#c: selina liu
echovilled · 6 months
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character aesthetic: selina liu.
↳ "we are not equals, we are not peers, and we are most certainly not friends."
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echovilled · 1 month
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voted most likely to succeed and best all-around: liu meihua ( a personal scan taken from her rival's yearbook).
↳ "Lian: Selina is a lying, fake ass bitch! Yearbook Staff: Why is Selina a lying, fake ass bitch? Lian: I never said that Yearbook Staff: We got you on tape - Lian: Selina is my friend."
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echovilled · 11 months
— the happy chemical.
→ characters: selina liu ( featuring geng nuan, ma lei and xiang lian). → genre: tw: mentions of child abuse. → word count: 963  → description: selina meets xiang lian for the first time.
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The day of any performance always made Selina feel sick, not because of the event, which she thoroughly enjoyed for the festivities, but because of the moments leading up to it. The entire day would leave her feeling exposed, exhausted, and vulnerable.
The mornings always started with an ice-cold shower where her skin would be scrubbed until red and bruised. Nuan always said that these showers were beneficial. They activated something called “Endorphins,” which is called the “happy” chemical. She said she learned it when she was her age, and she said she should be able to know what all of these chemicals are by this age.
Selina thinks the word sounds too close to dolphins.
This particular moment of the day doesn't make her happy, so while she scrubs, she imagines dolphins and wonders what it would have been like to see one up close instead.
3:00 AM was always the perfect time for Nuan because it was when she was at her happiest, her most productive. The hours prior were always spent the better half of the night having her consistent meltdowns over what Selina or Stephan did. The night would play out like a movie; Nuan would find something wrong, becoming a screaming match with Stephan or another night spent without dinner for Selina. One night had gotten so bad that Stephan didn't just threaten to leave; he packed his bags and left. The remainder of the night was spent with Selina trying to talk Nuan off the ledge as she would collapse and fall into her tiny daughter's arms. She cried and whined that nobody loved her, that nobody loved her enough to stay.
”I love you.” Selina would say she didn’t need a response, and none was ever given.
But when 3:00 AM rolled around, Nuan was a different woman. She was refreshed, ready to face the day head-on. Selina would always wonder where she would get all this newfound enthusiasm. Was it the endorphins she would always talk about? She doesn’t know, but she has yet to feel them.
She could never admit that she hated getting up at 3:00 AM for these reasons. She had been too tired to fight during the showers, too tired to put up a fight when she got two to three hours of sleep at night, too tired to do anything.
Nuan loves it when she leaves the apartment and gets to school during performance days. That's when she's at her best. Selina believes it's like a troll shedding its skin to reveal an empress. When Nuan is in front of other people, everything she has been accused of hours prior melts away. She appears perfect, glowing, affectionate, and everything Nuan wants. Selina is everything Nuan wants.
She likes it when they get to school, too; everyone loves to look at her, and they love to converse. She spends so much of the weekdays trapped inside her room that she forgets how fun it is to talk to others. She likes this part because Nuan hugs her, kisses her, and tells her everything she wants to hear, and she doesn't have to do anything to deserve it. It's all for free when they're in front of a crowd.
It’s the behind-doors part that Selina hates. The troll skin comes back, and it’s vicious, scary, and hurtful. The words are slick with venom, and she wonders when she will adapt to it when it would hurt less, why it hurts so much to hear them, and why it is so confusing for her to listen to them. Nuan tells her she’s a failure, a disappointment when things don’t go her way, while the tone differs from when they’re in front of a crowd.
She desperately wishes to be in front of people again; she wants to believe that this is a facade, and she wants the Empress to come back.
But something is different about today.
While Selina and Nuan are alone, an Auntie comes in dragging their own daughter, and she sees Nuan morph back into the Empress that she wanted to see. The young girl stops crying when she sees them, and it is like a light switch turned on when they both notice each other.
“Was she wishing her own empress could come back too?” She thought as the young girl peered curiously at her. She looked away as her mother spoke.
“I’m sorry to barge in, you know how insolent they can become when they start learning about free will.” The mother joked, and Nuan laughed, a genuine laugh at that.
Who were these strange people?
“Oo, Excuse my manners. I’m Ma Lei, but everyone calls me Leila. This is my daughter, Xiang Lian.” she nudges the young girl forward with her red face still wet with tears. She sticks out her hand for a handshake. Selina takes it without thinking about the repercussions that stand behind her.
“You’re pretty,” Lian says behind the sniffles as she lets go of their handshake and digs into the little purse she had been holding. She pulls out a piece of candy, and for the first time today, Selina becomes painfully aware that she hasn’t had food since yesterday afternoon or didn’t have to do much for Lian to be kind.
She takes the piece of candy, unwraps it, and sticks it in her mouth. It’s a ginger chew, her new favorite candy.
“Thank you and you’re pretty too.” She smiles for the first time today.
This must be what endorphins feel like.
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echovilled · 11 months
— the star.
→ characters: selina liu (featuring asteria hsu and zetian yu). → word count: 2,436 → song(s): vava - boss, franz gordon- the art teacher. → description: selina meets her idol and future mentor for the first time.
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Everything had to be perfect.
Selina sits at her desk, the cramped but organized living space providing enough room to document her work for her science fair project. She slides her science notebook onto her desktop organizer with the rest of her school supplies set neatly by color and metric. Her gaze turns back to the computer screen showcasing the detailed captioned logs that date back to six months, twenty-seven files deep, with twenty-eight loading to join ranks. Her loud, hardcore Chinese rap music blasts from the open window as it clashes with Mr. Huang's Guoyue playing downstairs. The intoxicating smell of Hong Shao Rou travels through her slightly cracked door, signaling that her grandma will call her to dinner soon. The familiarity could nearly put her at ease, almost.
Her project involves creating a ventilator using solely Shenzhen hardware products, with a blood oxygen sensing factor and an additional detection mechanism. She sought advice from her Olympiad coach, who informed her that this project was challenging and beyond her age and level. Despite being intended for Zhaunke-level students, she convinced him with charm, determination, and hard work that she could do it. She had also been curious about what he considered "challenging." For she always believed that her opinion held much more significance in being the judge of that.
It took her nearly two months to prepare everything. Every outsourced material was brand new while she had personally crafted each customization. Everything had to be slow, methodical, and precise, especially when the main objective was to impress those with rank, specifically Dr. Asteria Hsu.
Dr. Hsu was one of the judges of the science fair and one of Tria's leading biomedical engineers. Her appearance at school tomorrow would be considered as significant as Mao Zedong rising from his grave. It could elicit either enlightenment or disappointment, reflecting the current state of a science wing that once curated her talents. Furthermore, she hasn't been at Shuchang No. 4 High School for over five years. Her comeback is mainly being hyped up because she's scouting mentees for the Zhaunke level students, for she only takes mentees as young as eighteen.
This doesn't even compare to the list of achievements she has obtained, which would intimidate even someone like Fung Yuan-Cheng. With a biomedical engineering, medical, and research degree and a track record of accomplishments in bionanotechnology, systems biology, and biomechatronics, it's no wonder that the two biomedical engineers she has mentored have gone on to achieve great things. And she is determined to be the third, despite the challenges she currently faces.
She grabs a stray white fabric sheet from her closet to protect her project from any invading particles of dust.
Tomorrow will be perfect.
She stands beside her presentation, wearing a fake smile as she explains her project to nearly every interested instructor she encounters. None of them are Dr. Hsu, and none of them are engaging enough to justify having this mindless conversation over and over again. With total disrespect, she sees them every day. Dr. Hsu, on the other hand, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that she can't afford to miss at this very moment.
She's starting to get nervous and hypervigilant, believing she may have missed her.
"Did she pick someone else?"
"Did she grow tired of the consistent waves of cardboard paper, makeshift planetariums and shoddy machinery?"
"Am I losing my mind?"
"Did she even come? I need to speak to the conductor about why she chose today of all days to put us in alphabetical order."
Questions plagued her mind as she stretched her neck, almost standing on tiptoes to search for the now mysterious Dr. Hsu. However, she couldn't find her anywhere, and the fair would end soon. She had two options: either ask a teacher to help locate the missing woman, upon whom she had unfortunately entrusted her future with, or haul ass with her ventilator and find her herself, ensuring that Dr. Hsu knew her name before leaving
After completing one of the two tasks she had assigned herself, she reached the seventeenth floor of the parking lot, hoping Dr. Hsu had yet to leave. She was also grateful she didn't have to run up those seventeen flights of stairs, even though she had to squeeze into the elevator between the sweaty and towering basketball team.
Just a minute after stepping off the elevator, she sees a medium-height, slender woman standing near the trunk of her car on her phone. The woman's poise, posture, and the fact that she memorized every detail from the countless articles she has bookmarked about her confirmed that this is Dr. Hsu.
She stops in her tracks, suddenly even more aware that she is now face to side-profile with the woman she's idolized for the better half of a year.
She quickly observes her appearance before approaching. She's dressed in dark blue slacks with a light blue button-down and rolled-up sleeves. Her hair is in a low chignon bun, giving off this relatable and lack-of-effort approach. It pales compared to Selina's structured white and dark blue sleeves uniform with matching skirt and knee-length tube socks, wispy but strategically placed bangs with a matching bow that she put in her hair for appeal. Not only did Dr. Hsu know her way around biomedicine, but she also knew her way around a closet.
Unwilling to waste another minute of future opportunities due to admiration, she walks up to her, immediately gaining attention and an eyebrow raised from Dr. Hsu.
"Dr. Hsu, my name is Selina Liu. I apologize for my candor, but I noticed that you were not present at today's science fair. I was hoping to personally share my science project with you before you departed." She feels her hands sweaty as the heavy ventilator covering her entire torso becomes slightly loose from her grip. She hoped that she overlooked the mishap.
She sees Dr. Hsu slip her phone back into her front pocket and address her calmly.
"Well, Ms. Liu I was present but I didn't stick around. One woman can only come across so many displays of science projects before the boredom starts to kick in. Plus, I was initially here for the Zhaunke students…" Selina sees her eyes linger on the ventilator before they land back on hers. "Do you need help with that? It looks heavy."
She immediately shakes her head no, willing for her fingers to strain due to the weight. "It's fine, I have it." She shifts her weight while holding the machine in tow.
"I said you were absent because you didn't specifically see my project, and that was the main objective for me, personally…" She pauses, suddenly becoming more nervous than she already is. Still, in a clear and demanding tone, she forces her words out. "I was also hoping you considered becoming my mentor for my upcoming senior year. I want to become a biomedical engineer, and you're the best there is, and I want to be mentored by the best. I made my own curriculum sheet that details the specializations that I see myself being the most successful in, and I am a shoo-in for the prestigious University of Tsinghua." she says proudly.
Dr. Hsu remains silent for slightly longer than usual, leaving Selina to shift her weight again in the awkward silence. Her mind begins to wonder if she may be coming on too strong once she sees Dr. Hsu's gaze on her machine again.
Is she considering letting me on?
Is this entire thing a fluke?
A voice that she hasn't physically heard in years starts coming in echoes.
She holds her project tightly to her torso to keep it at bay; it can't come for her today, not when she's so close.
The self-doubt, the shame.
We were so confident and we will remain confident. Everything else has to be put at a distance.
She pleads with her mind to at least let her have this moment, please.
She is startled into reality as she hears Dr. Hsu break into a small laughter. "You pursue me with a machine that is too big for you to carry, with no explanation on what it can do in hopes for me to become your mentor? All because I was one measly judge who didn't stick around for the rest of the projects? How old are you anyway? fourteen?"
"I'm sixteen, doctor. I'm just really short," she says, straightening her shoulders. An insulted tinge creeps into her voice, causing Dr. Hsu to chuckle even louder out of the slight ridiculousness of the situation.
"Believe me, Ms. Liu. I'm not laughing at you," Dr. Hsu assures. "I just find your approach familiar, strikingly similar to my own. You're like a little baby tiger being held by the claws of it's mother and I like it, and I'm starting to like you." Selina feels her features relax as she realizes she had unknowingly tightened them, a smile creeping on her face. "This little stunt you pulled has been the highlight of my afternoon so yes, I'll see your machine."
She clasps her hands to contain her excitement as Dr. Hsu props the machine on the trunk of her car with ease. Without missing a beat, Selina starts to present her presentation with the vigor and passion that was left out of the former presentations at the fair.
"This is project Li Hai-"
"You titled your project difficult to deal with?"
"Yes, ma'am," she responds, her tone flat as Dr. Hsu mouths a barely audible okay through her chuckle.
"Project Li Hai involves a ventilator using hardware products from the Shenzhen hardware store. It has a blood oxygen-sensing factor with a disease-detection mechanism." She puts the attached mask on and presses the green button with the calculated information appearing on the light green screen panel. Dr. Hsu peers through the machine, her eyebrows slightly raised. After a certain amount of time, Selina removes the breather mask and straightens her hair.
"And you're telling me you did this by yourself?"
She nods, patting her machine proudly. "My baba was an electrical design engineer, so I learned how to mainly build machinery from him-" she stops herself, that information slipping out so quickly. So easily. "Or through him, I suppose."
Dr. Hsu nods, thankfully not interested or willing to answer any follow-up questions to her strange statement. The last thing she wants is to rehash anything she doesn't want to, not when things are so close to moving forward. Not now.
"Well, color me impressed. Now your wiring could use just a tad bit of refinement but this is incredibly impressive for a sixteen-year-old." she slips the business card into her hand before Selina retrieves the machine from the top of her trunk. The ventilator felt oddly lighter in her arms.
"So…you're saying you'll take me on?"
"Ah, patience Ms. Liu. I want you to contact me, and we'll see where we go from there. Since you're significantly younger than the students that I usually mentor then I would need an adult present."
Selina feels slightly dejected from not gaining a clear answer before she feels Dr. Hsu's hand on her shoulder. "I see immense potential in you; there's just some things that should be ironed out first so do not take this as a no. Are we clear?" Selina nods, feeling slightly exposed that she may be reading her mind or body language-
It doesn't matter; none of this matters; Dr. Hsu wants to see her again. Selina bites her lip, feeling a wave of emotions washing over her. It's as if she could feel herself floating.
"Well, I hate to say goodbye because I thoroughly enjoyed this but it is getting late. Do you have a ride home? I could take you."Selina shakes her head, refusing the offer immediately. "I'll be fine; I live just a mile away."
Dr. Hsu nods before turning back to her car and getting inside. She pulls out, but before she leaves, she rolls down the window. "You have a good night, Ms. Liu, and remember to contact me, okay? I don't want you missing any lifetime opportunities because you simply forgot."
"I'll make sure of it, Dr. Hsu." She can envision scribbling her number in her digital planner with golden star stickers surrounding Dr. Hsu's name.
She gives her a small wave before rolling up her window and speeding. Selina watches her leave as the weight of conversation makes the air feel much lighter. She sets the machine down on the floor and stares at the card. An immense pressure that she didn't notice building in her chest suddenly bursts as tears begin to fall.
She slightly nudges her machine with her foot. "You stupid, stupid machine…somebody other than Nainai, someone other than me can finally see our worth." she laughs warmly through her tears before she feels her phone buzz in her blazer's pocket. She wipes her face vigorously with her sleeve as she picks it up, showing little to almost no signs that she has been crying before.
"Mei Mei, you were supposed to be home an hour ago, tiānkōng hé tiāntáng!" Zetian's voice crackles through the speaker. She can't help but be giddy at the news that would soften the blow of any punishment Zetian could threaten her with.
" Nainai, I'm sorry. I'm coming home now because remember the doctor I wanted for a mentorship?"
"Yes, you've been driving me up the wall about it for a year!"
"Well..." she trails off for dramatic effect, knowing Zetian is probably on the edge of her faded seating chair waiting for the outcome. "She wants me to contact her soon!" she shrieks as she jumps up and down from excitement."She gave me her card! I have Dr. Asteria Hsu's card!"
There's a high-pitched squealing that could rival her own coming from the other side of the phone.
"That's my girl! I knew you could do it! Tell me everything!"
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echovilled · 1 year
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meet selina: an accomplished scientist, dr. selina liu embarks on a journey to discover a new planet to inhabit while learning more about herself and coming to terms with her past.
learn more about her here:
ENG: Selina Meihua Liu
CHI: Liu Meihua / 劉美華
24, December, 4001
165cm / 5’5”
58 kg / 130 lbs
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Crew member was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at the age of 9 due to an accumulation of symptoms including being hostile, hypervigilance, disturbed sleep, irritability, and severe anxiety.
[ Operator Note: Diagnosis will not interfere with regular routine as showcased throughout employment history and examination. Has been prescribed the appropriate medication, Zoloft, to improve any ongoing symptoms. ]
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Biomedical Engineer with specialty fields in: Bionanotechnology - subspeciality of nanotechnology and nanoscience. Biomechatronics - subspeciality of biology, mechatronics and mechanical engineering with applied Rehabilitation Engineering. Biomaterials - subspeciality of medicine, biology, chemistry, tissue engineering and materials science. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine - subspeciality of biomaterials, organ regeneration and neurodegeneration.
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Able to make well-thought out and practical decisions, analyzes the needs of patients to design appropriate solutions, is able to focus with intent and without any distractions.
has difficulty adapting to unexpected circumstances, lacks tolerance in disagreeing with another’s actions, has the tendency to take control even when it is not crew member’s place.
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ESTJ-A - Crew member of this personality format possess great fortitude, emphatically following their own sensible judgment. They often serve as a stabilizing force among others, able to offer solid direction amid adversity.
3w4 - Tend to be ambitious, focused, and serious in their behavior. They are very career-oriented, finding much of their identity in their work and are very task-focused.
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Neutral Good - Crew member typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against lawful precepts.
Disposition appears to be unfazed by process, when prompted further, crew member can become irritable and evasive.
[Operator Note: During the interviewing process, crew members may have a tendency to stare pointedly as an attempt to display their disapproval of invasive questions.]
[Addition: Unnerving]
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Approaches all situations with logical and unbiased-thinking, their honesty makes the advice and critical feedback helpful.
Is prone to neglecting personal needs due to workaholism.
[Operator Note: Was told personally that sacrifices should always be made to achieve a successful end result.]
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When crew member is confronted with unconventional or uncomfortable situations, they tend to clench their jaw or clutch their arm. When in deep thought, their eyebrows knit together. When observing, they tilt their head to the side.
Painting, chess, photography, mahjong, weiqi, tai-chi, flying yoga, wushu, table tennis.
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Efficiency, competency, true crime, listening to music, cooking, weighted blankets, sweets, white tea, simulated thunderstorms.
Procrastination, inconsistency, disorganization, excessive information unloading, headaches, dairy, checkers.
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[Operator Note: The crew member was informed that it was necessary for examination and file. After expressing initial doubts, she was prompted further. Eventually, an appropriate answer was provided.]
Failure, worthlessness, physical and emotional helplessness, abandonment.
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Mild - Lactose Intolerant
Average - House Dust and Spider Mites
[ Operator Note: Provide Dairy Alternatives for diet.]
AB Positive
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Born to Geng Nuan, a former virtual high school biology teacher, and Aiden Liu, an electrical design engineer who divorced in 4004. Both mother and father were granted joint custody, resulting in crew member living with her mother and stepfather, Stephan Huang, during the weekdays, and with her father during the weekends and holidays. The mother's visits would begin to falter resulting in parental rights being relinquished in 4009 due to "extreme parental disinterest". The crew member stayed with their father and paternal grandmother until father's death in 4015 due to terminal brain cancer. The mother's parental rights were not reinstated although there were discussions of doing so. Guardianship would ultimately pass to the paternal grandmother, Zetian Yu. They would live together until Yu’s death of respiratory failure in 4022. There is currently no significant other. Biological mother, half-sister Aurora Huang, and stepfather are alive, but there is no contact between them.
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Science, Technology, and Engineering are complementary factors in today's world. Together, they form a bridge to innovation, uncovering answers that typical physicians, tech entrepreneurs, and biological scientists may not see. I am proud to be one of one in this field, and you would not have approached me for recruitment if I were not. My team and I played an instrumental role in the clinical trial process for the stasis technology used on this trip. With my background in pathology and simulation testing for potential cures, there is no one else on this ship like me, nor can they come close to my expertise.
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Selina Meihua Liu, Crew #5-0-0.
Exemplified throughout personal statement, crew member’s arrogance levels with professional career. Personal work history indicates determination, resilience when presented with overcoming hurdles and dedication to patients and tasks. However she is prone to disagreements with bureaucracies if she views their actions as unfavorable. Reports from colleagues indicate that she is dynamic and has a brilliant mind, even taking a critical role in the clinical trial process for the anti-aging injection. They would describe her personally as both austere and reassuring, elusive but honest. Even so, she is liable to not accept inspiration-based or unvetted ideas unless there is a practical proposition; favoring mind over matter. The divide between work and personal life is nonexistent, seeing as they have coalesced into one entity. Leads an urban lifestyle, is low maintenance except for a few materialistic suggestions. Is firm on the decision that no familial or romantic ties would disrupt her decision to leave earth.
*SIDENOTE — this character is included in a roleplay set in the future. this data sheet contains an examination with the character's personal statements included.
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