#by /u/ZedXYZ
prorevenge · 5 years
Stalk me into the bathroom on three occasions? Say hello to the police.
Hi everyone, I'm gonna get straight into it. As the title suggests, it's pretty straightforward. This guy does something I suspect to be bad and I take the risk to confirm this, and then get the police involved. Hope the post is relevant and "Pro Revenge worthy" for the subreddit (I put this on RegularRevenge too), if not remove or I'll happily delete.
Recently for work, I've been travelling between towns quite a lot. Sometimes on the way home, I'll stop in to use a public bathroom on the way home. This was all well and good until over a month ago, when I needed to use the bathroom again. The urinal wasn't for a single person, but one of those long "basin" sort of urinals that many use at once. I approached the urinal and soon after I get to business, this old man enters and stands in the urinal too, and begins doing what I couldn't possibly think he could be doing.
The first time round I chalked it up to perhaps an easy misunderstanding, but as with how you process things in a situation you've never encountered before, you're more likely to think "Surely not!". I quickly wash my hands and leave. Only a minute or so after returning to my car, I see him leave the bathroom, enter his car, and then leave (thank god he didn't see me and my car).
The bathroom is basically like this this (Equals for walking area, W walls, S for bathroom stalls, the U's are one single long urinal, B for basin, E for exit):
SUUUUUUUUUUWE ==========BW= ============= WWWS==WWWWWW
This man would stand at the far end of the urinal, so that when you're washing your hands you HAD to be right behind him as he did the nasty. The second time I visited this place (a few weeks later), I went and used the stall for good measure (but surely he wouldn't be here again, on a random different day right?). Well sure enough, I leave the stall, only to find him there, right beside the basin, facing the urinal doing his thing! This time I swiftly wash my hands and get the hell out of there. Both of these times I remained completely calm and didn't change my attitude or demeanour; other than wanting to get the heck out of there both times.
Making matters worse, these toilets are right beside a playground and there are heaps of children (it's actually a lake park), and I realised that seeing this guy on two very random occasions could suggest he does this very often, and that I'm not the only person to have had to deal with this. It's always the third time, right? Three strikes and your out? Well, it was a risky thing to do perhaps, and also maybe not the smartest but I am still glad I did this. It got results:
Another couple weeks later, I pulled over to make a phone call. I remembered his car, and I saw it there. This time, I didn't need to use the bathroom but I decided to spring a trap. I really wanted to report this guy, but part of me didn't want to be wrong, and I initially had my reservations. Given this happened two times, on two random days quite far apart, I mustn't have been the only person to have to deal with this unfortunately. I left my car and approached the bathroom, and I saw him sort of pacing around in the parking lot. He turned his head to look at me and did nothing, but unbeknownst to him since I didn't move my head in his direction and I was wearing shades, I noticed this. If he acts, now I know he has done it with intent.
I walk into a stall, counted to about 7, and then flushed. I was nervous, because despite being relatively fit, sizing him up and figuring I could take him on if things got ugly, when I shut that door I wouldn't know where he'd be in the bathroom or what his intention may be. I wanted to get it over with fast, but still give him time to enter. As I came out from the stall, sure enough he was doing his thing. I washed my hands, just like every other time, and left. While washing my hands, he cocked his head back a little and was watching me the whole time. Creepy fucker. As I walked into the parking lot, I looked back and checked he was still in the bathroom, and snapped some pictures of his car.
Once I got back to my car, I made another phone call: the police, to report his actions. About 2 minutes into the call while I'm on hold, I see him enter the car and drive off just like last time. Perfect, that is his car I took a photo of, and I've got a lead for the cops to follow up on! They sent a call out to dispatch, and within minutes I already saw a cop car driving past (could be coincidence, I like to think not). Much later that night a cop phoned me, telling me they had paid him a visit, and they confirmed he was certainly a suspicious character. The cops told him if they received any further reports, he would be (can't remember how she phrased it) "standing/eligible for prosecution" or something along those lines.
I contacted a well-known community page for the area who made a post calling for people to speak up if they've noticed anything suspicious in the area (no names, keeping it vague). Soon after, people were talking all about similar encounters and situations like mine. From what I understand, more people are stepping forward to make reports now. The visit from the cops I hope has deterred him from doing this again, and if not, at least it will provide more leverage moving forward!
(source) story by (/u/ZedXYZ)
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