#c: Theadoch
fr-jedicreed · 3 years
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‘Don’t turn your back on a Devil. It might be the last thing you do...’
Doodled Theadoch’s demonic form! Got the inspiration for it the other night, and decided to go for it! I know I’m not the best artist, but I think I did pretty well here? 😅
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jedicreed-fr · 5 years
♥ for Zabrin, ▼ for Theadoch, and ☠ for Lucian!
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♥ - family headcanon
--His parents are actually in a circus! His mother dabbles in dark magic, and his father helps with costume and set designs for the circus’ haunted house! Zabrin loves both of his parents, and often misses the circus that he came from. He’s definitely a softy, when it comes to family.
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▼ - childhood headcanon
--Theadoch doesn’t remember any of his childhood. He’s been an Arcane demon for so long, that those memories are buried deep, and long gone. He doesn’t remember his parents, his siblings, or where he was born. None of it. And he doesn’t care. Why should the past matter? Right now, he’s much more focused on the now...
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☠ - angry/violent headcanon
--It takes a lot for Lucian to get angry, even in the slightest. He’ll get annoyed, but he brushes it off quite quickly. But if you really piss him off, be warned--he knows the Arcane arts, and isn’t afraid to wield it, should you push him too far. When he does get angry, he gets very loud and bares his fangs quite a bit. For such a princely dragon, he can let out quite the snarl...
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fr-jedicreed · 3 years
Inescapable Punishment
TW: Abuse, body horror, gore, hints at sexual abuse
Note--all dragons are in gijinka’d forms, unless otherwise noted!
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Moen couldn’t remember the last time he felt fresh air on his face. Had he ever been outside? He’d been in his master’s home and business for so long... He couldn’t remember. And...how did he get outside, anyways? Had he walked out of the building? Had Master brought him out here? Why? Master never let him out of the building...
Even his mask was gone. His eyes were covered with a cloth, but the mask was gone. He couldn’t see, but he could feel. And smell. He lifted his head, nose to the air, as he sniffed. So many scents...! What was going on? Curiosity got the best of Moen, and he wandered further. He smelled. He listened. The more he walked, the louder things got. Voices. Moving of carts. Machines. The sounds of footsteps. Moen felt his heart race with excitement. It was all so new...! Why had Master not let him go out? This was amazing!
A rare smile came onto his lips, as he started walking a little faster. He could hear more talking, feel the sun on his face, and--
Moen ran into something--someone--and stumbled back, tripping over his own feet, and landing on the ground. The one he ran into didn’t seem angry, though instinctively Moen flinched, tensing up for a blow. Instead, he heard movement, and that someone was close.
“You okay there, buddy? We crashed pretty hard.” they chuckled, though from what Moen could hear, they sounded male...
“M--Moen’s f-fine...” he wheezed, his voice sounding strange without the mask to filter it, making him tilt his head at his own, “Moen’s fine...”
“Strange way of talking, huh?” chuckled the one that was knelt down close to him, “You lost? You seemed to be looking around a bit. Though...erm...’looking’ as an objective term...”
He felt fingertips graze against the cover over his eyes and Moen jerked back, “N--No! D-Don’t touch! Moen’s...M-Moen’s eyes...are damaged. Master is taking care of th-them...”
Moen nodded.
The one he ran into was silent. But before any more words could be uttered, something--someone else--bumped into Moen, nearly causing him to sprawl on the ground. Though he did anyways, as an angry voice hissed out.
“Watch it! Move it, you idiot!”
That was anger. That person was angry. Moen whimpered, covering his head, tensing his body up, ready for the blow. But it never came. The nicer voice spoke up instead, not angry.
“You move it!” he called out, before going back to Moen, “Hey, you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he? C’mon, let’s get you out of the street.”
“S-Street...?” Moen raised his head. The ground underneath of him was vibrating slightly, with people, carts, and various other moving objects. Where ever they were, it was busy. Moen slowly stood up, though he flinched, as he felt a hand under his arm, helping him stand.
“Easy, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” said the other. His hand felt warm on Moen’s arm, and he couldn’t help but shake a little, wanting nothing more than to lean into that touch. How long had it been, since he felt a kind touch? Master hadn’t touched him in awhile, especially kindly. Maybe if Moen continued to be good, this one person will touch him some more...
“C’mon, let’s go get you some ice cream. You sound parched...!”
“Ice...Ice cream...?” Moen tilted his head, confused.
“Do...Do you not know what ice cream is?”
Moen shook his head.
The other sighed, but it wasn’t an aggravated sigh, “Man, you are missing out, my deprived friend. Let’s go broaden your horizons!”
Minutes later, Moen was sat down, with something cold in his hand. What was this? He moved his head closer to smell it, only to touch it with his nose. The coldness of it startled him, and he jerked his head back with a soft noise. The one next to him chuckled, and he heard him lick.
“Try it! You’re gonna love it, Moen.” he said, chuckling.
Moen tilted his head again, before turning to his ice cream. He moved closer to it once more, and stuck his tongue out, giving the cold treat a lick. Feeling it so cold on his tongue was weird, but it was so...!
“Sweet...!” squeaked Moen, making a happy noise, before going back to his ice cream. The other beside him laughed, gently patting Moen’s shoulder, making him lean into the touch with another noise.
“See? You’ve been missing out!” he laughed, good-naturedly. The two fell quiet for a moment, licking their ice cream, before the other spoke up again, “Say, uh...you keep saying ‘Master’ a lot. Is that literal, or just part of some...erm...play thing...?”
“Master owns me...Moen.” said Moen simply, taking another lick of his ice cream, “Whatever Master says, Moen does. Otherwise, Moen gets punished severely. A-And...And it hurts...”
“He hurts you, Moen?” asked the other, his voice soft and...concerned? Moen hadn’t heard concern in awhile. It made him pause, looking over at the other dragon. Or in his general direction.
“Only if Moen is bad...” wheezed Moen, nodding, “Moen tries t-to be good...honestly...!”
He whimpered, going back to his ice cream, mind flashing with images of the several, horrific punishments that his master had dealt out. He bore the scars of several of them. And his eyes, sewn shut, was another punishment...
“Hey, hey.” That gentle voice came again, and a warm hand rested on his shoulder, “Let me help you. Let me confront this master, and we can get you to freedom, okay?”
Moen whimpered, leaning into that gentle touch again, “B-But...”
“I can handle myself.” He could practically hear the other smile, “I may not look--erm, sound--like it, but I’m pretty strong! C’mon, let’s go have a ‘talk’ with this Master of yours.”
He heard the other stand up, and Moen followed, finishing his ice cream, “Moen’s master is the surgeon of the city. His name is Theadoch.”
“S-Surgeon? That creepy guy I keep hearing talk about?” asked the other, and Moen could feel him shiver.
“Moen’s Master is a good surgeon. Not good with others, but he does great work.”
There was a sound of movement from the other, before he gently took Moen’s hand. Moen almost instinctively jerked his hand back, but he grasped him tightly, fingers trembling as he let the other lead the way. Thoughts of freedom went through Moen’s mind, for the first time.
Would it be nice to be free?
Could he be free?
...Did he deserve to be free...?
It didn’t take them long to get to the building. He heard the other let out a low whistle, as they stopped at the front door, “It’s so creepy. Surgeon building, in the middle of nowhere, in some alleyway... Yeah, not suspicious at all.”
He sighed, and gently squeezed Moen’s hand, “Right, let’s go inside.”
Moen heard the door open, and he smelled the familiarity of the building, his home. His prison(?). They walked further in, and the one with him called out, the volume making him jump.
“Hey! Bastard, I need to talk with you about this guy!” he called out, “What gives you the right to--?!”
It happened so fast. Moen heard the door slam behind them. The other gave a shout. There was...a growl. A low, otherworldly growl. A rush of air.
Then Moen knew no more.
Moen woke up to a sharp pain in his side.
He groaned, as he slowly sat up. He felt at the pained side, relieved to feel no wetness. No bleeding. But it still hurt. Probably broken. The next thing he noticed, was there was a strange smell in the air. Moen sniffed, before carefully getting to his feet, holding his side. 
“F-Friend...?” he called out, his voice even more hoarse than before. He couldn’t feel the cover over his eyes. But the more he tried to open them, the more the sutures pulled at his skin, making them hurt. He didn’t want to be in pain anymore, so he kept them shut.
“M-Moen friend...?” he called out again, carefully moving down the hall. The smell was getting stronger. What was that? It was similar to how Theadoch’s operating room smelled, after a surgery. But it was different, at the same time. Either way, something twisted in Moen’s stomach. Something wasn’t right.
Something was very wrong.
Moen paused, as his bare foot landed on something wet. It wasn’t water. Too thick to be water. And the smell was very strong now. He curled his toes, making the substance squish between them. He sniffed the air, turning slightly, hands out. When they touched something that wasn’t the wall, he turned towards it. His hands wandered over the thing in front of him.
Moen’s breathing quickened, as his hands continued to explore. Everything felt wet. He felt something hard briefly, but it too, was covered in a wet substance. He heard a whistling noise in front of him. He reached up. He touched a face. 
Horror gripped him, and he let out a strangled, anguished cry, his trembling hands wandering over what used to be a person. What used to be someone who helped him, who talked with him and gave him ice cream. And while his eyes were sewn shut, his tears stung at the sutures.
The one that helped him was practically up on display. His arms were removed, leaving bloody stumps. His legs were degloved, and he was disemboweled. His chest had been ripped open, ribs broken and spread to look like wings coming from the gory hole in his chest. His lungs had been removed, attached to the ribs, as if a hanging decoration. And his throat had been all but ripped out, leaving him no way to scream. To top it off, his spine had been extended, making his head detached from his body, by a few extra vertebrae.
“This is what you get for disobeying me, Moen...”
Moen turned around, just before being backhanded and sent sprawling onto the ground, right into the fluids that coated it. Visceral fluids, not just blood...
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Theadoch stood there, Arcane energy crackling around him, menacingly. He was upset. More than upset, he was angry. 
“You disobeyed me, Moen.” he hissed, before snarling, “I never gave you permission to go outside!! Why did you go outside?!”
“M-Moen just...just...” he stammered, before yelping out as he was grabbed by his hair, and pulled to his feet. Barefoot, he slipped on the fluids on the ground, nearly falling, if it wasn’t for the fist in his hair.
“You didn’t think, you useless sack of flesh.” growled Theadoch, shoving Moen aside, “You’re never to go outside without my permission, that should’ve been a given! And now, it’s time to punish you... And you need to be punished in a way that you’ll remember...”
Moen’s eyes widened, and for a split second, he saw through the sutures, as they ripped enough for him to see. The pain and blood in his eyes became too much, and he squeezed them shut, as tears mingled in, “I’m s-s....Moen’s sorry, p-please...! Don’t p-punish me, Master, please....!”
"Oh, there’s no begging out of this one, Moen.” purred the Arcane demon, a wicked grin coming onto his face, “Naughty boys get their guts rearranged, while they lay awake on my table.”
Moen sobbed out, and quickly fell to his knees, moving forward and grabbing a hold of Theadoch’s robes, “Th-Then u-use Moen, please...! I’ll do it, M-Moen won’t say or do anything, u-use me as y-your toy Master...!”
He obediently opened his mouth, drool dripping down, as he moved towards Theadoch’s crotch. But instead of something soft, he got a knee to the mouth as a ‘reward,’ making him cry out, as he sprawled on the ground.
“I’m too pissed to get off, you fool!” shouted Theadoch, stomping forward, “You don’t deserve to taste my dick, or have it inside of you. The only thing that’ll be inside of you, is my hands, as I remove your organs, and place them in reverse order, as you remain awake.”
He grabbed a handful of Moen’s hair, dragging him along. Moen struggled, crying out as he tried to get free. Tears and blood streamed down his cheeks, as he grabbed at Theadoch’s wrist, trying to free himself, his pleas falling on deaf ears.
Freedom was just a dream.
There was no freedom for him.
He let out one final scream, before the door to the surgery room was slammed closed. The force of the door made Moen’s only friend jar so much, that his head finally snapped off of his overextended spine, landing with a loud thud, into his own fluids...
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fr-jedicreed · 4 years
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Arcane demon, Theadoch, looks absolutely amazing with the new festival apparel!
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fr-jedicreed · 3 years
They seem to be living in different places, so I imagine he hasn't met him, but what would Col think of our (Cough) 'good' doctor, Theadoch, if they did get a chance to meet up?
Oooh boy. Do not get these two together.
Col would be fascinated with Theadoch’s power. Having never met an Arcane demon before, Col would have so many questions. And while he can’t use fellow demon souls towards his payment, it wouldn’t stop him from trying to usurp some of Theadoch’s power.
Theadoch would regard Col with caution. While seemingly a child, he can see just exactly what he is. As he is right now, in his child-like state, he’s practically harmless. But the punishment that he’s under is cracking, and bits of Col’s actual power are leaking through. 
He wouldn’t mind cutting up Col on his table, to see how an ancient demon like him ticks...
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jedicreed-fr · 6 years
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The demon’s true colors are showing...
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jedicreed-fr · 6 years
16 for Theadoch? 👀
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16. Anger headcanon
---When Theadoch gets angry, things get messy. He lashes out with sharp claws, teeth and crystals, as well as his own Arcane demonic magic. Moen recieves the brunt of these anger outbursts. Theadoch physically, emotionally, and sexually abuses Moen, using him as an outlet for his anger, until he’s sated. And, being the Empire’s city’s surgeon, if he roughs up Moen a bit too much, he can easily patch him back together again...
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jedicreed-fr · 7 years
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Theadoch is next!
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Theadoch is the Empire’s doctor and surgeon. He helps the people of the Empire, as well as those that live within the palace. He’s always seen with his mask on. It’s hardly ever seen without it, and those that have seen his face are often sworn to secrecy...aka threatened with death, should they tell anyone. He’s a very good surgeon, being almost TOO good with a blade. And while his patients are under while he works on them, some claim to have heard him giggling through his mask, as he makes his cuts. In reality, he’s actually an Arcane demon, summoned to this plane for reasons unknown. No one knows who summoned him, and not even Theadoch knows. He has runes around his neck that ‘chain’ him to this plane, until he’s released. His demonic form remains hidden...until the New Moon goes across the sky. Best not to be out, when that time comes.
His hair is short and cut a little choppy. It’s usually pushed back, either with his hand or with gel, though often times, it just does what it wants. He has several horns--taking the form of a Wildclaw, he has the three usual ones, plus a set of round ram-like horns, which are pitch black, unlike the rest of his body. He’s a bit on the skinnier side of things, but don’t let that fool you. His demonic features are hidden from the eye, though those with a sixth sense can sometimes see bat-like wings and a spaded tail coming out of him in the shadows. When he does fly, he has normal Wildclaw wings...but there’s a layer of pitch black feathers as well, that seem a bit unnatural on him...
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