#by /u/shiroagainstshaladin
prorevenge · 5 years
You threatened me? Good luck with being fired and losing your work visa. (long)
Ah, my mother, a wonderful woman she is. I love her to death, and she loves me just as much, back. But fuck with her two kids? You might find yourself losing your job.
This comes with a little bit of a backstory. Well, a lotta bit of backstory, if imma be honest. And the ever so loved, "Sorry for weird formatting, I am on my phone." comment, and TL;DR at bottom.
When I was 18 months old (a year and a half old), I was diagnosed with type one diabetes. It's a hard disease to live with, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, except for people who make those stupid "I'm gonna get diabetes if I eat another cupcake," comments, and similar stuff to that (plus those stupid jokes, too. I hate those with a passion). Because then they wouldn't joke about it, or make those smart fucking remarks.
When I was 11, I started sixth grade with an insulin pump. It did wonders for my bloodsugar and I! And, I was also diagnosed with celiac disease during the summer, so it kinda got all screwy when I started the gluten free diet, and I went from a child's medium, to a women's extra large in shirts in a little over four months. I was growing tall and fast because of the diet, and my pump was there, able to keep my bloodsugar levels from rising and falling way too often. All of my teachers knew of my diabetes, so I got exemptions and special privileges because of it (this is important).
In seventh grade, my school introduced this thing called "alternates." If your teacher, for that period, would be absent, they would leave the work they wanted you to do out on a chair in the hallway, while you and three other students went to a completely different classroom to sit in and do the work needed. And it was never the same teacher you had to go to, either. I remember my first class alternate was with the choir teacher, my third and fourth period alternate was with the 8th grade math teacher, and so on for all seven periods of the day. They didn't fix that problem until the next year, but we're focusing on 7th grade. And yes, even my alternate teachers were told about my diabetes, and they were lectured that if I wasn't allowed the special privileges that comes with being a Certified Dumbass Diabetic, then they can and will be put on Adult Suspension (a punishment less harsh for the alternate teachers because they're not my regular teachers). Which is just suspended from working for a few days, with no pay, I think.
My last period of the day was in social studies. The teacher was more likely absent than there, because of a lot of familial issues she was dealing with at the time, so I, and two other students, would take our assigned work and go to the French class.
The French teacher (who I will call La Garce, The Bitch, from now on) was an...engaging teacher. She was loud and funny and got her class to genuinely enjoy the lessons and what was taught, but she was also strict with rules. And she was an enforcer with the 'no phone,' rule. If she saw an outline of a phone in someone's pocket, she took it and held it until after class, and gave it back then.
So at the end of the day, after being all sweaty from gym class, climbing up two flights of stares, only to find my teacher was absent, grab the work and go to my locker (I was only one of a select few of students who got a locker at my middle school, but that's not important) to grab my Social Studies textbook, and hurridly walk down two flights of stares, yet a again, and through the hot March Sun to the area where the french classroom was, I was on autopilot mode.
My pump has a setting where it can vibrate if it alarms, but if you don't silence the alarm after a while, or if the problem it was facing wasn't fixed, it would audibly beep. And I usually kept my pump sites in my thigh/stomach, so my pump would stay in my pocket at school. But I couldn't really feel the vibration if it was going off, so if I thought it was vibrating, I'd check it to make sure what it was vibrating for, even if I wasn't sure if it did vibrate.
So on autopilot mode, I didn't feel my pump vibrating in my pocket, until the middle of the class. I don't remember the alert, but I think it was because the battery was low? I don't really remember.
Completely forgetting to press the button that acknowledges the alert, I raise my hand to ask if I could go to the nurse. La Garce says sure, just sign out first (it's to keep track of who enters and exits the rooms because of past lockdown problems revolving around guns), and I can go. I get up, and in the middle of signing out, my pump audibly alerts me, and I nearly fucking shit myself, because it genuinely scared me. I silence it, hoping to get out of the classroom without La Garce noticing, but wooo boy, did she notice.
La Garce: What was that noise?
Me, a dumb bitch who had undiagnosed anxiety at the time, and couldn't speak louder then Volume level 2, also holding my pump in hand as I silenced the alarm: oh, it was my pump. I'm sorry, it won't ha-
La Garce: if I had half a mind, I'd rip that thing right from your hands, throw it on the ground, and stomp on it until it is dust.
Me, shocked, but not really bothered: Okay, La Garce.
And so I leave the room, go to the nurse, fix my pump (she has spare batteries, extra pump supplies, extra insulin, a glucagon, and snacks in case of emergencies), and come back within ten minutes.
What La Garce had said really sunken in, and I realized, "Holy crap, did this lady just threaten me?" So I wrote a note asking if my friend (we had the same last period alternate, thank god) heard the same thing as I did, and she wrote back saying, yeah, she did. She even got it on recording, too.
Since our Social Studies teacher has a habbit of not slowing down or stopping her lessons, when she's there, my friend always sneakily turns her phone on right before she enters the room, and records the entire lesson so she can go back and fill out the stuff she misses in her notes. I guess in our hurry to get to La Garce's classroom, she forgot to stop the recording, so she was accidentally recording the French lesson.
I didn't really know what to do with this information, until ten minutes later, I'm in my mom's car at dismissal, and I tell her what happens. My mom slammed on the breaks, reversed back into the parking lot, parked her car, and drug me inside the school. We get to the front office, and everyone knew my mom, and they could tell she was pissed the fuck off, even though she was keeping a pretty neutral face.
I didn't even get to tell her that my friend had the interaction recorded until after my mom threatens to do something Court related to the principal if she didn't do something to punish La Garce. Then we had to wait an hour and a half until after the bus dropped my friend off at her house (she had to take the bus that day because her mom was working and her dad couldn't pick her up, and she was also the last stop for her bus), for my friend to get a ride back to school to show the principal the proof.
I didn't even want to tell the principal about this. I just told my mom, because I thought she would give me some advice with how to deal with the situation. My mom was the one who originally wanted revenge on La Garce, for, inherently, threatening my life. (We couldn't afford regular needles, and we definitely couldn't have afforded the long-acting insulin that I would have needed to take at night and in the morning if La Garce had, in fact, stomped on my pump until it was dust, like she said she would have).
My mom threatened to sue the school when she found the punishment that my principal would give La Garce unfit. My principal asked what she could do to prevent that, and my mom told her to fire La Garce. My principal said she would fire La Garce the following Monday.
She fucking lied.
La Garce searches for me during Lunch, and legit tells me "I'm sorry that you couldn't understand that I was joking."
She was not joking when she said she'd smash my pump to pieces. She was serious when she said it, angry even, to the point that when she said the threat, she was red faced. She wasn't joking, so she's fucking lying through her half-assed apology. I don't even say anything, I'm too stunned because La Garce is still here. Not fired.
I go to the bathroom immediately after the interaction, and call my mom with my phone. She's livid, but I begged her not to come to school, to not sue, and to not show her ass again, because I got it. She, obviously, reluctantly agrees, and she doesn't come to school.
The last week of March, the Social Studies teacher quits abruptly, causing her students to have to go to alternates for a week as the principal searched for a new teacher to hire.
So, I have to spend a week in La Garce's classroom. No biggy. I planned on making her life a living hell while I'm stuck there anyway.
If I unscrewed the cap on my pump, that keeps the insulin cartridge inside of it, it will alarm. Something I can do easily, and sneakily. I also took my pump off of vibrate, and put it on the loudest setting it would let me.
So, I caused my pump to alarm mulitple times in her classroom. She would get so angry every time her teaching was interrupted, but she couldn't do jack shit because she was already on thin ice with me.
Of course, her students suffered, but that was a small price to pay for the ultimate revenge on this woman. I didn't even want to get her in trouble in the first place, but for her to come up to me, unannounced, and called me stupid? Yeah, no. Only I get to call myself a dumb bitch.
Her classroom is outside, and when the bell rings for the end of the day, students pour out of the doors and have to pass by her classroom door in order to get to the buses, and so do the teachers who oversee the bus stuff.
So, on the third day of this, right as I walk out the door, La Garce tries to grab me by the arm and forces me to turn to face her so she can chew my ass out. But, what she really does, is she ends up ripping my insulin site out of my arm (one that I had just put in during lunch because some dumb fuck accidentally ripped it out of my other arm during lunch).
She doesn't realize she ripped the site out of my arm as she grabs me, until I started to scream. First of all, she ripped off a shit ton of tape that kept it inside of me, and second of all, this was back when I was using the actual metal needle pump sites, so as she gripped my arm, she drug the needle through my skin, before it fell out once it reached my elbow. I keep my sites, when they're on my arms, up closer to my shoulders, where I have more fat so it doesn't hurt when I have to put it on.
She drug the needle down from my shoulder to my elbow. It HURT. There was blood everywhere, because although the needles are kinda small, THEY STILL GO HAVE TO GO INSIDE OF MY SKIN!!!
The vice-principal (a man who's only complaint I have of, is that he almost gave me detention for forgetting to tuck in my shirt and wear a belt with our uniform on the last day of middle school), had just passed as this happened, so he saw the whole thing. I was screaming and crying, clutching my bloody arm, La Garce was stood in shock as she just...watched me as her hand was covered in my blood, my best friend was trying to stop the blood flow, all the students had stopped and were now watching me as the VP instructed one of the teachers to bring La Garce to the front office as he picked me up and carried me to the nurses office as he called 911.
The nurse had wrapped my arm up as best as she could before the paramedics arrived. I was rushed to the ER because I apparently needed stitches? Because it was a long, singular, cut, I guess? It wasn't that deep, so I guess got them to ensure that it would heal properly? I can't really remember, because my mom didn't arrive at the hospital until after I was giving some Good Shit and given stitches.
La Garce was immediately fired as soon as she reached the front office.
I was approached by police, because apparently it looked like she did it on purpose, but I didn't want to press any charges on her, much to my mother's disagreement.
That wasn't my plan on how to get her fired/get her to quit. I wanted to annoy her, make it harder for her to teach, to the point where it gets so bad, that the only peace she'd get was by quiting.
I was unable to write for the last two months of school, unable to carry my own backpack, unable to be apart of my band's end of the year concert (we worked on some extremely fast paced piece that was really troubling me, and I had practiced it so much that I memorized it, but all that practice went to fucking waste I guess), I have trouble raising my arm and carrying heavy things, even after physical therapy (which is a plus, because in one of my previous comments, I mention how one of my favorite parts of my day is after I shower, because my mom loves playing with my hair, so I let her blow dry it for me (which she also loves doing)). It's also really hard for me to insert sites now, because the needles make me have panic attacks and I even vomited a few times, because all I could remember as I got that pain of inserting a site, was the feeling of it ripping down my arm. A few years later, in my Sophomore year, after I went into DKA (long story short, a site needle somehow got kinked while in my leg, and my pump was unable to deliver insulin properly, so I almost died), I was given this cool new site that only uses a needle to insert the tubing inside of my arm (like an IV needle uses an actual needle to insert a plastic needle inside of your arm, and then removes the real needle), so I haven't had needle-related infusion site problems in a while.
Last week, I ran into the principal, and I was finally able to find out what happened to La Garce.
Since she was fired, she lost her visa, and she was forced to go back to France.
TL;DR, the french teacher at my middle school threatened to break my insulin pump because it went off in her class, mom threatened to sue if she wasn't fired, principal said she would fire her, but doesn't. Then, after basically calling me stupid, she accidentally cuts open my arm with my infusion site after she got fed up with my plan to annoy her till she quit, gets fired, and loses her visa.
i got my revenge, but not in the way I had originally planned.
(source) story by (/u/shiroagainstshaladin)
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