#by this narrative youre pushing trying to paint this white feminism criticism as a leftist/internalized misogny thing
papirouge · 8 months
"Taylor swift porn deepfakes dropped and leftists are arguing it’s ok because she’s white and rich !! It doesn’t matter if she’s white and rich, because misogyny affects all of us uwu"
and yet, when brown Muslim Palestinian women struggling in their war torn country got displaced in camps and resorted to cut their tent because they didn't have menstrual products were PLEADING for help/attention, you remained quiet
...but yes, the discourse calling out the selective mobilization of western feminists who constantly cape for rich/White/Western celebrities while not displaying an ounce of this energy to speak up for women struggling & dying en masse in the biggest conflict in the world right now is just silly "leftism"
shut up. like, forever.
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