#buy Switzerland nature photographs
photographydickherman · 6 months
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theastrical · 2 months
Honeymoon with genshin men
honeymoon with genshin men! (their choices of destination, where do you guys stay at, and their action to showcase their love for you)
kaeya, diluc, zhongli, childe, alhaitham x reader
Kaeya’s Nobel Honeymoon
His plan is to make you feel like a royalty, as if you guys are indeed a heir to the crown or maybe the one holding the highest rank in the country. Well you two can only imagine right?
He bought a whole suite for you guys to stay in Airelles (Château De Versailles), France. The suite is called Suite Necker, It’s a beautiful suite, a magnificent one. The view is also wonderful, especially in spring.
He bought the suite for 4 nights, while he also makes sure both of you can have some fun times by participating in the palace tour or the dance in the royal ball.
Helps you whenever you need to fix your clothes, he also manage to fix any clothes malfunction, just incase it would embarrass you, he would fix it without you knowing; act of service is his passion.
Will take you out to some local choices restaurants, he pick the best one, not the one that are meant for tourist. He wants you to have the best food without thinking about the money you both spend over some tourist trap. (While eating, he would always prepare you and your food first, his? Later would be alright. He doesn’t eat his food when you haven’t start eating it)
Would photographed you across the city, the suites, the palace and everywhere you go. His excuse? “I just need to commemorate some beautiful things in here..”
Will buy some souvenirs you’re looking at, especially when you decide not to buy it. He would buy 3 kinds of it and pretend to also like it. Shows it to you (as a surprise) after you both get home from the honeymoon.
Diluc’s cottage dream
He rent a luxurious chalet, the name is chalet melilot. It’s Specifically placed near the mountainside of switzerland so you both can have morning stroll everyday in your honeymoon. Wants to be intact with mother nature since he thought it’ll be more private and sensational.
Thought it’ll be great if you guys also do some surveys around the country for housing if you both enjoyed the country environment.
He would hire a local chef to make you both three course meal for lunch and dinner, it’s all Switzerland’s traditional specialties. Specifically made using organic products and original recipe. He wants you to taste the best healthy and tasty meal, while savouring every each bite.
Every day when you guys walk around the mountain and feel even the slightest bit of cold, he would let you use his jacket, the scent is like firewood, so much like diluc.
At night, he would take you out to the city and even take shots of you using his polaroid. Every pictures he take is meant to be inside his small album of you and him (which he would present it, at the end of the joirney), he would pick the best pictures for his wallet. He seem to have everything in remembrance of you.
At the end of the honeymoon, he surprised you with a dog…a samoyed. It’s a cute thought, also an attentive one. “i know i wouldn’t always be at home and i’m sorry, this honeymoon make me realise that giving you my best is my priority and i will do so by giving you an accompany…this samoyed of our will be our forever accompany in this marriage okay…?”
Childe’s new home
Ajax didn’t like those romantic and sensational types diluc is into, he’s certainly into kaeya’s idea, but he wouldn’t want that either, it’s too cliché. He wants something traditional and refreshing to you. Something that he wants you to experience only with him, not exactly traditional, not exactly romantic, but certainly fresh. It’s not exactly the typical “honeymoon”, since his purpose is to make this trip unforgettable for both of you, and to learn everything about you both.
And that’s to travel around the world to search for a new home, he thought it’ll be better to stay in his hometown but for the sake of you, he wants to make a fresh new start. At your first stop, you guys explore Europe, especially around Sweden and Greece. The second stop is to explore around Asia, which is Mongolia and Vietnam. it’s such a fascinating trip for you both. The third stop is New Zealand, your once go-to-list. To live under these countries culture and to feel as one. You guys kept on trying to adapt to the new environment and it makes you both know each other’s habit easily.
You guys have stayed in numerous hotels and apartments. It’s not exactly romantic nor is it special, it’s both of your purpose to make this trip a whole get-away for newlyweds pressure and such. but makes it endearing is how you both eventually just fall asleep within each other embrace, just resting peacefully in ajax’s chest, while his arm delicately circled your waist. He’s a warm blanket and you’re his beloved plushies.
He would tie your shoes, help you with your bags or laundry, and over all, he’s the one helping you in any chores and in any given chance. He wants you to enjoy this trip without having the burden to do this and that. He just wants you to lay back and have your whole attention to him. Ajax only purpose is to see your smile at the end of the road.
When you both are just too exhausted to explore, you guys would order local take outs and eat it like a hungry fish would. He would laugh and you would teased him. It’s just a moment of laughter and satisfaction. No such a thing as workloads. Just you both having the time of your life together.
Zhongli’s relaxing party
This man’s honeymoon idea is exactly like how you imagine it. Boring but addictive at some way. you both would explore pretty gardens, lovely mountainsides, tea parties, and museum, at taiwan. It’s such a boring idea, but whatever make zhongli smile and whatever make you feel like at an old grandpa house is exactly what you called “the zhongli zone”. It’s comforting, being with zhongli, already feels like you’re being snuggled by a huge polar bear.
He’s such a sweetheart for always making the trip as…relaxing as possible, not wanting to pressure you with the family’s perspective of how newlyweds should act.
It’s not like you’re the one who’s pampering zhongli, he is also trying his best to be suitable enough as the one who court you first. He dips himself inside the hot spring while snuggling with you, he shops some random goods with you, and he also do tea testing by sharing the same cup as you. So relaxing…it makes you forget that you will continue to work again soon sigh.
“do you like this tea? I made this out of boredom and i saw you getting exhausted just by running through stores at the local shops…the goods are okay but i suggest you to keep your health the same, okay?”, this translates to “i’m worried about you, please don’t tire yourself. I want you to be as careful as you are with me when you take care of yourself.” Nonetheless, serves you the tea and even gives you a heartwarming kith on your cheeks.
he would buy you some keychains, handmade ones since he believes it’s more practical for it’s creativity and thoughts in it…also because he appreciates people’s handcraft. He still keeps your handmade bracelets even at your wedding day. he also picks you small pretty flowers when you both were strolling around the floral garden. Fresh and beautiful, just like you (he initially want to say this but he tries not to make it cheesy).
Silently serves you like a dutiful servant would. Makes you tea, cooks you meal, and makes sure you’re well rested. He always wants to pay back the things you did for him, he knows it’s not 100% the same, but he wants you to know that…this honeymoon is made especially for you. After covering you with the blanket and puts on some scented candles. He whispers at night when you were already asleep, “sorry i can’t be the best, but i’ll always be here when you need me. I love you.“
Alhaitham’s wonder of the world
You present him a ticket to travel Papua especially Raja Ampat for your honeymoon and he was so excited, he holds your hand with glimmering eyes…with a calm devoted look. He’s always been this way, hard to show his emotion, even when he’s screaming internally.
When you both arrived, he prepared everything for both of you so you don’t have to stressed out. He loves being the one in charge of itinerary, he loves to work on the schedules. You would see him humming with a straight face in his work office while he’s typing down the things you would do together as husband and wife.
he sets you both up to a diving session. He’s so excited he talks about it all night along. You can hear his yap even at the first day you got there. He loves nature, the sea, and everything inside that deep ocean. You were kind of scared of the ocean, you confessed that at first, and he looks at you with confusion before he say such a reassurance that makes you rethink if this is THE Alhaitham you’re thinking of. “if you’re scared, hold my hand and close your eyes..i promise, i’ll be there, beside you.”
That words he make instantly scarred your heart with love. You don’t even know how it makes you fall harder for him. But you did, you trusted him with your whole life, you hold his hands and he dive you into the sea-worlds. He giggles when he sees you all scared…he hugged you while you both dive so you won’t be scared or sink when you’re not in his watch. “don’t be coy now…trust me, i won’t let you out of my sight.”
When you got back home…you don’t even know how he made you so in love. Sigh…alhaitham, the man you are..
Taglist; @esthelily @indarius @n0tamused @sangoqueenkoko @voidlesslove @lyralibra @eroxotckv @rikasurl @dailypenpen @daydreaming-paradies
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Trees by JOSHUA YELDHAM, (b 1970, Sydney, Australia) 
The Yeldhams are one of Sydney’s notable families, but Joshua’s journal reveals that his privileged background was both a blessing and a curse. Suffering from dyslexia he had a terrible time as a boarder at Cranbrook, where he played the clown to compensate for his academic shortcomings, and to avoid being bullied. His next move, however, was to Switzerland, where he received a more cosmopolitan education and developed a taste for mountain climbing.From there Yeldham went on to the Rhode Island School of Design, where he became interested in filmmaking. His major student foray into the medium took him eleven times to the remote region of Mt. Humboldt in the Venezuelan Andes. The movie that resulted, Frailejón, would win an Emmy and an Oscar nomination for best student film in the United States for 1993. That hour-long movie is rarely seen today, but it is screening in the first room of this survey.For a young man of 23 such early plaudits might have been the launching pad for a career as a successful director, but when Yeldham was given $5,000 to develop the script of a second film, he used the money to buy a yellow Kombi and headed for the desert. 
He seems to have had the same kind of experience as Robyn Davidson, but without camels. In brief: one goes to the desert to get lost and find oneself in the process. According to Yeldham’s journal this is roughly what happened, although when he tried to turn his experiences into a script it was rejected as too ethereal and not even faintly commercial. Perhaps he should have persevered – it took 40 years for Tracks to make it to the screen.
Returning to Sydney Yeldham gave up on the film world to pursue his burgeoning interest in the visual arts. He moved to the Hawkesbury with his partner, Jo, and began the love affair with Nature that has produced most of the work in this exhibition. This period has also produced two children, who have taken their places in the Yeldham vision of life, love, art and the universe. His journal, and perhaps the exhibition itself, is presented as an extended communication with his first child, Indigo.
The book and the art have such a private feel it seems strange to be writing about them as public artefacts. If this were a Hollywood movie, Indigo would find a dust-covered volume in the old family home after her parents had departed this world. She would begin to read, and the sound of her father’s voice would arise in her mind and the viewer’s ears. Soon we’d be in the midst of a lengthy flashback, as dad’s autobiography was replayed in glorious colour, interspersed with touches of homespun philosophy.
Putting it this way I can see why Yeldham chose the visual arts over cinema, although he has never totally abandoned the medium, as revealed by the very accomplished short film that concludes this show. The journal acts as an intimate, unconventional exhibition catalogue, full of notes, poems, sketches, memorabilia, artworks and snapshots.
Most of the work in this survey was completed on the Hawkesbury, including paintings, sculptures, drawings and engraved photographs. The latter are among Yeldham’s most innovative pieces. He prints a photo on a large slab of homemade paper, then carves back into it with a belt sander, which he uses with the delicacy of a fine etching tool. Trees grow patterns that resemble indigenous inscriptions on burial poles. Webs and pinpricks of white light cluster and sparkle amid the grey tones. Even his children get the treatment, being given white tattoos that cover half their bodies. Perhaps this is good parental psychology: they may be less tempted to get real ones when they’re old enough.
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Lecture Notes MON 11th DEC
Doing Art History: Performance Art
Installation artwork – archival/ is not the same as performance art.
In 1916 the Cabaret Voltaire was established as a department in Zurich to protest and reject art as an aesthetic and the art market. During the war Switzerland, where this department was set up, stayed neutral. Especially European art centres rejected privatisation of art.
The whole idea of performance art was to in some way reject the commodification of artworks, removing the aspect of a forever piece.
Performance art became a combination and experimental fusion of all arts, focusing on the experience rather than the physical outcome and commodification of it.
Artists became hostile with their art, in turn being provocative.
Here is an example of a performance art before we had the ability to record it:
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Hugo Ball in 'cubist costume' reciting his poem 'Elefantenkarawane' at the Cabaret Voltaire, 23 June 1916.
And now here is a recreation of that performance piece, recorded:
Another example of performance art from around that time:
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Pablo Picasso/ Character from  Parade by Jean Cocteau and Eric Satie,  Decor and Costumes by Pablo Picasso, Paris, Mai/ May 1917
After and during World War 1, there came a rejection of the world. Rather than the typical transcendence attitude within art and the world, we began a bitter depression.
From this came Dada, named so as a nonsense word, self-made by artists. To be satirical and nonsensical in nature. These artists even produced a manifesto to capture all their beliefs of the time. As well as a journal was created to present new artists performance pieces.
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Dada journal, Zurich, July 1917 International Dada Fair, Berlin, 1920
Since performance art was something, you couldn’t exactly sell, a lot of these artists made their money elsewhere or were broke. One such artist, that art history has only in recent times began to name and explore is Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven. Penniless all her life as she made her entire life a performance of the Dada movements. She died incredibly young in the 1920’s, most likely due to her poor living circumstances and conditions. And the reason for a very poor documentation of her life and history, comes from the fact she has no dedicated friend or partner to display her or publish her. A lack of network made her fall into the recesses of history.
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Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Performance artist, New York 1915 Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, Performance, c.1920 Man Ray, Photo of Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven (c.1921) University of Maryland
The canon of Art History is one that is re-written and added to constantly, the bare bones basic skeleton of knowledge is abandoned in teaching due to exploring and looking outside of what is already known, there is a greater encouragement placed on adding personal beliefs into the history and perspectives. Rediscovery of art and artist is continuous.
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Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven, God, 1917 Philadelphia Museum of Art The original Fountain by Marcel Duchamp (?) photographed by Alfred Stieglitz at the 291 (Art Gallery), 1917
Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven is being considered as a revolutionist artist due to her creating a similar example out of this pipe. Titling the work ‘God’, which if you looked at my previous lecture, you’ll see a similar artwork, the Fountain by Mr. Mutt. Who came first is hard to say, but it is clear one was more prominent and recognised, while the other is still not as widely known as it perhaps should be. Does it matter who came first?
As it still makes up the movement and the area of art in history. Who had the idea first? Does that matter?
Every mark on an artwork is a mark of the artists presence, but that usually gets overshadowed. However, performance art solely focuses on the artists presence. The artwork is them.
Dada movement liked making ‘ugly’ art, it was to combat the commodification, the market, which is paradoxical as the art market is how artists survive.
Other examples of Performance Art:
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(Top Left) Tracey Emin, My Bed, 1998. Mixed media (Top Right) John Lennon and Yoko Ono, Bed-in for Peace, Amsterdam. 1969 (Bottom Left) Richard Long, A Line Made by Walking (Tate Britain, 1967) (Bottom Right) Carolee Schneemann, Interior Scroll, 1975
E.H. Gombrich who wrote ‘The story of art’, didn’t mention women until the 12th edition of the book.
“...the story of artists can only be told when it has become clear, after a certain lapse of time, what influenced their work had on others and what contributions they have made the story of art as such. Thus, I tried to select from the mass of buildings, sculptures and paintings still mentor us after thousands of years, a very small number that could figure in the story that dealt first and foremost with the solution of certain artistic problems, solutions, that is, that determined the course of future developments. The nearer we come to our own time, the harder it inevitably becomes to distinguish passing fashions from lasting achievements.” E. H.Gombrich, The Story of Art, [1950, revised multiple times, 15th edition], Phaidon, reprint 1995, pp.600
However, his book is constantly revised and revisited due to the thinking surrounding Art changing, with artists falling in and out of favour. How do you tell the story of Art History?
A current argument being discussed and debated within Art History is decolonisation, Decolonial/Postcolonial.
POSTCOLONIAL ART: Postcolonial art refers to art produced in response to the aftermath of colonial rule, frequently addressing issues of national and cultural identity, race and ethnicity. Postcolonial theory, which underpins postcolonial art, does not simply relate to the time after which a nation gains independence from its colonial ruler. It analyses and responds to the cultural legacies of colonialism and the human consequences of controlling a country in order to exploit the native people and their land. In doing this it also addresses how the society and culture of non-European peoples were seen from the perspective of Western cultural knowledge; how this was used to subjugate people into a colony of the European Mother Country; and the resulting identities of ‘coloniser’ and ‘colonised’. Martinique-born intellectual Frantz Fanon was one of the leading anti-colonial thinkers of the twentieth century, and provided a theoretical framework for interpreting the oppression of the individual under imperialism – a significant element of much postcolonial art. An important influence on Fanon’s ideas was his teacher and mentor Aimé Césaire one of the leaders of the Négritude movement. In books such as Wretched of the Earth first published in 1961, Fanon analysed the effects of colonialism and decolonization and the role of class, race, national culture and violence in the struggle for national liberation. This and other books initiated the investigation of diversity and hierarchy in postcolonial cultures undertaken by writers such as Edward Said, Stuart Hall and Homi Bhabha. -Tate
Click Here for more voices on Decolonial/Postcolonial.
Here are some artworks of colonial art:
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(Left) ‘The East offering its riches to Britannia,’ Allegorical ceiling piece commissioned by the East India Company for the Revenue Committee Room in East India House, 1777. Shelf Mark: Foster 245: 1778. Copyright British Library Board. (Right) Pierre Mignard, Louise de Kéroualle, Duchess of Portsmouth with an unknown female attendant, (NPG, 1682)
It wasn’t until recent that this artwork was renamed to address the person of colour in this painting. There is literally no way to know everything about Art History as the subject becomes more and more accessible and more and more voices and perspectives come to light.
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Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Defence of the Sampo, tempera on canvas(1897)
This work is comparable to that of Japanese prints and borrows from the style, however the artist is Finish.
Why can European artists borrow from other countries/minorities – and not the other way around?
Here is an example of a work by an Indian artist, borrowing from the impressionists (I may be wrong about that specific), but they borrow from European art in this piece.
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Gaganendranath Tagore, Dwarkapuri, Victoria Memorial Hall, Kolkata. Watercolour 12" x 9“ - undated
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masteraarnav · 1 year
Unveiling 6 Offbeat Destinations: Take a Short Trip in India in 2023
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Embarking on a short trip in India allows you to discover emerging offbeat destinations. If you are tired of visiting the same famous tourist destinations in India, this time use your weekend effectively to immerse yourself in the charm of the lesser-explored wonders of India. For explorers like you, we have penned down the 6 best offbeat destinations in India that offer a delightful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 
1. Dhanushkodi, Tamil Nadu:  Dhanushkodi, located on the southern tip of Rameswaram Island, offers a mystical experience where the Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal meet. Visit the iconic Adam's Bridge, the ruins of the old town, and the Gandhamadhana Parvatham for panoramic views. The beach, with its pristine beauty, provides a serene environment for relaxation and introspection. Explore our weekend trip packages that will make your trip economical. 
Best Time to Visit: November to February
2. Gokarna, Karnataka Tucked away on the western coast of Karnataka, Gokarna is a tranquil beach town known for its pristine shores and spiritual significance. It is one of the best vacation spots near Bangalore to visit with friends on the weekend. Explore the scenic beaches like Om Beach and Paradise Beach, witness the breathtaking sunsets, and visit the revered Mahabaleshwar Temple. Gokarna offers a perfect escape from the city, making it an ideal destination for a short trip in India. 
Best Time to Visit: October to March
3. Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh One of the best vacation spots in Northeast India for peace seekers and nature lovers, Ziro in Arunachal Pradesh is a hidden gem for those seeking offbeat vacation spots. It is nestled amidst the mesmerising Eastern Himalayas and showcases a delightful blend of natural beauty and cultural richness.
Interact with the Apatani tribal community to understand the local customs and traditions. Don't miss the enchanting Talley Valley Wildlife Sanctuary and the ancient Meghna Cave Temple.
Best Time to Visit: March to October 
4. Khajjiar, Himachal Pradesh  One of the best offbeat family weekend getaways from Delhi for families who want to avoid the crowds of Shimla and Manali on the weekend trip. Popularly known as the "Mini Switzerland of India," the picturesque landscapes and pleasant weather will captivate you. Explore the lush green meadows, visit the Khajjiar Lake, and indulge in adventurous activities like zorbing and paragliding.
Don't miss the nearby Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary for a rendezvous with nature. Buy the package from International Travel House to make your family vacation memorable, affordable, and comfortable.
Best Time to Visit: April to June and September to November
5. Dzukou Valley, Nagaland Located on the border of Nagaland and Manipur, the Dzukou Valley is a hidden gem that offers a pristine environment and breathtaking views. Trek through the lush green valley, adorned with seasonal flowers, and camp under the starry skies. The flowers begin to bloom in the summer season; however, the first two weeks of the monsoon season are the peak flower season in Dzukou Valley.
The valley is a paradise for nature photographers and adventure seekers, making it an offbeat destination worth exploring. Book the best self-drive service online to explore sightseeing places like Sanctuary Falls, Pulie Badze Wildlife Sanctuary, Kohima War Cemetery, and Kohima Museum, to name a few. 
Best Time to Visit: June to September
6. Munsiyari, Uttarakhand Another of the best family weekend getaways from Delhi, that you can visit in June is Munsiyari. Nestled in the lap of the snow-capped Himalayas, Munsiyari is a quaint town that serves as a base for treks to the Milam and Ralam glaciers. 
Immerse yourself in the scenic beauty, visit the Birthi Falls, and enjoy the panoramic views of the Panchachuli peaks. Munsiyari offers a peaceful and rejuvenating experience, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Buy our weekend trip package, pack your bags, fuel your wanderlust, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Best Time to Visit: April to June and September to November
Conclusion: India's offbeat tourist destinations offer a treasure trove of experiences, taking you off the beaten path and allowing you to discover the hidden gems of the country. On your 2023 short trip in India, make sure these hidden gems are a part of your exploration. Each of these destinations provides an enchanting blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and tranquillity. 
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mccoy22dennis · 2 years
Chanel Black Leather-based And Chain Belt
It will be delivered as a full boutique set that includes the unique box, dust-bag and replica of the unique receipt. Some minor signs of damage however you really should look very, very shut to notice. Chanel Pearl & Rose-Tone Crystal Beige Rope Multi-Chain Belt - Signature CC textured gold-tone hardware - Embellished with pearls, rose pink crystals and tonal beads - Beige-tone ro... This iconic classic Chanel allure belt was featured in Chanel 1994 promoting campaign worn by supermodel Claudia Schiffer and seen on Chanel 1994 fall runway. ・Due to its vintage nature, the merchandise exhibits signs of regular wear. I had this belt in mind for about two years but didn’t start checking daily till about six months before I bought it. It was well worth the wait as a result of I love the method it pairs with my outfits so much I don’t feel the need to purchase one other. Lagerfeld studied drawing and historical past earlier than profitable a design competitors which led to a job with Pierre Balmain. He spent three years there before moving on to Jean Patou where he designed for their haute couture collections. After launching his own label, he started to achieve traction, turning into known for his provocative and generally shocking type. The space normally known as the Bible Belt of Sweden is centered on Jönköping in southern Sweden and accommodates numerous free church buildings. There are additionally numerous conservative Lutheran Laestadians within the Torne valley area within the far north of the nation. Greenville, South Carolina, is a metropolis the place many Baptist church buildings, notably Independent Baptist, are situated. There are a couple of hundred Baptist church buildings within the Greenville space, in addition to Bob Jones University. It also is the house of WTBI radio station which plays old style Christian music and preaching 24 hours a day. The northern colonial Bible Belt frequently carried out missionary work in the South. She died in Ritz Paris and was buried in Switzerland. Us Weekly has affiliate partnerships so we might obtain compensation for some links to products and services. In January 2022, Us completely reported that the spouses had quietly separated and were in the midst of a divorce in New Jersey. “They are going to attempt to stay civil and friendly towards each other,” a source told Us on the time. wikipedia belt Along with pearlized hip belts, the brand additionally debuted hip chains made out of its iconic handbag straps. A single black leather and gold metallic chain belt made for a extra understated tackle the look, whereas chunkier, layered chain belt options went for the more daring version. Chanel closed her style operations during World War II, then returned to the trade in 1954 to design for the practical wants of recent ladies. Structure and wearability endured in all of Chanel’s clothes and accessories, like the quilted leather-based 2.fifty five handbag introduced in 1955 with its gold-chain shoulder strap that freed up a woman’s palms. Learn more in regards to the options to promote with Labellov right here. Our specialists are pleased to reply any questions you would possibly have concerning an merchandise so you probably can place your order with confidence. Each merchandise is professionaly photographed and described with nice care, so you understand what you are buying. Feel free to contact us for extra information, pictures and details of the item. In case of a return we kindly ask you to contact us within 7 days of receipt of your parcel. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/chanel-belt-replica.html Claudia Schiffer walked the Atelier Versace runway in a cropped jacket and mini skirt with a bubble chain belt tied tight throughout her naked stomach. Throughout the '90s, Versace created many influential designs that included components of jewelry—like rhinestones, chain print, and metallic pigments—with clothes. This item is pre-owned with multiple flaws and/or signs of damage. May included but not restricted to, signs of abrasion, pilling, and tears on seams. Flaws are most likely repairable or already repairs. Founded by visionary couturier Gabrielle Chanel in 1909, this Parisian heritage model has a wealthy sartorial legacy that produced iconic quilted luggage, little black clothes and Chanel No. 5 fragrance. Featuring the home's signature gold chains and crossed C logo, Chanel belts are classically stylish and timeless in design. Established by the revolutionary legend Gabrielle “Coco” Chanel, the posh style house has been a long-standing icon in the ever-evolving industry. Chanel is understood for its simplistic elegant items that stand the test of time.
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fashionbooksmilano · 2 years
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Louis Vuitton  Manufactures
Nicholas Foulkes
Assouline, New York 2022, 400 pages, over 350 illustrations,  24.3 x 33 cm.,  Silk hardcover, ISBN: 9781649800763
euro 100,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Louis Vuitton fosters the idea that an atelier can be a place of fulfillment and individuality. A place where savoir-faire can be learned, respected and transmitted - and innovation nurtured - by artisans who routinely challenge the image of a traditional workshop. In pursuit of regional expertise and artisanal excellence, Louis Vuitton’s ateliers span the length and breadth of France and beyond, from Geneva (Switzerland), to Fiesso d’Artico (Italy) and even Texas (USA). Sites of historic interest or outstanding natural beauty will often have a Louis Vuitton workshop nearby: in Normandy, the sea-girt fastness of Mont-Saint-Michel can be seen from the workshop at Ducey, and in Beaulieu-sur-Layon, the light-flooded facility promises low environmental impact. Featuring photographs commissioned exclusively for this book, the volume showcases the extraordinary locations and buildings of Louis Vuitton’s ateliers, and the equally extraordinary artisans who express their talent through Louis Vuitton’s creations (trunks, bags, fragrances, watches, shoes, high jewelry and ready-to- wear), while carrying the founder’s techniques and savoir-faire into the twenty-first century. It is to these ateliers and the inspiring people who work there that this book is dedicated.
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aurianneor · 7 years
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It was a beautiful day and the scenery was spectacular. Everybody had their camera in hand trying to catch the beauty of the moment. Obviously, nobody was a professional photographer and, to top it all, the sun was facing them which made the phone screens very dark. Anyway, they randomly took pictures. Even if the pics were astounding, many chirped it didn’t look as good as it really was. So, gradually, more and more women stopped taking pics and just enjoyed the moment; not to mention the obvious chat that was quite constant within these women.
“Once more, the organization of this hike is just perfect.  Thank you so much Olivia.”
A few other women took this opportunity to thank their leader again, voices echoing in Dolby surround.
Every Friday morning, for the last six years, Olivia had organized these hikes. Not all of them, of course, she was sometimes busy or away, but most of them and anyway, she always found a volunteer to replace her when she couldn’t come herself.
There was a bunch of regulars who knew each other so well, some for years now. There were also new people; and some who were becoming regulars, little by little. Every week, the group was different but the friendly, welcoming and open-minded atmosphere never missed a single hike.
Two women could not stop chatting. But they were far from being the only ones. During the hikes, you could talk passionately about anything; even if opinions diverged. In fact, it was because opinions diverged that the women found these conversations stimulating and over-interesting. Nobody never blamed someone for having said something they disagreed with. This kind of people, blaming others, usually did not show up very often. They were probably shocked by the freedom of expression, did not enjoy it and vanished. But a few came back, and were accepted all the same. The group was not the kind who even noticed these behaviours.
Augustine and Vicky had met about a year before. These two were talking about babies but a song perfectly fitting the moment interrupted the conversation.
“C’est là que je voudrais vi-vre”. Augustine sang cheerfully. It reverberated in the side of the hill. “Do you know that film, Vicky?”
“No, I don’t. But you seem to enjoy that line.” Vicky vibed back slightly laughing.
“It’s from a very famous film adapting a famous novel by Marcel Pagnol. Do you know Marcel Pagnol?”
“No, I don’t.”
“Oh! Well, he’s very famous for depicting Southern France. He was a writer and he also produced movies. This is from La gloire de mon père, meaning “My father’s glory”. It’s about a young boy, living in a city. His father is a teacher. And over the summer break, they move to a house in the hills of Provence. And his father’s glory is to hunt birds called bartavelles. But when his mother says she wishes to live in the hills, she is fabulous. Really fabulous. I love when the actress sings this line with a huge smile. What a great childhood memory of one’s mother!”
“Oh, I should watch the film then.”
“I do recommend it. One of my favourites.”
“I wonder if I will raise my kids in a city or in the countryside…”
“Aren’t you moving to New York soon?”
“Yes, but I may not stay there...”
“Are you planning to have kids soon?” inquired Augustine.
“No, I’m still young. You see, I got married quite young and all my friends were telling me I was too young for such a decision. So, I still have time before I have kids. You know, my family also told me I was too young…” Vicky kept on moaning about her wedding.
“But, how old were you?”
“What? People bothered you because you got married at 21?!! You sounded like you got married at 16 or so. 21 is a normal age to get married.”
“Yes, and now that I am here, I’m 25 now; I am missing all the weddings back there in the States. All my childhood friends are getting married now.” Vicky sounded a bit sad about missing all these celebrations.
“All at the same time?” Augustine inquired.
“That’s absolute nonsense. 21 is too young and then ready, steady, go, you’re 25 now, hurry up, get married.” They laughed, especially because Augustine sounded like she was really giving the start for a race; especially with this huge voice of hers.
“I mean at least you had the sense to do what felt right. And, as far as I am concerned you seem happy with your husband.”
“I am”, Vicky answered without hesitation, as an immutable fact that would never be questioned.
“That’s what matters. Do you think some of your friend are getting married with someone who is not their Mister perfect just because they are 25?”
“I cannot tell. It’s so ridiculous!”
“Yes, indeed!” Augustine concluded. They both started daydreaming, enjoying the view once more. It was so perfect.
“You know, having babies is a bit similar. I had my kids ten years ago, and the social pressure is mad. At the time, we were quite poor, and we were receiving all these useless gifts that we did not ask for…. So, for my second one, we thought it would be a good idea to ask for what we really needed: like an hour of a cleaning lady, a home-delivered meal or an osteopathy consulting … Things like that. We have our tastes, you know. Not everybody is the same. People had different reactions. Let’s say some people were so happy they could give us a gift we would really appreciate but others were really upset …”
“But why were they upset?” Vicky was in a state between surprise and curiosity.
“I don’t know. As far as I know, they enjoy shopping. The gift is mainly for them.”
“That’s so ridiculous! Do you really think so?” Vicky was slightly shocked now…
“I don’t know. You know… All these clothes worn only twice because the baby is growing so fast. Well, I’ve had big babies, they wore them for a very short time. I am probably biased on that one. Do you have another explanation?”
“Well, I must admit I don’t. These baby shops are full of gadgets, aren’t they? I am not sure you need all this to raise a baby.”
“Oh! I’m so glad hearing what you just said. It’s almost gadgets only… Do you know the cartoon Inspector Gadget?” asked Augustine beginning to sing its main theme song … “It was very famous when I was a kid. Obviously, you’re younger. Does it ring any bell at all?”
“You never miss an opportunity to sing, do you? You’re like Sister Mary Patrick in Sister Act!”
“You are so nice. Love this always-happy Sister. I love this film. Many songs… Anyway… Actually, you know, you don’t need much to raise a baby. We were lucky we were poor. We couldn’t afford these things. So …”
“We were lucky we were poor…” Vicky pondered on that one, repeating it on a low voice.
“So, when you’re poor and you’re buying something, you really think, do I really need this? And most of the time, the answer is no ―or not in this shop. When I was pregnant with my first child, I used to read these magazines they give you at the hospital. There was so much you needed, I felt I will not manage with my baby. In both families, we were the first of our generation to have kids on both sides of the family. We only had a couple of friends we could ask for advice. And you know what my husband did?”
“He sung a lullaby, maybe?”
“Oh, come on! I only like Ella Fitzgerald’s… But I learnt how to like the others while rocking my babies… Anyway, what I wanted to say is that my husband took all the magazines and put them to the bin.”
“No, come on, he didn’t.” Vicky couldn’t help laughing while pooh-poohing it.
“Yes, he did. And I felt much better afterwards. You can’t imagine how much propaganda works. Especially when you are alone. My husband had been transferred to France and we had to move two weeks before I gave birth; so, we knew absolutely nobody. These magazines convince you it is really hard to raise a baby. While it’s the most natural thing in the world!
So, we just had the bare minimum and now I can say it’s much more convenient. For instance, we had been offered a big bath with a baby bath recliner. It took all the space in the bathroom and my baby hated it. To top it all, when it was full of water, it was awfully heavy and I had to empty it with a plastic tube. It’s not so easy to do while you are rocking a baby at the same time. In the end, my baby baths were in the sink. The baby liked it best and it took no space and it was easy to empty.”
“And you were saving water for the planet!”
“Good point…. So, why the bother?”
“Oh! I so agree with you”, Ki had caught them up. “My babies only liked baths in the sinks. Hated the big bath too. We had to sell it.”
“See… I had to sell most of the presents I have been given. I am really sorry for those who made the presents but it is so true. At least, I had a little money to buy what I really wanted.” Augustine boasted.
“You know, these big pushchairs”, Ki added. “We were offered a very expensive one. You know the big ones.”
“Oh! Yes, they can be so expensive…” Augustine insisted.
“How expensive?” asked Vicky, who was planning somehow to have a baby sooner or later and wanted more info.
“I don’t know now. My kids are 13 and 15 now. But it was more than 1000 CHF.” Ki remembered.
“What? That’s more than expensive, that’s out of the galaxy!” Vicky exclaimed, out of the blue.
“And they are bad! The one we’ve been offered; my daughter fell down. It never happened with the Maclaren I bought myself. Never. I used the big one two weeks and then sold it to buy several things. This opened my eyes: expensive doesn’t mean good”, Ki concluded.
“I agree, and some, at that price are in plastic! It’s not even robust.” Augustine held up.
“And they take so much space”, Ki went on, “you have to plan where you go. And a buy a bigger car to have a bigger boot. And, so heavy too. With my Maclaren, I could carry the pushchair and the baby though long flight of stairs as it was light, or just use them backwards for a few stairs. You can’t do that with the huge expensive ones….”
“And the thing, you can put the baby car seat on your pushchair, such a bad idea… The baby is not supposed to stay in the baby car seat for long, I think it ruins his back or makes flat head, something like that, I don’t remember well; so why would you keep it in there? And it is so heavy to carry around” Augustine was so happy to remember this time of her life and all she learnt about consumption that she could go on forever…
“I just used a portage scarf. This doesn’t wake the baby up. It’s so happy to be on Daddy’s or Mommy’s chest. It costs 80CHF. And you can use it as a scarf, a blanket, something to sit on or shadow protection. And of course, to hide the baby while breast feeding …”
“You make me think of Sophia.” Margherita broke into the conversation. “She just had a baby.”
“Oh! Really? That’s so cute,” exclaimed Augustine and Vicky who knew her.
“Why didn’t she tell us, she’s got our phone numbers?”
“I don’t know”, replied Margherita quickly. “She called me instead. But my children are 22 and 25. I don’t really remember. So, I’ve told her what I remembered. She’s rich but she wouldn’t even buy a steriliser for the baby bottles! She grew up in a farm in Russia. She says she’s used to sterilizing bottles for the animals and she just needs a big pan. I don’t understand that. I found the steriliser so convenient! I used to have so many accessories which made life easier. And she doesn’t want them, while she’s got the money; it is so weird!”
“What is convenient for you, is not for her. Obviously, ” Ki noticed.
“I can understand her,” added Augustine. “Sometimes, when you have too many accessories, it is hard work to deal with them. I mean you have to clean them, find a place in the kitchen for them. Find them when you need them. A pan is multifunctional. So, you use it more. You know where to find it and it makes life easier.”
“I’m so glad we are having this conversation, I am learning so much.” Vicky was so grateful. “I think I will have a baby soon.”
“Oh! Fantastic! Are you pregnant,” Ki asked with joy.
“No, no. Just planning to have one or two in the next five years… Nothing specific,” Vicky replied quickly. “Just a long-term project….”
“Are you pregnant?” retorted Ki looking at Augustine's potbelly.
“No, no,” confessed Augustine. “People leave me their seats in the bus, thinking I am pregnant; and I think they are leaving their seat to my son, which is not the case, and we have some awkward moments in the bus about that. Once a woman told me to my face I shouldn’t leave my seat to my son but to my baby, and that’s when I understood….
Now, I’ve kept this belly since my second pregnancy while I am working out. I wish I had a third baby; maybe that’s why I am keeping this belly. Or, maybe, the belly is a result of what I ate when we were poor: food with too much pesticides and bad additives …Maybe, being poor is not about what you can’t buy but how you can protect your health. I have to grow a garden.”
“Yes, you should.”
Aurianne Or
- Environmental Health Perspectives – Metabolic Effects of a Chronic Dietary Exposure to a Low-Dose Pesticide Cocktail in Mice: Sexual Dimorphism and Role of the Constitutive Androstane Receptor: https://ehp.niehs.nih.gov/ehp2877/
Pour lire cette histoire en français, cliquez ici: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/173797489620/riche-cétait-une-belle-journée-et-le-paysage
Just easier Home sweet Home — just bigger and easier to clean and tidy…: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/173125247800/home-sweet-home-just-bigger-and-easier-to-clean
Consumption: Dream & Reality: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/162937034015/consumption-dream-realitymore-love?is_related_post=1
Since I stopped working And started thinking again It works in my favor!: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/179116636815/since-i-stopped-working-and-started-thinking-again?is_related_post=1
What you work for matters: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/174590778230/what-you-work-for-matters-peaceful-environment-for?is_related_post=1
Short-circuited mass distribution!: https://aurianneor.tumblr.com/post/184691090740/short-circuited-mass-distribution
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lgbhistory · 3 years
Der Kreis
The Circle was a Swiss gay magazine that was published from 1932 to 1967 and distributed internationally.
Der Kreis was first published under the original title Freundschaftsbanner (Friendship Banner) as a joint project of Laura Thoma of Zürich lesbian organization Amicitia and August Bambula of the gay men's Excentric Club Zürich.
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The magazine originally focused on lesbian issues and was political in nature. Lesbianism was not criminalized in Switzerland at the time, unlike male homosexuality. 
By 1942 most of the lesbian editorial staff had left and the magazine became exclusively focussed on gay male interests; the actor Karl Meier took over as the chief editor in 1942, using the pen name "Rolf", and renamed the magazine Der Kreis .
It was the only gay magazine that continued publication through the Third Reich and the only gay publication that was available in Europe during World War II.
Der Kreis was published in multiple languages: it was originally written in German, but a French section was added in 1942 and an English section in 1954.
 It contained news, short stories, poems, photographs, illustrations, and reports on scientific research. Although Swiss publications were censored for much of the duration of magazine's publication, the editors of Der Kreis were noted to have evaded censorship of "racier texts" in the English section since the censors were unable to read them.
Meier wanted to promote "a high-minded vision of homosexuality" that valued friendship over sex.
The magazine's leadership began to decline in the 1960s, since younger gay readers were more inclined to buy Scandinavian publications that published pornography and nude photographs, and the last issue was published in 1967.
The editors of Der Kreis formed a society called Der Kreis-Club, to which all readers were offered membership. The club held weekly meetings in Zürich, where readers gathered to meet other men, discuss current affairs, and listen to lectures hosted by the club. Der Kreis-Club hosted an international ball in Zürich each year which attracted hundreds of gay men from around Europe.
In 2014, the magazine's history was documented in a Swiss docudrama film titled The Circle. The film features a mix of historical footage from the 1950s and dramatisations of events.
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
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@saintg​ said: “Life, as they say, has its ups and downs. At times, the waves may taunt you, tossing you in their swells.”
Studio Ghibli Starters
Finally, at a crosswalk far away enough from Buckingham Palace for no one of note to notice her, Princess Sonia of Novoselic was able to exhale the deep sigh she'd been holding in all day. No, a day wasn't generous enough: a month was more exact. Though her patience, as generous and plentiful as it was, now began to fray under the weight of the international vampire talks now hosted by Queen Victoria and the United Kingdom.
It was an effort on several fronts: for one, it opened the borders of the greatest empire in the world to those it tended to fear, much of the European continent, and fashioned Victoria into a collaborative world leader with a positive agenda on her mind (the other agenda, however, was clearly understood by anyone with experience in upperclass society). And two, it would, hopefully, result in a plan respected and utilized by every great nation that would ensure the success and prosperity of vampires for centuries to come. Naturally, when the sessions had been announced, it had taken prolific vampire supporter Marquis Renfield all of a day to write one of his closest friends, King Alexandre of Novoselic, and insist the small country take part. After all, Novoselic, bordered by France, Italy, and Switzerland, was the only nation in Europe where vampires not only lived, but thrived amongst humans with strict sets of regulations for both their safeties and had done so since the fourteenth century. But necessary tasks in Novoselic kept the monarch from leaving the country's borders, and he had a twenty-three year old princess and future queen on his hands, finished with university and politely nudging her father regarding a proper grand tour.
So it had been the Royal Family and Council's compromise: she wouldn't be permitted on a true grand tour, traveling from country to country to soak in (and buy up) all of the arts and culture she could, just as she hadn't been permitted in most classrooms at university. For an unmarried woman, even an unmarried one set to take the Novoselic throne one day, Sonia proved to be a distraction for everyone else, namely the young men of the aristocracy. Additionally, they'd appease the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland, whose great plans permitted the international talks to overlap with the London Social Season, and send Princess Sonia as an active and willing participant of both sets of events. Which in theory couldn't be more different, from meeting rooms full of charts and sketches and photographs, to ballrooms with dance cards and crystal glasses filled with lemonade or champagne. But both were steeped in politics, requiring dances that any young monarch-to-be had to perform very well.
One she, as she stood on the curb clutching her pocketbook and her umbrella, seemed to be floundering in. In her sage green silk day dress and coordinating hat, Sonia pressed her lips together in thought. She'd needed the walk back to the Renfield Mansion after that particular disaster. A part of her wished the Marquis had been permitted in the discussion room and not constantly called away to the House of Lords, but the idea of requiring a man by her side to make her voice heard was enough to make her skin crawl. But that was the precise predicament she found herself in: for all of her detailed graphs, records, and expensive photos taken of some of Novoselic's cities and towns depicting vampires and humans living a peaceful coexistence, she found herself talked over, smiled at politely with no further inquiries, or worse, asking her opinion of a future ball or garden party, particularly if she'd be in attendance or not. Sonia was normally a patient sort, but a month after she'd set foot on Steel London's soil and two weeks of discussions had begun to fray even her nerves. Thus her sigh, and her desire for a short walk to Belgrave Square where her companion and lady's maid alike would happily assist in dressing her for dinner while, more importantly, she outpoured the events of the day and made plans for the fortnight when the discussions were in recess in favor of social events.
 “Life, as they say, has its ups and downs. At times, the waves may taunt you, tossing you in their swells.” 
That was enough to rid her of her sour expression, exchanging it for curiosity as she glanced to her side. She hadn't even heard him approach, with his very fair complexion and stylish attire, most likely a noble she'd yet to meet though if Queen Victoria had her way, she certainly would soon. Fate, it seemed, had done its work for the queen instead, though after hours upon hours of discussions she was hardly at her best.
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"Then I think I must be in a series of downs, Sir," She offered with a small smile. He seemed to only wish to make conversation after all, something Sonia usually welcomed. When she wasn't frustrated with how much of a bungle her first real traveling expedition outside of Novoselic's borders was turning out to be. "But I wonder if it's waves or instead just-"
Nature decided to finish the sentence for her. It had been an overcast, if not gloomy, spring day in Steel London but the skies had waited until mid-afternoon to open up with a loud boom of thunder. "...rain!" She finished finally, unfolding her umbrella and raising it above her head. While most pedestrians tried to duck for cover or hail one of the newfangled cabs, Sonia remained in place, her smile growing brighter in contrast. She should've taken a carriage, but how often did she get to roam the streets of any city like a normal person? "Finally, I was very much hoping to experience a little of today's storm! It's lovely what you can see when the streets are emptied."
Though while she had the fortune of having an umbrella on hand, the blonde princess couldn't say the same for the stranger who had sided up beside her. "It's coming down quite quickly, though," She mused, tilting her umbrella in his direction. "Would you like to share my umbrella with me? We may very well be going in similar directions and I certainly wouldn't mind the company."
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Stones of India
In 2020 India possesses a wide range of natural stones that include granite, marble, sandstone, limestone, slate, and quartzite, spread out all over India. India has the best quality Natural stone amongst and we are the largest producer of raw stone material and the sectors are quite developed and vibrant in the South, as well as in Rajasthan and Gujarat, with a dedicated resource of entrepreneurs. India also has an indigenous resource of machinery and tool manufacturers that cater well to the demands of this sector.
The Indian stone industry has evolved into the production and manufacturing of blocks, flooring slabs, structural slabs, calibrated – ready to fix tiles, monuments, tombstones, sculptures, artifacts, cobbles, cubes, curbs, pebbles, and landscape garden stones.
Tradition of stones
India’s history, dating back to 3200 BC has been influenced considerably by the disposition, development, and use of stones and other construction materials. Dimension stones have also left deep imprints on the architectural heritage of the country. Innumerable temples, forts, and palaces of Ancient Indian Civilization have been carved out of locally available stones. The Taj Mahal at Agra was constructed from Indian marble. Some of the rock-cut structures include Khajuraho Temple, Elephanta Caves, and Konark Temple. Besides, all major archaeological excavations have revealed exquisitely carved statuettes and carvings in stone. Ancient Buddhist monuments like the Sanchi Stupa of 3rd century BC have also been carved out of stone.
This tradition of Stone Architecture has continued to the present era, with most of the important modern buildings in India like the Presidential House, Parliament House, and Supreme Court made from high-quality sandstone of Rajasthan. The Baha’i House of Worship of New Delhi stands testimony to the relevance of marble in modern Indian architecture.
Stones are still the mainstays of civil construction in India, with stones being used extensively in public buildings, hotels, and temples. It is increasingly being used in homes, with the use of stones now penetrating amongst the growing middle class of India. The success of the commercial stone industry solely depends upon defects in rock/stone. Natural defects in ornamental/commercial rock deposits adversely affect the quality of rock deposits. Detection of natural defects in the decorative and dimensional stone industry plays a vital role in the quality assessment.
India is a pioneer in the exploration, mining of commercial rock deposits, and in establishing a firm base for the stone industry. India, with an estimated resource of about 1,690 million cum, comprising over 160 shades of Dimension Stone Granite, accounts for about 205 of the world resources. Of the 300 varieties being traded in the world market, nearly half of them are from India. Commercially viable granite and other rock deposits are reported from Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, and others.
Marvelous Marble
Marble was used for building tombs, temples, and palaces. For a long[weasel words] time it was considered as Royal Stone. It is, however, now used in hotels and homes too. There are many varieties.
Makrana is the source of the marble used in the Taj Mahal. It is situated at a distance of 60 km from Kishangarh and falls in the Nagaur district of Rajasthan. The region has various mining ranges, mainly Doongri, Devi, Ulodi, Saabwali, Gulabi, Kumari, Neharkhan, Matabhar, Matabhar kumari, Chuck doongri, Chosira and Pahar Kua amongst others.
Rajnagar Marble
World’s largest marble-producing area, with over 2,000 gangs saw units located in the nearby town of Udaipur to process the material produced. Agaria is the best variety of this area, with numerous other varieties and patterns, primarily in white base. The marble is dolomitic and often has quartz intrusions.
Andhi Marble
Located near the capital city of the state of Jaipur (also known as the ‘Pink City’), it is dolomitic marble with intrusions of tremolite and is commonly known by the name of pista (pistachio) marble, because of the green-colored tremolite against an off-white background. One of the famous varieties of this area was known as Indo-Italian, owing to its resemblance with Statuario Marble. Most of the mining of this famous field is now banned by the Supreme Court of India because of the vicinity of the area to the Sariska Tiger Reserve.
Slumber Marble
Also known as Onyx Marble, it has thick bands of green and pink hint. A resemblance to Onyx Marble from Pakistan gives it this name. This is also highly diplomatic.
Yellow Marble
Though it has not been metamorphosed and hence is still a limestone, it is known as Yellow Marble in trade circles. It is mined in the Jaisalmer District.
These are ultra basic rocks in shades of brown and green color found in Rajasthan. The criss-cross linear pattern gave it a remarkable resemblance to a photograph of dense forest. These are also known as forest green/brown or fancy green/brown.
Morwad Kishangarh Marble
Gujarat – Amba Ji White Marble: It is one of the finest marble produced in India. It can be easily compared with Makrana Marble. It is highly calcic and is produced in a town called Ambaji (famous for its temple of Durga Devi). The marble has a very soft and waxy look and is often used by sculptors.
Rajasthan – Abu Black: This is one of the rare Black textured marble available. Only produced in the mines of Abu road, this amazing Black textured stone is the finest decorative marble ideal for homemakers, temples, sculptures, and corporate houses.
Madhya Pradesh – Katni Range: It is famous for its beige colored marble which is dolomitic but highly crystalline, with very fine grain size and some quartz intrusions. The marble accepts excellent polish. Another variety of the same range is red/maroon-colored marble.
‘Jabalpur range‘ contains dolomitic marble of excellent whiteness. It is more often used as dolomite lumps for chemical and industrial uses.
Indian Green Marble: It is found in Rajasthan India, Indian Green Marble’s most quarries are situated in Kesariyaji it is 60 KM far from Udaipur Rajasthan India. This Indian green marble is famous is many names all over the world. In Europe, people have known Indian green marble as Verde Guatemala.many kinds of varieties available in Indian green marble. Indian Green Marble is Exporting in Africa, Europe, Australia, Middle East, and many Asian countries. It is found in Udaipur District state Rajasthan of India.
Gorgeous Collection Granite
India has varieties of granite in over 200 shades. As of 2005, Granite reserves in India were 37,426 million cubic meters and ranked fifth in export of the processed product. Resources are found in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Rajasthan, and Andhra Pradesh.
Classic Sandstone
Sandstone reserves in India are found over the states of Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Karnataka, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, and West Bengal. Over 90% of the deposits of sandstone are in Rajasthan, spread over the districts of Bharatpur, Dholpur, Kota, Jodhpur, Sawai-Madhopur, Bundi, Chittorgarh, Bikaner, Jhalawar, Pali, Shivpuri, Khatu and Jaisalmer.
India is among the leading countries when it comes to mining and export of sandstone. The best part with Sandstone from India is that it is available in different colors and considered best for interior as well as exterior use. Few most popular sandstone products from India include names like Tint Mint, White Mint, Mint Fossils, Modak, Agra Red, Rainbow Sandstone, Raj Green, Teak, Buff Brown, Dhoplur Chocolate, Beige, Dholpur Pink, Lalitpur Pink, Mandana Red, Jodhpur pink, Jodhpur red, Jaisalmer yellow, etc.
This sandstone is available in some finishes and comes with great strength. However, Sandstone like Rainbow is only available in layered form and so is not suitable when the good thickness is required and Jodhpur sandstone is best when used in front elevation and high comprehensive strength. To illustrate it clearly, you can’t have cobbles out of Rainbow sandstone in particular as it is usually available in the slabs form.
Please contact us for Granites, Marble, Slate tiles requirements. Our strong supply base in the USA, UK, UAE, Dubai, Doha, Bahrain, European Union, Germany, Russia, France, Netherlands, Italy, Poland, Norway, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Spain, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, Turkey, Brunei, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Burma, Bhutan, Sikkim, China, Shree Lanka, Bangladesh, Brazil, Kenya, Sweden, Malaysia, Kuwait, Denmark, Hungary, Finland, Romania, Ireland, Portugal, South Africa, Ukraine, Greece, Israel, Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Venezuela, Nigeria, Iraq, Bulgaria, Morocco, New Zealand, Peru, Qatar, Tunisia, Lebanon, Netherlands, Jordan, Bahrain, Oman, Cuba, Kenya, Uruguay, Macau, Zambia, Cameroon, Mongolia, Mozambique, Bahamas, Zimbabwe, and the Maldives.
Made from premium quality stone material, each of our delivered stone products has defect-free finish and is widely used in various prestigious building projects in Australia, Netherlands, USA, Ireland, Germany, Sweden, Israel, Austria, France, Spain, Italy, UK, Cyprus, Belarus, Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Egypt, Guatemala, Mauritius, Mexico, Peru, Ukraine, Romania, Russia, Serbia, South Africa, and Turkey. Our business transactions are transparent and hassle-free, enhancing the customer experience in the buying process. Empowered with well-defined infrastructure, our experience in handling bulk export order and meeting targets as per the given schedules help us in efficiently meeting customer’s needs at the most economical prices.
Add by Expert and Export team of Bhandari Marble World, India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh-305801
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sergelricco · 4 years
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Biographie de Max Maxwell (Art Director) photographié par David Bailey.
En retraite à Ko Lanta !
1940  October 8 born in Bombay, during a devastating cyclone.
1951   Traveled to London where I lived alone and acted as a tourist guide before startin gthe first of many boarding schools (where I learned northing ).
1958  Went to art college and was expelled (kicked out ).
1959   Started my own jazz club, and traveled for two weeks with Miles Davis,  from whom I learned NO SMALL TALKS, OR BORING CONVERSATIONS.
1960  Traveled in Switzerland, Provence, and Spain.
1961  Became art director of Queen Magazine London, and started going to New York and Paris several times a year.
1962  Was highest paid art director in Europe, and offered art directorship ol Look and Esquire Magazine in New York wich I refused.
1963  Became art director of Vogue Magazine, London.
1964  Returned to Queen Magazine, hung out with the Beatles and all the sixsties London crowd. Decided I did not want become rich and famous, AVOIDING THE APATHY AND EMPINESS OF AFFLUENCE.
1965  Retired from Queen, to be a photographer, started living in Spain, travelling world-wide on assignments of my choice, and was one of the highest paid photographers in Europe, using Nassau Bahamas as my winter    studio location.
1966  3 months photo trip in India and Ceylon.
1968  Had a major photographic exibition at Photokina, Koln, Germany, at the same time architecturally restoring rural estates in Spain, for fees as high as 50.000 us dollars was offered a million dollar commission to buy several farms, for a corporation, which I refused, THAT MUCH MONEY WOULD RUIN MY LIFESTYLE.
1971  Traveled for a year in Africa, from Senegal to Ethiopia.
1972  Started living in Goa in winter and Kashmir in summer.
1978  Began spending summer in Ladakh and winter in Goa, visited Afghanistan.
1985  Left Goa to windsurf , and live in Boracay island, Philippines.
1987   Started spending a few months in Bali, Hawaii, the Dominican republic, st. Martin. Still based on Boracay island.
1995   Started magical travels in Tibet.
1997   Discovered my paradise island of Ko Lanta, in the Andaman sea, where I spend 5 months a year, then Eastern Tibet and Lhasa, Ladakh 3 months in summer, with a few weeks in California and Santa Fe.
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Hello! I am @Littlestlavenderlights. Welcome to my Tumblr blogging account page. On this account page, I will be writing about many different topics ranging from my own advice on how to do things. In today’s post, I will be introducing myself to the Tumblr community! I also am very new to blogging - so please be patient with me as I may do some weird things like formatting my text.
I am a 17-year-old teenage girl. I was born in Siberia, Russia. I was born on the 12th of April in the year of 2002. Which means I am turning 18 in just a couple of days! oh, so exciting!
I live in two places. I live in Switzerland and in the United States - in Michigan. I am soon going to be moving from my grandpa's place, as my family and I are buying a new home! So exciting, I know!
I have light brown eyes with blonde-brown brunette-ombre hair. I tend to wear giant cozy sweaters and sweatshirts with a pair of leggings. I also wear glasses - they happen to be the color black with a few gold pieces indented to them.
My favorite things happen to include tea, being aesthetic, listening to music and writing. My favorite genre of music is dubstep. My favorite song is called “Promises” which is created by the wonderful Skrillex (who is also known as Sonny John Moore).
I attend VHS Learning (also known as The Virtual High School) which is based in Massachusetts. (Yes, I am online schooled). I have a couple of good friends. I have Catalina who is so caring and so kind. She always makes sure that I am okay. Then there is Faith, who is super artistic, caring and so sassy! I absolutely adore her art style(s).
Speaking of art...I am trying to learn how to draw. It is actually super difficult! I can’t even draw a straight line...awkward..I know. I have actually always wanted to learn how to draw as I would like to make a drawing theme on my Instagram account page. I tend to draw animals like wolves and figurines that are called Littlest Pet Shop(s).
I am quite good at editing photos. I use multiple different editing tools - apps: Snapseed, Afterlight, Lightroom (mobile/desktop), Photoshop (mobile/desktop), and VSCO (mobile/desktop). I really like the filters A6 and C1 on VSCO and I like adding presets to Photoshop as well as Lightroom.
I actually really enjoy taking photographs with my Canon Rebel EOS T6 (also known as the Canon EOS 1300D). I take photographs of many different things that also happen to include Littlest pet shops all the way to nature and landscapes.
Speaking of photography, I actually have my own Instagram Blog Account Page -
(I don't have any posts on it as I just made it). It is called “littlestlavenderlights”.
QOTB: Why did you join Tumblr?
ATTBQ: I actually decided to join Tumblr to have a second platform to share my blogs on. I really enjoy sharing my ideas and advice with other people. I also really enjoy meeting new people and making new friends!
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the-paintrist · 5 years
Tumblr media
Giovanni Segantini - Portrait of Vittore Grubicy de Dragon - 1887
Giovanni Segantini (15 January 1858 – 28 September 1899) was an Italian painter known for his large pastoral landscapes of the Alps. He was one of the most famous artists in Europe in the late 19th century, and his paintings were collected by major museums. In later life, he combined a Divisionist painting style with Symbolist images of nature. He was active in Switzerland during the last period of his life.
Vittore Grubicy de Dragon (15 October 1851 – 4 August 1920) was an Italian painter, art critic and art gallery owner who was largely responsible for introducing into Italian painting the optical theories of Divisionism. His writings and paintings influenced a generation of late 19th-century Italian painters. In addition, the Grubicy Gallery became one of the first art enterprises to be run on the concept of exhibiting living artists that were represented as clients of the gallery.
Grubicy grew up in a well-to-do family in Milan. Both of his parents were great art lovers, and from an early age he was introduced to the art circles in Milan and other European cities.
After his father died in 1870, Grubicy became involved with a bohemian group of Milanese artists, poets and writers known as the Scapigliatura, who sought to blur the differences between art and life. He was so taken with this new lifestyle that he convinced his brother Alberto to join him in buying an art gallery, which came to be known as the Galleria Fratelli Grubicy. His brother ran the financial aspects of the gallery while Vittore traveled throughout Europe looking for the newest art trends. Their gallery initially specialized in Scapigliatura artists such as Tranquillo Cremona and Daniele Ranzoni, but within a few years it began to feature newer Italian artists that included Giovanni Segantini, Emilio Longoni and Angelo Morbelli.
Between 1882 and 1885 Grubicy spent most of his time in the Netherlands, where he became friends with artists of the Hague School, especially Anton Mauve. Mauve strongly influenced Grubicy as an artist and in his critical approach to art. When he returned to Italy Grubicy encouraged the artists he represented to emulate the styles of Mauve and Mauve's cousin-in-law, Vincent van Gogh. Painter Emilio Longoni wrote, "Vittore Grubicy has brought Divisionism from abroad. He's having Segantini, Morbelli and me do it ourselves." Grubicy's passion for Divisionism was so strong that he convinced Segantini to rework an already finished painting, Ave Maria by the Lake, in a Divisionist technique.
In 1886 Grubicy became the art critic for the newspaper La Riforma, where for the next four years he used his position to further promote his artistic opinions. In that publication and in Cronaca d'Arte, the most Italian important art review of the time, Grubicy wrote extensively about "the perception of light as the tool best able to translate onto canvas subjective emotions…"
In 1889 Vittore left the gallery business over conflicts with his brother, and he began to devote most of his time to his own painting and to writing about other artists. He continued to act as an independent talent scout, and in 1891 he helped organize the first large exhibition of Italian Divisionist painting at Milan's Brera Tiennale. Conservative art critics wrote scathing reviews of many of the works, but Grubicy wrote very positive reviews in several newspapers. One of the most important paintings shown at that exhibition was Gaetano Previati's Maternity. In writing about this work Grubicy introduced the concept of Symbolism in Italian painting when he hailed the piece as embodying a new aesthetic which he called "mystico-ideist."
Grubicy also influenced his fellow artists through his compositions of multiple paintings arranged as triptychs and polyptychs. In the early 1890s he began planning a polyptych of sixteen panels under the title of Winter in Miazzina. The work took shape as an interchangeable sequence of paintings that reflected his emotional experiences over the long winters at Miazzina on the shore of Lake Maggiore. Each canvas was subjected to continued revisions by Grubicy over many years, depending upon his mood and his interests. Finally, in 1911, the polyptych assumed its final form in an arrangement of only eight paintings that he called Winter in the Mountains. In spite of all his work to create it, he did not exhibit it during his lifetime. It was first shown together at the Rome Biennale in 1921, the year after his death. After that the assemblage did not remain as a polyptych, and the individual paintings were sold to different collectors and museums. Grubicy took a photograph of the polyptych as he intended it to be seen, and based upon that image the work has been reassembled for several exhibitions since his death, most recently at the Kunsthaus Zürich in 2009.
His health deteriorated after 1910, and during the last decade of his life he had to give up painting altogether. He remained an active promoter of new artists during this period, especially Carlo Carrà, Pietro Angelini and Arturo Tosi.
Grubicy died at his home in Milan in 1920.
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borre09lorentzen · 2 years
History Of Church Hymns
Halloween is a very popular holiday for driver with everything alike. It is second to Christmas! It is a holiday that is steeped from a truly fascinating history and folklore. So, where did this holiday come from? What is the origin of Halloween? The associated with acquiring a permit is fairly simple. All you have to do is go with a Passport Agency in your country and fill out a form with your details. Then you give the authorities a recent photograph. pluraleyes serial key may be also charged. There were quite a few of these dogs in Switzerland. The reason for this was the meticulous nature on the dogs and also the less availability of well bred bitches. To do this reason, each side this dog in america was delayed until '68. In the same year, larger Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America was also born. Till date, the entity in question is famous for training well-known of dogs for weight pulling, herding, drafting additional security and life saving purposes. Not expensive is known with regards to history and Origin of Samba. Generally it believed that the dance were only available in Africa where it was performed in by young. Many also believe that it emerged from another music called Choro. Nevertheless it really cannot be believed in actual once we do not need evidence for the. In Samba two performances, dance and music both are given in the same a chance. Oolong teas can range from darker teas closer to black teas to light green teas closer to green teas. Thus an oolong tea can vary much extra than a green tea or black tea. Coffee Blends - Right here is the most common type of coffee and like the name suggests means a mixing of a couple of different pinto and black beans. This can be a positive or very bad thing depending on the qualities of this beans being combined. If the beans being combined or of good quality then the blend should remain a superior quality mix. In the summertime problem with blends proven fact that many companies amalgamate types putting vast amounts of good quality beans with small portions of high quality beans. pluraleyes download free mac accomplish is for marketing purposes so that they will still advertise a premium product, but cut costs by including less from the quality commodity. pluraleyes keygen in year 2000s has be characterized very deluxe and become more. If you buy designers' dresses, those cost you easily over $300 or even $1000. Hair, shoes, accessories, bags and allowance, by and large can you have to be than $500. However, deals right, get a new generic designer's dress from online, most likely save lucrative revenue. You should remember prom is a time full where you can like and show who you are, and not a time filled with worry or financial obligation.
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lin74irwin · 2 years
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