#bye bye skid and pump /j
thebackroomshost · 1 year
More crack Bob headcanons- Yippiee
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Oh hell yeah! ROUND UH.....three!!! 
Reminder that these are headcanons and aren’t meant to take seriously! :) Everyone has their own headcanons and chose to believe what they want for a character!
Anyway! Enjoy these silly headcanons! ^^
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- Gets distracted rather easily- like bro can be about to murder someone and then whoop- WHAO CANDY!! NOMNOMNOMNOM
- Sure he has a sweet tooth for candy but- he despies smarties (he has seen and witness middle schooler snoot that shit up like its cocaine
- Big fan of rock music. Like when he was in middle school, dawg was the emo band kid IT SHOWS CAUSE HE STILL WEARS EYELINER AND SHIT
- Yes guys- ik he tried to murder Skid and Pump, but despite that, they are his favorites. Don't care if they have parents already. He is their adoptive father
- Clearly doesn't know how friendship works (I am so sorry John and Kasin
- He's like a cat, will run off on all fours if you threaten him with a lemon.    That shit gave him ptsd/j
- Hates brats honestly- if the parent hasn't taught them better, he'll do it himself
- Used to have pet wolves but got them taken away when he went to funni jail- appearntly shotgun has them/j
- Tea. Tea calms the nerves. Y u m
- Can't help to speak what's on his mind. Like, will say the most unhinged thing "If i were to stab myself and it hurts..does that mean i'm weak.." "I realized that my tail is strong enough to strangle someone to death"
- BACK TO HIM BEING A BAND BOI. 100% played the guitar. Still has it- probably can still play it
- Used to have blond hair but dyed it black/hj
- Ah yes. He has a doctor degree...i wonder if he uses it for good....He's banned from most hospitals ...He uses it for good....right Bob....
- ....His favorite rock bands was "Lynyrd Skynyrd"...
- Messy organized. Don't move shit in his room >:( it's organized the way his brain wants it to be
- ................possible fear of cars   w tf
- "Why so serious? Put a SMILE on that FACE of YOURS" "Smile, because it confuses people. That'll never know yer next move"
-  100% had longer hair as a kid. Why was he such a band kid
- Every person he has killed, the names of them were written down in a book and how he killed them, where they were killed, born, history etc
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crossover-enthusiast · 6 months
Lmaoo yeah
It'd be funny if Skid and Pump apologize to Kevin, but not even for most of their antics that caused him trouble in the episode—just things that weren't really even bothering him like not greeting him properly when they came to visit him that night because they were too excited to get the candy cans. Or just forgetting to say bye to him when they visited him the other day. /j
Pfff, yeah they absolutely WOULD do that
It's the thought that counts, at least?
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chronicfangirling · 7 years
Truth in a soju bottle
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Pairing: Jin x Reader (feat. maknae line) Genre: Fluff, a bit of crack Words: 2385 Requested by: @btstrashuniverse
hii omg i love your works so much ajsbhdvdbddb😍😍. can i have a fluff where jin is like your longtime friend and you accidentally confessed ur feelings to him when you were drunk at a party(he was sober), then the next day he confronted you about it and you got all embarrassed but he confessed his longtime feelings back ? thankieww😅
A/N: I know it took forever, but this is probably one of the faster turnaround times I’m hella slow because Jin is the one true love of my life, bye.
"Helloooo, my handsome and charming friend," you slurred, sidling up to Jin when he finally stepped off the club's dance floor, with a too-bright smile on your face and your entire body feeling too warm. You were positively burning when he gazed down at you with beaming, half-moon eyes that seemed to be deliberately enticing. He was even more handsome than usual, in a fancy shirt and sleek pants that were tailored for his tall, lean figure. You giggled, daydreaming that you two were in a couple look: him with his lace-trimmed shirt and you in your snow-white lace dress.
"Hello, my sweet and beautiful friend," he chuckled. "Hmm... that I can see your dimpled smile, means you're not angry after all. I was worried when you flounced away with Jungkook while I was dancing with Hanui."
"I was angry!" You emphasized your declaration with a slap on his chest, but you missed and nearly tripped over your sparkly high-heels, only to be saved by Jin catching you around the waist. "Oops... but I can never stay mad at you, you know that."
Jin and his group didn't usually invite non-industry friends to their after-parties, but this one was a big enough celebration that the kids had invited you. Jin hadn't seemed too keen about it then, and you wondered if he had known that you'd be jealous of all the tall, beautiful women shimmying up to him the whole night. You pouted, even as you clung to his arm.
"You're such a clumsy drunk." he tutted, steadying you on your feet and brushing a stray lock of hair off your face. "What am I to do with you?"
Fluttering your lashes at him, you traced the lapels of his suit with an unsteady finger. "Ahh... just hang me off those strong shoulders of yours to keep me safe."
"If you're trying to flirt with me, you're doing a terrible job of it." He shook his head at you, then nodded at a group of people, mostly women, as they approached him. You scowled over your shoulder and hissed like a cat--or a tiger, judging by how they detoured and went for the dance floor instead.
"I know I'm bad at it!" you yelled. Then you slouched and pouted. "I guess that's why you don't love me like I love you."
Jin gaped at you. "W-What?"
Louder this time, you repeated: "I said you don't love--"
He waved your words off. "On second thought, no, not like this, I don't want to hear it."
"But I want to confess!" Stepping closer to him when he retreated, you gazed up at him and said: "Jinnie... I've loved you almost as soon as I met you..."
"Don't say anything more, Y/N." he said, his voice firm. "We'll talk in the morning."
"Jinnie, please... listen to me!" you pleaded, clinging unto his jacket and standing on your tiptoes. You fixated on his cherry-red, plump lips and saw him gulp.
"Nonononono, noona, noona, Y/N-noona!" Jungkook ran up behind you to seize you by the waist and pry you off a stunned Jin. "Don't do something you're going to regret!"
"She already did." Jin shook his head and reached over to brush the tears forming upon your eyelashes but you slapped his hand away.
"If you're not going to love me, then I'll just hate you!" you wailed. You raised a fist to hit those infuriatingly broad shoulders of his, but Jungkook yelped and tossed you on his shoulder before you could do anything. Jin shrugged off his jacket and threw it over the skirt of your dress. "Put me down, Jeon Jungkook!"
"No more soju cocktails for you," Jungkook scolded.
Jin sighed. "Why did you let her drink so much? You know she can only take two and a half bottles of soju, and she overestimates her tolerance when faced with cocktails."
"No, I don't. You're the only one who knows those things about her, hyung." You could hear the grin in Jungkook's voice.
"Stop acting so familiar if you're not going to love me back, Kim Seokjin!" Snarling, you slapped Jungkook's back. He didn't even flinch and you kicked out your legs in frustration.
"Yeah, yeah... I'll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N," Jin said. You heard the clink of car keys. "Make sure she gets home safe, Jungkookie. Put her down quickly, being upside-down will make her throw up."
The last thing you remembered was Jungkook stowing you in the backseat of Jin's car with a cooing Jimin, who was gushing over how cute you were while drunk, while Taehyung sniggered from the passenger seat and took videos of you as blackmail material.
"Stop this car!" you ordered. You saw Jungkook roll his eyes; he wasn't even seated in the driver's seat yet. "I'm not done with your hyung yet."
"Well, he's done with you for now." He looked you straight in your bleary eyes. "You're going to thank me tomorrow for this."
"You're using me as an excuse to leave and play games," you pointed out.
Jungkook shrugged, not denying the accusation, and swiped at Taehyung's shoulder twice to stop him from taking more videos, before taking off towards your apartment.
You woke up the next day with a shriek. The sour taste of overdrinking was still in your mouth and your head fogged with a hangover, but your clingy, drunken confession rang in your mind. "I've ruined everything!" you moaned, rolling yourself into blanket sushi until you fell off your bed with a thud. "Ow! But maybe... maybe it was all a dream. Because how many times have I fantasized about confessing to Jinnie, huh...?" Your tentative smile wilted into a frown. "But if it was all in my head, wouldn't it have gone over well? Instead of Jinnie saying he didn't want to hear it..." Rolling so you were facedown on the floor, you cried: "Noooo! Now Jinnie won't even be my friend anymore." You remembered Jungkook pulling you out of that party before you became an even bigger embarrassment to Jin and groaned. "Yeah... Kim Seokjin is 100% done with me."
Your phone beeped with two consecutive messages and you flailed your arms and legs until you untangled yourself from the blanket in a breathless heap. You giggled unconsciously upon seeing Jin's name, but broke into a sob mid-way as you read the messages.
'Y/N, we need to talk about last night.'
'I'll be there at noon.'
Fifteen minutes to go. Scrambling to your feet, you tossed off your dress, snatched your comfiest pair of leggings and an oversized cashmere sweater, and started to brush your teeth, all at the same time. With your mouth full of toothpaste foam, you checked your phone again when it beeped for a third time.
'And don't you dare avoid me.'
"Don't you dare tell me what to do, you're not my boyfriend, Kim Seokjin!" you spluttered, wincing when you sprayed foam on your bathroom mirror. You started to clean it up when you dropped the paper towel with a squeak--Jin was coming in a few minutes.
You dressed, slipped into a pair of ballet flats, and tucked your hair into a messy bun, doing a double-take at your neat living room, with only your games arranged out of order and an errant Cheeto on the table as evidence that Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook had been playing there while you slept. "Such good kids... too bad I'll have to avoid them while I avoid their hyung." You rushed out the door with only a couple of minutes to spare.
You tried to sneak out the back door of your apartment building, only to duck away when you found Jin striding through it. You sniffed; for all his refusal to love you, he sure knew you too well. You tiptoed out of the front entrance and made a break for the convenience store--between stressing over Jin and your hangover, you had a very urgent need for food.
Munching on your second triangle kimbap as you filled a basket with snacks, you walked to the cashier, only to realize the worst. "I don't have my wallet!" you exclaimed. The highschooler at the counter had just finished bagging your purchases and gave you a withering stare; you weren't on familiar terms even though she had been working at the store for a while. Before you could attempt to reason with her, a large hand placed a couple of bills on the counter.
"I'll pay for these."
The highschooler gasped at the person standing behind you, while you gasped at the familiar voice and glanced up to see Kim Seokjin winking down at you. "J-J-Jinnie!"
He looked extremely comfortable in a large hoodie and worn jeans, and you had to resist the urge to throw yourself upon him. "Did you honestly think I wouldn't know that this is the first place a hungry and hungover Y/N would go to?" he snickered.
You glared at him, but instead of retorting, you pushed him towards the student, chirping: "Of course you know BTS, right?" When she squealed and grasped at his arm, you grabbed the bag of snacks and ran to the backdoor of the store.
You heard Jin shouting: "Don't let her escape!"
Taehyung appeared to block your path and you skidded to a stop; he wriggled his fingers menacingly and his eyes flashed. "You're not getting away, Y/N-noona!"
"Shut up, Taetae!" you growled, turning the corner only to find Jimin chuckling. "Chimchim, please?"
"Noona, please?" he blinked in that too-cute manner of his. "Please cooperate."
With a huff, you tossed the plastic bag at him, making him yell in surprise and giving yourself the time to run down the right-hand aisle. "Yes!" you pumped your fist when you spied the main door. Sprinting the last couple of meters, you squeaked when Jungkook rushed out of nowhere. Unable to stop your momentum, you crashed against him, stumbling with dizziness from the impact.
Your favorite kid caught you by the shoulders and grinned. "Game over, noona."
You glared at him. "This is betraya--ahhh!"
Jungkook whirled you around and shoved you right into Jin's waiting arms. Despite yourself, you blushed at the sensation of Jin's arms wrapped around your body and his chest pressed against your cheek. Enjoying it a couple of seconds too long, you struggled to extricate yourself from his embrace. "Let me go, Kim Seokjin!" You glowered up at him.
"No. Not until you listen to my answer."
You felt your face fall and you struggled even harder. "Let me go, Jin! I--I don't want to hear it!"
He said, in a low, soothing voice: "Y/N calm down, I only wanted to say--"
"Stop!" you cried, his handsome face blurring as your eyes filled with tears. "Why do I have to hear it? Do I need to know why you don't love me? Just... just..."
"... Why are you assuming that's what I'll say?" He carefully rolled down his right sleeve and used the inner cuff to dab at your tears.
His gentle gesture only made you sob more. "Because you didn't even want to hear my confession!"
"Y/N..." he unwound his arms, but before you could run again, his hands held your face. He bent down and his lips muffled your gasp of surprise with a kiss. Your questioning cry turned to a moan as one of his arms snaked around your waist and drew you closer, tipping your head back.
"Jinnie..." you murmured when he released you from that breathtaking kiss. "That doesn't feel like a rejection."
"Because it isn't, my princess. I love you." He wiped away the remnants of your tears. "It wasn't at first sight, or second sight--it happened so gradually that loving you became as natural as breathing and I didn't realize it for a long time... and when I did, I didn't know how to tell you." He caressed your cheek and you instinctively leaned into his touch. "I'm sorry you ended up saying it first. But I do love you. I'm in love with you."
You took a deep breath, trying to process his words. "But last night, you said..."
"I said I didn't want to hear it... because you were drunk," he explained. "I wanted you to say you love me with a clear mind, rather than because of drunken impulse. I wanted you to remember my answer and not lose it in a drunken haze. And I... needed to have the kids to take you home, because how will I ever resist your drunken advances after you attacked my heart with that confession? Kissing you in that state would have been too dangerous." His eyes glinted knowingly at that and you blushed.
"Weren't you embarrassed by how I acted last night?" you asked in a small voice, your voice getting smaller as you added: "You didn't even want me to come in the first place..."
"I was a little embarrassed, how could I not be flustered when you made it too obvious to everyone how much you wanted me all to yourself?" he teased, and your blush grew hotter. "As for not wanting you there... it turns out, you're not the only one who can get jealous. Maybe I didn't like the idea of you being around so many other good-looking guys--not that any of them could match up to my handsomeness."
"Jinnie..." You tugged him down by the hood of his hoodie and kissed him. He quickly deepened the kiss, gathering you in his arms and lifting you off your feet. You were twining your arms around his neck when you heard a pointed cough. With plenty of reluctance, the two of you drew apart, and realized that Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were gawking at you, their cheeks flushed.
"Excuse us, dearest noona and hyung," Jimin said sweetly. "This is very nice and all..."
"We're, um, glad, r-r-really you two finally--at last--after a long time, very, very long--admitted your feelings..." Taehyung stammered.
"But can we go now and not see..?" Jungkook motioned towards the general direction of Jin's lips, then towards the general direction of your lips.
"Yes, thank you." Jin's polite smile evolved into a smirk and he pulled you closer again. "And I'd also thank you three not to hang around so much your dear Y/N-noona's apartment because you'll definitely see a lot more of this."
"Now you're just bragging, hyung," Jungkook grumbled. The three of them shuffled out the store, filching the snacks that you picked and Jin paid for.
"We should go too," you suggested. The two of you glanced at the cashier, where the highschooler was watching with eyes as wide as saucers, phone pointed at the two of you.
Jin tucked you under his arm and walked you out the store. "We should head for your apartment. I brought ingredients for kimchi jjigae for that hangover, since you don't like haejangguk."
"Pork belly?"
"Your mom's kimchi?"
"Of course, my princess."
You sighed happily, nuzzling against his hoodie. "You know I love you, right?"
"I do now." He lifted your chin and swooped down for a kiss. "And from now on, I'll constantly let you know how much I love you, my beloved Y/N."
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