#c: Kyra Saxena Johar
othertmrkids · 3 years
जान | ovi&kyra saxena
“You missed dinner with us this past weekend…” Kyra Saxena-Johar’s tone wasn’t accusatory, rather curious as she brushed her fingers through her oldest’s hair. Ovi, despite his 38 years of age, rested his head easily against his mother’s lap and chuckled lightly, unable to keep the smile off his lips due to his answer of, “I was with Tahir.”
Expecting as much, Kyra bit back her own smile, having gained her intel about the situation from another one of her children rather than Ovi himself. “Doing what that was so important, hm?” She teased in a manner that her son recognized immediately, pulling a greater smile out of him. “Seeing the Eiffel Tower,” he said with the shine of the sun in his voice to recount his own memories. “He brought me there in the evening for my birthday after an entire day of showing me around his city-”
“He lives in Paris?” Kyra perked up, hand stilling against Ovi’s smooth locks. 
“He lives in Paris,” Ovi looked smug, proud of each and every part of the man who had won him over so.
“Bring me, na? Your baba always said we would take a vacation to Paris but he was so obsessed with the beach that we never got to it.”
Ovi could only laugh softly at his mother’s never-ending wonder of the world. “Alright, I’ll bring you some time when Tahi and I are a little more serious.”
Kyra frowned. “You’re not serious?”
“I- no, mama, you misunderstand,” Ovi clicked his teeth, quick to prop himself up onto his elbow, looking up at his mother with furrowed brows. “I meant when we’ve spent a little more time together, just us, learning to be us before we explore other parts of our lives together. That’s all.”
“Your lives together, hm?”
Ovi’s cheeks reddened.
“So you are serious,” Kyra probed, her gaze unrelenting on her son, who was now sinking back to lay against her lap once more. Letting a breath pass his lips, licked in a matter of self-assurance, Ovi’s rippling brown eyes met his mother’s with an answer to seal any doubt in her mind; “I love him, mama.”
Kyra burst into a grin that she could contain just as much as her son could in his own moments of pure joy. She opened her mouth a time or two so she could ask questions or possibly confirm how fit this man was for her boy, but she closed it again repeatedly, anticipating her astute child’s answer each time.
“He’s sharp as you and warm as baba,” Ovi smiled to reassure the parts of his mother that he didn’t even know needed so. And Kyra in turn leaned in to press her lips to his forehead, the corners of her eyes crinkling in happiness for the boy turned man she’d wanted only the best for his entire life long. 
“Is he funny as Dev too?” Kyra teased as she drew back, already knowing the exasperated expression it would draw out of Ovi. “Yes, yes, he’s funny too, more tactfully than Dev, if I may say so-”
“You may not! When are you bringing this Tahir of yours home, hm?” Kyra huffed, her palm falling to Ovi’s chest where he wore the ring around his neck that her husband had once used to symbolize their love. “I want to make sure a sherwani will suit him-”
“Mama!” The redness in Ovi’s cheeks crept to his neck.
“What? You don’t want to marry him, talking like that?” Kyra raised a quick brow, never allowing her children a moment of slack. 
Ovi’s lips remained parted for a moment even if he knew his answer clear as a summer day. And luckily for him, Kyra understood the expression better than any other in the world. She excitedly thumped her hand to his chest and insisted, “So it’s settled, he’ll come to Sunday dinner next week! Tell him I’ll be upset otherwise, cancelling isn’t an option.”
Holding back a roll of his eyes, Ovi smiled gradually instead. “He won’t cancel, he won’t even think about it.” 
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