#by /u/MajorMoron0851
prorevenge · 5 years
Be a jerk about fixing my car? hope you and your manager enjoy unemployment thanks to my dumb luck
Okay so, Few things to start. Im sorry this is long, but its a lot of information to lay out the story. i think the revenge is pretty sweet tho.
Secondly, English is my first language but I never did well with grammar, sorry.
Okay so the story.
In Jan. 2018, my best friend, his girlfriend and I all went out. we took my car, but I got drunk so my best friend drove us home. As we were approaching a round about, a driver from a side street pulled out in front of us then slammed on their brakes, causing my best friend to swerve, and hit the concrete median with both drivers side tires. We parked the car in a parking lot, and ubered home.
Next day I had the car towed to my personal mechanics shop. Insurance guy asses the damage and my mechanic gets to work.
He does everything he thought it needed, put it on the alignment rack, and found out that the engine cradle had been bent in the impact and it needed a new one. He didnt have the capability to do this, so they sent my car to a different company. lets just call it "ABC Repair".
ABC repair outsourced the engine cradle replacement to "Di*kweed shop AKA DS". Car goes, takes forever because the first cradle they got was bent, so they had to order another one from California. dude ordered the wrong parts originally. Dude gets the cradle in on the day my rental car coverage expires. as a single dad, i needed my car. Also, this whole time the manager of ABC Repair shop was not keeping me up to date on any of this, was dodging my calls, and anytime i did get him, he was rude to me.
So, guy busts rear to get it in that day, test drove, and returned it to ABC repair right before closing time, where i was waiting to pick it up. DS gave it a clean bill of health and handed over the keys.
so the minute i left ABC shop that night, there was something wrong with the car. Since i have a bit of auto mechanic experience i assumed it was a wheel bearing. Next morning i call my insurance adjuster who tells me to take it back to DS and see whats up.
So i call him up, and say hey, its the dude with the engine cradle job, uhhh i think theres something wrong with one of the bearings.
DS : yeah, i knew about that.
ME : uhh... so why did you give it a clean bill of health?
DS: i was being rushed to return it, so i just said it was fine. It wasnt critical, so whats the big deal?
Me: uhh. okay, well this needs fixed. Are you sure you know exactly whats wrong?
DS: 100% right rear wheel bearing.
ME: okay, ill call adjuster and get it approved for repair. I have no more rental coverage, but i am going out of town this weekend and will not need my car thurs - sunday. I can drop it off then, does that work?
DS: sure no problem, see you thursday morning.
DS orders the bearing with ins. approval, and all is well. I go in thursday morning to drop off the car, and the convo goes roughly as followed.
ME: hey there, heres the keys. Now, if its actually not what you think it is, or theres more, PLEASE call me right away. ill call INS adjuster and get it approved since this is the only time i dont need my car for transporting my child.
DS: no worries. im positive its what i think it is. but if not, ill call.
I head out of town. have a great weekend, no call from DS.
Monday morning comes around, and i am about to head to pick up the car, when i get a phone call from my adjuster. He tells me he just got off the phone with DS and he was informed that no work was done on my car all weekend. I. was. livid. i asked why, and ins adjuster said he didnt know, head down there and talk to the guy myself. so i did.
I walked into the shop and dinged the bell. He walked into the office and said "can i help you?" as if he didnt even know who i was. Followed is the convo.
Me : Yeah, Ins guy tells me you didnt touch my car, what the hell happened?
DS: well, it was the right front not right rear bearing like i thought. so i couldnt do it work since the right front wasnt approved.
ME: but i asked you to call me if it wasnt what you thought it was, and you said you would. why didnt you call?
DS: well, whos paying for this, you or insurance?
ME: that doesnt matter, i asked you to call so i could get it approved while i was out of town. why didnt you call me?
DS: i dont have to answer you. it wasnt the approved work. i didnt do it. end of story.
DS turns around, grabs my keys off the counter behind him, hands them to me, and says "take your keys, take your car, im done dealing with you"
I walk out, pissed, and across the street to his managers office and ask to talk to manager. on vacation until wed. i leave my number and ask manager to call me. In the meantime, i get car to original mechanic, who starts bearing repairs on all 4 tires ( approved by ins as a "were sorry" for DS shop experience) He also noticed that DS used the wrong strut in my car when he replaced the engine cradle, and didnt put the rivets back in the plastic wheel well liner, causing the tire to burn a hole though it. which insurance approved replacing both with the correct parts.
manager finally calls me at 445pm on wed after being busy doing "payroll all day"
ME: so do you know anything about why i am calling you?
DSM : no clue whats going on?
ME: begins to explain what happened when i returned from out of town, then state the strut was wrong and the liner was ruined.
DSM " interupts me he couldnt of ruined the liner by replacing the cradle
ME: oh so you do know who i am, what actually happened. (i never mentioned engine cradle replacement)
DSM: well, ill apologize for wasting your time, but i dont know what else you want me to do. sorry. hangs up on me
Remember that trip out of town? Well, on my return trip, i was bumped off my original flight, then bumped from that flight, to the one that finally took me home. I get on the plane, find my seat, put in my headphones and start to settle in. now mind you, i was out of town for a party, and i was wearing a themed onsie. a gentleman in a business suit sits down next to me. Im naturally an outgoing person, so i strike up a conversation.
ME: hey there, heading to destination for business or pleasure?
HIM : Business.
ME : what do you do?
HIM : im the regional vice president for ABC Repair company.
my eyes got huge. it was destiny. So i begin to tell him my current experience up to me leaving for out of town. the A-hole manager at his shop to the DS jerk they were subletting business too. VP was taking notes on my entire story, i swear his jaw was on the tray table. he was furious. He gave me his personal cell and email and told me he would be having a talk with the manager. he also had his company pay for 5 more days for a rental car since they ordered a used cradle and not a new one, which A-hole manager decided, didnt even ask my adjuster or me. which wasted 5 days.
The next afternoon, after i pick up my car and had that experience, i got a call from VP. He waned to make sure my car was fixed, and that he also found out there were more complaints about his manager who treated me poorly. the manager was hiding the complaints and they never reached cooperate, so he was fired.
I then tell him about my experience that morning with the guy not doing any work on my car while i was gone. That pissed him off too. He said he would be in touch.
after i talked to DSM on wednesday, i called VP back and told him what happened. He said thank you for the information and hung up.
About a month later, i had a question for VP not related to any of this, so i called him up, and i learned that they stopped giving their work to DS shop, and when the owner of DS found out why, he fired both DS mechanic, and DSM.
So thats my story. hope yall enjoyed. Moral, dont be a d-bag, be honest, and you wolnt get bit by karma.
(source) story by (/u/MajorMoron0851)
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