#c: bea & the council
crescentcrowd · 2 years
Location: Council Headquarters Closed For: The Council & The Hunter ( @cantfightmoonlightlight @moonglowmagic @nicocastillo @readbentweenthelines )
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For the past year, the citizens of Lunar Cove had been terrorized by some faceless adversary that had taunted them, taking the lives of everyone in leadership and leaving the town floundering. On Valentine's day, they made their biggest strike yet, a year after the first attack. For the first time in that year, Bea felt like they might have gotten the upperhand, despite having been kidnapped with a small portion of the population of their town, no one on their side had died. Of the hunters, only one remained, and she was being restrained in a soundproof room on the other side of the building while the Council best decided how to handle the situation. "I think we should probably make a game plan before we get in there. Maybe we make a list of all the things we want answered before we head in, so we know what information to aim for?" There was also the matter of what to do with the captive after the interrogation, but Bea didn't want to think about that just yet. "Do any of you have experience in... interrogation?" she asked uncertainly.
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oldsalempost-blog · 2 years
The Old Salem Post
Our  Local Tamassee-Salem SC Area News each Monday except holidays                                          Contact: [email protected]                              Distributed to local businesses, town hall, library.                                            Volume 7 Issue 9                                                                                              Week of February 13,2023                https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/oldsalempost-blog                                                         Lynne Martin Publishing
EDITOR: It is the week of love.  It is not always easy to love, especially if you feel someone has done something to damage that love.  Words and actions can harm a relationship.   Maybe your “boss” is difficult to work for or someone is difficult to work with.   The battle of who is right and who is wrong consumes valuable time, mind-space and energy. Often, we prefer to carry a heavy burden rather than cast if off.  If we truly love one another as Jesus taught, and as we say we do, this can be a challenge.  Sometimes we despair in our trials, and feel we are walking alone.  I call this the valley, when we don’t always feel the Presence of God. But, we will learn from trials, if we open our hearts, knowing in the end love will conquer all! L R Martin  Prayer:  Lord, Help me to always choose to love.
TOWN OF SALEM: *Downtown Market every Sat. 8am-12pm. Council Meeting Feb 21 6pm.                                                                                                            Diane Head Memorial Dedication:  You are invited to attend the cutting of the Red Ribbon to dedicate the site in memory of Salem’s first town mayor on Feb 25. 1pm. The location is across Hwy 130 just south from the Calvary Church.    Valentine Mission: Thank you all who contributed to the Talley Luce Valentine Mission of spreading love over our county.  The project began from Talley’s little heart of love, that not only unites our Tamassee-Salem community and churches, but spreads through our whole county as she shares the gifts to the elderly and shut-ins.                                                                                                
__ASHTON RECALLS_________________________       By Ashton Hester  Here is the follow-up to the basketball story I sent last week:  SALEM'S 1952-53 GIRLS' BASKETBALL TEAM ALSO DOING WELL - (Last week's column featured a story about Salem High School's outstanding 1952-53 boys' basketball team that was in the January 28, 1953 issue of the Keowee Courier. That story continued with the following account of the Salem girls' team). . .The Salemites won't take a back seat when it comes to their girls' team either, for even while playing their first full schedule in several years, they have still managed to win 5 while losing 8 and tieing once. . .Coached by L.H. Pursley, the girls' scoring parade is led by brilliant little Betty Lou Towe, who can "natural-born" play a tune with the netting when she gets her hands on the ball. The diminutive star has sacked in 230 points in the campaign for a resounding average of 16.4 points per game. . .Not far behind is Phyllis Fisher who has poured in 189 points and now boasts a 13.5 per game average. . .The other forward post alternates between Bobbie Ann Littleton and Betty Perry. . .The guards lack height this year, but they have made up for much of that handicap with hustle and spirit. . .Shirley Ann Childress, Hilda Sue Burgess, and Martha Jean Nicholson handle the guard posts with some help from Maxine Smith, a promising eighth grader. . .(Footnote written in 2023: "Girls' rules" back then were that each team had three guards and three forwards on both ends of the court. None of them could cross the center-court line; they had to remain on their end). . .Others seeing action with the squad this year are Bea Holden, Ramona McCoy, Juanita Burrell, and Martha Hinkle. . .TOURNAMENT RESULTS: The February 18 issue of the Courier reported that the Salem boys' team lost its first-round game in the Class C District Tournament at Pendleton to Antreville, 45 to 37. The girls' team also lost its first-round game. The details were not reported other than the unfortunate loss of  their second-highest scorer, Phyllis Fisher, who moved away the final week of the season.                                                                                                                      
JOCASSEE VALLEY BREWING COMPANY,(JVBC)& COFFEE SHOP 13412 N Hwy 11 Open Wed-Sat 8am-9pm. Sun 2pm-7pm.  Events this week:  Wed: Blue Grass Jam 6:30pm.  Fri– FOOD: Wing Wagon  Music:  Square Roots at 6:30pm.  Sat–Music: BJ Calahan 6:30pm Food: Lobster Dogs.
Land Preservation starts with each one of us.  You can have plans in place for what you like to happen to your land once your time here is gone.   If you leave it to developers, it will be chopped up with whatever idea they have in mind.  Then landowners all around have to contend with the destruction left behind.    Like planning your life, plan what you want to happen to your land you cherish and have worked so hard for.  Do not let others plan for you.  Consider conservation easements or land trusts. Once the land is preserved for perpetuity, you can sell it or gift it. The land is protected.  LM
Jottings from Jeannie:  Celebrating South Carolina                                            We have 46 counties.       Here is a cure for insomnia: Try to name them all-- Abbeville, Aiken, Anderson...   Our state has 187 miles of coastline and a total area of  31,113 square miles. Did you know that the Edisto River is the longest black-water river in the entire world?  We live near SC's highest point which is Sassafras Mountain (3,560 ft above sea level).  Be proud! More Revolutionary War battles were fought in SC than in any other state!  The town of Abbeville is known as "the birthplace and the deathbed of the Confederacy."   I know what you are thinking! "Oh! Miz Jeannie! You are so smart! You should go on JEOPARDY!"  My reply: I probably would win a big prize-- but then I would have to leave Oconee County to go fetch it.   No Thank You!                                                                                                            
                   EAGLES NEST ART CENTER , 501c3, 4 Eagle Lane, Salem                                                                                                                                            WOMEN ECOURAGING WOMEN: FEB 18, 1PM-4PM  *Love Offering event.  * This is a wonderful event for our local churches to help sponsor. *  Invite your girlfriends, sisters, mom, or strangers to this local 3 hour retreat. Our speaker is Martha Loftis Watson, a former T-S teacher and minister.                                                                                                                                                                      Alumni Gathering March 4, 2pm-6pm:  Calling all Salem, Tamassee-Salem, and Eagle Ridge alumni, staff, and faculty to drop-in to visit together and unite the past with the present.  There is a sweet sprit that unites us from our beloved roots.  Come tour the campus.  Bring your tennis shoes and shoot some hoops.  There will be concessions and maybe some homemade soups and chili available to purchase to support the hallowed grounds.   Call for more information or if you would like to assist in any way, Susan Hopkins, 864-944-2490, or Judy Hines.
Tamassee DAR:  Tamassee DAR School can make your wedding dreams come true.  From engagement tea, rehearsal, ceremony, to reception – Weddings at Tamassee is a one-stop-venue experience for all your wedding needs. Make reservations for the next Bride-to-Be Tea Party on Sat, Feb. 18 at 10 a.m. in historical South Carolina Cottage on the campus of Tamassee DAR School.  Tour our beautiful indoor and outdoor venue options, visit with preferred vendors, enjoy refreshments, and learn more about our affordable wedding packages.   Cost for the Tea Party is $10 for the bride and one guest.  To register call us at 864.944.1390 or email us at [email protected].                              Tamassee DAR Full Day Program: On Monday, Feb 20, Presidents’ Day, our student will have  a fun day of adventures with friends and learning good citizenship values. Your child does not need to be enrolled in the regular after school program to participate.  $28/day for nonparticipants, $18/day for participants.   Call Ms Hope 864-944-3022 Ext 118.    7:30am-6:00pm Includes Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack.                                                                                BELLFEST 2023:  Join Friends of Jocassee for the 10th annual celebration of our native Oconee Bell at Devil’s Fork State Park. March 18 from 10am-3pm.  Park entry fees apply.  There will be Interpretive Bell Trail  walks, craft vendors, food trucks, music, kid & family activities, silent auction, and more. Visit www.friendsofjocassee.org to learn more.  
Prayer: Heavenly Father, Free my spirit from anything that causes me not to love everyone as myself.  Amen                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Share your heart of love this week. Lynne
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hms-chill · 4 years
A Channel of Your Peace
Summary: Following Henry being outed, the election, and the end of the book, Henry and Philip slowly start to fix their relationship. There’s blood that can’t be unshed, but there’s also a chance that things could get better.
Chapter 1: Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace
Chapter 2: Where There is Hatred, Let Me Sow Love
Chapter 3: Where There is Offense, Let Me Bring Pardon
Chapter 4: Where There is Doubt, Let Me Bring Faith
Chapter 5: Where there is Despair, Let Me Bring Hope
They're halfway through their tea and biscuits when Philip says, "what do you think Bea will say?"
"About the charity, or the baby?" They've been talking about both, and Henry's had to reassure Philip that the charity is a good idea at least three times. He's still worried, and probably will be until it actually gets launched and he gets to help people, but he seems to be a bit less worried about it by now.
"Both, I suppose. She... I think she's more angry with me than you were. She's probably the angriest of anyone, except maybe Alex, but he was mostly mad for you, and I... I don't think he hates me after tonight. But Bea... she's mad for you, but also for herself. I was awful to her."
"I mean, none of us were particularly wonderful to each other."
"Yes, well. You two were. You looked after each other, and I just made it worse. I know the two of us have sort of maybe made up a bit now, but I'm not so sure about her. She gave me quite the talking-to when she dragged me out of that meeting with Gran, about how awful I'd been to you and how much work I had to do if I ever wanted to be close to either of you again. She was right, of course, because she's always right about things, and I think I've done better, but I worry she's still upset with me. I just want things to be, you know, at least alright? I don't need her to be my best friend or anything, but I'd like her to not be mad at me. And I know I have to do better, but I... I'd like her to like me again."
"You have done better. You're working on it, and I... that's all I could ask, at least. And if I'm honest, I think she wants things to be alright, too. It's a bit harder for her, because I think she's worrying about me and if I'm happy and comfortable, too. I haven't really talked to her about it so I can't say for sure, but I think she wants to make sure I don't feel like I'm loosing her. So she's dealing with her emotions and her interpretation of my emotions, and that's just sort of a lot to work through, you know?"
"I... I think so. She's such a good older sibling," Philip says. He sighs, his head sinking into a hand as he rubs his forehead. Henry just nods.
"She is. And I think if anyone we know can teach you how to look after someone who's having a hard time, either as a parent of as someone who's helping them get help, it would be her. I could do my best, and I'm sure Martha and Mum have their own ways of helping, but Bea... Bea just knows what to do. I don't know if it's something she learned at NA or something, but she... every time I'm upset, she's known how to fix it. So I can do my best to help you know how to be a good dad, but I think she would be better."
"But she... I don't know what she thinks of me," Philip tells his cup of tea. "What if I try to talk to her, and she just tells me I'll be a shit dad? Or that she thinks I'm just stealing her iea for a charity, and she won't help, and then it all spirals out of control? And I know-- I know she probably won't say any of that, but what if she thinks it? What if... I just want her to like me. Or, at the very least, just... just not hate me."
"I don't think she hates you. Not anymore, at least."
Philip looks up at that, actually looking surprised. "You don't?"
"No. I don't think she's hated you for a while."
"Really. I think... I think she wants to be friends again; she's just not sure she can trust you. And that's... you know, you'll just have to show her that she can. But you can't show her she can trust you if you won't talk to her."
"I'm just afraid I'll mess it up. I... I don't know how to fix things, not with everything that's happened. I... you didn't hear this, at least I don't think you did, but when she went to rehab the first time, I... I was awful to her. I remember screaming about how she'd made me come back, because all I wanted was to be away from all of it. It hurt so much to see you and her and Mum and Gran all falling apart, and when I was deployed, I could just... I shut it out. I shut it all out, just pretended it wasn't happening and tried to move on. I pretended everything was normal, but when I had to come home to look after her I had to face it all. And she took the brunt of all of that. All my grief, and my anger, it all just exploded that day. It's... I don't remember what I said, but she and I had this screaming match while you and Pez were out doing something, just going at each other with all the hurt we'd both been trying to ignore. I wanted... I wanted her to hurt as much as I was, and I couldn't understand that she was hurting the same way. That night, when she checked herself out and the two of you came back here together, she... she found me the next morning and told me that I was part of why she'd left rehab, and that if I ever wanted to help anyone, I'd never treat them like I'd treated her ever again. And then she went, but it... she said it was because you loved her, not because I yelled at her. She's the one who made me at least acknowledge that Dad was gone. It... I remember not knowing how to grieve for him. Because you two were close to him, but I... I wanted so much to be the good son, and the good heir, and I knew I had this role that he didn't... I don't know if he understood. So I spent a long time feeling like I wasn't good enough for him, and wanting something he couldn't give me, so when I was trying to grieve him it felt like I wasn't... like I didn't deserve to. Like you two deserved to be sad, but I didn't, because I still had to be the good heir and the man of the family, so I couldn't be sad. I don't know if any of this makes sense, please tell me you haven't been listening." His face is red, and he's studying the wood grain of the table like his life depends on being able to perfectly re-create it. His hands are in front of him, though, so Henry carefully reaches over to grab one. Philip starts, then looks up.
"Have... have you ever considered seeing a therapist? I know they made us all go to a session or two with the grief counselor after Dad died, but I mean a more permanent therapist."
"I didn't think I needed to."
"It might help. You don't have to, obviously, I'm not going to make you, but it... they might be able to help you process things and not be so worried all the time. Our lives have always been so public, and all our problems feel so exlposive, but losing Dad especially was... it was hard. Things aren't supposed to happen like that; it wasn't something we were ready for, any of us. And even now, there's a lot on all our plates, but yours especially, I think, especially with the baby. Sometimes, at least for me, it's nice to have someone to share the load a bit. And as much as Martha or I might want to help, and we do, I think maybe if you can find a good therapist, they might be better. They'd be able to help more like Bea can help people. If... if you want, I can help you find one."
"Do you really think it would help? I don't... I..." Henry can see the wheels turning in his head. "I always sort of thought I wasn't the kind of person to need therapy. I had to be the one who didn't, because if I was put together and everything I thought I had to be, then you and Bea could go to therapy and fall apart and it wouldn't matter as much. So I've been just shoving things down and ignoring them ever since Dad died, but maybe... do you think someone could deal with all that? I don't... I was awful to the two of you. I don't want to be awful to a baby, too. Martha doesn't deserve that, and neither does he."
"I think, if we find the right person, they can help you deal with it. They might not be able to take care of all of it in nine months, but you could at least get started."
Philip considers, then nods. "I... can you help me? I don't know anything about therapy. I know the RAF has therapists, but they're for people with PTSD and combat-related things, and that's not really me. How do I even find someone?"
"I can text my therapist and see what he thinks, or if he knows anyone, but--"
"You text your therapist?"
"Yeah. I think it's a work number, but sometimes he texts me pictures of dogs or other things he thinks I'll like. And he might be up now, since he's in New York. I found him through the shelter, since he works there and I wanted to help kids realize going to talk to him isn't a bad thing, but he's actually really cool."
"I didn't... I thought for therapy you just go lie on a couch and don't look at the person."
"I... mine isn't like that, at least. There might still be people who do it that way, but mine is a bit more fun. Sometimes he shoots me with nerf guns, or like I said, he sends me pictures of dogs. Once he brought it a cupcake and made me eat it because his daughter made it and he wanted to tell her a royal ate her food."
Philip looks surprised, but he agrees to let Henry ask his therapist about things that Philip could look for. Then, they sit hunched over Henry's phone as the dregs of their tea go cold. Henry's therapist texts them back to say he's proud of Philip and with a list of things he could look for, and when Philip eventually is yawning enough that Henry feels guilty for keeping him up, they've got a list of therapists for their security teams to vet and for Philip to try. When Henry gently pulls the pillow out of Alex's arms and slips himself in its place, he's exhausted, but he's also more excited for Philip than he has been in a long, long time.
On AO3
Shoutout to revisions for doubling the length of this (still pretty short) chapter, and to my local city council for considering our demands so I didn't have to protest tonight and could get this out! I'm still taking commissioned fic with proof of donation to a BLM organization or a community aid/bail fund if y'all want me to write anything.
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activsm · 8 years
Decolonization: A Phenomena
When the United Nations was founded in the year 1945, 750 million people (almost a third of the worlds’ population), were not under any independent government of their own. These people were colonized by “Powerhouse Countries”, or countries that take over other countries in pursuit of power and money. The way colonization works is complicated; some countries opting to use partnership and trade as a means of first striking a connection with other countries, while others opt for war and force. Here, I will talk about decolonization and its benefits, the statistics on the widespread movement, and the Trusteeship Council developed by the UN. 
The term is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as “the withdrawal from its colonies of a colonial power; the acquisition of political or economic independence by such colonies.” This phenomena, this great occurrence, is a jumpstart for freedom. Freedom is what all countries want and fight for, freedom is a sense of stability. The colonies that pull out or withdraw from the Powers that dominate over them now establish their own government, with their own stance on how they will govern the country (may it be democracy, parliament, monarchy, etc.)
The advancement of decolonization, along with the General Assembly in 1960, established the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. In the declaration, the UN “affirmed the right of all people to self-determination and proclaimed that colonialism should be brought to a speedy and unconditional end.”. In 1962, two years later, a Special Committee on Decolonization was formed to monitor the declaration’s implementation. 
Statistics on Decolonization
As of today, fewer than two (2) million people on this planet live under the colonial rule of seventeen (17) remaining non-self governing territories (NSGT). These territories are the following:
Western Sahara — NSGT since 1963 under Spain
Anguilla — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Bermuda — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
British Virgin Islands — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Cayman Islands — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Falkland Islands — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Montserrat — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Saint Helena — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Turks and Caicos Islands — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
U.S. Virgin Islands — NSGT since 1946 under the United States
Gibraltar — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
American Samoa — NSGT since 1946 under the United States
French Polynesia — NSGT from 1946-1947 & since 2013 under France
Guam — NSGT since 1946 under the United States
New Caledonia — NSGT from 1946-1947 & since 1986 under France
Pitcairn — NSGT since 1946 under the United Kingdom
Tokelau — NSGT since 1946 under New Zealand
The Trusteeship Council
As a main organ of the United Nations, the Charter also created the Trusteeship Council. The purpose for founding this council was to monitor the situation within trust territories, all eleven (11) of them, which were still in subject agreement with separation from their administering states. The territories within this council have been formally administered under mandates from the League of Nations, separated from countries defeated in the second World War, or voluntarily placed under the system by their administering Power. 
As a student, what can I do?
I know that as an individual in a democratic country such as the Philippines, I have an opinion and a right to be heard. In my own little way, I can bring about the awareness of this heartwarming movement, this bright improvement within the world. Bringing this issue to the spotlight will not be easy, but through the use of social media as a means of “virally spreading” information about various topics, I may be able to advocate for decolonization being a positive thing and the benefits it has on smaller colonies that deserve freedom. 
“Those who deny freedom from others deserve it not for themselves.” —Abraham Lincoln 
♡ | article written by Jenina Bea C. Jazul of 10C
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