#by some miffed incest shipper who was annoyed that most people ship the friends/foils
Reasons why Spop is one of the worst fandoms:   The 50,000th person complains about the writing, the last-season characterization and oh, noes, ships becoming canon or near-canon that they do not agree with!!!   Someone comes along to defend some of the writing, express a general chill-ness with the ships, but also a chill-ness with people not being into the ships / happiness with alternate ships, to give their own view on what they saw without condemning the OP, just “hey, I see a little difference here.” - along with one’s own complaints about the series writing, but, you know, just friendly giving of opinion as a fellow fan.   Blocked.  I was apparently immediately blocked.  No discussion, no rebuttal.  I wasn’t attacking anyone, I was just opining.   Then again, this is the fandom of “If you like or defend character X whom I don’t like in any way, you’re a bad person who does bad things and I hate you,” fandom.  Meanwhile, I’ve poked into discussions on the Trigun tag and have seen “Analysis of the complex relationship between the protagonist and antagonist as well their relationship with their adoptive mother” and someone comes along to give their own opinion, a little dissenting, respectful, but just how they see it, and the response is “Oh, I never saw that! This makes so much sense!  I still disagree on this point, but thank you!”     *Points to something I said earlier on this blog about better overall fandoms and how I’m glad I’m gravitating more toward them and out of this one.* 
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