#by /u/JalapenoBridger
Great petty revenge with tickets
So one of my friend's dad is a PI, formally a cop, and today he told me a great revenge story.
Once he finished writing up the two tickets (one for not using the blinker, one for speeding) he just said "Well I'll hand these off to my lawyer and have him deal with them." Clearly a snobby rich guy (I mean seriously, who gets their lawyer to deal with a ticket?), he just wanted to be done with him, so my friend's dad just said "Have a good day." And this guy really had the audacity to say "Alright fuck you" and speed off as fast as he could. Now, most people would've just said "Oh well, he's an asshole. Nothing can he done but hope doesn't kill anyone." and left it alone. But not him.
Now it's worth mentioning that he was not in a good mood. He had chased someone on foot for half an hour already that morning and had just been dealing with some idiots, so he was at his breaking point so early in the day. It's also worth mentioning that when he said he had gotten multiple tickets before, he meant multiple tickets in the past two weeks.
He turned on his sirens again and pulled him over once more. As soon as he rolled down the window he said "Oh come on man, what the fuck do you want now?" Keeping his cool (and honestly a little happy to be doing him justice), simply said "Step out of youe vehicle." Once he did, he said "You're under arrest for driving with a suspended liscense, reckless driving, and multiple traffic violations." The then started yelling at him, struggling and resisting to the point where he decided to hit the guy with a charge for resisting arrest. And what's more, during the patdown, found some rolling paper a bag with a little bit of weed, giving him reasonable suspicion to search the car. That's where he found tons of cocaine, weed, heroin, and cash (some of which apparently was counterfeit).
Fast forward a few years, this guy was a drug dealer, apparently connected to a gang/cartel. And that, my friends, is how what started as petty revenge turned into a huge cartal bust.
(source) story by (/u/JalapenoBridger)
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TIFU by yelling at a car
So I went out to eat with my (now ex) girlfriend. She was driving because my brother wrecked our car. Her car is a very common car, a basic Honda that pretty much everyone drives in our area because there's a place nearby that sells them for dirt cheap.
So I do this thing with her where if she's looking in her purse for her keys for more than like three seconds, and I start pulling on the door handle and screaming "Open up!" like a crazy person. It sounds really irritating to be honest and I'm not really sure why she thought it was funny at all, but it cracked her up every time.
So after we ate it was dark. We walked outside, I saw a car that looked like hers, walked over to it, and stood by the door. After a few seconds I started doing the usually- pulling and screaming.
Suddenly, a woman inside screamed "Oh my God!" and turned on the lights in the car. Then I heard my girlfriend yell "Jalapeno, what the hell are you doing?" I turned around, saw her, and realized what I'd done. I yelled "Sorry!" and sprinted over to my girlfriend's car. She instantly started laughing hysterically and didn't stopped until she dropped me off.
Sorry random woman who I scared the shit out of.
TL;DR scared the shit out of a woman by screaming at her thinking it was my girlfriend.
submitted by /u/JalapenoBridger [link] [comments]
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