#just probably going to make you sad because i like inflicting sadness with cute art ahaha
talietikasero · 2 years
another nightly sketch i've done when i should be asleep
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full under the cut
fixed some stuff from a csp file i posted a month ago and decided to draw a "past" version as a companion piece
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wickedpact · 3 years
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A ranking of all the TTT stories in order of how much I liked them.
(Oh god this is so long)
1 My Mother's Axe
BABY ANDYYYYYYYYYYYY. Honestly this one had the trifecta of developing a character's motivations, developing a character's backstory, & developing their personality. The story starting out with Andy teaching Nile to use the axe was so charming and fun, and you could feel that chemistry they had in Opening Fire, the way they teased and bickered with each other so naturally. I loved the wedge between them on the subject of the axe, how Nile was perhaps a little too young to understand Andy's feelings about whether or not its the 'same' axe. I also love how the axe is obviously the symbol of the franchise and hugely important, but you never get a sense of exactly how important it is to Andy until you read the story.
I love the entire Ship of Theseus theme, and how it feels so natural that for Andy she has to get attached to the idea of things rather than the things themselves because she'll always outlive the things themselves-- the axe is symbolically her mom's axe, even if physically it isn't. And I love how she clearly clings to that concept so tightly. "This is the labrys she held in her hands...." IT GETS ME.
And the fact that this sense of BELONGING, of FAMILY, of CULTURE is so important to Andy that she clings to it (figuratively and literally) with both hands. And of course it's important to her, she spent so long alone that the woman doesn't even remember her birth name. That axe (or the idea of that axe) is all she has left of her mother and that family/culture she was born into.
PLUS on that note I love how Andy doesn't remember if her mom was her actual biological mother, but it doesn't matter to her. This woman was her mother in all the ways that counted. And how her mom BETRAYED AND KILLED Andy but Andy loved her so much that she avenged her and carried her axe for thousands of years. THOUSANDS OF YEARS!!!!!!
I also loved how the story transcends the timeline of the whole franchise and seeing Andy through the years. Loved seeing her with the varying squads and with varying axes. Also baby Andy was so cute. It was cool seeing her so young. like holy fuck. Andromache The Scythian, Immortal Warrior (but smol). Love that.
Also I think this one is one of the few ttt stories that doesn't suffer from length problems.
tldr: goddammit greg you've done it again.
2 Zanzibar and Other Harbors
Zanzibar my beloved. I've said before, but it's downright comedic how little regard there was for Joe and Nicky's character designs in this story. The same person who does the colors for the regular comic did the colors for this one too, and you can tell, every panel of this story was Beautiful.
Ik there was A Lot of criticism of this one (lmao @ how the fandom had no idea what was to come) but I thought a lot of The Discourse was a bit dramatic. I did think Nicky came off as a little oblivious to Joe's feelings in this story, but I've said before, I honestly think that was a 'tone not translating' thing. It felt like Nicky was nagging Joe for [checks notes] saving innocent people, but Joe was so amused by Nicky's complaints I really do think it was supposed to come off as teasing.
Plus I know the 'Joe running off into danger and Nicky reluctantly following' dynamic wasn't popular (I'm a pretty meh on it meself) but I did love how Joe's impulsiveness (if you want to call it that) was interpreted as heroism and not hot-hotheadedness. All of the examples Nicky and Joe talked about included Joe explicitly saving people. (and it also took A Lot for the nazi to actually provoke Joe).
I also feel like their characterization here was closest to the movie canon-- the bit where they hear the woman scream and Joe goes running in to save her while Nicky swoops in on Joe's heels to comfort her while Joe and the nazi were fighting reminds me of the train car scene. Joe had suggested First that they go find Nile because she needed to be protected, and Nicky later added that Nile probably also needed emotional support. Similar reactions.
But it was So Good, the themes of queer community and the enduring nature of queer culture are Not themes you see in media that often and it was such a delight how it was done. Also it's one of the few more modern TTT stories that has a completely valid excuse for taking place when it did. Chef's kiss.
3 Passchendaele
I love the Duality between seeing baby Andy and then seeing Mama Andy in the very next issue. This story doesn't have a ton of meat to it, but the entire concept of Andy adopting a war orphan straight off the battlefield PLUCKS MY TENDER LITTLE HEARTSTRINGS, and I think it's especially poignant for comic!Andy. I think most people wouldn't think twice about movie!Andy doing something like that but comic Andy is so hardened and almost cruel sometimes, and seeing that even for her the world hasn't beaten all of the compassion from her yet is SO!!!!!!! this woman contains MULTITUDES okay, she's violent and angry and tired and Done but she's also so kind and compassionate and THE STRENGTH OF HER!!!!! Also the idea of her and Yitzhak co-raising a kid together is so damn cute. It was #mysterious pre-Yitzhak-story but now it's cute. holy fuck. It's cute.
& the headbonk panel of her and Zeus lives in my heart. anyways.
4 Many Happy Returns
I Know people weren't thrilled about Booker being in this one, but I've developed a pet-peeve about that: this story was *not* booker-centric. Booker only exists in this story to the extent required to explain the importance of the gesture Nile makes towards him. If there was a story about Booker making some grand gesture of kindness to Nile no one would be saying it was Nile-centric. bc it wouldn't be! Booker exists in this story to explore Nile's kindness, its not about him. I saw that a couple times and it bothered me. anyways.
AAAAAAAAAA I loved this one, the art was beautiful, I loved how Andy Nile and Booker were drawn (like their comic selves but.. more looking like actual people). I loved Andy and Nile's Bants, how Andy wanted to jump right in and Do Violence but Nile was basically telling her to hold her horses.
I feel like I'm just repeating the post I made on this story a few days ago, but I LOVED how Nile's plan revolves not around violence or Cool Mercenary Skills but on Nile's own life skills (as she canonly did a lot of minimum wage job-hopping before the marines in comics canon). Her plan used her skills, not the skills of an immortal warrior, and HER SKILLS were in fact more useful for the situation! lov to see Nile's resourcefulness and planning skills.
AND HOW NILE WAS PROBABLY WATCHING BOOKER??? it's so Much bc 1.) nile knew booker A SINGLE DAY and yet he made such an impression on her emotionally that she had to keep an eye on him and 2.) she said in the movie she wanted Booker to get off free with an apology. Yes she's a member of the team but that doesn't mean she's necessarily going to follow orders like a good little soldier. I also love how she convinced Andy to go along with it. her HEART, her KINDNESS, her THOUGHTFULNESS, UGH.
5 The Bear
Honestly I have like no negative things to say about this one other than a.) character design issues which is less about the story itself and is more of a 'tog comic in general' criticism and b.) too short, but it was supposed to be a tease, so.
But I loved Yitzhak, I wasn't expecting to really like him at all but like I said in my other post, he tickled me. I love characters who are Kind™, especially if they have little reason to be so given their backgrounds. Chef's kiss. Lov him.
6 Bonsai Shokunin
I know this one was a little controversial bc of the outsider POV but whenever I see people upset about that they never point out that the Outsider Guy (the samurai) existed as a reflection on Noriko. His ideas are explained in the text to develop hers. The whole story follows how she gave mercy to a scared young man and in response he murdered Noriko, repeatedly! Who gave him the right to inflict such pain and suffering on the world? In his opinion, the lack of response from the gods was his permission. And for Noriko-- over and over again she dies and suffers because she gave mercy, which lines up with her ideas in FM about how it's their fate to rule mortals and if they don't align with that plan/fate/whatever then they suffer. It shows some background to those ideas and how they developed in her mind outside of Ocean Madness™. Additionally, his idea of 'the Gods have done nothing to strike me down so it's fine if I do these things' kind of explains how Noriko may justify her own morally corrupt actions-- she's died so many times and it's never stuck. Maybe if she did die any of those times, or while she was in the water, maybe that would've been a sign she was doing something right, or at least doing something normal. But she hasn't died. Fate isn't done with Noriko yet. And maybe there's a reason for that. In her mind, it's just not a very pleasant reason, is all.
There were things I was kind of meh about tho. I did kind of wish we saw something of Noriko and the team, or smth explaining the way she was before her dip in the pool-- personality, likes dislikes, etc. but it wasn't bad or anything. It was super vague tho, I had to read it a few times before I got what it was going for. Liked the art. Liked the bonsai metaphor. And of course I Respect the decision to use the 1300s (1200s? I don't remember off the top of my head) rather than using the last 200 years.
7 Strong Medicine
Honestly looking back, this one made me kind of sad because both this one and Bonsai Shokunin explored character's ideas on Fate and The Divine and how that intersects with immortality and I totally thought that theme would be continued, especially with Love Letters. But Then It Wasn't™.
Admittedly.... I had to re-read this one to remember most of it. I liked Booker's ideas on God, 'The conductor of the symphony just may not be very good at his trade' but the plot itself was kind of forgettable. Some fuckin cowboys try to kill a doctor (their second) because he couldn't save their sickly brother. Book tries to stop them, gets killed, and then comes back and kills them all before they get the doctor. Alright. I liked the artstyle because the characters were ugly in a similar way that leandro's are, but way more bearable.
I love the Irony of Booker concluding that there is no such thing as fate or destiny and nothing has meaning, AS HE UNKNOWINGLY SAVES MERRICK'S GRANDFATHER FROM BEING KILLED. Booker getting fucked over by life/god/destiny yet again. It also kind of explains about where the fuck hell Merrick's interest in immortal mercenaries even came from.
I originally had this one a lot higher and then I thought about it and moved it down like two spots.
8 Never Gets Old
I liked seeing Booker interact with his kid. And we got a name for the kid! Philippe was a little bitch though, he was a little obnoxious. I liked how Booker was so thrilled to experience a restaurant with his kid (and since we know he was there before, it can be assumed he went with all of his kids and yet he was so charmed each time). It fits with his line to Nicky in the moon landing story about how you don't appreciate beautiful things 'unless you have someone to share them with'. It was charming to see Booker interact with his kid, and to see him so happy. Also lmao @ Booker's big fat Ye Olde Crush on Andy.
However at the same time it was like.. of all the things to write about,,, I guess? Booker's Night Out...... alright. Especially since Book had so many stories.
I don't know, it was alright. The old man killing him really came out of nowhere, (but the 'Salut, asshole!' panel was funny tho).
9 How To Make a Ghost Town
I've hit a point where talking about these stories has gotten less fun. I liked this one but I felt like Achilles getting lynched was not really necessary for a story that was already tragic (a story that already involved Achilles doing a lot of suffering at the hand of bigots). When we first got the blurb for this story I thought it would be about Andy returning to the squad and making friends with Booker after losing Achilles and them butting heads on the idea of family and when to cut off ties. So a little bit of my underwhelmedness about this one might be just my expectations being different.
Honestly I was pretty interested in Andy and Achilles' relationship and I would've liked to see more of them-- like, what was their dynamic like? What did they love about each other?
But anyways Andy leaving and Achilles getting killed anyways feels so pointlessly tragic (which I suppose is the point..... I don't like tragedies) she left to save him and yet people killed him anyway. Meh.
I did love the bits about Andy wanting to have a domestic life (Andy and her multitudes again) and the little detail about how she buried her axe near the road but he buried his guns under his bed-- he was an escaped slave, he never had the luxury of assuredness like Andy did. It was a sad story.
10 Lacus Solitudinis
'You put this one above love letters crim??? how could you???' easy, lmao.
There was stuff in this one I liked. But to talk about stuff I didn't like: (I'll keep it brief, I know ragging on this story has been done time and time again)
UH, setting aside the 6 year cold shoulder between Joe and Nicky, I thought their chosen method of conflict resolution was... bad at best. Nicky's inability to talk about his feelings was also annoying, especially since the entire point of this story is a fight Joe and Nicky had, and yet we don't get both sides to the story, which is...... important? That fact is especially annoying bc in the absence of Nicky explaining his side of the story, it's absolutely a possible (and admittedly probably unintentional) interpretation of the text that we do get that Joe routinely resolves conflict between him and Nicky by simply cutting Nicky out of his life entirely until Nicky just. caves? Even if it takes years?
WHICH i could get into that interpretation and how fucked up i find it. but im not going to. out of restraint.
I don't know, I think there are a lot of interesting ways to go about this conflict but 'Nicky wants to kill a guy and Joe refuses to acknowledge his existence until he stops because he thinks Nicky is too much of a Good Boy to get his hands dirty like that' ('I wont watch as the world turns his (...) compassion into something ugly'. ) wasn't.. how I would've done it. (I mean you know Joe doesn't give a shit about what Nicky is doing in a moral way, because Joe doesn't even care or mention that Booker is killing those cops too. Joe only cares because he doesn't like the idea of Nicky changing in a way he finds undesirable.)
admittedly I've said before, I do like the emphasis Joe's reaction puts on Nicky's kindness. Joe has a complete inability to cope with Nicky simply Not Being Kind. It speaks to the steadiness of Nicky's compassion all those years. but still that fact doesn't make it the conflict feel worth it
hm. I said I would be brief and I wasn't.
oh well. basically I thought there was interesting conflict potential there but it wasn't done the way I would've liked, and the way it was done leaves a lot of disturbing (and again probably unintended) interpretations to lie.
What I did like? Andy and Joe having that pessimist/optimist dynamic. Joe nerding out about science. Andy not being impressed by The Achievements Of Man. I loved Booker needling at Nicky about his outdated slang and also trying to give him Older Brother advice practically in the same breath. I loved Booker giving The Worst relationship advice ever and Nicky being like 'I Will Not Do That, Ever, Thanks.' the family vibes were so good. The Joenicky vibes left a lot to be desired tho.
11 Love Letters
I talked about my problems with Nicky in this story (and Lacus Solitudinis). I don't know, the story isn't bad but I do hold a little bit of a grudge towards it because its very existence begs the existence of a solo Joe story and we didn't get one. If we never got this story, then we could happily count Lacus Solitudinis and Zanzibar as The Joenicky Stories™ and move on with our lives. sigh.
I remember when we first got the blurb for this story I was really curious about why Nicky specifically + the setting, and the answer kind of feels like 'the author had an idea for a story like this and saw ttt as a good enough place to utilize that idea'. Plus I was really underwhelmed by the Romantic Sentiment in the letter. If you look at it line-by-line, the majority of the letter is actually Nicky talking about how lonely and disturbed he is, rather than actual,, yknow,,, Romantic Sentiment. I mean, compare the van speech and this letter and this letter is just kind of meh in comparison. I liked nicky calling joe wise! and I liked the brief sun/moon metaphor! and otherwise it was eh. It didn't even have cute squad banter, which is why Lacus Solitudinis is above this one.
12 An Old Soul
Nun orgy. Nun orgy?????? Nun orgy.......
The whole story felt like a setup to have a nun orgy. Why did Booker have abs? Why did they do that to Andy's nose? ?????? the art was good at least.
nun orgy.
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bnhayyy · 3 years
Caution and the Inverse
Wordcount: 2.6k
Ao3 Link: Click
Summary: Historia comes home to find that her girlfriend had a near-miss with a vampire slayer. Ymir is more concerned about the shirt she ruined.
Notes: This technically takes place between the second and third scene of the third chapter of The Call, but can be read without reading it. Also, thank you to @celadongirl​ and @mavzell​ for looking this over for me before I posted it!
A groan arose from the apartment the instant she walked through the door. 
The corners of her lips twitched up at the sound. She couldn't help it; after being called "Krista" all day, it was nice to hear someone call her by her name. Especially that someone - even if her deep, melodious voice was pitched up in a probably-overdramatic whine. 
She didn't bother locking the door; there was no need with Ymir around. 
Abandoning her supplies on the kitchen table, she strode into the living room with a gentle jibe on her lips. It was rare for Ymir not to walk her back from her evening art class. She could look after herself well enough to handle the walk from campus to her apartment, but she would be remiss to skip out on an opportunity to tease her girlfriend. Especially since it was usually Ymir doing the teasing; her opportunities to turn the tables were made that much more precious by their rarity. 
"Yes, you'll see that I have successfully-" 
Her words died off as she stepped into the living room and took in the sight before her. Ymir was sprawled across the couch, shirtless and with her hair falling loosely over her shoulders. Historia would have deeply appreciated the sight were it not for the gaping wound in her shoulder. 
Only inches away from her heart. 
"Ymir!" Historia cried. One hand flew up to cover her mouth, although it did nothing to stop the pickling in her eyes. Horror, sadness, stress - and maybe, if she was honest with herself, anger. 
"Historia," Ymir repeated, lifting her head to shoot her a look that was somewhere between a pout and a scowl. "You wouldn't believe what happened to that shirt you gave me."
“Nevermind the shirt!” Historia exclaimed. “What happened!?” She rushed forward as she spoke. Now that she was closer, she could see that Ymir had draped a towel down across the couch. It was spotted with a few bloodstains, but most of them seemed well on their way to drying. Unsurprising; vampires generally didn't bleed much.
So the fact that she had been bleeding that much at all...
Ymir started to shrug, then winced when she jostled her wound. "Turns out slayer one isn't totally incompetent," she said.
Historia's heart skipped a beat as the chill of dread began to wash over her. "The slayer," she said, mouth feeling dry and ashy. Then, "you were provoking the slayer."
"I wouldn't say provoking," Ymir said. A tiny shift in her eyes made her suspect that this was a blatant lie. That and the simple fact that she knew Ymir. "More like testing the waters," she continued. "Big boss vampire like me lurking around, she was about to find out about me eventually. I'd rather it be on my terms than hers."
Historia allowed her expression to fall into something icy and serious. This whole situation was hardly a surprise. She knew that Ymir had been wanting to try her hand against a slayer for a while, and if there really were two of them now, then she wouldn't be able to resist tempting fate for long. That didn't make the situation any less painful and disappointing.
It didn't make it any less dangerous.
"Did you tell her that you don't kill people?" she asked.
Ymir snorted. "I don't think there are many slayers who'd believe that."
"She might," Historia insisted. "You could explain that-"
"-that I don't kill people because my girlfriend would be disappointed in me?" A harsh bark of laughter left Ymir's mouth. "I think that might actually make it worse."
"Ymir, she almost killed you," Historia snapped. "We have to do something to keep her from hunting you down."
For a moment, it looked like Ymir would respond with confidence and bluster; a reassurance about how she could take on a slayer if it came down to it, how she'd been anticipating a fight like this since she was turned. Or maybe she would take a different angle, place emphasis on how she'd be able to handle it quickly and easily. How, aside from this one incident, Historia wouldn't even know it was happening. How it would never place her in danger.
For a moment, it looked like Ymir would rattle off an inflated excuse or empty words. Instead, she took a long look at Historia's face and faltered.
"I'll figure something out," Ymir finally relented. "But I don't want to play my hand too early. Something's going on, and I'm not going to let it catch us off guard."
Historia frowned. There was a lot that she wanted to say. However, before she could give voice to any of it, her gaze was drawn back to Ymir's wound. Not that her attention had ever actually left it. That was rather impossible, given its sheer size, the ragged nature of it, and what it represented.
"I'll be right back," Historia murmured.
As she walked away, Ymir called, "gonna patch me up?"
Despite everything, Historia smiled. "As if you weren't waiting for me," she called back.
"I mean." Ymir's voice grew fainter as she entered the bathroom. However, it was still loud enough to resonate through the little apartment. She could even picture the expressions she was sure she was making. "Who wouldn't, if they had a cute girlfriend to play nurse for them?"
Where her girlfriend's voice seemed to resonate effortlessly, Historia had to strain a little for her reply of, "lazy!"
When she looked into the bathroom mirror, her smile had grown from the small exchange. She felt it fade when she pulled the little door the mirror was on forward to reveal the shelves tucked behind it - and the first aid kit resting on one of them.
Vampires. Slayers. For all of their differences, they were very much the same in one regard. Even the very strongest of them could be just down if they had just one bad day.
And there never seemed to be anything Historia could do to stop it.
She grabbed the first aide kit and closed the cabinet door. With the mirror back in place, her own expression stared back at her. Her smile had been replaced by a look that was tired and haunted.
After a moment of staring, she forced a smile back into place. Bright, cheerful, warm, perfect, it was the exact sort of smile that people would expect from Krista Lenz. Which meant that Ymir would see through it in a second.
That was fine. Right now, Historia needed to know that she at least tried not to let her girlfriend see that it was getting to her more than she needed her to actually believe it.
Unsurprisingly, Ymir's expression, bright and playful in spite of her wound, faded into something concerned and suspicious the moment she saw her face. Historia felt a whisper of guilt for a moment, then immediately pushed it back down.
"What do you think's going on?" she asked as she approached the couch.
Ymir sat up, sweeping her legs to the side so that Historia could sit down, and angled her torso so that she could easily access the stab wound. Historia sat down, smile widening ever so slightly, and placed the first aid kit in her lap.
As Historia rifled through the kit, Ymir said, "it's the second slayer. Leonhart."
Historia paused. "Both of them were there?" she asked, struggling to keep the tenseness out of her voice.
"Nah," Ymir said. "I've just been watching both of them. The guys Leonhart lives with... I've met them before. I don't know if they'd remember me, but we've met before." She paused, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes; a sort of suspicion that edged in on condemnation. "They're vampires, Historia."
A jolt of shock ran through Historia. Nonetheless, she forced herself to open and disinfectant wipe and start cleaning Ymir's wound. There would be no need to worry about the wound getting infected; one of the benefits of being a vampire. However, she'd noticed that she had failed to clean the dried blood off the wound, and it wouldn't do to bandage her but leave that mess underneath. She cleaned in delicate swipes, careful not to inflict any further pain, although she knew that Ymir almost certainly wouldn't show it if she caused any. That required a certain degree of focus, and that focus made her take a moment to respond.
"You mean Annie Leonhart, right?" Historia eventually asked. "And the guys she lives with are Reiner Braun and Bertolt Hoover?" She shook her head, although it was more an expression of general surprise than genuine disbelief. The past five years had taught her better than to dismiss anything as outright impossible. Even so, she pointed out, "I've seen Reiner in the sunlight before."
"Yeah," Ymir said. "That one threw me for a loop as well. He's definitely a vampire though. I didn't think it was real, but... I think he got his hands on the Gem of Amara."
"The Gem of Amara?" Historia asked.
"Magical, legendary gem that grants a vampire invulnerability," Ymir explained, her tone caught somewhere between envy and distaste. "It lets a vampire walk in the sunlight, take a stake to the heart, prevents decapitation - as long as they're wearing it, they're unkillable."
"Oh," Historia murmured. "That... sounds like it could be problematic." Disastrous.
"Oh? I thought you were against hastily judging people?" Ymir teased.
"You're the one saying you're suspicious," Historia shot back.
The blood was more or less washed away now. It wasn't perfect, but it was as close as she could get without being more forceful. She leaned over to set the bloody wipes on the side table before opening packets of gauze and padding.
Meanwhile, Ymir's expression fell away into something more somber. "For good reason. Those guys are bad news. The people they work for..." She glanced up at the ceiling as she trailed off. Historia suspected that it was to keep her from getting a good look at her eyes. From what little she could see, they had a distant, almost lost quality to them, the sort that Ymir hated letting people see. Even her. She frowned, but focused on getting the wound dressing together instead of calling her out.
It was when she was about to press the dressing to her wound, fingers hovering centimeters away from her skin, that Ymir started talking again. "I don't know much about them, but last time I got involved with them, I died."
Historia sat there, frozen. She barely dared to breathe. But she had to. She had to breathe in order to ask, "they're the ones who...?"
"No," Ymir said. "A friend of theirs, and I took him down with me. They aren't even the reason it happened. But if they're here, it's bad news."
For a moment, all Historia could do was stare. Ymir was extremely guarded about her history. She'd never told Historia exactly how she was turned, only that it was violent. She'd certainly never told her that some sort of organization was involved, or that she'd apparently managed to take out the vampire who turned her in her final, dying moments as a human. It made her yearn to ask for more information. However, the very fact that it had taken almost three years for her to tell her this much told her that she wouldn't be getting any more. Not until Ymir was ready.
"You know the disappearances around your campus?" Ymir asked, breaking her out of her stupor.
"Of course," Historia said. As she spoke, she went ahead and pressed the dressing to Ymir's wound. She carefully ran her hands over the bandages to make sure that the adhesive edges would hold up. Once she was sure they would, her hands went still, but she didn't pull them away.
"I think they're the ones responsible for it."
"What?" Historia asked, horror leaking into her voice. "Shouldn't we do something then?" She let her hands drop to her lap, but Ymir caught one of them at the last minute and gave it a gentle squeeze.
"Fuck no," Ymir said, her harsh voice a stark contrast to her gentle touch. "Ackerman's a slayer; let her figure it out. We don't need to put our asses on the line."
Historia frowned. "But you picking fights with the slayers won't."
"It's what they'd expect, and it'll let me keep an eye on the situation. Besides..." Ymir grinned. "I've only picked a fight with one slayer, and it wasn't a deathmatch or anything."
Historia's gaze drifted toward Ymir's wound. A wound obtained in something that was apparently not a deathmatch. "And do you plan on having one?" she asked.
Ymir's eyes softened. "Maybe once," she admitted. "But I wouldn't do that to you."
A painful smile tugged at Historia's lips. How broken and lonely was she if Ymir could so easily tell that she wouldn't be able to handle losing her? Still, she supposed she should be grateful. She knew how eager Ymir had been to fight a slayer, once upon a time. If her happiness was the incentive she needed to give up on that suicidal dream, then she would accept that.
With that, a thought drifted to the forefront of Historia's mind. Not one that she felt any sort of genuine hope for, if she was honest with herself, but one that felt worth voicing nonetheless. "Maybe Annie isn't with Bertolt and Reiner's group. Maybe they really are friends."
Ymir scoffed. "A slayer and a pair of vampires? Not likely."
Historia frowned. "Frieda thought humans and demons could co-exist," she murmured.
"And how long did Frieda last? A year and a half? Two?" Ymir's voice, while blunt, was not unkind. That didn't stop Historia from feeling a twist of grief in her chest.
"Nice slayers don't last long," Ymir continued. "And trust me, Ackerman and Leonhart aren't nice. They aren't going to be reaching out to any vampires any time soon." She leaned against the arm of the couch with a slight huff. "Besides, you need to remember that vampires aren't the sweetest creatures either. Even if they are friends on some level, there will have been an outside force that brought them together."
Historia stared at her girlfriend. She wanted to frown - the combination of the pain still rolling in her chest and what she had just said made her feel like she should be frowning. Even so, the slightest of smiles tugged at her lips. "You say that," she said, "and yet..."
"I'm not sweet," Ymir huffed. "And you aren't a slayer."
"Maybe," Historia acknowledged. "But-"
"But nothing," Ymir said. "I love you; the rest of the world could burn for all I care. Let the terrible trio ravage everyone else on campus if they want. I'm keeping an eye on this situation because I don't want us caught in a battleground between two slayers if it goes sour."
Historia stared at Ymir for a long moment. Aside from the bit about loving her, she couldn't tell how much of what she said was true and how much was a lie.
She supposed it didn't matter in the end. Historia was part of the world. Letting it burn would be counterintuitive to Ymir's priorities.
"Alright," Historia said, a small smile playing at her lips. "But for now nothing's burning, so... get to bed."
Ymir smirked. "Oh?"
"For rest," Historia deadpanned. "You aren't in the condition for anything else."
"You're no fun," Ymir sighed. "Join me anyway?"
Historia's smile widened and softened. "Of course."
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king-paimon · 5 years
HNK Chapter 86 thoughts: Complicated characters being complicated (Thoughts on Diamond)
I’ve been so anxious about this chapter after the last one. I’m happy to say that it isn’t as heart wrenching as I thought it would be, which was great, but it’s clear now we are approaching end-game and there will no doubt be some sadness coming soon.  
The art in this chapter was gorgeous! I want that two page spread as a poster! Phos looks awesomely horrifying and Ms. Ichikawa never fails to make me laugh at the most weirdest of times. Seriously, the whole buildup with Alex for it to end up with him passing out was hilarious! It was also nice to see most of the gems in the same chapter, and while I’m still sad we’re going to have some major losses, I’m really looking forward to what’ll happen next.
But I want to give my thoughts on the true star of this chapter: Diamond.
This is another really long post so be warned. I again apologize for the messy writing; it is still not my strongest trait, but I’ll do my best to put my thoughts into words and I will make any necessary edits if I need to. These are my thoughts and if you want to share yours, I’m all for it. Please no attacks, though. Everyone has their own opinion when it comes to the characters and while we may not agree, these opinions will be respected. Thank you and please enjoy my probably poorly written analysis!
Diamond... is such an interesting, complicated character. Like with Phos, it’s fascinating how they ended up this way. 
After chapter 84, I was curious to see how Dia was going to react to Bort and it turned out better than I thought. After years of not properly dealing with this toxic relationship between Dia and Bort, of course it would end up with an emotional driven fight. But what has me most interested is how it’s Dia who’s going feral while Bort is being calm. It’s like their personalities flipped, but after looking back, it makes sense.
Diamond is tightly bound to their inferiority complex and their so-called rivalry with Bort.  I betcha that if Bort was the same as he was at the beginning of this story, I’m sure Diamond wouldn’t be flipping out like they did in the chapter. I’m sure that was exactly what they were expecting to see, but that’s not what they got: not only had Bort changed physically, but he had changed mentally. He’s no longer the battle hunger fighter Dia knew; he’d rather care for the jellyfish and not fight at all. Bort has changed through and through. And maybe I’m seeing this all wrong, but I think this is one of the facts that made Dia livid. 
In Dia’s insecure mind, they believe they must be equal to or better than Bort. They must prove to themselves that they are a true diamond by beating the stronger, battle loving Bort at his own game, so they can be truly free of fear and feeling inferior. Dia now finally has the chance to do this… but that Bort isn’t there anymore.  And because of that, Dia feels cheated and angry. Also, I think it’s funny that Dia claims that Bort got to live freely because of them, though really, it’s Phos to thank but of course neither gem will acknowledge that. (Continuing to show how much the gems care about Phos, I see *sarcasm*)
It’s interesting though: Diamond was the one who left and got a new life, but didn’t truly mature or change, while Bort was the one who stayed behind but had changed and matured (sort of.) You’d think it would’ve been the other way around but the fact that this is what happened just makes the characters more interesting to analyze.  Speaking of which...
Diamond and the blame game
I can understand Dia’s inferiority complex and how it’s tied to their obsession with Bort. I can definitely sympathize with them and understand why they made their decisions. But at the same time, I recognize that these feeling are not Bort’s fault but rather Dia’s. This ‘rivalry’ of Dia’s is entirely one sided and the negative thoughts Dia has about themselves are all self-imposed. For this reason, my sympathy for Dia can only go so far.
If Bort was the type to over-gloat and constantly and intentionally belittling Dia and putting these terrible thoughts in Dia’s head, then I would definitely be more sympathetic towards Dia and would hate Bort... But as far as I can remember, Bort never said anything like this to Dia (yeah, he said very mean stuff to Phos but that’s entirely another thing.) 
While he had scolded Dia harshly for doing anything risky, like that time after he saved Dia and Phos all the way back in the first chapters (Chapter 3 specifically,) I pretty sure Bort never went out of his way to intentionally make Dia feel inferior, especially for some sort of personal gain.  As far as I see, Bort’s only crimes against Dia was being overly protective, overly strict, and simply existing.  I’m not saying that Bort is completely guiltless, because Bort is guilty of a lot of things and does deserve some form of punishment.  But intentionally making Dia feel sorry for themselves isn’t one of them. That is all Dia; Dia is the one who put themselves in this negative head-space and chose to run away than properly deal with them. They shouldn’t keep blaming Bort for their self-inflicted misery, but they chose to. 
Should Bort have treated Dia differently/better? Oh yeah, most definitely. Bort, throughout most of the story, had a problem when it came to how he treated the other gems, especially Dia and Phos, and could have done things differently. But regardless, I still understand why he acted the way that he did, partially due to my own experiences in life, and I can’t hate him for it. And despite what I said before, the same goes for Dia; I may not agree with how they’re handling things, but I can understand why it came to this. But in the end, the truth is this: Diamond’s inferiority complex  
What’ll happen next?
I keep on telling myself to not make predictions for this series because Ms. Ichikawa is great at throwing curve balls, but I can’t help but think of the possible scenarios of what’ll happen next between Diamond and Bortz.
The first one is that they end with a draw. Both end up beaten to the point of exhaustion and maybe they both realize the errors of their ways without further destruction to one another. As nice as this scenario sounds, I don’t think it’ll happen, at least not this way. Maybe they both end up destroying each other without a proper resolution… I wouldn’t put it passed Ms. Ichikawa, honestly. So, this scenario, if it were to happen, can either end satisfyingly or unsatisfyingly.
The second possibility is that Dia wins. I find this more likely to happen because Dia has the advantage of the moon people and Bort having a messed-up arm. Anyways, I picture that Dia would win over Bort, finally ‘proving’ to themselves that they are better than Bort and is a ‘true diamond’ afterall... they finally ‘won’...to only realize they aren’t happy. They still felt empty. Wouldn’t that be both satisfying and unsatisfying? This whole build with Dia and Bort, after years of self-inflicted feelings of worthlessness, for Dia to win…to only realize that it was pointless. I kind of hope that we get a scenario like this because it’ll force Dia to acknowledge that Bort, as much as they may hate/love him, isn’t the one who’s holding them back. They’re in charge of their own happiness and blaming Bort for their misery was nonsensical and dumb. 
The third possibility is that Bort would win but I definitely don’t think Ms. Ichikawa will have this happen. Regardless of how I’d feel, I think its safe to say that Bort is most likely not going to survive this fight. If he did, then it would honestly be quite pointless for both his and Dia’s character development. Who knows, though? Maybe something like this will happen but with more twists? Anything can happen with this series… 
Either way, I don’t think Bort or Dia are going to get out of this fight unscathed. It’ll end up with both becoming completely broken physically and/ or mentally. (And to a degree, they both kinda deserve it. A lot. For various reasons.)
Final thoughts:
I’m glad to see I’m not alone when it comes to this character. Dia is anything but perfect or even morally good. Their character is more than the cute, soft, nice girly archetype; they have layers with many negative traits, including pettiness and selfishness, and these traits are shared by many of the other characters in this series. I know I say this a lot, but I can’t think of many characters in this series that are truly good or bad, black or white; everyone are various shades of gray and I think that makes for a fascinating story. And while Dia isn’t one of my favorite characters in this series, seeing them shed become unhinged after everything that happened is really fascinating and I can’t wait to see what’ll happen next.
Sigh, these dang gems…if only they knew how to communicate with each other! So many conflicts would’ve been resolved! But nope: they’d rather ignore the problem and let it fester or they let their emotions take over and go straight to violence without properly trying to resolve anything. Man, I love all of these characters, but they can give me such a headache…
And though a happy ending for all is out of reach, I still have hope that all of them.  The moon and earth gems, the Admirabilis, the moon people (minus Aechmea) and most of all, Phos, deserve happiness. How will this happen? I don’t know… we’ll see.
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Toilet-bound Hanako-kun Chapter 16: The Little Mermaid (Part 1)
Previously: as one of you guys said last chapter, we “went from good boy hours to sad boy hours in a flash”, and I honestly couldn't have said it better myself. Yashiro and Kou are both very good children that just want to look after their new ghost friend (and each other) and I just(*´▽`*) love them very much. But yeah, the last chapter started with an incredibly wholesome and emotional premise and by the end that happened. I’m both excited and terrified to delve back into the story.
Now onto the next chapter!
[You can ignore this but if you’re interested, here’s a small update of where have I been lately: as I’ve mentioned before, around the moment the quarantines started to take effect where I live, I caught a cold and later I found out that I had laryngitis, so all that with the additional anxiety regarding the state the world is in right now, I really wasn’t feeling well enough to take the time to read and write the recaps for the chapters. I’m fine now, I started to feel better by last week. I’m a very anxious person by nature and while my family and friends are doing well, being quarantined this long really didn’t leave me in the best headspace since I tend to worry too much (both of my parents are over 60 years old and two of my best friends each have a family member who underwent heart surgeries recently). Also, I wasn’t sure if posting these recaps would be a good idea with everything that’s going on in the world right now. But I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone would probably welcome a distraction and if these recaps can provide that for someone besides myself (since writing them will give me something to do), then I should go right ahead. So.....yeah......If you’re reading this, please remember to take care and follow the steps that your region has implemented to stay healthy and stop the spread of the virus.]
Okay so before we begin, I have a confession to make: I ended up seeing a spoiler (well, two, but I will mention the other one when it becomes relevant). I’m honestly surprised that it didn’t happen sooner considering how quickly Instagram knows when I start a new series, but yeah, it was bound to happen since I’m pretty behind with the story. I saw a screenshot of one of the anime episodes (idk which one since I stopped watching it when I picked up the manga after watching episode 4) and I saved it so I could put it here:
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sooooooooooooo..........yeah.........it’s kind of a bummer. But hey! At least I know one of the theories I threw out there was right. Although, it also brings up a lot more questions regarding their home life because..........why was Amane so beat up when (it seems) he had at least one family member around when he was alive? where does this other child fit into the story? Did he also go to the same school? Does Tsuchigomori know him?  Also he looks real cute???? But Hanako looked so terrified when he appeared at the end of last chapter that it makes me not trust him immediately???? You all are probably saying in your heads “well if you just start the fucking chapter you will get some answers” and you know what???? You’re right, I should, damn
Ohhhh right! This is the start of another volume and it looks like our two main boys are on the cover this time.
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are you really gonna post the cover page again? you ask. And yes, yes, I will. It’s not my fault that the art style is so good. Things I noticed: it’s silly but I love how Hanako’s disregard for personal space it’s an ongoing factor even on the cover with how he’s grabbing Kou’s face; I really like the contrast between their expressions (how cheeky Hanako looks vs how serious Kou looks); and since they both look like they’re ready for a fight, I’m guessing that this particular volume will possibly present challenges for these two.
The next coloured page is also wonderful. My babies look so cute and ready to tell some ghost stories. I just wanna ruffle their hair, they’re so precious.
Then we have the index and by the looks of it, this volume will focus on two arcs.
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And here’s the cover page for this chapter! ...........god, I’ve barely reached the beginning of the chapter, why do I ramble so much.
Anyway, “the little mermaid”, huh? Judging by that title and by the art here, I’m guessing that title refers to Yashiro. Also, there’s a big ass claw on the left side of the page, so does this mean that the mermaid from the first chapter is coming back? Because Hanako said that he had only managed to drive her away momentarily, right? That would be really interesting! 
Now directing our attention to the right side of the page...... (⚆.⚆) ......I’m guessing that this is directly related to last chapter’s cliffhanger, if Hanako’s terrified expression is anything to go by.......oh boy, this is gonna be so much f u n
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Huh, that’s interesting. “She helped me make it here.” Does that mean that he wasn’t able to be in the school for some reas- wait wait a second. Idk why I’m just now putting two and two together but this boy is also dead, right? So where was he? And he honestly looks just like Hanako, so does that mean they died at around the same time? Did he also go to this school? Because Amane’s attachment to this school is clear (even if he had to take the role of “Hanako-san”) and well, there was also that thing Kou said about his grandmother sealing him away but we don’t know much about that. Would his brother also have a reason to be at the school, and not only that, but also to then have to leave the place? And a big enough reason that he needed someone else’s help to get back, at that?
Another interesting thing: so now we have the confirmation that the suspicious girl is actually his assistant. That brings up the following questions: does Amane’s brother also fills in for “Hanako-san”? Like, is it like a gatcha where you can get either of them when you summon them and lucks decides your fate? Also, with Yashiro and Amane, she became his assistant as an exchange for her wish to become human again? So, I’m thinking that if he also serves as “Hanako-san”, then she could have become his assistant in exchange for a wish, and the question then would be: what did she wish for? And that is tied to other questions that surround her such as: who is she? what are her goals?
Is this recap mostly questions and no answers? yes, that’s how it be, if you’re here expecting me to give you good answers, I’m sorry in advance lol
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(゚д゚;) Σ(゚Д゚|||) ahhhhhh he looks so shaken and ready to cry omg please back away and leave him alone. What is their story??? It’s clear that it is tragic but what could bring about such a reaction? Spoilers: it’s probably gonna destroy me :))))
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OHHHHH!!!! LOOK AT MY GIRL GO! Hell yeah, protect your boy!! but also the fact that Hanako was so startled that he couldn’t even react fast enough to protect himself even though he had his knife in front of him is very concerning
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Oh? I thought the bottle only had tea/water. Why did it do that to him? Because this doesn’t happen to all apparitions, right?
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And just like that, he’s gone. Well. that was certainly a way to make an entrance.
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........................okay, listen. I know I said that their story was probably tragic but I was trying to avoid thinking of this possibility because there’s something incredibly heartbreaking about the prospect. And the fact that Hanako looks so terrified only adds a layer of unease to the whole thing. If Hanako did kill him, then it shines a different light to one of the questions I asked before: “why was Amane so beat up when (apparently) he had at least one family member around when he was alive?” because........yikes. I think I had also asked before where would his parents be in the story (since it was still possible that the injuries were inflicted by bullies) and with this development, I’m even more concerned. Since, again, if Hanako killed his own brother and we take into account the rest of the information we’ve been given so far, it’s very possible that it was done in self-defence. And since Hanako was so reluctant to tell Tsuchigomori anything regarding the person who did that to him (going to the extent of saying he forgave them), the culprit being a family member is not farfetched at all.
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Oh, no, sweetie-pie  (ಥ﹏ಥ) He looks so distraught! It seems like he had a flashback of some sort judging by him snapping out of it at the end. The evidence just keeps on piling up against his brother and i’m very stre s s ed
Ahhhh and he’s all wobbly while apologizing to her and he leaves and they’re just alone and sad and the donuts are ruined. I’m :c sad :CC
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............................is that a fish? because it doesn’t look like the mermaid, so maybe she sent her “minions”? Hanako said that the fish work for the mermaids, right? I’m assuming she’s sending someone to spy on Yashiro since she most likely isn’t ready to give up Yashiro yet (even if Hanako has lessen the effects of the curse).
Next, we see that Yashiro is still thinking about what happened with Hanako while Aoi looks worried about her. Yashiro says “I guess people from different species really can’t understand each other” and “Maybe it would’ve been better if I were a supernatural too” and I mean, I see where she’s coming from. But at the same time, that’s not all there is to it. Yes, it’s obvious that they are gonna have different mindsets, not only because Hanako is a ghost but also because of what he experienced when he was alive. However, I think Hanako’s reluctance to share his past has more to do with personal walls he has probably built around himself than with him being a supernatural. Like, yes, we know that he has had contact with other apparitions in the school, but who knows when was the last time he had the chance to interact with someone as a friend? Even when he was alive we know that he didn’t have friends from his class. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that while I understand Yashiro’s sentiment, her becoming a supernatural wouldn’t really help the situation.
Well, it looks like someone is conveniently ready to grant that wish and judging by the bubbles (?) around the dialogue bubbles, I think it’s the fish from before. And to that, I say no, thanks, chief.
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I feel so bad for Aoi, she must be so worried about Yashiro’s ongoing track record of talking to the air.
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....................god, everyone is gonna think she’s off her rocker if they don’t think so already
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Pfffffffft I love her so much, she’s so silly
But anyway, yes, the fish claim that they are here to “release her from the clutches of that loathsome school mystery” which sounds like a convoluted way to say that they want to take her away. “Our law states that those who have eaten the flesh and blood of our master will eventually become our next master” ohhhhh okay so that’s why they were being so polite, I had thought that they were just trying to butter her up.
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Yashiro, no! Don’t fall for it!! I’m not saying that they’re lying about her new status, I’m just saying that she needs to consider the fact that the “men” are most likely not actual men if the fact that the mermaid was a fish with a face is anything to go by. Also, my girl is way too weak in front of the promise of ikemen oh boy please don’t fall for it
They say that they’ve been watching Yashiro these past few days and they think that the way Hanako treats her is “far too barbaric”.
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Okay, I’m gonna stop you right there. 1) The donut incident: Yes, Hanako shouldn’t have treated her like that, but it’s obvious that he was going through some serious stuff at the moment. 2) He doesn’t speak about himself: I think I mentioned this even during the 4pm bookstacks arc, but that’s Hanako’s choice. It’s his own life story and he gets to decide when to share it. While it would be good for him to open up more to Yashiro since she clearly wants to be his friend and get to know him better, that doesn’t mean it’s gonna be easy. 3) He takes advantage of her: well, he has been quite reckless at certain points (like when he threw her down the waterfall at Yako’s boundary and when he unknowingly played with her feelings during the confession tree arc), he’s always done his best to protect her from harm. 4) Hanako thinks nothing of her: now that’s just plain wrong. As I’ve just mentioned, he always tries to protect her and we’ve seen in subtle ways that he’s clearly grown fond of her over time. He’s a teasing little shit, but he’s not a bad guy that would string her along without a care in the world. Granted, they can’t possibly know all this, but still. Don’t go dissing my boy like that.
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So, they give her a vial with the mermaid’s blood and if she drinks it, her bond with Hanako will be overwritten and her bond with the mermaid will be made official. Oh, and they also say that she then “will cease to transform in reaction to water”................doesn’t- doesn’t that mean she will just be a fish all the time? right??
Okay so they gave her one day to give them an answer.
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There he is!! Update: still hot
Yashiro went to him to get him to stop her but he’s really not being helpful. He asks her if he talked with Hanako and Kou. Yashiro says it would be too awkward to talk with Kou after the donuts were destroyed and like........I get it, but still, he would completely understand. Kou is one of the most wholesome boys in existence, he would not hold that against you AND more importantly, he would love to help you in anything you needed. And oh! she says she tried talking to Hanako but she hasn’t been able to find him lately. I’m a bit surprised but also really glad that she realised that this was something that Hanako needed to be aware of. It sucks that Hanako is (most likely) avoiding her, even if it is understandable.
Yashiro points out that Tsuchigomori has known Hanako for a long time and asks him if he could tell her anything about his past. And again, I feel the need to point out that he’s probably gonna tell her when he’s ready to and going about it behind his back is not the best idea.
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I’m glad to see that Tsuchigomori is on the same wavelength as me. Hanako obviously carries a heavy burden on his shoulders and it’s best for the truth to come out from his own mouth.
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Awww, no, sweetie, it’s not that. I think he does trust you but he’s shielded himself from other people for so long that he has a hard time opening up to anyone. And yeah, Tsuchigomori tells her he’s probably afraid of her finding out (which, again, is understandable) and that, at any rate, she should make her own decision and to make sure that decision is one that she won’t regret.
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Well, speak of the devil. Look who was eavesdropping! I’m actually okay with this since Hanako really needed to hear all that (not only what the situation itself is but also how she feels about their relationship).
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(ಥ﹏ಥ) someone please give this sweet boy a hug, he needs it  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
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Atta girl, Yashiro. She’s been having a slow character development as the story progresses and it’s honestly great to see. To me, this shows a good contrast between how easily she jumped from crush to crush and how dedicated she is to stick with Hanako and learn more about him. Yes, they are just friends, but the chemistry they have is undeniable, so I still think it’s a fair comparison.
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..................I said they would be fish but still omfg. This manga really is a treasure pffffft
Hey! They snatched her against her will! So much for respecting her answer, huh. Fucking rude. Well......let’s hope Hanako knows how to fish.
Okay, so the fishes are listing her beautiful qualities in her fish form and
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Again, fucking rude.
Oh, that’s the end of the chapter..........that felt short. Still a solid chapter, though. I like the slow buildup we’re establishing with Hanako and Yashiro and their relationship and I’m really excited to see how they develop it.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
Time to read hs^2′s third non-bonus update!  I have not had a single portion of an image spoiled this time, and have no damn idea what it’s about.  Not even any asks in my inbox.  Will we have more of Ghostflusters, maybe a reason Jane didn’t know he was gone even when he supposedly received divorce papers?  A cut back to the good guys in pursuit of Dirk and crew?  Will Jade be a black-eyed zombie, or finally fucking awake like she deserves to be???
Let’s find out!
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Oh god damn everything, please no.  ==>
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Oh that’s MUCH better than it could’ve been!  We’re still in Candyverse, but cutting over to the Vriskas’ perspectives.  So that on the right would be the “mostly identical” Vriska who Rose and Kanaya raised, and the aforementioned logistics are just dealing with a dead clown body (that hopefully isn’t being refrigerated in the unseen spot Dirk was hiding from Terezi on their ship).
Kid Vriska looks pretty cool!  A fair bit Aranea-y, with that collar feeling like a nice hint of the Pagey version of her who originally earned the (Vriska) title.
(Vriska) pockets John’s phone before she can worry too much about waiting for a reply from Terezi.
Right, stolen phone... an anon in my inbox pointed out that Vriska “has a direct line out to Terezi” because of it, but I didn’t take it that seriously because I thought it wouldn’t come into play at all later.  Guess I was wrong, with the narrative taking the trouble to point it out-- especially considering that whatever she said, she EXPECTS a possible reply.
Other than some fun banter, I can’t figure out where this particular upd8 is going.
> (==>)
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Oh that is a smug, self-satisfied Vriska look if I ever saw one.  (Vriska) over here is still dust under her heels, isn’t she?
VRISKA: If you want to keep Hanging Out, I mean. Which I assume you Do.
Holy shit, she’s throwing a bit of Kanaya Caps in her language.  That’s SUPER adorable.  That was probably in Candy too and I just forgot about it.
VRISKA: So, Nickname me, 8itch. And make it Cute.
Huh!  You don’t stake too much on your name, then?
> (==>)
Vrissy!  That’s surprisingly genial of you, it’s pretty damn good.
VRISSY: So now that we have that locked down, what’s First on the list of Awesome Shit we’re gonna do Together?
Oh no.  No, no Vrissy, you’re gonna be disappointed.  :(
VRISSY: I told you already, I don’t ever get up to Anything nearly as Interesting as you did. VRISKA: Till now ;;;;) VRISSY: Heh. Yeah.
...yeah, FUCK.  Vrissy is gonna get used and thrown away so fucking hard.  The slightest ounce of hero worship thrown Vriska’s way is an ounce that’s gonna get exploited to hell and back.
I suppose from here we’re going into the rebellion, aren’t we?  I hope badass eyepatch Karkat doesn’t look too silly in this art style.
> (==>)
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God, this art style is so CLEAN and makes her look so ADORABLE.
--ah, okay.  We’re gonna see how the dynamic between Vrissy and human Kid-Tavros works.  Hope this won’t be too painful.  Besides, like... the kind of hilarious starting-pain that she’s asking HIM to help take care of a dead body.
VRISSY: That was Tavros. He’s on his way.
Oh man, Vriska didn’t know.  :D
> (==>)
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Huh!  That’s a more thoughtful expression than I was expecting.
VRISKA: Unless he’ll rat us out to his mom???????? VRISSY: Nah. He’ll get too much of a Kick out of seeing this dead Piece of Shit, don’t Worry.
Oh man.  Tavros’ll probably just be sad or freaked out a bit, but what I wouldn’t give for our first look at him to be him dancing on this clown’s grave.
> (==>)
Vrissy hates that ostentatious prick-mobile, mostly because it is not her ostentatious prick-mobile.
Hm?  “Actual spy shit”, other than hiding a body?  Did you have some bigger anti-Crocker stuff in mind, Vrissy?
> (==>)
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Oh Jiminy Christmas!!!  You’re the spitting image of your parents!  And, like... perfectly visually suited to induce Vriska-macking, unwanted or otherwise.
> (==>)
TAVROS: These are normal things you expect to happen, when you are picking up your kismesis and her,,,, ah,,, new friends,
Oh right, that’s the relationship.  More that I forgot from Candy.
VRISSY: Who is VERY Cool and Sexy with her Eyepatch--
--remind me again why Vriska has an eyepatch?  Something in the Lord English fight, a stray shard of universe fabric inflicting more random meaningful damage?  *Looks it up.*  Oh huh, so THAT was the vague damage to her head she played off-- the shard literally got her eye and she refused to admit it to herself or the narrative.  I was wondering about that weird damage back when I read it, but never inferred the answer.  And did she put the eyepatch on when she landed in Candy?  *Looks that up*  Wait, no, it couldn’t have hit her eye.  From Candy:
Vriska’s face snaps up, eyes blazing. Eyes. Actual eyes, with expression, color, pupils, and everything.
[...]  There’s a bleeding gash on her head and something lodged in her chest.
Okay, fuck.   Then whence the fucking eyepatch?  *Keeps skimming Candy...*
(VRISKA): The 8attle was hitting its clim8x when I got hit in the head with... with...
(Vriska) paws at her head wound, fingers numb and vision blurry.
(VRISKA): Wh8tever the fuck it was that hit me in the head!
JOHN: do you wanna see a doctor for that or something? (VRISKA): No!!!!!!!! (VRISKA): I w8nt to know what the fuck is GOING ON!!!!!!!!
Hmmmm.....  *Keeeeps reading...*
Dammit, that’s all there is.  So this is an inference either Andrew intended or the other authors/artists did from the tail end of all that -- Vriska either took head damage that deprived her of sight in that eye, made it more light-sensitive/blurry, OR that eyepatch is essentially a makeshift bandage over the bleeding parts.  (Which might remain medically necessary, or she might just keep wearing for style points.)  Hmm.
I’m mostly just relieved that whoever’s helping write HS^2 didn’t fuck up.  Okay, that’s enough Candy-digging, back to the story now:
After a few beats, he propels himself off the car like a swimmer at the sound of a gun, his body plunging in a graceful arc toward his goal.
Huh?  I mean, good execution, very Jake, but... huh?  Is someone gonna get clobbered?  Vrissy?  The corpse?
> (==>)
Ooh, the corpse!  Yes!!!  Kick that corpse.
Why did the head honk?  Hopefully this stays a corpse.  (I’m surprised his strikes are as weak as the narrative’s saying; even if he’s really Tavros-natured, he’s still the son of two of the strongest, fisticuff-iest players.  Kind of a rebellion against his parents both, then?)
> (==>)
--unrelated, I just saw the Bonus blinking with Catnapped Part 2.  Guess I won’t be finished once I’ve covered this, just yet.
VRISKA: I am in no place to 8egrudge a man his cathartic ass-kicking moment, but that was a loud fucking scream. VRISSY: No kidding. My ears are STILL ringing from your 8ig attempt at breaking the sound 8arrier.
Y’all are ones to talk, I just reread the part of Candy where you two found Vriska fucking Gamzee.
> (==>)
> (==>)
Please don’t move, clown.  Stay the fuck dead, please?
> (==>)
Calm down, Tav, you’ve got this.
> (==>)
Nice suspenders.
> (==>)
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--sorry I got overexcited because I clicked next and saw that hair spiral aaaa.
...I hope it isn’t a DIFFERENT kid of theirs that I somehow forgot exists or such.  That’d be embarrassing.  This guy/girl/person looks infuriatingly suave, also.
> (==>)
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--Yep, dialogue confirms it’s Harry Anderson.
Heh, he’s pulling an Early Acts John and not believing a word of it, but playing along.
There is no possible way that this stuff Vrissy is saying isn’t horeseshit, but he is not about to crack.
--just wanna point out the probably-typo before they fix it.
Ah, bringing it there.  Good luck, Harry.
> (==>)
Oh, that was fast.
> (==>)
...That’s what you get for relying on Harry.
> (==>)
VRISKA: We can just dump it in the inciner8or. That’s pro8a8ly what his plan was to 8egin with. VRISSY: The what???????? VRISKA: The inciner8or. Like, for 8odies?? VRISSY: At SCHOOL???????? VRISKA: Yes? TAVROS: It is somewhat pleasant to be reminded,,, in my darker moments,,,, that the grass is not really ever greener on Alternia,
No comment, this is just pretty hilarious.
I still keep revisiting how easily Vrissy gave up her given name, here.  As if she feels like her real name ought to be associated with the hero instead of her, in a kind of... lowkey low self-esteem way.
VRISSY: I should have known he was fucking with us. VRISSY: GOD he is such a Stupid 8astard.
--Well, they know each other well enough.
Hm.  Does Vriska think they can just kill any human kids they run into?
> (==>)
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...GOSH, Vrissy is stupid adorable.  And like, shockingly chill, in general.
> (==>)
Huh.  Vrissy, are you chickening out on an adventure because you’re afraid you’ll get caught?  ...well, good for you, honestly!  Not that I think it’ll last.
...yup, there she goes after ‘em.
> (==>)
I think you’re still going to fuck up, Vriska.
> (==>)
None of them know where they are going, but Vriska is leading the way, hunched and purposeful
I guess none of this is surprising, really.
Is Jane going to, like... hear about the corpse found in a human school’s basement and blame the rebellion some more somehow?  Not that it matters, I guess.
There is something incredibly reassuring, Tavros thinks, about someone who has absolute outward confidence in themselves.
(There’d better not be any relationship conflict involving Vriska upcoming in the future.  BETTER not.)
> (==>)
Gamzee managing to fuck everything up even when he’s dead.
> (==>)
VRISKA: No, he’s right, I was going to count to eight.
> (==>)
Are they gonna end up dumping him at Harry’s feet?
Nice way to force him out of school and into the rebellion, that.
> (==>)
VRISSY: Keep looking for Harry Anderson. He’s In The Shit with us now, whether he likes it or not.
Guess so!  Fair enough.
> (==>)
oh no
(I also understand why I haven’t gotten any asks about this upd8 yet.  This is mostly just character (re-)introductions and hijinks.  Totally up for some Harry, Vriska, Vrissy and Tavros adventures now that I can actually SEE them, it really adds a lot.)
> (==>)
And there it goes.  Slide into Harry’s classroom on the waterslick maybe?
> (==>)
The human students, trained to respond to a fire drill with speed and enthusiasm for missed class time, are out in the hall in a matter of seconds.
Oh, the worst possible outcome.  :D
> (==>)
Shit, they’re all on camera.  Nice job, Vriska!  Welcome to Earth.
> (==>)
> (==>)
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Oh my fucking GOD, this image.  Vriska is LOVING the chaos!!!  She doesn’t even care!
VRISKA: I thought this planet was gonna be a snoozefest desert devoid of 8oth agency and fun, but I am honestly having a gr8 time.
Pfff.  I should’ve known.  She just cares about being where the Action Is, as Aradia put it at the end of Meat.
> (==>)
She sees it, and she can’t breathe. Her lover, her confidante, her clown of many years, being desecrated by a bunch of treasonous monsters.
You threw him out of a ship.
Yeah, of course she draws that conclusion.  Everything and everyone is either with her or against her, after all.
> (==>)
--Wait, you didn’t even know Tavros was missing until that moment???
So did the lawyers send the divorce papers on their own, or did the authors really just forget?
> (==>)
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Your John is showing SO hard, Harry.
> (==>)
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> (==>)
*slow clap*
I’ll cover Catnapped 2 in a bit, though circumspectly as it’s a paid bonus.  See y’all!
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ramheavenandhell · 5 years
The Lines Between Ricks And Mortys – Chapter 4: That's just disgusting / Time to get your hands dirty
Warnings: fanboying, horrible fake accent, more violence, more artistic liberty with Morty battles, also a bunch of handsome Mortys in this one
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The Lines Between Ricks And Mortys – Chapter 4: That's just disgusting / Time to get your hands dirty After A-22β6 had reported that Salesman Rick was most likely not involved in any illegal crime activities, but just an old sad man, who was probably misunderstood, the number of suspected Ricks had quickly dwindled down to only one – Dirty Rick. This time K-4872 promised to look into it and he would do it thoroughly.
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The C-137 team meanwhile continued their interdimensional travels to catch more Mortys and gain more badges. Once more, they stepped through a portal to arrive at a random place… "Oh great. A fucking cave dimension. Just lovely…" Rick groaned. Indeed, they were inside an underground tunnel system. The walls, the ceiling and the floor were made of dirty brown stone and the only source of light came from the lamps that were strung along the ceiling. The air was stifling and Morty felt immediately claustrophobic even though the cavern in which they stood right now was still pretty spacious. It was quickly decided that he disliked this dimension as much as his Rick did. Nonetheless, the scientist and unchallenged leader of the group pulled out his trusty Mortytector and lead the way. They ventured through several tunnels and after they walked around the maze-like lair for more than an hour even Morticia feared that they were hopelessly lost. It was only after a flash of bright yellow caught the female's eyes that she gained newfound trust in her grandfather. This was the Morty that Rick seemed to have been looking for. Morty C-137 just wanted to take a closer look from a safe distance, but at that exact same moment, the other boy noticed him, too. Of course, Morty was expecting the other boy to flee from him like the wild Mortys always did. However, this one brightened up and actually began to run towards him. The somewhat strange clothes and the slightly delirious look on other Morty's face creeped the brunet out and so C-137 began to ran, too. He was fleeing from the weirdo. Rick watched the whole spectacle in mild annoyance as the boys were running around him in circles now. Seemingly, he was undecided if it was a good thing that the Super Morty Fan Morty wasn't running away from them so they wouldn't have to chase after him in this damn underground labyrinth or if it was a bad thing that he was actually pursuing his Morty. Well, the only bad thing about this was obviously the fact that his grandson was such a pussy again! Morty C-137 was close to having a panic attack as the Super Fan tried to hug him. "Please wait! I just wanna cuddle you!" the crazy boy yelled and made a smooch-face. Instead of having a calming effect, this only made the hunted one speed up. Rick sighed, not being able to see his pathetic grandson being chased by another version of himself for much longer. "Shadow Morty. You go in and beat that little turd up." He ordered the black specter beside him. Shadow Morty didn't waste any time and with a menacing face – even though the only thing you could see were his white eyes – he hovered between the two, efficiently stopping the Morty Fan. The boy halted and looked with big eyes at him before asking after a few moments, "Are you a Morty, too?" He didn't wait for a reply as his eyes turned all glazed and starry. "Wow!" The Morty Fan Morty tried to hug the shadow, but of course, he passed through the non-physical form and landed on the ground. With a pout and slightly teary eyes, he looked back up at the specter. Shadow Morty decided that he had seen enough of his opponent's antics, but just as he was about to attack the other stopped him. "Hold on a second!" he said and hastily drew a sketch block and a pencil from his Morty-shaped backpack. Curious what the other might be trying to do, Shadow Morty held off his attack and only watched in confusion as the Super Fan started to scribble something on a blank sheet of paper. It didn't take long before the fanboy was done and presented to Shadow Morty the masterpiece that he drew. The content of said picture was of rather questionable nature, depicting what looked like the Super Fan and Shadow Morty in a rather compromising position. Shadow Morty made a screech that sounded like an "eep", looking horrified by the art and dashed to hide behind his Rick's back, cowering as if he had been just traumatized. "What the heck?!" Rick commented on his most violent Morty's behavior. But then, he also got to see the surprisingly detailed fanart. "Urgh! That's just disgusting!" He may have seen and done a lot of shit in his life, but this kid should seriously seek some professional psychological help. That picture was in one word gross! Nonetheless, this little turd was just what was missing in his team and he would catch him somehow. "Morticia, go and knock him unconscious." The girl was his ace card. If she couldn't do it then he'd have no faith that his team of Mortys are even worth keeping, small as it was as of yet. With determination, Morticia stepped forward, ready to punch the living daylights out of the fanboy. Just as she was about to attack him – delivering a hard kick straight into his stomach – the Super Morty Fan started to fanboy again. "Oh wow! You're a girl! Aww and so cute!!" Embarrassingly enough the compliment made Morticia halt in her actions and blush. Rick only groaned. This girl had been his last hope. He was never going to win against the Council of Dicks with these useless Mortys… As the Super Fan glomp-hugged Morticia, Morty became emphatic enough at the girl's plight that he tried to come to her help, ignoring the possible "danger" of getting to close into the fanboy's range. Helplessly he tried to pull the other boy off of his victim and soon you could only see a tangle of yellow and limbs. Seeing the mess, Shadow Morty found heart again to also join in and managed to wrestle his two comrades free. As Super Fan Morty – apparently a very forgetful boy – tried to hug the specter again and plummeted to the ground, Rick stepped in and injected the chip to the boy's temple. All four stood with baited breath and watched the LED blinking. "Peep! Peep! Peep!" the annoyingly high and loud sound that accompanied the blinking was echoing through the cave. "Peeep!!" With the loudest beep-noise, the light turned green and the C-137 team released the breath that they had been holding. On second thought, the Mortys started to wonder if they even wanted to have this guy in their group. Well, nothing to be done about that now. Rick had already made up his mind and would keep this one as long as he proved that he could win some battles. The entire team watched as the chip reprogrammed the Morty's memories and as the glazed-look vanished from his face and his eyes were focused again, the three Mortys started to hold their breath again. "Hey, Rick. Wow, what's going on? Who are these Mortys?" he grinned happily as his sight landed on his teammates. "Those are your new playmates. Try to get along with them and don't harass them too much, okay?" Rick explained and took a big sip from his flask. The trio was grateful that Rick was trying to do some damage control. They knew that they needed that kind of support from their grandfather and leader. "Okay, Rick." Super Fan Morty chirped happily.
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Morty K-4872 had done his research and he had done it really thoroughly. He could testify that Dirty Rick had so many felonies on his back that he would be stuck in jail for a really long time if he would hand him over to the authorities. However, none of the things that he had found out linked him in any way to the illegal Morty brothel ring. Then again, dealings like that were so well guarded and kept secret that they were probably not easy to unearth with just a little search about background history. No, in this case Morty would have to get his hands dirty and make this up close and personal. Actually, he hated interrogations, though usually his Rick was the one who led those while Morty had to inflict the torture and pain at his mentor's command. This was easily the top reason why he hated interrogations in the first place. But this time, it would be different because this time his grandfather wouldn't lead – he wouldn't even help him out with it. And this was bound to make all the difference. Yet, the Morty was still unsure if he could really go through with it. He had to! This wasn't for himself, but for the sake of all the other Mortys who were in pain and tortured and the ones that were in the very danger of ending up like that. Who knew how many Mortys counted on him rescuing them from their cruel fate and how many more needed to be protected so that they wouldn't have to suffer, too? Morty-abuse was sadly enough such a common thing in the Rick community – not just on the Citadel, but in general – that it was beyond believable that there were still some who felt the need to stack such heinous crimes on top of it and make the lives of every Morty Smith in the multiverse even harder and more unbearable than it already was! With those thoughts as motivation in his mind, K-4872 stomped inside the Morty Games Coliseum. His Rick was slowly following him, clearly with far less enthusiasm as the boy. Why should he get worked up over this though? This was his boy's mission and not his own after all. Morty didn't have to search for long, quickly finding a counter at which his target stood positioned at. It was really just the counter on the right side, just after entering the entrance hall. He was so easy to recognize with his cocky smirk, sharp angled face, dark bags under his eyes, the long slicked down hair that he tied together in a loose ponytail and the cheap suite that he wore. The tasteless bling in the form of golden rings on his hands of which one held onto a toothpick and in the shape of a bunch of ear studs as well as an unoriginal necklace that had a golden lock dangling from it, didn't make him one bit more likable. His entire appearance screamed shady whether it were those tattoos that he so openly presented on his neck and the back of his hand or that band aid on his cheek that was covering up a fresh wound that might probably leave a lasting scar… or that facial hair of his. In short he looked like a dirty rat! This was without a mistake the Rick that he was looking for. Rick D-9 – Dirty Rick. With an air full of confidence, he walked over to the counter. It was finally time to get his hands dirty… The Rick looked down at him in slight confusion, only used to dealing with Ricks and not with Mortys themselves. "Whazzup? Ya lost dat Rick of yaz?" he asked slightly irritated in an odd accent. "I'm not looking for my Rick. I'm looking for some answers!" Morty K-4872 practically spat as he tried to look the other down with narrowed eyes.
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Morty C-137 still couldn't stop thinking about their last battle. It was a fight against a trainer, but this one hadn't been alien, at least not to him – it had been his dad. He had an Ad Space Morty, a Jerry Morty and a Jerry Fan Morty on his side and he happened to overhear from the trio that he didn't even catch them, but the Mortys had decided to stay with him out of sympathy. After his loss, his father had only begged Rick pathetically to not tell Beth about the Pocket Mortys fad because he worried that things would get really ugly and violent if he did. Well, Morty's mom was extremely competitive at times so he could imagine it pretty well. He still kind of wondered how his dad got involved into this – or from which dimension he was for that matter. Then again, it probably made as much sense as the Burger King rip-off of at the Citadel – Jerry King – which had been build and was run by a bunch of Jerrys (and Mortys). Rick had made it a point to avoid that fast food joint though. Even if he did want to try them all out, no one said that he couldn't leave out a few. Thankfully, the dimension that they were in right now looked normal again. Actually, it was even more normal than "normal". Not only were they outside again, but the dirt looked brown and the grass looked green. The sky was blue and the trees looked just the same like they did in Morty's home dimension. If he didn't know any better he'd say they were actually on earth again. Only the fact that they rarely met any humans and only alien Morty trainers, reminded Morty C-137 again that this wasn't home. "Heads up, dipshits. Here comes the final boss." Rick declared as they walked straight towards a big boss battle arena. The brunet gulped and his comrade's faces became steely and hard as they climbed the stairs. No matter how often they faced off against a Rick leader, it never became easier. Quite the opposite actually. However, Morty was hit by surprise as he saw whom they were up against. The opposing Rick wore a pink blazer, blue shirt, light-blue pants, green socks, white shoes and pink-tinted mirroring sunglasses. His ashen skin also looked a little more like a tan. Somehow, he looked like he came straight from the beach. However, not only the Rick looked very unusual. Morty was quite impressed by the four interdimensional counterparts that stood behind the gym leader. They were Sexy Devil Morty, Super Unicorn Morty, Turbulent Juice Morty and Mortaion Morty. Especially the last one drew Morty's attention to herself – for several reasons. "W-w-wow." He stuttered and blushed. "Why does the other Rick have so se—uh—handsome Mortys?" "Yeah, I've heard of this guy. He's called Miami Rick and owns a nightclub in his earth's dimension's Miami." Rick replied as if that would explain everything. Morty only looked strangely at his grandfather now. Any further questions that he might have had were lost as the battle was finally about to start. "Let's just get over this quickly. I've got places to be, Rick." Miami Rick said and selected his first Morty – Sexy Devil Morty. "Heh, that's my line, Rick." Rick C-137 commented and sent his original grandson on the field who sighed. He didn't really feel like fighting anymore against other versions of himself. Honestly, what exactly was even the point of those battles? Wasn't it all just for Ricks' selfish entertainment again? As his Rick sent him a stern glare, he at least tried to put up a determined front again. No matter how he looked at it, they would have to win and just get through some more battles if they ever wanted to attempt catching that Mysterious Rick and finally go back home again. So, he tried to direct the anger that he felt for Ricks on his opponent even if the other Morty didn't deserve it. Actually, the Sexy Devil Morty looked pretty harmless. He looked like he was only a boy who for some odd reason was still wearing last year's Halloween costume. Additionally he looked as uncomfortable about having to fight as he felt at the moment. Admittedly, Morty C-137 felt really bad for having to beat him up. "Well, c'mon Morty. Use swing." His Rick commanded impatiently. "Yeah, yeah, Rick." The brunet mumbled back unenthusiastically and went to attack his enemy. Since the other brunet just stood there still with the expression of discomfort on his face, Morty closed his eyes as he took a swing. He blinked them open in surprise again the next moment as he noticed that he only hit air. The devilish Morty had dodged his attack and his face has warped into one of boredom now. "Uugh… Morty! What the heck was that?!" Rick C-137 immediately scolded his dumb grandson for missing his opponent. It was now the other Rick's turn to order his Morty to attack. "Quick, Sexy Devil Morty! Use your surprise attack! 666!" The boredom shifted to malice as the boy suddenly pulled a pitchfork from behind his back. Morty C-137's eyes widened at the sight. Where had the other even hid that thing? Since he was still in shock, C-137 was reacting too slowly as the other Morty attacked him. He screamed like a banshee as the prongs of the fork pierced the skin of his arm. After the hit, he felt even worse though. He groaned sluggishly and staggered, barely able to hold himself up anymore. "What's wrong, Morty? It was just a little prick. Can't have hurt that much." Rick's irritated voice penetrated the fog inside the boy's mind. "I-I-I think… I've been poisoned…" he moaned painfully. "WHAT?!" Miami Rick cackled now along with his Morty. "Indeed. That special attack of my Morty is poisonous." He boasted. Now it was Rick C-137's turn to groan. In annoyance. He rummaged inside his coat and dug a green capsule-shaped object out of it. "You're real lucky that we just picked this up from another trainer a few battles ago, right Morty?" he said as he went over to his grandson and used the serum that was labeled poison-be-gone. The item immediately cured the horrible effect and Morty instantly felt better. "Thanks, Rick." He said in an honest tone and with a sincere smile. "Psht! Just do better now and don't get poisoned again, you little shit. I don't have unlimited supplies of that stuff, you know?" the older man replied contemptuously. Morty nodded and luckily noticed from the corner of his eyes that the boy in the red spandex suit tried to attack him with the trident-like weapon again. This time his reaction was much faster and he not only evaded the attack but also countered and managed to disarm his opponent. The glowing-red hayfork fell with a loud clank on the ground just outside of the ring. Sexy Devil Morty looked with a highly displeased face after it. Next thing the boy found himself also on the ground since Morty C-137 had slammed into him. Said boy was sitting on his opponent now and began to lay into him. After that mean and devious attack, C-137 saw no point in holding back anymore. The other had been only playing the role of an innocent boy and tried to trick him so he would let his guard down and worst of all, it had actually worked. Morty C-137 didn't stop his attacks until he was sure that the other was no longer able to fight. "Yeah, Morty! That's what I'm talking about!" Rick C-137 cheered, actually a little proud of his grandson. Miami Rick didn't look as fazed as his first defeated Morty crawled back to his side again. He only nodded with his head towards his Mortaion Morty who now stepped onto the battlefield. Morty C-137 gulped a little and blushed as his new opponent winked at him. "C'mon, Morty! Get a grip!" His grandfather sounded annoyed again as he saw how Morty was acting. "Y-you're right, Rick!" he said and tried to focus again. "I really shouldn't feel this weird about an alien girl version of myself." Miami Rick interrupted this time. "Actually, that one's not really a Morty. She's part of an exotic type of space sirens who just happen to look like a sexy female Morty. So it's not like this would be considered narcissism or selfcest or something like that…" "WHA-WHAT?!" the revelation was so shocking to Morty that he again failed to dodge his enemy's attack. "Goddammit, Morty! Don't be an idiot! She's obviously a trap!!" Rick C-137 shouted. Unfortunately, this information confused the brunet only more. "What? What's that supposed to mean, Rick?" His inattentiveness towards his opponent rewarded him with another hard punch and more damage towards his health. The Mortaion Morty didn't stop in her attacks and kept going with a mix of flirting and precise, strong hits. So, it didn't take very long till Morty C-137 was on the ground. "Damn, Morty! I can't really watch this anymore." His Rick groaned again. "Tag out. Morticia, you go in. Take care of that bitch!" The girl stepped forward, looking more determined than ever. Obviously, that flirtatious attitude of the other female Morty was something that Morticia took personally. 'There's no way that that cheap whore is going to beat me!' she thought with envy clearly flashing in her eyes. The space siren noticed it easily and giggled sweetly in amusement. This in turn made the brunette narrow her eyes even more. The tension between the two girls became quickly thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. "Oouuuh, a real cat fight!" Super Fan Morty suddenly started to blurt out. "The only thing that would make it better would be if there was mud in the arena." "Hah! I agree with that." Miami Rick commented from his side of the field. Rick C-137 looked at both his opponent and his own Morty weirdly. "…I would agree, too…if those two were hot chicks instead of Mortys." The girls didn't take any notice about the conversation that was going on about them. They were still too busy staring each other down. Quick as a flash, Morticia was the first one to strike. The Mortaion Morty blocked her punch with her arm as if it was nothing. Seems like the siren wasn't just all looks. She proved it further by dealing a punch to the yellow-shirted girl. A heated fight broke out in which fists flew and kicks were dealt out in almost rapid succession. Somewhere in between the girls even started to use cheap methods like scratching and hair pulling. It was quite a mess to watch. Despite the even hits, it soon began to look like Morticia was the one on the losing end. She was in a really bad shape, littered with scratch marks and bruises and panting rather heavily while her opponent still looked mostly fine if you ignored her disheveled hair. Still, the brunette swore to herself that she wouldn't back down and win this match. So, she concentrated all of her remaining strength in her one last move. Quick as a bee she lunged at the Mortaion Morty. The other almost burst out laughing, thinking that her opponent's aim was completely off. However, it wasn't since Morticia hadn't tried to hit the alien girl. It was something that the green-skinned siren only noticed after it was already too late. The Mortys and even the Ricks blushed at the view. Mortaion Morty screeched in a high pitch as she covered herself with her arms. Morticia had grabbed her skimpy clothes and managed to tear them off, completely exposing the other. Blinded by humiliation, the alien suddenly fled from the battle arena while still screaming loudly. "So, that's what you meant with trap…" Morty C-137 mumbled, brows furrowing. "H-Hey! Wait a second!!" Miami Rick called after his escaping Morty, but it was no use. Since he was still in the middle of a battle, he also couldn't just chase after her. He sighed and groaned sarcastically. "Great…" After all the trouble, he went through to catch one of those… "Well, no helping it." His posture was back to normal again. "Guess it's your turn now, Super Unicorn Morty." The impressive, tall and muscular Morty with the long pink and blue mane stepped forward now. Since Morticia had been weakened a lot in her battle, Rick C-137 decided to switch her out. "Come back here, Morticia. Shadow Morty, you go out there and win us that badge!" He was actually convinced that the specter might be enough to finish this entire arena fight. After all the ghost-like Morty was almost undefeated. The pretty Morty on the enemy side still looked as relaxed as ever. Rick C-137 thought that the unicorn might even be high. Not that it mattered. If anything, this would make the fight probably even easier for them. "Shadow Morty, use one of your dark and creepy attacks. Wha-what-whatever they're called." He ordered. Obediently, the shade went forward with the intent to deal some deadly damage to his opponent. Super Unicorn Morty didn't even attempt to evade the oncoming attack. Maybe the drugs in his system made him oblivious to the danger that he was currently facing. At least that was what Rick C-137 had thought until Shadow Morty lashed out and… nothing. The unicorn wasn't bothered because he seemed to know that it would deal no damage to him. That was odd. How was that even possible? Miami Rick cackled in delight, clearly having expected this. "Ha ha ha! Didn't you know that light beats darkness? Time to use your rainbow powers, Super Unicorn Morty!" In an instant, the powerful Morty began to attack. The pink horn on his forehead started to spin like a drill and shot rainbow-colored laser beams at the specter. Shadow Morty shrieked in pain and immediately went to hide behind his Rick's back. "Oh, c'mon. You can't be serious!" he looked in disbelieve at the odd and magical creature and then to the frightened shadowy phantom behind his back. It was obvious that trying to send out Shadow Morty again would only end in failure and since Morty and Morticia were already out for the count it left him with only one choice. "Guess there's no helping it. We're tagging out. It's your turn now, Super Morty Fan Morty." He said with little enthusiasm. "Really, Rick? I can? Can I?" the fanboy asked excitedly and jumped up and down. Apparently, he was very delighted to be facing the pretty Morty. Rick C-137 was unsure if that was a good sign or not, but he had hope that this Morty would win him at least this battle. What to do with the remaining Morty that still stood waiting beside his Rick was something that he would think about when the time for it came. Even if he were short on Mortys, maybe a miracle would occur today no matter how little the scientist believed in such things like fate and wondrous happenings. As it was, he could only watch the delirious version of his grandson enter the battleground now. The Super Fan immediately hugged the other Morty around the middle who was again completely unimpressed. Still, the fanboy only continued to hug. Miami Rick laughed again. "What? Is that all that your Morty can do?" Rick C-137 felt embarrassed beyond believe because apparently that was the only thing that his Morty would do. "Super Fan, attack him properly, will you!" he yelled clearly frustrated. "Nooo. I don't wanna." The crazy Morty argued back. "He's just too pretty. And just look at all those gold handprints on his body. Can I touch them, too?" Rick only slapped a hand on his face while the gym leader guffawed loudly. Super Unicorn Morty still looked as calm as ever and awaited further orders from his trainer who was too busy trying to catch his breath again. Miami Rick actually had to hold his pained side and wiped tears from his underneath his shades. For as strong as a Morty like the super unicorn was, he sadly was too dumb to actually act on his own so he still continued to wait and just ignored the fanboy that was still clinging to him. "Oh, hey! Hey! Can I take a selfie with you?" Super Fan asked his opponent and dug around in his pocket for his mobile. Rick C-137 was at a loss for words and Miami Rick almost died of laughter since the battle became only more hilarious. He was suddenly interrupted though as his mobile phone began to ring. Quickly calming down again, he ignored the ongoing battle that he had and answered. "Hello, Rick speaking?" "Where the heck are you, Daddy?" a voice which sounded like that of a Morty immediately started to bitch on the other end. "Sorry, Princess, but I'm currently very busy." He replied. Being distracted by the call, he almost didn't notice what went down on the battleground.
Super Morty Fan Morty finally found his own mobile and proceed to take a selfie with his opponent. Upon taking the photo, the sudden flash blinded the unicorn and made him momentarily dizzy.
Rick C-137 perked up at that and saw the perfect chance to land a hit on the enemy.
Being quick on his feet about it, he shouted. "Quick, Morty Fan! Glomp hug him!"
Now that was an order that the fanboy could follow and he tackled his enemy who fell to the ground.
"Shit! Morty!" Miami Rick yelled, noticing that the other side managed to land a hit on them.
Immediately a voice on the other end of his mobile started to yell.
Rick talked back into his phone. "What? No, not you!"
Seeing that his opponent was still distracted, C-137 continued to attack.
If the other didn't fight back it wasn't his problem.
"Morty Fan, choke hug him!" He commanded with a big grin on his face since the tables had turned now.
His Morty followed through with it swiftly.
Surprisingly his hug was really strong enough to make Super Unicorn Morty fight for air.
"Goddammit!" Miami Rick cursed. "Princess, I'm kinda busy right now… what? No. I'm not in the middle of another drug deal right now!"
C-137 just didn't leave his opponent a chance for a comeback.
"Just squeeze the air out of him." He said, not even bothering trying to come up with a different attack pattern.
While Miami Rick was still in a discussion with his original Morty on the other end who insisted that he came back home to him right now, he could only helplessly watch as his strongest Morty lost consciousness and was therefore unable to continue the fight.
The man could only groan and nodded towards his last standing Morty.
Seeing, as Turbulent Juice Morty didn't seem to get the gesture, he said, "Drag Unicorn out of the ring and get in there."
The blond followed suite and picked his unconscious comrade up to place him next to the dizzy Sexy Devil Morty before taking the Unicorn's place.
"Now use your muscles to squash him, Morty! No! Again, I don't mean you, Princess!"
Rick C-137 actually feared that they might lose the last battle as the tanned and muscular Morty approached the fanboy and tried to squish him in his arms.
Surprisingly the Morty Fan took it rather well though.
"Oh, you wanna hug, too?" he said slightly breathless and wiggled around enough so that he could hug his opponent back.
C-137 wasn't sure if he should be amazed or just plain weirded out by his latest catch. The Morty really had a displaced view of reality as long as it involved other Mortys, didn't he?
Nonetheless, since Miami Rick was still on his phone and trying to pacify Miami Morty, he had to try to use this chance to turn this battle into his favor again.
However, it seemed that his lucky star had burned out because no matter how good Super Fan Morty had held up against his opponent in the end he was still crimped with such a force that he eventually lost consciousness.
"Ugh, it would have been too good to be true…" Rick groaned as the now dizzy Morty was carelessly dropped on the ground.
He looked over at his team again.
His original Morty was clearly out of it and in no condition to fight.
Morticia might have been able to go for a bit longer, but she was also too badly wounded so using her would be pretty pointless.
That only left Shadow Morty who had been wounded by Super Unicorn Morty's attack and still looked quite frightened, but was the only one in the condition to battle.
"Well, Shadow Morty. Looks like it's your turn to try again." He said and motioned with his head towards the still standing enemy.
The specter still looked out of it and only reluctantly floated back into the ring again.
Morticia meanwhile had been kind enough to pick up the Morty Fan and drag him next to Morty C-137.
The ghostly Morty floated unsure back and forth in front of the enemy.
"What the heck are you waiting for?! Just attack the other Morty!" C-137 yelled.
Shadow Morty ignored the order and looked like he was too scared to approach his opponent.
Miami Rick then found the time between his call to order Turbulant Juice Morty to attack. "Just crush this one like the other Morty!"
Then he was back to discussing with his dialogue partner on the phone who started to quip again over one thing or another.
The tall blond Morty followed the command and approached the tiny floating shade.
Shadow Morty screeched in fright as his enemy tried to grab him but passed through.
Both looked at each other dumbly.
The phantom-like Morty blinked before he seemed to overcome his fear and rose up above till he was hovering over his opponent.
With his confidence back intact, the specter expanded like a stormy raincloud and encased his enemy.
Both Ricks were gaping as they watched the whole scene unfold in front of their eyes.
Thunder was emanating from the shadowy cloud as dark spiked tendrils rained down on the confused Turbulent Juice Morty.
After everything was over, Shadow Morty returned to his previous form and returned to his Rick's side, content now after he had gotten his revenge on the enemy side for scaring him as they had.
"What the heck…?" Miami Rick could only muttered and almost dropped his phone as he looked at his defeated Morty.
Again, the voice of his original Morty piped up on the other end of the line.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm on the way." He answered and finally hung up.
As C-137 marched towards him, he threw the badge over to him and grabbed his portal gun.
He first opened a portal for team C-137 and then one for himself since he had to get back to his
"Trouble in paradise, huh?" C-137 mocked.
"Mind your own fucking business." Miami Rick replied with a frown and then was gone.
His beaten Mortys were left behind forgotten.
"Um, should we bring them to the Healing Center?" Morty C-137 asked as he looked down on the defeated opponents while clutching at his own wounds.
"Nah. We'd probably only get in trouble if we do, since those aren't my Mortys." Rick replied and took a swig from his flask again. He had been too preoccupied in the battle to think about his alcohol and really needed a drink now.
"You don't want our asses getting hauled into prison because we've been accused of stealing another Rick's Mortys, do you?" he asked as he saw that his grandson was still staring pitifully at the other injured Mortys.
Morty sighed, but agreed with his Rick and followed him through the portal that would bring them back to the Citadel.
Of course, that didn't mean that he was okay with what they were doing.
The system that all of those Ricks had built was truly fucked up.
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Morty K-4872 huffed as he walked away from Dirty Rick's counter in the entrance hall of Morty Games. His Rick had been waiting close by the entrance with crossed arms and folding one leg over the other as he casually leaned against the wall. As he saw his Morty approaching, he arched his eyebrow and asked, "You done here?" "I can't get anything out of him…" the boy replied, his eyes downcast. He had tried to pry for information, but that Rick was a sly one who didn't even slip up a little. Morty K-4872 had tried every little trick in the book, used everything that he had learned in the time that he had spent with his mentor and gone through every intimidation tactic that was available to him and yet, he got nothing out of him. Obviously, the innocent front that the Rick had put up was completely fake – his nickname was Dirty Rick for a reason and his appearance practically spelled out that he was shady. However, there was no way for Morty to get the information that he wanted. Not even bribing seemed to work. "So you are done here?" Rick K-4872 asked for confirmation again. "I'm at my ropes end here, Rick! I'm sure the guy does know something, but I just can't make him spill the beans!" the boy almost shouted in his frustration. He didn't want to leave yet. Not until he had done his investigation of this Rick properly. However, he also couldn't whip out a gun at this place and demand answers from him. He'd be kicked out by the security and probably even arrested because owning an unauthorized gun at the Citadel was illegal and the only Ricks and Mortys who were allowed to carry weapons were the police force and the military. So, he saw no chance to proceed here. There was nothing left for him to try. He really hit a dead-end this time… "Okay, I get it. You're donesies." Rick said and stood up straight. Morty wanted to protest that they couldn't just leave like this, but to his surprise his grandfather and mentor didn't move to leave, but started to walk in the direction of the counter where he had just come from. Without looking back at his grandson, he said, "I know, I said that I'll let you handle the entire investigation and I wouldn't intervene with it, but it looks like a Morty can't get any further than this…" '…so we have to use other methods now. Rick methods.' He continued to think as he approached Rick D-9. Morty could only look with wide eyes as his mentor talked with the suspect and they seemed to go along pretty well if Dirty Rick's laughs were any indication. His grandfather then came back and without another word left. Morty followed quickly behind him as he noticed it. "W-what did he say? Could you find something out?" he stuttered while trying to keep up with the other's long strides. Still not answering, Rick leaned against the wall at the far corner of the Morty Games building and lit a cig. This attitude confused Morty and he decided to give his grandfather a little more time to answer. However as he noticed that he wouldn't get one and Rick only calmly continued to smoke, he got irritated. Just as he wanted to shout something at his mentor, Rick stood straight once again, looked back to the entrance and threw his half-smoked cigarette to the floor before vanishing around the corner. Following the other's gaze, he could see that Dirty Rick was approaching them, but he completely ignored Morty and also vanished around the same corner. The boy's eyebrows drew together and he also followed the men, not wanting to be left out of the action. The action was already going on though as he came around the corner and saw how his Rick had pushed the other against the wall and held him up by the scruff of his shirt. "I hope you can give us the information we want now?" Rick K-4872 asked, his face so close to the other that their noses were almost touching as he glowered. "W-wat? I-I dunno a'thin, buddy. R-really." Rick D-9 said, lifting up his hands in a defensive motion and putting on a fake smile again. "Fine. If you don't wanna talk, I guess I'll just have to make you!" With those words, he was starting to beat the living daylights out of the other Rick. Morty was shocked at what unfolded before his very eyes. He had never seen his grandfather look as menacing as that and this and his violent behavior actually scared him. Usually his grandfather was so calm and calculating – the perfect example of being in complete control of himself – so it was really unnerving to see him act like this. In the darkness and solitude of the little alley, no one would come to Dirty Rick's rescue and all three people present knew it. That's why Dirty Rick eventually gurgled out a little response that sounded like "S-stop… I'll tell ya…" "Oh, so you do know something now?" Rick K-4872 spat and stopped beating up his victim, but still held onto the scruff of his now bloody shirt. "I a'mit it. I've work'd fur Rick A-66, but I swear I only sold thems drugz once and I dunno where'z he at now!" "What?! That's not what I wanted to know! I want to know about the Mortys!" Dirty Rick looked slightly disoriented for a moment, but as the other raised his fist again, he started to speak up. "Okay—okay! I'll tell ya. We get te Mortyz from Day Care. It'z te onez that're assigned to Boot Camp trainin 'cause dat way we can beat t'o birdz wiz one stone." He hastily answered. Rick K-4872 looked irritated "What do you mean with that?" "I mean dat they're get theirz trainin and we have Mortyz dat we can lend out fur te battlez. But dun tell no one dat you had thiz from me." Dirty Rick knew that his boss would have his head if he knew that he just leaked out confidential information. This wasn't exactly something that anyone should really find out about… Dirty Rick was drawn out of his thoughts by a kick in the crotch. "That's not what I wanted to know! I wanted to know about the Morty sex trafficking. I don't care how far you're involved in that shit, I just want names or addresses. Just spill it already!!" Rick K-4872 wondered if he was trying to take him for some kind of schmuck. Why would he want to know where Morty Games got the Mortys that they were lending out for the tournaments? Unless those were further sold off to any brothels that information was completely irrelevant to him. "I dunno a'thin 'bout dat." Dirty Rick answered. Apparently that was the wrong answer because Rick K-4872 started to beat him up again, hitting with such a force that he nearly broke bones despite their special metallic coating, which made them sturdier. Ricks got those enhancements for a reason… Morty winced as he watched, but didn't dare to intervene. After all, he was the one, who wanted that information and if this was the only way to make that Rick talk then he wouldn't stop his grandfather. After the sound of some cracking – definitely the enhanced bones – Dirty Rick gurgled out another response again. "You remember something now?!" Rick K-4872 yelled as he stopped hitting his victim again. "List'n! I really dunno a'thin 'bout thez Morty kidnappinz!" Rick D-9 whimpered. Just as the other lifted his fist again, he quickly added, "B-but I can tell ya sum interestin information that mighta help ya find te culprit." "And what information would that be?" the glasses wearing Rick asked, not looking convinced. "It'z about te owner of Morty Inc. Pretty sure he'z got sumthin to do wiz it. Ya'll think so, too, after I'll tell ya wat kinda guy he iz…"
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Bonus: In dimension C-899, a certain Jellybean was hiding behind some bushes. He wore a yellow baseball cap and other Morty merchandise. How he came here or why he was even still alive was something that no one could answer… "Hehehe. I've heard that a naked Morty was running around in this dimension." He whisper-talked and rubbed his hands together in glee. As soon as he had heard of that he had come to this dimensions and been lurking in the hopes of catching that Morty. He perked up as he heard sounds of running and got ready to jump out of the bushes to surprise the Morty. Just as something moving came into sight, he leaped up and tried to catch it. The Mortaion Morty screeched as someone jumped in her way and she bashed and kicked her (attempted) assaulter. After her opponent was on the ground, she stomped over him and continued to run while still trying to cover up her exposed body. Mr. Jellybean laid in a heap on the ground. His sticky green blood was pooling around him and his body was dotted in blotches of black and blue from all the bruises he received. The candy-like creature looked thoroughly crushed and bashed in and didn't move anymore…
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AN: Lame bonus, I know. But take it as a little homage to the now removed Mr. Jellybean in the game.
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Part 11 of Entricked Fates
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 1 of Entricked Fates: Gotta Catch Me Some Morty
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 2 of Entricked Fates: Mortyfied and Rickfused
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 3 of Entricked Fates: Ricking the Routine
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Part 4 of Entricked Fates: Ricks will always be Ricks
Part 5 of Entricked Fates: The Morty-Lover
Part 6 of Entricked Fates: Second Chances AKA The Rick One For Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Part 7 of Entricked Fates: Rickvestigating the Morty Disappearances
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Part 8 of Entricked Fates: When the Morty’s away, the Rick will play
Part 9 of Entricked Fates: It’s Not His Ricking Fault!
Part 10 of Entricked Fates: I Ricking Hate My Life!
Part 12 of Entricked Fates: The Mortys and their Stories
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
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blackcatanna · 5 years
Hakuoki part 2
I love that their hair AND ONLY THEIR HAIR moves in the intro so you know that these aren't still images, they're just staring REALLY INTENSELY at you.
Okay, so I learned that the ending is super depressing if you blunder through the game like an idiot as I did on my first try...
"I'm going to go and watch the physical exams ^_^ " WTF?!!?? CHILD, NO!?! STAY BACK, YOU PERV! I DIDN'T THINK THAT THIS WAS THAT KIND OF GAME?!!? Also, for once, I'm kind of on Itou's side here. I don't have that much of a problem showing my friends my body but the moment any one tries to force it, I am GONE.
I am eternally grateful to this game for introducing me to the concept of a SNOW BUNNEH!!! 8D
Kazama is suck an absolute prick. And a creep. Please stop making rapey comments and being smug. When Harada tells him that too much of a bitch to ask you out, I was VERY happy. He is a COWARD.
Even before you meet your dad, I had already written him off as an unpleasant individual for working with Kazama: a man who is trying to kidnap and impregnate you?! Aren't fathers supposed to protect their daughters from demonic rapists?
I'm not that mad at the pc for being more useless than the skilled swordsmen and demons around her but the fact that she doesn't even TRY to learn about her demonic powers irks me. If you're going to spend so much time angsting about being a waste of space, at least ask someone like Sen for help?
On that note, Sen is bae. When she comes to get you from the Shinsengumi, I was like, "Please, take me away with you and your beautiful bodyguard! The two characters I'm closest to have abandoned me so running off with some sexy demon girls seems JUST FINE BY ME." but that was not an option and so I was sad.
This main character is so emotionally dense and inconsiderate. She says so many times things like, "It never occurred to me that he had feelings inside of him because he didn't say so." You idiot. The number of times you ask stupid questions like, "Don't you care about ****?!" YES. OBVIOUSLY HE CARES. JUST BECAUSE YOU EXPRESS YOUR EMOTIONS BY CRYING AND YELLING AT EVERYONE DOESN'T MEAN THAT THAT'S NORMAL. Anyway, that got more intense than I'd intended. I actually liked the pc in this game more than I thought I would but this game doesn't give you a lot of choices. Which is fine and I still love it but it has lead me to vent my frustrations on Tumblr.
Also, why do you ask so many questions about the future when it's all up in the air? They're probably wondering the same things that you are and are feeling anxious too and you're just reminding them of how uncertain the future is for them.
The guy with the beauty mark on his face who's name I can't remember? He creeps me out. I don't know why because I've only encountered him that one time at the teashop with Saito but he's seriously giving me bad vibes. So much so that his is the only dlc I haven't played (clicked) through. I guess I will play it and reconsider, perhaps.
I was so mad when you say that Iba is "almost as good looking" as Hijikata. Hijikata is not that good looking, in my probably controversial opinion (safe in the knowledge that no one will probably ever read this. If you have stumbled across this nonsense and you are a Hijikata fan, I am sorry for being a bitch 3:) but he's just not my type and I wouldn't need to be saying this if the game wasn't trying so hard to brainwash me into fancying Hijikata). Anyway, Iba is so beautiful, it almost makes up for his personality. JK, Iba is lovely but they had to come up with such a convoluted way of making him horny?! Anyway, that's the next game.
This game is pretty brutal! I've only played through two routes so far (Saito and Iba) because I'm immediately playing Edo blossoms afterwards but even the good endings seem to have your bae getting tortured by dickheads while you watch helplessly. And then Yamazaki and Inoue die!?! Tempted to play Yamazaki's route next just to stop him from dying! I wonder what the terrible price he'll have to pay while you stand by helplessly will be. Yamazaki and Inoue were just so nice a the time :'(
I'm super reluctant to give my blood to Sanan to study it but only because he's being super creepy and aggressive about it! If he asked nicely instead of barging in with a sword, I would be totally down to help my friends in that way. As seen throughout Edo Blossoms.
This game is giving me so many 19th century goth vibes, what with the beautiful men, dark secrets, mad science, vampires, horny demons, Stockholm syndrome and people dying of TB...
Much like Samurai Warriors, this game knows how to wring my heartstrings by placing a bunch of adorable characters in a historical setting and then torturing the shit out of them. I guess I'm pretty sadistic but then I'm sure that freaks like me aren't the only people who enjoy this game...
Apparently, there are all kinds of shenanigans only released in Japanese like Okita adopting a cat and naming it Toshizo and the many adventures of Hijikata's book of terrible poems (more goth points there). Speaking of, Hijikata also gets bonus goth points for looking like Sebastian from Black Butler. Maybe that's another reason why I don't like him. I never got into Black Butler. I bought the first two volumes but the pedo vibes made me super uncomfortable.
Speaking of pedo vibes, why does Chizuro look so young? I personally dislike her design because she's so nauseatingly cute and round but maybe that's just me. I don't mind her face so much in the event art but in the main character art of her, her face is just so dumb and blank. Guess that's the point of a self-insert character, though.
I wish there was more of you dressing up as a girl for both recreational and disguise purposes.
Sen: They say that bad things will happen if anyone, especially a human, uses this demon arm! ..... *five seconds later* You should use this demon arm! :D I get that these are desperate times but she suddenly seems not at all bothered about risking unspecified badness raining down on her people. I guess that that's because letting Takeda run around unchecked is potentially more dangerous... Maybe because the two arms are linked, unleashing the other one doesn't activate a second curse of ominous bad things? Idk, this whole plotline is weird and O BOY does it only get weirder from here!
Anyway, I'm done ranting about this game for now. I am in the bath and I need to wash my hair before I go out and VOTE. Normally I read in the bath but I've spent hours staring at text on my computer so it's time to inflict my own nonsense on the world.
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gameofthrawns · 7 years
Miracle Island
A/N: I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date. A late submission for tarched’s HTTYDArtAugust, Prompt 5: Hunted. This one was a freaking monster to write compared to my usual stuff, at over 3.5k words—So now I know for sure that I will never write a novel. So I’m using that as my excuse. I also found it just...kinda hard to write. 
If you read my story for the “Campfire” prompt, you’ll probably remember these random Dragon Hunter OCs. Probably gonna post this along with that one in my “Viking War Tales” one-shots collection. Just as a warning, this story gets a bit violent. And a bit long. And a bit dark. So yeah.
“Did you ever learn where she’s from?”
Hans smiled at Ivar’s question. “Who?”
Ivar’s mustache twitched in annoyance. “Don’t play dumb, boy. Sigrid.”
Hans glanced back at the woman marching with Rolf a few yards behind them. Her skin was pale like the moon, with cheeks touched by pink. Her hair was tied in a golden plait that shimmered like the Sun. Her eyes were blue, like ice, or the sea, or the sky on a clear summer day.
What had Hans learned of Sigrid these past few months? He had learned that she was from some Viking village called Raglif; like many other Viking islands, it was a rather sad land, constantly plagued by freezing winters, dragon raids, and just general misery. Much worse than his own village back in Polder, actually.
He had, through the course of multiple nights, learned of her many, many scars, tracing them with his fingers as they explored each other’s bodies in the darkness.
He had learned that her favorite colors were green—especially the shade of green his eyes were, or so she claimed—and purple, which was the color of her favorite flower, wolfsbane. She didn’t like any nuts because she had been allergic to some of them when she was a child, even though she wasn’t now. She had an insatiable sweet tooth, which was really a shame because Hans remembered there being plenty of sweets to go around back in Polder...just not for him. But if he returned now, with Sigrid at his side...
He had learned that she was actually, while not by much, probably the worst fighter in the squad. She made up for it with her cleverness and her deft hands and fingers, capable of building and weaving even seemingly worthless scraps into something useful.
He had learned, much to his horror, that with those same hands and fingers she could deliver excruciating pain upon unwilling victims. It was something her father, the madman, had forced her to learn, so as to better torment her own little brother. The Grimborn brothers themselves had sometimes personally called upon her to break the mind, body, and spirit of prisoners. Hans had only seen her doing such grim work once, and only briefly, for the brutality and cold-bloodedness of the affair made his stomach turn.
It wasn’t much surprise, actually, that a woman so well-versed in the art of inflicting pain could also excel at providing pleasure. That, too, was apparently something her father had forced her to learn. That little fact about Sigrid’s past had always made Hans particularly uncomfortable, in a strange way he’d never felt toward another person before. He wondered if he was taking advantage of her in some way, a thought that had never occurred to him about sex ever since his first experience at the ripe old age of fourteen.
He had learned that Sigrid was actually quite the romantic, or at least, she tried to be. Just last night night, she had told him that they were a “match made in Hell”: two bad people who’d done many bad things, teaching each other to be good, to love. It was an interesting idea, certainly.
“And why do you think she would tell me that?” he finally replied. No doubt, he was grinning like an idiot, but he didn’t care.
“We’re not blind,” Ivar said. “Well, maybe Rolf...”
“Heard that!” Rolf shouted from a few paces behind Hans.
“...but there’s a reason we split you two up for this little hunt.”
“Yes, ‘Oh’. Do you now how many times we’ve counted so far?”
“Counting what?”
“Times you’ve disappeared.”
“You and Snorre have been—”
“Three times!” Ivar narrowed his eyes at a particular tree. “That’s just when we’re paying attention. I can’t imagine—well, actually, I can...”
That made Hans frown. “Um, do you think Snorre minds?”
Ivar’s mustache twitched again. “The boss thinks you two are cute together. And efficient.”
“And you?”
“A little fucking never hurt anyone, I guess.” The older man shrugged. “Just be careful about...you know. We’re on Miracle Island, and the last thing you want right now is a little miracle popping out of—”
“Ah yes, Miracle Island, truly a blessed place!” Rolf suddenly appeared to Hans’ left, excitedly waving his hunting knife. Hans wisely shifted closer to Ivar. “The world can be so cruel and uncaring, but here...this is where heroes are born, where good always triumphs evil.”
“Sneaky bastard,” Ivar muttered. How a man like Rolf, filled to the brim with energy and cheer, could move so silently was a mystery only he and He were privy too.
“To be able to down the Dragon Boy and his Night Fury with a single bolt? In the dead of night? It was destiny, I tell you.”
“A single bolt dipped in dragon root,” Ivar countered.
“Truly miraculous.”
“Indeed. You’re the worst shot out of all of us.”
“Indeed, indeed. Say what you want, my ever-envious friend.” He tapped his head with the edge of his knife. “And envy, as Hans would say, is...”
Hans rolled his eyes. “A sin.”
“I concur, and so I say, to Hel with you, Ivar!” He laughed, and even Hans chuckled until he noticed Ivar glaring at him. “And I’ll have both of you know that once we capture this downed beast, I will be forever known as the man who brought down the greatest enemy the Dragon Hunters have ever known.”
Ivar just shook his head and muttered under his breath.
“Tell me, friend, how do you think we’ll find the Dragon Boy?”
Hans didn’t really give a damn, at this point. “Um, dead, hopefully?”
“Now there’s no fun in that. I hope he’ll be injured, but still able to run.”
“I really would prefer if he was just dead.”
“He’d be scurrying off like prey.” Rolf did a goofy little jog in place. “ And I’d like you, Hans, to have the honor of delivering the killing blow.”
“Why me?”
“Because Rolf would miss.”
“Oh do shut up, Ivar.”
“Dammit, Rolf, get back in formation!” Snorre bellowed from just up ahead. “I don’t mind a little chatter, but at least follow my orders! Let’s look good when we meet up with Olav’s squad, eh?”
Rolf jogged back to his position by Sigrid. “Right, right, my apologies, sir.”
A calm silence fell over the five hunters as they marched through the ever-thickening forest. Hans snuck another glance back at Sigrid. Apparently she had the same idea, and she gave him a small smile. it was enough to make his heart flutter.
Still keeping his eyes scanning his sector, he leaned a bit closer to Ivar and whispered, “I think I’m in love.”
Ivar scoffed. “Are any of us normal enough to really know what that word even means?”
That made Hans think. “What do you mean?”
“We’re all damaged goods here. No Dragon Hunter’s fully right in the head, or he wouldn’t have chosen hunting fucking dragons as a job.”
“You agree, for once?”
“I mean that...Yes, I do know what love is.” Hans turned to Ivar; the man’s mustache twitched like mad, but he was still dutifully watching the trees. “I want to...I am going to marry her, Ivar.”
Ivar whistled. “This been going on for that long?”
“Just three months. But she is...special.
“No one gets married in this line of work,” he said grimly. “At least, not happily. Or permanently. Heart shatters one way or another. So you better get out of this mess while you can.”
“I am not joking,” Hans said quickly, trying not to sound defensive. “I love her. Really. She is special.”
“Yeah, you said that.” Ivar finally turned to look at Hans, looking quite serious. “I mean getting out of dragon hunting, before it gets you killed. You and Sigrid. Just do what you usually do.”
“Yes, disappear, and then just don’t come back.”
Hans’ eyes slightly widened. “Really?”
For a moment, he could’ve sworn Ivar smiled. “I don’t know why you want my approval so badly, anyways. Snorre’s the boss, so just...make sure he knows. He won’t like it, but he’ll understand. I think.”
“Thank you,” Hans whispered.
As if on cue, Snorre suddenly barked, “Crossbows, spread five!”
Guided by instinct, Hans and Ivar parted from each other as quickly as the , pulling out their crossbows and scanning the surroundings for movement. Only now did Hans realize just how dense the vegetation had gotten, his vision blocked by a maze of vines and trees that seemed to reach the sky.
Rolf had shot down the Night Fury last night; that was certain. It had been a full moon, and all five of them had clearly seen it and its rider fall. The dragon was at best poisoned and severely injured; the Dragon Boy himself was most likely dead.
Unless...nothing. There was no other way it could have happened. So why did it feel like they were walking straight into a trap?
“Problem, Snorre?” Sigrid asked from somewhere all too far away. Hans resisted the urge to glance back at her, for fear that the mere sight of her would cause him to break formation.
“A hundred yards ahead,” Snorre called out. “Two bodies in front, probably Olav’s men. Anybody else?”
“Clear,” Hans said.
“You think it’s the Night Fury, boss?”
The wind whistled strangely—ominously, almost—in reply.
“I...I don’t know. It’s messy. Ripped their guts out and just...left it all there.”
“But I hit it.” Rolf sounded almost hurt by the possibility that he hadn’t actually downed the Night Fury.
“Maybe Night Furies are immune to dragon root?” Sigrid suggested.
“We all saw it go down. It went down! I’m telling you, it went down...”
“Then...the Dragon Boy?”
“No,” Snorre said. “No, they’re all mangled. A dragon’s work, for sure.”
A pause. The wind began howling. “You think we should check the cave?” Ivar asked.
“It’s our only way in, right?”
It was then that Hans realized that he wasn’t just imagining that the wind had suddenly started shrieking. It wasn’t wind at all. He exchanged a look at Rolf, who seemed to come to the same, dreadful conclusion.
By the time the other man screeched “DOWN!”, Hans was already diving for the dirt. The ground shook just before he landed, and he felt heat wash over him.
In the span of seconds, he was already back on his feet, crossbow at the ready, scanning his surroundings, searching for the Night Fury among the treetops.
“Call out!” Snorre ordered. “One check!”
“Two check!” he shouted. “I’m here!”
“Three check!” Ivar followed. “No wounds. That fucking Night Fury!”
But Rolf said nothing.
Sigrid said nothing.
“That shot came from above,” Ivar warned. “Where did he go? Where did that little shit go?”
“Spread three!” Snorre hissed. “Eyes up! Eyes—Hans, what are you doing?”
Hans sprinted towards Sigrid’s crumpled form, ignoring Snorre’s orders, ignoring Ivar’s shouting, ignoring the fact that all that remained of Rolf was scattered, burnt chunks of flesh.
Sigrid was a grotesque swirl of colors: white, beige, and shimmering gold, all now marred with dark reds and ashen black. But she was crying; she was breathing.
He didn’t dare look back at Snorre, but for a brief moment, he locked eyes with Ivar, who was staring at him with an inscrutable expression. Then the older man’s mouth moved.
Scooping Sigrid into his arms, Hans ran as fast as he could.
Like prey.
Hans had imagined the Dragon Boy to be a bit...thicker. More intimidating.
The fact that the “greatest enemy the Dragon Hunters have ever faced” was leaning unconscious against a cave wall, half a left leg missing, a foot-long crossbow bolt stuck in his chest, made him look almost pathetic. So Rolf had struck the rider, not the dragon. Why the Night Fury fell from the sky because of it, Hans did not know, but that was what must have happened.
What a strange coincidence that Hans would so quickly find himself switch from the position of predator to prey and then predator again so quickly, all in one day. It’d be easy, Hans decided, to end the boy’s life right here. In any other situation, he would, without hesitation. But he had something else to focus on right now, something that completely drained him of his desire to do anything else.
Sigrid whimpered as he put her down by the small fire. Her face was, even now—twisted in pain, streaked with tears, slightly burnt and bloodied—made his heart stir with that familiar feeling of love. He wiped at some blackened hair dipping down near her eyes. It was hard and brittle, and it crumbled at his touch.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry,” Sigrid whined, looking down at herself. “Hurts.”
Hans didn’t dare follow her wild gaze, didn’t dare confirm what he felt. There was so much blood. His hands were drowning in it. She was falling apart, and he didn’t know what to do.
“I know it hurts, little treasure, I know,” he heard himself say. “I will fix you. Just look at me, Sigrid. Look at me, please.”
“I can’t!” she cried. Try as they might, her eyes couldn’t focus on him, or anything else. They darted wildly to and fro, searching desperately for something to save them.
Such a thing, Hans’ mind knew, did not exist. But in what felt like the first time in his life, his heart did not agree. His heart held on to hope. His eyes searched for something to stop the bleeding. But he...he honestly couldn’t remember how. Rolf always dealt with wounds, and now Rolf was dead.
“We leave,” he said, his voice breaking. Liar, liar, liar, his own mutinous mind chanted. “We leave, and then I can fix you, okay?”
“It hurts too much,” she whispered, each breath shorter than the last. “I don’t...die.”
“You will not die, Sigrid. You cannot die.”
“No, I don’t...want...”
“I can fix you. Please, God, can I...I can fix you.”
“And then I am going to marry you, okay?” he cried. “Okay? Okay, Sigrid?”
He was praying, silently, praying to He who died for all mankind’s sins for a miracle. Just one miracle, on Miracle fucking Island, of all places. Was that too much to ask?
Sigrid opened her mouth, but instead of words, she replied with only a soft gurgle, a bit of blood. Was that a yes or a no?
“I love you, Sigrid,” he said between sobs. “Don’t go away.”
Her blue eyes stopped searching, her body slacked. Her answer died on her lips, and then swiftly whisked away by a long, final sigh.
“Please, God,” he pleaded. “Oh please, Sigrid, don’t go away.”
Something growled.
In his grief, Hans had failed to notice the Night Fury that had slipped by him and positioned itself between him and its rider, the pupils at the center of its green eyes narrow and vengeful. A pair of distinctly human dangled from its mouth, threads caught along two rows of bloodied daggers. It dropped Snorre and Rolf’s heads and gently kicked them into the dim light, confirming what Hans’ guilty heart already suspected: Snorre and Ivar were dead.
Surrender, it seemed to hiss. You are alone.
He shook Sigrid gently. “Wake up,” he whispered.
She couldn’t. He couldn’t either, still staring between her and the heads. The nightmare continued.
The Night Fury shook its head in pity and made a deep, rumbling noise. You. Are. Alone.
Only then did his heart let go of hope. It did so with great reluctance, but it could not deny reality anymore. The dragon was right; he was alone. The body in his arms was still warm, but the wonderful, singular life that once inhabited it had moved on. And so his heart fell.
And fell.
And fell.
And shattered.
Hans screamed in a way that matched how he had loved Sigrid, still loved Sigrid: with an intensity and ferocity he had never felt before. It was as much fueled by love as it was by hatred, for the two, in this case, were one and the same. He hated everything: earth and sky and sea, birth and life and death, past and present and future. He hated the parents he never knew, his uncle and all the other people who had wronged him in life, the people who had helped him in life, the people who never knew him, the people he never would know. He hated Him, in particular, the Savior who was supposedly all-powerful and all-good yet had let his friends die so cruelly and pointlessly. He hated his friends, and himself, and even Sigrid, because if love and hope couldn’t bring her back, perhaps hate could.
And above all, he hated the Night Fury.
He didn’t recall grabbing his long axe and charging towards the dragon, but he suddenly found himself, still screaming, within arm’s reach of exacting his vengeance, staring into demonic eyes and devilish teeth, close enough to smell its vile breath and feel his bones tremble as it roared.
“Catch!” a distinctly female voice shouted from behind him.
He spun around, just in time to catch a glimpse of something deadly flying towards him. It sank deep into his right shoulder, and searing pain stripped him of what remained of his reason and senses, pulling him to the ground.
The Night Fury’s head loomed over Hans; its pupils were no longer slits, but wide black bulbs, both taunting and pitying him. He raged against it; in his mind, he was already up off the ground, long axe carving cleanly through the neck of Sigrid’s killer. But his body couldn’t obey, and the realization of this fact only made him scream harder.
He wanted to kill the Night Fury. He wanted to kill this Dragon Boy. He wanted to honor Sigrid’s name with their screams, killing them as she probably could have done: slowly, painfully. But he had only just begun to lift his head up when a heavy boot stomped it back down, crushing his screams down into muffled whimpers.
She was a Viking girl, probably even younger than him. Her skin was pale like the moon, with cheeks touched by pink. Her hair was tied in a golden plait that shimmered like the Sun. Her eyes were blue, like ice, or the sea, or the sky on a clear summer day...
“Sigrid,” he tried to say.
“Hiccup?” she replied, though she wasn’t looking at him.
She put more of her weight on to his face as she ripped her axe out of his shoulder, sending another lightning bolt of pain ripping through his entire body, leaving him howling. He felt how quickly the blood from the open wound was spilling out of him, soaking his arm and the earth below.
It was over.
The world around him grew more distant, yet also clearer and brighter, with each passing moment, and he now knew for certain that that girl was Sigrid. He let his head roll to the left and watched Sigrid kneel beside a wounded boy that looked oddly familiar. What was his name?
“Hiccup,” Sigrid said, shaking the boy’s shoulder. “Hiccup, wake up.”
The Night Fury slowly approached the boy, whining like a worried pup.
A “huh” escaped from the lips of someone nearby. His own, perhaps, trying to pronounce that boy’s name. Yet, that couldn’t possibly be his own voice. Hans didn’t know why just yet, but it wouldn’t make any sense.
With a groan, the boy’s eyes slowly fluttered open. The boy had green eyes, Hans noted, much like...
Himself. There he was.
Sigrid crushed Hans with a loving embrace, much to his confusion. “As-Astrid?”
“Hi, babe,” she said softly, her voice cracking just a bit.
Hans was grinning like an idiot. “Hey, As,” he croaked. “Hey, As. Hey. You’re here. Hi.”
“Of course, silly.” Sigrid pulled out a strand of parchment from her pack. “Toothless, lick this.”
The Night Fury did so.
“This arrow could’ve hit your heart, you know?” She began placing the parchment over the arrow wound. “If you tried to take it out yourself...Thank the gods you didn’t.”
Hans shook his head. “Good guys don’t die”
Sigrid tilted her head “Oh, and you’re a good guy?”
“Definitely...I think.” He giggled. “You’re...you’re so much beautiful, lady. My lady.”
Sigrid touched his forehead with the back of her fingers. “Damn it,” she said, sighing. “Let’s get this home quickly, Toothless.”
“Mmm, nah.”
“What’s wrong, babe? The arrow?”
Hans smiled weakly. “Mmm, tired. And the arrow, yeah.”
“Babe, I promise you, if we try pulling the arrow out here, it’ll hurt. A lot. So let’s get back to—”
“And...you’re pretty. Toooo pretty.” He puckered his lips and started kissing the air.
“Yeah, all right. Let’s go.” Sigrid strapped her bloodied axe to her back and gently picked Hans up off the ground. The Night Fury nudged at Hans’ dangling legs, whimpering.
“It’s fine, Toothless,” she said. “I’ve got him. I guess I’ll be riding you back, and Stormfly can carry—Wait, Stormfly? Stormfly? Where’d my girl run off to...”
“Marry me?” Hans suddenly asked.
The Night Fury made a noise of confusion. Sigrid froze. “What?”
“Like not today.” Hans’ arms flopped around lazily. “But later, you know. Tonight...no, tomorrow. Let’s...not rush.”
That made her giggle. “Sure, Hiccup,” she said.”
“Yeees?” Hans slurred.
“If you actually remember any of this? Yes.”
Hans could only stare as Sigrid and the Night Fury carried him away, out of this dreary cave and into the warm, blinding light that was quickly consuming everything. Into the next life. Hell, probably. Such a fate would’ve been enough to make even Rolf frown.
But she said “Yes”, and that made Hans smile.
Second A/N: Yes, I planned to pair and then kill Hans and Sigurd from the very beginning. I don’t expect tears, but I hope this story hurt at least a little bit. The part I was stuck on was just exactly how to best fit all the moments I wanted to have into a (kinda?) cohesive timeline.
In hindsight, I should’ve divided this better as a three-part thing, with a middle story as part of the “Hunters” prompt. But whatever.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
May 2nd, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 2nd, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Moonlight Apparition by Janaka Davis (Darkhalo4321).
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Moonlight Apparition by Janaka Davis (Darkhalo4321)~! (http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Hello~! Yay Dark! :D Honestly -- my favorite scene is probably the scene where Ker starts teaching Jason a smidge more nicely, rather than just being a jerk about things. I feel like we're starting to get past his gruff exterior a bit... Wonder why he's such a grump? http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2572727/6-4/ Also, his witch eye is super badass, and I am really curious to learn more about it, bleeding and all.
I'd have to say near the beginning, when Jason defeats the....thing (i forget what it was called exactly i'm so sorry ) by calmly sending it on its way instead of defeating it with violence
When Robbie jumps on the well. Because it's hysterical. (I am a simple creature)
a shade monster
i need to reread
It likes to throw shade
So, it's a shade monster -- you mean it's just telling Jason all the failings of his friends right there?
toby has an expired library boooook
Made it o/
Toby no
"Yeah, you think it's real good idea to go jumping on well covers... Just you wait, one of you guys is gonna fall through and I'm gonna laugh my ass off."
the worst crime of them all
Oh yeah I liked the early scene too
and here i thought toby was the one we could trust
Robbie's antics at that point make me laugh
-kick- oh shit
Robbie no
Letter Bee
My favorite scene is when Jason protected Lark.
The first scene introduced me into what genre this story was and the monsters these good kiddos would face, but how jason handled it made me realize what kind of story it would be
Discord blocked my doodle....
discord play nice
[image: Shade monster: You guys think you're hot shit, eh? Too bad Sunny-boy isn't here to enlighten you! Jason: stop](edited)
meanwhile Lark sneezing off screen not wanting to be involved
haha (and hello I made it )
my favorite scene is the one where antonio fights the spying hunters and is basically like "im cooler than you now gtfo my property"
yay! thank you! ovo/
that is a GREAT scene
that was probably my favorite scene to draw
Antonio: Get off my lawn!(edited)
his SMILE as he makes his weapon appear
all he's missing is a cane to wave around threateningly
he's not THAT old yet-
the face of a man who hasn't been in a fight for a long time and is looking FORWARD to it
ya'll f-ed up
hey you dont need to be old for a cane. you can get one for the aesthetic.
also it can be used for blunt force trauma
and for beating people!
see Rebel gets me
using canes is a Legit martial art form you know
The only thing that hurts worse than getting cut by Antonio would be the emotional wounds he can inflict.
>_O ooof yeah.
or the emotional wounds you'd get just from the fact that you forced him to hit you
wait if the shade monsters throw shade, is this how antonio fought them? he just learned to throw even more intense shade?
Not only can he kick your ass, but he will make you feel bad about making him kick your ass.
I mean ... look at how well Crow does later on
might not be the BEST example X'D
I love crow
(yes, I'm teasing crow shhhh)
Honestly, looking at this scene, Crow is lucky that Antonio didn't just maim him right there.
I really liked when Jason sparred with Toby, it's still one of my favs
kabo coming in clutch with those links
I imagine 40 tabs open on kabos computer
when Jason rolled with his niece to keep her safe
this was such a fun page to draw :D
Later that week, Antonio looks at his socks and has a moment of "like the old days" and "dammit we're out of bleach"
grass staaaaaaaaaains
just make ker do the laundry
jason sparring with toby was cute but also made me more curious about toby. like jason makes sense for why hes have secret fight knowledge, but why did toby feel compelled to learn.
((then he'd get sad because that would be the moment Adelaide would tell him "use vinegar and water))
i feel if ker did the laundry hed mix bleach with all the chemicals youre not supposed to mix bleach with
fill the house with poison
I just figured that was an activity toby learned when he was younger. my hubby did taekwon do as a kid (did I spell that right xD)
Probably mixes his red socks with his white shirts...
ker would look dashing in pink probably
It's really blue'd up, but in the scene after the contact with lark, his shirt is more on the magenta/pink side.
a nice pink button-up with a navy blue tie? Very nice
[Image: Antonio saying, "Hey Ker, did you see that chore list I left for ya, eh?"]
just a guy, making dinner... I'm sure...
hey my dad makes tacos and cuts fruit with his bowie knife, I'm sure Antonio would do the same
insert Jason handing Ker some form of cross because- he gon' need it for the grave
better find a saint to save ya
You know, Ker sure mouths off a lot to Antonio... I can't wait to see some form of terror pop up at some point. XD
St Jude? XD
(patron of lost causes)
it turns out we were the shade monsters all along.
Dark -- serious question though. This... Terraphate massacre mentioned in chapter 4... How many people were killed?! http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2300366/4-14/
Tenor | Shinavar
“1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?” Lark's introduction because he's my baby anD HE'S DOING SO WELL I'M SO PROUD. :DD (Also I just deeply enjoy like, a lot?? of?? he scenes but Lark's intro had me immediatly adopt him so- )
more than 7
Lark is very intriguing
it was more of a serial murder case
Lark's a troubled sunshine child
Tenor | Shinavar
(Also HI EVERYONE + I will be limited in typing, bound to my left had today )
ah so one of those massacres where they pulled out a thesaurus to make it sound cooler
OH i get the "more than 7" reference now
Wait, more than 7 reference?
more than 7 killed
also, you know... if it's a small number like that... Sounds like ................................... A conspiracy.
Boston "massacre" had only 7 people killed
((or was it 5 oh no i'm getting rusty))
But was it random or a set group of people at the same time? hmm
o_o I have no idea
it was across town- but like...yanno.... it happened all on the same night so... suspicious still
Culprit was apprehended- or were they? dun dun dun >:#c
Theory: all the people killed were Apparition users
how big is the town?
And that's how Jason got his magic
Uhm... I'd estimate around the 12-17k range. ish
It is literally murder magic
big enough to have a hospital at.
but like Bandon Oregon has a hospital, so like. Eh, if there's a need people will have a hospital.
Cause you know... death is a thing
I did try thinking in terms of "would a city of this size have this or this?" and did some comparisons for research
@Tenor | Shinavar [Image: Lark -- "This boy needs to be happy" Ker -- "This one needs to get over his grudge"](edited)
he's an AXE Murderer
oh come on we haven't seen him kill anybody yet
you know, honestly, the first time I saw Ker and Lark interacting, I could have sworn that Lark was like, some trickster asshole. And that he'd done something awful to Ker to make him THAT angry and grumpy.
ya know i was going to say that is a bigger town than i thought itd be but then i looked up comparable towns near me and have now changes my thoughts that 12k is a tiny town
Maybe he ran into Ker one morning, on the way in to town, and made Ker spill coffee all over his nice, clean shirt.
It's big- but small. Big enough to have a few draws- but not BIG enough for some stuff.
Wow I sure as heck don't remember seeing that lmao
I thought it was only me who got that impression
The town i grew up in is 32k - 12k is TINY XD
30k isn't that small...
See- Roseburg is like 26k population- and I was doing a sized down version of THAT
....I mean, the town I grew up in had that many people, and it was kinda busy but we only had like, 3 blocks... ...of actual city...
you wouldn't believe it but BEND Oregon is now... like 80K
I think in terms of crime it really depends on many factors and the type of crime. Where I come from we have a lot of people technically, but when I was younger certain...crime that happened was not exactly heard of for our location..
We've had three serial killers now and it still isn't something that would have normally happened..
Tenor | Shinavar
12k ain't big but it ain't small. Town next to me is 4k.
lark probably did piss off ker, we just don't know what he did yet
Also worth considering: When we were younger, the news didn't like to cover small towns all that much.(edited)
my town was super small up until a few years before I was born, so it really isn't that city-like
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: u funny
Ey, remember, only 20 years ago, the internet was thought of as a fad
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh I'm refrencing something else, no worrie slol
QUESTION 2. Of course, our main protagonist Jason is drenched in mysteries. How exactly do you think Jason’s mother was murdered, and why did the event cause so many changes in the world? Why doesn’t Jason’s dad want to explain the event to him? Who exactly sealed Jason’s memories and for what purpose? Additionally, why are the memories now starting to unravel after all this time? Overall, do you think Jason will learn to control his powers? Does he have a contract as Ker suggests might be possible, or will he have to make one to protect himself? Even if Jason gains control of his powers, how will that change his course in life? Lastly, how will Jason’s experiences with Phates in the future affect his choices?
“ How exactly do you think Jason’s mother was murdered”
She was stabbed.
Tenor | Shinavar
Dibs on eaten
you know whatever you guys suggest im gonna assume its just all of it
so stabbed, maybe burned, then eaten
Tenor | Shinavar
What? I'd go into a complete amnesiac trauma experience seeing my mom get eaten in front of me
hold on I have an awful idea
Letter Bee
I feel that the Leader of the Hunters slashed Adelaide to death as part of a plan to demoralize Antonio and keep him from fighting the corruption in the Hunters.
And if you're very lucky, in that order?
It definately involved Jason somehow, but I don't think he was directly responsible
Tenor | Shinavar
If Jason was responsible I'm chalking it up to "Phrophetic" reasons and mom tried to protect him
Jason was a witness at the very least, for sure
Letter Bee
And the Leader of the Hunters also cursed Jason as a further hold on Antonio.
Jason has a hard life
[Image: Crossover joke](edited)
but her hair was LONG
Okay okay okay geez uh(edited)
I think she was slashed, not exactly just stabbed? Jason witnessed it so his memories were sealed to protect him from that trauma, but I think that if he remembers who it is, it will put him in Danger. (my guess..)
Well, we really don't have any clues as to who did it or why
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2341615/4-23/ I've always wondered if Adalaide is the "she" Lark is talking about.
Is she really dead?
i think it was caused by something magic-y he wasn't supposed to see/know about
Is she really? Like, dude, maybe she's not dead, but... Disappeared.
And Lark and Jason share a sort of bond because of it (brothers, maybe???)
Tenor | Shinavar
/Insert Brother Bear Meme for Lark + Adalaide?
If it's disney rules...
Sometimes I can STILL hear his voice
i support this head canon just so lark and jason can be brothers
please don't start another twin theory here
They can't be twins, Lark's older. But maybe Adalaide had a secret child with someone.
I love twins...but I'd have to agree xD
Tenor | Shinavar
Fine I'll up a twin Theory: They're the same person split.
No thank you..
jason just didn't leave for a year. nbd
Two halves of a whole?
Tenor | Shinavar
Actually, y'know what
Lark is the memories, Jason is the power?
a yin or yang theory
I see your twin theory and raise you Lark and Robbie are related(edited)
dat curly hair
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
You'd never see it coming their personalities are so different :D
they are the same age too
OR...they are related but time travel or au is involved
Robbie is the rogue path
A doppelganger from the phate side of the world?
(Lark, that is)
I mean, Lark is a bird, and Oregon is home to Portland, and if y'all haven't seen Portlandia
OR he's a robot that thinks he's not and he was given fake memories
Oh nooo
So a doll hm?
Oh yeah, regarding the contract part of the question
There was that trippy dream Jason had
Where he looked kinda....corrupted? And someone gave him a cross
I dunno, the timing of that seemed kind of contracty to me
Ah ha, this bit: http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637351/6-18/(edited)
Who's the other person there?
We don't know O:
I think
in regards to the contract thing, im gonna point out it was suspicious metaphysical contracts were brought up, nobody knows how they work, and it potentially kills ppl
I mean
Well, people, there's two, but I figure the guy's probably someone like Ker
you'd have to be pretty desperate to agree to it then?
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?
Halo boo
- adviec from Ker... probably
.........That's how he got those scars.
that does sound like ker advice
"I'm clearly not dead, so it's okay!"
seems legit
Oh derp hi like right in the next page from that it shows Jason dreaming about his mom getting slashed(edited)
his dreams suck
Ker sure isn't the prettiest face you'll see for a motivational spokesperson, but he sure is the one that'll make you say "YIKES"
I did have a lot of fun with that dream sequence. I both loved it and regretted it instantly.
The true suffering
It's interesting that Jason sees himself as cursed in the dream, though.
maybe the dream sequence is how jason made a contract to try and save his mom but between that and her dying it was too overwhelming
Unless the curse just sits on top of any self-representational form of himself in his dreams.
ooof indeedly
It's like it's becoming more and more clearer?
Ker observed the curse triggers when Jason's thinking about his mom (or, I guess, what happened to his mom), and he was dreaming about his mom at the time
I believe he does make that inference
(is inference the right word?)
Yeah, I think so
But Dark knows all the answers so clearly can't tell us THE TRUTH
yes it is I feel smart
The truth is out there
Okay, more seriously though
I c o u l d
I'm not sure Ker wasn't involved in the murder.
I dunno.
no... :C
he did skip town
Antonio would kill Ker if he was 8V
yeah i agree with res
ker would not be alive right now
or staying in the house
but antonio needs SOMEONE to clean the bathrooms
Ker probably can't take antonio, honestly
ker doesnt need to live in the house for that. get a dog house and make ker sleep outside
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2455383/2-9-5/ I feel like Antonio might have suspected Ker's involvement, intentional or not, at one point tho
and clearly Ker has no problems killing rogue apparitions
okay yes he does, but only because Lark's a kid
i got more the impression that antonio called ker cause he thought ker would actually give him straight answers about certain things going on that he wasnt made privy too. versus necessarily think ker was directly involved
Hm, true.
ker secretly has lark's bday marked on a calendar so the minute lark turns 18 he can kill lerk with no qualms cause lark is an adult
Okay, revision to the theory then. Ker may have known who was sent out that night to deal with the new Moonlight Apparition. Ker may not have known why someone was sent out, or to where they were sent... But had info, somehow. and then... When he realized what happened, he couldn't face Antonio for 5 years.
that sounds more like ker
at the very least i dont buy ker saying "i vaguely remember"
that is a conversation you would remember XD
Ker probably doesn't want to remember.
Maybe he made himself forget?(edited)
Unless Ker was secretly in some sort of love/hate relationship with Adalaide, and then was in a state of shock when he heard she'd died. (Although it really seems more hate/hate)
ker got himself one of those jason curses
(so, yanno, no unrequited love shenanigans there, but we can dream)
Well, there is memory magic
...Is Ker a puppet?
Is that what you're getting at Res
I mean, Dark saying Ker may have made himself forget
Was Ker made to forget so he could easily carry out orders, and being near Antonio is bad news bc it jogs his memory
I'm just saying there's a way to do that
don't stop me from making up crazy conspiracy theories!
Although here's a question: Why only Adelaide?
Jason was there
Because Antonio.
Why only jason?
I mean like, if Jason was there, why wasn't he killed too?
Jason's dream/memory of the event cuts off right at the moment he's threatened by him mom's killer(edited)
Instead, he just got the curse on him
im assuming either they didnt get a chance to get at jason cause he did apparition things or because adelaide was super duper special and therefore had to die(edited)
.....What if someone's using Jason
I feel like the killer was interrupted before he could finish the job.
Oh no...
Someone needed him alive? :3c
if i had to pick someone to blame for the murders im gonna pick belial cause belial is one suspicious mofo
Also his magic and eyes are purple.
A royal color
I know that logic doesn't make much sense when stated out loud like that, but -- I figure an easy visual hint someone would use (or well, a way to distinguish who cast what) is to tie the magic color back to the magic user.
...UNLESS Purple is just a cursed color.
In which case, Belial is toxic.
And if you're going to code someone as having "evil magic", you use red or purple
Or green
The danger colors
green is my favorite color. It will never be toxic to meeee
totally toxic
but purple IS the color of Jason's curse
purple IS cursed because that's my favorite color
...So, I guess we need to find out if Belial also knows how to use a sword.
It is also my favorite color! But cursed...? I never thought about it.
TBH it's weird that the hunters are working with him or his brother at all.
He seems like the type
I dunno, Belial seems more the type to use a magic sword and use it for blood magic.
Would that be why the murders happened?
His brother now... thats a fun character >:3c
Some sort of horrific ritual involving the town?
We haven't seen other places enough to know if this is an oddly concentrated population of magic shit.
But... I wonder.
Real quick before the next question: re: how powers will affect Jason's life: Hope you weren't plannin' on college, kiddo. Super powers and college don't mix well
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637354/6-20/ maybe not jason because i was looking at this page again and the writing that can be read is saying wake up. and while you could argue its a subconscious thing telling jason to wake up from the dream, you could also interpret it as something he heard cause the murderer wanted jason's apparition powers to awaken.
super powered jason cant be any worse at college than the thought of robbie at college XD
QUESTION 3. Besides the characters, there seems to be a lot going on in regards to the world. Who do you think Jason can trust: the Hunters or Lark? For what reason do you pick that side? Why do you think the other side can’t be trusted? Overall, do you agree with the Hunters’ stance that Phates should be kept secret? In contrast, do you sympathize with Lark’s goals? What crime do you think he’s being hunted for, and why is it secret? Also, what do you think happened to the people Lark is looking for? Finally, what do you think is going on with the Behem Realm in regards to the corruption and can it be fixed? What role might Jason have in regards to that?
Honestly? I think Lark's the more trustworthy. The more I talk this out with made-up theories, the less I am really trusting the hunters.
this whole situation with hidden information and magican shenanagins is stressing me out
I will say Lark because that sweet child would never hurt my beloved Jason.
I'm sorry, Crow, you poor child, I really can't trust you until you get an anger management class.
trust no one
jason shouldnt trust anyone. that is the answer. dont trust ppl who have secrets
I tend to think both sides are right and wrong :V The Hunters probably didn't explain things well and are probably doing some shady stuff, but Lark proooooobably reacted poorly and got himself in too deep
Also yes
Trust no one lol
@RebelVampire gets it
I don't think phates should be kept secret from the general population
If there are no secrets...
Then the only person we can trust is Robbie.
Lark seems to have good intentions, but probably doesn't have the full story
@Respheal gets it too yes
I'm sorry, it's TRUE though.
It is true and it hurts
robbie is NOT the person you should trust
robbie is the murderer confirmed
because he's Lark's brother
Y'all are saying don't trust people with secrets, and where does that leave us? EVERYONE but Robbie has secrets.
Toby is a good kid- no secrets
with a fire cracker? absolutely not but with the TRUTH????
y e t
im gonna trust antonio. antonio is just a great dad, great businessman, and great taker carer of ker
I trust no one. not even myself... ESPECIALLY myself
But even Antonio's keepin' secrets :(
If we're going to trust Antonio, it's only because if I don't, he'll kill me if I walk in his yard.
Presumably for good (or so he thinks) reason, but....
I'm sure he HAS his reasons
just because there are reasons doesn't mean they're GOOD reasons
Antonio's a parent. Jason is a teenager. In most stories, you can't trust the parents because they're keeping grown-up secrets from their kids.
Like, the truth about that college you really wanna go to... It's not happening. I'm sorry. MIT doesn't offer a full ride, Jason. ...Or does it now
anyway point is
You can't even trust JASON
jason sucks at math, what makes you thik he'd get into MIT XD
because he's keeping secrets!
The one secret I wanna know is how he gets his hair to stand up like that
Ghibli effect
The wind styles it FOR him
antigravity hair gel
He hangs upside down for an hour every morning (actually no this is more of a Robbie thing)(edited)
Jason's never at 100% power because he's using 10% of it to do his hair.
maybe he showers before bed and just
lets it dry however it wants
he needs to get it cut. chop chop chop
bye bye fluff
So birds don't style his hair?
And then he'll look like a tiny Antonio
he's a regular snow white that kid
no i already weeped when robbie cut his hair
Crim, are you suggesting that Jason's a disney princess?
wait until he cuts it SHORTER
... Let's count the qualifications
there needs to be like 1000% more floof for everyone's hair
You mean he's not?
He has a bird friend He has a dead mom But can he SING?
when jason cuts his hair will he do it in a comb-over(edited)
he can sing very well
oh no- I made a disney princess
Disney princess confirmed
He's like BELLE because... he loves reading though!
he doesh't get trapped in a castle. but. like...
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere~
but not this apparition haaaair
idk jason isnt really singing about he wants more than his provincial life
Jason, when Robbie comes by. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INDnS3vIKCU
He's more like... Tiana
Oh because... restaurant, right?
and hard worker... stubborn.... oblivious
robbie probably DID ask Jason to marry him HONESTLY
three times at the very least(edited)
But wait....maybe he's hercules since Ker is training him??
he DID propose to like... 5 nurses
i wonder what robbie wouldve done if one of the nurses said yes
I'm into the Hercules version of Jason. If only because it means Cathy and Melodie are probably muses
Heck yeah!
Melodie has the moves for that!
So The Behem realm
Will there be a musical chapter?
its probably fine. corruption always fixes itself O_O
how would I comic that?... a musical chapter? When the anime happens, I'll have one made!
I still can't help but think that Crow's some sort of shapeshifter or werewolf... Behem... Behemoth... Plus Crow's propensity to growl like some sort of very angry dog...
if crow isnt a werewolf i will be surprised
I am 100% on board with that theory
cause theres been enough refs to imply it is so
I mean... He takes commands rather well when threatened- so-
dog training?
Crow doesn't listen to Julie real well tho
he tries
i think how the behem realm is being dealt with is a major reason jason shouldnt trust the hunters. cause while i dont think the hunters are evil persay, i think in their pursuit to do the good they bend ethics waaaaaay too far(edited)
Julie needs to talk louder-
He is basically a puppy
be loud and RIGHT THERE, then he'll pay attention
yeaaaah- wonder why they have a phate trapped in a glass jar in a makeshift lab
.... Do the stooges know about that
they might
they might not
@RebelVampire -- d'ya think the state of Behem might be related to Jason?
what if Jason's unintentionally an avatar of destruction?
why... did that make me giggle so much?!
i mean id believe it. sorry jason.
This tiny cinnamon roll of a child -- really there because he's a sign of end times.
you are destined to destroy all that you love
except antonio
With Antonio as his dad, I'd really believe it.
Yeah, I've been forbidden by many to NOT kill antonio
which means I probably should kill him, right?
Jason can become a razor-sharp weapon of death... But when it comes to his father, they walk side-by-side into the end.
I did threaten to fly over there and shoot you with something. Do I have to again?(edited)
it means you should NOT
no dark this means the opposite. this means antonio needs 10 layers of plot armor
fine fine he's safe... for now
and when you pretend to kill him it turns out antonio faked his death and it was his plan all along
I have MULTIPLE Nerf guns Halo...(edited)
oh noooo
He'll eat a potato chip and go just as planned
Live footage of Dark, plotting out the story https://tenor.com/6zEs.gif
you forgot to add in the part where I plot as horrible implications are made known to me
>:3c fu fu fu
. . . So uh.
i do think jason is tied to the corruption in all seriousness
Anyone got new horrible implications to point out?
I'd agree with you on that, Rebel.... Hold on, I feel like there's visual evidence
Oh, no nevermind
I was like, "I remember that shot of the blocked off Behem realm being foresty," and linked it to Jason's dream where he got the Rosary... But they don't look similar at all.
But what seems to be a gate(????) to the realm has the same kind of creeping blackness as was surrounding Jason and the corrupted shade
as far as im concerned the only evidence we need is that jason has amnesia and all the events tie back to the massacre
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2663394/6-32-chapter-end/ http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637351/6-18/ But I'm not sure if that's just Dark's visual shorthand for "dark magic"
So file this under "more evidence needed, but I'm choosing to believe they're tied together somehow"
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2017341/2-10/ Also, apparently the Jason = Apparition user has been hidden from the hunters for a while... So, I wonder if Jason changed that night, corrupted the Behem realm with his awakening (somehow -- maybe it was just some sort of casting in place from the previous apparition user), and then got home after horrific things happened, only to have his mother murdered
The problem with this is, we don't know how casting this sort of stuff works yet, so I don't know if Jason's been in proximity TO the Behem realm if it requires that he physically be there to affect it.
He's a wot? He's an apparition antonio-
So, I think until shown otherwise, if Jason's power is linked to Behem's state... Jason's probably a symptom of the problem, more than the cause??
to be fair though we cant say for sure the corruption even started in the behem realm can we?
cause it couldve started elsewhere and thats just the first notable place it hit in its spread
true -- it could have been Belial starting shit, and it spread like a wildfire.
belial please, observe proper fire control procedures at least(edited)
a forest fire to burn all the... evidence...
blame it on teens using the beehive burner as a party spot
just as planned
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2663394/6-32-chapter-end/ Also, I wonder why Julie cares so much about the Behem realm? I know you don't need to have a link to a place to care, but... I feel like she has more than just Crow.
QUESTION 4. Jason isn’t the only character in the comic with secrets. Do you think there are any significant things that Toby might know from the past that are sealed from Jason? If so, what and how will that affect his and Jason’s relationship? What do you think the story is with Robbie and how Jason ended up his friend? Why won’t Jason tell Toby the circumstances, and why is Robbie’s situation with Jason significant? Also, will the relationship between Jason and Melodie develop, or is it doomed to the status quo? Moving to other characters, how do you think Ker came upon his eye and the ability to use Fae magic? How might this event be influencing his choices and position with the Hunters? Last, what is going on with Belial, and what do you think this means for the story?
To be honest, when we found out that Robbie just kind of appeared in their friend group one day, I half expected that Robbie would be part of Jason? Like, that whole part of Jason that got separated out when he developed amnesia, but then the curse was introduced, and it was like... "nah"
Eh- but you have to think back to Annette and Jason's conversation on the back porch-
I've had a theory for a while that Robbie may have attempted suicide.... Mostly fueled by "Are you suicidal?!" "Yes?" and the references to Robbie being in a hospital
And that's probably how they met? 'cuz Jason's sister is a nurse?
itd make sense cause theres a lot of rumors surrounding robbie and well...rumors lead to bullying >_>
And that conversation between Jason and his sister was very......real
"is he okay?"
Robbie's a good egg who decided if he was going to be talked about, he may as well give them something to talk about
and itd actually explain robbie's sort of cavalier attitude. cause if hes actually depressed than he doesnt care about his safety
thus jumps on well covers
when Inspector Toby says "lets not stand on this-"
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2222484/1-17/ Toby's pretty cavalier about risking Robbie for Jason's sake tho
And why Jason, being the good kid he is, doesn't drop Robbie like a brick when he's consistently crass
if he don't care about his safety, why should he?
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2222492/1-21/ Because Jason cares
well yeah, why would toby pick robbie over his best friend? XD
I'm still mad at Robbie about the cafeteria scene lol
in the redraw I think I made it worse, but less directed...
if that's possible...even
Toby seemed to join in on it in those pages tho
Toby, why are you so mean to Mel. XD
what did she do to you
Toby-... t o b y
sighs Toby- He's such a complicated nooooodle
i just assumed robbie acted that way because thats how he handles socially awkward situations he doesnt want to be a part of. and his go to mode is "be a jackass"
.... Mel tried to be friendly, Toby didn't take her being friendly very well because it was a bad day, Mel continued to pester A grudge began
for the cafeteria scene that is
Well, no, I mean, that could be their history XD
But yes, Robbie being a jackass is default, I think
"I don't know what to do, so go away" only he can't say those words
because then he looks weak
toby is a complicated noodle tho. i cant decide if he can be trusted or not. cause he seems honest but then at the same time he feels like he has a secret skeleton closet of secrets
but, Toby Melodie and Jason have been friends for a while now-
his room DOES have a closet Hmmmm
When Jason mentioned he had started remembering things, Toby looked like he was ready to whack Jason upside the head if it'd bring on the amnesia again
A definite "nope nope nope bad don't remember" sort of expression
yeah, bad things happen when that... happened...
Maybe Toby has a secret he needs to hide.
What are you hiding?
cue law and order theme
Or at least, that was my impression during that first time, but when it was mentioned that Jason gets hospitalized...
It was like, hm, okay. Toby's not suspicious I guess.
f o r n o w
Unless he was that other figure in the bg of that dream
is Toby the contracteee?
Part of the contract, maybe XD
I gotta leave the chat guys, sorry! (gotta make dinner) Thank you for including me!
bye! thanks for joining us!!
thank you for comin @crimsonangeltears ~!
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637351/6-18/ <- this page, first panel, 3 figures, just fyi
Thanks for coming Crimson! makes yummy food for your family!
Have a good night Crim~!
ok so it wasnt just me. i tots thought toby's reaction to jason's memories returning was super suspicious
and like he was ready to flee the country
well, if Jason is linked to the destruction of realms
wouldn't you?
there is a lot about the APPARITIONS the hunters DONT KNOW sooo
that's why they want Lark
to counteract Jason.
why only get one when you can have both tho?
They don't want him dead, but captured if possible. Because even if he dies, that power will reappear, yeah? but Lark's like, "Yeah, nah, I'm fine with the world ending."
I'm surprised no one has brought up the lab... with lark...
It's still new-ish information
We don't know who had the forest lab under their control yet, or am I forgetting something
maybe they had all those kids to test corruption on
Test subjects for Belial's brother~
'cause eventually, you need human subjects.
I mean- they are keeping phates in jars so-
Nari was sacrificed for the sake of the Behem realm!
shes a homuraaaa
or a madoka?
she's Sayaka
THERE we go
i dont have enough info to theorize on the lab. cause i got more the impression the kids were at a training facility for the hunters than a lab and that the lab came later.
But uh... There were theories on Dark's server about Mr. Grimr...
maybe theyre pulling an fma and when lark finds nari shes gonna be fused with a phate
Ahahaha oh no
Don't give Dark ideas!
... l- lark?
We have found the limit, and it is Nina jokes.
I can't take nina jokes in two servers gosh darn it
that will ALWYAS be the limit
this will be the hill I die on
Okay, but seriously, Mr. Grimr has purple eyes.
Is he Belial's bro
he might be
purple, and purple makes a connection-
nothing but pain
I mean
we have yet to see ... What was her name?
he knows stuff
So, I guess we're going to have a scene of this comic in a strip club.
d... did you not
oh dear
Dark, if you skimp out on the bright colored lights, I'll be sad.
my google search history is going to ask questions kabo
Just look up sterotypical pictures from Vegas
it'll be fine
Or watch Showgirls (don't watch showgirls, it's not really good)
vegas is basically one big strip club
That's WHO
I uh
I actually meant who's the 'her' Grimr is referring to
I felt very clever about the name.
i assume the her was nari but now that res brings up that page...lark, did you...did you make a metaphysical contract?
o h
"her" -- probably Nari. Or Adalaide. XD
o h n o
If Nari's not fully dead, she will be soon.
A victim of corruption...
r i p
I mean, you kind of sealed her fate with the whole friggin blood shots followed by tears
how else do you interpret that
he just... misses her and regrets his bloody murdering ness or... something
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2685206/7-5/ Lark is fine if the world ends because Nari isn't in it.
The red was actually his hair dye
That's why he wants Jason.
lark please. what you do is be the distraction and have jason sneak in. cause they wont be expecting jason and thus jason has the element of surprise to wreck their stuff
Jason can barely transform guys, he'd just go in and start screaming XD
might as well SEND ROBBIOE
actually... That would work.He can seduce the guards see.
that works too. send robbie and jason.
ultimate tag team
[image: Return Nari... Or suffer his curse...](edited)
Jason would have to remind lark that... he's no idea what he's talking about XD curse? What curse? I'm F I N E
narrators voice He was NOT fine
See, I was imagining it to be more like King Ramses...
oh yah?
Yah Lark would try that, huh?
Yep. only Jason is the curse he shall set upon the world
because his curse is FORBIDDEN MAGICwoooooo
and much scarier for some reason
Well, it'll be okay eventually, I'm sure.
lark's plans always work out
nothing could go wrong
it'll all work out-
Nari's not doomed. Jason will be fine. And best of all, Lark will get everything he wanted.
it's fine
And Robbie will live a happy life.
the kids are okay
trust me
theyre all dead
And you're not going to do anything to Antonio.
e x a c t l y
That's it! That's the story.
Everything is FINE
MCR's I'm not okay plays in the background
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Janaka Davis (Darkhalo4321), as well, for making Moonlight Apparition. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Janaka Davis’ efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/
Janaka’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Darkhalo4321
Janaka’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/A0A1K9D7
Janaka’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Darkhalo4321
0 notes
jflashandclash · 7 years
Attrition of Peace
More Regulations for Demigod Transport is Needed
Fourteen: Kalypso
                 Their plane ride back to New York was both wonderful and like being trapped in an elevator with a bunch of cats high on catnip. Everyone was tense and jittery. Despite all of her attempts at jokes and laughter, Merry seemed one monster sighting away from having a breakdown. When Kally had put her thumb out to her, leveled horizontally with the ground, like a Roman emperor about to decide a gladiator’s fate, Merry had mimicked the motion of neutral. But her hand shook. She wasn’t neutral. She wasn’t okay.
               Kally couldn’t blame her. They’d had a solid five hours and twenty minutes to think about how they didn’t have a plan, how their main strategist was back in New Rome, how Pax had snuck off, how Eris had kidnapped Hemera and had the Golden Net, and about how they’d never hear Joey Song laugh or see her scowl again.
               Calex kept checking the touchscreen flight map on the headrest in front of him. Kally couldn’t tell if it was in a vain attempt to make time move faster, or to make sure they stayed on course and didn’t stray off towards Kakata or St. Albans.
               Euna didn’t say a word. She elected the window seat—which no one argued about—and stared out at the clouds.
               Kally knew they needed a plan, about as much as any Greek demigod needed an assistant to keep their ADHD from making them wander off from a quest. After they landed in the terrifyingly large terminal, she decided that she’d direct them towards the nearest taxi and get them back to Camp Half-Blood at all costs.
               If Pax thought his disappearance would prevent her from telling Chiron what was going on, he was dead wrong, River Styx curse or not… though hopefully not actually dead wrong. She hadn’t wanted to leave once he went missing. But, what Merry and Calex said to calm her was true: Pax wouldn’t leave without Axel, was probably fine and hiding out with a colony of escaped weasels, and they needed to get back to warn camp.
               Eris had a three weeks head start on them. She was mad at Pax for disappearing without word, especially since he could tell her anything, but she couldn’t let her frustration, worry, and whatever other emotions she felt for that idiot give Eris more time.
               Though her determination changed when they got into the terminal.
               The airport was all white, with large, netted windows, a sweeping doomed ceiling, and steel modern art sculptures that reminded her of a mix between the Udvar-Hazy Museum and an exclusive intergalactic prison. She could see the sun setting through the windows and felt surreal thinking about the time zone difference.
               There were too many people walking by with set conviction. A few others seemed as confused and lost as she was, but most had the irritated ease of regular travelers. Kally would have frozen up, remembering exactly how much she hated their first trip to New York City, had Merry and Calex not corralled she and Euna through the crowds of people to collect their one checked bag containing Euna’s sword.
               As they reached the terminal exit, relief made her tear up. Iris Messaging or some communication must have been back online, because there were two familiar faces waiting for them in arrivals.
               Amidst the other taxi cab drivers and chauffeurs with signs, these two stood out like a pair of Cyclopes. One stood far taller than the other, with blond, short hair and a Camp Half-Blood sweatshirt that couldn’t hide the fact that this teen had enough muscles to supply four different bodies if he died an organ donor. She remembered hearing the nymphs at Camp Half-Blood plot to get Jason and Axel to work out together, and she could understand their sentiment.
               Beside him was someone that made Kally giddy. This boy was shorter, with dark hair, an aviator jacket, an oddly colorful Hawaiian shirt, and a pair of skinny jeans. In one hand, he had what looked like a box of unfortunately fake flowers. He held up a sign in the other that read, in Ancient Greek:
               The “probably” was written in smaller print above the main text, with an arrow pointing down. Kally wondered how many professors of Ancient History had wandered over to ask the son of Hades and the son of Jupiter for a ride.
               Kally inhaled to shout out to Nico. Out of all the people at camp, he’d become her favorite, other than Merry of course. He’d been teaching her to play Mythomagic, she’d been trying to get him involved in Dungeons & Drakans, and he—like she—hated human interaction but felt obligated to fulfill it.
               Before she could shout, or before Nico or Jason caught sight of their group, someone wrapped a hand over Kally’s mouth.
               She almost screamed. Instead, she slammed her elbow backwards.
               “Aye!” someone whined, grunted, then said, “Cyclops, you could pop airships with your elbows and maybe even a sumo wrestler.”
               Kally expected to turn and see the Pax brothers, though they shouldn’t have been—not unless they snuck onto the plane.
               Instead, she turned to see two young and respectable looking South Asian businessmen in suits.  She almost apologized for hitting the guy who grabbed her, but realized that would be stupid. He had grabbed her.
               Calex and Merry went to reflexively take a step between her and the two men. Kally felt ridiculous having Merry, a pacifist, go to defend her.
               The taller businessman shook his head. Mist fluttered off to reveal Axel’s deep tan and asymmetrical facial scars. As it peeled off his clothing, Calex gasped audibly.
               “Oh my gods, mate, what happened to you? And—what the hell are you doing here? How did you get here?”
               Dried blood was smeared all over his mouth and soaked into the remains of his shirt. The once purple material across his chest had been shredded, like he’d tried to pet a shark at the zoo and fell into the aquarium.
               His expression was the worst. Axel’s gaze looked hollow and dazed. He could have said he’d spent four year in Tartarus, doing synchronized swimming in the River Acheron, and she’d have believed him.
               But his voice was as commanding as ever. “We need to get Euna out of here.”
               Merry crossed her arms. “Axel, Pax, I can tell you two hubbies had a rough morning, but those are our friends. I don’t want to hear otherwise.” Her lip trembled.
               “They’re actually here to arrest Euna for murder, growing trees in a no-tree-growing zone, and for having a cooler weapon than Jason Grace,” the shorter businessman said.
               They stared at him.
               The guy put a hand to his head. “What? Does this guy’s hair look stupid? We need to move now!”
He grabbed Kally’s wrist and Merry’s and tugged them off to the side. Merry begrudgingly stumbled along. Axel grabbed Calex’s arm and Euna’s. They staggered back into the terminal, bewildered. Kally didn’t quite understand. This all sounded so stupid.
               “There used to be ten terminals instead of six. One of the old ones is now a labyrinth entrance underneath the airport, but I don’t think I can sneak all of us to it. Piper is wandering around the terminal, asking people if they’ve seen you, and Will is at one of the other exits. We were able to swipe some noise canceling headphones, but they’re not going to work nearly as well as the ones in the van if we have to fight her. And we don’t have enough for everyone,” Axel said, as though he wasn’t speaking like someone Dionysus had inflicted with madness.
               “Wait—wait—no!” Kally said and tried to pull back from Pax. “We should just go talk to them. I’m sure this thing has happened before—”
               Axel let go of Euna to grab Kally’s arm. He leaned down to look her in the eyes, and—for a second—they flickered gold. The motion didn’t frighten her, probably because Axel looked so sad. “Kally, I’m not sure how much everyone else is implicated in what happened to Santiago’s men, or how much they think… they think you’re affiliated with us.”
               Kally thought she knew what that meant, at least sort of. From the way he said it, she wasn’t sure anymore.
               “And I do want us to talk to them.” His eyes glanced from hers to Merry’s brown and Calex’s grey. “They still need to hear about Eris’s plans. But first, Pax and I need to tell you everything so you can relay the message in full. We can’t be there, and I want Merry and Calex to tell them—not you Kally. I don’t want you to accidentally get cursed by saying the wrong thing.”
               “And uh—we’re like 95% sure my mom set all of us up to look reeaaaally bad,” Pax said. “So, maybe the six of us can have this conversation somewhere else, like in a fugitives’ bar? Away from 50 cent Captain America and Mr. Goth Pants and Pretty Shirt.”
               As he said it, Kally heard something that made her tremble.
               “That’s them!” Jason’s voice carried down the hallway.
               When she glanced over, she saw Jason and Nico carefully walking up the hallway towards them. Nico’s hand slipped inside the box of flowers, and she could have sworn she saw the hilt of his sword.
               Euna frowned. She slid the xiphos out of their carry-on. Kally had to wonder what airport security saw, considering no one even paused while walking past them. Maybe they thought everyone was just holding the world’s longest maracas.
               “Woooow!” Merry held up her hands in a cease fire gesture.
               “Do I need to fight them?” Euna asked calmly, something that made Kally’s skin crawl.
               Axel examined the approaching figures, calculating. “That’s… cute that you think you can take Jason Grace.”
               Euna withdrew her god droplet vial. “I can.”
               The shorter business man shoved the vial back into her pocket. “Bad Euna! As much as I would love to see that, the last thing we need now is you turning their mascot boy into a table.”
               Jason lifted a walky-talky to his mouth, muttering something into it. Nico cracked a soft smile, waving casually at them. They paused, and Kally got the sense they were waiting for back up.
               They needed to make a decision.
Merry fluttered her hand back and forth, as though to say this was nothing. Although she was acting nonchalant, Kally could see her trembling. “Normally, I’m with Pax in loving dramatics and ridiculousness, but, I can—”
Calex took hold of Merry’s hand. He glanced nervously at Euna, then back to Merry. “’Ey. It’s all gone mad, but we’ll sort this out. If we do as Axel says, we’ll chat with them later after getting Euna cleared. If they catch us, we’ll say this nutter threatened us into running.” He pointed at the short business man.
Pax shrugged. “I don’t threaten, I merely predict probably outcomes.”
Merry stared at Calex for a moment. Kally took her other hand, remembering Merry’s nightmare prophecy: My friends fight the Heroes of Olympus. My powers are too weak to stop everyone from trying to kill each other.
Kally couldn’t imagine anyone from Camp Half-Blood hurting any of them. She didn’t want to fight these guys, and she had a feeling Euna, Axel, and Pax weren’t going to go with them without some struggling.
Merry huffed. “Alright, but running isn’t really my thing. When I start to fall behind, one of you big musclies has to carry me.”
Kally still didn’t like this, but Calex had a great point about pinning their escape on the Pax brothers, since it was true.
This time, when Pax tugged at her, she stepped into a sprint.
“Sorry blokes! This is all just a misunderstanding! I promise we’ll come back and explain! Cheers!” Calex shouted over his shoulder as they ran.
When Jason and Nico dashed after them at full speed, Kally had the squeamish feeling they made the right decision.
“Wait!” Jason called.     
Within a few feet, Kally could feel Merry tugging on her hand to slow down. Calex whisked Merry up. Kally could guess it was much to Merry’s delight. People parted rapidly in front of them, especially when Calex shouted about being late for a flight. A security guard yelled at them to slow down. She was scared someone might call more security, or think there was a bomb threat.
Like he wanted to invoke just that fear, Axel said, “Ajax, drop a smoke bomb. Do you think you can dart Grace if—”
“I’m out of smoke bombs!” Pax morphed out of the business man into himself. “And sleep serum. I’ve got pepper spray and an ear.”
“You took Frank’s ear?!” Axel growled.
Calex asked the more important question. “You cut off Frank’s ear?!”
Kally felt sick and seriously considered stopping and waiting to get tackled by Jason Grace.
“Ajax! They could have reattached that!” Axel scolded, like Calex hadn’t spoken.
“Oh…” Pax frowned. “Do you think I should give it back—”
“No! It’s too late for that now!”
They sprinted out the doors of another terminal. Kally suddenly felt the need to thank both her soccer coach for forcing her through suicide sprints, and Mr. Paine for doing the same during her demigod training.
Jason Grace wasn’t far behind. In one glance back, she saw he and Nico racing around a corner. She wondered why Jason hadn’t taken to the air yet, or why Nico hadn’t raised any dead. But Nico probably still couldn’t use his powers without going all shadowy and it might be a bit weird for the Mist to cover up a flying guy. Would the Mist put him on a segway or a hoverboard?
Once they got outside, Pax ran up to the first taxi-bus in the front of the line. “Everyone in!” he said, shoving a credit card and a wad of cash at the driver. Kally frowned, not having the time to ask Pax where he got that from.
The driver was young, maybe in his twenties, with deep chestnut skin, and excited, dark eyes. There was a sticker on his headrest that said Hello, My name is Sanjay (Sam) Datta. I’ll be your driver today! When Kally hopped into the middle seat with Calex and Merry, she found biostatistics textbooks all over the dashboard. Biostats: a worse fate than Tartarus. Euna and Axel climbed into the back.
“That guy just found out I convinced his girlfriend to leave an abusive relationship with him for me,” Pax said, gesturing to where Jason had exited the terminal. “I’ll pay quadruple your amount if you can get us out of here before he reaches this—”
Before she’d finished buckling up, the taxi-van took a wild swerve into the line of cars exiting the terminal, leaving Jason Grace and Nico Di Angelo in the dust.
“Where are you kids going? You’re the adult supervisor right?” the driver glanced back at Axel, in the back seat.
“Yes…” Axel said slowly. “For a school field trip. Just take Van Wyck Expressway and get off towards south Brooklyn. I’ll give you directions as we go. That guy’s been uh... giving our troop trouble this whole time.”
“That’s away from camp, Mr. Stoic,” Merry said. “Where are we going?”
“What Pax said—a fugitive’s bar of sorts. I have connections that might be able to hide us until we figure this out or at least create a diversion,” Axel said.
Merry gave the curious driver a warm smile in the rearview mirror. “We’re a performing arts school and have been practicing improv, so don’t mind our silly selves. Oh—Sarawati!” She nodded at a small icongraph on his dash, sliding around beside the textbooks as he merged onto the expressway. There was a woman in the picture, with four arms playing an instrument. She looked similar to the icons Kally had seen on shrines at Mrs. Blythe’s house. “You studying for finals?”
“Yea, nonstop, and I’ve been bored out of my mind because of it,” the driver said. “You guys are probably the most interesting thing I’ve encountered all day and the nicest present to private school debt.” He gave a lighthearted laugh and tapped “Pax’s” credit card against the wheel. “So, improv away. Gotta ask first, what did that blond guy actually do?” He glanced at Pax in the passenger seat. “Sorry dude, but there’s no way you convinced a girl to leave him for you.”
If Pax could bristle, he would have. “Hey! I’m cuter than a duckling![1] And I’m also the one paying you!”
“Sure you are, Mr. Thong… Thaeng Chaiprasit,” the driver stumbled through pronouncing the name on the credit card. He had to swerve a little to avoid a car merging towards him.
Calex sighed. “Pax, you’re a plague upon society.”
“Mr. Chaiprasit is our director,” Merry said, picking up the pieces. Kally always had to admire her quick thinking in crisis situations. “You know how artsy people are. He’s so scatterbrained and bad at budgeting, he gave Mr. Stoic, here, a card and the pin so we could withdraw cash when we needed it.”
“Is your name actually, Mr. Stoic?” the driver asked.
“Yes,” Axel said without blinking. “Both on stage and off.”
Despite everything, Kally had to cover her mouth so she didn’t burst out laughing at the seriousness of Axel’s expression.
She stopped laughing when Merry put an arm around her shoulder. “And that blond guy started stalking our poor Kallygirl here, all due to some really nasty miscommunication.”
Pax huffed.
“Cool. I’ll still anticipate being contacted by Visa for a fraudulent credit card transaction, but, you’ve got enough cash here to afford a drive to the opposite side of Manhattan,” the driver said and shrugged. “Okay, now improv on.”
They glanced at each other. Maybe Kally hadn’t taken many cabs, but this guy seemed like the weirdest cab driver ever.
After a beat of silence, Axel dove into explaining. Actually explaining. Part of Kally felt indignant at how easy they got the information. Before Pax would tell her any of this information, she’d had to swear on the River Styx. The other part of Kally realized that was stupid: she needed the others to know everything so they could tell Chiron, instead of having her break her River Styx Oath. It already felt dumb enough having an oath to a river; she didn’t need to be cursed by it too.
Everyone already knew that the Pax boys had been part of Kronos’s army, but none of the others knew how much Eris had directed the Pax boys’ movements—that she’d sent them to save Kally, to get to Camp Half-Blood, to get the Golden Net and reforge Kronos’s scythe to use against their father. If Kally were angrier, she’d tell Axel he’d been played, but the broken look on his face said he already knew that.
He did skim over the part where Axel attacked Leo Valdez and wiped his memory. Pax gave her a sheepish grin as they hurried through that section.
They’d come off the expressway and Axel directed the driver down some side streets. The sky had darkened enough for street lamps to flicker on. All the shops had metal gates peeled up, like teeth ready to chomp down. Any parking lot or yard had fences ringed with barbed wire. The buildings were old, and weatherworn. Some had paper and duct tape covering failed business ventures, while others had beautiful, classy arches over the windows to give the street some character. The contrast of decaying versus new made Kally anxious. This place felt like its own morphing monster.
The sidewalks were bustling with weekend excitement.
Axel was just getting to the tiny detail that Ares wanted the Roman senate to execute him as an enemy to the state when Euna pointed outside.
“A horse is keeping pace with us,” she said.
Kally glanced over at her window. On the sidewalk, sure enough, there was a brown stallion clopping along and dodging pedestrians. The stallion was beautiful and enormous, with chocolate eyes and black hair. On top of it, was a rider with frizzy cinnamon hair, golden eyes, and an SPQR shirt: Hazel Levesque. There was a very angry looking lemur curled around her shoulder, with gauze covering one ear.
Pax and Axel both popped their cheeks.
“Do you ever wonder why Frank doesn’t just show up naked after he transforms?” Pax asked. “I mean, think of how many boxers he’s probably ripped turning into—”
“Ajax,” Axel growled.
“Sorry. Is this a good time for me to give him back his ear?”
Although their cab couldn’t have been going over thirty miles per hour, that horse didn’t even look like it was trotting.
They were approaching a stop light and Kally’s stomach dropped. Ares wants the Romans to execute me, Axel had said. They want to arrest Euna.
“We’re only two streets away from the spot,” Axel said. He leaned forward to check the nametag on the headrest. “Sam, is there any way we can lose that horse and—”
The driver stopped at the crosswalk for the red light. He glanced at the blinking counter for the pedestrians. “In 45 seconds or so. Does that blond stalker of yours have cavalry reserves? That’s a pretty dedicated stalker.”
Kally didn’t really know what to say. Yea, you should check out his friend’s ballista.
Horns blared beside them as Hazel and Frank’s horse made its way through a lane of traffic towards their taxi. The horse paused for a moment to nip at one of the honking cars, in a motion Kally could only interpret as flicking someone off: equestrian style.
That horse’s pause might have saved them.
The light was about to change when the stallion stepped alongside Pax’s window. Pax sheepishly waved back when Hazel motioned for him to roll his window down. She tapped her drawn cavalry sword against the glass.
Sam revved his engine and was about to shoot forward when another black stallion dropped from the sky into the crosswalk.
Ah New York¸ Kally thought, Known for the pigeon and pegasus problem.
This one also had two riders: a teenage boy with dark hair and a curly haired blonde girl.
“Pisaasu!” the driver swore. “Is that a flying horse?!”
Kally didn’t have the heart to tell him “yes—this is normal—Greek mythology is real—you should be as confused about your gods as I am.”
“I guess that’s it then,” Calex said. He swallowed.
Kally wondered what they did do with bad demigods. Hazel had mentioned some pretty nasty things back in Camp Jupiter. A tight knot formed in Kally’s stomach, telling her to get out of the car and see how long she could outrun a horse and pegasus for. Because, if they just sat here, they were trapped.
“Hey!” Percy shouted. “We just want to—”
Before he could finish his sentence, a red and black blur slammed into the black pegasus, knocking it out of their way and into oncoming traffic. Rainbow sparks exploded everywhere.
Kally gawked.
Approaching traffic came to a halt as Percy’s pegasus tried to stumble to its hooves. Percy and Annabeth were thrown clean off the pegasus, onto the pavement.
Another horse, with an ebony main and crimson fur, trotted backwards from the collision, shaking its head. There was a half-broken spiral of gold and silver on top of its head, spitting rainbow glitter everywhere.
“Vinyl!” Calex shouted in joy at seeing the unicorn. Then winced at seeing what damage it had done. Fortunately, Percy and Annabeth were slowly getting up.
Something small skittered out of Vinyl’s mane and dove towards Hazel’s horse. The horse seemed unimpressed until the small creature grew into a California Long-Tailed weasel the length of a van. A distinct patch of spotted, blond hair was on its back and a tinier weasel rode on its head. The monster lunged at Hazel’s stallion.
“Hunahpu! Xbalanque!” Pax cheered and sniffled back tears. “She’s—she’s okay! S-someone f-fixed her! Dude! Calex! We have animal reinforcements!”
Pax turned in his seat to high-five Calex, who obliged. Afterwards, he and Calex made faces, and quickly rubbed their hands off like they’d slapped an infected worm.
“Go!” Axel shouted at Sam.
Something slammed into the taxi-van, rocking the whole vehicle. Sam smashed the accelerator. They shot forward, as fast as the van’s engine could take them.
“Wow! Was that a unicorn? And a giant ferret?! Man, this is way better than studying for a final!” the driver cheered.
Kally was glad that was his reaction, as opposed to the sane reaction of, “WHAT WAS THAT?!” She twisted to look out the window, hoping everyone was okay. Horns blared from confused drivers From what she could see, a black and red blur disappeared down one of the roads, colliding occasionally with a brown one. Hunnie was nowhere to be seen. Percy, Annabeth, Frank, and Hazel were now on foot, though the black pegasus was still nearby.
An SUV paused to pick them up. It didn’t look like the Roman SUVs she’d seen before. This one had bones rimming the front windshield.
“Pull over here!” Axel shouted.
The driver swerved into a metered parking spot that had just opened.[2] He exhaled. “Wow! That was cool—here—” He fumbled in his pocket to withdraw a business card. “If you need any other rides—”
“Thanks! We’ll promise to almost get you killed again,” Pax said, snagging the card.
“Good luck with your stalker!” Sam shouted.
“Good luck with your exam!” Merry shouted back.
They scrambled out of the van. As soon as his feet touched the sidewalk, Axel spurred them forward. “Move! It’s just down this alley.”
“What is?” Euna asked.
A weird grin lit up Axel’s face. “The Horizontal Monster Mash.”[3]
The stench made Kally gag. As soon as they entered the alley, it became overbearing. Trash and cigarette butts littered the ground. Ahead of them, she could see some people lined up along the wall, waiting to get inside. Although Kally had never been in a club, this struck Kally as odd. It seemed too early for a club to be busy.
Ahead of them, there were two ionic columns on either side of a doorway, with neon blue and purple lights spiraling down. The sign above blinked HMM every few seconds, like the club’s heartbeat.
Merry stopped running. Calex had to whisk her up. “Wait—no—there are evil baddies in that line!” she shouted.
“I know!” Axel said. “Everyone stick close to Ajax and me. Do not go off on your own. Do not talk to anyone who tries to talk to you. Flip your shirts inside out. Let me do the talking.”
For some reason, Kally didn’t trust him when he said that. As she ran, she glanced down at her shirt, wondering why he’d suggested they undress and redress in the middle of New York City. She gulped. All of them had Camp Jupiter shirts on and were running into a den full of people that probably hated Camp Jupiter.
Merry was right about the “baddies”. There were monsters in the wait line. Now that Merry said it, everyone in that line was a monster or a ghost. One was reptilian. Another was half-phased out of a wall. Another stood over six and a half feet tall.
Though none of them were as tall as the eight foot bouncer tapping a clipboard in his hands. He was a Cyclops, wearing a biker jacket that must have been stolen off a statue of Sons of Anarchy.
Axel and Pax stripped off their shirts, flipped them inside out, and put them back on. When she glanced back, she saw Euna was struggling to do the same, not caring about flashing her green sports bra. Although difficult with Calex holding her, Merry fumbled with her shirt ends. Calex went bright red in the face and almost tripped.
With all their running and panic, Kally hadn’t realized how cold it was until she thought about taking off her shirt. Her chest burned with their constant sprint.
She swallowed. Out of all times for her priest’s and mom’s condemnations to ring in her ears, now was bad. Neither of them were here, and only God—the big G god—and whatever pervy Greek gods were watching, would know. And some monsters. And—
Suddenly, Pax dropped pace beside her. He took his shirt off again, and shoved it at her. “Put this on and take your shirt off under it—you owe me SO many drachma and Reese’s Sticks! Especially considering how badly I’d like to see your bra!”
“Thank you!” Kally gasped. She wanted to explain that the most revealing thing she’d ever worn was a one-piece swimsuit with a shirt over it, but now didn’t seem like the time.
She slipped his shirt on as they paused at the front of the line. Kally almost choked when she realized they’d cut all those grumbling monsters.  
“Hey, demigod pipsqueaks—” the Cyclops growled.
Axel waved a hand in front of his face, like he was batting a fly. As he did, the Mist dissolved, and she could see his jaguar ears and fangs.
Merry made a, “Uh-huh,” noise. Kally had to wonder if she or Calex remembered Axel’s features from Santiago’s temple. Both of them had been so out of it. Calex was a little too distracted to notice. He coughed, staring off to the side, especially when Merry nuzzled against his chest to hide the SPQR symbol there. With carrying her, he didn’t have a chance to change.
Kally finished fishing her own shirt out from under Pax’s, flipped it inside out, and put it back on, starting the process back over to give Pax back his shirt. Pax gave her one of his token devilish grins, making her wonder if she’d accidentally flashed him her bra. Then she blushed, trying to remember what bra she was wearing—not that it mattered.
The Cyclops dropped his clipboard upon seeing Axel’s features.
“I am Axel Pax, leader of the Triple A Chimera, the bearer of the Lion’s Head—”
Pax dashed up beside him. “Hey Clops! How’s the tiny Clops? Is he looking all cute and single-eyed?”
The Cyclops snatched a Pax brother up in each arm. For a terrified moment, Kally thought he was going to bash their heads together, but he laughed in excitement. “The guitarist for Orpheus Metal! And the drummer! You guys are so good! We haven’t had a concert as good as that one with the goats—”
Pax laughed gleefully. “Dude! I remember that one! It was so metal! Those babies flew!”
The monsters in line peered around to try to get a better look at the Pax brothers. Kally wished she could hide somewhere.
Calex grumbled, “That Orpheus Metal rubbish was real?”
Euna snorted.
Kally had heard songs of it from Pax, but she hadn’t put together that they would have a monster fan following.
The Cyclops set them down, then clapped his hands and shuffled from foot to foot.
“Yep, good times. Now, my friends and I need to get inside—” Axel tried to say, glancing at the alley entrance.
From what she could see, an SUV had pulled up where the taxivan had been.
“Not until you tell me when you’re having a reunion tour!” the Cyclops said and folded his arms.
Axel sighed and rubbed his temple with two fingers. “Our lead singer is dead.”
“Well, when he’s feeling better, you tell him that you need a reunion tour. Little Clops hasn’t seen you in concert,” the Cyclops sniffed.
Pax patted Clops’ huge arm. “Will do, Big Guy. We’ll get that message straight to Tartarus.”
Clops nodded happily, and side stepped to let them through. Axel paused, and pointed down the alley to the approaching Percy and gang. “Those guys aren’t with us.”
Merry’s eyes went wide, glancing around at the monsters standing in the alley. At first, Kally didn’t understand her concern, until she realized how it would look if they led the others down a dark alley to get attacked by waiting monsters.
“Wait—wait--this is a club right? Then they are with us!” Merry said.
Axel glowered. “Merry, we don’t have time—”
“Mr. Stoic,” she mimicked his serious tone. “If you can get all the monsters to cooperate with us, I can take out all the Heroes of Olympus.”
Kally gave her a bewildered look. “Merry, no offense, but you couldn’t take out a pillow.”
“Trust me. I just need you on the sound booth, I need about twenty Diet Cokes and a video camera to pay tribute to my dad—since I’ll need his help on this one, but he’ll want to help me—and I need everyone to do exactly as I say.”
Merry had that mad grin she sometimes got before she ruined one of the popular kids at school with a single stroke of wit.
“Let’s do it,” Kally decided. She almost flinched when Axel’s glare narrowed at her, but held firm. “Merry’s good at preventing fights by humiliating people,” she squeaked. She should definitely know.
Axel made a low growl. He glanced from Merry, to the club, to the approaching demigods. Kally could hear their footsteps now; they were so close.
“Fine,” he snarled. “Let them in. But this had better be good, Merry.”
Thanks for reading guys! :D we’re back at the HMM and I’m excited to see how Calex reacts to being hit on by monsters XD And to see how Frank creacts to that whole.. ear thing... >>’‘
[1] My friend just got ducklings, and I will say—though Pax is cuter than a baby panda—he is not cuter than a duckling. And apparently, Pax’s cuteness scale is vital to this book series.
[2] Out of all the impossible things in New York during this series—an open metered spot is the least believable.
[3] I apologize. For those of you who have read When the Stone Cracks, you’re going to see some descriptions and jokes reused. Since that short story is an AU, and written from the same point of view as this chapter, Kally is going to at least have some of the same thoughts. Though maybe a few less about how sexy Axel looks XD Ah, AUs purely created to make a friend’s ship happen….
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artificialqueens · 8 years
My Plus Ones- Chapter 4 (i think) trixya
AN: so split came out and reminded me that I was in fact the author of this fanfic. Oops. Anyway I started this so I’ll see it through because all the brilliant unfinished trixya makes me sad. One chapter left I think. Also I didn’t realise tw for cursing was a thing so sorry for forgetting in earlier chapters x
“Your mother’s right you know.”
Brian groaned, momentarily removing his pencil from the paper he was sketching on. What did she want?
“Right about what?” he sighed.
“Bri’s never going to be interested in a relationship with you. With us. I can’t believe that, even for a second, you actually entertained the idea. He doesn’t even like you. You know he just seems friendly and happy because you’re his little science project. His monkey that can dance. His guaranteed acceptance into the medical profession when he writes on his application that he has experience working with someone who has multiple personality disorder. You’re a gimmick. A case study is all.”
“You know what Brenda? Shut the fuck up.”
“You know I’m right. We’re completely unlovable and you know we are. He probably goes home and laughs at you and you’re pathetic attempts to be funny and flirt”
“YOU JUST CAN’T LET ME HAPPY CAN YOU?!” Brian shouted losing his temper.
“Brian?” his mother shouted up to him, rushing upstairs. She had experiences with Brian’s unpredictable shouting that she’d rather not relive. She appeared in the door frame of Brian’s room to find him quietly crying to himself. She rushed over and put an arm around him, subtly checking for any wounds or self-inflicted injury and-thankfully-finding none. She cradled his head with her other hand as he burrowed into her neck. She didn’t need to ask.
Brian successfully ignored Brenda and her sly comments for the rest of the week, like his mother had advised him. He didn’t need that negativity right now when he was actually doing ok. He’d got past a self-destructive phase in his life and might possibly be building a friendship with someone. Brenda was just being a bitch. As always.
Finally it was the day he got to see his only friend again! Yay! Not like Brian had been waiting all week (again) though. Of course not.
Turns out Bri had actually been serious last week when he talked about bringing his guitar, as when Brian walked into their little room, there he stood with it slung over his shoulders.
“Oh you have a fucking guitar?!”
“I told you!”
“Play me a song?” Brian said smiling sweetly and batting his eyelashes in a semi-joking fashion
“Well since you asked so nicely.”
And Bri proceeded to play. Waterloo by Abba. Turns out not only was Bri an excellent guitarist he could also really sing. Brian was mesmerized by his talent. He loudly joined in with the chorus knowing full well he was completely tuneless, yet it caused Bri to laugh so was that really a negative? After a few more requests (“DO WONDERWALL!”) and more poor attempts to join in from Brian, the session was nearly over.
“You are really talented Bri! God some people have all the luck.” Brian sighed thinking about how he had been hit by the unlucky stick quite a bit.
“Hey I’m sure there’s something you must be good at, right?”
“Well I do like to sketch.” Brian mused thinking of how art had always been his escape and way of documenting thought processes.
“Oh my god, you have to show me your drawings! This is when you bring in a sketchbook next week just filled entirely of portraits of me!” Bri laughed
Brian too started to laugh, that laugh where he flailed his arms around and wheezed. Because Brian was actually spot on. *sweats nervously*
“I think he’s on to us!” he managed to say in his old man voice, thinking he’d covered it up pretty well.
“I’m serious though I would love to see your art work.” Bri said this with sincerity and he stared at Brian intensely. Brian was almost made uncomfortable by how he genuinely seemed interested, how he genuinely cared.
“I’ll show you.” He said, without hesitation. Staring just as intently back.
The next week Brian had gathered up all his favourite pieces he’d ever done, and had even put work into new ones, just because Brian asked to see his work. His mother was pleased the man had such a positive influence over her son but it almost made her nervous knowing how much Brian cared for him. She didn’t want him to get hurt.
Bri was more than impressed. He gushed, he gagged and gasped at the pictures presented and it made Brian feel all fluffy inside
“Will you put them on the fridge mom?” he said grinning. Bri laughed
“Seriously, these are so good! You could go to art school!” he said suddenly. Brian pulled a face, was a pressurised environment really a good place for him? Or for Katya, Trish or Brenda? Not that he gave a fuck about how Brenda felt. Bitch.
“I don’t know…” was what he said in response. Bri shrugged and insisted he knew some great courses, with excellent teachers that he thought would really help Brian to excel should he change his mind. This was another thing that made Brian feel all fluffy, the fact that Bri wanted him to do well, wanted him to succeed and was willing to help him.
He wondered about Bri, was he always this nice and helpfulwith everyone? Or was this just maybe- just possibly- because he actually liked Brian? He knew Brenda would say he just wanted to see Brian succeed because it would make him look good, but Brenda never had positive things to say and Brian should really stop even considering her thoughts and opinions. He knew Katya and Trish were both rather fond of Brian, they both thought he was really cute, and were constantly flirting with the poor man. Not that Brian was any better himself. Bri seemed to flirt back? Did he? Brian didn’t know, was he just being friendly? He knew that Bri was gay. He had bluntly asked during their truths and lies game last week and Brian had responded with a simple “yes.” But his expression had said “of fucking course, obviously. Are you stupid?” He really just wanted to spend more time with the man. So daringly he suggested it.
“We should do something this week.” He said. Bri stared at him. “I mean meet up outside these little sessions, go somewhere together.”
“Oh…” Bri said hesitantly “listen I’m not sure that’s really…” Brian didn’t really hear the rest of the rejection. He wished he could eat his words and was already mentally kicking himself, and abusing himself verbally, for suggesting it. God Brenda was going to have a field day with this. Of course Bri didn’t want to hang out with the mentally insane man. Who the fuck would.
Brian walked out whilst Bri was mid-sentence.
He went straight to the car.
His mother tried to talk to him. She drove him home.
25 notes · View notes
euphemeria · 7 years
Eren Jaeger, Auror-extraordinaire—in-training though
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It was suppose to be like any other night after a day at the Ministry. Eren would finish late after being enslaved by his superior, so the darkest hours would be upon him when he stepped back onto the streets of Eldia. He’d make his way towards his cramped studio on the other side of town, too tired to apparate in case he found himself in some dank alleyway like the last time he attempted when exhaustion was upon him. However, when Eren caught a Dark Wizard’s trail half-way home, sleep and fatigue were far from his mind now.
Gypsy Wrimple had been on the run for awhile now, and Eren wasn’t talking about him tailing her from Maria back to Rose. Gypsy’s first crime could be dated back to several years ago when she first cursed her friend, Laylum, unsuccessfully. Investigations afterwards concluded that Gypsy was inexperienced in the dark arts and her intention to harm or kill was at most, hesitant. However, the deed had been done and Gypsy knew it herself. It would’ve been fine if her crimes ended there, at least her sentence might’ve been light, but over the years she partook in many dark arts activity that ranged from harming innocent muggles to killing Ministry members.
She couldn’t fly under the radar from the Auror’s anymore now.
“Damn.” Eren cursed softly, when he realized Gypsy knew she wasn’t alone anymore because of that split second where he heard her heels stutter longer than usual. So much for a surprise attack.
Gypsy moved quick. If Eren didn’t notice he was exposed, she might’ve harmed him significantly. However, he countered her spell successfully with a protego charm, evidently revealing himself to the Dark Witch.
“I was wondering when the Ministry would finally send their lackey’s to dig up my tracks, though, I’m surprised. I wasn’t expecting a confrontation.” Gypsy commented, her stance relaxed but wand ready in case Eren pulled any tricks.
Sad to say the least, he didn’t have any tricks up his sleeves. Eren was as unprepared as Gypsy was. He hadn’t meant to confront her. He knew she was on the Hit List, but didn’t plan on taking her down himself. Just a bit of spying and investigating to help the process along, really. Now, it looks like he got himself into an even deeper trouble than what he already had on his plate with the Ministry.
“For a criminal, you’re pretty lax about your surroundings.” Eren joked, implying how easy it was to track and trail her without her fakes.
Gypsy narrowed her dark orbs, not taking the comment amicably.
Eren saw her hand flick before the action probably even registered for Gypsy, dodging out of the attack successfully. “Teneo!” Eren’s wand released a force, enveloping Gypsy in it. The Dark Witch shrugged it off easily with a delicate motion from her wand hand.
“So straight-forward. How cute.” Gypsy laughed. That irked Eren. Granted that wasn’t the best spell to be using on a B-level Dark Wizard, but Eren needed her alive. The Ministry needed her alive. There was a high probability she had valuable information.
“However, you’re going to need more than that to catch me. Though, that’s if I don’t kill you first.” Gypsy continued, all pleasantries gone from her as her aura turned fierce. Gypsy moved like her name. All movements fluid and graceful. Her wand propelled spell after spell towards Eren, pushing the young wizard back further into the alleyway he followed her into as he struggled to keep up with her magical dueling prowess.
Eren tried to keep up with Gypsy, blocking any spells that ended up to close for comfort towards him and retaliating back with as much force when her attacks let up. He tried looking for any opening as they continued to share blows that neither landed nor broke any defenses. At this rate, Gypsy would tire him out first and then finish him in one move.
The spell was unexpected, forcing Eren to dive away and abandon his defensive position, leaving him wide open for a split second. However, it was enough time for Gypsy to strike, “Crucio!”
Eren attempted to brace himself, willing his body to remain defensive. He couldn’t resist for long though and was forced to drop his wand as he writhed on the cold pavement from the curse. The pain excruciating and taxing on his overworked mind and body.
“You know what’s different between you and me?” Gypsy inquired as she approached Eren’s thrashing form, contorting her wand hand to make Eren’s suffering greater. “Unlike you, who lacks the intent and resolve to kill, I have no trouble with either.”
Gypsy prepared to deliver the finishing blow, raising her wand in an intimidating fashion to stare upon Eren in a mocking manner. ‘Damn. Jean’s going to hate me for this,’ was Eren’s last thoughts before a strong invisible force erupted from around him, removing the curse on Eren, but sending a shock wave that not only blasted his opponent off her feet but the outer walls of the buildings encasing the alleyway.
Freed, Eren reached for his wand as quickly as he could given the damage Gypsy inflicted on him. Most of his wounds were minor scraps from tumbling on to the cement ground and groveling on it. They weren’t painful, or they didn’t feel like it at least, but Eren couldn’t be sure since the dust was obscuring his vision.
Before Eren could fully gather his bearings though, a light blue projectile cut through the cloud of broken rubble. Eren reflexively blocked the attack with a non-verbal shield. More magical missiles followed afterwards, forcing Eren to keep his shield up.
‘Damn. She has good aim.’ Eren noted. Most of Gypsy’s attacks were on point even as the dust hid him from her view. Eren didn’t know how long he could keep his shield up before she ambushed him again. He wasn’t confident that he could pull off another retaliation like that.
“Ventum maxima!” Eren exclaimed when Gypsy’s attacks stopped briefly, pointing his wand in front of him in a rigid motion to direct the air movement. The wind around him began to push forwards upon his command, clearing up the smoke from the broken rubble of the nearby buildings.
As soon as the smog cleared, a jagged emerald jet of light pierced through the clearing veil, coming straight for Eren. The young wizard responded to the attack instantaneously, sending his own jet of light to clash with Gypsy’s. The interlocking of their spells caused the surrounding area around them to once again fog up, but neither of them faltered as they held steady their clash of magic.
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“Containment and dispatch needed at Karanes District in Rose. Containment and dispatch needed at Karanes District in Rose.” The announcement was like a broken record across the Ministry as everyone rushed to their positions. Jean followed his Captain, Mitabi Jarnach, to fulfill their duties. As the Accidental Magic Reversal Squadron on-duty, they were responsible for the on-site repairs that were apparently needed according to the reports that came in.
“Tch. On my only overnight shift too.” Jean cursed, as he readily apparated to keep up with his squad. The travel wouldn’t be far with their apparition, but Karanes District was still a ways from Sheena. With the way Sheena’s architecture was built too, there would most likely be a lot of repairs. It was going to be a long night.
“Just in. Jaeger and Gypsy on-site, locked in battle.” Mitabi announced to his squadron after he stopped apparating to relay the incoming information. After the news, every one seemed to have grim looks. If Eren was involved, that meant twice the amount of work for Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.
“Fuckin’ Jaeger.” Jean quipped. Jean was going to make good on his promise about revoking Eren’s wand. The last time Jean had to clean up the auror’s mess, Jean got an earful from his captain and the head commander about doing something about his friend’s destructive tendencies. So, tonight, Jean was going to make it clear how far his friendship extended to fuck-ups on Eren’s part.
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As soon as the announcement finished sounding, Levi knew who was involved without any relaying information.
“I told that brat to go home and sleep.” Levi muttered angrily as he rushed out of the Ministry with Petra in toll.
“You know how Eren is, sir. Easily distracted and hardworking.” Petra commented lightheartedly.
Indeed. Unlike most auror’s who got into the job with perfect N.E.W.T’s and outstanding skills, Eren was especially referred into the department by the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry despite his poor N.E.W.T’s and mediocre skills. However, the kid made up for his shortcomings with dedication and passion. So Levi tolerates him, plus he likes the look in those eyes.
“We’re moving out, Petra.” Levi informed the hit wizard accompanying him to pick up their newest and troublesome member.
“Yes sir!” Petra replied, apparating seamlessly into the dark night of Eldia.
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Gypsy was surprised the kid could keep up with her, though not by much when it came down to skills and experience. She’ll commend him for his will and endurance, but he was still no match for her. The young wizard was all reflex and defensive, lacking any will to harm or turn the tide except for that one point when she had him writhing before her.
Albeit, the unseen force that propelled her away from his body and rendered her curse useless was unexpected since she had never heard or seen anything that could defend against the Cruciatus Curse, Gypsy quickly recovered from the recoil to finish off her opponent. No doubt the Ministry would be on there way soon after all that noise they made.
“Expulso!” Eren pointed his wand at Gypsy. His wand, sensing his fervor, directed its magic towards the Dark Witch with an intense light that nearly blinded her.
Gypsy was forced to dodge out of the way, unable to conjure a charm quick enough that would block such a tenacious attack. She recovered quickly from her evasion to spin around and meet Eren head to head in another sparking clash of magic that tested who could hold their ground better.
Unable to follow through with her intentions, Gypsy reluctantly decided that she would have to end the battle soon in order to evade capture from the Ministry. So with one small, but precise flick of her wand hand, she allowed herself to be impaled by Eren’s spell and in turn return the same favor to him.
Caught of guard from Gypsy’s bold move and the shock inflicted by her magic and his deep wounds, Eren carelessly allowed Gypsy to apparate before him. “Wait!” Eren called out in an attempt to follow her. Before he could chase after the Dark Witch though, a hand firmly stopped him by the shoulders. The weight of the painful grip was familiar and Eren gulped, turning slowly to face his superior, Head of Auror Levi Ackerman.
“Stop right there, brat, before you make any more trouble for me and our department.” Levi gritted out as he glared at Eren and squeezed his shoulder even more for emphasis. “Petra.” Levi called, still keeping eye contact with Eren.
“Yes sir!”
“Follow that witch.” Petra gave a sound of affirmative before departing in a whirl of apparating motion.
Levi’s stone cold stare never left Eren’s nervous ones as he addressed him with calculating contempt, “Care to explain what you’re doing here in Karanes causing mayhem instead of sleeping like I told you to in Shiganshima, where your bed is, which, is on the other side of Eldia?” Eren felt his superior’s grip tighten ever so slightly as he continued to question him.
“I’m bleeding out right now,” Eren replied hesitantly, “Sir.” Eren added the title hastily when he saw Levi’s brows twitch ever so slightly in regards to Eren’s impudence. “And I really was going home like I promised, but then the Gypsy herself, not her fakes, was there so I fol—”
The head auror kicked Eren’s legs to silence the brat’s ranting, sending him into a sputtering and ungraceful mess on the ground. “I’ve heard enough.” Levi concluded as he loomed dangerously over Eren’s bleeding form.
“I didn’t even plan on confronting her, honestly!” Eren continued, “I was just going to trail her for a bit, do a bit of intel gathering like you said I should consider before jumping head first into things. But then—”
“Precisely,” Levi interjected, voice hard and clear, “You jumped head first into this with using that empty head of yours to consider the situation and future prospective. So now, the rest of the ministry has to clean up the shit that you shat irresponsibly and uncontrollably.” Levi lost count of how many times he had to reprimand Eren about the most trivial and stupidest things. The auror-in-training tested his patience in so many ways, letting him bleed out a bit was no comparison to what Levi wanted to do to him right now and all other times.
“Magic Reversal Squad 2, reporting in!” Mitabi interrupted, the rest of his squadron right behind him. Eren groaned, surrendering himself to become like the broken asphalt underneath him.
“Jean Kirschtein of Magic Reversal Squad 2 present. Permission to proceed with Eren Jaeger.” Mitabi and Jean met Levi’s gaze. The three held a brief conversation with eyes alone, before Levi looked back down at Eren. “Permission denied. I’ll discipline the brat.” Mitabi and Jean looked to one another as Levi bent down to grab Eren’s shirt collar, “And I’ll make sure he can’t even walk for a month. I’ll apparate him home myself if I have to.” Levi threatened, eyes glinting like steel cobalt.
And, Eren was pretty sure Jean was going to find any seconds he could if Levi wasn’t done with him.
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The Eldian Ministry of Magic is located just outside of Sheena, within the Utopia district of Rose. The building itself isn’t the grandest of cathedrals, but rather modest in size and architecture. In the non-magic community, or non-Eldics, the cathedral is simply an event venue, but in reality hiding the Eldian magical headquarters underneath it.
Below the cathedral, the Eldian Ministry of Magic is divided into nine levels, each level housing an entire department of their own. The first level is the main entrance which comprises of a large atrium made to resemble a large ballroom in case a non-Eldic infiltrated their headquarters by accident. It was usually populated by many Eldics and Eldic securities so those that stumbled their way in were typically escorted effortlessly off the Ministry premises and obliviated.
To reach any other levels from the first level, a series of elevators can be accessed within the hidden walls of the atrium. Usually, one wouldn’t need to go far though, since the second level is the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. There isn’t a day the second level isn’t busy with magical business and activity since the Ministry’s most famous members were worked here, as well as their most recently acquired troublemaker, Eren Jaeger.
“What’s the damage?” Erwin finally asked, after stalling for as long as he could before the Head Commander of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, Dot Pixis, could start his speech he most likely prepared for this orderly Merlin question.
“Not his most greatest of feats, but Eren collapsed most of the buildings around that alleyway with a single retaliation. Luckily, no one was in the area with the Gypsy’s clever handling of the situation. The repairs took no longer than changing a toddler’s diaper, and at least we didn’t have to call in the Obliviators this time, but with how often Eren’s been getting himself into trouble, I’d like to consider a lock-down.” Pixis reported smoothly, handing the report to Mitabi after he finished so he could level Erwin with a serious look.
“Levi. Eren’s state, please.” Erwin sighed as he propped his forehead in his hand to look at the details of the reports Mitabi handed to him from Pixis.
“Tch. Bled for a good hour before we patched him up. By sunrise his wounds closed by themselves, and now I’m letting Jean have his way with him. Other than that, he’s as oblivious and dandy as a newborn that had his diaper changed.” Levi intoned bitterly in a mocking fashion at Pixis’ jab, somewhat sulking for having to be reprimanded when it wasn’t even his fault.
“And Hanji, any changes lately?” Erwin looked hopefully to Hanji, Head Commander of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and secretly the Department of Mysteries.
“Not on my end, no.” Hanji replied sadly.
Shortly before passing, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry specifically made a request for Eren Jaeger to be accepted as an auror despite his poor performance in his N.E.W.T’s and magical capabilities. The request detailed that it was Eren’s prophecy, but when Hanji attempted to confirm this, they could not locate any records of the prophecy the headmaster spoke of—Eren’s orb was evidently missing.
In fact, anything within the Department of Mystery related to Eren Jaeger was missing or destroyed. To say Hanji was furious when they found out was an understatement. They went on a rampage to re-order the entire department and Keith Shadis’ investigative team sent to help didn’t sleep for an entire week. Afterwards, Shadis swore never to allow a single one of his investigative members near the department of mysteries ever again because of that.
“As puzzling,” Erwin’s eyes flickered to Hanji, “and chaotic as all this is,” and between Pixis and Levi, “keeping Eren on lock down is probably the safest decision we can make at the moment. If he gets out of control or anything unpredictable happens, it could mean exposure and we cannot let that happen. I would prefer to avoid catching the attention of the Wizengamot too, if possible. Their involvement could cause a stir in the magical community.” Erwin concluded, gaze stern and serious.
“Indeed. Brat is a walking bomb just waiting to go off.” Levi commented off-offhandedly, signaling the end of the meeting as he got up from his chair.
Pixis and Hanji followed after Levi, prepared to return to their department duties. “Levi, wait.” Erwin commanded, stopping the shorter man from leaving.
The doors closing from Pixis and Hanji’s departure resounded in the spacious study. Now that they were alone, Erwin motioned for Levi to take a seat again, this time in front of his desk instead of the armchairs in the middle of the room. Levi complied without a word.
“Eren most likely won’t like the news, but—” Levi scoffed at the understatement, “but, make sure he follows it. The Gypsy has never let a target or witness live without some sort of consequence, so the fact that Eren survived will mean—
“That she’ll come looking for his blood. Yeah. I know. I’ve got Petra and Oluo on guard duty should that happen.” Levi finished for Erwin, already aware of the situation.
“Yes. I know I don’t have to tell you to break the news differently to Eren, but if he resists, restrain him if you have to.” Erwin instructed seriously, gaze dark.
Levi’s face remained impassive as the two shared a long look. “Am I dismissed now?” Levi deadpanned.
Erwin nodded without another look, returning to his paperwork.
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“You little shit!” Jean shouted before he attacked Eren, wrestling the auror-in-training.
“I told you I was sorry!” Eren exclaimed in defense, fending off the horse-face as best he could in his vulnerable position.
Level eight in The Eldian Ministry of Magic doesn’t have any significance since it lacks a department. However, for some reason it limited ones magical abilities so it is mostly used as an infirmary for the sick, injured, or recovering. And Eren was all three at this point.
“Enough, you two.” Mikasa interrupted as she pulled the two of them apart from one another. She fixed Jean with a stern look when she saw him try to dart forward again towards Eren, and that was enough to silence him. Eren smirked ever so slightly, but it lost its effect when Mikasa smacked him hard over the head. The impact was bruising enough that Eren literally felt a bump raise on the top of his head.
“And you, are suppose to stay out of trouble. At this rate, you’ll be put on lock down.” Mikasa reprimanded harshly, Jean long-forgotten now as she turned to face Eren fully, still dressed in her Hit Wizard uniform. She must’ve just finished a mission, or abandoned it if anything to come to Eren’s demise.
“It didn’t mean it to get out of control...” Eren muttered, eyebrows creasing in a sulking manner as his body turned away from Mikasa unconsciously to block out her nagging.
“Mikasa’s right, dumbass. My commander already requested your detainment.” Jean snickered.
Eren and Mikasa’s attention focused on Jean, “What?” they said in unison. Jean nonchalantly met both their gazes, “What? You both knew it was coming? It’s not like this is Eren’s first time. This is the seventh one this month, maybe even more if you count the times when he almost ousted the Ministry itself in its own headquarters.”
Jean’s evaluations weren’t off. However, lock down was only used in certain circumstances, particularly when the Ministry believed a wizard to be a criminal. Detaining him for information and trial usually followed afterwards. So for it to be used to contain someone’s instability was an unimaginable outcome, especially, considering Eren’s complicated circumstances.
“Kirschtein. Your commander wants to see you.” Levi’s interjected the trio’s conversation. Jean stood and saluted to Levi in acknowledgment, fist remaining over his heart until Levi allowed him to be at ease. Before departing, Jean glanced at Eren pitifully. Even though they didn’t particularly get along at Hogwarts and even more so now in the Ministry, Jean still wouldn’t wish lock down on his frenemy. Jean couldn’t imagine having his magic contained, reduced to a non-Eldic, that is, if the Ministry could even contain what Eren had.
Mikasa saluted Levi without being addressed, quick to leave before she was caught off-duty again. “Hit Wizard, Ackerman. Don’t make me report to your client about being off-duty again.” Levi threatened without fully acknowledging Mikasa. “Yes sir.” The ravenette replied tersely before striding out of the infirmary like Jean.
After Eren’s visitor’s left, Levi motioned non-verbally for a chair across the room to slide over next to Eren’s bed. As expected of the head of auror, even without words and under pressure from a magical force that restrained magic, Levi was still able to use magic with ease as if it was innate. Eren was somewhat envious.
“You heard Kirschtein, you’re on lock down as of now.” Levi informed bluntly as he crossed his arms comfortably like usual.
Eren’s hands tightened, clutching the blanket in a vice grip to contain his anger and disappointment at himself. “When?” The younger wizard uttered softly. He wanted to know when they would strip him of his magic, prepare himself to part with a piece of himself that had always been there since he was a little boy.
“Eren.” Levi whispered softly, as if telling a secret. Eren looked up from his lap, undivided attention given to his superior. “You already know there is nothing that can contain your magic. When we say lock down, we mean that we’ll be monitoring your every move, whereabouts, and magic.” The head auror explained, trying to give his pupil some sort of good news. When he saw Eren visibly relax, he jokingly added that if it was up to him though, he would’ve personally locomotor mortis Eren instead.
Eren blanched at the remark.
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The truth as to why the ninth level within the Eldian Ministry of Magic suppresses magic is partly due to the ninth level’s Department of Mysteries. Many of the chambers and enigmas in the Department of Mysteries causes an imbalance force to disrupt the flow and functioning of magic. Hanji liked to akin this analogy to something like God and the Devil being in the same room together. Their presence alone would spark unimaginable changes to that around them, so together they could have so much more influence.
The Department of Mysteries was precisely like that. Having such complex entities such as the brain, love, death, space and time in such close perimeters would obviously distort reality and physics. So luckily, the eighth level only suffered repercussions of magical distortion.
“Armin. What do you know about your friend, Eren Jaeger?” Hanji asked their assistant, Armin Arlert, childhood friend of their most recent study and fascination.
Armin was caught off guard by the question. Hanji asked a lot of personal and invasive questions, so this wasn’t anything new, but the fact that she almost always came back to Eren in some way sent alarm bells ringing in the blonde’s head.
“Eren?” Armin repeated nonchalantly as he continued to inspect the brains floating in the glass tank, scribbling down relevant notes every once in awhile when they spat out incomprehensible thoughts.
“Yes. Him. I heard he got himself into some trouble again.” Hanji replied as they rearranged the new brain jars she received last week.
Armin dropped his clipboard of notes in shock, “Again?!”
Hanji cackled uncontrollably at Armin’s reaction. The young boy was a great addition to her team in the Department of Mysteries. He made new discoveries and worked fervently with dedicated passion unrivaled by none by themself. However, because of that Armin didn’t get out a lot. He probably hadn’t left the department in days, which meant news tends to reached him last.
“He barely survived a battle with the Gypsy. But knowing Eren, he’s already healed by now. He was pretty torn up when I patched him up though. Rougher than usual.” Hanji explained to Armin as he made his way toward them.
“...That’s good, but, what do you want to know, Hanji?” Armin implored as he handed his notes to them. Hanji nodded in gratitude for Armin’s hard work, “As his childhood friend, you ever, notice anything? Eren’s has infinite magical powers, but he lacks the ability to utilize it properly. I’m wondering if it’s always been like that or maybe after he attempted to harness it.”
Now that was a serious question Armin never contemplated before.
Eren had always known magic since Armin could remember, but that was no surprise since he was the son of the renown Auror, Grisha Jaeger. Grisha could’ve easily taught Eren all those things he did as a child. There was nothing different about Eren that was speculative in any sense. Granted his best friend could focus his magic to a significant degree that he didn’t need wand, but that was it. That was all his magical prowess allowed him.
A wand is typically used as an instrument to amplify and channel one’s magic, and usually without one a witch or wizard was powerless. Magic could still be down without a wand, but it was very limited. However, there were those who could perform magic effortlessly without a wand, but there were very few records of selected individuals that accomplished this feat. Eren was the first to be recorded again in a century.
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TERMS Eldia: setting of the story, Paradis was too cliche Sheena: inner city Rose: middle city Karanes: eastern district located in Rose, least inhabited part of Rose Utopia: northern district located in Rose, known for its elaborate architecture Maria: outer city Shiganshina: southern district located in Maria, over-populated and diverse diffindo: to cut or sever, cuts the target protego: to protect, magically blocks spells and physical entities teneo: to contain, envelopes the target in a confined magical force field confringo: to destroy, magical explosion upon contact crucio: to torture, inflicts intense and excruciating pain upon the target ventum maxima: powerful wind, summons intense winds that can blow up to 120mph expulso: to expel, blows object up upon contact (usually sends a person flying instead of blowing them up) locomotor mortis: to kill off motion, binds targets legs together Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes: responsible for repairing accidental magical damage. Level Three. Accidental Magic Reversal Squad: involved in the reversal and repairal of magical accidents Department of Magical Law Enforcement: combination of police and justice facilities. Level Two. Auror: protects against those affiliated with the Dark Arts and those who practice them Hit Wizard: typically tasked with arresting dangerous criminals, job is less demanding and requires less qualifications than an Auror hit list: Dark Wizards or Witches who pose an extreme threat are added to the list, they are usually killed on site by Hit Wizards and Aurors unless stated otherwise A-level: Dark Wizards or Witches whose crimes are unforgivable and only punishable by death, extremely dangerous and not to be handled alone B-level: Wizards or Witches whose intentions are evil or unknown, dangerous and volatile C-level: Wizards or Witches have assisted in dark arts activity D-level: Wizards or Witches whose loyalties to the magical community are questionable Wizengamot: Legislative and Judicial branch of wizarding Eldia Department of Mysteries: carries out confidential research regarding particular enigmas (death, time, space, thought, and love) and stores copies of prophecies. Most of its operations are carried out in total secrecy from the general wizard populace. Level Nine. apparate: form of magical transportation typically used in the magical world N.E.W.T: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test Eldics: Eldian wizards and witches Non-Eldics: non-magical humans orderly merlin: play on words on Order of Merlin; to score an award with the Order of Merlin; equivalent to “award-winning” in the wizarding world
0 notes
A Monsters’ World
I’m Not Alone!!! Hey folks, I have this interesting relationship with my parents which I always thought was kinda hard to describe and I thought it was a unique type of hell, but it’s not. So I literally Googled “Why don’t my parents care about my interests?” and I didn’t actually expect much to come up but it turns out there are hundreds and thousands of other people who go through the following issue.
 You know when a small child is telling you about some fantasy world that they just made up and you just kinda dismiss it and tell them ‘cool’ just so they’ll leave? Well I’m sad to say I’ve done that and we probably all have. But This is one of the many ways my parents. If I ever talk about something that I care about they dismiss it or trivialize it. At the end of one of my sentences they just say “Anyways” and then move on and talk about something else, not even acknowledging me and they send a clear message that what I just said, what I care about, WHO I care about and that I, do not matter to them. My dad still thinks I play Call of Duty, after 4 years of not playing it. My parents couldn’t name one of my hobbies other than gaming and you’d have to ask them directly or else they’d never think to talk about me. I’ve eavesdropped on their conversations at church several times and they never mention me, because I’m not the success or the type of success they like. I am treated like that little kid who tells them something and they treat me as if everything I just said is utterly useless and worthless. I have straight up been told to “shut up” or “stop talking” because no one wanted to hear about something I thought was worth talking about. Next is something that really bugs me. We all want to spend our time doing things that we enjoy, things that bring us joy and things that we see value in, right? Well of course. However for me, if I am not making money or in school then what I am doing is “nothing”. What I am doing isn’t worth anyone’s time and I am simply being lazy or wasting my life. My parents insult my hobbies and my way of life, they hang on every mistake and insecurity and then they wonder, “Why don’t you like to spend time with us?”. Gee I wonder you crap sack! Maybe because you hate everything I do, think, say and like. Maybe because you make me feel invisible and worthless! If I wanted to feel invisible and worthless I’d go back to school where I was picked on and was made fun of because of my hobbies and beliefs but now you guys are the bullies you dicks!
 Oh man, I guess I just needed to blow off some steam… this is very therapeutic. Anyway it turns out that so many other people have this problem and it destroyed the bond and friendship between parents and their kids, especially mine. They likely haven’t noticed that they’ve done this and they probably don’t care. 99 percent of my encounters with a family member is bad and they put me down in one way or another. I’ve said this before in my blog but frankly this is my family bullying me to some extent. Also you may have noticed that earlier in this post I said that my parents don’t care about who I care about. So that means my girlfriend. They really don’t understand my feels for her or they don’t care about my feels for her. To them she’s just some girl that I call my girlfriend (though she’s so much more than that, I’m not a fan of that label despite being true). They treat it the way people do when a kid in grade 2 says they have a crush. They brush it off as if it’s nothing and will always be nothing. I hate it and unfortunately I have to pull teeth in order to use the car to see her because simply using it when no one else is, is somehow a burden on them. I was recently working on some art for my girlfriend and it was a nice pixel art piece that took it’s fair share of time and effort. My Sister walks behind me and looks at what I was making. She says “isn’t that a lot of work just for your girlfriend?”.... WHAT!? Wouldn’t you do it if you value someone that you are in a relationship with?! What the hell is wrong with you?! Of course it’s a lot of work but it’s worth it because that’s called ‘Caring’ you stupid human! However my sister wouldn’t understand, she has never cared about anyone but herself and that’s not an insult, that’s legit true. She doesn’t do things for her friends because she feels that they “don’t deserve it” and she’s never been in a relationship even though there is a perfectly nice guy out there who’s way too good for her and to her, who has had a crush on her for years now but she won’t think twice because… he sometimes has a casual beer. I mean I just bought my girlfriend wine because who the fuck cares about a causal alcoholic drink? (responsibly of course) We are Christians but it’s not wrong to drink alcohol, it’s wrong to get drunk. Anyway this guy has bent over backwards to please her and treat her special and she won’t even look at him because he’s not her textbook perfect guy that fits her requirements. Frankly I think he’s lucky because she’s toxic, evil and stupid anyway, he’s dodging a bullet. Anyway that was a bit off track. The point is, I am locked in this house like a dog, I’m expected to not talk or do anything that may inconvenience anyone (but they’re allowed to inconvenience me) and I am to just exist happily in my own little world where no one cares about me. I am just waiting for the day that they take me out back and put me down.
 Next would be how my hobbies, don’t count as hobbies because it’s not adult like enough or simply not something they like. For example over the span of my life they have attempted countless times to pull me away from video games and do… just about anything. Soccer, hockey, gymnastics, art’s and crafts (not even the good kind), biking, wall climbing. Anything! Now none of these things are bad, in fact I can enjoy any of those things I listed but they forced me. They said I have to pick one and I ended up trying all of them but it wasn’t videogames. I loved and still Love them, no doubt due to the lack of affection, acceptance and fun that my parents never showed me. Of course after awhile they just gave up, Now I hardly see them. I live from noon hour to 6am while they are either at work, asleep or watching tv. My parents are funny though, they think that popping their head through my door and saying good night is a good way to show they love me… awwwwww, isn’t that a cute little load of crap. Another thing is when they try and tell me what I like or what I think. Like what?! How do they know? Is it magic? They don’t know anything about me but yet they can tell me what is important to me and what think. Go die. The other day I was busy helping move things to the new house (we’re moving) and we were building counters for the new kitchen and when we were finished they were excited to get home and watch a movie and I said “no thanks, I’ve got work to do”. I had to work on my book, that piece of art for my girlfriend and I that I mentioned earlier and there’s a game that I want to finish before I go off to college. All of these things are work and mean alot to me but my brother just said, “No you don’t”. He assumed that what I was doing was worthless and a waste of time.
 Now this is not entirely my family’s fault… well there bad attitudes are. However my talents, skills and idea’s of fun are… generally frowned upon by people, especially people like my family. For example when someone is a good singer or dancer or musician or athlete people think “wow I wish I could do that” instead my hobbies and skills are “worthless” and people think “what a waste of time” or “you have too much time on your hands” or “get a life”.
 Lastly after more digging around on the internet this is a clear sign that my family is toxic and full of narcissists because apparently this is how they feed themselves. Inflicting this upon me as the weaker target makes them feel dominant and gives them a sense of power. They need this to feel secure. It sucks for me but it’s easy and nice for them because they are monsters living in a world where the monster is the good guy and the good guys always win.
 Anyway folks, I definitely feel better after writing this, though I now have more research that I want to do on this matter. Peace
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