#byler fanction
smoosnoom · 2 years
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transmascwillbyers · 2 years
Question for everyone who follows me at least partially for fanfics- would any of you be interested in me writing a longer byler fanfic with multiple chapters and story arcs? I feel like it could be really fun, but I have some other projects that I'm working on and I don't know whether or not I'd get sidetracked or something. Plus, I have kind of a small following atm, so I don't really know if anyone would want to read it. I know this is kind of rambly, but I've been thinking a lot so do any of y'all have some advice?
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smoosnoom · 2 years
“Do you want to go home?” He questions, leaning close and voice soft, and Will pauses, before nodding again. Mike lets out a breath, and lets his hand press against Will a little more firmly when he starts to sway in place again. “Okay, let’s go.”
Then he looks up and is met with smug faces, and Mike flushes when he realizes his own hypocrisy.
“I don’t talk like that,” Max recalls, voice high-pitched and overly girly and – Mike definitely doesn’t talk like that.
According to everyone in his life, Mike has a voice reserved just for Will. He tries to figure out what that says about him.
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