#c: ozya
the-rat-plays-games · 3 years
The Anomalous Pack
Within the Ferals faction, there’s a particular pack of mutants that has become almost infamous. It is speculated that the reason this pack has not been obliterated like other troublesome ones is due to their nature. Each of them is an anomaly, logged and observed -- why this has stayed Sloane’s hand, nobody quite knows. Speculation is, of course, entirely forbidden. Members of Visceru Sancti are discouraged from interacting with the anomalous pack -- as the Anomalous Pack’s members are spurred almost immediately to murderous rage upon seeing the Fleshmenders. Additionally, the Anomalous Pack is engaged in almost constant warfare with the Summoner’s Choir; the two organizations have an almost compulsive need to fight one another when close by. Pack members are listed below with their corresponding Anomalous Designations -- the way they are listed in the notes taken by Strauss Syndicate trackers.
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CANNY ( OD-045 ) - Pack Leader. Considered as both her own anomaly and a second half of The Gristpool (LD - 010). Heavily mutated, barely resembling what she used to be. It is suspected that Canny was once Cindy Conolly, the daughter of a now-deceased leader of a rebel cell, and a member of the Strauss Syndicate. Twisted from what she was once, Canny is now the most ruthless leader among feral packs, but has abandoned any rebel mission she may have had in order to live as she pleases. The Strauss Syndicate paranormal investigator known as Emilia is the only member of the Syndicate who does not have to bribe Canny in any way to speak with her; Vesta Strauss knows the nature of this, and has decided not to share it with the company at large, primarily for Emilia’s emotional well-being, because only Emilia remembers the entirety of how they used to be involved. Canny remembers her ex-partner in shades and flickers, or so she claims.
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OZYA ( OC-018 ) - the only member of the pack to not have a rating of Dangerous. Ozya is more preoccupied with the pack’s territory than she is with interacting with others who are not in the pack. She must still be regarded with caution, but is considered to be the safest to interact with, as she lacks Knell’s temperamental swings. Ozya is also the oldest of the Pack, with accounts of her presence in the surrounding territory going back for multiple generations.
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KNELL (OD-041) - once known as Tori Simons, a confirmed leader of Phauxfire, a now-defunct rebel cell. After being tricked into revealing her plans to a spy sent by Empress Sloane, Knell was taken into the wasteland’s depths in the night and given a simple choice with a blade to the back of her neck: partake in the Everflesh, an experimental anomalous weapon kept secret by the Empress (even from her wives), or be killed outright. Knell ate, and now she roams as a pack-member, half-remembering who she used to be. Knell is prone to showing off for the cities the pack passes by; even the smaller settlements can hear her singing and calling to them. She enjoys music a great deal, and will trade secrets and songs. Knell is quite romantic, and gives flowers to the women of the Syndicate she enjoys talking to. Knell loves to chatter. As such, despite being highly dangerous, she is the most approachable, because unlike Ozya, she does not try to actively leave conversation. However, mentions of her past life trigger berserk rages that have, on every instance, resulted in the deaths of everyone involved.
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ISHU (OD-182). The newest of the pack, and only recently given her designation. Ishu wears a mask at all times, that covers half of her face, and it is unknown what the nature of her anomaly is precisely, but it is believed to originate from her mask. The Syndicate, trying to observe her, have discovered that focusing on her is difficult unless she is directly engaging them in some way, and so they have suspicions that her anomalous nature involves perception, but precisely how they’ve yet to pin down.
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HRIST (OD-057) sporting a single horn, has fused with a local anomaly and now is capable of emitting hypnotic lights from her mouth and horn. Her back is spiny and the spines have been observed to emit poison. Hrist has also been seen to scale city walls so that she may prey upon the guards within their posts. She is considered the second most dangerous of the group, after Canny herself, because she is the only one who has been observed to kill for fun.
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