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omw2happiness · 5 years
What are the following diagrams? Chemistry? Math? Choreography? Physics?
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By now, you would have guessed it. They are stage positions for our class performance with two wonderful Lamrim classes! We are the Radiance Dharma Warriors 3.0!
The warriors performed in the BW Monastery’s Auspicious Insightful Praise Recitals organised by the Arts and Culture Department on 10th Nov 2019. We will again perform and offer our song and moves one more time for the 2019 Joyous Rhapsody: “BRILLIANCE” Concert!
Besides the meticulous planning of stage moves, props, attire and motivation by our monitors, heart work of the team leads as well as the logistics leads, etc made the performance magical for the Triple Gem.
Below are some of the motivational messages given in our group chats:
Firstly, sincere rejoice 🥳to everyone for making a trip down to BW Monastery yesterday for practice. It’s your spirit and drive to create the best offering together, to not be satisfied with our last performance but willingness to seek improvements that make you guys true Radiance Wisdom Warriors! 💫⚔✨
You have planted great seeds of joyous perseverance! 🌱
Arya Asanga says repeatedly that you have both to know well the methods of training in extensive practice without being discouraged and to not be satisfied with only minimal qualities.
Keep this fire 🔥 burning! When you give nothing lesser than your best, you are the best! 👍🏻😇 Countdown to performance – 4 days! Are you a warrior? Definitely! YOU are the Radiance Wisdom Warrior who took your precious time and efforts to practice again and again to perfect your moves to do what pleases the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! Why? Is it because YOU want to be a Buddha? Only YOU will know as this is a path filled with challenges to overcome own afflictions. Why do you want to be a buddha? Contemplate on this and be certain about your ultimate goal. Rejoice with gratitude! 👏😊🌟
Countdown to performance – 3 days!
Are YOU ready to harvest your virtuous seeds planted in the past practices? If u remembered the kindness of our Teachers and the Three Jewels, then YOU will experience the joy of harvesting coming Sun night as YOU give your best to the audience with a virtuous heart and dedicate the performance to all Dharma Protectors, our Teachers and the Three Jewels. Rejoice your diligence! 👏👍😄🌟
Countdown to Performance – 2 days
Radiance Dharma Warriors! Every one of you is also a virtuous teacher and virtuous friend of another person. Over the past weeks and months, each have you have practised diligently and supported one another in one way or another. Everyone is contributing towards a greater whole in his or her own ways to do what pleases our Teachers and benefit the audience during the performance. It is heart warming to see Lamrim practitioners coming together in unison and acting in concordance to the virtuous body, speech and mind acts taught by our Teachers! Give yourself a clap and cheer! Rejoice your diligence! 👏👍😄🌟
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– TB LIM – Monitor of S15G027E
Hello Radiance Dharma Warriors! 2 more days to our rehearsal, excited to gather everyone again!
Sharing some suggestions from audience and organisers are to make our moves even sharper and to sing out more, then the impact will be almost perfect. Our energy was great and everyone was mesmerized 😍😊👍🏻
For these 2 days, let’s please practice our singing to make greater impact, especially during the choruses. I will send in video and sound clip below for your singing practice 🎤👩🏻‍🎤🎤👨🏻‍🎤
*23rd Nov – Level 4 Hall Of Jewels Attire: Comfortable (remember to bring cloak)* 545pm: AV, stage and props set up (Jolynn & Terence; anyone knows AV can help??) 6pm: singers (Monitor TB, Irene and Jolynn) meet 630pm – 7pm: Motivation setting Briefing on 3 changes – standby place, singers’ positions and chorus 2 row 2 7pm – 730pm: large group revision sharpen moves 730pm – 900pm: full run – confirm any position/partner changes (PJ & Jolynn) – coordinate warrior poses (PJ) – run through 2-3 runs 900pm – 920pm: – Singers tie down choreo (TB & Jolynn) – Warriors Q&A clarification (PJ & Ros)
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Thank you everyone for taking time off your precious Sunday afternoon to practice 💃🏻🕺🏻 for Joyous Rhapsody today!! 💫✨ (Those who were not physically present, we visualized your presence and we know that you guys are spiritually with us too)
Our chemistry is definitely getting better as we are more in sync and able to coordinate better with each practice. Not forgetting the moment when I literally got goosebumps when all of you sang loudly together. 佛菩萨 would have heard you equally loud and clear 🤗 棒棒的! 🐻🙏🏻
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– PJ TAN –
Dear all,
Rejoice your diligence and perseverance in preparing for the insightful praise recital!
There is so much compassion in the Insightful Praises. Let’s follow in these virtuous footsteps and also supplicate to the Manjusri Bodhisattva for wisdom on our path towards enlightenment in our preparations.
Grateful to our lineage masters and the precious insightful praises!
Rejoice to your sincere offering of praise to the Triple Gem and seeking reliance in the Manjusri Bodhisattva. Your offering of praise includes melodious tunes but more importantly the purest of intention, motivation and practice.
May we all possess the fighting spirit of our Master in our process of preparation.
We may be some distance from our expectations but the way of a practitioner is find the solutions to less favourable conditions.This is what our Master has taught us by being fearless in defeat.
Practice more if you need but present with sincerity and pure dedication like shiny precious jewels and blooming bouquets of fragrant flowers!
Treasure our Teacher’s compassion Mahayana vow to guide all singing, performing, enjoying, conducting insightful praises on the Bodhi path till we achieve enlightenment!
With Metta, IRENE
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Penning this now, I recalled battling internal resistance when being appointed to take up this role. I was shrouded by inferiority and afflictions as I did not have confidence to pull off this project. The more I hid from it, the worse it became as I realized I was just wasting time as it slips away.
Monitor Tiong Boon sat us down in Mac Donald’s after class one night, and with the support of creative VFF Wei Lin, we began ploughing the field. The Insightful Praise song only got selected by Buddy PJ and I in very late September. Only 1 month to piece everyone and everything together!
With the blessings of monitor Chong Tien, monitress Nancy and sis Julie, we “jio-ed” talents from all around to mix interesting elements into the performance. It was a bold move, to plan formation and choreography for people whom we have not met. It was monitor Tiong Boon and sis Irene’s fervent encouragement and guidance that kept us persevering on. Without much initial visibility, we started to draw up plans and make tutorial videos for our warriors soon-to-know.
We are blessed with extremely supportive team members who are concerned and involved with the project. Initial rehearsals were chaotic and draining, but very soon it started to get enjoyable.
During the process, PJ and I were often approached with reminders and updates from team members that they have taken care of aspects that we overlooked. We were never alone, because everyone took ownership of this project just like their own. It was truly reassuring for us to have a team that we are fully trusting of, to make the best support decisions in the interest of our collective offering.
With this very strong collaborative spirit, we even had the capacity to invite members to join even only at later rehearsals. Our team members had grown themselves into strong mentors to help the new warriors catch up with the progress.
10 November was pure joy. The excitement was so strong that it felt like we only had 10 seconds on stage! We were exhilarated and many of us rewatched the recordings on repeat after we got home. Happy sleepless night it was! Looking back, giving up had seemed to be the easiest option, but then we will never learn of this joy and accomplishment should we have stopped back then. Then again, how could this have been possible without the protection from Buddhas, Dharma, Dharma Protectors and our Lineage Masters? I simply cannot fathom. Thus, we will continue to perfect our item and definitely our motivation. May we be blessed with another golden opportunity to offer at the Joyous Rhapsody in December 🙂 Deepest heartfelt thanks to wonderful team: Organising Committee and Programme/Media/AV team of Joyous Rhapsody 2019 Monitors and class members of S13G008E Monitors and class members of S15G026E Monitors and class members of S15G027E Translation of Lyrics: Jolynn Chew and Irene Lee Wushu artists: Julie, Cindy and Ah Ai
Ever-supportive media team: Wilson and Wei Lin Most reliable AV and logistics: Samuel and Terence Dharma Sabre Protector: Awesome Doris
To my dearest and most respected Triple Gems, Master and Teacher:
I have been blinded and unable to feel your kindness over many lifetimes, but you’ve always stayed by my side guiding me towards the bright path. I will pledge my limitless future lives in following your path and learning to do what pleases you. May I have your blessings to be in your direct guidance until I attain Buddhahood with our hearts as one. Forever-disciple, Jolynn Chew S15G027E (aka Buddy 1)
There has been many unforgettable moments in the preparation and getting ready for this prelude to Joyous Rhapsody.
I recall: Buddy and I were going through the list of insightful praises (IP) an evening after class, totally at loss and silently panicking as there wasn’t much time till performance. How now brown cow?😱 Should we pick an English IP since we are from a bilingual class, or should we pick one that is easy to sing so more people would want to participate and gain merits, or should we pick something that is unique and leave an impact etc.? After supplicating for the IP that can best cultivate the aspiration to attain Buddhahood, 勇悍行 it is! And there’s no turning back! 💪
The week after, we were soaking in perspiration (because we 不舍得开空调) at BWM Hall of Jewels, experimenting the formation and choreography with an umbrella and a vacuum cleaner tube (in replacement of our props that were still shipping over). Though we retained less than 50% of what was previously planned, we were ready to gather our fellow Bodhi warriors.⚔️
说不尽的感恩, 道不完的感谢。
Buddy 2 – Poh Jee S15G027E
The achievement of practicing as a group was very memorable. Everybody put in their best effort to make it possible!
Without Lineage Master’s blessings, we will not have this opportunity to make this body speech and mind offering to Triple Gems of the ten directions!
Rejoice to everybody for making it possible.
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Yim Yao Hua S15G027E
Rejoice to everyone!
Wilson 15G027E
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Angela Ng Wai Cheng S15G027E’s Observer
After watching the videos of the Bodhi Warriors 3.0, I cried tears of joy!
I don’t dare say that I am like our lineage master who has qualities of compassion and wisdom but I truly felt the tsunami of bliss in my heart as described in the Global Lamrim when our lineage master wrote the Lamrim to benefit practitioners! We have planted such pure and sincere virtuous seeds of wisdom on this pathway to Buddhahood! These seeds will bear amazing fruits of magnificent wisdom! MEGA REJOICE!Rejoice to the Bodhi Warriors team! Grateful to Abbot Jing Yuan and blessings from our lineage masters! March on towards the 2019 JOYOUS RHAPSODY: BRILLIANCE! With Metta, Irene S15G027E
Related reads: 文化艺术处呈献2019吉祥赞颂观摩会 Arts and Culture Dept Presents the Insightful Praise Recitals
2018 忆师恩– 师心。我心。菩提心: MRD INSIGHTFUL PRAISES OFFERING by S15G027E
RADIANCE DHARMA WARRIORS 3.0 @BWMONASTERY 07.12.19 What are the following diagrams? Chemistry? Math? Choreography? Physics? By now, you would have guessed it. They are stage positions for our class performance with two wonderful Lamrim classes!
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omw2happiness · 5 years
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What are the brothers and sisters of our class doing here in the monastery?
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Serious men and women at virtuous work! MEGA REJOICE dear friends!
Here’s their master piece upon completion!
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Looks so cool and pro! Lots of heart work! 💪😊🌟 When you light up your heart, you will light up others, and the world will eventually be lighted up! Rejoice your diligence! 👏👍😄🌟
~ Tiong Boon, our Lamrim Class…
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omw2happiness · 6 years
Today, at a void deck of a HDB block, I noticed an elderly lady with a walking stick itching her way in my direction.
At first, I thought she was there doing her afternoon walking exercise as she moved very slowly from pillar to pillar.
However, as she was getting closer to me, I could see from her eyes that she was kind of in need of help. She finally spoke to me and requested for me to help her…
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