#c: not so grim ( bilius )
lunabellatora · 6 years
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( @biliweasley ) February 22nd, 1979
I know gifts are standard or whatever for birthdays, but I suck at those, so I made you this. When my brother was getting better after full moons, my sister and I would sit with him and make these dumb little bracelets to try and cheer him up. Anyway, I threw all my old ones in the garbage when I left, but I didn’t know what to do for you for your birthday, so I made you one. I’m out of practice and I don’t know what your favorite color is, so it’s really ugly and you don’t have to wear it. But I tried. 
Happy birthday.
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legatumrpg · 6 years
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full name: arthur weasley
age: twenty-nine
gender and pronouns: cismale and he/him
blood status: pureblood
occupation: employee of the misuse of muggle artifacts office
affiliation: the order
i n t r o d u c t i o n »
Odd is what they call you and odd is what they get. You never once thought of yourself as odd, but rather as someone with a curious appetite. You are curious to know about the little things in life that no witch or wizard can explain to you. You strive to understand functions of the world that no one asks because you truly believe in your heart that it is important. You never did care what people said behind your back, but sometimes it does get to you, not that you will ever show it. Instead, you focus your energy on your passions. For a moment, you feel as though you can conquer the world.
b i o g r a p h y »
With bright red hair, outspoken opinions, and the most scandalous marriage of the decade, it was no wonder that the Weasley family was rather well-known in 1950s wizarding society. Whether they were famous or infamous, however — well, that was up to the individual. Opinions were rather mixed across the board, but in pureblood circles, they were decidedly the latter. Disdainful scoffs whispered behind lace-gloved fingers that the Weasleys associated with filthy blood. And on top of that, one of their little ginger upstarts stole Cedrella Black. 
However, Septimus Weasley ( said ginger upstart and proud associator of filthy blood ) couldn’t have cared less, and he and his lovely new bride flaunted their happiness whenever the opportunity arose. He had respectfully asked for Cedrella’s hand, and when less-than-politely rejected, promptly eloped with her the following week. The blissfully happy young couple moved to a small cottage near Surrey, welcoming their first child Bilius two years later. 
Bilius was, to say it concisely, a mischievous terror, the bane of Cedrella’s white walls, and the greatest test of Septimus’ limited patience. So when their second child Arthur was born ( a mild, sweet thing, all wide eyes and chubby fists ) they breathed a well-deserved sigh of relief. That was, of course, until they found him at age five rummaging through a muggle rubbish bin with a fistful of assorted office supplies. From that day forward, muggle items of various types and uselessness would appear mysteriously around the house. Some were quite small ( a pile of paperclips ). Some were quite big ( a typewriter ). Most had no apparent function ( a poster advertising canned peas ).
There was something about the muggle world that carried, for lack of a better term, an almost magical allurement for Arthur. So strange, and yet so near! Neither Bilius nor his brother Oliver ( smart as a whip, sly-smiled, and two years younger ) understood this hungry fascination. Whenever Arthur would ramble about one muggle invention or another, they’d simply sigh in the manner that most people did: with amused fondness. However, that’s not to say that they didn’t love each other. In fact, they even liked each other. Despite their differences — Bilius, blindingly alive; Arthur, bright-eyed and curious; Oliver, sharp in tongue and mind — their familial bond was also one of friendship, a treasure that continued into adulthood.
In fact, the strong tie of family was one of the primary factors that shaped Arthur’s childhood. From his parents, he learnt that character was critical and that blood status was not; that love was a choice, even on days that you did not want to love someone. From Bilius, that convention is fine until you found something better, and that a bit of rule-bending wasn’t always so bad. From Oliver, that younger people were often wiser beyond their years, and that Muggle libraries exist where you can check out books on the fundamentals of electromagnetism.
During his Hogwarts years, Arthur found a home in Gryffindor. It seemed only natural that he’d become a lion. The house was the hereditary haunt of many other Weasleys, and Arthur had exhibited an intrinsic predisposition for chivalry from an early age. Despite a fair amount of teasing due to his eccentric interests, Arthur wholeheartedly enjoyed his Hogwarts years. He made friends ( some close, some not ) and a few enemies, experienced several painful growth spurts, scored an O on his Muggle Studies N.E.W.T., and and remained oblivious to Molly Prewett's notorious crush on him for an embarrassingly long time.
Childhood friends to something more, the two of them fell in love with all the awkwardly charming nature of a typical romantic comedy and only half the drama. Well, that is to say, between Molly and Arthur, there wasn’t much drama. There was actually quite a bit of drama when Arthur hurriedly proposed after Molly finished at Hogwarts, and even more drama when they eloped soon after. Septimus voiced his disapproval at such a rash action — marrying after only a year of dating. Cedrella reminded him that he was being a blazingly obvious hypocrite, and that their child’s motives for such a hasty marriage held more validity than their own had held.
While Arthur was still a schoolboy, Voldemort and his followers had crept from the shadows, incepting discord in the wizarding community and infecting it with fear. Every week the Prophet printed news of another disappearance, another death; people whispered protection spells before locking their doors at night. When he’d finished his schooling, Arthur grimly decided that it was now or never. Molly was the woman of his dreams, and he wouldn’t let a nightmare snatch her from his fingers. And so, they married. They didn’t have much, but they had each other, and they had a frankly atrocious old cottage outside of Ottery St. Catchpole. But it was theirs, and it was home.
It’s funny how life can go on in the middle of a war. They bickered, celebrated, brought a lovely baby boy into the world. Life together with little Bill felt easy as breathing. It was natural, secure, in a world where everything felt unsure. But as the darkness began to slink quietly around the edges of their golden happiness, Arthur knew he’d have to fight for his family.
Dumbledore’s invitation to join the Order was the way to ignite Arthur’s conviction into action. Arthur believed strongly in the secret organization, so it was an easy decision to make. His confidence didn’t waver after Charlie’s birth, but when Percy came along and Arthur held him in his arms for the first time, a seed of doubt crept into his mind. He’d always rationalized his risky involvement in the Order as an opportunity to model integrity and bravery for his sons, but what kind of father would he be if he died and left his children and wife? 
Still, hope fluttered in his heart, and Arthur wasn’t ready to accept defeat just yet. He and Molly were blessed with a set of twin boys, Fred and George, who promptly set the curtain on fire with accidental magic only a week after being born. Their house was filled with warmth, laughter, and love. Tragedy had not yet become personal.
That is, until a cold, blustery day in April. Lungs ached, throat raw, a dull pain roaring inside him threatened to tear him to pieces. ( Bilius, who had so often seemed invincible. Bilius, who loomed larger than life. Bilius, who lay lifeless, mouth woodenly flat in a way that sickened Arthur to the core. ) This was the price of fighting for freedom, a bittersweet potion to swallow. He had been fighting for the future of his family, and yet it was crumbling away before his eyes.
And then: Gideon. It was midnight as he held Molly in his arms, the boys already fallen into a fitful sleep. The hollowness pressed harder in his ribcage than emotion ever could, horror choking him at the loss of two family members in such a short amount of time. As he pressed a kiss to Molly’s temple, eyes burning with tears, doubt vanished and his resolve hardened. ( Fierce, determined, grim. )
He’d fight tooth and nail to make sure his children would never experience the pain that threatened to wrench his heart in two. This was for Bilius. This was for Gideon. Arthur would be damned before they died in vain.
c o n n e c t i o n s »
molly weasley » A tale of Romeo and Juliet, except no one dies. You didn’t believe your childhood friend would have turned out to be the one you marry but here you are now. They bring the nonsense in your head to a halt and you know to stay away when their stormy anger released all too well. You may bicker and fight with them but you have never loved anyone as much as you loved them and your little family.
sturgis podmore » You can’t remember a time when you weren’t friends with them. You may have been from different houses but that hardly mattered to you. They are always there for you and you for them. They are someone that you are bound to for the rest of your life and you aren’t about to let your friendship disappear anytime soon.
kingsley shacklebolt » They may be younger than you but you respect them nonetheless. You see greatness within them and for once, someone doesn’t look at you like you are crazy when your passion for Muggle objects overcomes you. You long ago decided that they are going to go far in their career and you have kept a watchful, yet helpful eye on them.
Arthur Weasley is played by SAM CLAFLIN and is TAKEN
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