#c: herculeskabuterimon
koushirouizumi · 1 year
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Digimon T.C.G (Trading Card Game) {Revival} ~ HerakleKabuterimon (Sample Card) {From here!}
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jippy-kandi · 3 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 59: Bolt, HerculesKabuterimon (Review)
Thoughts on the fifty-ninth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
Hmmm . . . it was a rather ho-hum episode.
Wow, Agumon and Taichi appeared almost right away! XD Taichi: “Yo! What a coincidence.” Yeah, a coincidence that keeps on chuggin’. :P
Datamon’s voice doesn’t quite fit him . . . it’s a bit too childish.
I honestly don’t even remember Whamon, lol. But props to the series to bringing back old areas/Digimon, I guess. :P
So basically Datamon has kidnapped Whamon, and in order to free him, challenges Koushirou to play a game. Simple enough!
Luckily, I mean, unfortunately, Koushioru gets the first riddle wrong and Datamon takes Taichi! OH NO! :P
Datamon takes a friend with every mistake. He says he’ll turn Taichi into Datamon . . . if this actually happened, I’m 100% sure Taichi would be a more interesting character, ngl. :P
OK, Koushirou hopping on one foot was super cute. :3
Datamon: “Koushirou Izumi . . . It’s taking you quite a bit of time.” LOL at Koushirou’s side-eye. XD
Datamon’s “special penalty” are super cute. No? XD;
It goes without saying, but Koushirou falling off MegaKabuterimon like that should’ve been instant death for him. But we play with different rules around here. :P
Koushirou: “Only when you have friends, does your knowledge shine!” Yeah, I don’t think that’s how it works, but sure let’s go with that. :P Seriously, everyone in this series just evolves through Courage and/or Friendship . . . and Convenience. The Crests have no meaning. XD;
So HerculesKabuterimon’s evolution was super underwhelming - even his evolution animation was the worst . . . :c And Koushirou has always been knowledgeable and used his brain for more than just riddles . . . but this little game gets his Crest going? OK, whatever. :P
I have nothing to say about HerculesKabuterimon vs. GranKuwagamon. It was such a nothing battle. XD;
LOL at Datamon’s abrupt personality change . . . it was super cute, though! Datamon: “Koushirou-kun, will you play a game with me?” Awww. Best part of the episode, lmao. <3
This was just . . . OK. I think the entire game/riddles could’ve been done a lot better, and it would’ve made the episode more interesting. I liked the episode’s spotlight on Koushirou and Tentomon - and their bond/support for each other - but otherwise . . . it was rather weak. I think his Mega evolution was one of the weaker ones for sure - might even be the worst for me.
Next episode: VIKEMON! Yay. Let’s hope it’s better than this episode. :P
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jippy-kandi · 4 years
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Digimon Adventure: 2020 – Episode 36: Operation Satellite Sniper (Review)
Thoughts on the thirty-sixth episode of the Digimon Adventure reboot series.
This episode was . . . sigh. I loved that Koushirou was in it so much, because he breathed much needed new life into these recent batch of episodes, but at the same time . . . it was so basic.
The episode starts off with Taichi and co. just casually coming across Koushirou - with no build up, no fanfare, just as though they were passing by and happened to see him. lol. (Yes, I know Koushirou requested their help at the end of last episode - but them getting to him could’ve been an event itself!) This show is . . .
The huge fossilised Digimon and the pillar of light was interesting, though. Yay?
Their evolutions (except Taichi’s, of course - this is his show, people!) actually took blink-and-you-miss split seconds to us, but took up “five minutes” in-universe time, lol.
Seeing BladeKuwagamon and MetallifeKuwagamon was cool. I just wish I was more of an actual Digimon fan - instead of a Chosen Children fan - so I would appreciate them more. :D
Taichi: “BlitzGreymon . . . What’s this evolution?!” Same, Taichi, same. You took the words out of our mouths. :D Jesus, that was so random and dull. It came out of nowhere with zero build-up - and had such a lame evolution “sequence”. WHO IS MAKING THESE DECISIONS AT TOEI ANIMATION? You shouldn’t make it so blatantly obvious that all you care about is selling Digimon merchandise. -_-
I do think the idea that Digimon evolutions can adapt to their environment is super interesting, though. But why not show it in a more impactful and meaningful way? Instead of this abrupt evolution to stop a C-plot about a falling satellite that literally no one but Koushirou cared about.
Taichi’s exchange with Koushirou - that he’s leaving the fate of Tokyo up to him to save - was so forced. If this series had developed their friendship better (and not just in the first few episodes, and then left them hanging ever since), this scene would’ve worked. But it didn’t. You just have one (basic) character telling the other to do the job because they trust them. Like . . . no, Toei, I need more than this.
Someone went back into the Toei office to draw derpy-looking Koushirou riding on MegaKabuterimon’s back, didn’t they? LOL. What an odd change in animation quality. I guess they really needed that shot - however bad. :D
Again, Koushirou reminiscing about his friends and not being alone and doing it for them etc. would’ve hit harder had he actually been a part of the plot, and not just harping on about an ISS situation for episodes on end. It’s just bad. Toei, get your shit together.
MegaKabuterimon: “That’s it, Koushirou-han! This is our moment! The biggest stage of our lives!” . . . But was it? Because you stayed an Ultimate. You didn’t even reach Mega. Meanwhile, the strongest of you - Taichi - has already reached two Megas and an alternate form. SMH. This would’ve been a great time for Koushirou’s Mega evolution - it was his episode, Toei.
But at least the “energy” form of HerculesKabuterimon was shown (so he’s incoming!)? We’ll take scraps at this point, folks.
This episode was really just the kids going up a “pillar of light” for 20 minutes, lmao.
Next week: Mimi! THANK FUCK. Please, Mimi, cure my boredom with this series. You are my only hope. But I saw Taichi in the preview, so I’m prepared for him to shoehorn himself into your episode, too. orz
I’m still waiting for Yamato’s comeback. Toei, remember him? The more interesting of the two main protagonists??? Sigh.
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