#c: Moen
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7,935 total entries were submitted in 2023!
This includes all entries that were submitted via the Google Form, including late entries (and excluding duplicate entries).
Which brings us to 50,656 total recorded entries since we began this challenge in 2017! 
And, we had 109 volunteer artists in 2023!! Which means that there are 109 prize-winners!
A breakdown of the stats + announcement of the Participation Prize winners are below the cut ~
Want to see all public entries? Here’s a link to the Master Spreadsheet. This omits entries that people requested to keep private between them and I.
There's a lot to be gleaned from the data this year. Firstly, this is the first year where we see a real dip in participation, numbers dropping to the pre-2020 range. There are a couple of probable causes for this dip: this year, I chose, a) not to promote the challenge in any discords, b) not to repost any prompts to twitter, and c) not to post reminders throughout the challenge for folks to submit their links.
I was curious to know how much my own direct participation effects the challenge these days, and the numbers seem to point to "quite a bit!" So, that's good to know.
Secondly, we have finally approached the "data visualization salad" limit in which there are enough data points to confuse the visualization of the data overall, rendering them a little tough to understand at first glance. So, next year will probably see some fine-tuning of the data so that it's easier to digest.
Now, onto the good stuff!
Total Participation Year to Year:
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Prompt Participation by Year:
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NOTE: The big dips are Make-up / Extra Credit Days. Lots of folks choose to take a break over writing Extra Credit. Legit!
Prompt Breakdown by Week:
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Submissions by Day:
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NOTE: Day 7 was the day before the 24-hour deadline went into effect. Hence, the big ol’ spike.
Submissions by Platform:
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Participation Prize Winners
Winners were selected via a random raffle dice roll made by Moen and span all online writing platforms, including Tumblr, Ao3, Google Docs, and others (like Twitter). This writing challenge is not a contest - no one’s work was being judged for length, skill, etc. The prizes are based on participation only! The more entries that you wrote and submitted within its 24-hour deadline, the higher your chance of winning a prize.
Prizes are a simple black & white portrait of the winner’s character. Most are shoulder up but the artists are free to take liberties if they’d like. Prizes are not commissioned work, so ultimately it’s the artist’s choice for what they’d like to do for the piece. Some artists (not all) accept commissions and might be open to colorizing a prize piece, after it’s been posted, at their normal rates.
Due to recent changes in Discord's username format, this year (and this year only) all winners will be notified by yours truly (MoenMoen) via a friend request and message in Discord. Next year I'll be teaming up with some folks to find a better, more streamlined process for informing and connecting winners with their volunteer artist.
So, keep an eye out for me in your Discord friend requests/inbox over the next week or so (it will take me a minute to get to everyone):
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As always, there are a few winners whose artists may need to drop out for personal reasons, and that’s ok! In those cases, the winners will be carried over into 2024′s pool of winners where another artist will pick up their prize and complete it.
Congrats to all 109 winners, and I'll see you in September 2024 when we do it all again!
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minarcana · 2 years
I demand a 5000 word essay on thanuri
okay, sure. This is mostly about Uri because he's my guy.
tl;dr (fig. 1)
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I’m just going to sort my thoughts chronologically since it’s easier that way. As far as a thesis (necessary for any good essay— trust me, the only reason this is informal and doesn’t include Chicago citations is because it’d be too much effort to figure out how to put footnotes in a tumblr ask) goes, see image (fig. 1) above.
I both headcanon and write Urianger as having a crush on Thancred since about five minutes after they met, though Urianger “self awareness of a walnut, could not even tell you his favourite colour because he’s never thought about it” Augurelt is utterly incapable of putting that feeling in such words beyond a vague desire to be friends or something. I don’t think Thancred liked him back, he’s got things to do and presumably standards for better-looking people than Urianger. This is almost certainly for the best because look into my eyes: ARR era Urianger is so utterly unaware of anything to do with himself and so sincerely unused to actually having romantic inclinations that if Thancred flirted with him using any level of affected sincerity once, Urianger would be vaporized upon impact. Charri linked me this like four days ago and I've been thinking about it since because it would actually kill Urianger, party wipe, one mil points of damage, no hope, and that is super funny to me.
Urianger having a capital-R Reaction to Thancred 1. wouldn't occur with any flirting he thinks is not actually sincere (i.e. Thancred can oneshot him with being offhandedly tender, but not with offhand sexual overtures) 2. would be followed by Urianger being completely thrown off kilter for the next solid week. Just sitting there going "????????????????" at the concept that he 1. has feelings 2. has feelings for a coworker, which seems completely unprofessional 3. has feelings for Thancred, who is obviously out of his league and has zero reason whatsoever to pay attention to Urianger. Good luck, bud, at least Uri's good at repressing.
Urianger is also (in one of my fav things he does in ARR) one of the only people to express sincere irritation with Thancred's slutting it up (i.e. "Thancred there's a woman here asking about you. I'm giving her your personal address as a threat to you specifically.") which is where my take that he's 'a person who's jealous and doesn't know he's jealous of those who can ask for and get Thancred's attention' comes from. And he apparently remembers a lot of Thancred's flings' names, which is totally normal for your bro to do over women he isn't jealous of. He is so hilariously Down Bad but has no idea whatsoever.
They're also Good Friends (tm)(c)(r), as there's very few people who are casual enough to rib Urianger (Y'shtola and Moen are the other two). I like their friendship! Urianger, also, likes their friendship. They are two huge dorks and Thancred ends up translating Uri to other people a lot, I think. It's nice in your job of Mostly Dealing With The World Ending to have a friend who gets whatever weird bullshit you're on.
Their relationship is also very important to me in HVW patch, where Thancred is the person who brings Urianger back into the circle the Scions are standing in after his ostensible betrayal. It's a surprise to Urianger, as Thancred was who his subterfuge hurt the most (more than Minfilia, even, and she is the one who he feels he 'killed'), but they're tight!! They're tight enough for Thancred to forgive him for The Thing That Fucked Thancred Up The Most. Even if Urianger's a suspicious bastard, Thancred knows with full sincere certainty that Urianger's heart is in the right place and he's trusted. This both astounds Urianger and matters deeply to him. Urianger likes this dipshit.
It's called FRIENDS WHO TRUST EACH OTHER ENTIRELY AND GET EACH OTHER also I think in STB era when Thancred says he's not going to Gyr Abania with everyone else because he's making sure Uri is safe holding down the fort they can like, maybe hold hands. As a treat. For Me.
Great for all of us, spending three years with a bunch of faefolk is Uriangers Self Assurance Era where he spends three years living his best life and like, sharply becoming more comfortable with his various shit and with his relations he has. It is endlessly funny to me how Urianger lets Thancred and Minfilia stay with him in Il Mheg while the twins haven't seen him at all since they arrived. Urianger really went "eh, well, it's too dangerous for my siblings to visit. However my coworker being actively hunted by sin eaters and Eulmore knocked on the door and yeah I'll Do Anything He Asks Me For that's fine not dangerous at all I can organize that." He gets exactly self aware enough to be aware that his interest in Thancred is Not Platonic.
Just casual bro activity when your bro shows up at your door with a teenager because he needs a place for a few nights and you immediately do everything in your power to provide a space for them. Thancred and Minfilia have been able to visit Il Mheg for the years Urianger's been there, with clear comfort around the pixies, who when WoL and Co. show up, attempt to force the gang to stay there forever, meaning Urianger clearly had to do something to delineate Minfilia and Thancred as Do Not Touch Them. The pixies can fuck with them, but I do think Urianger's the type to, when told he has the opening to keep his best friend who he cares deeply about safe, go and make a good few deals for this sake. He's not going to tell Thancred about it.
He wards his home, and keeps space for Thancred and Minfilia for whenever they visit. He would make something more of overtures toward Thancred if he didn't think it was overstepping or unwelcome— he's awkward around actual feelings, and still isn't sure Thancred would have any interest in him if there were literally any other options. As it is, Urianger's just confident enough to have an open favoritism with the fact that he wants Thancred around him and likes being able to protect him and their kid.
(When Thancred first stays the 'night' at the Bookman's Shelves, it takes Urianger quite a bit of effort not to keep checking in on him or ask Thancred if he'd share a bed— Urianger lacks the words or the processed feelings to feel able to voice it, but he keeps remembering the vision of corpses every time he pictures Thancred sleeping, and keeps having the irrational fear that the times Thancred is lying still in his home he's stopped breathing. He knows it's misplaced paranoia, but he'd like to be able to lay his hands on what he's trying so hard to protect, without feeling like he'd overstep by the act of being sincere when he likely hasn't earned it.)
There are more than subtle story beats that show Urianger and Thancred are very tight. They are co parenting. Besties at minimum like you cannot look at how Urianger and Thancred interact in Shadowbringers and not be like oh yeah theyre each other's best friend And Possibly Boyfriend. Urianger isn't subtle. He also cares for Minifilia/Ryne soooo much, but he feels like he can't openly force Thancred to deal with his feelings because I dont feel like he thinks he has a place to obviously stick his foot in.
I;m adding stuff to this as I play and bud. Urianger and the gang finding Thancred near death in the desert. I cannot help but imagine Urianger, guy who is deeply traumatized by the death of his best friend when he wasn't there to help or even witness, felt super normal about leaving to find Alisaie and Co. (which I do think was an excuse— I see it as him wanting to leave because he was scared of seeing Minfilia's choice and possibly biasing her, afraid he would try to interject or he wouldn't be able to not react, so he tried to run) and coming back to see his current best friend (at minimum) nearly dead when Urianger wasn't there to protect him or help. Urianger, about to lose his marbles: haha hey guys please help me heal thancred im fine right now. look i need Urianger to be holding thancreds hand tight enough to bruise while speed-casting benefic because he is terrified.
I do think it's super cute in the Ryne naming scene how Uri's like WAIT YOU ACTUALLY LISTENED TO MY INFODUMPING?? and Thancred's just "eh, a little bit." Shut up just from that being his reaction I know he is out here doing his absolute best to listen to Urianger's rambling and given how when Uri gets to teach the WoL things in story he's always got this cute lil smile on Thancred's just sitting there as Urianger tries to speedrun teaching Thancred a language with delight. tfw you can tell your partner is experiencing Showing Love By Infodump and it's only right you participate but then act self conscious about it later. That's so cute. Thancred doing his best
Urianger is also self-aware enough to realize he's kind of a loser, and definitely not Thancred's usual type, so them fucking is either both of them going "haha we're doing this casually, definitely super platonic" or it's "Thancred art thou sure it is I thou hath interest in" "I am quite literally currently between your legs trying to remove your underclothes, what do you think".
This isn't 5000 words, but if you add this little drabble of them ARR and this HVW pornography with feelings, it is, and both of those contain my thoughts, so there's that. shameless self promotion.
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00:00 Persembahanku (Sari Simorangkir) - Monique 05:10 Kusadari (Sari Simorangkir) - Monique 10:23 Deeper In Love (Don Moen) - Monique 14:56 Atas S'galanya (Paul Baloche/Lenny Le Blanc) - Monique 19:34 Redeemer (Nicole C. Mullen) - Monique 23:56 You Are (Clint Brown) - Monique 29:45 Ku Menyembah Mu (Sari Simorangkir) - Monique 34:27 Offering (Paul Baloche) - Monique 39:23 Kuberdiam (Bobby 'one way') - Monique 44:25 Shackles (Praise You) (E. Atkins-T. Atkins./W. Campbell) - Monique
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regioonlineofficial · 1 month
Amsterdam - Van grijs naar groen, van parking naar park: Amsterdamse organisatie ROEF transformeert het bovenste dek van Q-Park Westergasfabriek tot stadspark. Vanaf 29 augustus t/m 15 september is DAKPARK elke vrij/za/zo gratis te bezoeken. Daarnaast is er een uitgebreid programma waarin bezoekers boven kunnen komen kijken, luisteren, spelen, picknicken, badmintonnen, rolschaatsen, workshoppen en nog veel meer. Doel is om te laten zien wat er mogelijk is met de veelal leegstaande daken van de stad. Hoe komt het DAKPARK eruit te zien? Het park bestaat voor 350m2 uit groen, waarvan het grootste gedeelte vaste planten zijn die op de rode lijst staan. Dit zijn planten in Nederland die met uitsterven bedreigd worden. Ook is er een moestuin te vinden, waarvan de (h)oogst tijdens een groot sluitingsfeest samen met de buurt opgegeten wordt. Het DAKPARK is ook een plek om kennis te delen: in verschillende workshops kun je alles leren over groen op het dak en het versterken van biodiversiteit door de aanleg van je eigen vlindertuin. DAKPARK geen doel maar middel ROEF organiseert het DAKPARK niet als doel, maar als middel. Het is nodig Amsterdam voor te bereiden op extreme hitte, droogte, wateroverlast door hevige regenbuien en kans op overstromingen. Dit heet klimaatadaptatie. Het hoogste park van Nederland laat zien dat er – vlak boven ons hoofd – onbenutte ruimte is met enorm veel duurzame kansen. Uiteindelijk wil ROEF het grootste publieke rooftoppark van Nederland realiseren waar je via luchtbruggen van dak naar dak, naar dak wandelt.  Remco Moen Marcar, mede-oprichter en initiatiefnemer: "Vorig jaar toverden we dit terrein al voor één dag om tot park. Nu pakken we het grootser aan en laten we zien dat er leven gebracht kan worden naar een (veelal leegstaand) dak." ROEF wil rol van daken uitbreiden ROEF laat met DAKPARK zien welke rol daken kunnen spelen in het vergroenen van steden. En vooral ook dat deze transitie een stuk sneller kan. Het DAKPARK wordt in 2 dagen opgebouwd met een modulair systeem van LEAF Factory, in samenwerking met Permavoid en RainUp.  Het uiteindelijke doel is om zoveel mogelijk Amsterdammers en organisaties te inspireren om zelf hun dak te vergroenen. Want hoe meer daken groen zijn in de stad, hoe groter het effect is: zo kan de temperatuur van zwarte bitumen daken op warme dagen oplopen tot wel 70°C. Een groen dak tikt maximaal 35°C aan, wat binnen tot wel 4 à 10 graden scheelt. Het blijft binnen dus koeler, hitteschade aan daken en buitenmuren wordt voorkomen en het belangrijkste gevolg: het hitte-eiland effect (het fenomeen dat de temperatuur in een stedelijk gebied gemiddeld hoger ligt) ligt lager. Groene daken en zonnepanelen Naast meer groen is er nog veel plek voor zonnepanelen op onze daken. Er is vaak veel meer mogelijk dan Amsterdammers denken. Zoals met lichtgewicht panelen op daken met een zwakke constructie tot (rode) panelen voor op beschermd erfgoed- en monumentendaken. Met écht duurzame zonnepanelen. Mooi meegenomen: je bespaart ook nog eens op je energierekening. ROEF roept dus alle Amsterdammers op om naar boven te komen! DAKPARK is een plek om te ontspannen in een koele, groene en stressvrije omgeving. Waar je kan leren, ontmoeten en waar we samen met Amsterdammers creëren: kruiden, groenten, natuurinclusieve bloemen. DAKPARK stelt ook de vraag: wat kan jij, ook als gewone Amsterdammer, zelf doen?
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A wannabe rock star who fronts a Pennsylvania-based tribute band is devastated when his kick him out of the group he founded. Things begin to look up for Izzy when he is asked to join Steel Dragon, the heavy metal rockers he had been imitating for so long. This film is loosely based on the true story of the band Judas Priest. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Chris ‘Izzy’ Cole: Mark Wahlberg Emily Poule: Jennifer Aniston Kirk Cuddy: Dominic West A.C.: Jason Bonham Jorgen: Jeff Pilson Ghode: Zakk Wylde Mats, Steel Dragon Road Manager: Timothy Spall Donny Johnson: Blas Elias Xander Cummins: Nick Catanese Ricki Bell: Brian Vander Ark Rob Malcolm: Timothy Olyphant Tania Asher, Steel Dragon PR: Dagmara Domińczyk Joe Cole: Matthew Glave Mr. Cole: Michael Shamus Wiles Mrs. Cole: Beth Grant Bobby Beers: Jason Flemyng Nina: Carey Lessard Samantha: Kristin Richardson Mason Bell: Jamie Williams Roadie #1: Keith Loneker Amber: Sami Reed Marci: Kara Zediker Bradley: Stephan Jenkins Guitarist in Crowd Outside Mansion: Vitamin C Cream Reporter: Kevin Ryder Melody-Maker Reporter: Gene Baxter Bouncer: Gregory Hinton Nurse: Sonya Stephens Photographer: Neil Zlozower Fan #1: Kirk Enochs Thor: Myles Kennedy A.C.’s Wife: Rachel Hunter Kirk’s Wife: Heidi Mark Ghode’s Wife: Carrie Stevens Jorgen’s Wife: Amy Miller Office Worker: William Martin Brennan Mrs. Andrews: Lorna Scott Auditioning Singer: Ralph Saenz Topless Cutie #1: Jennifer Rovero Topless Cutie #2: Natalie Raynes Scalper: Jamal Weathers Two-Year Old Girl: Hailie Brennand Roadie #2: Eric Weinstein MTV Veejay: Jamie White Metal Head: Jeffrey Wetzel Guitar Tech: Frederick E. Kowalo Girl with P-Pass: Jennifer Uilani Warren Roxy Dancer: Chad Azadan Roxy Dancer: Linda Cevallos Roxy Dancer: Jennifer Edmond Roxy Dancer: Brian Friedman Roxy Dancer: Cynthia Fuhrer Roxy Dancer: Cati Jean Roxy Dancer: Edward Jenkins Roxy Dancer: Kelly Knox Roxy Dancer: Tabbatha Mays Roxy Dancer: Udee McGeoy Roxy Dancer: Ted Napolitano Roxy Dancer: Tomasina Parrott Roxy Dancer: Gabriel Ramírez Roxy Dancer: Ursula Whittaker Roxy Dancer: Zachary Woodlee Concert Rocker: Andrew Wayne Bar Patron (uncredited): Gia Franzia Film Crew: Production Design: Mayne Berke Executive Producer: Steven Reuther Original Music Composer: Trevor Rabin Executive Producer: George Clooney Second Unit Director: David R. Ellis Director of Photography: Ueli Steiger Casting: Sharon Bialy Actor’s Assistant: Eric Weinstein Co-Producer: Michael Fottrell Costume Design: Aggie Guerard Rodgers Screenplay: John Stockwell Stunts: Chad Stahelski Director: Stephen Herek Stunts: Chris Palermo Stunts: Joe Bucaro III Producer: Toby Jaffe Editor: Trudy Ship Stunts: Julie Michaels Stunts: Keith Woulard Stunts: T.J. White Executive Producer: Mike Ockrent Choreographer: Peggy Holmes Music Supervisor: Budd Carr Set Decoration: Casey Hallenbeck Unit Production Manager: Paul Moen Swing: P. Scott Bailey Stunts: Laura Albert Stunts: Mike Gunther Supervising Art Director: Caty Maxey Stunt Coordinator: Brad Martin Stunts: Jeff Imada Still Photographer: Claudette Barius First Assistant Director: Jeffrey Wetzel Actor’s Assistant: Ozzie Areu Production Accountant: Ravi D. Mehta Art Department Coordinator: Joe Walser Leadman: Mark Woods Stunts: Tim Rigby Camera Operator: Thomas Yatsko Stunts: Sean Graham Set Designer: Harry E. Otto Makeup Artist: Donald Mowat Special Effects Coordinator: Paul J. Lombardi Makeup Artist: Jean Ann Black Boom Operator: Carl Fischer Stunts: Damon Caro Stunts: Chris O’Hara First Assistant Camera: Gary L. Camp Script Supervisor: Adrienne Hamalian-Mangine Special Effects: Scott Blackwell Video Assist Operator: David Katz Stunts: Steve Holladay Hairstylist: Johnny Villanueva Set Costumer: Lisa A. Doyle Hairstylist: Kerry Mendenhall Music Editor: Brent Brooks Steadicam Operator: Dan Kneece Location Manager: Curtis Collins Hairstylist: Shari Perry Key Makeup Artist: Michael Mills Key Costumer: Sabrina Calley Stunts: Brandon Sebek Producer: Robert Lawrence Art Direction: Richard Schreiber Costume Supervisor: Bruce Erickse...
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dgf2099 · 3 months
The Driver Suit Blog-Paint Scheme Grades-June 22, 2024
By David G. Firestone Ross Chastain #1 Busch Light #ForTheFarmers Chevy Camaro-Not bad, but a downgrade from last year. C Austin Cindric #2 Menard’s/Moen Ford Mustang-Same scheme as #12, same A grade. Corey LaJoie #7 Gainbridge/Iowa Hawkeyes Chevy Camaro-A much better look when toned down and the blue removed. A Chase Briscoe #14 Mahindra Tractors Patriotic Ford Mustang-Cleaning up the sides does…
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tessaviana · 2 years
A. Letak Geografis
Letak Kerajaan Sriwijaya sendiri masih dipersoalkan hingga saat ini. Pendapat yang cukup populer adalah yang dikemukakan oleh beberapa ahli, diataranya:
a. G. Coedes pada tahun 1918 bahwa pusat Sriwijaya ada di Palembang. Meskipun pendapat ini juga problematis karena sedikitnya penemuan arkeologis di Palembang
b. J.L. Moens misalnya, merekonstruksi peta Asia Tenggara menggunakan beritaberita Cina dan Arab menyimpulkan bahwa Sriwijaya tadinya berpusat di Kedah, kemudian berpindah ke Muara Takus.
c. Soekmono, dalam pendapat lain menyampaikan Jambi sebagai lokasi yang tepat bagi pusat Sriwijaya karena lokasinya yang terlindung karena ada di dalam teluk namun menghadap langsung ke laut lepas.
Sampai dengan hari ini, Palembang masih dianggap sebagai pusat Sriwijaya dengan banyak perdebatan. Jambi, Kedah, Chaiya (Thailand Selatan), dan bahkan Jawa sempat dinyatakan sebagai pusat Sriwijaya karena penemuan dari masing-masing peneliti. Beberapa ahli sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa Sriwijaya yang dianggap bercorak maritim memiliki kebiasaan untuk berpindah-pindah pusat kekuasaan. Hal ini mungkin saja terjadi, mengingat teori Mandala yang diungkapkan oleh Robert von Heine-Geldern yang menyatakan bahwa pusat dari kerajaan-kerajaan kuno Asia Tenggara adalah raja itu sendiri dan pengaruhnya. Bukan kekuasaan teritorial, maupun ibukota kerajaan seperti halnya yang terjadi di Eropa, misalnya.
B. Latar Belakang Sejarah
Kerajaan Sriwijaya merupakan sebuah kerajaan besar yang terletak di Sumatra Selatan. Menurut para ahli, pusat Kerajaan Sriwijaya ada di Palembang dan diperkirakan telah berdiri pada abad ke-7 M. Awalnya, Sriwijaya hanya kerajaan kecil. Sriwijaya berkembang menjadi kerajaan besar setelah dipimpin oleh Dapunta Hyang. Dapunta Hyang berhasil memperluas daerah kekuasaannya dengan menaklukkan kerajaan-kerajaan di sekitarnya. Sriwijaya berkembang sampai abad ke 13, dan sejak itu Sriwijaya berhasil ditaklukkan oleh San Fo Tsi (Swarnabhumi).
Faktor yang mendorong Sriwijaya muncul menjadi kerajaan besar adalah sebagai berikut:
✓ Letaknya yang sangat strategis di jalur perdagangan antara India dengan Cina.
✓ Kemajuan pelayaran dan perdagangan antara Cina dan India melalui Asia Tenggara.
✓ Runtuhnya Kerajaan Funan di Indocina. Dengan runtuhnya Funan memberikan kesempatan kepada Sriwijaya untuk berkembang sebagai negara maritime menggantikan Funan.
✓ Sriwijaya mempunyai kemampuan untuk melindungi pelayaran dan perdagangan di perairan Asia Tenggara dan memaksanya singgah di pelabuhan-pelabuhan.
C. Sistem Kepercayaan
Kepercayaan masyarakat sriwijaya yakni agama Buddha yang diperkenalkan di Sriwijaya pada tahun 425 Masehi. I Tsing melaporkan bahwa Sriwijaya menjadi rumah bagi sarjana Buddha sehingga menjadi pusat pembelajaran agama Buddha, yaitu aliran Buddha Mahayana, Hinayana, Pendeta Budha yang terkenal di Sriwijaya diantarana adalah Dharmapala dan Sakyakirti.
❑ Dharmapala adalah seorang guru besar agama Budha dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya. Ia pernah mengajar agama Budha di Perguruan Tinggi Nalanda (Benggala).
❑ Sakyakirti adalah guru besar yang mengarang buku Hastadandasastra
D. Sistem Ekonomi
Di dunia perdagangan, Sriwijaya menjadi pengendali jalur perdagangan antara India dan Tiongkok, yakni dengan penguasaan atas Selat Malaka dan Selat Sunda. Orang Arab mencatat bahwa Sriwijaya memiliki aneka komoditas seperti kapur barus, kayu gaharu, cengkeh, pala, kepulaga, gading, emas, dan timah, yang membuat raja Sriwijaya sekaya raja-raja di India. Sehingga Sriwijaya mendapat kepercayaan dari vassal-vassalnya di seluruh Asia Tenggara. Karena alasan itulah Sriwijaya harus terus menjaga dominasi perdagangannya dengan selalu mengawasi dan jika perlu memerangi pelabuhan pesaing di negara jirannya. Keperluan untuk menjaga monopoli perdagangan inilah yang mendorong Sriwijaya menggelar ekspedisi militer untuk menaklukkan bandar pelabuhan pesaing di kawasan sekitarnya dan menyerap mereka ke dalam mandala Sriwijaya. Faktor factor yang mendorong Sriwijaya memiliki kedudukan yang sangat baik dalam perdagangan internasional:
1. Kerajaan Sriwijaya mempunyai letak yang sangat strategis, yaitu di tengah-tengah jalur pelayaran perdagangan antara India dan Cina Sehingga aktivitas perekonomian masyarakatnya tergantung pada pelayaran dan perdagangan.
2. Kerajaan Sriwijaya dekat dengan Selat Malaka yang merupakan urat nadi perhubungan bagi daerah-daerah di Asia Tenggara.
3. Dukungan pemerintahan raja yang cakap dan bijaksana seperti Balaputradewa.
Pada masanya Sriwijaya memiliki armada laut yang kuat yang mampu menjamin keamanan di jalur-jalur pelayaran yang menuju Sriwijaya, sehingga banyak pedagang dari luar yang singgah dan berdagang di wilayah kekuasaan Sriwijaya tersebut.
Kerajaan Sriwijaya mampu menguasai lalu lintas pelayaran dan perdagangan internasional selama berabad-abad dengan menguasai Selat Malaka, Selat Sunda, dan Laut Jawa. Setiap pelayaran dan perdagangan dari Asia Barat ke Asia Timur atau sebaliknya harus melewati wilayah Kerajaan Sriwijaya yang meliputi seluruh Sumatra, sebagian Jawa, Semenanjung Malaysia, dan Muangthai Selatan. Keadaan ini juga yang membawa penghasilan Kerajaan Sriwijaya terutama diperoleh dari komoditas ekspor dan bea cukai bagi kapal kapal yang singgah di pelabuhan-pelabuhan milik Sriwijaya. Komoditas ekspor Sriwijaya antara lain kapur barus, cendana, gading gajah, buah-buahan, kapas, cula badak, dan wangi-wangian. Kerajaan ini merupakan kerajaan maritime yang bersifat metropolitan.
E. Sumber Sejarah
a. Berita dalam Negeri
Berita-berita dalam negeri berasal dari prasasti-prasasti yang dibuat oleh raja-raja dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya. Prasasti tersebut sebagian besar mengguna-kan huruf Pallawa dan bahasa Melayu Kuno. Prasasti itu antara lain sebagai berikut:
1. Prasasti Kedukan Bukit
Prasasti berangka tahun 684 M itu menyebutkan bahwa Raja Sriwijaya bernama Dapunta Hyang membawa tentara sebanyak 20.000 orang berhasil menundukkan Minangatamwan. Dengan kemenangan itu, Kerajaan Sriwijaya menjadi makmur. Daerah yang dimaksud Minangatamwan itu kemungkinan adalah daerah Binaga yang terletak di Jambi. Daerah itu sangat strategis untuk perdagangan.
2. Prasasti Telaga Batu
Ditemukan pada tahun 1935 di Telaga Batu, Sabukingking 2 Ilir, Palembang terdiri dari 28 baris, dihiasi lambang negara Sriwijaya berupa naga berkepala tujuh digunakan untuk pelaksanaan upacara sumpah kesetian para calon pejabat yang menggunakan huruf pallawa. Kutukan raja terhadap siapa saja yang tidak taat terhadap Raja Sriwijaya dan juga melakukan tindakan kejahatan.
3. Prasasti Talang Tuwo
Prasasti berangka tahun 684 M, menyebutkan tentang pembuatan Taman Srikesetra atas perintah Raja Dapunta Hyang.
4. Prasasti Karang Berahi
Berangka tahun 686 ditemukan pada tahun 1904 di daerah Karang Berahi, Jambi, yang menunjukkan penguasaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya atas daerah itu. Berisi permintaan kepada para dewa yang menjaga kedatuan Sriwijaya untuk menghukum setiap orang yang bermaksud jahat dan mendurhakai terhadap kekuasaan Sriwijaya.
5. Prasasti Kota Kapur.
Prasasti berangka tahun 686 M. itu menyebutkan bahwa Kerajaan Sriwijaya berusaha untuk menaklukkan Bumi Jawa yang tidak setia kepada Kerajaan Sriwijaya. Prasasti tersebut ditemukan di Pulau Bangka.
6. Prasasti Ligor 
Prasasti berangka tahun 775 M. Ditemukan di daerah Ligor Semenanjung Malaya. Menerangkan bahwa Kerajaan Sriwijaya (Sumatera) mendirikan sebuah pangkalan di Semenanjung Malaya, daerah Ligor untuk mengawasi pelayaran perdagangan di Selat Malaka.
b. Berita Asing
Mengingat Kerajaan Sriwijaya merupakan kerajaan maritim dengan letak yang sangat strategis, banyak pedagang-pedagang asing yang datang untuk melakukan aktivitas di Kerajaan Sriwijaya. Untuk itu banyak ditemukan informasi mengenai keberadaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya ini. Berita asing tersebut antara lain sebagai berikut :
Berita Arab
Dari berita Arab dapat diketahui bahwa banyak pedagang Arab yang melakukan kegiatan perdagangan di Kerajaan Sriwijaya. Bahkan di pusat Kerajaan Sriwijaya ditemukan perkampungan-perkampungan orang-orang Arab sebagai tempat tinggal sementara Yang disebut Tashsih . Keberadaan Kerajaan Sriwijaya juga diketahui dari sebutan orang-orang Arab terhadap Kerajaan Sriwijaya seperti Zabaq, Sabay, atau Sribusa.
Berita India
Dari berita India dapat diketahui bahwa raja dari Kerajaan Sriwijaya pernah menjalin hubungan dengan raja-raja dari kerajaan yang ada di India seperti Kerajaan Nalanda dan Kerajaan Chola.
1. Prasasti Nalanda
Dibuat pada sekitar pertengahan abad ke-9, dan ditemukan di India berisi pokok pokok sebagai berikut:
✓ Raja Balaputradewa dari Suwarnabhumi (Sriwijaya) meminta pada raja Dewapaladewa agar memberikan sebidang tanah untuk pembangunan asrama yang digunakan sebagai tempat bagi para pelajar agama Buddha yang berasal dari Sriwijaya
✓ Raja Balaputra Dewa sebagai raja terakhir dari Dinasti Syailendra yang terusir dari Jawa Tengah akibat kekalahannya melawan Kerajaan Mataram dari Dinasti Sanjaya.
✓ Raja Dewa Paladewa berkenan membebaskan 5 desa dari pajak untuk membiayai para mahasiswa Sriwijaya yang belajar di Nalanda.
✓ Kerajaan Sriwijaya menjalin hubungan dengan raja-raja di India, seperti raja dari Kerajaan Nalanda dan Cholamandala. Kerajaan Cholamandala kemudian memerangi Sriwijaya karena hendak menguasai Selat Malaka.
Prasasti ini menyebutkan Raja Balaputra Dewa sebagai raja terakhir dari Dinasti Syailendra yang terusir dari Jawa Tengah akibat kekalahannya melawan Kerajaan Mataram dari Dinasti Sanjaya. Dalam prasasti itu, Balaputra Dewa meminta kepada Raja Nalanda agar mengakui haknya atas Dinasti Syailendra. Prasasti ini juga menyebutkan bahwa Raja Dewa Paladewa berkenan membebaskan 5 desa dari pajak untuk membiayai para mahasiswa Sriwijaya yang belajar di Nalanda.
2. Prasasti Tanjore ( India )
Ditemukan di India, dalam prasasti ini disebutkan bahwa pada tahun 1017 pasukannya menyerang kerajaan Swarnabhumi (Sumatera; Sriwijaya). Serangan itu diulang kembali pada tahun 1025, rajanya yang bernama Sanggramawijayatunggawarman berhasil ditawan oleh pasukan Cola, tetapi akhirnya Sanggramawijaya dilepaskan.
3. Prasasti Srilanka
Ditemukan di Srinlanka dan diperkirakan berasal dari abad XII, isinya menyebutkan bahwa : Suryanaraya dari wangsa Malayupura dinobatkan sebagai maharaja di Suwarnapura (Sriwijaya). Pangeran Suryanarayana menundukkan Manabhramana Berita Cina Dari berita Cina, dapat diketahui bahwa pedagang-pedagang Kerajaan Sriwijaya telah menjalin hubungan perdagangan dengan pedagang-pedagang Cina. Para pedagang Cina sering singgah di Kerajaan Sriwijaya untuk selanjutnya meneruskan perjalanannya ke India maupun Romawi. Dalam perjalanannya mereka kerap membuat catatan catatan, diantaranya:
• Dalam catatan Dinasti T’ang disebutkan, bahwa Sriwijaya telah beberapa kali mengirim utusannya ke negeri Cina, sekitar tahun 917M, 972M, 974M, dan 975M, juga tahun 980M dan 983M. Ketika hendak pulang, utusan itu tertahan di Kanton karena negerinya sedang berperang melawan raja Jawa.
• Dalam catatan I-Tsing disebutkan, bahwa ketika hendak berziarah ke India ia singgah dulu di Sriwijaya selama enam bulan. Ia juga singgah di Melayu selama dua bulan, baru kemudian ke India. Ia berada di India selama 10 tahun. Dalam perjalanan pulang singgah lagi di Sriwijaya selama hampir kurang lebih lima tahun, untuk menerjemahkan kitab agama Budha ke dalam bahasa Cina. Dalam catatan itu dikatakan juga bahwa di India terdapat seorang pendeta besar yaitu Sakyakirti atau Dharmakirti.
F. Kemunduran dan keruntuhan Sriwijaya
Kerajaan Sriwijaya mulai mengalami kemunduran pada abad ke 13M. Kemunduran ini terjadi karena adanya beberapa faktor, di antaranya adalah faktor alam, ekonomi, politik, dan militer.
1. Faktor Geografi
Ditinjau dari faktor alam, Kerajaan Sriwijaya mengalami kemunduran karena kota Palembang semakin jauh dari laut. Hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya pengendapan lumpur yang dibawa oleh Sungai Musi dan sungai lainnya. Hal ini menyebabkan kapal-kapal dagang yang datang ke Palembang semakin berkurang.
2. Faktor Ekonomi
Ditinjau dari faktor ekonomi, kota Palembang yang semakin jauh dari laut menjadi tidak strategis lagi. Karena tidak banyak kapal dagang yang singgah, sehingga kegiatan perdagangannya menjadi berkurang. Akibatnya pajak sebagai sumber pendapatan semakin berkurang. Hal ini memperlemah posisi Sriwijaya. Letak Palembang yang makin jauh dari laut menyebabkan daerah itu kurang strategis lagi kedudukannya sebagai pusat perdagangan nasional maupun internasional. Sementara itu, terbukanya Selat Berhala antara Pulau Bangka dan Kepulauan Singkep dapat menyingkatkan jalur perdagangan internasional sehingga Jambi ( Kerajaan Melayu ) lebih strategis daripada Palembang.
3. Faktor Politik
Perekonomian Sriwijaya yang semakin lemah itu menyebabkan Sriwijaya tidak mampu lagi mengontrol daerah kekuasaannya. Akibatnya, daerah-daerah bawahannya berusaha untuk melepaskan diri.
1. Setelah kekuasaan di Jawa Timur berkembang pada masa Airlangga, Sriwijaya terpaksa mengakui Jawa Timur sebagai pemegang hegemoni di Indonesia bagian timur dan Sriwijaya bagian barat.
2. Dari arah timur, Kerajaan Sriwijaya semakin terdesak ketika berkembang Kerajaan Singasari yang merupakan kelanjutan dari kerajaan Kediri , pada waktu diperintah oleh Raja Kertanegara, Kerajaan Singasari yang bercita-cita menguasai seluruh wilayah nusantara mulai mengirim ekspedisi ke arah barat yang dikenal dengan istilah Ekspedisi Pamalayu. Dalam ekspedisi ini, Kerajaan Singasari mengadakan pendudukan terhadap Kerajaan Melayu, Pahang, dan Kalimantan, sehingga mengakibatkan kedudukan Kerajaan Sriwijaya semakin terdesak.
3. Selain itu kedudukan Kerajaan Sriwijaya semakin terdesak, karena munculnya kerajaan-kerajaan besar yang juga memiliki kepentingan dalam dunia perdagangan, seperti Kerajaan Siam di sebelah utara. Kerajaan Siam memperluas wilayah kekuasaannya ke arah selatan dengan menguasai daerah-daerah di Semenanjung Malaya termasuk Tanah Genting Kra. Jatuhnya Tanah Genting Kra ke dalam kekuasaan Kerajaan Siam mengakibatkan kegiatan pelayaran perdagangan di Kerajaan Sriwijaya semakin berkurang.
4. Faktor Militer
Dalam segi militer, kemunduran Sriwijaya disebabkan adanya serangan militer dari kerajaan lain antaranya sebagai berikut.
1. Serangan Raja Dharmawangsa pada tahun 990 M. Ketika itu yang berkuasa di Sriwijaya adalah Sri Sudamani Warmadewa. Walaupun serangan ini tidak berhasil, tetapi telah melemahkan Sriwijaya
2. Serangan dari Kerajaan Colamandala yang diperintah oleh Raja Rajendracoladewa pada tahun 1023 dan 1030. Serangan ini ditujukan ke Semenanjung Malaka dan berhasil menawan raja Sriwijaya. Serangan ketiga dilakukan pada tahun 1068 M dilakukan oleh Wirarajendra, cucu Rajendracoladewa.
3. Pengiriman ekspedisi Pamalayu atas perintah Raja Kertanegara, 1275-1292, yang diterima dengan baik oleh Raja Melayu (Jambi),, Mauliwarmadewa, semakin melemahkan kedudukan Sriwijaya.
4. Serangan Kerajaan Majapahit dipimpin Adityawarman atas perintah Mahapatih Gajah Mada pada tahun 1477 yang mengakibatkan Sriwijaya menjadi taklukan Majapahit.
Akibat beberapa serangan tersebut, berakhirlah peranan Sriwijaya sebagai kerajaan maritim sekaligus sebagai kerajaaan yang bertaraf nasional pertama. Dengan faktor politis dan ekonomi itu, maka sejak akhir abad ke-13 M kerajaan Sriwijaya menjadi kerajaan kecil dan wilayahnya terbatas pada daerah Palembang. Kerajaan Sriwijaya yang kecil dan lemah akhirnya dihancurkan oleh Kerajaan Majapahit tahun 1377 M.
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in-sightpublishing · 2 years
An Interview with Tim Moen (Four)
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2018/11/08 Abstract  Tim Moen is the President of the Libertarian Party of Canada. He discusses: Bill C-51, Bill C-13, or the TPP; overarching mission; proper limit and role of government; vision for Canada; principles; activists, authors, bloggers,…
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xijnmx0uzh · 2 years
Comprar el mejor grifo de cocina junto con rociador extraíble y jabón Répartir
Hay muchas otras características que es importante tener en cuenta para elegir el mejor grifo de cocina, incluido un rociador inferior extraíble y un dispensador de jabón. Una característica crucial a considerar es el tipo de acabado del grifo. Puede elegir entre cromo, centavo, platino, peltre o quizás negro mate. Por lo general, el acabado identificará cómo se ve el grifo, así como su resistencia al óxido.
Considere el diseño particular de los grifos
Otra cosa a considerar al elegir un grifo de cocina es definitivamente su diseño. Un nuevo grifo elegante y con estilo seguramente podrá mejorar la configuración de su fregadero. Los grifos, más comúnmente conocidos como grifos de agua, datan de alrededor de 1700 a. C. y han sufrido numerosos refinamientos. Los grifos de hoy en día suelen ser agradables y cuentan con un rociador desplegable integrado.
Otra característica a tener en cuenta a la hora de adquirir el grifo cocina flexible con rociador extraíble y dosificador de jabón es la presión del agua potable. Mientras que los modelos más caros tienen mejor presión de agua potable, debe tener en cuenta que uno más barato puede no ofrecer la durabilidad que una persona necesita. Si una persona tiene un buen rango de precios, es posible que deba encontrar un diseño que cueste menos de $ 100. Muchos hombres y mujeres buscan un producto que dure años, por lo que están dispuestos a pagar un poco más por la calidad.
Si necesita un grifo de cocina con un rociador desplegable y un dispensador de jabón que también sea fácil de limpiar y cuidar, una persona no puede equivocarse con un grifo extraíble de una manija WEWE. Es fácil de limpiar y mantener, y cuenta con una alternativa de rociado de 3 vías.
Beneficios asociados con la tecnología Touch20
Otra gran característica de este tipo de grifo de cocina será la tecnología Touch20. El LED que cambia de color le dice exactamente qué tan caliente o fría está el agua y proporciona un nuevo indicador visual. La tecnología Touch20 es muy beneficiosa para picar pollo orgánico, por ejemplo. Además, permite que una persona ajuste la temperatura del agua para varios usos, incluida la limpieza de frutas y verduras.
Características del grifo Kraus KPF-1610SS Bolden
Cuando se trata de estilo, normalmente el Kraus KPF-1610SS Bolden es un grifo hermoso. Tiene una búsqueda moderna, fluida y de estilo profesional. Está hecho de compuestos duraderos y parece y se siente resistente. Con un dispensador de jabón limpiador, es un medio excelente para arreglar prácticamente cualquier cocina.
Hay dos factores importantes a tener en cuenta al comprar el mejor grifo de cocina con rociador y dispensador desplegable: el estilo y la funcionalidad. Si coincide con el motivo de su grifo actual, es posible que deba elegir otro. También hay que tener en cuenta el precio. Puede instalarlo usted mismo o contratar a un especialista para ayudar a una persona.
Una alternativa ideal para un rociador desplegable y un dispensador de jabón de limpieza es el particular Moen K-15160 Coralais. Es elegante e incluso viene en cinco acabados distintos, incluidos el acero inoxidable y el negro. El modo de rociado puede cambiar entre botella de rociado y chorro. Esto también tiene un programa de acoplamiento magnético incorporado. El acabado suele ser resistente a la corrosión y resistente a los lugares.
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yhwhrulz777 · 2 years
Today's Daily Encounter 17th November 2022
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart
Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart 
“Give thanks to the Lord; call on his name; proclaim his deeds among the peoples.”1 
Our struggle to have it all usually begins with the state of our hearts. Ever since we were children, we have been dreaming of our perfect lives. We set out to make our dreams come true by chasing after what we know will make us happy — a good job, someone to love, a place to call home — and we believe that if we are good enough and try hard enough and are good-looking enough, then we will actually be enough. The story continually seems to say, “If you get what you want, you will be happy.” But this really isn't true, is it? 
Children get asked every year around this time, “What are you thankful for?” The answers are always the same — family, food, toys, friends, etc. — their gratitude is simple. I think that if we learned to give thanks with a grateful heart, we would find that the simple things are actually quite fulfilling! 
A person laying in a hospital bed might be grateful that they feel better today than yesterday. A homeless person might be grateful that it is warmer today. A student might feel grateful that there isn’t so much homework tonight. A wife and mother might feel grateful that her family is all seated together for dinner, and a husband and father might feel grateful that he was able to provide for his family this week. Whatever the circumstance, there is always something to be grateful for! 
Give thanks with a grateful heart,  Give thanks to the Holy One,  Give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ, His Son. 
 And now, let the weak say, “I am strong”,  Let the poor say, “I am rich”,  because of what the Lord has done for us! 
Give Thanks!2 
Suggested Prayer: Dear Lord, our earthly desires pale in comparison to what you have in store for those who have accepted your Son as their Lord and Savior. Thank you for what you have given me. Please give me a grateful heart so that I will be thankful for even the simplest things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.1. 1 Chronicles 16:8 (CSB).
“Give Thanks” by Don Moen.  
Today’s Encounter was written by: Veronica B.
NOTE: If you would like to accept God's forgiveness for all your sins and His invitation for a full pardon Click on: http://www.actsweb.org/invitation.php. Or if you would like to re-commit your life to Jesus Christ, please click on http://www.actsweb.org/decision.php to note this.
Daily Encounter is published at no charge by ACTS International, a non-profit organization, and made possible through the donations of interested friends. Donations can be sent at: http://www.actscom.com
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Copyright (c) 2016 by ACTS International.
When copying or forwarding include the following: "Daily Encounter by Richard (Dick) Innes (c) 2016 ACTS International.
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fr-jedicreed · 3 years
Inescapable Punishment
TW: Abuse, body horror, gore, hints at sexual abuse
Note--all dragons are in gijinka’d forms, unless otherwise noted!
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Moen couldn’t remember the last time he felt fresh air on his face. Had he ever been outside? He’d been in his master’s home and business for so long... He couldn’t remember. And...how did he get outside, anyways? Had he walked out of the building? Had Master brought him out here? Why? Master never let him out of the building...
Even his mask was gone. His eyes were covered with a cloth, but the mask was gone. He couldn’t see, but he could feel. And smell. He lifted his head, nose to the air, as he sniffed. So many scents...! What was going on? Curiosity got the best of Moen, and he wandered further. He smelled. He listened. The more he walked, the louder things got. Voices. Moving of carts. Machines. The sounds of footsteps. Moen felt his heart race with excitement. It was all so new...! Why had Master not let him go out? This was amazing!
A rare smile came onto his lips, as he started walking a little faster. He could hear more talking, feel the sun on his face, and--
Moen ran into something--someone--and stumbled back, tripping over his own feet, and landing on the ground. The one he ran into didn’t seem angry, though instinctively Moen flinched, tensing up for a blow. Instead, he heard movement, and that someone was close.
“You okay there, buddy? We crashed pretty hard.” they chuckled, though from what Moen could hear, they sounded male...
“M--Moen’s f-fine...” he wheezed, his voice sounding strange without the mask to filter it, making him tilt his head at his own, “Moen’s fine...”
“Strange way of talking, huh?” chuckled the one that was knelt down close to him, “You lost? You seemed to be looking around a bit. Though...erm...’looking’ as an objective term...”
He felt fingertips graze against the cover over his eyes and Moen jerked back, “N--No! D-Don’t touch! Moen’s...M-Moen’s eyes...are damaged. Master is taking care of th-them...”
Moen nodded.
The one he ran into was silent. But before any more words could be uttered, something--someone else--bumped into Moen, nearly causing him to sprawl on the ground. Though he did anyways, as an angry voice hissed out.
“Watch it! Move it, you idiot!”
That was anger. That person was angry. Moen whimpered, covering his head, tensing his body up, ready for the blow. But it never came. The nicer voice spoke up instead, not angry.
“You move it!” he called out, before going back to Moen, “Hey, you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he? C’mon, let’s get you out of the street.”
“S-Street...?” Moen raised his head. The ground underneath of him was vibrating slightly, with people, carts, and various other moving objects. Where ever they were, it was busy. Moen slowly stood up, though he flinched, as he felt a hand under his arm, helping him stand.
“Easy, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” said the other. His hand felt warm on Moen’s arm, and he couldn’t help but shake a little, wanting nothing more than to lean into that touch. How long had it been, since he felt a kind touch? Master hadn’t touched him in awhile, especially kindly. Maybe if Moen continued to be good, this one person will touch him some more...
“C’mon, let’s go get you some ice cream. You sound parched...!”
“Ice...Ice cream...?” Moen tilted his head, confused.
“Do...Do you not know what ice cream is?”
Moen shook his head.
The other sighed, but it wasn’t an aggravated sigh, “Man, you are missing out, my deprived friend. Let’s go broaden your horizons!”
Minutes later, Moen was sat down, with something cold in his hand. What was this? He moved his head closer to smell it, only to touch it with his nose. The coldness of it startled him, and he jerked his head back with a soft noise. The one next to him chuckled, and he heard him lick.
“Try it! You’re gonna love it, Moen.” he said, chuckling.
Moen tilted his head again, before turning to his ice cream. He moved closer to it once more, and stuck his tongue out, giving the cold treat a lick. Feeling it so cold on his tongue was weird, but it was so...!
“Sweet...!” squeaked Moen, making a happy noise, before going back to his ice cream. The other beside him laughed, gently patting Moen’s shoulder, making him lean into the touch with another noise.
“See? You’ve been missing out!” he laughed, good-naturedly. The two fell quiet for a moment, licking their ice cream, before the other spoke up again, “Say, uh...you keep saying ‘Master’ a lot. Is that literal, or just part of some...erm...play thing...?”
“Master owns me...Moen.” said Moen simply, taking another lick of his ice cream, “Whatever Master says, Moen does. Otherwise, Moen gets punished severely. A-And...And it hurts...”
“He hurts you, Moen?” asked the other, his voice soft and...concerned? Moen hadn’t heard concern in awhile. It made him pause, looking over at the other dragon. Or in his general direction.
“Only if Moen is bad...” wheezed Moen, nodding, “Moen tries t-to be good...honestly...!”
He whimpered, going back to his ice cream, mind flashing with images of the several, horrific punishments that his master had dealt out. He bore the scars of several of them. And his eyes, sewn shut, was another punishment...
“Hey, hey.” That gentle voice came again, and a warm hand rested on his shoulder, “Let me help you. Let me confront this master, and we can get you to freedom, okay?”
Moen whimpered, leaning into that gentle touch again, “B-But...”
“I can handle myself.” He could practically hear the other smile, “I may not look--erm, sound--like it, but I’m pretty strong! C’mon, let’s go have a ‘talk’ with this Master of yours.”
He heard the other stand up, and Moen followed, finishing his ice cream, “Moen’s master is the surgeon of the city. His name is Theadoch.”
“S-Surgeon? That creepy guy I keep hearing talk about?” asked the other, and Moen could feel him shiver.
“Moen’s Master is a good surgeon. Not good with others, but he does great work.”
There was a sound of movement from the other, before he gently took Moen’s hand. Moen almost instinctively jerked his hand back, but he grasped him tightly, fingers trembling as he let the other lead the way. Thoughts of freedom went through Moen’s mind, for the first time.
Would it be nice to be free?
Could he be free?
...Did he deserve to be free...?
It didn’t take them long to get to the building. He heard the other let out a low whistle, as they stopped at the front door, “It’s so creepy. Surgeon building, in the middle of nowhere, in some alleyway... Yeah, not suspicious at all.”
He sighed, and gently squeezed Moen’s hand, “Right, let’s go inside.”
Moen heard the door open, and he smelled the familiarity of the building, his home. His prison(?). They walked further in, and the one with him called out, the volume making him jump.
“Hey! Bastard, I need to talk with you about this guy!” he called out, “What gives you the right to--?!”
It happened so fast. Moen heard the door slam behind them. The other gave a shout. There was...a growl. A low, otherworldly growl. A rush of air.
Then Moen knew no more.
Moen woke up to a sharp pain in his side.
He groaned, as he slowly sat up. He felt at the pained side, relieved to feel no wetness. No bleeding. But it still hurt. Probably broken. The next thing he noticed, was there was a strange smell in the air. Moen sniffed, before carefully getting to his feet, holding his side. 
“F-Friend...?” he called out, his voice even more hoarse than before. He couldn’t feel the cover over his eyes. But the more he tried to open them, the more the sutures pulled at his skin, making them hurt. He didn’t want to be in pain anymore, so he kept them shut.
“M-Moen friend...?” he called out again, carefully moving down the hall. The smell was getting stronger. What was that? It was similar to how Theadoch’s operating room smelled, after a surgery. But it was different, at the same time. Either way, something twisted in Moen’s stomach. Something wasn’t right.
Something was very wrong.
Moen paused, as his bare foot landed on something wet. It wasn’t water. Too thick to be water. And the smell was very strong now. He curled his toes, making the substance squish between them. He sniffed the air, turning slightly, hands out. When they touched something that wasn’t the wall, he turned towards it. His hands wandered over the thing in front of him.
Moen’s breathing quickened, as his hands continued to explore. Everything felt wet. He felt something hard briefly, but it too, was covered in a wet substance. He heard a whistling noise in front of him. He reached up. He touched a face. 
Horror gripped him, and he let out a strangled, anguished cry, his trembling hands wandering over what used to be a person. What used to be someone who helped him, who talked with him and gave him ice cream. And while his eyes were sewn shut, his tears stung at the sutures.
The one that helped him was practically up on display. His arms were removed, leaving bloody stumps. His legs were degloved, and he was disemboweled. His chest had been ripped open, ribs broken and spread to look like wings coming from the gory hole in his chest. His lungs had been removed, attached to the ribs, as if a hanging decoration. And his throat had been all but ripped out, leaving him no way to scream. To top it off, his spine had been extended, making his head detached from his body, by a few extra vertebrae.
“This is what you get for disobeying me, Moen...”
Moen turned around, just before being backhanded and sent sprawling onto the ground, right into the fluids that coated it. Visceral fluids, not just blood...
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Theadoch stood there, Arcane energy crackling around him, menacingly. He was upset. More than upset, he was angry. 
“You disobeyed me, Moen.” he hissed, before snarling, “I never gave you permission to go outside!! Why did you go outside?!”
“M-Moen just...just...” he stammered, before yelping out as he was grabbed by his hair, and pulled to his feet. Barefoot, he slipped on the fluids on the ground, nearly falling, if it wasn’t for the fist in his hair.
“You didn’t think, you useless sack of flesh.” growled Theadoch, shoving Moen aside, “You’re never to go outside without my permission, that should’ve been a given! And now, it’s time to punish you... And you need to be punished in a way that you’ll remember...”
Moen’s eyes widened, and for a split second, he saw through the sutures, as they ripped enough for him to see. The pain and blood in his eyes became too much, and he squeezed them shut, as tears mingled in, “I’m s-s....Moen’s sorry, p-please...! Don’t p-punish me, Master, please....!”
"Oh, there’s no begging out of this one, Moen.” purred the Arcane demon, a wicked grin coming onto his face, “Naughty boys get their guts rearranged, while they lay awake on my table.”
Moen sobbed out, and quickly fell to his knees, moving forward and grabbing a hold of Theadoch’s robes, “Th-Then u-use Moen, please...! I’ll do it, M-Moen won’t say or do anything, u-use me as y-your toy Master...!”
He obediently opened his mouth, drool dripping down, as he moved towards Theadoch’s crotch. But instead of something soft, he got a knee to the mouth as a ‘reward,’ making him cry out, as he sprawled on the ground.
“I’m too pissed to get off, you fool!” shouted Theadoch, stomping forward, “You don’t deserve to taste my dick, or have it inside of you. The only thing that’ll be inside of you, is my hands, as I remove your organs, and place them in reverse order, as you remain awake.”
He grabbed a handful of Moen’s hair, dragging him along. Moen struggled, crying out as he tried to get free. Tears and blood streamed down his cheeks, as he grabbed at Theadoch’s wrist, trying to free himself, his pleas falling on deaf ears.
Freedom was just a dream.
There was no freedom for him.
He let out one final scream, before the door to the surgery room was slammed closed. The force of the door made Moen’s only friend jar so much, that his head finally snapped off of his overextended spine, landing with a loud thud, into his own fluids...
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jedicreed-fr · 6 years
4, 17, and 36 for Moen? 👀
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The poor, tortured soul ;u;
4. Describe their worst nightmare.
---Death. Moen fears death, above anything else. Which is odd, given that he’s the Executrix Empire’s executioner. But when he’s called for that, he’s put under a trance, to obey any command that Janto gives him, during those executions. He has no memory of taking anyone’s lives, and wakes up covered in blood. But he doesn’t want to die. He’s willing to do anything to survive. Anything. And that ‘anything’ is something Theadoch loves to take advantage of...
17. What sound always gives them a headache?
---Screaming and crying. Not from himself, though, but from others. Whenever Theadoch gets a bit sadistic with someone else, and they cry out in fear and panic, their cries make Moen’s head hurt. With his sight temporarily gone, his hearing has increased. And hearing their pain, makes him feel pain. Hearing their cries for help, and not being able to do anything about it, makes him feel pain. And the pain hurts his head, in turn. He’s not allowed to help anyone on Theadoch’s operating table, under threat of severe punishment...
36. Are they in control of their emotions, or are their emotions in control of them?
---This is a bit of a hard one. Moen’s emotions are very stunted, thanks to all the abuse and trauma he suffered under Theadoch’s control. He cries a lot, but keeps his sobs nearly silent, lest Theadoch hear him. He doesn’t get angry, not knowing how. He feels pleasure, but he’s conflicted when Theadoch is the one bringing him pleasure. He doesn’t want it most of the time, but his body reacts pleasantly, so maybe he does want it? And he’s so desperate for touch, any sort of touch, that he endures Theadoch’s harmful blows just to have some sort of touch on him. If he ever had a gentle hand laid on him, he’d probably shatter...
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swallowtail-jumper · 7 years
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Moen got a partner and a new accent in a matter of minutes whoops
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rootraw · 5 years
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Flo por Moen Inteligente Detector de Agua te ayudará a ahorrar agua en casa #ahorrar #ayudara #detector #inteligente https://t.co/ahOyVcofAR
— ROOT RAW (@RootRaw2) January 6, 2020
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sunshades · 7 years
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warwaged-moved · 3 years
but also because I’m still stuck in the ancients brainrot channel
 I have an ancient verse for alisaie, as I mentioned before, that’s based on the theory maira and alkaios are the twins’ unsundered counterparts. so she’s a researcher in elpis alongside her brother c:
everyone else is still a work in progress, but I really want to make minfilia one of the few who sided with venat about hydaelyn. I just think it’s powerful she’d have been one of them and then chosen to trust and follow her again, with so much faith and dedication, in her sundered form too. as to what exactly she was up to before, Idk yet, but I feel anything in an administrator sort of role would fit her
tempted to say ysayle didn’t have an unsundered form and is actually a new soul simply because I can’t think of anything for her at all 💁‍♀️ on the other hand, if she had an unsundered counterpart, I’d name her khione 
whoever unsundered moen is, she would also have made her life’s mission to befriend unsundered urianger 😌 I also feel she’d like azem. and venat. 
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