#by tllgrrl aka nefertifiri jones
tllgrrl · 10 months
Heart Beat: A SarahBucky Vampire AU - Chapter 2 - The Beautiful One is Coming, Pt 2 - by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
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Relationship: Cardiologist!Vampire* Sarah Wilson/Vampire!James “Bucky” Barnes
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Summary: By the time she walked into the trauma unit of the ER, the man’s blood pressure was so low it was almost as though he didn’t have a pulse.
There was, indeed, a lot of bruising, but…
(You. I‘ve seen you around…somewhere…)
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One of the ER’s trauma nurses met Sarah at the elevator, and on the walk to the scrub room filled her in.
”EMT report says possibly 4 floors. And it seems a dumpster in the service alley kind of broke his fall.”
”A dumpster? Jesus. He wasn’t impaled on something, was—?”
”No. Miscellaneous garbage.
Statement from a witness says he tried to climb out but he lost his footing, landed head first on the concrete, stood up, took a few steps, then collapsed.
So far, we’re seeing 2 fractured ribs. Left lung contusion. Ruptured spleen. Blunt force trauma to the heart. That could be the reason there are some issues with his BP.
Might also be due to internal bleeding. We’ve done some preliminary CTs and still doing the a more thorough assessment.
“Has he said anything, or tried to?”
“No. He seems semiconscious, but a fall from that height, there’s possible cranial laceration.
Let’s see… a fractured left tibia and left wrist. In addition to injuries from the fall, contusions on his body, along with the cuts and bruises on his face and hands, it looks like he was possibly in some kind of a fight leading up to the whole landing-in-a-dumpster-4-floors-below thing.”
“I swear to…who the hell is brawling up on a roof?”
”Apparently, this guy and somebody who was able to get away.”
By the time she walked into the trauma unit of the ER, the man’s blood pressure was so low it was almost as though he didn’t have a pulse.
He was banged up, and there was, indeed, a lot of bruising, but…
(You. I‘ve seen you around…somewhere…)
Keep reading on The AO3.
Chapter 1 - The Beautiful One is Coming, Pt. 1
Chapter 3 - The Beautiful One is Here
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*Not yet….
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Thanks for indulging me and coming along for this ride.
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