pikany · 1 year
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the qsmp is my new house
#qsmpfanart #roierfanart #SLIMECICLE #luzufanart #spreenfanart #foolish #quackityfanart #missasinfoniafanart #vegetta777fanart #marianafanart #FitMCfanart #jaidenfanart #badboyhalofanart #wilburfanart #philzafanart
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thinkingimages · 2 years
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On February 17, 1904, Giacomo Puccini premiered what is now considered one of the greatest operas of all time at the renowned La Scala opera house in Milan: Madama Butterfly. Interestingly, while Puccini felt throughout his life that it was among his best works, his first version of Madama Butterfly was famously a fiasco; he revised and re-premiered on May 28th of that year with the version we know and love today. On the anniversary of the work’s release, 115 years later, CR remembers the tragic origins of Madama Butterfly and how it influenced one of the most storied Parisian fashion houses of all time.
Based on the short story “Madam Butterfly” by John Luther Long, the subsequent play it inspired by David Belasco, and, arguably, the novel Madame Chrysanthème byPierre Loti, Puccini’s Madama Butterfly follows the story of the cavalier Benjamin Franklin Pinkerton, a U.S. naval officer stationed in Japan, who marries a former geisha, Cio-Cio San. He obtains a 999-year lease on a house in Nagasaki harbor and places her there, able to end both the lease and the marriage with a month’s notice. Shortly after they wed, Pinkerton abandons Cio-Cio San, only to return three years later with an American wife. When Cio-Cio San learns Pinkerton wants to take the son he fathered with her back to America, Cio-Cio San ends her life. It is a heart-wrenching tale of love and betrayal that has inspired countless art forms since its premieres in 1904, like plays (including M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang, which comments on the gender and racial inequities in the original story), film, and, of course, fashion...
cr fashion book
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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Chevalier de Saint-Georges
Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-Georges(December 25, 1745 – June 10, 1799), was a FrenchCreolevirtuoso violinist and composer, who was conductor of the leading symphony orchestra in Paris.
Saint-Georges was born in the then French colony ofGuadeloupe, the son of Georges de Bologne Saint-Georges, a wealthy married planter, and an enslaved African woman named Nanon. At the age of seven he was taken to France, and at the age of thirteen educated asgendarmeto the King. He received music lessons from François-Joseph Gossec and likely violin lessons from Jean-Marie Leclair, while continuing to study fencing.
In 1764 Antonio Lolli dedicated two concertos to Saint-Georges. In 1769 he joined a new symphony orchestra; two years later he was appointed concert master and soon started composing. In 1773 he was appointed conductor of "Le Concert des Amateurs". In 1775 he introduced the symphonie concertante, using the possibilities offered by a newbow. In 1776 he was proposed as the next conductor of the Paris Opera, but was subsequently denied this role by a petition by the divas of the time to the Queen. This then put an end to any aspirations that Saint-Georges had to becoming the music director of the institution. In 1778 he lived for 2.5 months next to Mozart in the Chaussee d'Antinand stopped composing instrumental works in 1785. He knew many composers, including Salieri,Gossec,Gretry,Mozart and Gluck. He commissioned and performed the Paris Symphonies by Haydn and travelled to London where he met with the Prince of Wales and George IIIin 1787.
Following the 1789 outbreak of the French Revolution, the younger Saint-Georges served as a colonel of the Légion St.-Georges(established in 1792), the first all-African regiment in Europe, fighting on the side of the French First Republic. Today the Chevalier de Saint-Georges is best remembered as the first well-known classical composer of African ancestry. He composed numerous string quartets and other instrumental pieces, violin concertos as well as operas. Ludwig van Beethoven held his music and his views very highly.
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Joseph Bologne was born in Baillif, Basse-Terre as the son of a planter and former councilor at the parliament of Metz, Georges de Bologne Saint-Georges (1711–1774) and Nanon, his wife's 16-year-old enslaved African servant of Senegalese origin, who served as her personal maid. Bologne was legally married to Elisabeth Mérican (1722–1801) but acknowledged his son by Nanon and gave him his surname
Starting in the 17th century, a Code Noir had been law in France and its colonial possessions. On April 5, 1762, King Louis XV decreed that "Nègres et gens de couleur" (Africans and people of color) must register with the clerk of the Admiralty within two months. Many leading Enlightenment thinkers like Voltaire argued that Africans and their descendants were inferior to White Europeans. These laws and racist attitudes towards mixed-race people made it impossible for Joseph Bologne to marry anybody at his level of society, though he did have at least one serious romantic relationship.
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Musical life and career
François-Joseph Gossec
Nothing is known about Saint-Georges' early musical training. Given his prodigious technique as an adult, Saint-Georges must have practiced the violin seriously as a child. There has been no documentation found of him as a musician before 1764, when violinistAntonio Lollicomposed two concertos, Op. 2, for him,[note 1]and 1766, when composerFrançois-Joseph Gossecdedicated a set of six string trios, Op. 9,to Saint Georges. Lolli may have worked with Bologne on his violin technique and Gossec on compositions.
(Beauvoir's novel says that "Platon", a fictional whip-toting slave commander onSaint-Domingue, "taught little Saint-Georges" the violin.[note 2])
Historians have discountedFrançois-Joseph Fétis' claim that Saint-Georges studied violin withJean-Marie Leclair. Some of his technique was said to reveal influence byPierre Gaviniès. Other composers who later dedicated works to Saint-Georges wereCarl Stamitzin 1770, and Avolio in 1778.
In 1769, the Parisian public was amazed to see Saint-Georges, the great fencer, playing as a violinist in Gossec's new orchestra,Le Concert des Amateurs. Four years later he became its concertmaster/conductor. In 1772 Saint-Georges created a sensation with his debut as a soloist, playing his first two violin concertos, Op. II, with Gossec conducting the orchestra. "These concertos were performed last winter at a concert of theAmateursby the author himself, who received great applause as much for their performance as for their composition." According to another source, "The celebrated Saint-Georges,mulatto fencer [and] violinist, created a sensation in Paris ... [when] two years later ... at theConcert Spirituel, he was appreciated not as much for his compositions as for his performances, enrapturing especially the feminine members of his audience."
Young Saint-Georges in 1768, aged 22. The three roses on his lapel were a Masonic symbol.
Saint-Georges's first compositions, Op. I, were a set of six string quartets, among the first in France, published by famed French publisher, composer, and teacherAntoine Bailleux. They were inspired byHaydn's earliest quartets, brought from Vienna by Baron Bagge. Saint-Georges wrote two more sets of six string quartets, threeforte-pianoand violin sonatas, a sonata for harp and flute, and six violin duets. The music for three other known compositions was lost: a cello sonata, performed in Lille in 1792, a concerto for clarinet, and one for bassoon.
Saint-Georges wrote twelve additional violin concertos, two symphonies, and eightsymphonie-concertantes, a new, intrinsically Parisian genre of which he was one of the chief exponents. He wrote his instrumental works over a short span of time, and they were published between 1771 and 1779. He also wrote sixopéras comiquesand a number of songs in manuscript.
In 1773, when Gossec took over the direction of the prestigiousConcert Spirituel, he designated Saint-Georges as his successor as director of theConcert des Amateurs. After fewer than two years under the younger man's direction, the group was described[by whom?]as "Performing with great precision and delicate nuances [and] became the best orchestra for symphonies in Paris, and perhaps in all of Europe."
Palais de Soubise, venue of Saint-Georges' orchestra
In 1781, Saint Georges'sConcert des Amateurshad to be disbanded due to a lack of funding. Playwright andSecret du RoispyPierre Caron de Beaumarchaisbegan to collect funds from private contributors, including many of theConcert'spatrons, to sendmaterielaid for the American cause. The plan to send military aid via a fleet of fifty vessels and have those vessels return withAmerican rice, cotton, or tobacco ended up bankrupting the French contributors as theAmerican congressfailed to acknowledge its debt and the ships were sent back empty. Saint-Georges turned to his friend and admirer,Philippe D'Orléans, duc de Chartres, for help. In 1773 at the age of 26, Philippe had been elected Grand Master of the 'Grand Orient de France' after uniting all the Masonic organizations in France. Responding to Saint-Georges's plea, Philippe revived the orchestra as part of theLoge Olympique, an exclusive Freemason Lodge.
RenamedLe Concert Olympique, with practically the same personnel, it performed in the grand salon of thePalais Royal. In 1785, Count D'Ogny, grand master of the Lodge and a member of its cello section, authorized Saint-Georges to commissionHaydnto composesix new symphoniesfor the Concert Olympique. Conducted by Saint-Georges, Haydn's "Paris" symphonies were first performed at the Salle desGardes-Suissesof theTuileries, a much larger hall, in order to accommodate the huge public demand to hear Haydn's new works. QueenMarie Antoinetteattended some of Saint-Georges's concerts at the Palais de Soubise, arriving sometimes without notice, so the orchestra wore court attire for all its performances. "Dressed in rich velvet or damask with gold or silver braid and fine lace on their cuffs and collars and with their parade swords and plumed hats placed next to them on their benches, the combined effect was as pleasing to the eye as it was flattering to the ear." Saint-Georges played all his violin concertos as soloist with his orchestra.
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xtruss · 8 months
Special Counsel Won't Charge Demented, War Criminal and “Genocidal Joe Biden” in Classified Docs Probe, Despite Evidence He 'Willfully Retained' Materials
He Said a Potential Jury Might See Genocidal Biden as an "Elderly Man With a Poor Memory." WTF?
— ByPierre Thomas, Alexander Mallin, Lucien Bruggeman, and Katherine Faulders | February 8, 2024
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President Joe Biden delivers remarks at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference in Leesburg, Virginia, February 8, 2024. Evelyn Hockstein/Reuters
Special counsel Robert Hur said he will not recommend charges against President Joe Biden for his handling of classified documents while out of office, despite finding evidence that Biden "willfully retained" materials -- capping a yearlong investigation that loomed over the 2024 presidential election.
And he drew a bright line with the case against former President Donald Trump, who faces a criminal indictment for his handling of classified documents after he left office, saying that Trump refused to return his documents and "obstructed justice." Trump has pleaded not guilty.
Nonetheless, throughout the 388-page report, Hur painted a dim picture of the president -- one that his political opponents immediately seized on -- as an elderly man with memory issues who could not remember when he finished his term as vice president or when his son, Beau, died.
"We conclude that no criminal charges are warranted in this matter," said Hur's report. "We would conclude the same even if there was no policy against charging a sitting president. "
This was despite the fact that the special counsel "uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified information after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," the report said.
"These materials included (1) marked classified documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan, and (2) notebooks containing Mr. Biden's handwritten entries about issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods," said the report.
The materials were found in "the garage, offices, and basement den in Mr. Biden's Wilmington, Delaware home," the report said.
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'Elderly War Criminal and Genocidal Man With a Poor Memory'
Ultimately, Hur's office felt that the "evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
And Hur believed that there were numerous reasons why a potential jury could find reasonable doubt at trial, notably that Biden could come across not only as "sympathetic," but forgetful and not capable of the willfulness required to convict.
Notably, Hur believed that at trial Biden could come across not only as "sympathetic," but forgetful and not capable of the willfulness required to convict.
"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory," the report said. "It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him -- by then a former president well into his eighties -- of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness."
The report also stated that "Mr. Biden's memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with a ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023."
Attorneys for Biden blasted the special counsel's characterization of the president's memory and recollections during his two-day interview with investigators in October.
"We do not believe that the report's treatment of President Biden's memory is accurate or appropriate," wrote Richard Sauber, special counsel to the president, and Bob Bauer, a personal attorney for the president. "In fact, there is ample evidence from your interview that the President did well in answering your questions about years-old events over the course of five hours."
The attorneys noted that the interviews took place in the midst of the Oct. 7 attack on Israel, when Biden was busy "conducting calls with heads of state, Cabinet members, members of Congress, and meeting repeatedly with his national security team."
"It is hardly fair to concede that the President would be asked about events years in the past, press him to give his ''best" recollections, and then fault him for his limited memory," they wrote.
Biden, speaking Thursday afternoon in Virginia, noted the differences between his case and Trump's, and how the special counsel in his probe had decided not to press charges.
"This matter is now closed," Biden said.
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Garage box and storage closet of President Joe Biden's garage taken on Dec. 21, 2022, in a photo released by the Department of Justice. Department of Justice.
Differences with the Trump Case (What a Bullshit? Crime is a Crime)
Trump has sought to link his circumstances to Biden's by trying to draw an equivalence between their conduct and calling his prosecution the result of a justice system improperly targeting Republicans.
But records subsequently released by the National Archives indicate that Biden's legal team cooperated with National Archives officials, whereas federal prosecutors have accused Trump of deliberately withholding records he knew to be classified from investigators with the National Archives and, later, the FBI.
Hur's report drew that distinction, saying, "Most notably, after being given multiple chances to return classified documents and avoid prosecution, Mr. Trump allegedly did the opposite. According to the indictment, he not only refused to return the documents for many months, but he also obstructed justice by enlisting others to destroy evidence and then to lie about it."
"In contrast," the report said, "Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview and in other ways cooperated with the investigation."
Documents Stretch Back Decades
Hur's report said investigators found documents marked classified from as far back as the 1970s, including a box labeled "International Travel 1973-1979" containing materials from Biden's trips to Asia and Europe that included "roughly a dozen marked classified documents that are currently classified at the Secret level."
According to the report, among the classified documents Biden retained were materials documenting his opposition to the troop surge in Afghanistan, including a classified handwritten memo he sent President Obama over the 2009 Thanksgiving holiday, which FBI agents recovered from Biden's Delaware home and its garage.
Asked in his interview with investigators about handwriting on a folder containing marked classified documents about Afghanistan, the report said Biden "identified the handwriting as his, but said he recalled nothing about how the folder or its contents got into his garage."
The report lays out that Biden, in writing his 2007 and 2017 memoirs, worked with a ghostwriter, and in a recorded conversation with the ghostwriter a month after he left office, referenced the 2009 memo -- saying that he had "just found all the classified stuff downstairs."
At that time, Biden was renting a home in Virginia, the report says, and met the ghostwriter there to work on second memoir. He moved out of the Virginia home in 2019 and consolidated his belongings in Delaware, where the report says FBI agents later found the documents marked classified about the Afghanistan troop surge in his garage.
As such, the report says "evidence supports the inference," that when Mr. Biden said the comment in 2017, he "was referring to the same marked classified documents about Afghanistan that FBI agents found in 2022 in his Delaware garage."
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Biden 'Created' Classified Documents
The report also said that Biden "created" his own classified documents via his own handwritten notes in notebooks and notecards, some of which Biden brought home with him and stored in "unsecured locations that were not authorized to store classified information-- even though the notebooks."
The report said Biden used notebooks filled with sensitive materials to write his 2017 memoir, allegedly acknowledging to his ghostwriter that some of the documents he relied on might be classified.
"In writing 'Promise Me, Dad,' Mr. Biden relied extensively on the notebooks containing the notes he took during his vice presidency," said the report. The notebooks contained "notes of meetings Mr. Biden attended as well as entries about his other activities during this period. Many of the meetings related to foreign policy and classified information, including the President's Daily Brief, National Security Council meetings, and other briefings. Some of these entries remain classified up to the Secret level," said the report.
The report outlines that in 2017, Biden had expressed displeasure in a conversation with his ghostwriter that notes he had taken after meetings with President Obama had been turned over to the National Archives – telling the ghostwriter he had not wanted to turn the notecards in.
But investigators noted that many of the records found in Biden's home, at the Penn Biden Center, and at the University of Pennsylvania library "could plausibly have been brought to these locations by mistake."
"The evidence suggests that Mr. Biden did not willfully retain these documents," Hur wrote.
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Blue folder labeled "Afghanistan" in a box in President Joe Biden's garage in a picture released by the Department of Justice. Department of Justice
Long-Anticipated Report
Hur's long-anticipated report was released Thursday, hours after the White House reviewed the document and announced that "in keeping with his commitment to cooperation and transparency," the president would not assert executive privilege over any portion of the report.
Ian Sams, a spokesperson for the White House counsel's office, said in a statement that the president's legal team had completed a review of the report and that "in keeping with his commitment to cooperation and transparency," the president would not assert executive privilege over any portion of the report.
Attorney General Merrick Garland earlier this week informed key lawmakers that Hur had concluded his investigation, which examined how approximately two dozen classified documents wound up at Biden's personal home and office.
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Interior of President Joe Biden's garage storage closet containing Senate documents, Jan. 20, 2023, in a picture released by the Department of Justice. Department of Justice
The records in question date back to Biden's time as vice president, and at least some include "top secret" markings, the highest level of classification.
Garland appointed Hur as special counsel in January of 2023, after aides to the president discovered a batch of ten documents at the Penn-Biden Center in Washington, D.C., where Biden kept an office after his vice presidency.
A second discovery of additional records in the garage of Biden's Wilmington, Delaware, home precipitated Garland's decision to assign Hur as special counsel, ABC News reported at the time.
The report stated that "Mr. Biden's memory was significantly limited, both during his recorded interviews with the ghostwriter in 2017, and in his interview with our office in 2023."
100 Interviews
Investigators interviewed as many as 100 current and former officials, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, and Hunter Biden, the president's son. In October, Hur's team spent two days interviewing Biden himself.
ABC News previously reported that sources who were present for some of the interviews, including witnesses, said that authorities had apparently uncovered instances of carelessness from Biden's vice presidency, but that -- based on what was said in the interviews -- the improper removal of classified documents from Biden's office when he left the White House in 2017 seemed to be more likely a mistake than a criminal act.
The White House had emphasized from the beginning that it would cooperate with investigators. Biden himself repeatedly denied any personal wrongdoing and said he was "surprised" to learn of the documents' existence.
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The Hur investigation has played out quietly against the backdrop of special counsel Jack Smith's inquiry into former President Donald Trump's handling of classified records, which culminated last year in a 40-count indictment, to which Trump has pleaded not guilty.
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tuneadda · 2 years
Minion Song Lyrics In English
Minion Song Lyrics In English
Minion Song Credits – I Swear Song nameMinion SongProduced ByScott HendricksWritten ByGary Baker & Frank MyersVideo Appearance ByGruVocalsThe MinionsLabelUniversal Studios Music, LLLPVoiced ByPierre Coffin & Chris RenaudRelease Date18-Jun-13 Minion Song Lyrics In English – I Swear Pito pato milo mila takatiki poulet tika Cépa la joi démitoka lana moulé macarénaPao lettus pabo patimélé cépa…
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benesserly65 · 3 years
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Herbalife Nutrition Prodotti
Herbalife became a billionaire company in a short time,since Formula 1 is not to be weighed, leaving no room for error and, above all, giving a sense of satiety thanks to the presence of proteins, which is a fundamental element of the diet, allowing anyone to lose weight.o.
A novice person who tries his hand at onedo-it-yourself diet or in oneextreme diet found through a search on Google, Facebook or shared by some friends on Whatsapp, she is led to think that you have to ingest fewer calories in 24 hours to be able to lose weight.
However, this method does not work because in the end one falls back to the temptation to eat and it is soon explained why. To succeed inlose lost the individual must be full and healthy satiety is achieved through the integration ofproteins in your diet.
It is no coincidence that a very successful diet was the DietDukan, which you may have already heard of. It is a diet that introduces a lot of protein per day and was created byPierre Dukan but it is currently highly discouraged for various aspects: excess of proteins, especially of animal origin and it is an unbalanced diet that can cause damage to the liver, overloading it.
Herbalife began to develop Formula 1 also in other flavor variants, inserting theCocoa, which is still sold today. The goal was not to create damage to the individual and above all that it was balanced for its customers and that it was usable for a long period.
Herbalife it started with just one product and today there are more than 100 products, the result of research and development.
It began over the years2000 to think about specific needs: to be able to lose weight it was necessarydrain the cells and therefore it was necessary to introduce thegreen tea, natural extracts, yerba mateThis is to raise the basal temperature by a few tenths of a degree and in this way it is possible to burn a greater number of calories with the same physical exercise.
Then he arrivedherbal infusion. In case of severe obesity, the quantities of proteins inserted through formula 1 are not sufficient to guarantee weight loss, as in people with excessive weight it is necessary to insert a greater daily amount of protein than in other individuals with a less serious situation. In fact, there is an online tool that allows you, right on the Herbalife website, to calculate yoursIMC, or your Body Mass Index:Calculate yours now.
Everydistributor and each centerHerbalife who sells the products owns aweight scaleimpedance meter, Also called tanita and other electronic instruments that allow you to calculate the fat and lean mass, the percentage of water, visceral fat and the amount of calories needed and from there you calculate the diet. In fact, the diet must be developed to measure based on height, weight, sex, composition, bone structure and in this way it is possible to calculate precisely the amount of protein that the individual must ingest to lose weight.Clearly on this topic, we invite you to contact your doctor or a specialist for more information or to start a diet.
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bellakhair-hadid · 2 years
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Vivienne Westwood SS 2020 in Paris  byPierre Mouton
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modernvintage · 5 years
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Springtime, 1873 by
Pierre-Auguste Cot French
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mesonishashank · 6 years
Dawda Jawara, 1st President of the Gambia 16th May
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Sir Dawda Kairaba Jawara, GCMG (born 16 May 1924) is a Gambian politician who was a significant national leader of The Gambia, serving as its Prime Minister from 1962 to 1970, and then as its first President from 1970 to 1994. Sir Dawda Jawara GCMG Dawda Jawara (1979) 1st President of the GambiaIn office 24 April 1970 – 22 July 1994Vice PresidentSheriff Mustapha Dibba Assan Musa Camara Alhajie Alieu Badara Njie Bakary Bunja Darbo Saihou SaballyPreceded byElizabeth II as Queen of the GambiaSucceeded byYahya JammehVice President of SenegambiaIn office 12 December 1981 – 30 September 1989PresidentAbdou DioufPrime Minister of the GambiaIn office 12 June 1962 – 24 April 1970MonarchElizabeth IIPreceded byPierre Sarr N'JieSucceeded byOffice abolishedPersonal detailsBorn16 May 1924 (age 93) Barajally, MacCarthy Island Division, British GambiaPolitical partyPeople Progressive Party (PPP)Spouse(s)Augusta Jawara(1955–1967)ChildrenBolumbo Jawara(1978)Alma materUniversity of Glasgow University of Liverpool Jawara was born in Barajally, MacCarthy Island Division, the son of Mamma Fatty and Almami Jawara. He was educated at the Methodist Boys' School in Bathurst and then attended Achimota College in Ghana. He trained as a veterinary surgeon at the University of Glasgow's School of Veterinary Medicine and then completed his training at the University of Liverpool. He returned to The Gambia in 1953 and married Augusta Mahoney, beginning work as a veterinary officer. He decided to enter politics and became secretary of the new People's Progressive Party(PPP) and was elected to the House of Representatives in the 1960 election. He became the leader of the PPP and then the country's first Prime Minister in 1962, only the second ever head of government following Pierre Sarr N'Jie's term as Chief Minister. Under Jawara, The Gambia gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1965. He remained as Prime Minister and Elizabeth IIremained as head of state as Queen of the Gambia. In 1970, The Gambia became a republic, with no monarchy, and Jawara was elected as its first President. The greatest challenge to Jawara's power came in 1981 when an attempted coup d'etat took place and soldiers from neighbouring Senegal were forced to intervene, with 400 to 800 deaths reported by the end of the coup attempt. Following the coup attempt, Jawara and Senegalese President Abdou Diouf announced the creation of the Senegambia Confederation, but it collapsed in 1989. Jawara continued to rule until 1994 when a coup d'etat led by Yahya Jammeh seized power. Following this, he went into exile, but returned in 2002, and now lives in retirement in The Gambia. At 93, he is currently the oldest living former Gambian president.
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2wAhXi3
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