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lexiklecksi · 1 year
Bucket list for 2022 completed!
In the beginning of 2022, I've reflected on all the things I couldn't do in 2021 due to the pandemic and other reasons. Instead of making New Year's resolution, I wrote down the following bucket list (in no particular order). I have no idea how I achieved so much in one year, but I've completed my bucket list for 2022! This is deeply personal, so only read furthermore if you are interested in my personal life.
publish my poetry anthology: published on 22.01.22 via BooksonDemand. Buy it here!
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write 15k words for my wip during NaNoWriMo: I only wrote 7k, mostly because I moved apartments but I’m still proud of my slow progress (follow me on NaNoWriMo)
read 22 books in 2022: if you’ve followed my reading challenge on GoodReads, you know I barely made it, but I did!
open an Etsy shop to sell handmade goods: I did, but then Etsay raised all fees and I had to close it shortly after opening it
start studying: in April I started studying media design
take a social media detox for 2 weeks: I voluntarily didn’t use social media at all during my 2 weeks long summer vacation, and then I accidentally destroyed my phone and had to wait 3 weeks to get a new one
craft and create art: not as much as I wanted to, but I've crocheted a lot and participated in some dtiys art challenges
watch more movies: I’ve watched 10 movies in cinema and many more on Netflix, HBO and Disney+
commission an artist to draw my ocs: I've commissioned three talented artists to draw my ocs! On the left you see my main character, the dragon girl Enya Arati, drawn as a gift by @loopyhoopywrites and on the right is my mage oc Saoirse Dearbháil, drawn by Dasha Bune
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swim in a lake: I've spent a lovely summer day at a lake with my friend @silversynthesis
make more plant babies: just have a look! I love my collection of cacti und succulents
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go on a vacation (with my boyfriend): we went to Cyprus 🇨🇾 to visit my grandparents and enjoy the summer in autumn
swim in the sea/ go to the beach: I swam in the sea every day of my summer holiday
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get engaged: I got engaged with my boyfriend/ now fiancée at the beach of Aphrodite’s rock, the goddess of love 🥰 ah I love him so much and can't wait to marry him <3
go to a concert: I had a blast watching two of my favourite bands in concert 🤩
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meet my friends more often: I’ve finally met all my friends which I couldn’t meet the years prior due to the pandemic, but I can’t show you photos because I only and rarely post photos of me here
move together with my boyfriend in our first flat: We moved in together in November and I couldn't be happier!
save money/ don’t spend money on unnecessary things (exception: if they make me really happy): thanks to that exception, I didn't save money, but I've mostly spent it on things that make me very happy (art supplies and art by fellow artists)
monthly therapy session: I continued my therapy and I'm in such a good mental health state that I won't need therapy in the new year.
slow fashion/ don’t buy more than 22 new clothes: I bought 18 new clothes, 8 were fair fashion and 5 secondhand
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first-class-home · 1 year
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Properties in Cyprus By 1st Class Homes - the leading real estate service provider. We are a licensed real estate agency in Limassol, Cyprus, offering an easy and hassle-free way to buy, sell, or rent real estate. Our team of experienced professionals caters to providing customized real estate solutions to meet your needs. With our comprehensive search engine, you can find the perfect property for you at the right price in no time. Get in touch with us today https://properties-in-cyprus.com.
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youronlyjeanie · 1 year
its freezing and raining here, and i have the february blues. so i decided to write a drabble about happier summer days. it was supposed to be small but it is in fact not at all that, so sorry.
anyway, heres my wolfstar visit italy on holiday drabble. they go skinny dipping but theres no explicit nudity, so consider yourself spared a description of Sirius' pale ass in the italian sun. we get close but it could've been worse.
also please be gentle this is based off of one of my favourite memories ever
“I told you we should have brought swim trunks” Remus grumbled as they left yet another small shop in town. 
He and Sirius were on holiday in Italy. They had been roaming around the northern part of the country for the better part of two weeks already and had just gotten to Milan two days previously. 
From Milan they had decided to escape the brutal August heat in the form of a day trip to Varenna, a small town on the edge of Lake Como. 
Sirius had convinced him that there wouldn’t be anywhere to swim anyway so they might as well pack light and just wander around the small town. To be fair to him, that was mostly what they had done. 
The morning had started off warm and bright, they had walked from the train station into the harbor to be greeted with a stunning view of the bright blue green water surrounded by mountains rolling with green vegetation. 
The day was sunny with a light breeze and it was a bit hazy but it was the most beautiful place Remus had ever been. The morning sun was bright and bleached the boats doting the water a bright white and the sky was blue with only a few puffy white clouds to break it up.
The harbor had been full of merchants selling their wares and Sirius had had to drag him away from a vendor selling old newspapers from the 50’s. 
“Those are primary sources!” Remus had argued. “Like real in the flesh historical documents!”
Sirius had laughed loudly at that one. 
“You don’t even read Italian Moony,” He argued back. 
“Well you could have read it to me.”
“I’m not reading some old article on Mussolini to you,” Sirius laughed. “Besides he wanted fucking twenty euro for it!” 
“We’re on holiday, we can afford to be frivolous just this once.”
“No, no, no. That’s not what you said when we found that vintage shop in Florence and I wanted to buy that leather jacket!” 
Remus wisely did not point out that it was 35 degrees out and August so what the hell did Sirius need yet another leather jacket for. Ultimately letting it drop because 20 euros was a ridiculous price for a newspaper he couldn’t read.
The small town of Varenna had been full of vibrant buildings, they stood against the cobblestones in shades of bright yellow, terracotta and sand with red tiled roofs. There was more green too then Remus he had ever seen in his life. 
Everywhere he looked there was green. Bushes full of tiny bright pink blooms, tall fragrant cyprus trees soaking in the morning sun, and even the tiny little lizards they found sunning themselves on the ledge of a stone wall were green. 
The green was only off-set by the blue surrounding them in equal measures. The sky was a hazy cerulean, and when he looked into the distance at the water's edge, it seemed like the only thing that separated the sky from the lake was the peaks of the mountains in the distance. 
They quickly found the town center and spent a few hours picking around the shops and tiny churches dotting the narrow streets. Sirius was even patient as Remus read every historical sign in every church they saw. 
But the real draw of the town was Villa Monastero. An ancient Roman villa that sat set into the mountain just a ways above the lake. The view was even more breathtaking there than it had been in the harbor. 
When they entered the building, after paying their 10 euro each, the stone columns of the open veranda had framed the view of rolling green hills in front of shadowed distant mountains and the wide open turquoise green of the lake. 
Sirius moved as if in awe to the ledge of the veranda, leaning against it for a brief moment with his eyes closed soaking in the sun. He was wearing a pair of Levi’s cutoffs and one of Remus’s old white tank tops. And he had never looked more beautiful. 
His shoulder length black hair was shining, the sunlight highlighting the undertones of warm brown, and his pale skin was already starting to pinken on his cheeks and the tops of his shoulders. 
He turned back to Remus and smiled. And it almost brought him to his knees. There in the sunlight surrounded by the water and the greenery, Remus tried to memorize every single detail of the moment. He wanted to remember how Sirius looked under the bright Italian sun, and how you could hear the water lapping at the edge of the lake, and the smell of sun baked earth and greenery in the air. He wanted to make sure he remembered it all. 
They spent most of the afternoon wandering around the Villa. Poking into the corners of the large rooms, laughing about the large tiled bathtub sunken into the floor that looked large enough to stand up in, and wandering around the gardens and foot paths that surrounded the estate. 
By late afternoon, they were starting to feel the heat of the sun. The temperature had risen significantly so both Remus and Sirius were starting to get uncomfortably hot and sweaty. And not in the way they usually liked to. 
This was when they decided they had indeed made a mistake in not bringing swimming trunks. 
“Fine! Fine! I admit, it was my fault,” Sirius had said after Remus had pointed out that it had been Sirius’ advice that led them to this moment. 
They had entered every shop up and down the stretch of town that looked like it might sell anything even remotely close to swim wear to no avail. The water looked wonderfully cool and inviting in the afternoon sun and it seemed to taunt them. 
Eventually they had to settle on just dipping their toes in the water. They found a pebbled beach behind one of the hotels and snuck onto it, even though Remus was sure they weren’t supposed to be there. 
They quickly shucked off their shoes and dipped their toes into the cool blue green water of the lake. It felt like heaven on Remus’ flushed skin and the moment would have been perfect had Sirius not turned and flicked water at him with his toes. 
“God that feels good,” Sirius said with a sigh of relief.  
Remus sighed in return. 
It was in that moment where Remus had resigned himself to being boiling hot for the rest of the day that Sirius turned to him with a slightly mischievous look that promised trouble. 
“We could just go in anyway, you know,” he said to Remus in a conversational tone. 
“What? In our clothes?” Remus responded incredulously. 
“Yeah! I meant why not? It’s not like we won’t dry off.”
“You really want to be walking around in jean cutoffs for the hour or two it’s going to take to dry off?” Remus asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Sirius made a face. 
“No, not particularly.” 
He glanced at Remus from the side of his eye and Remus got the feeling he was getting around to whatever had made him look so mischievous in the first place. 
“We could just… go without,” he said casually. Looking at Remus with a sparkle in his eye. 
“Oh yeah,” Remus responded. “In front of all these lovely people?” 
“I hate to break it to you pads but I doubt the families and old people here are going to care to see your pasty arse while they’re trying to enjoy their holiday.” 
Sirius barked out a laugh. “Leave my arse out of this.”
“I didn’t mean here anyway, I bet there are tons of little spots around to swim,” he said. “We just need to find a secluded one.” 
Remus felt a bit of hesitation at first but the thrill of breaking the rules caught up to him quickly. It felt like the same young and wild feeling he used to get pulling pranks with James and Sirius when they were at school had consumed him once again as an adult. 
He looked over to Sirius who was still watching Remus with a hopeful expression on his face and grinned. 
“Oh fuck it, I’m in,” Remus relented.
It took them a while to find just the right spot. There were plenty of places that had enough open space for people to come and set up towels in small groups but finding one that was out of the way enough to not attract the tourists and small enough no one else would be swimming there was much harder. 
Eventually they found an alleyway with steps leading down to the water just off of a small street. It was close enough to the main part of town that they could see a few tourists wander by every once and a while but for the most part it was as secluded as they were going to get. 
The beach, and Remus wasn’t even sure it could really be called that, was mostly small pebbles that turned into larger and larger rocks as the water got deeper, flanked on one side by a private, but deserted, dock and open water on the other. 
The desire to get out of the sun and cool off caused them to truly throw caution to the wind and strip quickly. Laughing like giddy school children as they did. 
The rocks were slippery and covered in moss, which made getting into the water a lot harder than it should’ve been. Remus tried his best to stay upright by gripping the rocks with his toes but it was slow going. 
Sirius thought this was hilarious, and kept attempting to unsettle Remus from the where he stood only to almost lose his balance himself. Cursing and laughing they slowly made their way out to deeper water. And that was when Remus succumbed to the slippery rocks and fell the rest of the way in. 
When he emerged, spluttering and coughing up water, it was to Sirius laughing so hard he was doubled over with it. Remus was momentarily taken over by the sight of Sirius as he straightened up, face bright with laughter, and the sun painting his skin and hair in gold. Before he reached out and dragged Sirius the rest of the way in too with a laugh of his own. 
Sirius surfaced flicking water at Remus and swimming away. With his hair wet and fanning out in the water behind him Remus thought Sirius looked like he was from another world. 
Or maybe Sirius belonged here. Amongst the beauty of the lake and the greenery and the village. All of it felt like it belonged to a life outside the one Remus had experienced thus far. It was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen and still it paled in comparison to Sirius. He looked ethereal swimming through the turquoise water, and like a siren he called to Remus. 
“See something you like moony,” he drawled, circling Remus in the water, drawing his cool fingers over the arch of his shoulder. 
“You look like a mermaid,” Remus responded without thought. Red coming to his cheeks at the way that sounded coming out of his mouth. 
But Sirius just laughed loud and bright, pushing on Remus’s shoulder to dunk him under the waves. 
They spent the rest of the afternoon swimming and playing in the lake. Swimming out far enough that they could see the lemon trees higher up on the mountain and then racing back to shallower water. 
By the time the sun was getting lower in the sky they were cool and refreshed. Sirius had dragged Remus into the shallows and they were lounging on some of the flatter rocks half in half out of the water. 
Sirius’ hair was still wet and Remus watched fascinated as droplets fell from the ends and chased each other in rivulets down his chest. His shoulders were even more pink than they were that morning and now he had a matching burn across the bridge of his nose, making his pale face look sun kissed and flushed. 
In the late afternoon sun he glowed and Remus thought that it was possible Sirius had never been more beautiful to him. His chest kind of hurt looking at him like this, so uninhibited and relaxed in the warm glow of their day. His eyes finally made their way to Sirius’ to find them open and watching Remus with an expression of wonder. 
Sirius slowly leaned in and pressed a gentle open mouthed kiss to Remus’s lips. His skin was warm from the sun and Remus could taste the lake water on him, feel the coolness of Sirius’ wet hair brush his shoulder. And it was perfect. 
After a long moment of just enjoying a kiss, Remus pulled away and stood, finding his balance on the slippery rocks, and holding out a hand to Sirius to help him stand. 
It was at that moment they heard of the family of tourists come down the little alleyway and make their way onto the beach, only to get a full view of Remus’ stark white bare ass, as he stood there ankle deep in water. 
Remus looked back in shock for a moment before the family of tourists quickly hurried back the way they had come. 
Sirius burst out laughing. Great big barking laughs, and it sounded like joy itself. He took Remus’ still outstretched hand and stood. 
“Well it looks like it wasn’t my pale arse poor unsuspecting families were subjected to today,” he said, still chuckling. 
And Remus could do nothing but laugh along with him. 
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titoist · 2 years
(with lyrics that are in actuality just particular parts of the song that i really like, because the full thing would be too big for tumblr to let me post) Well, Sasha had heard about the Emigratzia, (aliyah) And the talk wasn't just in the family anymore, But in the Kharkov streets, there was a kind of thaw… "We're going home!" said old Saminsky when he filed his application to leave, And Anya already had family in Tel Aviv… But Sasha didn't know; 200 years among Slavs being called "Hebrews", He knew they'd only be called "Russians" by the Jews. And then on the prospekt lenina ovtobus, he heard the Saminsky's lost their apartment and were denied their pass… The weather seemed like it was never gonna pass. He chose to make an Inner Emigration! He chose to keep his alien inside! And all the bureaucratic frus-tra-ations… He chose to keep his status bona fide. And what's the bother of finding a new nation! A border isn't art, it's just a frame! Just make a secret Inner Emigration… The Holy Land and Exile are the same. [...] Anat was a Sabra. The daughter of a Sephardic Kibbutznik nurse, And a Yekke lawyer from Bonn. She fell in love with Khais, Born in a PLO refugee camp in Lebanon, And they married in Cyprus. He almost got arrested living with her family in Ramat Gan, So she tried wrapping her hair and serving coffee with his family, in Hebron… But that didn't work either…. They thought about leaving to live with her cousin David in Brookyln, But he and his boyfriend Patrick wanted to get married, and were maybe moving to Berlin… So she went to the Jaffa beach, and stared at the sea, and thought about how someday all of this would pass… If she could only find someone to help Khais pass… So, should she make an Inner Emigration? Tell me what you think she should decide…. Considering the couple's situation, She'd be better off as someone else's bride. But she and he comprise a kind of nation! The kind we build inside, when we're alone… But if they just make Inner Emigrations, Then they'll only have a home when they're at home. Compare yourself! What does all this have to do with you? How does your experience ring true? You're where, yourself? You aren't suffering anyone's regime. You're free to follow every little dream. Be fair to yourself, You needn't be oppressed to feel alone! You don't have to be driven from your home! To spare yourself, From feeling like a part of the control! With an internal diplomatic role… SOOOOO, Make a kind of Inner Emigration! It's a kind of shift accomplished easily! We all have made our disassociations, Whether on the job or in our families! And what could be more irrelevant than Nations?! When everywhere you go, it's buy or sell? But if we all make only Inner Emigrations…Then everything will only go to hell.
my favorite daniel kahn song, probably. though nakam also just has a certain allure to it that i can't quite quantify...
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XM Broker Review 2023: A Comprehensive Analysis of Trading Fees and Services
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XM Broker Review 2023 XM is a global forex and CFD broker regulated by Australia's ASIC, CySEC of Cyprus, and Belizean authority IFSC. XM has low stock CFD and withdrawal fees. Account opening is user-friendly and fast. You can use many educational tools, such as webinars and a demo account. On the other hand, XM has a limited product portfolio as it offers mainly CFDs and forex trading. Its forex and stock index CFD fees are average, and there is no investor protection for clients onboarded outside the EU. XM is a regulated broker, it is overseen by top-tier financial regulators in multiple countries . XM is also covered by investor protection in selected jurisdictions. XM Highlights 🗺️ Country of regulationCyprus, Australia, Belize, United Arab Emirates💰 Trading fees classAverage💰 Inactivity fee chargedYes💰 Withdrawal fee amount$0💰 Minimum deposit$5🕖 Time to open an account1 day💳 Deposit with bank cardAvailable👛 Depositing with electronic walletAvailable💱 Number of base currencies supported10🎮 Demo account providedYes🛍️ Products offeredForex, CFD, Real stocks for clients under Belize (IFSC) Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money
XM has low trading fees for CFDs and charges no withdrawal fee. On the other hand, forex and stock index fees are only average, and there is a fee for inactivity. AssetsFee levelFee termsS&P 500 CFDLowThe fees are built into the spread, 0.4 points is the average spread cost during peak trading hours.Europe 50 CFDAverageThe fees are built into the spread, 2.5 points is the average spread cost during peak trading hours.EURUSDAverageWith Standard, Micro, and Ultra-Low accounts the fees are built into the spread. 1.7 pips is the Standard account's average spread cost during peak trading hours. With XM Zero accounts, there is a $3.5 commission per lot per trade and a small spread cost.Inactivity feeLow$15 one-off maintenance fee after one year of inactivity, followed by $5 per month fee if the account remains inactive XM trading fees XM trading fees are average. XM has many account types, which all differ in pricing. The Standard, Micro, and Ultra Low accounts charge higher spreads but there is no commission. The XM Zero account charges lower spreads, but there is a commission. The following calculations were made using the Standard account. We know it's hard to compare trading fees for CFD brokers. So how did we approach the problem of making their fees clear and comparable? We compared brokers by calculating all the fees of a typical trade for selected products. We chose popular instruments within each asset class: - Stock index CFDs: SPX and EUSTX50 - Stock CFDs: Apple and Vodafone - Forex: EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, EURCHF and EURGBP A typical trade means buying a leveraged position, holding it for one week and then selling. For volume, we chose a $2,000 position for stock index and stock CFDs, and $20,000 for forex transactions. The leverage we used was: - 20:1 for stock index CFDs - 5:1 for stock CFDs - 30:1 for forex These catch-all benchmark fees include spreads, commissions and financing costs for all brokers. Let's see the verdict for XM fees. CFD fees XM has low stock CFD, while average stock index CFD fees. XMFxProAdmirals (Admiral Markets)S&P 500 index CFD fee$2.5$1.1$1.4Europe 50 index CFD fee$3.1$1.2$1.4Apple CFD fee$6.7$9.4$5.3Vodafone CFD fee$2.3$14.7$14.2 Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money
Account opening
XM accepts customers from all over the world. There are a few exceptions though; among others, you can't open an account from the USA, Canada, China, Japan, New Zealand or Israel. What is the minimum deposit at XM? The required XM minimum deposit is $5 for two XM Account types (Micro, Standard), which is very low, and $100 for the XM Zero account. Account types XM offers many account types, which differ in pricing, base currencies, minimum deposit and contract size.  MicroStandardXM ZeroShares AccountClient countryEEA Australia Other countriesEEA Australia Other countriesEAANon-EEA and non-Australian clientsPricingNo commission, but higher spreadNo commission, but higher spreadThere is a commission, but the spread is very lowMarket spread and commissionBase currenciesUSD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF,‎ AUD, HUF, PLN, SGD, ZARUSD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CHF,‎ AUD, HUF, PLN, SGD, ZARUSD, EUR, JPYUSDMinimum deposit$5$5$100$10,000Contract size1 Lot = 1,0001 Lot = 100,0001 Lot = 100,0001 share Islamic or swap-free accounts are also available. With Islamic accounts, a flat commission is charged if you hold your leveraged position overnight instead of the percentage-based financing rates. XM doesn't offer corporate accounts. If you sign up for a non-European entity, you will not be eligible for European client protection measures. How to open your account XM account opening is fully digital, fast and straightforward. You can fill out the online application form in 20 minutes. Our account was verified on the same day. You can select many languages other than English: ArabicBengaliChineseCzechDutchFilipinoFrenchGermanGreekHungarianIndonesianItalianKoreanMalayPolishPortugueseRussianSpanishSwedishThaiVietnamese     To open an account at XM, you have to go through these steps: - Fill in your name, country of residence, email address and telephone number. - Select the trading platform (MT4 or MT5) and account type. - Add your personal information, such as your date of birth and address. - Select the base currency and the size of the leverage. - Provide your financial information and answer questions about your financial knowledge. - Verify your identity and residency. You can upload a copy of your national ID, passport or driver's license to verify your identity, while utility bills and bank statements are accepted as proof of residency. Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money
Deposit and withdrawal
Account base currencies At XM, you can choose from 9 base currencies. The available base currencies are: EURUSDGBPCHFJPYAUDSGDPLNHUFZAR    XMFxProAdmirals (Admiral Markets)Number of base currencies10811 Why does this matter? For two reasons. If you fund your trading account in the same currency as your bank account or you trade assets in the same currency as your trading account base currency, you don't have to pay a conversion fee. Deposit fees and options XM charges no deposit fees. You can use bank transfers and credit/debit cards for depositing funds. Clients onboarded under IFSC can also deposit using the SticPay electronic wallet.  XMFxProAdmirals (Admiral Markets)Bank transferYesYesYesCredit/debit cardYesYesYesElectronic walletsYesYesYes A bank transfer can take several business days, while payment with a credit/debit card is instant. You can only deposit money from accounts that are in your name.
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XM review - Deposit and withdrawal - Deposit XM withdrawal fees and options XM charges no withdrawal fees. The only exception is bank (wire) transfers below $200, which incur a $15 fee.  XMFxProAdmirals (Admiral Markets)Bank transferYesYesYesCredit/debit cardYesYesYesElectronic walletsYesYesYesWithdrawal fee$0$0$0 For credit/debit cards and electronic wallets (Skrill, Neteller), the withdrawal amount cannot exceed the amount you deposited using the same instrument. This means that you can only withdraw your trading profits via bank transfer. How long does it take to withdraw money from XM? We tested debit card withdrawal and it took 2 business days. You can only withdraw money to accounts that are in your name. How do you withdraw money from XM? - Log in to your account - Go to 'Withdraw Funds' - Select the withdrawal method - Enter the withdrawal amount Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money
Web trading platform
Trading platformScoreAvailableWeb2.8starsYesMobile3.8starsYesDesktop3.4starsYes XM does not have its own trading platform; instead, it uses third-party platforms: MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. These platforms are very similar to each other in functionality and design. One major difference is that you can't trade stock CFDs on MetaTrader 4, only on MetaTrader 5. We tested the MetaTrader 4 platform as it is more widely used. MetaTrader 4 is available in an exceptionally large number of languages. XM web trading platform languagesArabicBulgarianChineseCroatianCzechDanishDutchEnglishEstonianFinnishFrenchGermanGreekHebrewHindiHungarianIndonesianItalianJapaneseKoreanLatvianLithuanianMalayMongolianPersianPolishPortugueseRomanianRussianSerbianSlovakSlovenianSpanishSwedishTajikThaiTraditional ChineseTurkishUkrainianUzbekVietnamese  Look and feel The XM web trading platform has great customizability. It is easy to change the size and the position of the tabs. However, the platform feels outdated and some features are hard to find. For example, it took us a while to figure out how to add an asset to the watchlist.
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Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money XM review - Web trading platform Login and security XM requires two-step authentication for the account login on the website where you can deposit and withdraw. The trading platform itself, however, doesn't have two-step authentication. Search functions The search functions are OK. You can find assets grouped into various categories. However, we missed the usual search function where you can type in the name of an asset manually.
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XM review - Web trading platform - Search Placing orders You can use all the basic order types. However, you won't find more sophisticated order types such as 'one-cancels-the-other'. The following order types are available: - Market - Limit - Stop - Trailing Stop Trailing Stop is available only in the MT4 desktop platform To get a better understanding of these terms, read this overview of order types. There are also order time limits you can use: - Good 'til canceled (GTC) - Good 'til time (GTT)
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XM review - Web trading platform - Order panel Alerts and notifications You cannot set alerts and notifications on the XM web trading platform. This feature is available only on the desktop trading platform. Portfolio and fee reports XM has clear portfolio and fee reports. You can easily see your profit-loss balance and the commissions you paid. These reports can be found under the 'History' tab. We couldn't find a way to download them.
Mobile trading platform
XM offers MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 mobile trading platforms. Similarly to the web trading platform, we tested the MetaTrader 4 platform on Android. Once you have downloaded the MT4 mobile trading platform, you should access the relevant XM server. Just like on the web trading platform, you can choose from many languages on the mobile trading platform as well. Changing the language is a bit tricky on Android devices, as you can do it only if you switch the default language of your mobile. XM mobile trading platform languagesArabicChinese (Simplified)Chinese (Traditional)CzechEnglishFrenchGermanGreekHindiIndonesianItalianJapaneseKoreanPolishPortuguesePortuguese (Brazil)RussianSpanishThaiTurkishUkrainianVietnamese    Look and feel XM has a great mobile trading platform, we really liked its design and user-friendliness. It is easy to find all the features it provides.
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XM review - Mobile trading platform Login and security XM requires only one-step login for the platform, but provides two-step account login to access deposit and withdrawal functions. A two-step login procedure for the trading platform would be safer. You can't use fingerprint or Face ID authentication. Offering this feature would be more convenient. Search functions The search functions are good. You can search by typing the name of the product or by navigating the category folders.
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XM review - Mobile trading platform - Search Placing orders You can use the same order types and order time limits as on the web trading platform. 
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XM review - Mobile trading platform - Order panel Alerts and notifications You can set alerts and notifications for your mobile, although only through the desktop trading platform. It would be much easier if you could set these notifications on the mobile trading platform as well. Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money
Desktop trading platform
For desktop trading too, you can use the MetaTrader 4 and 5 platforms; we tested MetaTrader 4. It has the same design, is available in the same languages, offers the same order types, has the same search functions, and offers the same portfolio and fee reports as the web trading platform. The desktop trading platform doesn't have two-step authentication; however, XM provides a two-step account login procedure on the website where you can deposit and withdraw funds. The major difference is that you can set alerts and notifications on the desktop trading platform in the form of mobile push and email notifications. To set these, you have to add your email address and mobile MetaQuotes ID (you can find it in the MT4 app's settings). You can add them if you go to 'Tools' and then 'Options'.
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Markets and products
XM is a CFD and forex broker with a great number of currency pairs available for trading. However, the CFD selection is lower compared to some XM alternatives. Disclaimer: CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 74.89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.  XMFxProAdmirals (Admiral Markets)Currency pairs (#)557047Stock index CFDs (#)242943Stock CFDs (#)1,2611,7003,252ETF CFDs (#)--372Commodity CFDs (#)152528Bond CFDs (#)--2Cryptos (#)*-3042 Cryptos are available for customers onboarded under XM Global Limited entity. You can't change the leverage levels of the products, which is a drawback. Changing the leverage manually is a very useful feature when you want to lower the risk of your trade. Be careful with forex and CFD trading, as the preset leverage levels may be high. Real stocks and ETFs XM provides real stocks for clients onboarded under XM's IFSC-regulated entity. You can trade stocks only using the Shares Account. It is a big addition compared to its competitors.  XMFxProAdmirals (Admiral Markets)Stock markets (#)3-11ETFs (#)--192 Visit Broker74.89% of retail CFD accounts lose money
Trading ideas XM provides trading ideas under the 'Trade Ideas' tab, where you can find various assets and their recent performances. Read the full article
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cyprusresort · 17 days
Buying property in North Cyprus can be a lucrative investment or the perfect choice for a holiday home. However, the process involves several steps to ensure a smooth transaction and legal compliance. This guide outlines the essential steps to take when buying property in North Cyprus- 1. Research and Budgeting For Buying Property Before diving into the property market, conduct thorough research on the different areas in North Cyprus. Popular areas include Kyrenia, Famagusta, and Nicosia, each offering unique lifestyles and amenities. Consider factors like proximity to the beach, local facilities, and future development plans. Set a clear budget, considering the purchase price and additional costs such as taxes, legal fees, and maintenance expenses through properties for sale in Northern Cyprus. Getting a mortgage pre-approval is advisable if you plan to finance the purchase through a loan. 2. Find a Reliable Real Estate Agent Engage a reputable real estate agent who specializes in North Cyprus properties. An experienced agent can provide valuable insights into the market, help you find properties that meet your criteria, and assist with negotiations. Make sure your agent is licensed and has good reviews or testimonials. 3. View Properties and Make a Shortlist Once you’ve identified potential properties and scheduled viewings, you must visit them to assess their condition, location, and surrounding infrastructure. Create a shortlist of properties that best meet your needs and budget. 4. Hire a Qualified Lawyer Engage a local lawyer who specializes in property transactions in North Cyprus. Your lawyer will play a crucial role in conducting due diligence, ensuring that the property has clear title deeds and that no legal disputes or outstanding debts are associated with the property for North Cyprus Real Estate. They will also help you understand your rights and obligations as a foreign buyer. 5. Due Diligence and Title Deeds Due diligence is a critical step in the buying process. Your lawyer will check the title deeds to confirm that the seller has the legal right to sell the property and that the property is free of encumbrances. In North Cyprus, properties can fall under different categories, including Turkish title, exchange title, and TRNC title, each with its legal implications. Ensure you understand these distinctions and choose a property with a clear and secure title. Use this ‘ag34’ promo code and enjoy a free 3-day and 2-night tour! Book now at https://cyprus-resort.com/. 6. Negotiation and Offer Work with your real estate agent and lawyer to negotiate the best price and terms for the property. You must make a formal offer once you’ve agreed on a price. This often involves paying a reservation fee to secure the property and take it off the market while the legal checks are completed. 7. Sales Contract Upon successful negotiation, your lawyer will draft a sales contract outlining the terms and conditions of selling the property in Cyprus. This contract will include the purchase price, payment schedule, and completion date. Both parties will sign the contract, and you will typically need to pay a deposit, usually around 10-20% of the purchase price. 8. Permission to Purchase Foreign buyers need permission from the Council of Ministers in North Cyprus to purchase property. This process can take several months but is generally a formality. Your lawyer will handle the application on your behalf, which includes submitting personal details and information about the property.
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lambroschristoforou · 26 days
5 Reasons to Invest in a Fireplace for Your Cyprus Property
Cyprus, one of the islands in the Mediterranean, is completely spotlighted by its splendid beaches, dramatic history, and friendly people. On the other hand, the summers are hot and sunny. However, the winters might be damp, and the person will get a chance to snuggle in the fireplace. Offering solutions that are suitable for permanent residents and holiday home owners, the fireplace is an investment that could highlight the value, comfort, and beauty of your property. In this article, we'll study the five attractive arguments that show you should consider a fireplace to be included in your home.
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1. Create Cozy Atmosphere
Besides the fact that a Fireplaces cyprus can positively affect the indoor environment, the fireplace can also create the desired cozy and hospitable environment in your house. It is true that sitting in front of a glowing fire and listening to its familiar cracking sound can really give a pleasant and warm feeling. It really doesn't matter who you host or who you unwind with, a fireplace can bring in that air of mystery and grace to any room.
2. Increase Property Value
Another argument to consider for getting a fireplace in Cyprus is the potential for increasing the value of your property. A properly functioning and aesthetically pleasing fireplace will become a real estate advantage for potential buyers in colder parts of the island, so it must be appropriately designed and placed. In addition to keeping you warm, a fireplace will also be an added bonus that will make your home stand out from the rest, attracting more prospects and selling your home faster.
3. Save on Heating Bills
Although Cyprus is reputed for its mild seasons, the evenings can eventually feel cold, particularly in the mountains and hinterlands. By buying a GAS fireplace Cyprus, you are able to lower your heating bills since it is a smart and energy-savvy way of warming up your house.
4. Versatile Design Options
Moreover, the fact that there are a lot of design choices to choose from, is another reason why people choose to invest in a fireplace in Cyprus. Fireplaces come in all types, from classic brick and stone fireplaces to economical gas fireplaces Cyprus to rustic wood stoves, so you are bound to find the right style that fits your décor and budget. Additionally, you can select among several materials, which are marble, granite, and limestone, to help create a personalized look that matches the decor of your home.
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5. Enjoy Outdoor Living
Nevertheless, spending your money on a fireplace in Cyprus can allow you to expand the room you spend your time in and enjoy the outdoors for a long time. Whether you pick a conventional Tzakia Kypros (a Cyprus type of outdoor fire) or a swanky and contemporary Concrete BBQ, a fireplace can create an inviting yet comfy ambiance for your outdoor entertaining. Moreover, your fireplace can cook for you, roast marshmallows, or simply be used to put you in a perfect place with a book and a glass of wine.
Considering a fireplace in Cyprus as a part of your investment plan for your house is a rather smart and trendy approach to increase the value and comfort and extend the usage of your home. People may prefer a wood-burning fireplace, a modern gas fireplace, or an outdoor BBQ gas grill Cyprus. Whatever your choice, the fireplace can certainly create a warm and inviting atmosphere you and your guests will love. In our Showroom at Lambros Christoforou, you can find the finest in fireplaces, stoves, and BBQs that will match your personal choices and budgets.
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iso22301 · 2 months
How is the demand for Halal-certified products and services evolving in Cyprus?
/ Uncategorized / By Factocert Mysore
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Halal Certification is growing in Cyprus
HALAL certification in Cyprus inte­resting many Muslim tourists and residents. This is be­cause they want more products that are­ Halal-certified. Now, we can take­ a look at Halal certification in Cyprus, why it is neede­d, and what choices there are­. HALAL consultant in Cyprus is an Arabic term. It means “allowable”, following the­ rules of Islam. When we talk about food, Halal ce­rtification confirms that food is made in a way that it fits with the rules of Islam. 
Ingredie­nts That Are Not Allowed: Pork, blood, animals that are not kille­d by Islamic rules are not allowed. Some­ organizations may also say no to alcohol, certain enzymes, and mate­rials that are not Halal. Production Process: Every ste­p in making the product, from getting ingredie­nts to packaging, must fit with Islamic rules. This keeps the­ food from getting dirty with non-Halal stuff. 
Halal Certification is important in Cyprus. 
The numbe­r of Muslims is getting bigger in Cyprus. Halal certification he­lps them eat the way the­y need to for their re­ligion. It does these things:
 Custome­r Trust: When a group that is known well says a product fits with the rule­s of Islam, Muslim customers can trust it. They can choose what to buy in a be­tter way. 
Access to Bigger Marke­ts: Companies with HALAL consultant in Cyprus can sell to the­ growing market of Muslim customers in Cyprus and eve­n out of the country. 
Better Brand Image­: When a company has HALAL auditor in Cyprus, it shows they want to include­ everyone. It also shows the­y pay attention to where the­y get their stuff, which can get more­ customers.
The HALAL certification Landscape in Cyprus
 There isn’t a group in Cyprus that is known nationally for Halal ce­rtification. However, there­ are international groups that offer this se­rvice. Here are­ some: 
Emirates International Accre­ditation Centre (EIAC): This group is from UAE and many Muslim countries know it. 
Malaysian De­partment of Islamic Developme­nt (JAKIM): This Halal certification group is well-liked and we­ll-known across the world.
Standards and Metrology Institute for Islamic Countrie­s (SMIIC): This group is from Istanbul, Turkey. They offer Halal ce­rtification services all over the­ world. However, it’s not all easy with Halal ce­rtification in Cyprus. 
Challenges and Considerations
Limited Availability of Certified Products: The­ number of Muslims in Cyprus is not that big compared to other place­s, so there might not be as many Halal products.
 Cost of Ce­rtification: It can cost a lot of money for businesses to ge­t certification, particularly small and medium ones.
 Lack of awareness: Not everyone ­Halal certification in Cyprus knows about Halal certification in Cyprus and why it’s important. Despite all that, Muslim tourists and locals in Cyprus .
Why Factocert for ISO HALAL Certification in Cyprus?
We provide the best HALAL consultants in Cyprus Who are knowledgeable and provide the best solution. And how to get Halal certification in Cyprus. Kindly reach us at [email protected]. ISO  HALAL  certification consultants work according to HALAL  standards and help organizations implement HALAL  certification in Cyprus with proper documentation.
For more information, visit HALAL  Certification in Cyprus
Related Links:
ISO 21001 Certification in Cyprus
ISO 22301 Certification in Cyprus
ISO 37001 Certification in in Cyprus
ISO 27701 Certification in Cyprus
ISO 26000 Certification in Cyprus
ISO 20000-1 Certification in Cyprus
ISO 50001 Certification in Cyprus
HALAL Certification in Cyprus
CE MARK Certification in Cyprus
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mattheosioannoumotors · 2 months
Effortless Car Selling in Cyprus: Connect with Reliable Dealers
Selling a car can be a daunting task, but in Cyprus, the process has been simplified thanks to the presence of reputable car dealerships. With their expertise and resources, individuals looking to sell their vehicles can navigate through the process smoothly and efficiently. This article explores how you can sell your car in Cyprus with ease, leveraging the services of trusted car dealers.
Finding the Right Dealership:
One of the first steps in sell car cyprus is to identify reliable car dealerships. These dealers specialize in buying and selling vehicles, offering a range of services to assist sellers throughout the process. Whether you're selling a used car or looking to trade in for a new one, partnering with a reputable dealership can make all the difference.
Evaluation and Appraisal:
Once you've chosen a dealership, they will conduct a thorough evaluation and appraisal of your vehicle. This step involves assessing the condition, mileage, and market value of the car to determine an appropriate selling price. Car dealers in Cyprus have the expertise to accurately assess the worth of your vehicle, ensuring you receive a fair and competitive offer.
Streamlined Selling Process:
Selling your car through a dealership in Cyprus offers a streamlined process compared to private sales. Dealerships handle all the paperwork and administrative tasks, saving you time and hassle. From transferring ownership to handling legal documentation, they take care of everything, allowing you to sell your car with peace of mind.
Market Exposure:
By selling your cars dealers cyprus, you benefit from their extensive network and market exposure. These dealerships have a wide reach, attracting potential buyers through various channels such as online listings, advertisements, and showroom displays. This increased visibility enhances your chances of selling your car quickly and at a favorable price.
Professional Guidance:
Throughout the selling process, car dealers in Cyprus provide professional guidance and assistance. Whether it's answering your questions, addressing concerns, or negotiating with potential buyers, they are there to support you every step of the way. Their expertise ensures a smooth and hassle-free selling experience, allowing you to focus on other priorities.
Selling your car in Cyprus is a straightforward process with the assistance of reputable car dealerships. By partnering with trusted dealers, you can benefit from their expertise, market exposure, and streamlined selling process. If you're looking to sell your car effortlessly, consider connecting with a reliable dealership today. For more information, visit mattheosioannoumotors.com.cy.
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Best Property Selling Company in North Cyprus
The Redland Property Group is the foremost option for property sales in North Cyprus, distinguished by our unwavering commitment to excellence, transparency, and client satisfaction. Our company has solidified its position as the region's top choice. Backed by a dedicated team of experts, we deliver unmatched service, guaranteeing a smooth and gratifying experience for individuals seeking to buy or sell properties in North Cyprus. Contact us today to learn more information!
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speed-seo · 7 months
Bazaraki: Check This Before You Buy or Sell There
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Bazaraki is the biggest online marketplace in Cyprus, but also one of the most popular. It is the right place to sell anything and attracts thousands of visitors from all over Cyprus. This online market has everything from cars to shoes, clothes and electronic items. The company offers an easy-to-use app for iOS and Android devices. You can find everything for sale on Bazaraki. The online marketplace is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, which makes it a great choice to sell your items online. Bazaraki marketplace allows sellers to post their items and be contacted directly by buyers. Unlike other websites that rely on a middleman to do all the work for you, this e-commerce gives you the opportunity to sell your items directly from your own account. As a seller, you can post an unlimited number of items for free and set a price that is reasonable for you. Buying and selling on the online platform is very simple. - Simply create an account. - Specify your location in Cyprus. - Choose the item you want to sell or buy. How do I know if my goods are worth it? What can I make a profit on? Will, what I offer for sale interest people? Where are they coming from? With this guide, everything will become clearer to you. What is Bazaraki and what does it offer? Because the site offers a variety of products: Food, clothing, jewellery, cars, houses, and more. The advertising and buying platform also has many restaurants serving traditional Cypriot cuisine. If you are a seller or buyer or represent a company looking for a place to display your ads, Bazaraki is the right choice for you. The platform is very user-friendly and easy to navigate. You can use the site on both mobile and desktop computers to find what you are looking for or even make a sale. The team behind Bazaraki seems to be constantly working to improve the platform and add new features so that sellers and buyers can benefit. How did Bazaraki become the largest marketplace in Cyprus? Without a doubt, the platform is the largest marketplace in Cyprus for a reason: the company focuses on bringing buyers and sellers together. This creates a platform for growth and support that helps businesses thrive. The company was founded in 2007 and has since brought thousands of customers together every day. With 11-50 employees and its headquarters in Limassol, Bazaraki is a role model for other companies in Cyprus. What makes this particular online ad platform the largest marketplace in Cyprus is the fact that it brings together thousands of buyers and sellers across the island every day. With over 880k daily organic visitors. However, the most important factor that makes Bazaraki a preferred online marketplace is the quality of service it provides to its buyers and sellers. The platform facilitates sales between businesses and customers (B2C) and between businesses (B2C), making it easier for people to find what they are looking for. In addition, the eStore aims to ensure that both buyers and sellers are satisfied with their experience. Also, Bazaraki focuses on making experiences fast and safe by following its principles of developing sustainable ideas that have an impact on customers. Even though the number of employees and location is small, the business is likely to generate stable annual revenue. What are the most popular items on Bazaraki? Considering the level of awareness of the products on the platform, the only way to determine the most popular items on this platform is through keyword research. This gives us an idea of which items are most searched for on Bazaraki. Here are the best-performing products currently available in the marketplace. The image above shows us the top-performing pages based on the articles displayed on those pages. These popular articles are triggered by important keywords. These are the top 10 keywords for bazaraki.com: - Bazaraki cars - Bazaraki boats - Bazaraki massage - Bazaraki motorbikes - Bazaraki scooters - Bazaraki homes for sale - Bazaraki apartments for rent - Bazaraki tablets - Bazaraki electronics - Bazaraki phones This platform is a huge marketplace, so it's not surprising that keywords like "cars" and "motorcycles" show up in the rankings. It is also interesting to note that site also ranks for keywords such as "massage" and "tablets". But as different as the items to be sold or bought are, so is the audience that the platform targets. How do I sell on Bazaraki? To sell on this ad platform, you need to provide some basic contact information. First, enter your phone number and verify it by entering the security code you receive on your cell phone. Once you have verified your cell phone with Bazaraki, you can choose the category of your ad and the target audience you want to reach in Cyprus. You also have the option to add videos, images and texts to present your offer or products to interested buyers all over the island! After you complete all the steps, you will receive a link that will take you directly to your ad page. That's great! As a final option for us, the site offers 3 options for publishing our ads; - Regular ad: Free for 180 days! - TOP ad: This type of ad exposure starts at 1.5 euro for ten days up to 6.94 euro for 60 days. With better ad exposure than the regular ad. - VIP advert: You can pay €21,15 for ten days, ten days for €21,15, or 30 days for €52,9. For more information on the platform's ad rates, visit this URL: https://www.bazaraki.com/profile/login/?next=/post_ad/ In summary, to sell on Bazaraki, you need to create your ad. There are five simple steps to create an ad on Bazaraki: - Step 1: Click on the "Post ad" button. - Step 2: Verify your Mobile. - Step 3: Complete the product or service information. - Step 4: Select your ad promotion type from the three available options. - Step 5: Get ready for a flow of buyers! How do I buy on Bazaraki? Bazaraki is a great website to find products at amazing prices, but how do you buy on Bazaraki? It's simple! First, find the product you want to buy. You can search by keywords or by categories. When you find the product you want, click on the image or title to get more information. Next, decide if you want to contact the seller via WhatsApp, webchat or direct call. Yes, this is quite easy. You just need to be careful and gather enough information before making a deal. It is better to be on the safe side! It's worth mentioning that Bazaraki's internal infrastructure and security process is top-notch. They have 24/7 customer support and a team of moderators who can help you in any situation. As a marketer, I can not be less than satisfied when I see an online company that covers all aspects of marketing, more specifically, a well-presented marketplace. What are the benefits of using this online marketplace? Pros of using the Bazaraki marketplace for business: There are many benefits to using the platform, including increased sales time and the elimination of the need for leads. Let's take a closer look at each of these benefits. When you use the site, you can increase your sales time because you no longer have to spend time searching for leads. In addition, the platform eliminates the need for traditional advertising methods like print media or television commercials. These methods are often expensive and not as effective as they used to be. The platform also offers other benefits, such as the ability to keep your ads running continuously for as long as you want Additionally, Bazaraki makes it easy to collect feedback from customers, which can help you improve your products and services. Therefore, we have ten benefits from advertising on this platform. Ten benefits of advertising on Bazaraki: - You can save time and money when looking for leads. - It can help you eliminate the need for traditional advertising methods. - The platform offers the ability to keep your ads running continuously. - The site makes it easy to collect feedback from customers. - It can help you save money on advertising. - You will reach a larger audience. - You will target your ads more effectively. - You can track your results. - You will improve your products and service exposure. - The platform will help you grow your local business faster. What are the risks of using Bazaraki? There are a number of risks associated with using this platform, including fake ads, fraudulent sales, and identity theft. Bazaraki or any other online marketplace does not guarantee the validity of any ads or reviews we see on these sites. Therefore, we have to be very careful when we want to make a deal. Risks are everywhere, and this platform cannot guarantee us that ads or reviews are valid, despite their efforts to be more secure. We are responsible for all transactions between sellers and buyers. However, we can help ensure that our use of the platform remains safe for everyone. We can report any suspicious content we see on the site. Is Bazaraki safe to use? In general, it is safe and very safe to use. Considering the security measures they take, such as using your mobile number to verify not only if the seller is from Cyprus and in Cyprus but also the data behind this verification. I bet that cases of fraudulent transactions are very rare. And if you follow some simple rules, such as not giving your card details to sellers or people you do not know (or even better - to strangers) or not giving your personal details, you will be safer. If something happens to you and you become a victim of fraud (for example, if you ordered an item and the seller never delivered it), it is very important that you report it to Bazaraki. The best way to do this is to make sure that the seller is able to deliver. A common method is to use the Akis Express Pay on Delivery Service. This way, you do not pay until you have the item in your hands. There are several safety precautions, but the most important of all is to use your common sense! Can you please guide me on how to determine the authenticity of an item on Bazaraki? Sure, but remember with online marketplaces, it can be difficult to tell if the items you are looking at are genuine or not. This is especially true for sites like Bazaraki, the largest marketplace in Cyprus, which is a great temptation for scammers trying to sell non-genuine goods. There are a few things you can do to protect yourself from scams on this platform. First, make sure you can communicate well with the seller and ask for real pictures and details about the item you want to buy. If you are not sure, ask for more pictures and details. When buying something on the site, make sure the seller has been a member of the community for at least 6 months. If he/she has been a member for less than 6 months, be extra careful. If the seller has been a member of the eCommerce for more than 6 months, he/she has probably already made some sales or purchases. These can be tracked by the business´s team in case of a case. In summary, below you have the list of six things you can do to protect yourself from items that might not be genuine. Here are six helpful tips to determine if an item is authentic on this platform. - Ask the seller for pictures and details about the item before buying. - Use the information the seller provides about the item and compare it to Internet information about the same product. - If the seller has been a member of Bazaraki for less than 6 months, be extra careful when buying from them. - The seller should have been a member of the community for at least 6 months. - If the seller is new, you should be extra careful when buying. - You can track the seller's sales or purchases through the Bazaraki team in case a case occurs. I am having problems with Bazaraki, who do I contact? Bazaraki's support team is available to help you with any problems you may have with the website. You can reach them by email or phone. How do I know this? Well, I am a regular user of Bazaraki, I sell and buy many things there :) To ease things for you, here you have the contact information needed to get in touch with Bazarak'is support team: - Complain: https://www.bazaraki.com/adv/4225455_unisex-parfum/ - Contact Form: https://www.bazaraki.com/feedback/ - Frequently asked questions Page: https://www.bazaraki.com/help/ How does παζαρακι compare to other popular marketplaces? Bazaraki is a marketplace for buying and selling new, used or second-hand items. The website is very popular not only in Cyprus but also internationally. It is the largest online marketplace in Cyprus with over 800 million visitors per month. Bazaraki offers sellers the opportunity to sell their items for free, and buyers the opportunity to buy their desired items at affordable prices and without additional costs or fees. Cyprus is a small country with less than one million inhabitants, including tourists. Other online marketplaces that compete with Bazaraki include eBay, Amazon and Etsy. Bazaraki has a clear advantage over its competitors because it can match local buyers with local sellers in real-time and for free. It is not necessary for the seller or the buyer to have a website or online presence. Bazaraki is not only focused on Cyprus. Internationally, with less than 4% of its visitors coming from abroad. The language barrier is not a problem as the platform is available in English and Greek and the user interface is very user-friendly. Moreover, the reputation of the website is very good on the island and abroad. It is a strong brand that has been in existence for over 15 years. In summary, these are the 10 things making Bazaraki stands out from its competitors. 10 Things making Bazaraki more popular that its competitors: - It is the largest online marketplace in Cyprus. - Bazaraki offers sellers the opportunity to sell their items for free. - At affordable prices and without additional costs or fees. - It is not necessary for either the seller or the buyer to have a website or an online presence. - The language barrier is not a problem as the platform is available in English and Greek. - The reputation of the website is very good both on the island and abroad. - It is a strong brand that has been around for over 15 years. - Bazaraki has a clear advantage over its competitors as it can match local buyers and sellers in real-time - Free to post an ad and buy something. - On an international level, less than 4% of visitors come from abroad. Tips for buying on παζαρακι When you're looking to buy something, it's important to do your research first. Check out the seller's profile and make sure they have some history on παζαρακι. Read the item description carefully and check the measurements if you're buying clothes or furniture. Once you've found something you like, make sure to compare prices between different sellers before making a purchase. Sometimes it's worth waiting for a sale or bidding on an item to get the best price. If you have any questions about a product or need help with checkout, don't hesitate to contact the seller directly. They'll be happy to help! In summary, these are the five tips for buying on Bazaraki marketplace: - It is important to do your research before buying anything on Bazaraki. - Check the seller's profile and make sure they have a history. - Read the item description carefully and check the measurements. - Compare prices between different sellers. - If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the seller directly. παζαρακι - Does it have a return policy? Since the negotiations are directly between the seller and the buyer, without the intervention of Bazaraki. It is fair to understand that there is no such thing as a funds return policy or an item return policy; we are not buying from Bazaraki nor selling to Bazaraki. For more information about this matter, check Bazaraki's terms and conditions here. Final words: Bazaraki Marketplace is a great platform for advertising and finding leads. It offers powerful tools that you can use to make your business more visible on the island. We hope this article helps you understand how Bazaraki works and how you can use it for your business. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us via the contact form or call us at +357 99762835. And if you are a competitor of Bazaraki, you may discover the vulnerabilities of Bazaraki's SEO to redirect most traffic to your business. Yes, we know how to do that for you! Read the full article
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lambroschristoforou · 9 months
Why Lambros Christoforou Must be Your #1 Choice for Quality Fireplaces in Cyprus
When the cool breeze of the Mediterranean winter starts to blow, there's nothing more comforting than a fire crackling in a stylish, efficient fireplace. Lambros Christoforou has been helping Cypriots for years by giving them the quality fireplaces Cyprushas to offer to keep their homes warm and cozy. We have a wide range of fireplaces in Cyprus. It ranges from KAMADO Cyprus to NAPOLEON grills Cyprus, GAS fireplace Cyprus, and Wood Oven Cyprus. This blog will explain why Lambros Christoforou is the best place to buy stoves in Cyprus.
1] Diverse Selection
Lambros Christoforou has everything you need, whether you want the comfort and warmth of a traditional wood-burning fireplace, the ease and efficiency of a gas fireplace Cyprus, or the flexibility of a KAMADO Cyprus or NAPOLEON grills Cyprus. We know that every home has different needs for how it looks and how it works. Our large selection has something for everyone, so you can be sure to find a fireplace that goes well with your home's style and meets your heating needs.
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2] High-Quality Goods
Lambros Christoforou is a name that's always been linked to good quality fireplaces in Cyprus. We are proud to sell goods from the world's best brands known for their quality, performance, and style. Whether you choose one of our cutting-edge KAMADO Cyprus grills or one of our high-performance NAPOLEON Cyprus grills, you can be sure that it will last.
3] Exceptional Customer Service
At Lambros Christoforou, we believe in getting to know our customers well and keeping in touch with them over time. Our experienced professionals are always ready to help you sort through the choices and choose the fireplace that best fits your needs. We make sure your experience with us is nothing less than excellent by giving you expert advice, responding quickly, and giving you personalized service.
4] Installation and Maintenance Services
Getting the right stove is only the beginning. To ensure your stove works well and safely, it must be set up correctly and taken care of regularly. At Lambros Christoforou, we offer professional construction and full care packages to keep your stove in great shape.
5] Outdoor Heating Solutions
Even during the cooler months, we at Lambros Christoforou know how much fun it is to spend time outside. We have a variety of ways to heat the outside to make this possible. Our BBQ gas grill Cyprus, Concrete BBQ, and Wood Oven Cyprus are great for cooking, and they also keep your outdoor space warm, so you can use it all year round.
6] Innovative Design
The look of our fireplaces Cyprus is just as important as how well they work. At Lambros Christoforou, we have a variety of stoves that are meant to give your home a bit of beauty and style. Our fireplaces are sure to be a talking point in your home, whether they have the sleek, modern lines of our GAS fireplace Cyprus models, the rustic charm of our Wood Oven Cyprus options, or the stylish shapes of our KAMADO Cyprus grills.
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7] Proven Expertise
Over the years, we've made a name for ourselves as a reliable source of high-quality fireplaces Cyprus. Our customers like how knowledgeable we are and how we help them choose fires. We work hard to keep up with the latest market trends and technologies, and we share this knowledge with our customers to make sure they have access to the best goods.
It's important to choose the right stove for your home. It's not just about keeping you warm; it's also about making your space feel cozier and even making a fashion statement. This is something we know at Lambros Christoforou. We are the best choice for fireplaces because we have a wide range of high-quality fireplaces in Cyprus and our commitment to be the best. So, go to Lambros Christoforou if you want a KAMADO Cyprus, a NAPOLEON grills Cyprus, a GAS stove Cyprus, or a Wood Oven Cyprus. Your ideal fireplace is ready for you.
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mattheosioannoumotors · 3 months
Navigating the Car Market: Tips for Successful Car Sales in Cyprus
In the vibrant island nation of Cyprus, buying and selling cars is a common practice, driven by a dynamic market and diverse consumer preferences. Whether you're looking to upgrade to a newer model, downsize for efficiency, or simply ready for a change, selling your car in Cyprus can be a rewarding experience with the right approach. From understanding market trends to preparing your vehicle for sale and negotiating with potential buyers, there are several factors to consider to ensure a successful car sale. In this comprehensive guide, we explore the ins and outs of selling a car in Cyprus and offer valuable tips to help you navigate the process effectively.
Understanding the Car Market in Cyprus:
Before embarking on the journey of selling your car in Cyprus, it's essential to have a clear understanding of the local car market dynamics. Cyprus boasts a diverse automotive landscape, with a wide range of vehicles available, from compact city cars to luxury SUVs and high-performance sports cars. Factors such as brand popularity, fuel efficiency, and resale value can significantly influence the demand and pricing of cars in the market.
Tips for Selling Your Car in Cyprus:
Gather Necessary Documentation: Before listing your car sale cyprus, ensure that you have all the necessary documentation in order. This includes the vehicle registration documents, service history records, and any relevant maintenance receipts. Having a complete and organized paperwork package can instill confidence in potential buyers and streamline the sales process.
Determine the Selling Price: Research the current market value of your car to determine a competitive selling price. Factors such as the vehicle's age, mileage, condition, and optional features can influence its resale value. Online resources, such as car valuation websites and classified ads, can provide valuable insights into pricing trends and comparable listings in Cyprus.
Prepare Your Car for Sale: Before showcasing your car to potential buyers, take the time to prepare it for sale. Clean both the interior and exterior thoroughly, addressing any stains, odors, or visible wear and tear. Consider investing in professional detailing services to restore the vehicle's appearance and enhance its appeal to prospective buyers.
Take High-Quality Photos: Capture high-quality photos of your car from various angles to create an attractive listing. Showcase key features, such as the exterior design, interior amenities, and engine condition, in clear and well-lit images. Highlight any unique selling points or recent upgrades to make your listing stand out from the competition.
Advertise Effectively: Utilize multiple channels to advertise your car sale cyprus and reach a broader audience in Cyprus. Consider listing your vehicle on online classified websites, social media platforms, and automotive forums frequented by potential buyers. Provide detailed descriptions, including the make, model, year, mileage, and asking price, to attract serious inquiries.
Arrange Test Drives: Once you start receiving inquiries from interested buyers, arrange test drives to allow them to experience the car firsthand. Accompany potential buyers during the test drive to answer any questions and address concerns they may have. Be transparent about the vehicle's condition and history to build trust and credibility with buyers.
Negotiate Wisely: Be prepared to negotiate with potential buyers to reach a mutually agreeable price. Consider factors such as the market demand, the condition of the vehicle, and any additional services or accessories included in the sale. Remain firm but flexible in your negotiations, and be willing to compromise to close the deal.
Finalize the Sale: Once you've reached an agreement with a buyer, finalize the sale by completing the necessary paperwork and transferring ownership of the vehicle. Ensure that all legal requirements are met, including the transfer of registration and payment of any applicable taxes or fees. Provide the buyer with copies of the vehicle's documentation and a bill of sale as proof of purchase.
Selling a car in Cyprus can be a rewarding experience with proper planning, preparation, and execution. By understanding the local market dynamics, determining a competitive selling price, and effectively marketing your vehicle to potential buyers, you can maximize your chances of a successful sale. Follow the tips outlined in this guide to navigate the car sales process with confidence and achieve your desired outcome. Whether you're upgrading to a new vehicle or simply looking to declutter, selling your car in Cyprus can be a seamless and rewarding experience with the right approach.
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ailtrahq · 9 months
Binance had initially partnered with Paysafe to resume Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) bank transfers for customers. It remains uncertain when Binance will reinstate alternative EUR support. Binance [BNB] has advised its users, who rely on Paysafe for EUR transactions, to convert their balances to USDT [Tether] before the end of October. This decision comes in response to Paysafe, Binance’s European banking partner, abruptly withdrawing its services from the platform. Paysafe’s abrupt decision to cease processing EUR deposits on a recent Monday triggered the sudden halt to buying, selling, trading, and investing in cryptocurrencies via EUR on Binance, leaving users to grapple with the abrupt disruption. Paysafe’s move to withdraw its services left Binance perplexed, with the exchange describing it as “sudden and inexplicable.” However, it turns out that Binance had previously notified its users in June about Paysafe’s impending departure. Notably, in June, a Binance spokesperson had stated, “Binance will be changing the provider for EUR deposits and withdrawals via Bank Transfer (SEPA). Our current partner, Paysafe, will no longer be providing these services to Binance users from 25 Sept, 2023.” The spokesperson had further noted that users would need to update their banking details for SEPA services. Search for a replacement continues Binance is actively working to identify a new fiat partner for EUR services. In the meantime, the exchange had temporarily suspended EUR spot trading. Inasmuch, the exchange also temporarily disabled the conversion of crypto to EUR for users who previously signed up for fiat services with Paysafe. However, most other Binance services, including withdrawing fiat to users’ bank accounts, remained unaffected. Binance’s search for a replacement continued at press time. The exchange stated, “This process will take several days to complete, and we will provide regular updates to affected users to let them know when full functionality can be restored. We look forward to having our new fiat partner up and running as soon as possible.” To accommodate users during this transitional phase, Binance has allowed them to convert their EUR balances to USDT by 31 October. Although buying, selling, trading, and investing services in EUR will face a “brief interruption,” users can still withdraw their EUR balances to their bank accounts. Furthermore, Binance Convert will enter a “reduce-only mode,” allowing users to convert EUR to other cryptocurrencies through market orders, but not the reverse. Limit orders on Binance’s Auto-Invest EUR plans for Paysafe users have been closed, and the plans have been paused. Another challenge for Binance to prehend This recent development adds to Binance’s regulatory challenges in Europe. During the summer, the exchange announced its exit from the Netherlands due to a lack of regulatory approval. It also sought to deregister its local entity in Cyprus and faced an investigation in France for alleged money laundering. However, this week, Binance resumed its exchange services in Belgium after being instructed to cease operations by the country’s regulator three months earlier. Source
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fullfestivallady · 10 months
Looking for the ideal beach house dream home? - Beachside Properties - Sea & Sunlife
Looking for the ideal beach house dream home? - Beachside Properties - Sea & Sunlife
A prominent real estate agency in Cyprus, provides comprehensive services to make your search as stress-free as possible. Our knowledgeable staff will assist you in locating the best property for your requirements. Contact us now to make your real estate aspirations a reality!
We understand that buying or selling a home isn’t just a business transaction, it’s a whole new beginning. That’s why we offer an extensive array of services, as well as the human touch, making the process as easy and hassle-free as possible. Contact us to get started today.
Check and Contact: https://www.seaandsunlife.com/
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