#buy switzerland landscape wall art
photographydickherman · 6 months
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swisscgny · 4 years
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We recently interviewed Swiss-American painter Neil Enggist to talk about his life, work and how he is coping with self-isolation. Neil’s exhibition The Practice of the Wild was supposed to open at the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York last month as the 8th edition of Art@The Consulate but was postponed due to COVID-19. 
Hi Neil, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. Where are you right now? It is my pleasure. I’m in New Jersey. I have a backyard studio near Princeton, in the old house where I grew up. I’m staying put as much as I can.
Tell us about yourself, where did you grow up? My mother is from Taiwan and my father was born and raised in Luzern, both coming for graduate studies in 1969 to Buffalo. I was born and raised in Princeton Junction in an old stone house near a small forest and the train station. My father was teaching in the Bronx and Connecticut, then trying his hand at importing Swiss Chocolate, but at some point in the 1970s, he turned to stained glass. I remember him cutting, wrapping, and soldering in the backyard. My mother worked for the state of NJ, and drew from the model in her spare time. I drew dinosaurs like a maniac, not very well I may add, but at some point around age 7, my father asked me to draw a dinosaur that he made into a stained glass panel. As a family we traveled to Luzern about every 2 years, and I still remember the smell of Birenwecken and lightning over the Vierwaldstättersee. I drew all the time but wasn’t precocious, as a youth, I was shy, quiet, hot tempered, diligent with school, perfectionist, and mostly played soccer and saxophone and you know, did my math homework.
When did you know you wanted to become an artist? I went to art school at Washington University in 2000, but it wasn’t until studying abroad in Florence in 02 that I had the feel of becoming an artist. There is a laminated portrait from first grade, age 6, where I put into writing that I wanted to be an ‘Artist.’ But in Florence my life felt like it shifted from art student to artist, 3 dear friends and I shared an apartment on Piazza Independenza, learning photography, printmaking, illustration, bookmaking, Italian and art history at a tiny art school called Santa Reparata. My future Love lived up the street and sometimes the cheap red wine would flow. Behind every door were Renaissance frescos, leaping off the walls were Donatellos, and it was the beginning of my explorations as a painter. I would paint plein-air small landscapes and cityscapes with oils, but by the end my ambition grew into a very large Kandinskyesque abstract rendition of Michelangelo’s Final Judgment fresco from the Sistine wall. A year later, back in St. Louis I declared painting as my major, and in the words of Joe Campbell, began ‘following my bliss.’
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Neil Enggist, Sea on Earth, acrylic and stain on wood, 2011
How would you describe your style? Has it changed over the years? I would say it’s an Organic Abstract Expressionism, or Nature Action Painting. Over nearly 20 years, YES it has changed! Like a photon going from point A, painting the Ponte Vecchio, to B, dancing on a piece of steel with turmeric and ocean water, taking every single possible path! To say it’s moved linearly would be wrong, but there is a sequence of transformations or leaps, in the Ozarks, Mysticism, Heartbreak, Dylan, New Mexico, Traveling Europe, The Mir, snow painting, India, Brooklyn, Voice and Veil, Gardening, going cross county, yoga, India again, the dance, steel, the tides, The Tao and the Yellow Mountains, devotion. I’m very interested how Dylan’s work has transformed and shifted, beyond expectation, without calculation, yet somehow almost always in line with his poetic essence. My paintings have changed like dinosaurs and birds, from a common source, many branches, some seemingly from different worlds, some becoming bones and fossils, some soaring through the sky.
Tell us about your artistic practice, where do you paint, what inspires you? Well we can start with Highway 61.. music of the American vernacular, jazz, blues, country, rock, folk, hip hop.. from Louis Armstrong, Strange Fruit, Charlie Parker, to the early Bluesmen of the Mississippi Delta, Robert Johnson, folksingers like Woody Guthrie, onwards and outwards to Wutang and Nas. Basquiat inspires me. Ana Medieta, DeKooning, Paul Klee, David Hammons, Polke, Mel Chin, James Turrell, Richard Long, Kerry James, Doig, Ofili, Wangechi Mutu, John Akomfrah, Bonnard, Matisse, Puryear too. Gary Snyder's brilliant collection of essays 'The Practice of the Wild,' from where the title of the exhibition comes, has helped me attune to the wild systems at play in nature and within, and continues to evolve my way of thinking, seeing, and creative being. Taking a journey into nature, not just a dip into nature, but really feeling the connections, the web that runs through the forest and is woven into your own nature. The Redwoods, the Swiss Alps, the Coast of California.. I lose and become myself here. In my practice, nature is welcomed into the process of artistic creation. The imagined line between artistic intention and the creative functioning of wilderness is blurred, or more accurately, these spheres merge into a unified moment. It’s a spiritual practice, a kind of Taoist exercise, merging with the changes of the natural world, not holding, not fixing, listening to what the painting wants to become, and finding the color to enable the beholding. I paint outside and on the road, sometimes inside.. anywhere..
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Neil Enggist, Odyssey III, acrylic, dye and turmeric on canvas, 2020
What role does Switzerland play in your life/art? My family has a house in Luzern, with a balcony opening to a view of Mount Pilatus that I would call perfect.. at least on the days where it’s not obscured by Nebel! Since 2012, I’ve been spending many springs / summers living there, in the bohemian remodeling of our chalet attic called the Macolette. I have painted and drawn our view of Pilatus so many times, it is ingrained in my mind’s eye. I’ve explored and hiked the mountains surrounding the Vierwaldstättersee, Grindelwald, Engadin, and Zermatt, finding places on and off the path to paint. When I am in the mountains, alone with my pack, in the quietude and breathtaking beauty, I feel something akin to being home, being one with myself, being on my true path. This feeling is fleeting and eternal. Also, during many of the summers, I have worked with my great friend and mentor, garden designer, Andre Ammann, constructing and maintaining gardens around Luzern. Working with him has taught me in so many ways, to notice the minute changes of spring, to work with contrasts of nature and culture, to understand placement of boulders and trees, how to create a riverscape, to dissolve into the consciousness of the river. When we are done with the work, all cleaned, raked, and hosed down, Andre and I look at our work, and he’ll say, ‘Now, the garden starts, try to see how this will look in 10 years, in 50 years..’ This has been a major influence in my own ‘Practice of the Wild’ and painting. It has also taught me how to shovel!
You have traveled all over the world, how has the nomad life shaped your art? As a traveler, painting becomes the act of experiencing and processing place; the painting becomes an archive of experience. Traveling serves to connect the painter with the uncomfortable and uncalculated, which forces a spontaneity and body-memory response. I aim to paint as one would do battle and dance and play jazz at once. In traveling, the painter becomes the abstraction, inhabiting transient and visionary territory. Materials from places of special significance, white gypsum sand from New Mexico, pigment from the Holi festival of India, black sand from Kanyakumari, gravel from Highway 61, layer into the topography, giving the painting a personal geographic context, while opening formal and textural possibilities. On the road, I explore the spiritual territory of color, and natural occurrences of unearthly blues.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, travel is no longer possible, in what ways has the pandemic shaped your practice / life? I just drove from California to NY in 5 days to install the Consulate show, just before the Covid situation hit the fan. I am supposed to be in India right now, doing a residency in the Himalayas! I’ve had a number of shows postponed and it just really doesn’t seem like people are buying many paintings right now.. But, really compared to people who are sick, caring for loved ones, and risking their lives to care for others, my sacrifices are minuscule. And I can most surely still paint! But I’m trying to use this time to do things I would have done in ‘normal’ times, but there are no normal times anymore. I’ve been making sculptures out of half rotten wood using an ax and a handsaw. I’ve been learning some Tai Chi from my Ma. I’ve started reading the Mahabharata. I’ve been texting whole a lot of hearts to California and writing love songs, and staying out of the bar.. 
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Neil Enggist, That Great Mysterious Storm, acrylic, ink, oil and sand on canvas, 2010  
What important lessons do you think we can learn from the impact of the pandemic? Well, first and foremost gratitude for life, health, and for the things that we used to take for granted. To be grateful for the people who are dear to us. This may sound cliché, but the pandemic has shown us how connected we are, for better and for worse. We are interdependent, and what affects one region affects the global community. I hope that people can stop and reassess their personal and collective relationship with the planet.  In a profound and dire way, humans and our socio-economic systems have entered an unbalanced, virus-like relationship with this Earth. Humans seem to need wake up calls to affect changes, I hope this pandemic serves as a paradigm shift for enough of us. We are in this together. Yes when this is over, it will be great to go to a yoga class, an Indian restaurant, and to toast with friends, but we each need to use this time to reaffirm our commitments to each other and to all beings of this planet, and not go back to business as usual.  
What advice do you have for people stuck at home? Can you recommend something to read, listen or watch? Well I’m a Liverpool fan, and we were just about to WIN the premier league, so I’ve had to go back and watch Liverpool highlights to cope. There’s a lovely interview with the legendary skipper Steven Gerrard in conversation with Gary Neville on youtube. I’m a very lazy television watcher, meaning I don’t really watch new things, so it’s The Sopranos, and very little else. Peaky Blinders is good, violent, but solid. Kurosawa’s ‘Dreams’ is a ravishing movie.  I just saw ‘Purple Rain’ again, EPIC. When I drove across country I listened to Toni Morrison’s own reading of her novel ‘A Mercy,’ and it took my breath away, literally every sentence .. I don’t know how I even made it!  She’s a true master in telling a harrowing story in pure poetry. Also reading ‘An Indigenous People’s History of the United States’ and Leonard Peltier’s ‘Prison Writings.’  Musically I needed a lil rock, so I went back to the Black Keys ‘Brothers’, Brittany Howard’s solo ‘Jaime’ is good, JS Ondara, Black Pumas, Valerie June’s ‘Love Told a Lie,’ AM!R’s ‘Parachute, ‘ and the syrupy ‘Cigarettes after Sex.’ I’ve been listening as well to Gann Brewer’s most recent ‘Absolution.’ I made the video for his ‘River Song.’ Tracy Chapman’s first album is incredible. Springsteen’s ‘The River’ is like his White Album and sometimes I need to hear the Boss sing ‘Heart and Soul’ over and over.. and hear that ‘Drive All Night’ sax solo by the late great Clarence Clemons. I am from Jersey, don’t forget. Listening to a lot of John Prine too, and with his recent passing, his music shines like a diamond ring. ‘Christmas in Prison’ is one of my favorites of many. Oh and Bob Dylan just released a 17 minute song about the assassination of JFK, and it’s .. indescribable.
Thank you Neil! 
To find out more about Neil Enggist go to www.neilenggist.com, contact Neil at [email protected] and follow him @neilenggist 
Scroll down for more information about the exhibition The Practice of the Wild which will open to the public as soon as it is safe to do so. Please note that all paintings depicted in this article are featured in the exhibition. 
THE PRACTICE OF THE WILD by Swiss-American painter Neil Enggist is comprised of a series of abstract mixed media Nature Action Paintings, a method by which nature performs an integral part in the artistic process. 
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Neil Enggist, The Storm Ends, acrylic, ink, dye and sand on canvas, 2019
“My work seeks to embody the random precision through which life and spirit intersect. Within a liminal environment, I present set of conditions where the form can be born through an unfolding of natural currents. The nature of water, marks of evaporation, melting, freezing, burning, gravity, animal tracks, traces of dance, time, storms, tides and all manner of seasonal and emotional weather coincide to transform the canvas into a terrain in flux. Whether I am dripping ink into a melting tuft of snow, pouring the ocean on burning ink, or slashing the surface with a fallen pine branch, each action is composed within a system of nature. The result is a site of becoming where oceanic, emotive, and mystical stories interplay” 
Raised in Princeton, New Jersey, Neil Enggist studied fine arts at Washington University in St. Louis and Santa Reparata in Florence. He earned his MFA at San Francisco Art Institute in 2016 where he made paintings on steel in the tidal zones of the Bay Area, searching for a language between art and nature, incorporating ideas of performance and sculpture imbedded in the earth art movement. Enggist has participated in a number of art residencies including the Lucid Art Foundation in Point Reyes, CA, and most recently journeyed to the land of his grandmother to paint the City of Shanghai and the Yellow Mountains of China. Through his extensive travels in Europe, the Americas, and Asia he developed a body of painting and poetry shown in New York, Milan, Mumbai, Luzern, and Paris. Enggist lives and works between New York and Luzern, Switzerland.
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Neil Enggist, The Schreckhorn, acrylic, ink, pigment and oil on canvas, 2007 
THE PRACTICE OF THE WILD is the eighth edition of Art @ The Consulate, a curatorial initiative by the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York to showcase the work of Swiss artists living in the United States. Follow Art @ The Consulate on Social media #SwissArtNYC
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Neil Enggist, A Candle Burns at Night,  Acrylic and ink on canvas, 2008
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linhgd9 · 3 years
2021 Insights into the Global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) Market by MRS
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Global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) Market Stepped Up to Surge Growth Rate Amid COVID-19 Analysis
The report on “Art Painting (Wall Decoration) Market published by Market Research Store Overview By Industry Top Manufactures, Trends, Industry Growth, Size, Analysis & Forecast Till 2029” the report come up with 150+ pages PDF with TOC including a list of figures and table.
Market Research Store has published another latest report on global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market for providing a better understanding of the overall market analytics and valuation under a single roof. The report scrutinizes the market dynamics through historical growth trajectory, present conditions, and future growth prospects. It can thus be observed that the report provides each and every detail right from the past up to the future prospects of the market for the extensive knowledge of the readers, especially investors. The information comprehended in the report help form a strong base for the future projections during the forecast period. The report also profiles the opportunities & challenges and drivers & restraints that have a major impact on the growth rate of the Art Painting (Wall Decoration) Market.
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Segmentation Study:
The various segments of the global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) industry offers more insight to the market from the regional and global point of view. The study of the segments helps understand the markets position and financial outcomes.
This report segments the market based on types are:
Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion, Acrylic Emulsion
Based on application, the market is segmented into:
Residential, Commercial, Industrial
Competitive Landscape:
The global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market size could be well grasped through the share, revenue, and size numerical data presented in the report. The in-depth industrial analysis assists in gaining better understanding of the changing competitive dynamics. Additionally, the market strategies including mergers & acquisition, agreement, collaborations, and joint ventures provide readers comprehensive overview of the Art Painting (Wall Decoration) industry from both the regional and global perspective.
Some of the key players in the Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market include Zuxin New Material, Silberline, Sun Chemical, BASF, Zhangqiu Metallic Pigment, ALTANA, Toyo Aluminium, Carl Schlenk, Sunrise.
COVID-19 Impact Analysis:
There is no market in the world that has remained unaffected by the current pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has hampered the business of many and the global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market is no exception. In order to combat the pandemic, the government and nations have taken few stringent steps such as lockdown and changes in a few industrial policies to help the various businesses sustain in the market. A complete overview of the pre- and post-pandemic impact analysis is detailed out in the report. The market is expected to slowly gain momentum through strategic implementation during the COVID-19 situation.
Request Pre and Post COVID-19 Impact Analysis on Businesses: https://www.marketresearchstore.com/sample/art-painting-wall-decoration-market-792493
Regional Analysis:
Geographical study of the global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market elaborate more about the market’s economic growth and regional market attraction. The report shows the regions U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Peru, Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Hungary, Lithuania, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Rest of Europe in Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in Asia-Pacific (APAC), South Africa, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Kuwait, Israel, Egypt, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA) to be the major market preferences owing to the consumer preferences, economic gains, supply & demand analysis, and supplementary factors.
What does the report offer?
•    Detailed market analytics and market valuation •    Market share of the key market players •    Market forecast based on the historical and current data •    Industrial strategies, opportunities, and challenges for the new entrants •    Market segments for better assessment of market growth on regional and global level •    Growth mapped by the competitive landscape and geographical distribution
To know an additional revised 2020 list of market players, request a sample report:: https://www.marketresearchstore.com/sample/art-painting-wall-decoration-market-792493
Primary Questions Answered In This Report:
•    What is the expected market size and growth rate be during the forecast period? •    What are the major market trends? •    What are key driving factors of the global Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market? •    What are the restraints faced by the Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market? •    Who are the key players in the Art Painting (Wall Decoration) market space? •    What are the market opportunities and challenges faced by the key players to sustain on the global platform?
Table Of Content:
Section 01: executive summary
Section 02: scope of the report
Section 03: research methodology
Section 04: introduction
Section 05: market landscape
Section 06: market sizing
Section 07: five forces analysis
Section 08: market segmentation by product
Section 09: market segmentation by distribution channel
Section 10: customer landscape
Section 11: market segmentation by end-user
Section 12: regional landscape
Section 13: decision framework
Section 14: drivers and challenges
Section 15: market trends
Section 16: competitive landscape
Section 17: company profiles
Section 18: appendix
Get More Insight Before Buying@ https://www.marketresearchstore.com/inquiry/art-painting-wall-decoration-market-792493
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researchedetc · 3 years
Rustic Home Decor For a Rustic Ambiance
The rusticahardware has been gaining its popularity because of its unique style and traditional look. Rustic style of ware is being increasingly used by many consumers in North America. As a result, the rusticahardware industry is growing.
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Because of the growing demand of rusticate in the market, rustic artwork and rustic furniture are also increasing. Many rustic art museums have opened their rustic galleries which exhibit rustic furniture. Most art museums feature rustic artwork that originated from different parts of the US, such as Oregon, Montana and Yellowstone National Park.
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Some rustic furniture items may be purchased through rustic style home decorating stores and rustic stores that sell rustic furniture. However, rustic items may also be found in specialty stores that sell rustic accessories. These specialty stores may either specialize in rustic bedroom furniture, rustic dining room furniture, rustic tables and rustic chairs, rustic lighting, rustic bathroom decor, rustic patio decor, rustic landscape decor, and rustic home building materials. Specialty stores also give people the chance to purchase rustic furniture at a low price.
Because rustic home decor items are not mass produced, they have a unique look that is not commonly seen in other kinds of home decorations. Moreover, rustic style home decors are made with materials that are better for the environment and do not harm the nature. They are created with care and with the quality customer in mind. This is why rustic home decor is perfect for those who want to turn their homes into something that looks like it was made by an expert and has the feel of a mountain cabin or an Indian village. Rustic home decor items will add a rustic, cozy and comfortable feeling to any part of the house.
If you are one of those who are into rustic style, there are plenty of rustic home decoration items available in the market. There are rustic tables and rustic chairs that you can use. There are rustic accent rugs and rustic throws to use as well. If you want to make rustic bedroom decorating more interesting, you can choose rustic bed covers, rustic mattress covers and rustic night lamps. You can also rustic furniture such as rustic wood China, rustic wooden storage chests, rustic vases, rustic ceramic tableware and rustic ceramic figurines.
For additional rustic home decor, you can also buy rustic lighting and rustic wall decor. You can also put up rustic wood decor on your walls such as rustic decorative posters and rustic wood flooring. Rustic lamps and rustic lanterns are also great rustic home decor accessories.
With rustic home decor, you can express your individuality with rustic home decor. It is truly unique. You will be able to create a rustic style of your own. Rustic home decor gives you the chance to express your nature. Rustic style of decor is surely a wonderful idea.
The report forecast global Communications Hardware market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation.
The report offers detailed coverage of Communications Hardware industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Communications Hardware by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Communications Hardware market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru].
At the same time, we classify Communications Hardware according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application.
Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Communications Hardware company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) :
Part 1:
Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region
Part 2:
Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc.
Part 3:
Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography
Part 4:
Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 5:
Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 6:
North America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 7:
South America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 8:
Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 9:
Market Features
Part 10:
Investment Opportunity
Part 11:
Market Segment as follows:
By Region
Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia]
Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland]
North America[United States, Canada, Mexico]
Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa]
South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies
Bharti Airtel
China Mobile
Korea Telecom
Market by Type
5G Infrastructure
5G Wireless Ecosystem
Market by Application
Military Use
Civil Use
Global Communications Hardware Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
The Hidden Agenda Of Abstract Floral Painting | Abstract Floral Painting
Abundant like the alcohol of the afterworld that absent her, Swedish painter and abstruse Hilma af Klint’s (1862-1944) assignment has begin new activity able-bodied above the alluvial bound of its maker. And, conceivably eerily, it seems it’s because the artisan herself knew able-bodied that the concrete apple she existed in wasn’t absolutely accessible for her creations.
Back then, af Klint, a woman in abundant added of a man’s apple than now, had amorphous authoritative her bold, bright abstruse works in 1906, about a decade afore Kandinsky, Mondrian, and added (male) accustomed antecedents of absorption were creating their affecting works. Not continued afore she died, af Klint absolute boxes absolute several of her paintings to her nephew, Royal Swedish Navy Vice Admiral Erik af Klint, with the agreement that the works be kept abstruse until at atomic 20 years afterwards her death.
The accumulating acquired absolutely a activity in her citizenry back the boxes were opened in the 1960s, and eventually formed the base for a massively accustomed 2018-2019 Guggenheim exhibit. But during all of that there were eight added af Klint works, fabricated about 1913-1915 and dubbed the “Tree of Knowledge Series,” forth with a sketchbook, lying alien in Dornach, Switzerland, the hometown of her theosophical aide Rudolf Stenier. And now, acknowledgment to Martina Angela Müller, chief aesthetic administrator of Lightforms Art Center tracking them down, they’re on accommodation from the Albert Steffan Foundation and on appearance at in at Lightforms in Hudson through August 9. (The awning artist, Helena Zay, splits her time amid painting in her flat and confined as aesthetic director/curator of Lightforms Art Center.)
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Hand Painted Turquoise Flower Oil Painting On Canvas .. | abstract floral painting
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Original Art, Yellow Flower, 5×7 Painting, Modern Home .. | abstract floral painting
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Nancy Standlee Fine Art: Sweet Summer Roses, 12101, Mixed .. | abstract floral painting
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Still Life Flowers Painting- Abstract Floral Art Painting .. | abstract floral painting
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Abstract Floral Paintings by Bobbie Burgers Burst with .. | abstract floral painting
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Original Floral Painting, Custom Flower Painting, Abstract Floral .. | abstract floral painting
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Original abstract floral painting flower art original acrylic – abstract floral painting | abstract floral painting
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Huge Vintage Modern Abstract Floral Still Life Painting Signed Devy – abstract floral painting | abstract floral painting
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PRINT Of My Abstract Floral Acrylic Painting – abstract floral painting | abstract floral painting
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Abstract Flowers 9 Painting by Mario Zampedroni – abstract floral painting | abstract floral painting
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Artist Creates Larger-Than-Life Abstract Floral Paintings Bursting .. | abstract floral painting
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Flower Painting Abstract Floral Painting Pastel Flower Art – abstract floral painting | abstract floral painting
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Abstract floral watercolor painting – abstract floral painting | abstract floral painting
The post The Hidden Agenda Of Abstract Floral Painting | Abstract Floral Painting appeared first on Flower Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/the-hidden-agenda-of-abstract-floral-painting-abstract-floral-painting/
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wesagar1994 · 4 years
Ceramic Tiles Market is Impressive Growth |
Ceramic Tiles Market report also consists of forecast factors, macroeconomic factors, and a market outlook of the Ceramic Tiles market. The study is conducted using top-down and bottom-up approaches and further analyzed using analytical tools such as porter’s five force analysis and uncover Opportunities, Challenges, restraints, and trends of the Global Ceramic Tiles market. Few of the major competitors currently working in the global ceramic tiles market are Corona Vitrified; Cersanit; Johnson Tiles; Kajaria Ceramics Limited; Koninklijke Mosa bv; RAK CERAMICS; MOHAWK INDUSTRIES, INC.; Grupo Lamosa; Cerâmica Carmelo Fior; CERAMICHE ATLAS CONCORDE S.P.A.; Florim Ceramiche S.P.A.; GranitiFiandre S.p.A.; Grupo Fragnani; PAMESA CERÁMICA S.L.; Saudi Ceramics; PORCELANOSA Grupo A.I.E.; Crossville Inc.; LIXIL Group Corporation; Dongpeng; Nitco Tiles; China Ceramics Co., Ltd.; Lasselsberger; Daltile and Newpearl among others.
Global ceramic tiles market is expected to rise to an estimated value of USD 167.55 billion by 2026, registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026.
Interesting? Apply for a sample report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-Ceramic Tiles-market
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Ceramic tiles are flooring or wall construction products that are produced from minerals such as clay, silica sand and provide an enhanced aesthetic appeal to a household or commercial spaces. The raw materials are processed with different methods such as mixing, drying and formulation of the mixture in a tile shape.
Market Driver:
Increasing levels of construction activities taking place globally is expected to positively affect the growth of the market
Growing usage of flooring and tiles from the Asia-Pacific region due to their increasing disposable income and better spending power; this factor is expected to drive the growth of the market
Increasing benefits of the ceramic tiles as it is significantly low-cost and light-weight than its substitutes; this factor is expected to positively affect the growth of the market
Market Restraint:
Increasing presence of strict regulations regarding the mining of minerals as well as for the environment which are used in the formulation of ceramics; this factor is expected to restrain the market growth
Increased usage & demand of substitute products is expected to restrain the market growth
Market Segmentation: Global Ceramic Tiles Market
Global Ceramic Tiles market is segmented on the basis of resin type, coating method, end-use industry, and geography.
On the basis of composition, the global UV coating market is segmented into monomers, oligomers, photo initiators and PU dispersions.
On the basis of type, the global UV coating market is segmented into wood coatings, plastic coatings, over print varnish, display coatings, conformal coatings and paper coatings.
On the basis of end-user, the global UV coating market is segmented into industrial coatings, electronics and graphic arts.
On the basis of geography, the global Ceramic Tiles market report covers data points for 28 countries across multiple geographies such as North America, South America,
Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East & Africa. Some of the major countries covered in this report are U.S., Canada, Germany, France, U.K., Netherlands, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, China, India, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Brazil among others.
Table of Contents
1 Market Overview
2 Manufacturers Profiles
3 Global Ceramic Tiles Market Competitions, by Manufacturer
4 Global Ceramic Tiles Market Analyses by Regions
5 North America Ceramic Tiles by Countries
6 Europe Ceramic Tiles by Countries
7 Asia-Pacific Ceramic Tiles by Countries
8 South America Ceramic Tiles by Countries
9 Middle East and Africa Ceramic Tiles by Countries
10 Global Ceramic Tiles Market Segment by Type
11 Global Ceramic Tiles Market Segment by Application
12 Sales Channel, Distributors, Traders and Dealers
13 Research Findings and Conclusion
14 Appendixes
Get Detailed Toc and Charts & Tables@ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-Ceramic Tiles-market
Global ceramic tiles market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of ceramic tiles market for global, Europe, North America, Asia-Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
Reasons for Buying this Ceramic Tiles Report
1. Ceramic Tiles market report aids in understanding the crucial product segments and their perspective.
2. Initial graphics and exemplified that a SWOT evaluation of large sections supplied from the Ceramic Tiles industry.
3. Even the Ceramic Tiles economy provides pin line evaluation of changing competition dynamics and retains you facing opponents.
4. This report provides a more rapid standpoint on various driving facets or controlling Ceramic Tiles promote advantage.
5. This worldwide Ceramic Tiles report provides a pinpoint test for shifting dynamics that are competitive.
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers:
North America (USA, Canada and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, etc.)
Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Buy the Latest Detailed Report @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/checkout/buy/enterprise/global-ceramic-tiles-market
Critical questions addressed by the report
* What will be the market size until the end of the forecast period?
* How will the global Ceramic Tiles Market develop in the mid to long term?
* Which policies and regulations will highly impact the global market?
* How will the competitive landscape change in the near future?
* What are the current and future opportunities in the global Ceramic Tiles market?
* Which segment is expected to take the lion’s share?
* Which region will lead the global Ceramic Tiles Market in terms of growth?
About Us:
Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market
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Tel: +1-888-387-2818
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noromannet-blog · 4 years
What to see and do in Annecy, France
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Annecy, France, the city of the best-known lake in the Alps, is the beautiful and charming capital city of the department of Haute-Savoie, in the French region of Auvergne-Rhodano-Alpes, is located northwest of France, very close to the Swiss border, just 42 km south of Geneva. The biggest natural attraction for locals and visitors is the beautiful Lake of Annecy, a magnet for tourism that brings great value to the city and its population that lives very close to its waters, where they swim, dive, sail, fish, practice water sports, they recreate on their beaches or simply enjoy walking or cycling along their shore. Annecy is also known as the Venice of Savoy, due to the water channels that cross the fascinating historic center, to pour its waters into the lake. Different sections of bucolic canals crossed by charming little bridges, banks full of flowers that adorn the terraces of numerous restaurants and the facades of the colorful typical houses of Swiss architectural style because Annecy-le-Vieux belonged to the Swiss canton before being annexed to France.
What to see and do in Annecy, France
Offering postcard images in any corner, the old area of ​​Annecy (Annecy-le-Vieux) captivates and surprises visitors who do not know what to photograph first. Strolling through the pedestrian streets of the old area is a pleasure for the senses, its history of undeniable beauty will envelop us everywhere.  Annecy Lake
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What to see and do in Annecy, France The wonderful lake of Annecy, of glacial origin, with an area of ​​27.4 km2 is the second largest lake in France and is considered one of the cleanest in the world. Great leisure, recreation and rest center for the inhabitants of the region and great attraction for the many visitors who come on weekends. The road around the lake is full of landscapes and places that are worth a visit, such as the Duingt Castle and the Marais du Bot Nature Reserve.  Annecy le Vieux
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What to see and do in Annecy, France  It is the oldest area of ​​the city and our favorite area to visit in Annecy, whose medieval legacy offers us architectural jewels quite well preserved due to the great use of the stone for its construction; walls, narrow streets, houses with intertwined roofs, bridges and buildings such as the Island Palace, built on an island in the middle of the canal; Today the headquarters of the Annecy Museum of History and the second most photographed monument in France! Island Palace
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What to see and do in Annecy, France Declared National Historic Monument in 1900, without a doubt, the symbol of the city and one of the main monuments of the Annecy postcards. Located on a tiny island on the Thiou Canal that flows into Lake Annecy. Its triangular rear part resembles the bow of a ship stranded in the canal. It was built in the 12th century, as the official residence of the Lord of Annecy, later it was the Palace of Justice, Casa de la Moneda and finally, it was used as a prison until 1865. Today its old walls house the Museum of History of the city and are the main monument to see in Annecy. Annecy Castle
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What to see and do in Annecy, France Among the monuments to see in Annecy, is the Castle. It is a monumental fortress of the twelfth century, built by the counts of Geneva on Mount Semnoz inhabited until the seventeenth century when it was abandoned after a time of decline. In 1953 the city finally decided to buy the Castle for its recovery and conditioning for its current role as a Museum. The Museum houses the headquarters of the Alpine Lakes Regional Observatory and the Archeology Museum where we find exhibitions about the first inhabitants of the lake, some aquariums with the species of fish from the Alpine lakes and a model of Lake Annecy itself. Also interesting are the models of boats and an exhibition of fishing utensils. In another section of the castle is the Museum of Alpine Popular Art, with a large collection of regional sculptures and paintings. It also exposes a collection of antique furniture and other types of historical objects. Bridge of Loves
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What to see and do in Annecy, France The Bridge of Loves, located on the Vasse canal, one of the channels that pour its waters into Lake Annecy. Popular belief argues that the bridge owes its name to the custom in the past of going to this place to meet prostitutes. Nowadays, however, it enjoys great romantic symbology and the lovers who, according to legend, will stay together for a long time walk along this bridge if they kiss in their central section. Europe Gardens Crossing the Bridge of Loves we arrive at the park of the Gardens of Europe. They were created by a wealthy family outside the city walls, in a swampy area next to Lake Annecy. Today it is a large urban park, with numerous trees and shrubs and breathtaking views of the great Blue Lake where you can breathe peace and silence. An idyllic place to go picnics, go for a walk or spend time in meditation and rest. In this beautiful urban park, we can observe and admire the curious Gingko Biloba tree and specimens of giant Redwoods.
How to get to Annecy, France
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What to see and do in Annecy, France Annecy is at the foot of the French Alps and the two closest and most important cities are Lyon in France and Geneva in Switzerland, so if you live far away and are not on the road, you have to take a flight to one of those cities. By Car: The best way to get to Annecy is by car. That way we are free to move around the surroundings of Annecy, which are wonderful, and we do not depend on public transport, which between cities works very well, but to reach some specific places, it is not the most suitable. By Train: There are several daily trains connecting the Lyon Part Dieu station with Annecy and it takes about two hours. Although it is possible to go back and forth in the day, we recommend doing at least one night to get to know the city well. By Bus: Some direct buses to Annecy leave from Geneva and take between 45 minutes and an hour and a half. The main bus station is Gare routière de Geneve although some also depart from the Geneve Eaux-Vives train station.  From Lyon, the Ouibus company offers us two options; Direct lines from Lyon-Saint Exupéry airport, ideal if you arrive by plane. The other is from the Gare de Lyon-Perrache bus stop. In this case, the journeys last between an hour and a half and two hours. Images via Gettyimages Read the full article
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alohaexpeditions · 5 years
Top 100 Unique Hotels you should visit before you die
Read also: 1000+ enchanting destinations you need to visit before you die! Top 100 Unique Hotels you should visit before you die 1) Whitepod Hotel, Switzerland An eco-luxury alpine escape for adventure seekers. Website 2) Attrap Reves, France This extraordinary bubble hotel lets you sleep comfortably but still feel like a part of nature and the night sky. Website 3) The Caves Resort, Jamaica A luxurious oceanfront resort built into the cliffs. Website 4) Hotel de Glace, Canada A magical hotel intricately sculpted from ice. Website 5) Magic Mountain Lodge, Chile A strange place for eco tourists to feel close to nature. Website 6) Singita Sweni, South Africa One of the many luxurious game reserves in southern Africa. Website  7) Sala Silvermine, Sweden An underground hotel with a few unique guest rooms. Website 8) Poseidon Undersea Resort, Fiji An underwater resort. Although it is up and running, I can’t seem to find a single photograph- so you get concept art instead. If I’m buying into a hoax, let me know. Website 9) Iglu Dorf, Switzerland Spend the night in a cozy igloo in a winter wonderland. Website 10) The Atomium, Brussels This strange structure provides an escape from everyday life and is an experiment in communal living. Website 11) Ngorongoro Crater Lodge, Tanzania Another gorgeous safari lodge in Africa that puts you close to nature. Website 12) The Oberoi, India Staying in this gorgeous hotel will make you feel like royalty. Website 13) Jade Mountain, St. Lucia A stunning luxury resort in a tropical paradise, with private infinity pools. Website 14) Ice Hotel, Sweden Staying in the largest ice hotel in the world is like living inside a diamond. Website 15) Kakslauttanen Igloo Village, Finland A magnificent  winter wonderland with bold colors and luxurious accommodations. Website 16) Juvet Landscape Hotel, Norway Located in the heart of a fairytale forest, each room has at least one wall of glass and overlooks the dramatic scenery. Website 17) Nhow Berlin, Germany A vibrant and colorful hotel dedicated to celebrating music. Website 18) Amangiri Resort, Utah, USA A luxurious hotel designed to blend into the desert landscape. Website 19) Viceroy Hotel, Bali A stunning hotel in paradise with an amazing view. Website 20) Sorrisniva Iglo Hotel, Norway Another magical ice dwelling for the adventure seekers. Website 21) Ubud Hanging Gardens Hotel, Bali Where each room comes with a private infinity pool hanging over an island jungle paradise. Website 22) The Mirrorcube Tree House Hotel, Sweden Stunning rooms of glass hang nearly invisibly among the trees of a winter landscape. Website 23) Hotel Villa Honegg, Switzerland Comes with an amazing view of the Swiss Alps from a steamy infinity pool. Website 24) Fairy Chimney Hotel, Turkey Hotel built into an alien landscape. Website 25) Atholl Palace Hotel, Scotland A majestic castle hotel overlooking the highlands. Website 26) Barin Ski Resort, Iran A futuristic resort with modern comforts. Website unknown 27) Air Hotel, Belgium Whimsical hotel rooms built off the ground are an exciting place to spend the night. Website unkown 28) Koija Star Beds, Kenya Part of a larger resort, these star beds are a truly unique way to spend a night under the stars. Website 29) Jade Screen Hotel, China A hotel built into the mind bogglingly beautiful cliffs of China. Website unkown 30) Orient Express Safari Camp, Botswana Yet another gorgeous and luxurious game camp in southern Africa. Webstite 31) Propeller Island City Lodge, Germany Many themed rooms provide a unique atmosphere without being too kitschy like other theme hotels; this is the amazing mirror room. Website 32) Free Spirit Spheres, Canada Spherical tree houses constructed like boats hang among the foliage. Website 33) Quinta Real Zacatecas, Mexico Built around an old bullring and updated to be grand and elegant. Website 34) Hotel Endemico, Mexico The setting and comfort of these little rooms packs a surprising punch for the size. Website 35) Tree House Point, Washington, USA Little cabins in the canopy provide an upgraded wilderness experience. Website 36) Aurora Express, Alaska, USA The train converted to a hotel retains some old school elegance without being too corny. Website 37) Kolarbyn, Sweden Traditional forest huts in the woods, like little fairy houses. Website 38) Eco Camp Patagonia, Chile These cozy and comfortable domes are an eco-friendly place to stay in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Website 39) Hotel Jested, Czech Republic A strange and tough structure built atop the mountains. Website unknown 40) Hotel Puerta America, Spain Stay in one of the many exotic and futuristic rooms at this unique hotel. Website unkown 41) One by the Five Hotel Paris, France One room superbly decorated for a romantic couple’s experience. Website 42) Crazy Bear Hotel, United Kingdom There is a fine line between extravagant and kitsch, but this hotel is go big or go home. And it looks awesome. Website 43) Katikies Hotel, Santorini, Greece Stunning white walls built into the cliffs overlooking the sea provide an luxurious and exotic escape. Website 44) Seven Hotel, Paris, France This gorgeous hotel is sleek, modern, and mysterious. Website 45) Jumbo Stay, Sweden A Boeing 747 turned hotel provides a unique, but rather cramped, hotel experience. Website 46) FantaSuite Hotel, Minnesota, USA A hotel with various strangely themed rooms, seems a little on the lower quality side but still fun. Website unknown 47) Cabanes Als Arbres, Spain Another fun and comfy treehouse hotel with a spectacular view of the forest. Website 48) Locanda Rosa Rosae Inn, Italy This very romantic inn considers all the details and provides a luxurious, back-to-basics hideaway. Website 49) Kasbah Du Toubkal Hotel, Morocco The colorful architectural flair of Morocco comes through in this luxurious hotel set amongst the highest mountain peaks of North Africa. Website 50) Hotel Antumalal, Chile This luxurious hotel plays with rich textures and colors for a comfortable experience in lush private gardens. Website 51) Marrakech Hotel, Morocco One of the most beautiful, colorful, and luxurious hotels in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Website unkown 52) Saguaro Hotel, California, USA This hotel is colorful and vibrant, inside and out, and is an exciting place to stay in an exciting town. Website 53) Wanderlust Hotel, Singapore This hotel has themed rooms, but they are pretty epic and unique, and seem to remain high-quality rather than kitschy. Website 54) Hotel Missoni, Scotland This hotel has a sleek and modern style all its own, with bold and vibrant colors and decor. Website 55) W Retreat & Spa, Puerto Rico This hotel is exquisitely detailed and uniquely designed for an exotic getaway. Website 56) Hotel Areias do Seixo, Portugal A super classy, sleek, and bold hotel for luxury seekers. Website 57) Sofitel So Bangkok, Thailand A stunning and bold hotel with rich modern comforts. Website 58) Citizen M Hotel, England This vibrant and quirky hotel focuses on what is new and stylish. Website 59) Buqshan Hotel, Yemen A colorful hotel in an arid landscape. Website unknown 60) Taj Lake Palace, India A majestic hotel in the middle of a lake, with an air of royalty. Website 61) Adrere Amellal Ecolodge, Egypt A simple but fun setting built into the natural environment. Website 62) Klapsons Hotel, Singapore A futuristic, bright, and sensory hotel designed to provide guests with a unique experience. Website 63) Grotta Palazzese Hotel, Italy A spectacular hotel carved into a cave on the Mediterranean Sea. Website 64) Monte Bianco, Italy A hotel precariously perched on the mountainside. Website unknown 65) Hotel Costa Verde 727 Fuselage, Costa Rica This old plane-turned-hotel is perched in the trees as if it crash landed there, and actually provides a surprisingly nice experience for guests. Website 66) Yellow Submarine Hotel, England A neat little hotel on water with a trippy interior. Website unknown 67) Hotel Parador de Ronda, Spain A former town hall on the edge of a gorge provides an epic view. Website 68) Yankee Ferry, New Jersey, USA An old ferry converted into a wacky hotel. Website unknown 69) Giraffe Manor, Kenya Where the giraffes stick their necks through the windows and eat dinner with you. Website 70) New Hotel, Greece The design is modern and vibrant, but strange and quirky. Website 71) Burj Al Arab, Dubai The iconic and futuristic hotel has quickly become a Dubai landmark. Website 72) Cocoa Island Hotel, Maldives The famous boat hotel in paradise. Website 73) Hotel Marques de Riscal, Spain Whimsical, curvy architecture and bright colors make this hotel an iconic part of the landscape. Website 74) Boscolo Exedra, Italy A modern luxury hotel that transports you to another world. Website 75) El Cosmico Hotel, Texas Renovated RV’s , teepees and yurts provide an artistic place to spend the night. Website 76) Llandudno Lighthouse Bed and Breakfast, Wales A picturesque setting and old-world elegance in a lighthouse. Website 77) La Claustra, Switzerland An underground hotel with a cool, mysterious atmosphere. Website unknown 78) Chalet White Pearl, France A rich and luxurious chalet with all the expensive amenities. Website 79) Museumotel, France The fact that it is a motel should give you an idea about the quality, but the shape is unique and it looks cool from the outside. Website 80) Hang Nga Guesthouse, Vietnam The exterior is what earns this place a spot on the list, but from the few pictures I’ve seen, the interior seems hideous. Website 81) Palacio de Sal, Bolivia Located in the strange salt flats, this hotel is entirely made of salt. What it lacks in style it makes up for in creative use of resources. Website 82) Jules Undersea Lodge, Florida, USA Terribly ugly and cramped, this place makes the list for a great concept- it is the first underwater hotel. You have to scuba dive to get in. Website 83) Marataba, South Africa An ultra-luxurious game resort in the middle of the African wilderness. Website 84) 25 Hours Hotel, Germany A playful and unique hotel with whimsical decorations. Website 85) Una Vittoria, Italy This hotel mixes old Italian art and tradition with modern style for a completely unique experience. Website 86) Hotel Everland, France A one-room hotel in Paris with vibrant colors, sleek curves, and an amazing view of the Eiffel Tower. Website 87) Earthship Biotecture, New Mexico, USA Spend some time in this sustainable structure and feel closer to nature and the plants that grow inside. Website 88) La Balade des Gnomes, Belgium Jump right into a fairytale at this strange and intricate bed and breakfast. Website 89) Utter Inn, Sweden This hotel, while cramped and unpleasant, makes the list because it is half underwater, and underwater is where you sleep. Website 90) Huvafen Fushi Resort, Maldives This hotel makes the list mainly for its stunning tropical location and attention to details- who doesn’t want sparkle lights in their swimming pool? Website 91) Hotel Sidi Driss, Tunisia While not a very pretty hotel, it makes the list simply because part of Star Wars was filmed here. Nice. Website unknown 92) Hotel Le Moulin du Roc, France Lounge in this charming hideaway among lush foliage. Website 93) Grand Daddy Hotel, South Africa This rooftop trailer park was made sheik and stylish with modern designs. Website 94) Golden Nugget, Las Vegas, USA Cool features like an indoor water slide through a shark tank land this hotel on the list. Website 95) Hotel Au Vieux Panier, France A very interesting and artistic hotel, where each room has its own cool design. Website 96) Marina Bay Sands, Singapore A hotel with an awesome infinity pool looking over the skyline. Website 97) Marriot, Shanghai Sleek, dark, and futuristic. Website 98) La Rosa Campsite Extraordinaire, United Kingdom Not exactly luxurious, but definitely interesting- spend the night in a gypsy wagon or circus tent. Website 99) Barcelo Raval Hotel, Spain This bold designer hotel is go big or go home. Website 100) Arte Luise Kunsthotel, Germany A super unique and artistic hotel with many differently styled rooms. This one doesn’t even seem real. Website
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djseaward · 5 years
the best souvenirs to bring home
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among the online travel community, souvenirs are sort of a divisive issue. there are those who would never even touch a souvenir and feel like they are a waste of money and not an accurate representation of a place, and then there are the people who can't stay away from those touristy shops with knick-knacks and bags that say the city's name all over it (made in china).
while i don’t like knick-knacks (clutter!!!), i do love a little bit of shopping on a trip and almost always regret not picking up something. over the years, i have developed and refined my stance of souvenirs -- often there’s not a whole load of room in my bag and normally, i’m on a smaller budget when i travel. but! that does not stop me from bringing home really meaningful souvenirs that i can use in my everyday life back home. that's the key thing you want to aim for -- useful. not anything to sit on a shelf.
so here's my tested guide of the best things to take home from any place -- for yourself or even as a gift. above all, when you don't know what to buy, always lean towards the edible.
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1. woolen goods, especially socks!
in many places, especially in northern europe, this is really a get! socks are an affordable way to get yourself a little something (#selfcare), keep yourself warm in the colder months, support the local economy, and enjoy a traditional product. (the more wool in my winter wardrobe, the better)
above, some spoils from a past iceland trip!
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2. tea or coffee.
when i say i am a tea person, i'm not even fooling around. i take home boxes when i go abroad at all, no matter where that is. i love picking up local icelandic herb tea or pukka herbs tea when i go almost anywhere, or whatever the local favorite tea purveyor is. conversely, my friend ginny is a complete coffee nerd, taking home sometimes 6 bags from a trip!
hot tip for taking tea home: break down the box the tea comes in so it packs flat and put all the tea bags in a ziploc bag - you can re-form the box when you get home (if you want it). another space saver is purchasing only loose-leaf tea which ends up lasting much longer than bagged tea.
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3. sweets, snacks, jarred food products or liquor
once again, you cannot go wrong with the edible! when you visit a place and try loads of snacks and sweets, why not take home your favorites? last time in iceland i did not buy enough tritlar when i left and i had regretted that ever since. this time i tried a new sweet (lindar buff, it’s no tritlar, though).
 i’ve also taken home local honey from switzerland, lebkuchen around the holidays from germany or austria, and rhubarb jam from iceland. even if i can get jam and honey here, it sort of gives me warm fuzzies thinking about where it came from and keeping a connection with that place.
please note that one is not permitted to take meat products out of the european union, even in your checked baggage. (eat your black forest ham while you can!) wine or liquor is a great souvenir (also makes a great gift), but pay attention as there are maximum amounts permitted. i wouldn’t recommend flying with beer in your checked bag, but i’ve seen the desperate do it -- more often, people purchase beer at the duty-free at the airport and get to bring it with them in the cabin.
4. prints or art
when you can't get enough of your favorite place, put it somehow on your wall! we still have a print that i've been waiting for frame for want of a good framing shop in budejovice (local friends: advice accepted regarding a frame shop!).
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5. a cloth shopping bag
this, i tell ya, is the cheapest yet most useful and meaningful souvenir for the money you can take home. i doubt it costs more than a dollar, but every time you go to the grocery store in your normal daily routine at home, you'll remember all those stops are your favorite supermarket that you made! it's always a fun conversation piece.
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6. clothes
i'm not just talking about raiding the high street primark (which, cool, if you want to, i won't judge) but picking a unique piece from a place to take with you. perhaps, a locally-designed rain jacket, a silk nepalese skirt, a dress from your favorite clothing store that you could otherwise never afford the shipping for but lust after for months? (just me?) this is the time. perhaps the most expensive of all my souvenir options, but if you save and budget for it, it will become an unforgettable souvenir you may have for even decades.
7. a book or an album
so many books and albums, too little money! but if you see something that strikes your fancy while you're away, don't wait -- you'll regret that more! i don't actually buy too many books even though i love them, but recently i picked up an english/german duo reader book as i know they're harder to find here in the czech republic and i regret it exactly zero percent. while in iceland, i wished i had picked up JFDR’s new album which... get this... was sold in an om-nom matcha flavored chocolate bar. now that is a next-level willy wonka situation. nobody regretted picking up a book or an album!
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8. spices or salts
i always tell alex we'll go back to budapest when our sachet of amazing smoked paprika runs out. (it looks like that could be within the year, so you know what that means!) i love picking up some local spices or salts (whatever the specialty is) to use in my cooking back home, and it also makes an amazing gift. recently i've picked up some herby salt from iceland (above) which has bits of crow and juniper berries in it. be still my herby heart!
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9. yarn
this one is for my knitters out there -- what could be better, especially if you're visiting a country famous somehow for its wool and wool products, than picking up some for your next project? i am such an amateur that i have no idea how many skeins i would need for a certain project, so i personally prefer to have my source near me so i can easily obtain more, but if you already know, there you have it! icelandic wool is famous for its waterproof qualities, making it one of the most prized wools in the world.
(above - my current WIP/yarn stash - unfortunately, i am possibly the slowest knitter ever and need to get a move on!)
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10. holiday decorations or ornaments
i adore my precious ornaments i've brought from past wintery trips and cherish them so much every time i un-box them to put them on the tree! also fun is hanging decorations. kind of funny, isn’t it, because if you saw these ornaments every month of the year, you’d get tired of looking at them, but putting them away for eleven months and taking it out is like remembering your trip all over again!
and one bonus souvenir, because i can’t help myself....
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11. shower or bath goods
i tried the sóley organics line from iceland on my second trip and adored the fresh herbal scent and, honestly, the fact that these products are made with plants and herbs from the icelandic countryside as well as the pristine glacial water. whenever i use these products now, it takes me back to those smells and images (like in the banner image at the top) of the sweeping landscapes, deep gorges, hours spent laying in icelandic moss as a light rain started to fall, or traipsing through the long grasses on the way to glacier or waterfall hunt. anything that i use almost daily that brings back those memories and feelings is absolutely worth it!
the main takeaway here is that all of these are everyday things you will eat, look at, use, or see everyday. i think those, far and away, make the best souvenirs, regardless of price tag.
what do you tend to buy the most when you go on a trip or holiday? anything i’m missing?
ps, you might like how i travel often on a teacher’s budget or unique czech gift ideas.
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johnwarner10 · 4 years
3D Printing Construction Market to Witness Huge Growth in The Future
3D Printing Construction Market research report gives methodical idea about the current scenario of the global market, recent developments, product launches, joint ventures, capacity, production value, mergers and acquisitions based on several market dynamics. The report assists in determining and optimizing each stage in the lifecycle of industrial process that includes engagement, acquisition, retention, and monetization. Moreover, the report offers advanced information and scenario about the 3D Printing Construction industry which helps to stand apart in the competition in this fast paced business environment. Additionally, businesses can make out the response of the consumers to an already existing product in the market.
3D Printing Construction Industry Report contains key drivers and Restraints of the market with their information and market competition situation among the vendors and company profile. Density Composition, specification, classification, category are also mentioned. Comprehensively evaluates absolute scrutiny of the competitive landscape, covering value chain and key players.
3D printing construction market will reach an estimated valuation of USD 102,764.62 million by 2027, while registering this growth with the rate of 251.60% for the forecast period of 2020 to 2027.
Find out more about the 3D Printing Construction industry by requesting a sample of this Report: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/request-a-sample/?dbmr=global-3d-printing-construction-market
    3D Printing Construction market report unearths the general market conditions, trends, preferences, key players, opportunities, geographical analysis and many other parameters that help drive business into the right direction. 3D Printing Construction market research report explains everything in detail that serves the business purpose and gives a competitive advantage. These parameters range from industry outlook, currency and pricing, value chain analysis, market overview, premium insights, key insights to the company profile of the key market players. Thus, the task of producing and managing marketing of goods and services is simplified and made effective with this market research report.
Global 3D Printing Construction Market Segmentation:
Global 3D Printing Construction Market By Printing Material (Concrete, Plastics, Metal, Ceramics, Others)
Printing Technology (Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM), Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM), Big Area Additive Manufacturing (BAAM), Stereolithography (SLA), Selective Laser Sintering (SLS), Selective Laser Melting (SLM), Others)
End-Use Industry (Commercial, Residential, Industrial, Space (Extra-terrestrial))
Type of Construction (Buildings, Bridges, Walls, Domes, Beams, Girders, Viaducts, Sound Barriers, Abutments, Balconies, Elements for Tunnels, Others)
Application (Concept Models, Visual Arts, Tooling, Functional Models, Others)
Regions & Top Countries Data Covered in this Report are: Asia-Pacific (China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia), Europe (Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland), North America (United States, Canada, Mexico), Middle East & Africa (GCC, North Africa, South Africa) , South America (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru).
Inquire for further detailed information of 3D Printing Construction Market Report at: https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/inquire-before-buying/?dbmr=global-3d-printing-construction-market
 Competitive Landscape:
3D printing construction market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, global presence, production sites and facilities, production capacities, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to 3D printing construction market.
Top Players- Yingchuang Building Technique (Shanghai)Co.Ltd. (WinSun), XtreeE, Apis Cor., Dini engineering s.r.l., CyBe Construction, Sika AG, Contour Crafting Corporation, Betabram, Imprimere AG, LifeTec Construction Group Inc., 3D Printhuset, Acciona, S.A., among other domestic and global players.
Table Of Contents: Global 3D Printing Construction Market
Part 01: Executive Summary Part 02: Scope Of The Report Part 03: Research Methodology Part 04: Market Landscape Part 05: Pipeline Analysis Part 06: Market Sizing Part 07: Five Forces Analysis Part 08: Market Segmentation Part 09: Customer Landscape Part 10: Regional Landscape Part 11: Decision Framework Part 12: Drivers And Challenges Part 13: Market Trends Part 14: Vendor Landscape Part 15: Vendor Analysis Part 16: Appendix
Table Of Contents Is Available Here @ https://www.databridgemarketresearch.com/toc/?dbmr=global-3d-printing-construction-market
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photographydickherman · 6 months
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fvamissoula · 5 years
Related Group’s Jorge Pérez Talks Real Estate, Lawsuits and Donald Trump
Jorge Pérez. Photo: Andrea Fremiotti/ for Commercial Observer
Jorge Pérez does not mince words.
First, there’s his hotel. He didn’t enjoy his recent stay at the Viceroy in Manhattan.
“This [Viceroy] is like, oh my God,” the 69-year-old chairman and CEO of Miami’s Related Group said. “You know, the carpets going through the hallways are horrendous, the rooms are tiny…The only reason I guess we stay here is because it’s like a block away from the Armani people who we are meeting with.”
He and his son, Jon Paul, a 34-year-old vice president at the company, were visiting from the Sunshine State to meet with Giorgio Armani, who was in from Italy, to talk about their collaboration at Residences by Armani/Casa in Miami.
Jorge Pérez and son Jon Paul Pérez. Photo: Andrea Fremiotti/ for Commercial Observer
Armani/Casa will be a high-end residential condominium with 308 units averaging about 3,500 square feet and prices ranging from $3 million to $18 million. About 80 percent of the building is already spoken for, Jon Paul said. The topping out is slated for this summer.
That’s just one of 70-plus properties—from condominiums and rentals to mixed-use—the company has in the works. Since 1979, the 300-person firm has built, renovated or managed more than 90,000 units.
In a year or two, the senior Pérez, called Miami’s “condo king,” plans to relinquish the CEO title to Jon Paul, but will remain the company’s chairman. (Jon Paul’s brother Nicholas, 30, is also a vice president at the company, since joining a year ago. Their sister Christina, 35, is a social worker.)
Residences by Armani/Casa. Image: Related Group
Outside of work, Jorge Pérez collects art and hobnobs with the upper echelon of society including the Trumps and the Clintons. (“[Donald] Trump was a very good friend,” the Argentine-born developer told Commercial Observer last month. “We talked every two weeks. You know we’ve done several Trump buildings—I think five or six towers—and we were friends. I saw him once a month.”) But Pérez’s friendship with Trump took a hit when he became president. Pérez rejected two invitations from the president to serve in his cabinet and has scoffed at Trump’s demands for a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. (Pérez, who became a U.S. citizen in 1976, is developing three large projects, and recently completed one, in Mexico.)
Here’s what Pérez had to say to CO on a whole host of issues last month.
On new construction in Miami…
Well, let me break that down into the different aspects of real estate. I have a pretty good pulse of the market and what you’ve heard is that there’s been a lot of condominium development in the last five years, in particular the higher-end condominium product. There is starting to be an oversupply. So, while we were selling anywhere between say, four or five units a month on average, after the large presales that launched the project, today those sales have dropped substantially. That is mostly because of the problems in Latin America.
[At] our condominiums on the water and downtown, 70 percent-plus [of sales] were coming from Latin American buyers. The main Latin American economies—Mexico, Argentina and Brazil—have been in a state of flux. So, there is a certain amount of fear in the business sector. Miami suffers from that.
Because of these huge [currency] devaluations in [Latin America], the condominiums that we had in Miami have become much more expensive and that all has led to a decrease in demand while at the same time we’re building a lot of condominiums. Nevertheless, there are certain areas that we have in South Florida that we think are still strong—Fort Lauderdale on the water, Pompano, Boca [Raton].
On who is replacing Latin American homebuyers…
I think you’re getting a lot of people from the Northeast, particularly in high-tax areas with the Trump tax laws. I think people are coming to Miami—in addition to the sun and fun and business and so forth—because of taxation. Barry Sternlicht is the perfect example. He’s moving his company there. [Sternlicht will be moving his firm, Starwood Capital Group, to Miami Beach from Connecticut by 2021.] We’re seeing people coming in from different countries in Europe, but it’s not making up for the drop in Latin America.
On developing rentals…
The condominium demand has been supplanted by rental demand. In areas that we think there’s supply in we [have] changed our resources to the development of market-rate rental projects, which we’re doing a lot of. And we have a huge affordable-housing division.
On the lawsuit against Related at Parque Global in Brazil…
We’ve been in a case in court [since 2014]. It was an environmental lawsuit, which is a frivolous lawsuit. As a matter of fact, in one of the court cases they showed [an image] of us knocking down trees and they didn’t show our site. Our site was junk. Really.
Parque Global. Image: Related Group
So, we go to Brazil. Everybody tells me [for my five towers, its] a nice site, not the greatest site, but a nice site. And we do a marketing campaign, second-to-none in the world [with the tagline] “Rediscover Sao Paulo.” We bring an English designer, United, we bring architect Arquitectonica—one of the great architects here—[and] beautiful landscape [architect] from Switzerland, Enea. I line up the brokers and….we do great. I do my thing and sell over 80 percent of the first three towers. People couldn’t believe it. I mean, we were popping the champagne. The lawsuit happens. You know what you have to do in Brazil when they sue you? Return all deposits to the buyers. And we had used all the money—20 percent deposits—to do piles. We were already digging piles.
[The project has] been stopped. So now even if I win I have so much money on this piece of land that I never win. I might win a little battle and get some money back and make some money, but it’s disastrous.
We’ve won all the old battles so we’re going to Brazil next month. [There will be a] partners’ meeting to determine whether the market has come back. Remember when we sold, [the market] was good. And then Brazil has dropped in the last eight years.
On the differences between himself and Steven Ross, the chairman and founder of Related Companies, who co-founded Related Group with Pérez…
He’s different than I am. He is New York. I’m Latin American. You know when I first came, the way of doing business was very different for me. I had to really adapt myself to a totally different way of dealing with people. New Yorkers are very in your face; they tell you exactly what it is. We’re much more “let’s go to lunch.” Not as bad as the Japanese, never [getting to] say, “no,” but we’re not confrontational. I’ve become much more like Steve is. People will tell me I am very “I don’t have any time to waste.” [In working with our] Mexican partners in Argentina—it drives me insane; everybody’s like, “mañana, mañana.”
On Trump today versus Trump pre-presidency…
It doesn’t compute. I mean he was a guy that was just not political at all. So as a matter of fact, we had talked about going to Cuba to build golf courses and, all of a sudden, he’s anti-Cuba? Trump was an internationalist. He went all over the place trying to build condominiums. I don’t know if this was all the time his politics or not. We never discussed politics. We just knew him as a very, very generous good friend. I mean he was always courteous, great with my wife. We like spending time with him. But I’m just diametrically opposed to everything that he stands for.
On a future friendship with Trump…
I mean he was a very kind nice guy. We got along really, really well. And I hope that after all this stuff we can talk again…but not about politics. That doesn’t mean that you can’t be friends. I mean, it’s not like these guys are criminals. They believe in certain things that I just think are wrong.
On Trump’s kids…
His kids are all really well-behaved, good [people]. You know they’re very honest, very hard workers. Somebody did a good job with them!
On the number of homes he personally owns…
You know how many units I’ve got? Lots. We built a hundred thousand units. I own units in seven of my buildings. I’m proceeding to sell all those because I thought at one point that my children were going to use some and they’ve all been buying their own houses. I’m moving into this new unit that Rem Koolhaas is designing—a penthouse in another one of our buildings, called Park Grove, which is a very luxurious building in Coconut Grove.
On remaining on the Forbes list of the 400 richest people in America (Pérez was ranked 316 on the 2018 list with a net worth of $2.6 billion)…
I haven’t gone broke yet.
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The post Related Group’s Jorge Pérez Talks Real Estate, Lawsuits and Donald Trump appeared first on FVAMISSOULA.
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hollywoodjuliorivas · 6 years
PEEKSKILL, N.Y. — Sitting in front of a canvas, Linda Riveros paused to consider her next brush stroke. She stretched her leg toward a cup of paintbrushes and gripped one with the two largest toes on her right foot. She dipped the brush in paint, lifted her foot to eye level and continued to fill in the palm tree on the canvas. Ms. Riveros, who was born without arms, was creating art here this month for her first solo exhibition, “Painting With My Feet.” “Happiness, faith, hope, harmony,” Ms. Riveros, 32, said of her pieces, which depict tropical birds, women’s legs and beach landscapes, among other subjects. “I’m trying to communicate them with the forms and the colors.” Ms. Riveros, who has a bubbly personality, says the cheerful subject matter “expresses who I am,” though it belies the many years of her life that were filled with loneliness and rejection. Continue reading the main story ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story Ms. Riveros said she had no friends during her childhood in Bogotá, Colombia. She was born with tetra-Amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of limbs. At age 16, when the ridicule from fellow classmates became too much to bear, she dropped out of school. Because of her disability, she said, she felt ostracized even at her family’s church. “I didn’t understand why everyone was treating me the way they did,” she said in Spanish. “In Colombia, I felt like a refugee lost in darkness, a person who only existed in her disability.” Photo Linda Riveros, who was born without arms, painting at the Robeson Gallery in Peekskill, N.Y., this month. Credit Tony Cenicola/The New York Times Her only outlet was her art, she said, thanks to help from her older sister. “I was like her little doll,” Ms. Riveros said of her sister. “She taught me how to grab a bottle with my feet, how to paint, and how to use my feet to fend for myself.” In the early 1990s, her parents learned of a scholarship from the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World, an organization in Switzerland that supports disabled artists. At 7, Ms. Riveros applied for the scholarship by submitting two brightly colored paintings of clowns. She was accepted and offered a tutor and a monthly stipend of $400 for supplies. The next year, her work was shown at one of the association’s exhibitions, in Mexico City. “When I began, I didn’t even know what art was,” she said. “But, thanks to the association, they helped me to discover that I am passionate about art.” Over the years, Ms. Riveros grew more independent. She learned how to use her feet to bathe and dress herself, to wash her clothes, to open doors, and to embroider and sew clothing. When she was 12, she was offered the opportunity to receive prosthetic arms free of charge, but refused. Photo One of Ms. Riveros’s paintings. She says her art reflects “happiness, faith, hope, harmony.” Credit Tony Cenicola/The New York Times “I didn’t want them because I didn’t want to go against the word of God,” she said. “If he wanted me like this, it’s for a reason, so why should I try to change it?” ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story But even as she matured, she relied on her family, especially her sister, Andrea Rivero, and her brother, Jorge Samir Riveros, for many of her daily needs. “In Colombia, I didn’t have a normal life,” she said. “I couldn’t go out and take a taxi or take public transportation. It was impossible because they don’t help you on public transport there. The only way I could survive was with the help of my family.” One morning in 2008, her brother was fatally shot at a gas station; her family believes the killer was a gang member. Continue reading the main story Photo Ms. Riveros at her first solo exhibition. Credit Tony Cenicola/The New York Times The shooting and the adversity Ms. Riveros faced in Colombia were factors in her decision to seek a better life in the United States. In 2010, she traveled to Miami, and then moved to New York, where she has lived off her stipend from the artists’ association, which was increased to $1,800. Two years later, her sister back home disappeared. “We still don’t know what happened to her, or if she was kidnapped — nothing,” Ms. Riveros said. After her sister vanished, she added, “I became totally shut in, swallowed in darkness and alone.” Ms. Riveros filed an application for asylum in the United States in 2012. This past summer, it was approved. She was then referred to Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New York, one of the eight organizations supported by The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund. Her case worker, Mariana Duenas, encouraged her to hold an exhibition of her artwork. In September, the organization used $366 from the fund for painting supplies and canvases and helped arrange the exhibition, which opened this month and runs through Feb. 5 at the Robeson Gallery in Peekskill, about 50 miles north of Manhattan. Photo Another of Ms. Riveros’s paintings. When she was a child, her older sister taught her how to paint with her feet. Credit Tony Cenicola/The New York Times “Everyone was very touched by the colors and the figures, and no one could believe that I made them with my feet,” Ms. Riveros said after the show opened. “I feel very proud of myself.” ADVERTISEMENT Continue reading the main story Her mother, Luz Miriam Ospina, traveled to New York before the exhibition, and as the day approached, Ms. Riveros worked seven days a week creating artwork. At her apartment in Sleepy Hollow, she cooked and cleaned for her mother, exhibiting an independence that Ms. Ospina said she had never seen before. “This was not the same Linda who left my house,” Ms. Ospina said. “She was a different Linda. She was independent, strong, a fighter.” Ms. Ospina said that her daughter’s relocation to the United States so soon after her son’s death “was the worst thing that could happen to me.” Photo Ms. Riveros with her mother, Luz Miriam Ospina, who traveled to New York from Colombia for the show. Credit Tony Cenicola/The New York Times “But I prayed to God,” she added, “and I asked that my daughter would be happy and that she would be somebody in life. And look at her now.” Ms. Riveros said of her life in America: “Now I feel like a free bird, who can search for what she wants in her life, in her art, and who can express who she really is. I don’t feel disabled here.” She still faces some challenges. A life spent contorting her body to use her feet has damaged her knees and spine, and she experiences back pain when she walks. She would like to buy a car, but she cannot afford the necessary modification. But she does not see those challenges as insurmountable. As she stood in the gallery, she looked around at the walls filled with her work. “The beautiful thing about this exhibition is that it shows that there are no limitations,” Ms. Riveros said. “Everything is possible. Limitations only exist in your head.”
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A Transient Information To Driving A Minibus In Europe
Spending time in Europe is usually a nice pleasure in case you get organised prematurely. I will surely counsel making an attempt to remain a minimal of three days in any massive European cities. If you don't have the time to travel from one city to another, exploring instant Paris sights is likely to be enough in your first visit in France. A tour to town of Paris entails discovering new places, meeting new individuals and tasting the various cuisines in the wonderful meals festivals. Like most of Europe, several castles are littered throughout Germany. Its most well-known city Monte Carlo, has a lot to supply with its casinos, boutiques and unique gardens. It may not get a lot press, however savvy travellers have been saving tons of money by exchanging their home for one at their destination for decades. Beaune is in the coronary heart of the vineyards so it is a excellent spot for wine-tasting and excursions to the vineyards. You may not have coffee in a French home, however in case you travel to France you'll surely have the chance to order coffee in a café. The favored streets the place most eating places and cafes are, can get crowded, but they can be a lot of fun for those who get pleasure from individuals watching; and since a lot of the streets are closed to site visitors, it's not exhausting to only walk round and enjoy the upbeat environment. Although in case you've seen one earlier than at another Disney park, it's a good time to go on the busier rides as the queues are normally shorter. When you are there, be sure to visit the crypt and see the unique churches that have been constructed on this website. Dijon is known for its well-known mustard and delightful tile roofs. Amongst them are the Mushroom Museum, which promises to teach you about all issues mushroom-related, exhibiting you each how and the place they grow. Central European favourites would lead to Vienna, Budapest, Prague and Krakow. The trendy enterprise skyscrapers are also part of the modern Paris life, but the enterprise quarter is positioned a little bit bit aside, at the border of the town and is called «Defence». This can be irritating for vacationers who just want to be themselves throughout their journey. St. Mark's Basilica and the Doge's Palace are normally crowded by mid day. Not to be ignored is the popular Montmartre area of Paris. These locations are often flocked with guests though. You will discover loads of restaurants, cafes, bars and hotels in this charming city. Every year the Humorous Christmas Competition (Drôles de Noëls) seizes this Southern French town and fills its avenue with a festive environment. Additionally keep in mind that if your dog is nervous or sensitive, touring may make him require more frequent potty breaks. Happily, this is not only a pipe dream however a reality that is available for the discerning traveller. Throughout the borders of Paris proper, there are six train stations or Gares as they're known, that are unfold around the city, however which are all fairly near the centre. Nice is so nicely positioned you can take half-day and full-day. High pace connections now exist with neighbouring nations and you'll even take the Eurostar from St. Pancras Station in London, travel beneath the English Channel and arrive in the core of Paris in only a few hours! Whether or not you are visiting Paris on a enterprise trip or a enjoyable household vacation, there is one factor certain the City of Lights will captivate you. Churches and cathedrals are additionally famous in France. Also, service personnel in lodges or inns are apt to talk English to offer better service to tourists and vacationers world wide. One of many fundamental causes folks proceed to go to the awe inspiring catacombs is because of the graffiti that has coated the partitions of the tunnels for the reason that 18th century, chronicling the extraordinary history of the suburban ossuary. The character parks found on this space are The Camargue has over 400 species of birds with the pink flamingos being the most well-liked. The practice experience from Paris to Bordeaux is simply over 3 hours lengthy. Personally, I think a few of the highlights of any journey via Europe would have to embody London and Paris, for his or her architecture and historic significance. Each of those countries has some world famous vacationer location where a traveler can be taught historical past, pure magnificence and plenty extra. The Loire Valley, with its imposing castles and châteaux dotting the landscape is one other nice possibility in your French barge cruise, assured to take your breath away - even with out you stepping ashore. Ranging from Paris, subsequent to the worldwide well-known Eiffel Tower that so many vacationers come to see from in every single place, you can walk up alongside Champs Elysees, thought-about one of the vital romantic avenues on this planet. But the mode of journey throughout France is just one space of tipping that travelers ought to be aware of; there are different areas the ready traveler could be eager about. Once you travel to France or plan a vacation in France, you'll have to dine, keep in a hotel, occasionally travel by taxi, and take excursions. Some must see cities embrace Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville or Costa Blanca. For many who choose Rome as the primary vacation spot, they are going to get the opportunity to go to THE Coliseum. France has an incredible practice system that you should be aware of should you decide to journey there. Dotted with plenty of attractions, the assorted cities and towns of France supply visitors a memorable keep. Add this place to your journey list to make the best of your Paris trip. It's acquired all the pieces from the beautiful streets of Paris to lush, inexperienced wine country to glamorous seashores to the snow-capped Alps to Disneyland and far, rather more. The Cathedral right here is without doubt one of the trio of Gothic churches constructed within the 14th century. Some websites start the low cost at age 65, however if you're over 60 at all times bear in mind to ask just in case, and do deliver your passport or other ID in case they ask you to show your age! Canary Islands: SA passport holders will want a Schengen visa for entry. The areas of Languedoc are particularly stunning and you can too pattern a few of the country's tastiest wines. So if you're planning to visit a visit to Paris here's a transient and simple journey guide for you which includes the place to remain, where to eat and drink, what to do and where to buy in Paris. Automobile rental in France is as aggressive as wherever on the continent and, like the whole lot it pays to buy round earlier than you commit your self. When making use of for any visa, it's essential to phone the embassy or consulate concerned. When two trains meet one another getting in the opposite direction, the trains are rocked apart by the air stress between them. Quite a lot of France's many museums and monuments will supply a reduction for senior travellers, in some circumstances of as much as forty%. The ASOR waybill is for use when travelling outdoors the European Union and requires a set of translations to accompany it. has a bit with useful minibus advice on where to obtain waybills. A car permits for spontaneity in a approach that public transport can't; spot something attention-grabbing from the car and you'll merely cease and investigate - attempt doing that on a practice! The Jewish Quarter that nestled within the Marais area and that familiarizes you with the Jewish customs and traditions has at all times been an apple of every visitor's eyes. Additionally, do confirm the gear, if any, that you'll want to take with you together with any particular clothes requirements, similar to mountaineering boots or your individual life jacket, just as we needed to get a life jacket for our daughter as a result of her age, as there were not any out there in very small sizes and the last thing you want is to get to your vacation spot and realise you can't participate in the activities you were so trying ahead to. cheap hotels knoxville tn For adventure vacationers, the French Alps in Rhone, the Fontainebleau Forest, wine valleys in Burgundy, and Monte-Carlo rock tours are necessary for adventure lovers. With this Visa you may journey between international locations like travelling inter-state in USA. You won't see really any skyscrapers within the central components of the city except one lonely black tower close to one of the railway stations and of course the Eiffel Tower. This city began off as a tiny settlement surrounded by a defensive wall. Take a break from the solar and visit the Picasso museum in Antibes, or the Matisse Museum in Good. Folks from Non-EU(European Union), Non-EEA(European Economic Space) international locations who want to visit Europe as tourists, and who require a visa to enter the Schengen space, are simply required to get a standard Schengen Visa from the Embassy/Consulate of the Schengen country they intend to go to first. Take a tour of the quite a few vineyards and see how the wine in this lovely area is produced. Well the plain solutions can be scenic magnificence, wealthy history, gourmet meals and wine, perfume and vogue. It is among one of many famous and largest churches on the earth which is legendary for its artwork and sculptures too. If you are lover of arts, then don't miss to make visit to giant variety of museums and monuments in this city. The Embassy of Switzerland, Pretoria, cellphone 012-452-0660. Norway: Royal Norwegian Embassy, Pretoria, cellphone 012-342-6100. Hotels are convenient in case you are staying over night in a town, however if you want to explore a area, then one of the best factor to do is lease an condominium or a home. This nation isn't just known for its cooking, there are quite a lot of places in your France journey you can get pleasure from sightseeing. Should you plan to take a prepare journey together with your dog in France, there are a few things you'll need to carry to ease the journey: For smaller canines bring a canine service. Along with the cathedrals in Chartres and Reims, this cathedral is one of the first three Gothic cathedrals inbuilt France of the High Gothic model. Thus, it stuffed Germany with monuments to the tales of our grandfathers about occasions gone but never forgotten. Basilique de Notre Dame de Fourvière, Cathédrale St-Jean, Place de la Comédie, Roman Ruins, Museum of Gallo-Roman Civilization are amongst major tourist points of interest in Lyon.'A French island basking in the Italian sun' is the outline of Balzac for Corsica. Enjoy a meal at the well-known Colombe d'Or Restaurant or sip a beer at an outside cafe while watching a neighborhood game of petanque. You must pay a tip of 10-15% of the metered fare to taxi drivers; hairdressers should receive 10%, and assistants 5%. Smaller tips of around 1 Euro are reasonable for cloakroom and washroom attendants, ushers, and museum tour guides. I've by no means been in New York or every other metropolis with conventional enterprise parts stuffed with skyscrapers, however I was really impressed, for the first time in my life I've seen such tall constructing in real and I believe even the Empire State Building will not impress me much after those. We got here in by TGV (Practice à Grande Vitesse, which means really quick train in English!) from Avignon and it made probably the most sense to take the practice to the airport reasonably than a station within the city and then get out to the airport for my 6 am flight the subsequent day. There's loads you can do in Italy right from visiting historical spots, viewing magnificent art works, lovely landscapes, and relaxing on its seashores. Lastly, two extra well-known northern European cities, Berlin and Amsterdam, would create an excellent schedule for any visit. My favourite factor to do, however, is to easily stroll the cobbled streets and benefit from the timbered buildings and tiled roofs. With the rising interest in family tree there's a growing number of youthful folks visiting Normandy to see if they'll discover the grave of the grandfather or even nice grandfather.
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topinforma · 7 years
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5 Travel Destinations That Are Cheaper Due to a Strong U.S. Dollar
The past year or so has brought great news for American travelers, as the U.S. dollar has surged in value against other currencies. That means it’s cheaper for Americans to travel overseas. We took a look at some countries where the exchange rate is notably improved from 2014, when the U.S. dollar was considerably weaker. These five destinations are particularly attractive now.
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Shanghai, China iStock
1. China
If you’ve had your eye on China for a while, now is a good time to book a trip. The dollar is currently strong in comparison with the yuan, which was devalued by 6.6 percent in 2016. The U.S. dollar is now 14 percent stronger against the yuan than it was in 2014, meaning travel there for Americans should be about that much cheaper.
There is plenty for the adventurous traveler to see in this vast country, with some of the most famous tourist sites, including portions of the Great Wall of China, situated in or near Beijing. A tour of the wall and the imperial palace known as the Forbidden City costs around 240 yuan. At $35, that’s about $5 cheaper than it would have been in 2014, thanks to the exchange rate. Everything from hotels to internal flights should be cheaper, too.
Near Davos, Switzerland. iStock
2. Switzerland
According to the World Economic Forum’s biennial Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report, Switzerland ranked last in “price competitiveness” in 2015, making it the most expensive country to travel to. But the strengthening dollar is making it a little more affordable. The local currency is the Swiss franc, which, at the time of writing, was worth about one U.S. dollar. That’s 13 percent less than the franc’s high point in 2014.
According to Lonely Planet, it costs the average midrange traveler around 200–300 Swiss francs a day to travel in Switzerland. With the current 13 percent savings on the exchange rate, you could save $26–$39 a day when compared to the same trip in 2014.
Switzerland is a stunning country, where imposing castles from the Middle Ages dot the mountainous landscape. No trip to Switzerland would be complete without a trip to the Swiss Alps, which have long attracted visitors for hiking and skiing.
Switzerland’s cities, such as its capital, Geneva, are clean and home to some of the most important international organizations, such as the World Health Organization. Smaller villages such as the town of Gruyeres have a fairy-tale charm. The town is famous for the Gruyere cheese that is produced there, and offers authentic fondue and tours of the cheese factory where you can learn how the cheese is made.
Smogen, Sweden. iStock
3. Sweden
Although Sweden has a reputation for being an expensive country for travel, the Swedish krona has dropped 42 percent against the U.S. dollar since 2014, making now the perfect time for a visit. The exchange rate at the time of writing was about $1 to 9 krona.
According to Lonely Planet, the average midrange traveler spends about 1,000–2,000 Swedish krona a day. That translates to $111–$222, a whopping $92 cheaper per day than it would’ve been in 2014.
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With its many coastal islands and inland lakes, Sweden’s geography has long made it a destination for those looking to spend time on the water, engaging in activities such as kayaking. If you enjoy winter sports, Sweden is also an amazing cross-country skiing and dog-sledding destination. You may even be able to catch a glimpse of the ethereal northern lights in the northern region of Lapland — in particular, the Aurora Sky Station in Abisko National Park.
Even for city dwellers, water is an integral part of life. The Swedish capital, Stockholm, is built across 14 islands connected by 57 bridges. Stockholm is an elegant city, with lively music, art, and fashion scenes. Other cities, such as Visby, contain medieval ruins amid charming cobblestone streets.
Near Ronda, in southern Spain. iStock
4. Spain
With the euro falling in value against the U.S. dollar (down 24 percent since 2014), travel has become more favorable to the 19 countries that make up the eurozone. You could consider a traditionally more expensive destination such as France or Italy, and watch your dollars go further than they have in years. Or you could head to more affordable Spain, where a beer in some parts of the country will cost you just a little over a dollar.
Spain is a diverse country, made up of 50 provinces and five languages, including the official Castilian Spanish, as well as Basque and Catalan.
The Pyrenees mountains offer wonderful recreation opportunities, including winter skiing and hiking along the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage routes. The coast features good diving in the Mediterranean Sea. If a buzzing night life is more your scene, head for the tourist-heavy but beautiful islands of Ibiza and Mallorca.
San Miguel de Allende in Mexico. iStock
5. Mexico
The dollar-to-Mexican-peso exchange rate is extremely advantageous at the moment, with one dollar worth about 20 pesos. This rate is 54 percent better than it was in 2014. Since this destination is in North America, you won’t have to worry about expensive airfare either.
Mexico is a fascinating country to explore, with beautiful colonial architecture in towns such as Campeche, Guanajuato, and Zacatecas, which have put significant effort into conserving historic buildings.
The Pacific coast is a great destination for surfing and lazing on pristine, white beaches, and it’s often overlooked by tourists heading to the Caribbean meccas of Cancun and Playa del Carmen (which offer their own charm, to be sure).
Living in Mexico City, I will admit to a bit of a bias for this cosmopolitan capital, which offers a vast art scene, delicious cuisine, and no shortage of music and entertainment options to visitors from all over the world.
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Regardless of where you choose to go, one thing for sure is that 2017 is shaping up to be the year of the American traveler. Take advantage of a strong dollar and see how far you can go.
This article is from Amanda Gokee of Wise Bread, an award-winning personal finance and credit card comparison website.
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nofomoartworld · 7 years
Hyperallergic: The Contradictory Al Taylor
Al Taylor, “Untitled” (1971), alkyd and oil on canvas, 60 x 84 inches (all images © 2017 The Estate of Al Taylor, courtesy David Zwirner, New York/London)
Al Taylor, an artist who died of lung cancer in 1999 at the age of 51, was much better known in Europe during his lifetime than in the US, where he was born in Springfield, Missouri, in 1948. His relative obscurity on this side of the Atlantic seems, in hindsight, to be just one of those things: a confluence of circumstances that led to more opportunities in Switzerland and Germany than were available here.
But Taylor was far from an unknown quantity in the New York art scene, where he mingled with a powerhouse gang of up-and-coming painters (Stanley Whitney, Brice and Helen Marden, Harriet Korman, and Billy Sullivan, among others) in the early 1970s and worked as a longtime studio assistant to none other than Robert Rauschenberg.
That Taylor continued to identify himself as a painter until the end of his life is one contradiction among many. While he concentrated on painting at the Kansas City Art Institute, graduating in 1970 after stints at the Yale Summer School (where he studied with Mel Bochner, Robert Mangold, and Robert Moskowitz) and the Whitney Museum’s Independent Study Studio Program, his reputation rests on an oeuvre consisting almost entirely of drawings and found-object sculptures.
As my Hyperallergic Weekend colleague John Yau writes in the catalogue essay for the current exhibition, Al Taylor: Early Paintings at David Zwirner, this work “incorporat[ed] a wide range of inexpensive materials: broomsticks; foam fishing floats; coffee cans; Plexiglas; bamboo garden stakes; aluminum and steel bicycle wheels; paint; electrical tape; wire.”
Al Taylor, “Vendor” (1979), oil on canvas, 67 5/8 x 31 inches
Taylor’s constructions are more open and malleable than the painting/sculpture hybrids, or “Combines,” of his mentor Rauschenberg, and more pared-down and single-minded than the often scruffy objects of his near-contemporary, Richard Tuttle. A key to understanding these assemblages, and Taylor’s insistence that they were in fact paintings, is that color (unaltered from the found element’s original pigmentation), line (in the form of metal wire), and the graphic counterpoint of shadows on the wall remained his chief concerns.
The recognition that Taylor received relatively late in life (he didn’t have a solo show in New York, at the Alfred Kren Gallery, until 1986), coupled with his insistence, like most artists, on allowing only his latest work to leave the studio, consigned the paintings on canvas from his first decade in the city to cold storage.
These Post-Minimal canvases, some of which flirt with hard-edged abstraction while others are almost Motherwell-ish in their painterly elegance, seem to serve more as incubator than backstory to the artist’s subsequent explorations.
Taylor continued to work in this mode until he and his wife Debbie took a five-week trip to Uganda, Kenya, and Senegal, a journey that became a turning point for the artist — but like most turning points, it was more likely a moment of recognition in which long-simmering obsessions suddenly flash to the fore.
In a 1992 interview with then-Kunsthalle Bern director Ulrich Loock, reprinted in the catalogue for the 2008 Zwirner & Wirth exhibition Al Taylor: Early Work, the artist discusses the importance of the “African idea […] of self-reliance: using available materials, like cutting the roof off of an old bus and turning it into a motorboat.”
The use of available materials, the basis of Taylor’s later practice, also has a bearing on what he did on canvas prior to his breakthrough into three dimensions. Earlier in the same interview, he recounts his process less as painting in the traditional sense and more as a matter of measurement and discovery:
I have a blank canvas in front of me. What am I going to paint? I don’t know. […] So I started buying cans of paint, very cheap discount paint. Stick a discount brush in it and see how long the paint travels. And then I’d take another can of paint with a different color. Maybe that’ll go a little farther, depending on the oil mixture and the cheapness of the pigment. […] I screwed up, though, by trying to make those paintings look like art. The few I kept, the best ones, are what they really were — a measurement of a history. It took me a long time to get rid of the art parts. I’m still trying.
Taylor went out and bought whatever paint he could afford to engage in a process of determining the limits of its physical properties, an undertaking whose success was tied to its degree of artlessness — a practice that seems to court, if not the “death of painting,” then a refutation of the traditional hierarchy that places painting at the top of the heap, an inherent critique of the medium’s formal qualities and historical concerns.
But how does that square with this passage near the start of Taylor’s interview with Loock, in which he discusses his three-dimensional constructions in these terms:
My formal training is in painting. I think of painting as the highest art form. I am trying to find a way to paint; all of this activity is leading towards painting. I don’t want my work to be called sculpture. It seems like a lack of respect for sculpture to call this sculpture — sculpture has a proud tradition of its own. I’m not interested in that.
The reconciliation of “painting as the highest art form” and “I screwed up, though, by trying to make those paintings look like art,” may seem remote unless you consider the openness and originality of Taylor’s thought while taking a very hard look at how he made his work.
In many ways, Taylor adopted Rauschenberg’s aesthetic of inclusiveness even as he entertained the now-quaint-sounding presumption of “painting as the highest art form.” The crucial difference is the definition of painting, which would seem, for Taylor, to be up for grabs.
Al Taylor, “Marriage” (1975), latex on two linen panels, 30 x 30 1/4 inches
The one commonality among the artist’s diverse output was color, which is not necessarily equated with paint, but rather inherent pigmentation — of broomsticks, wire, or raw wood.
In the David Zwirner show, color is both subtle and brash. It is communicated via acrylic, oil, alkyd, and latex paint, as well as untouched canvas. A painting like “Vendor” (1979) is telling on two counts, a work of captivating colorism that walks a thin line between flatness and three-dimensional illusion.
The composition is divided into two vertical bands, with a narrower strip on the left — a rich, earthy Mars red — and a medium-toned, gray-violet field on the right. This neat division is interrupted by three irregular trapezoids (which look more like seal fins than geometric shapes) in dark maroon, scarlet red, and muted violet. A fourth shape is a quasi-rectangle painted in solid ivory white. These smaller entities are where the drama of the work takes place.
All four are attached perpendicularly to the dividing line between the vertical bands. The red and maroon fins sit near the top of the canvas on either side of the division, while the ivory white overlaps the muted violet near the bottom, with both shapes embedded in the gray-violet field.
The violet of the field (actually a dirty gray glaze over a coppery red) and the violet of the trapezoid are so close that it is possible not to notice the difference between them at first glance, only for the trapezoid to emerge out of the ether as you train your eyes on the surface. The effect is mesmerizing, and the patch of ivory white on the violet fin glows like a lantern in fog.
Meanwhile, something very different is going on at the top of the painting. The red and maroon shapes on opposite sides of the dividing line can be read as a solid form and its shadow. In this regard, it is instructive to rotate the canvas in your mind’s eye and imagine it as a landscape, with the red fin backlit against the horizon as its shadow falls in front, or perhaps a red sail on a red sea with its darker reflection underneath.
Al Taylor, “Helen” (1976), acrylic on two canvas panels, 54 1/4 x 72 1/4 inches
I’m not suggesting that these elements should be read as avatars for actual objects, which would be a wrongheaded way of looking at abstract art. My point is that Taylor is taking liberties with form and space, lending them an ambiguity that ran counter to the materialism and flatness pursued by much advanced painting at the time.
If Taylor relied on found objects in his later work, it could be argued, in light of the studio process described above, that he approached paint and canvas as found objects, particularly when he bolted two supports together or left portions of the surface untouched — or both, as in “Marriage” (1975, the year he married Debbie) and “Helen” (1976, presumably after Helen Marden), two of the most minimal and striking works in the show.
Each consists of two abutted but unmatched supports, with one hanging down or rising above the other, with hard-edged rectangles consisting of a single color painted between empty expanses of canvas.
Al Taylor, “Egyptian Painting” (1978), acrylic and oil on canvas, 72 x 36 inches
Here the canvas is as much of a solid presence as the paint itself, while retaining its own identity as unpainted fabric (abetted, in “Marriage,” by the glistening stains of rabbit skin glue used as sizing), while in the remarkable “Egyptian Painting” (1978), the creaminess of the raw canvas adjoining the white and red blocks of color conveys the illusion that it is also a coat of paint, until you step forward and study it up close.
The tension between abstraction and illusion can be felt throughout the works in this show, starting with the earliest canvas, “Untitled” (1971), a series of overlapping and interlocking brushstrokes that create a twisting, wiry design uncannily resembling the kind of open-frame, three-dimensional objects he would construct later on, and ending with the last, “Thinking About It” (1980), in which an irregular grid climbing up the right half of the canvas seems struck by raking light from a fiery sunset.
Was Taylor, in “Thinking About It,” thinking about trading the high art of painting for materials that had no “art” in them? Whatever the decision-making process, his move was a radical step toward personal freedom, a breaking-apart of self-imposed norms. If he never quite shook the orthodoxy of these norms from his pronouncements, what he did in his work was a far different story.
These paintings exist in a state of tension between the foundational and the transitional: what Taylor started with and what he was to become. Through underpainting, glazes, and solid topcoats, he is experimenting with texture, touch, and pigment while balancing — or you could say, holding in check — his attraction toward real objects in the real world.
Al Taylor, “Thinking About It” (1980), acrylic on canvas, 90 x 40 inches
However much of a departure these canvases were from the AbEx and Minimal paintings that preceded him, they continued to nudge him farther and farther along a path that ultimately presented him with a choice between two realities — one in space and one on canvas — and he chose the one he could grasp in his hands.
Al Taylor: Early Paintings continues at David Zwirner (537 West 20th Street, 2nd Floor, Chelsea, Manhattan) through April 15.
The post The Contradictory Al Taylor appeared first on Hyperallergic.
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