#by /u/guy_named_mo
prorevenge · 5 years
Mean Lady hates everyone. Espacially us . We buy her house after she failed to pay her debt.
First of all: English isnt my first language but I try my best. Im on mobile so formating may be shit.
TL:DR at the bottom
The house we live in was build at the same time as hers. My parents were often at the construction site and help if they can. The strange lady was nice to us at the beginning. But that changed soon.
This happened around Christmas 2017. We have a neighbor who is very unpopular in our neighborhood. She is well known for harrasing people who use the public path at the left side of her house. The path is one out of three to reach the public playground behind her house. If someone uses the path she would scream at them that this is her path on her privat property which is wrong. Sometimes she would close the path with a red and white plastic chain and wont let anyone use the path. She would scream at kids on the playgeound when they were loud (at daytime). She always has her shutters almost down so she can stalk the people on the street and stay unseen. If some kids ball landed in her garden she would bring it to the kids and destroy it with a knive right in front of them. All kids knew this and would run by her house if they wanted to go on the playground.
When the neighbours Kids where playing in the winter outside in the snow she would call the CPS equivalent in my country and tell them they were locked outide by their parents as a punishment. If someone walked by her house at night she would often call the police due to a noise complain. She was know by every one in our neighborhood as "The Witch".
But she hated my family in particular. We lived right beside her house. Our houses shared one wall. When me and my sister were young we would use the swing in our garden or jump on our trampoline. She would regulary file noise complaints and often harrase me and my sister when we were alone in our garden. If my parents heard her screaming swear words at us from the first floor of her house they would yell back. If me or my sister walked on the path by her house she would scream at us. We used the path daily on our way to school. One time when I came home from school she was in her car with the trunk on the sidewalk. When I walked by the back of her car she howled the engine and the dark exhaust hit me. Almost every night she would hit the shared wall with something to wake us up. Sometimes she ring on our door and try to make us go to other neighbors to complain about small things. We often had lawsuits with her. One time because her trees grew 2m over the border. Another time because she build a fence by stickig bamboo mats in the dirt and tearing it down the next day and telling the police we destroyed her wooden fence. We won all lawsuits against her because my uncle (he's teaching law school) gave us good advice on how to deal with her and named lawyers he knew were good.
She never payed the workers who repaired things at her house and the electrical and water bills. When her old car broke down she didnt pay the car mechanic and never got her car back. She was in dept and had a mortage on her house. When the foreclosure came we were at the court and bought her house. She was with us in the courtroom when the auction was and tried to buy her own house but wasnt allowed because she couldnt provide proof that she has enough money. We bought her house where she lived for 20+ years in front of her.
We bought it because my parents were at the construction of her house and knew the workers did a great job at building it. We renovated it when she left. We repainted all rooms, renewed the insulation and put Everywhere where no tiles were new wooden floor. My grandparents will be moving in her old house this fall.
TL:DR: Neighbor harrased the whole neighborhood and was extra mean to kids. She didnt pay bills and had a mortage on her house. We bought it in front of her for my grandparents.
(source) story by (/u/guy_named_mo)
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