chopperisagoat · 4 years
Heart Fulfiller.
So, from the previous post I’ll express my excitement about chapter 996! I must state that I haven’t caught up with the manga (and idk still don’t want to) but this chapter is really exceptional.......... so okay, this post consist of chapter 996′s panels which make me so genuinely happy, of course through my personal preference and view, very subjective, I know. lol.
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To be very honest, I don’t know the detail of conflict happening in Onigashima, but on my knowledge (just based on tumblr dashboard and twitter timeline lol) the condition is heating up and somehow it looked like a battlefield. 
AAAAAAAAN TA-DA my daughter OTAMA and her pet is COMING!
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oh.........the chills when seeing this, my hair follicles were dancing, lol.
“We got a ride on the enemy ship” 
Not going to argue and theorize on whomst, just want to appreciate her, HELLO MY LITTLE BRAVE GIRL SAMURAI YOU ARE SO BRAVE MY LOVE, a golden and pure heart, She is coming, she is ready to help, she manage to get there, SHE!
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Okay, maybe another time I’ll make a post about my kind of attachment mine and cora were, but for the brief info; he has a special chamber in my heart. hehe. AND I’ve already expect that I’m not going to see him again until the end of One Piece, but BUT BUT ........996 is magical. HELLO, THERE, I LOVE YOU.
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WHUAAAAAT TRAFALGAR???????????????????
“You’re the only one I would tell this” and I’m like......... OK LAW OK I forgive what you did back then after Dressrosa when he said “leave me alone” to Robin LMAOOOOSDFASNFDF help that’s one of Law major turn off FOR ME, please it’s FOR ME, okay........ I wanna break both of his tibia at that time, I’m so salty like wtf law are u on your period, she’s just being nice lol. 
And I think this panel giving him another purpose, his own purpose. Okay Law so you have your own priority and agenda ok I’m rooting for you!
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HEHEHHE FINALLY they are coming hello hello love, oh also, the metals, lol please make this mesmerizing later dear animator I FUCKING BEG you. And I really love when those peeps addressing him as “Eustass Captain Kid” ….sounds very sexy??!! Or is it just me, ok that’s just me. 
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LOOK AT HIM, LOOK AT HIS umm scyhte and his flexible movement?!!!!! 
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Oh also, Kid always seeks Killer’s answer like, well everytime and KILLER ALWAYS SO SO SANE facing this mf red satan. What a smart and flexible boyfie<3 *cries*
“our enemy is the world’s strongest pirate, you can’t have too much”
oopsie, always so resourceful, so calculated, damn Killer.  *drools*
RIIIIIIIIGHT, okay, end of my ramblings; about what could make my heart racing so fast, from just a chapter, wow so this is the feeling how a chapter could make your heart beat faster, you feeling happier and fulfilled. Hardly cant wait for what’s coming up, really! hehe, anyway thank you for reading this crap if you do, I really appreciate it! 
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chopperisagoat · 4 years
Dissecting One Piece Scene #2
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The first question I’ve already answered here 
This is the answer for @chromatic-lamina​ ‘s question about the pressure of the Polar Tang submerging might affect if anesthesia or anything else was administered?  AAAAA interesting topic and question yes! Because at first, I thought there are some limitation for human body in submarine. 
Let’s take a look, this is Polar Tang. 
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Heart Pirates’ Submarine, very interesting, because as we know the only submarine in One Piece world that revealed I suppose? Please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m open to any discussion! To know more about Polar Tang’s terminology and meanings @tackyink​ already explained it very clearly and splendid on her post here. 
First and foremost this is the design of the submarine: 
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Sub has an outer hull and a pressure hull. The hull of the sub creates a pressure container, so the outside pressure doesn't affect the inside pressure. 
By these facts I personally think that there's no problem for the administration of the medication/anesthesia in the submarine while submerging. 
Submarine usually submerged in the water for 2-3 months with crew in it. 
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Luffy and Jinbe’s medication (such as oxygen for premedication before operation can be administered without problem in Polar Tang). 
Another interesting facts I found when I did my research, they usually don't operate in the submarine because there is no enough room for operation and equipments for operation, you can watch the video about submarine medicine by Captain, Raymond Woolrich, here: 
Once again, thank you HS @chromatic-lamina​ for such interesting question. If you guys  want to read more about submarine structures this article might help. I open to any kind of correction and discussion, my askbox and message are always open. Have a great day and please stay safe everyone!
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