#by which I mean hes VERY distrusting of Wukong and his plan . and like he just so happens to be right but he was actually just talking shit
malikselfindulgence 10 months
Thething about Marek and Mei is they're so very attached that s3 feels like lethal to them . Mei leaving with no explanation after gaining the samadhi fire scares Marek half to death and makes him hysterical, she feels like Mei is just gone forever, which makes her more suspectible to LBD. Mei finding out Marek's soul was taken away by LBD from MK makes her doubt herself so much more- why did she have to be so weak and scared then? If she'd stayed would it have changed anything? Would she have been strong enough to keep Marek here, to keep him safe? They're insaneand I love them
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Chapter 18- Monkeying Around
It's been 5 days since Vex took MK to the mountain of flowers and fruit. Of course, neither of them knew of MK's previous business there.
The fall had really messed with the boy's head. He didn't remember much except his own powers. Vex didn't mind. He hoped it would stay that.
Outside of manipulation, Vex liked keeping an eye on MK better this way. He was less... rowdy. He was still pretty easily distracted, but that worked in the older man's favor too.
In Vex's mind, this boy was some weird kind of foreign formling with infinite forms.
And Vex wanted control over that.
It's not that he didn't do his research. "Journey to the West" is actually pretty popular in the never realm. That's why he knew about the mountain.
He just had no idea about the correlation between the boy and the book.
MK was asleep on the ground, surrounded by baby monkeys. The new fancy robes Vex had given him were quite warm, so that made him a good napping partner.
Though, neither of them knew why the monkeys of the mountain liked MK so much.
Vex sighed, approaching MK and nudging him with his foot. "Wake up. Be vigilant. If anybody invades, you have to be ready."
"Why can't you be ready?" MK retorted, lazily.
Riding on a cloud was Sun Wukong, with Zane flying a small aircraft.
The Monkey King was surprised when Zane zipped right past him, in the craft just large enough to hold one Nindroid, two of the world's weirdest minimum wage workers, and a pig demon man.
"How long did it take you to build that?" Wukong asked.
"Two days," Zane responded.
"Two days? Jeez..."
"I could do it in one, but I didn't have any help today."
The plan was simple.
Zane and the other 3 would stake out on top to look for MK. Harumi didn't really have the means for fighting at the moment, and Zane didn't trust her enough to do anything, so he had Aaron, who was currently unarmed, keep an eye on her.
Pigsy didn't really understand Zane's distrust, but went along with this.
Zane knew from what Wukong told him that Pigsy was someone MK deeply cared about. If anyone could help him see through Vex's lies, it was Pigsy.
Wukong's role was to track down Vex. Which didn't take very long.
Unfortunately, MK was right there with him.
"Step away from the kid," Wukong demanded sternly, hands on his hips like a disappointed parent.
Vex smirked, while MK raised an eyebrow.
"Who the donk are you?"
"Zane, why do you have so many weird vehicles? I saw like 30 in your garage."
"They're very marketable."
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unseelie-robynx 2 years
What鈥檚 Iron Fan鈥檚 relationship with Macaque like in the Tyrant Prince au? Because we know Wukong just wants to make Iron Fan forget about Red Son but I鈥檓 curious on how her relationship is like with Macaque because they have also been living under Wukong鈥檚 roof for some time.
So this relationship is interesting actually. Because there are two very distinct versions of it.
There's the version where PIF has had her memories of Red Son scrubbed out, and then lost her husband and she's had already been in a feedback loop of heartbreak and pain from Red Son being lost and losing DBK almost actually made things *better* because she at least had a reason to feel like her heart had been carved out. She was taken to FFM to live with SWK, as a way to heal and get over what happened (and because SWK felt so guilty, but DBK was almost gone with grief and rage at that point and it needed to happen). But that version of her is... quiet. She doesn't speak at all except to some of the baby monkeys, and the grief all but permeates off of her at all times.
That means, for her and Macaque, it's a sort of quiet companionship. I kind of went with the headcanon (And @vegalocity didn't stop me) that Princess Iron Fan and Macaque were closer than him and DBK, more of the fandom interpretation that she was kind of an (older?) sister to Macaque, where as DBK was more SWK's sworn brother instead. Subtly, but that would be the basis for that relationship.
So Macaque tries his best to help, but unlike SWK who expects PIF to eventually start to get better, (and side note, SWK doesn't expect PIF to forget about Red Son, he's actually been trying to get them to 'reconnect' because he assumes she disowned her son and that that's what all the 'I don't have any children' stuff she's said is about. Not that she's had her memory scrubbed and honestly belives she doesn't have any children), Macaque knows better, and knows that PIF had her memories gutted and so she can't 'get better'.
He worries about her, and he sometimes fears she might try to 'rejoin' DBK more permanently (which, MACAQUE knows that DBK is alive and in the rebellion, but he can't say anything, so it becomes extra stressful, as if it wasn't already) and he tries his best to take care of her and help her be at least a little ok, but the whole thing is a bit of a mass of pain.
But THEN our Tyrant Prince gets it into his head that maybe his perfect Wife who now has a*perfect baby sister to dote on (in the form of Shuyin, the cultist girl that Xiaojiao picks up that Vegalocity talks about a bit in THIS POST), deserves a perfect mama as well.
So this 'Mama', is sweet and simpering, overly doting on her 'babies', always knew that Red was an airheaded idiot (who was 'cursed' with a temper that needed to be cut out) and that both of her children had been given to her by a 'god' and that someday they were both meant to be owned by gods and to be given back to them.
In short, her personality is *yanked in the opposite direction, and while some of the real Princess Iron Fan comes out, she's now fully on board with Xiaotain and his plans, because she's been brainwashed to see him as a god, and to obey him without question.
Which means Macaque has lost yet another person that he cares about to Xiaotian's machination, and his home on FFM is even less safe. Because while SWK is only somewhat brainwashed and Macaque has to be carful to 'follow the script' around him, PIF is now completely brainwashed, and Xiaotian actually makes use of her to get Macaque out of the way for several important things. (Such as forcing SWK to tell him where some old stolen fruits are hidden away)
So Macauqe's new relationship with her is essentially one of heartbreak and distrust. Because he's lost his bond-sister, and not only that he now has to be so careful around her. Because she can use the winds and potentially learn things he doesn't want anyone to know with them, and so he doesn't get even a moment's reprieve anymore.
Which leads to bitterness.
Obviously, Macaque knows it's not PIF's fault, and that she's not willingly serving the Tyrant Prince, but the fact is she is and that's hard.
In the new dynamic, Macaque is bitter and on edge and heartbroken and guilty that he couldn't do more, but there really wasn't anything he could have done, because he hadn't realized what was happening or that Xiaotian had plans for PIF before it was too late.
Which, of course, is another thing he blames himself for
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