#by the past i mean the outfits 'shown' in the flashback sequence
talietikasero · 2 years
another nightly sketch i've done when i should be asleep
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full under the cut
fixed some stuff from a csp file i posted a month ago and decided to draw a "past" version as a companion piece
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dreanner95 · 5 years
RWBY V7C2 Review - Ace Operatives (SPOILERS)
There is a time jump at the beginning of the episode signified by a little montage that shows RWBY and JNR getting their upgraded weapons and new outfits from Pietro.      
In the present Clover briefs Ruby, Jaune and Qrow on their first mission together: They need to clear the launch site for Amity Tower, which was overrun by Grimm after the Dust mine located there was abandoned. The big problem is an old Geist who has evaded the military until now and has retreated into the mine.           
After splitting up into three groups (RWBY & Harriet and Marrow, JNR & Vine and Elm, Qrow and Clover) and landing in different areas of the mine, everyone moves forward to enter the mine. But RWBY stays behind because Yang stops them to question the choice Ruby made during their meeting with Ironwood. After Blake and Weiß voice their support for her decision (and after a flashback of Oscar doubting that same decision is shown) the team continues the mission. In various instances of this mission it is made clear how advanced the Ace Operatives are in comparison to RWBY and JNR. While JNR is a little demoralized by that, Ruby on the other hand is very impressed by them and Harriet especially. Qrow also has to deal with similar feelings after he finds out that Clover’s semblance is Good Fortune which is the complete opposite of his own.              
After all the teams advance to a large chamber filled with a lot of Dust, they all confront the Geist in its Giga form. The Ace Operatives work together to defeat it and make sure that all the Dust that is also part of the Grimm’s body doesn’t explode on impact and destroy the launch side and ruins all the Dust that is needed for build Amity Tower. RWBY, JNR and Qrow stay on the sidelines and watch this display of teamwork. In the end Ace Ops lose track on one of the Dust crystals that threatens to create a chain reaction. Ruby uses her own Semblance to catch it and is met by praise from Harriet and Elm.                                            
In Mantle Forrest is let go from the police and walks through the street. There he meets Tyrian who seemingly kills him.
New information
·       Harriet: Speed
·       Clover: Time-stop
·       Vine: Aura arms
·       Elm: Aura foots (reason for walking around without shoes?)
·       Clover: Good Fortune
·       Ruby: Harriet mentions that there may be more to her semblance
Weapon Upgrades:
·       Yang: Remote controlled explosives
·       Ruby: New adjustments to Crescent Rose
·       Jaune: His shield is dust infused with Hard Light Dust and Gravity Dust
·       Ren: The blades on his weapons can be fired (but stay connected to the weapon through wires); his father’s blade is sheathed on this shoulder
In general:
This whole episode is paced very well (Reminiscent of “Argus Limited” (V6C1)). And while exploring the upgrades and hair changes in more detail would have been cool as well, the little moments in this episode are still very effective. Jaune looks at his stash while remembering Phrrha and realizes his hair is bothering him, which signifies him becoming more mature since the first Volume with the help of his lost friend. Blake on the other hand looks in the mirror with a more excited look. She seems happy as she decides to cut her hair, because it is her way to move on from her past with Adam.   
The connection of the destroyed Dust mine with the accident that killed Ilia’s parents is prevalent without Blake saying it explicitly. In the same scene Adam is shown to still have a presence in both Blake and Yang’s mind as seen with both of them reacting to the SDC logo on the crates in the mine.                                  
Another great thing in this episode is how the fights are integrated in the story. The fights are littered during the whole episode and show how well the Ace Ops work together, what their Semblances are and what kind of upgrades RWBY and JNR got.  There is also no needless standing around unless it makes sense (like RWBY, JNR and Qrow letting the Ace Ops fight).     
I want to highlight the landing scene because it evokes the early days in Beacon. The music, everyone being excited and Jaune actually succeeding in his landing strategy make this scene very emotional.
Other character Moments:
This episode is littered with great interactions. Blake and Weiß are shown to have grown very much: Weiß reacts to the dust mine being the location for a mining accident and regrets her having been complaisant in the suppression of Faunas. Another big moment is the reaction from the team to Ruby’s decision. Having Oscar be the one to doubt her makes sense and the reasons stated by Blake and Weiß why keeping the secret for the moment make sense and are identical with the ones I came up with during the week. A big accomplishment is the portrayal of the Ace Ops. In other shows those same characters would be mean. But here only the actions from them make a few of the characters uncertain of themselves and a few comments from them to make clear how much of a gap there is without them seeming arrogant about it.
 Shipping Moments:
Even if there were only a few scenes between the main ships, what we got was very poignant. The two main moments for Renora and Bumbleby are the acknowledgements of the new looks and even parallel each other: Yang stares at Blake’s new hair which she notices and gets insecure about. Yang is quick to reassure Blake that she looks good. Blake’s blush and Yang being flustered shows clear romantic (under)tones. Nora does the same with commenting on Ren’s new outfit. Ren rebuffs her though, which could be due to him being focused on the mission or not being comfortable with such affections in public.    
Other Bumbleby moments include Yang noticing Blake’s realization to what happened in the Dust mine and making sure she is okay, Yang also noticing how Blake remembers Adam and grimacing at thinking of him and Blake laughing at a funny quip Yang makes while the same comment only make Weiß grin a little.  
Clover’s comment towards Qrow saying “Lucky You” and winking while saying than also happened with a waitress flirting with Qrow in Volume 4. This makes for another unexpected (but not unwelcome) shipping moment.
Overall this is my current favorite episode of this Volume. While the first two episodes needed to spend more time on set up, “Ace Operatives” includes a lot of interesting, cute and heartwarming character interactions that show how far everyone has come. The landing sequence with its music and the positive and confident vibe the characters are emanating is an especially great moment followed by CRWBY throwing subtlety out the window with telegraphing very clearly that Bumbleby will happen. My first viewing of the episode was a little tainted though due to all the upgrades and outfit changed being glossed over. But as I already said, the little moments dedicated on that topic are very effective, and with the whole episode being so perfectly constructed, I was able to let go of this gripe as soon as I watched it again.
Everything from the Volume 7 trailer was shown now. So now only the foreshadowing in the episodes can be used to predict where this Volume could be going. Knowing about the election between Jacques and Robin Hill makes it clear that the seat in the council will play an important role in the following story. And with Tyrion killing Forrest, it is clear that him and Watts also have an interest in the election. Combine this with the fight between Tyrian, Robin and Qrow shown in the opening, and I am pretty sure this will be the main plot of the Volume.                                                                
Both the Renora moments and the Bumbleby moments also set up those relationships being explored more in this Volume. Because of that it becomes more and more possible that we will learn more about Nora’s past. And with Blake remembering Adam, her weapon upgrade that clearly includes metal from Yang’s weapon (or something invoking it) and their flustered interactions, the big talk that will probably mirror their talk in Volume 2 seems imminent.                                                                                                
And of course with the main plot dealing with Jacques Weiß will have a big part in it because her guilt and her being fed up with Faunas discrimination will most likely push her to take action against her father.
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