & Roti etc to add for uniqueness & flair to it. Spirulina-infused healthy breakfast, anyone? It's a green dream come true.
Now that we've sung the praises of SpirulinaTablets as the ultimate iron-deficiency buster& super supplement. However, let us not forget the importance of a responsible & good quality purchase. When choosing Spirulina, opt for Organic varieties in Tablets or Powder form, to ensure that you're getting a product free from harmful chemicals, hard metals and contaminants.This is all the more important since Spirulina grows in water & therefore the possibility of contamination through unwanted elements in the basic water source is very high. Organic Spirulina, although a bit expensive does not contain these impurities. So why compromise on your health with such an important supplement with cheaper products.
There are various forms of Spirulina available in the market now a days when you have to buy spirulina supplements. You may have the choice to buy Spirulina Capsules or tablets. However I suggest you consider to buy Organic Spirulina Tablets as they are smaller in size making then easy to swallow & do not have the doubt of being Vegan or Non-Vegan Capsules.
You can also buy good quality Organic Spirulina Powder from a reputed eCommerce company like SKYTAG, which provide you the finest quality of such organic products with top notch quality certifications & and assured quality control.
In the battle against hair loss, spirulina emerges as a formidable ally. Its iron-rich, natural goodness can help combat iron deficiency without the unwanted side effects of traditional iron supplements. Plus, it comes with a host of other nutrients that your hair will love.
So, if you're tired of your hair playing hide and seek on your scalp, give spirulina a try. It's like a green elixir for your hair, helping you wave goodbye to hair loss and say hello to luscious locks. And the best part? It's a natural, delicious way to nourish your hair from the inside out. Who knew fighting hair loss could be this tasty and fun? Organic Spirulina, your hair's new BFF! And if you don’t know what BFF stands for? It’s a modern abbreviation for ‘Best Friend Forever’, which is your Hair & Organic Spirulina. 
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skytagbioteq · 1 year
Know Little More About Vegan Protein
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The Protein Perception:
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Almost everyone knows that proteins are very important for the human body, as they are a great source of energy & metabolism regulation. However, for most people, the generic perception about proteins is, ‘Yes, proteins are great for the body, that’s all. Meats, Fish & Eggs have always been acknowledged as the only richest source & best form of protein, which is undoubtedly true.  However, with the updating of the latest nutritional information,  this mindset is getting influenced positively & changing significantly.
Today parallel Vegan options like Spirulina, Soya, Cheese, Nuts, Oats, Lentils, Beans, etc are considered powerful opponents to challenge the dominance of Meat, Chicken, Fish & Eggs in the dietary domain. While these options are surely good, there are still several limitations & misconceptions which still need to be clarified & understood while deciding diet plans for various requirements.
The Vegan Benefits:
When it comes to fitness goals like Physical Fitness, Weight Loss, BMI Management, Cardiac Health, Cholesterol Management, Cancer Prevention,UTI Prevention capsule, etc, Vegan supplements surely do score. It is well confirmed now, that individuals having a higher Vegan element in their diet have lower BMIs than their Non-Vegan counterparts. Not only this, the issues of pain in arthritic conditions are also relatively lesser in Vegans. In addition, the levels of Cholesterol have been found to be much lesser in Vegans thereby offering better cardiac benefits & sleeker heart health. There is also strong evidence suggesting lower Cancer risk in the Vegan population. Due to these undeniable benefits, there is a considerable recommendation from varioushealth and wellnessorganizations to increase the Vegan content in the daily diet.
Vegan Proteins & Essential Amino Acids- The Dieticians Perspective
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When it comes to proteins, the primary core constituent is a chain of components known as Amino Acids. There is a set of 20 Amino Acids, that the body uses to build & store protein. Out of these 20, there are 9 of these known as ‘Essential Amino Acids. These 9 Essential Amino Acids cannot be produced by the body & therefore these need to be sourced externally via our diet. The balance 11 ‘Non-Essential Amino Acids’ can be created from these 9 by the human body.
Non-Vegetarian Food contains all 9 Essential Amino Acids in sufficient quantity, however, Vegan food needs a balance of various sources to get the complete quota of these Essential amino Acids for the body’s protein requirement. Hence the disparity in preferences.
However, this disparity can be easily bridged if you have a balanced & mixed Vegan Diet, which is a combination of rich & safe supplements like Spirulina, Nuts, Dairy Products like Cheese, green vegetables & fruits.
Vegan Diet. The Nutritional Confusion
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While both Meat & Poultry Products have an advantage in terms of their complete nutritional content & value, the Vegan options are also strong & serious nutritional contenders. Let us have a bird’s eyes view of these supplements:
Being a complete protein, Spirulina is definitely a serious nutritional powerhouse. Safe up to a dose of 10 Grams daily (20 Tablets of 500 MG), Spirulina contains all the essential amino acids that your body needs. In addition, it is also loaded adequately with Omega 3 & Omega 6 fatty acids. It doesn’t stop here as it is loaded with Vitamins A, B, C, and E & is also a very rich source of Iron, which is much more than Spinach & Calcium. With an overall protein content of almost 70%, Spirulina is a 100% Vegan protein supplement.
However, since its cultivation requires a very stringent controlled environment, you must ensure your Spirulina Brand is 100% Organic & Pure. No wonder Spirulina is also being considered as a food for Astronauts for space travel by none other than NASA. Being very safe, it is also preferred & known as a ‘Superfood of Celebrities’ & can be easily combined with health drinks & smoothies being tasteless & odorless.
Soya, Soya Products & Soy Milk:
Preferred being a ‘Mock Meat’ due to its look & taste when cooked, Soya is another well-known source of Vegan Protein. Products like Tofu, tempeh, etc are made from Soya. It is also a rich source of Protein. However Soya is known to cause a lot of allergies in humans & most Soya products are rich in Gluten, which causes limitations in its usage. Nevertheless, Soya does have a good space as a Vegan Protein source. However, it is not very rich in micronutrients like B12, etc, due to which fortified Soya varieties should be preferred, especially in Soya Milk.
Oats & Oat Meals:
Oats are a very well-preferred food due to their balanced content of both protein & fiber. However, the protein content in Oats is not considered a ‘Quality Protein’ unlike other sources like Spirulina. Oats can however be combined with other food in various permutations & combinations for making different varieties of foods & bakery items for consumption.
Nuts & Other Seeds:  
Nuts, Seeds & Dry Fruits are a great source of high-quality proteins, healthy fats, trace minerals, micronutrients, iron, calcium, and phosphorus. They do not allow stuffing & are a great power pack of concentrated energy. However, their nutritional value remains intact & rich only till the time they have not roasted, been exposed to high temperatures, or processed. Even options like Peanut Butter or Almond Butter are great sources of energy. However, their supplementation with preservatives & stabilizers like Salt, Sugar, or Oils added by many available brands spoils the nutritional value of such wonderful supplements.
Lentils, Fruits, Vegetables, Beans:
These are all great options for your healthy & balanced diet. Not only are these rich in proteins & other nutritional elements, but these are also great options to bring a lot of variety & color to usually, ‘Dumb & Bland Diet Schedules’. An endless variant of all of these can help you add so much flair & excitement to your dietary objectives. Include plenty of all of these to create a perfect balance of fiber & nutrition.
The Nutritional Chaos. What To Do?
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Diet schedules work only if they adhere to long term. These therefore can be very boring at times, as nutritionists generally focus only on the nutritional value & calorie count. However, any sensible Dietician will give you a variety of fitness food options to ensure long-term compliance & adherence. With so many options available today on both Non-Vegetarian & Vegetarian front, it is best to mix & match both Vegan & Non-Vegan alternatives based on your taste, preference & schedule.
At the same time, it is always great to add an extra element of Protein in all elements of your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack times rather than a one-time protein stuffing. You canbuy Organic & Pure Herbal Products onlinebased on your lifestyle & fitness objectives. Mixing & matching all these options will make you look forward to the next day & experiment with your food, besides keeping you supercharged & energetic the entire day.
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nutritein · 2 years
Buy Spirulina Tablets Online in India - Nutritein
Our Organic Spirulina Tablets are a great source of iron and naturally high in Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B12, and protein.Contact us now and buy spirulina tablets online in India at Nutritein.
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phoebehalliwell · 9 months
I know you're probably super busy with all the content you've got coming up, but I need some advice if you have the time? I'm throwing a Charmed party to celebrate the 25th anniversary, but I need food and drink ideas linked to the show. All I can think of is Paige's ceiling gazpacho 😅 Do you have any suggestions?
okay so i’m dividing this into lazy baby / lazy bougie baby / semi advanced / advanced levels of just different silly ideas and then also drinks!
lazy baby!
scrying crystals (crystal rock candy)
kit's kats (kit kats, after kit the cat)
lucky charmed (lucky charms o.o)
cole’s birthday cake/cupcakes (chocolate with red icing that says happy 100th birthday cole!)
prue’s turkey no mayo sammies from bucklands (get yourself a deli sandwich, cut it up into easy party sized bites)
black as coleos (oreos :p )
we all scream for ice cream (i would recommend mochi balls as they r also very easy to eat)
leo’s matrimonial pigs in blankets
once in a blue moon cookies (get cookies that are blue)
phoenix wings (spicy hot chicken wings)
duck medallions minus the medallions… (little duck cookies)
sin balls (coconut macaroons or really any other round item i guess)
lazy bougie baby
mark chao's peking duck (it’s peking duck)
black as cole ADVANCED EDITION (something with active charcoal as an ingredient — if you want a drink lemonade is popular — Warning Tho: if you’re on meds take them at least a couple hours before the charcoal bc the charcoal will suck them out of your system if not already absorbed)
a witch's yellowtail (sushi!)
once in a blue moon bowls (get some spirulina bowls from your local snob place, divvy them into like smaller jello type cups, you can even top with like shaved coconut in a little crescent moon pattern to be bougier)
all hallow’s eve altar pies (get tiny pumpkin or apple pies)
cole’s conception chocolates (get some nice chocolates)
quake and bakes (buy some edibles)
semi advanced
furies toast (get a baguette, grill it so it has a light char, add a neutral flavor (like a brie or avocado or something like softer on the palate), top with smoked salmon and maybe smoked chili flakes)
piper's audition recipe (stuffed pasta shells. alternately penne with some red wine sauce)
(don't) bite me-s (garlic knots \( •_•)_†… this could also be purchased tbh)
all hallow’s eve altar pies but you make them and get to do cute things with the top crust
p3 cookies (make cookies and decorate em with the p3 logo)
homeowner’s meeting tapas (goat cheese pizza, onion tartlets, chicken satay…)
the actual duck medallions
piper’s audition recipe (roast pork with gratin of fennel and penne with a port giblet sauce 😳)
jeremy's gift (port)
primrosé empath (rosé)
seer's tonic (get some of those wellness shots or whatever apple cider vinegar type things and serve em in plastic champagne flutes)
paige signature (perrier baby!)
aunt gail's power stripping tea (buy a large jug of arizona iced tea, spike it if you're feeling fun!)
all halliwell's eve apple cider (can also be spiked!)
p3 h2o (this is what you label the water as)
p baxter's giggle water (gin and tonics, or really any alcohol tbh)
ms. hellfire (spicy margs)
grimlock vanquishing potion (midori sour)
p-3-ña coladas (piña coladas)
i hope u have so so much fun at your party!! tell me what u make!! <3
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ananyakimson · 1 year
Buy the best energy booster capsules at Sunova to restore your energy. It helps to relieve stress and anxiety, helps to improve mental alertness & Concentration power, Helps to promote overall health and well-being, Helps to reduce inflammation and free radicals, and Helps to improve the body's own immunity.
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mohammed1357 · 1 year
Men's Daily Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement - Vitamins A C E D B1 B2 B3 B5 B6 B12. Magnesium, Biotin, Spirulina, Zinc. Antioxidant For Heart & Immune Health
Brand: Vimerson Health
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About this item
WHY CHOOSE US: Lethargic? Zero Motivation? Unsatisfactory Health? Vimerson Health may have you feeling healthier and more energized* with this perfectly combined daily multivitamin and mineral supplement; Our blend enhances energy and improves mood*, supports the immune system*, urinary function and also boosts and enhances performances*
PROMOTES OVERALL HEALTH: This dietary supplement contains an advanced multivitamin complex that may help increase energy and stamina levels, enhance nervous and immune systems, improve vision, improve antioxidant capabilities, enhances general male health and well being*
SUPERIOR PROPRIETARY BLEND: Our unique proprietary blend includes Zinc, Selenium, and Vitamins A, C, D, and E plus B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, as well as Spirulina, Calcium, Lutein, and Magnesium; This blend of vitamins and minerals is designed to boost brain, digestive, and immune health;* Each capsule supports better vision, skin care, weight management, and occasional joint pain relief*
SAFE, EFFECTIVE INGREDIENTS: Vimerson Health's Men's Multivitamins are formulated with the safest and most gentle ingredients; The supplement is soy-free, yeast-free, sugar-free, GMO-free, gluten-free, and dairy-free; Vimerson Health reminds customers to consult a health care professional before taking this or any other supplement
ENHANCED, EFFICIENT & PURE CAPSULES ideal to help ease symptoms caused by the everyday wear and tear of the Modern Man of today, professional adult or retired senior;* Vimerson Health supplements are designed to support your choice for a healthier you; Proudly made in the U.S.A. and GMP-Certified. >>>
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modernday-jay · 2 years
My friend's mom only buys a certain brand of chicken and prepares it a special way for her chihuahua. My friend jokes that the dog eats better than her. That's Allen with Mr Chihuahua I bet (Alfred gets a peanut butter sandwich on stale bread)
oh mr chihuahua eats WELL, like those gourmet dog bowls with quail eggs and spirulina powder and all that jazz. he makes them every day! and i promise allen also feeds alfred well too hehe
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pro-exotics · 2 years
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What’s in those pellets?
It’s a wonder to me how while a one-sided diet of dry seeds for parrots is rightly criticized, pellets are sung to the skies as the be-all and end-all as a pet parrot diet.
While in theory it’s a good idea - parrots are picky eaters, and if you can squeeze all that they need in a pellet form, you can rest assured that they are getting their daily nutrients, even if they scorn greens or even fruit and nuts in their fresh form.
But it seems that very rarely does anyone actually look at what’s inside these pellets. Commercial dog and cat kibble have had high scrutiny put on them, forcing companies to improve (and a lot of owners straight up going to feeding raw) but parrot pellets have not had much of the same.
Let’s start with what I fed my Meyer’s parrot when I got her, and many years after: Hagen Tropican. I don’t know about America and the UK, but it’s quite popular in my country, and has a delightful, fruity smell, without any of the unnecessary colorings.
Corn, Soybean Meal, Wheat, Dehulled Peanuts, Brown Rice, Dehulled Sunflower Seeds, Canola Oil (preserved with mixed tocopherols), Calcium Carbonate, Lecithin, Oat Groats, Dried Tomato, Flaxseed, L - lysine, Alfalfa Nutrient Concentrate, Choline Chloride, DLmethionine, Beta-carotene, Biotin, Vitamin E Supplement, Niacin, Calcium L - Ascorbyl - 2 -Monophosphate (source of Vitamin C,) Zinc Oxide, Manganous Oxide, D-calcium Pantothenate, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Rosemary Extract, Copper Sulfate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Thiamine Mononitrate, Inositol, Folic Acid, Vitamin A Supplement, Calcium Iodate, Sodium Selenite, Vitamin D3 Supplement.
To recap, the main ingredients are corn, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, rice, sunflower seeds, and canola oil. If I fed my bird a homemade mix of this, I would rightly be shamed for it.
See here on the potential harms of feeding parrots soybeans:
As for another pellet brand, Nutribird is what my medium sulphur-crested cockatoo got with him when I took him home from the breeder (in 2006), and I had it as the base for both of my birds for a few years, occasionally still buying Hagen Tropican.
cereals, nuts (peeled peanuts 10%), derivatives of vegetable origin, vegetables, seeds (5%), minerals, oils and fats, fruit (apple 5%*), sugars, MOS, yucca *dehydrated fruits and vegetables, % equivalent before drying 
When browsing dog food, I would never accept an ingredient list this flimsy, and this is from the manufacturer’s website. “Derivatives of vegetable origin”? So what is it?
Again, the main ingredients are cereals, nuts (10% peanuts being 10% of the pellets and not of the nut content, I assume), the aforementioned “derivatives”, “vegetables” and seeds.
So how is this any better than any random seed mix with cereals and peanuts?
Here was another brand I found on a list of “best parrot pellets”, and it looks the same. Corn, rice, soybean, wheat, oatmeal, sugar and canola oil were the first ingredients.
Zupreem and Roudybush are brands I’ve heard of a lot, and they look only like more of the same.
Adding this after actually finishing the rest of the post, TOP’s is the only brand to actually impress me with “real food” as its main ingredients.
Now to the most praised of all parrot pellet brands, Harrison’s bird food. It is widely considered “the best”, and sold by veterinarians (which is not in itself an indicator of anything other than that the vets have a business deal with the company).
But what’s in it?
As for the adult lifetime form:
*Ground Yellow Corn, *Ground Hulless Barley, *Ground Soybeans, *Ground Shelled Peanuts, *Ground Shelled Sunflower Seeds, *Ground Lentils, *Ground Green Peas, *Ground Rice, *Ground Toasted Oat Groats, *Ground Alfalfa, Calcium Carbonate, Psyllium, Montmorillonite Clay, Spirulina, Ground Dried Sea Kelp, Vitamin E Supplement, Sea Salt, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, d-Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite.                   
So to repeat the main ingredients in short form... corn, barley, soybeans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, lentils, green peas, rice and oats.
The “high potency” product is not any better.
*Ground Shelled Sunflower Seeds, *Ground Hulless Barley, *Ground Soybeans, *Ground Shelled Peanuts, *Ground Green Peas, *Ground Lentils,*Ground Yellow Corn, *Ground Rice, *Ground Toasted Oat  Groats, Psyllium, *Ground Alfalfa, Calcium Carbonate, Spirulina, Montmorillonite Clay, Ground Dried Sea Kelp, Vitamin E Supplement, Sea Salt, Vitamin A  Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement,  Riboflavin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride,  d-Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite.
Sunflower seeds is the first ingredient, followed by barley, soybeans, peanuts, green peas, lentils, corn, rice and oats.
Other than the lentils and peas, I don’t see how any of this is any healthier than, again, any random seed mix. With potentially harmful soybeans thrown in. Yes, there are supplements included, that’s great, but you could add those yourself, and the main ingredients is the point.
“Harrison's Bird Foods were developed by avian veterinarians, leading aviculturists and top avian nutritionists to be the most nutritionally complete diet available.“
I don’t know... I am obviously not one of these, I am just interested in nutrition and care about my pets and not being scammed. But just looking at the ingredients, I am not impressed. This is not a mix of healthy seeds, nuts, fruits and vegetables, it’s mainly a mix of cheap cereals like wheat and corn, and ironically, the much-maligned sunflower seeds and peanuts. And soybeans.
No thank you, I will not return to feeding my birds a pellet-based diet, unless a genuinely healthy option turns up.
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