echovilled · 13 days
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character aesthetic: amala darkmore.
↳ "there has never been a day where I wasn't enjoying myself. even my own mother said I came into this world laughing!"
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echovilled · 2 months
just noticed after like 3-4 months of posting selina's precedents that I got the chemicals mixed up in precedent #2
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echovilled · 3 months
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character aesthetic: selina liu.
↳ "we are not equals, we are not peers, and we are most certainly not friends."
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echovilled · 5 months
— toy soldier.
→ pairing: celeste lune x daphné whirlpool. → genre: pg-13 → word count: 612  → prompt: “I can’t even take the very thought of you getting hurt"
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“Daphné, I am fine.”
The angel turns around to look back at the nymph that decided to follow her outside to Grogstone Hall after her abrupt departure from the group. They had just encountered another fight and like always, Celeste threw herself to the frontlines and took most of the hits herself. Cuts, bruises, blood seeping through different spots in her clothing is not an appearance that is new to her, though and perhaps no one will realize that. She’s used to being hurt, use to fighting her way through the next day because that is what circumstances had made her be. She is nothing but a void, a hollowed-out shell that continues to take the brunt of everything until that one blow officially kills her and she becomes one with the stars again.
So why does she feel those same beliefs slip through her fingers with every waking moment she spends with her? Why does she feel Isira’s chain around her neck loosen…why does she feel free?
It doesn’t stop her pleads, her fevered steps to match her naturally quick pace as she begins to walk the moonlit pathway, Daphné’s movements have been embedded in her mind to the point that she knows they are in desperate need to reach her and infiltrate her psyche but she can not let that happen. She can’t let her see the stains underneath the perfect complexion. She can not let her see that she is not this magnificent person that she was born to be, that her belief in her is so incredibly misplaced.
“Celeste, you are not. I can heal you, let me help you!” she almost pleads with her to stop walking, to stop slipping from her grasp, to stop running and thinking once someone cares back, that’s a target for them to leave you again. Celeste can’t let it happen, she won’t let it happen but the more she thinks about it, the more it all becomes too much and she snaps.
“ENOUGH!” she turns around abruptly with her voice raised in exasperation. Her golden eyes are ablaze with frustration, anger…and deep sorrow. It makes the nymph stop right in her tracks with a flinch back and bemusement written across her face. This is not the soft-toned, gentle angel that has been so intertwined with her very being since they first met. She has never spoken to her this way, ever, but it is not regret that crosses over Celeste’s face…it is shame.
“Why…why do you care so much about me, Daphné?” she asks her in an almost choked sob, her throat feeling like it’s about to close when she addresses her directly. “Why do you bother yourself with me?”
“Because I care about you Celeste, I can’t even take the very thought of you getting hurt. ” and like a dam, tears begin spilling over as she quickly crosses over the pathway to take her hand, pulling it close and tightly to her chest. “Can’t you see?! I am not anyone worth to be saved, I am not worth your thoughts, your worries.” her tears are hot, stinging her open wounds as she shakes her head. “You care for nothing but a mere toy soldier and you do not deserve to be poisoned with my insidious layers of bleeding wounds underneath.” she gently lets her go, those being her final words as she turns her back to her and continues to walk the pathway back to the dorms.
She hears her name being called again, every time sounding more desperate than the other but she shakes the feeling away. She has to leave first because it is safer that way.
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echovilled · 5 months
— the night of the masquerade: the stranger.
→ characters: celeste lune. → genre: pg-13 (sorta) → word count: 509 → description: celeste meets a mysterious stranger at a mysterious masquerade at a mysterious school (kfkfsldsslldla).
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It takes her a few minutes, well about a good ten, to fully register what just happened. Although she doesn't need to hold her breath, she still takes a deep exhale and quickly looks for a weapon because that was clearly an attack but...but of what? They weren't being mean...they were nice, incredibly so. Granted, the conversation got intense but it wasn't violent it was...well what the hell was that exactly? The question makes her groan loudly, rolling out her shoulders before her composure is perfectly aligned again.
"Celeste, you have been here for a day,” she thought, now fully coming to. “ You’ve fought in a war and spent the last 178 years sleeping in a pit of darkness only to get tongue tied from some stranger in clad black that you didn't even ask their first name." She almost wants to kick herself, but even then she whips back around to see if they're still there. Some part of her wants to walk over, follow them and ask them what they meant by that. Why does she even want to kiss them? Of course that's what the movies and books she binged watched the night before entailed right? After a moment like that, you're so suppose to kiss, right?!
she groans even more, immediately feeling rattled as her fingers slip beneath and the moment briefly flashes through her mind again.
” And how would you want this night to go?" she feels her cheeks heat again as if they're still there asking her this same question. But she shakes her head of the thoughts.
"This is absurd." she says out loud, almost chuckling.
"What you do want?" her hand, the one that was just pinned in their grasp still feels warm as she tries to at least regain some of the ownership back. It's been one day, Celeste.
One. Day.
"Be careful of what you can't control, angel."
Her finger then goes to her cheek, absentmindedly, that was slightly brushed with their gloved hand, she has this under control she does.
"Maybe some other time...when you can tell me what you want."
She does not have this under control, she does not.
Frustration suddenly courses through her as she still regrets not asking their name. Although they are more than just alluring, they were also alarmingly mysterious.
An incredibly broad...
With very nice hands...
And they asked how she was doing, they didn't need to so they must be caring...
She throws her hands up as she stands, not even surprised that it felt like she was uprooting herself. Once she feels like she has found a semblance of footing, she begins to make her way back inside the hall. She anticipates that this won't be an interference. She's her to complete her task and go on from there, not whatever this is.
But she something in her turns back around like the simple bench had the solution to her problem, her head tilts before she turns away abruptly.
She had less problems when she was recalled.
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echovilled · 5 months
— the war of the allies: year three.
→ characters: celeste lune → genre: pg-13 → word count: 413  → description: it is the third year of the war of allies and celeste reflects.
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She's gotten use to the smell of smoke permeating the air, it started to become her second skin after year one.
She's gotten use to not seeing clouds anymore, for that she couldn't remembered ever seeing a creature fly over a blue sky after year two.
She's gotten use to not letting her emotions show because crying shows signs of weakness, any emotion is a sign of weakness.
Anything, is a sign of weakness after year three.
She quickly blinks, never letting herself get too embroiled into her thoughts as she stands on the frontlines once again. The familiar smell of smoke is burning her nostrils and it almost feels like home to her. And by the gods, these four walls hold nothing but horror. The feeling of running even though your lungs burn but you can not stop because you have no where to stop. The feeling of always moving because death will never let you know peace.
She can never admit that she is afraid because that shows signs of weakness, anything is weakness."
NEVER LET THEM SEE YOUR FEAR! FOR WE WILL CONTINUE FIGHTING UNTIL DEATH COMES FOR US ALL" her hands tighten around her sword and shield as the words are screamed at her by the commanding angel upfront. She can't let them see for every limb she's ordered to rip apart, the anxiety grows.
"When will this all end?" the thoughts quickly dissipate because there's no time for that. "I can't. I need to be ready"
"REMEMBER WHAT YOU ARE HERE FOR ! WHAT YOU WERE MADE TO DO!" She almost cries out: But I was made for much more than this, and I am horrified that this is all I will ever be!"" AND REMEMBER! THERE IS NO LAND BEYOND THE CELESTIA! " the angels around her chant back but she can't find it in her to say anything because once it's over, it all begins again.
"FOR THE CELESTIA! CHARGE!" and on cue, her feet move to the nearest available target with the quickness and agility that has been embedded in her for years. She moves swiftly, precise and dangerously, for she isn't fighting just for the greater good but for the smoke to stop burning, for the birds to fly, for the phlegmatic chains to be broken. But...the dread slowly retreats, those wants accompany it into the shadowy dark corners of her mind for it to be over, and for it all to begin again.
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echovilled · 5 months
— signed, h. morningstar.
→ pairing: daphné whirlpool x hecate morningstar → genre: pg-13 → word count: 553 → description: hecate and daphné have a conversation about hecate's previous life as an angel named celeste.
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"I'm a little surprised you're still here, to be honest."
Hecate's head tilts her head slightly in the mirror, revealing the blue nymph that is still sitting silently on her bed in one of her many...many weather inappropriate outfits. Hecate on the other hand decided to settle for a short black sweater dress, a possible and quite eerie callback to her previous life.
As she abandons the mirror she crosses over the room to sit, or rather plop, next to Daphné. "I just wanted to see if...if you were okay," she speaks! and she's becoming a lot less frazzled. Maybe she's beginning to realize that she's not fucking Celeste for the umpteenth time.
"I...this room reminds me so much of her so I just-" Hecate scoffs loudly, her displeasure already staining her still beautiful features, and suppose she has Celeste to thank for that. Granted, she still doesn't know nor cares to know much about her. She's only stuck on how was immensely beautiful she was because how else did she sunk her teeth into this poor nymph before she died?
"Daphné, I am not her," she says with a tone so brisk, so cold, breaking from her reverie of even thinking about her. Which now adds to whatever contradiction that has now been brought to her doorstep. "Whatever you guys had expired with her. I am just a creation of what discarded pieces she use to be." these words shock the nymph terribly, she sees her hand bunch up her dress tightly and she feels a little pang in her chest, a regretful one at that. She shouldn't have been that cold with her...that....evil. She didn't know who Celeste was, all that's left of what is knowing her is the perfectly aligned scars on her back, her features, and the striking sense of having a small fragment of her empathy left.
Only for this nymph, of course. She's not a fucking animal.
"Daphné, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been that rude with you." she gently places a hand on her shoulder, her black eyes staring into her own and they're like that for a moment before Hecate abruptly and roughly pulls away from her own prompted embrace.
"I'm sorry I'm being so rude with you I just...I know you all knew her and cared for her but I'm just not who she is and who she use to be," she says with profoundness. "I just don't know why would you care about me and Celeste...it's a little confusing."
There's a pregnant pause before Daphné speaks again, her tone is just so heartbreaking, she might feel the angel wings sprout from her back again.
"Because I loved her" there's another pause before she rambles on again. "I just have to get adjusted to a new version of you, that's all." she wears a sad smile but Hecate doesn't return it, she only stares with an emotion that cannot be identified. Is it fear? is it sadness? it's probably a mixture of whatever bullshit Celeste has also left her with.
"So you're saying you'll fall in love with me as well?" she asks because now her curious, she...doesn't want to know does she?
"Yes," she answers very bluntly, and with that, Hecate scoffs with a wolfish grin that follows.
"Then Godspeed, Daphné Whirlpool. Godspeed."
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echovilled · 5 months
— a cottage by the lake.
→ characters: celeste lune, amari (+ mentions of daphne whirlpool) → genre: pg-13 → word count: 753 → prompt: “i don’t think there’s a person in the world who compares to you.”
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Perhaps it was meant to be.
Although Isira had completely left any personal matters up to Celeste’s own devices, she did not expect to fall for both Amari and Daphné nor greatly consider that it would be of her undoing.
…Or is it?
It should have been to no surprise though, Amari and her were practically the same person. Thoughts and minds so intertwined with one another that she would have thought they knew each other in a past life. They have similar beginnings and are even so prone to defending another being’s causes before their own. Perhaps them both falling each other as well may have been their first sign of exhibiting free will.
And it was something that may have scared her more than possibly anything.
Now they are both here, with her feet in his lap as he sits hunched over while studying the rest of his Abjuration notes. The comfortable silence that fills the room with sounds of book pages being turned, and the crackling of wood burning in the fireplace creates the most calming ambiance she’s experienced in the last century. She doesn’t want to be the one to break the silence but through surprise, he does first.
“Celeste,” he speaks in a soft tone and she can swear she can hear a tinge of sadness in his voice. She quickly decides to put a Botany textbook down and give him her full undivided attention. “Is there something wrong? you sound of despondence.” He pauses, she can feel the slight hesitation in his movements before he turns his head to look at her. His eyes look as if they are searching hers which makes her feel even more worried. She decides to put a soft hand on his forearm, the cool material of the iron contrasting to the warmth of the room. “Amari…?” she repeats and that’s when he finally lets out an answer.
“I’m sorry, I was just thinking about the time that we’ve spent together with Daph and I don’t want it to end.” he gives her a soft smile before she breaks out in a chuckle. “Well as long as I’m on campus, I think that may be out of the question,” she says with a small smile but his features are still downcast. “That’s not exactly what I meant…I…” he trails off before clumsily rubbing her shins. “I just thought that Isira could one day call you back to The Celestia and we won’t see you again…or at least for a very long time.”
She feels her heart shred into a million pieces as she’s quickly reminded of a possible fate that might come to her and one that she could never ignore. Granted, she knew the consequences that would bring if she did gain any emotional connections, she just didn’t think it would include three people that would suffer the immense heartbreak. “Is that what has you so sad? Oh, Amari.” she reaches up to hug him around his neck, planting a soft kiss on his temple as she lets go. “I would have to go if Isira called me back but that probably won’t happen for another eternity or so,” she says with a shrug.
“But there’s still a possibility…”
“There is.” she nods, gazing momentarily at the fireplace before looking back at him with a small smile on her face. “But I promise I’ll find my way back to you and Daphné. You can count on every star in the sky…unless you all find another angel to talk you both out of your most chaotic shenanigans.” she grins which gains a genuine chuckle from the golem.
“I don’t think there’s a person in the world who compares to you, Celeste. Daphné and I would never replace you,” he says this with so much warmth that she feels as if her entire body is going to combust. She can’t help but ruin the moment with a little bit of dry humor though.
“I hope not. If I come back after another 178 years and I see another angel living here I might have to resort to jealous, petty matters. Maybe stealing all of your left shoes here, hiding all of Daphne’s seasonal dresses there.” they both suddenly break out into laughter.
“You won’t have to worry about that at all.”
“…I know.” She knows with all of her heart that they’ll still be here, welcoming her back with open arms and wearing the same smiles they had when they first met her.
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echovilled · 5 months
— before caldor: the empty
→ characters: celeste lune (featuring isira). → genre: mentions of war but it's mostly pg-13 → word count: 667 → description: celeste lune is called back to earth after 178 years.
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It's an abyss that's been her solitude as she floats among it, still in the armor that she was recalled in.
She doesn't see, she doesn't hear, she doesn't feel, she's just...there.
And she has been for the last 178 years.
...Well, until now.
"Celeste." the first voice that calls to her in almost two centuries is her God, Isira. She doesn't wake up, she can't even physically move but she can feel their presence around her and it's neither warm or comforting but oddly enough, it's familiar. "Yes, Isira?" she responds back in a quiet tone, it lacks emotion as she is immediately on standby like always. Her body still orbits, legs and arms hanging as she drifts in complete darkness. It's as if she's a bird soaring high amongst the clouds... or falling slowly in the night sky. "You have a new purpose, a divine task that I am handing to you." Isira's voice becomes increasingly louder as they hone into Celeste's inner consciousness. Their voice is neither of a man nor a woman but it's of a presence that can not be ignored. "You will be attending a school called Caldor Institute. It is to help you advance as an Angel."
There's a beat of silence before Celeste responds back with a direct "Understood." There are no oppositions, no hesitations when you are faced with a task given to you by your higher authority. "I will have all that you will need to make sure that you are successful while you are on Earth. And as you know, I do not have to tell you what would happen if you fail. " "I'm confident I won't." She doesn't know much about schooling but she's sure that she can succeed just as she's persevered, or at least tried, with The War of The Allies. She feels a small tingle of nervousness with the threat of failing though, but she can't possibly cease to function at an advancement of one's own capability.
Celeste feels herself nod inwardly, " There is nothing to be worried about, I will complete this task with the best of my abilities." she says with an earnest tone, the prospect of any dithering does not come as she accepts it with no inquiry included. "When I will be attending?" she asks Isira a question of her own in which she's met with an even warmer presence. If she knew any better, she would say it almost feels like the sun. "Orientation begins in a week, I will send you down there today to prepare." their tone remains the same, choppy sentences as they speak with finality. Celeste responds with another simple inward nod as she continues to float among a deep stasis like slumber, but she isn't there for long. Before she knows it she's met with the brightest beam of light that makes her gasp a little, slowly feeling herself descend into the sky. Her eyes opened with her wings greeting her like old friends, as if they've been itching to sprout for years. The sky that she vividly remembers before which was greyed and covered with burning smoke is now a piercing blue with clouds that litter around her. The birds that she remembered that vanished during her time in the war, now soar through the sky in all different breeds. All of it, so much of it is just so overwhelming that she feels wobbly, almost as if she's about to falter in flight but her resolve has always been strong, coming back to her like the wind beneath her feet.
With a glance upwards, she sees the light that sent her down close, Isira bidding her a farewell in their own grandiose way. She almost feels a bit nervous, homesick. But once she catches a glimpse of the iridescent shimmer of her wings flapping softly within the morning sun, she takes a couple deep breaths before piecing herself back together and zooming off.
A new purpose....A new purpose....
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echovilled · 6 months
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character aesthetic: mina park.
↳ " you want to be me? you can't even afford to put your feet in my shoes!"
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echovilled · 6 months
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a collection of images posted by cheasequah "cain" awenasa.
↳ "please do not steal my emotional support camera 🥺 "
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echovilled · 8 months
— the happy chemical.
→ characters: selina liu ( featuring geng nuan, ma lei and xiang lian). → genre: tw: mentions of child abuse. → word count: 963  → description: selina meets xiang lian for the first time.
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The day of any performance always made Selina feel sick, not because of the event, which she thoroughly enjoyed for the festivities, but because of the moments leading up to it. The entire day would leave her feeling exposed, exhausted, and vulnerable.
The mornings always started with an ice-cold shower where her skin would be scrubbed until red and bruised. Nuan always said that these showers were beneficial. They activated something called “Endorphins,” which is called the “happy” chemical. She said she learned it when she was her age, and she said she should be able to know what all of these chemicals are by this age.
Selina thinks the word sounds too close to dolphins.
This particular moment of the day doesn't make her happy, so while she scrubs, she imagines dolphins and wonders what it would have been like to see one up close instead.
3:00 AM was always the perfect time for Nuan because it was when she was at her happiest, her most productive. The hours prior were always spent the better half of the night having her consistent meltdowns over what Selina or Stephan did. The night would play out like a movie; Nuan would find something wrong, becoming a screaming match with Stephan or another night spent without dinner for Selina. One night had gotten so bad that Stephan didn't just threaten to leave; he packed his bags and left. The remainder of the night was spent with Selina trying to talk Nuan off the ledge as she would collapse and fall into her tiny daughter's arms. She cried and whined that nobody loved her, that nobody loved her enough to stay.
”I love you.” Selina would say she didn’t need a response, and none was ever given.
But when 3:00 AM rolled around, Nuan was a different woman. She was refreshed, ready to face the day head-on. Selina would always wonder where she would get all this newfound enthusiasm. Was it the endorphins she would always talk about? She doesn’t know, but she has yet to feel them.
She could never admit that she hated getting up at 3:00 AM for these reasons. She had been too tired to fight during the showers, too tired to put up a fight when she got two to three hours of sleep at night, too tired to do anything.
Nuan loves it when she leaves the apartment and gets to school during performance days. That's when she's at her best. Selina believes it's like a troll shedding its skin to reveal an empress. When Nuan is in front of other people, everything she has been accused of hours prior melts away. She appears perfect, glowing, affectionate, and everything Nuan wants. Selina is everything Nuan wants.
She likes it when they get to school, too; everyone loves to look at her, and they love to converse. She spends so much of the weekdays trapped inside her room that she forgets how fun it is to talk to others. She likes this part because Nuan hugs her, kisses her, and tells her everything she wants to hear, and she doesn't have to do anything to deserve it. It's all for free when they're in front of a crowd.
It’s the behind-doors part that Selina hates. The troll skin comes back, and it’s vicious, scary, and hurtful. The words are slick with venom, and she wonders when she will adapt to it when it would hurt less, why it hurts so much to hear them, and why it is so confusing for her to listen to them. Nuan tells her she’s a failure, a disappointment when things don’t go her way, while the tone differs from when they’re in front of a crowd.
She desperately wishes to be in front of people again; she wants to believe that this is a facade, and she wants the Empress to come back.
But something is different about today.
While Selina and Nuan are alone, an Auntie comes in dragging their own daughter, and she sees Nuan morph back into the Empress that she wanted to see. The young girl stops crying when she sees them, and it is like a light switch turned on when they both notice each other.
“Was she wishing her own empress could come back too?” She thought as the young girl peered curiously at her. She looked away as her mother spoke.
“I’m sorry to barge in, you know how insolent they can become when they start learning about free will.” The mother joked, and Nuan laughed, a genuine laugh at that.
Who were these strange people?
“Oo, Excuse my manners. I’m Ma Lei, but everyone calls me Leila. This is my daughter, Xiang Lian.” she nudges the young girl forward with her red face still wet with tears. She sticks out her hand for a handshake. Selina takes it without thinking about the repercussions that stand behind her.
“You’re pretty,” Lian says behind the sniffles as she lets go of their handshake and digs into the little purse she had been holding. She pulls out a piece of candy, and for the first time today, Selina becomes painfully aware that she hasn’t had food since yesterday afternoon or didn’t have to do much for Lian to be kind.
She takes the piece of candy, unwraps it, and sticks it in her mouth. It’s a ginger chew, her new favorite candy.
“Thank you and you’re pretty too.” She smiles for the first time today.
This must be what endorphins feel like.
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echovilled · 8 months
— the star.
→ characters: selina liu (featuring asteria hsu and zetian yu). → word count: 2,436 → song(s): vava - boss, franz gordon- the art teacher. → description: selina meets her idol and future mentor for the first time.
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Everything had to be perfect.
Selina sits at her desk, the cramped but organized living space providing enough room to document her work for her science fair project. She slides her science notebook onto her desktop organizer with the rest of her school supplies set neatly by color and metric. Her gaze turns back to the computer screen showcasing the detailed captioned logs that date back to six months, twenty-seven files deep, with twenty-eight loading to join ranks. Her loud, hardcore Chinese rap music blasts from the open window as it clashes with Mr. Huang's Guoyue playing downstairs. The intoxicating smell of Hong Shao Rou travels through her slightly cracked door, signaling that her grandma will call her to dinner soon. The familiarity could nearly put her at ease, almost.
Her project involves creating a ventilator using solely Shenzhen hardware products, with a blood oxygen sensing factor and an additional detection mechanism. She sought advice from her Olympiad coach, who informed her that this project was challenging and beyond her age and level. Despite being intended for Zhaunke-level students, she convinced him with charm, determination, and hard work that she could do it. She had also been curious about what he considered "challenging." For she always believed that her opinion held much more significance in being the judge of that.
It took her nearly two months to prepare everything. Every outsourced material was brand new while she had personally crafted each customization. Everything had to be slow, methodical, and precise, especially when the main objective was to impress those with rank, specifically Dr. Asteria Hsu.
Dr. Hsu was one of the judges of the science fair and one of Tria's leading biomedical engineers. Her appearance at school tomorrow would be considered as significant as Mao Zedong rising from his grave. It could elicit either enlightenment or disappointment, reflecting the current state of a science wing that once curated her talents. Furthermore, she hasn't been at Shuchang No. 4 High School for over five years. Her comeback is mainly being hyped up because she's scouting mentees for the Zhaunke level students, for she only takes mentees as young as eighteen.
This doesn't even compare to the list of achievements she has obtained, which would intimidate even someone like Fung Yuan-Cheng. With a biomedical engineering, medical, and research degree and a track record of accomplishments in bionanotechnology, systems biology, and biomechatronics, it's no wonder that the two biomedical engineers she has mentored have gone on to achieve great things. And she is determined to be the third, despite the challenges she currently faces.
She grabs a stray white fabric sheet from her closet to protect her project from any invading particles of dust.
Tomorrow will be perfect.
She stands beside her presentation, wearing a fake smile as she explains her project to nearly every interested instructor she encounters. None of them are Dr. Hsu, and none of them are engaging enough to justify having this mindless conversation over and over again. With total disrespect, she sees them every day. Dr. Hsu, on the other hand, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that she can't afford to miss at this very moment.
She's starting to get nervous and hypervigilant, believing she may have missed her.
"Did she pick someone else?"
"Did she grow tired of the consistent waves of cardboard paper, makeshift planetariums and shoddy machinery?"
"Am I losing my mind?"
"Did she even come? I need to speak to the conductor about why she chose today of all days to put us in alphabetical order."
Questions plagued her mind as she stretched her neck, almost standing on tiptoes to search for the now mysterious Dr. Hsu. However, she couldn't find her anywhere, and the fair would end soon. She had two options: either ask a teacher to help locate the missing woman, upon whom she had unfortunately entrusted her future with, or haul ass with her ventilator and find her herself, ensuring that Dr. Hsu knew her name before leaving
After completing one of the two tasks she had assigned herself, she reached the seventeenth floor of the parking lot, hoping Dr. Hsu had yet to leave. She was also grateful she didn't have to run up those seventeen flights of stairs, even though she had to squeeze into the elevator between the sweaty and towering basketball team.
Just a minute after stepping off the elevator, she sees a medium-height, slender woman standing near the trunk of her car on her phone. The woman's poise, posture, and the fact that she memorized every detail from the countless articles she has bookmarked about her confirmed that this is Dr. Hsu.
She stops in her tracks, suddenly even more aware that she is now face to side-profile with the woman she's idolized for the better half of a year.
She quickly observes her appearance before approaching. She's dressed in dark blue slacks with a light blue button-down and rolled-up sleeves. Her hair is in a low chignon bun, giving off this relatable and lack-of-effort approach. It pales compared to Selina's structured white and dark blue sleeves uniform with matching skirt and knee-length tube socks, wispy but strategically placed bangs with a matching bow that she put in her hair for appeal. Not only did Dr. Hsu know her way around biomedicine, but she also knew her way around a closet.
Unwilling to waste another minute of future opportunities due to admiration, she walks up to her, immediately gaining attention and an eyebrow raised from Dr. Hsu.
"Dr. Hsu, my name is Selina Liu. I apologize for my candor, but I noticed that you were not present at today's science fair. I was hoping to personally share my science project with you before you departed." She feels her hands sweaty as the heavy ventilator covering her entire torso becomes slightly loose from her grip. She hoped that she overlooked the mishap.
She sees Dr. Hsu slip her phone back into her front pocket and address her calmly.
"Well, Ms. Liu I was present but I didn't stick around. One woman can only come across so many displays of science projects before the boredom starts to kick in. Plus, I was initially here for the Zhaunke students…" Selina sees her eyes linger on the ventilator before they land back on hers. "Do you need help with that? It looks heavy."
She immediately shakes her head no, willing for her fingers to strain due to the weight. "It's fine, I have it." She shifts her weight while holding the machine in tow.
"I said you were absent because you didn't specifically see my project, and that was the main objective for me, personally…" She pauses, suddenly becoming more nervous than she already is. Still, in a clear and demanding tone, she forces her words out. "I was also hoping you considered becoming my mentor for my upcoming senior year. I want to become a biomedical engineer, and you're the best there is, and I want to be mentored by the best. I made my own curriculum sheet that details the specializations that I see myself being the most successful in, and I am a shoo-in for the prestigious University of Tsinghua." she says proudly.
Dr. Hsu remains silent for slightly longer than usual, leaving Selina to shift her weight again in the awkward silence. Her mind begins to wonder if she may be coming on too strong once she sees Dr. Hsu's gaze on her machine again.
Is she considering letting me on?
Is this entire thing a fluke?
A voice that she hasn't physically heard in years starts coming in echoes.
She holds her project tightly to her torso to keep it at bay; it can't come for her today, not when she's so close.
The self-doubt, the shame.
We were so confident and we will remain confident. Everything else has to be put at a distance.
She pleads with her mind to at least let her have this moment, please.
She is startled into reality as she hears Dr. Hsu break into a small laughter. "You pursue me with a machine that is too big for you to carry, with no explanation on what it can do in hopes for me to become your mentor? All because I was one measly judge who didn't stick around for the rest of the projects? How old are you anyway? fourteen?"
"I'm sixteen, doctor. I'm just really short," she says, straightening her shoulders. An insulted tinge creeps into her voice, causing Dr. Hsu to chuckle even louder out of the slight ridiculousness of the situation.
"Believe me, Ms. Liu. I'm not laughing at you," Dr. Hsu assures. "I just find your approach familiar, strikingly similar to my own. You're like a little baby tiger being held by the claws of it's mother and I like it, and I'm starting to like you." Selina feels her features relax as she realizes she had unknowingly tightened them, a smile creeping on her face. "This little stunt you pulled has been the highlight of my afternoon so yes, I'll see your machine."
She clasps her hands to contain her excitement as Dr. Hsu props the machine on the trunk of her car with ease. Without missing a beat, Selina starts to present her presentation with the vigor and passion that was left out of the former presentations at the fair.
"This is project Li Hai-"
"You titled your project difficult to deal with?"
"Yes, ma'am," she responds, her tone flat as Dr. Hsu mouths a barely audible okay through her chuckle.
"Project Li Hai involves a ventilator using hardware products from the Shenzhen hardware store. It has a blood oxygen-sensing factor with a disease-detection mechanism." She puts the attached mask on and presses the green button with the calculated information appearing on the light green screen panel. Dr. Hsu peers through the machine, her eyebrows slightly raised. After a certain amount of time, Selina removes the breather mask and straightens her hair.
"And you're telling me you did this by yourself?"
She nods, patting her machine proudly. "My baba was an electrical design engineer, so I learned how to mainly build machinery from him-" she stops herself, that information slipping out so quickly. So easily. "Or through him, I suppose."
Dr. Hsu nods, thankfully not interested or willing to answer any follow-up questions to her strange statement. The last thing she wants is to rehash anything she doesn't want to, not when things are so close to moving forward. Not now.
"Well, color me impressed. Now your wiring could use just a tad bit of refinement but this is incredibly impressive for a sixteen-year-old." she slips the business card into her hand before Selina retrieves the machine from the top of her trunk. The ventilator felt oddly lighter in her arms.
"So…you're saying you'll take me on?"
"Ah, patience Ms. Liu. I want you to contact me, and we'll see where we go from there. Since you're significantly younger than the students that I usually mentor then I would need an adult present."
Selina feels slightly dejected from not gaining a clear answer before she feels Dr. Hsu's hand on her shoulder. "I see immense potential in you; there's just some things that should be ironed out first so do not take this as a no. Are we clear?" Selina nods, feeling slightly exposed that she may be reading her mind or body language-
It doesn't matter; none of this matters; Dr. Hsu wants to see her again. Selina bites her lip, feeling a wave of emotions washing over her. It's as if she could feel herself floating.
"Well, I hate to say goodbye because I thoroughly enjoyed this but it is getting late. Do you have a ride home? I could take you."Selina shakes her head, refusing the offer immediately. "I'll be fine; I live just a mile away."
Dr. Hsu nods before turning back to her car and getting inside. She pulls out, but before she leaves, she rolls down the window. "You have a good night, Ms. Liu, and remember to contact me, okay? I don't want you missing any lifetime opportunities because you simply forgot."
"I'll make sure of it, Dr. Hsu." She can envision scribbling her number in her digital planner with golden star stickers surrounding Dr. Hsu's name.
She gives her a small wave before rolling up her window and speeding. Selina watches her leave as the weight of conversation makes the air feel much lighter. She sets the machine down on the floor and stares at the card. An immense pressure that she didn't notice building in her chest suddenly bursts as tears begin to fall.
She slightly nudges her machine with her foot. "You stupid, stupid machine…somebody other than Nainai, someone other than me can finally see our worth." she laughs warmly through her tears before she feels her phone buzz in her blazer's pocket. She wipes her face vigorously with her sleeve as she picks it up, showing little to almost no signs that she has been crying before.
"Mei Mei, you were supposed to be home an hour ago, tiānkōng hé tiāntáng!" Zetian's voice crackles through the speaker. She can't help but be giddy at the news that would soften the blow of any punishment Zetian could threaten her with.
" Nainai, I'm sorry. I'm coming home now because remember the doctor I wanted for a mentorship?"
"Yes, you've been driving me up the wall about it for a year!"
"Well..." she trails off for dramatic effect, knowing Zetian is probably on the edge of her faded seating chair waiting for the outcome. "She wants me to contact her soon!" she shrieks as she jumps up and down from excitement."She gave me her card! I have Dr. Asteria Hsu's card!"
There's a high-pitched squealing that could rival her own coming from the other side of the phone.
"That's my girl! I knew you could do it! Tell me everything!"
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echovilled · 9 months
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meet selina: an accomplished scientist, dr. selina liu embarks on a journey to discover a new planet to inhabit while learning more about herself and coming to terms with her past.
learn more about her here:
ENG: Selina Meihua Liu
CHI: Liu Meihua / 劉美華
24, December, 4001
165cm / 5’5”
58 kg / 130 lbs
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Crew member was diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder at the age of 9 due to an accumulation of symptoms including being hostile, hypervigilance, disturbed sleep, irritability, and severe anxiety.
[ Operator Note: Diagnosis will not interfere with regular routine as showcased throughout employment history and examination. Has been prescribed the appropriate medication, Zoloft, to improve any ongoing symptoms. ]
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Biomedical Engineer with specialty fields in: Bionanotechnology - subspeciality of nanotechnology and nanoscience. Biomechatronics - subspeciality of biology, mechatronics and mechanical engineering with applied Rehabilitation Engineering. Biomaterials - subspeciality of medicine, biology, chemistry, tissue engineering and materials science. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine - subspeciality of biomaterials, organ regeneration and neurodegeneration.
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Able to make well-thought out and practical decisions, analyzes the needs of patients to design appropriate solutions, is able to focus with intent and without any distractions.
has difficulty adapting to unexpected circumstances, lacks tolerance in disagreeing with another’s actions, has the tendency to take control even when it is not crew member’s place.
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ESTJ-A - Crew member of this personality format possess great fortitude, emphatically following their own sensible judgment. They often serve as a stabilizing force among others, able to offer solid direction amid adversity.
3w4 - Tend to be ambitious, focused, and serious in their behavior. They are very career-oriented, finding much of their identity in their work and are very task-focused.
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Neutral Good - Crew member typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against lawful precepts.
Disposition appears to be unfazed by process, when prompted further, crew member can become irritable and evasive.
[Operator Note: During the interviewing process, crew members may have a tendency to stare pointedly as an attempt to display their disapproval of invasive questions.]
[Addition: Unnerving]
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Approaches all situations with logical and unbiased-thinking, their honesty makes the advice and critical feedback helpful.
Is prone to neglecting personal needs due to workaholism.
[Operator Note: Was told personally that sacrifices should always be made to achieve a successful end result.]
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When crew member is confronted with unconventional or uncomfortable situations, they tend to clench their jaw or clutch their arm. When in deep thought, their eyebrows knit together. When observing, they tilt their head to the side.
Painting, chess, photography, mahjong, weiqi, tai-chi, flying yoga, wushu, table tennis.
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Efficiency, competency, true crime, listening to music, cooking, weighted blankets, sweets, white tea, simulated thunderstorms.
Procrastination, inconsistency, disorganization, excessive information unloading, headaches, dairy, checkers.
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[Operator Note: The crew member was informed that it was necessary for examination and file. After expressing initial doubts, she was prompted further. Eventually, an appropriate answer was provided.]
Failure, worthlessness, physical and emotional helplessness, abandonment.
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Mild - Lactose Intolerant
Average - House Dust and Spider Mites
[ Operator Note: Provide Dairy Alternatives for diet.]
AB Positive
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Born to Geng Nuan, a former virtual high school biology teacher, and Aiden Liu, an electrical design engineer who divorced in 4004. Both mother and father were granted joint custody, resulting in crew member living with her mother and stepfather, Stephan Huang, during the weekdays, and with her father during the weekends and holidays. The mother's visits would begin to falter resulting in parental rights being relinquished in 4009 due to "extreme parental disinterest". The crew member stayed with their father and paternal grandmother until father's death in 4015 due to terminal brain cancer. The mother's parental rights were not reinstated although there were discussions of doing so. Guardianship would ultimately pass to the paternal grandmother, Zetian Yu. They would live together until Yu’s death of respiratory failure in 4022. There is currently no significant other. Biological mother, half-sister Aurora Huang, and stepfather are alive, but there is no contact between them.
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Science, Technology, and Engineering are complementary factors in today's world. Together, they form a bridge to innovation, uncovering answers that typical physicians, tech entrepreneurs, and biological scientists may not see. I am proud to be one of one in this field, and you would not have approached me for recruitment if I were not. My team and I played an instrumental role in the clinical trial process for the stasis technology used on this trip. With my background in pathology and simulation testing for potential cures, there is no one else on this ship like me, nor can they come close to my expertise.
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Selina Meihua Liu, Crew #5-0-0.
Exemplified throughout personal statement, crew member’s arrogance levels with professional career. Personal work history indicates determination, resilience when presented with overcoming hurdles and dedication to patients and tasks. However she is prone to disagreements with bureaucracies if she views their actions as unfavorable. Reports from colleagues indicate that she is dynamic and has a brilliant mind, even taking a critical role in the clinical trial process for the anti-aging injection. They would describe her personally as both austere and reassuring, elusive but honest. Even so, she is liable to not accept inspiration-based or unvetted ideas unless there is a practical proposition; favoring mind over matter. The divide between work and personal life is nonexistent, seeing as they have coalesced into one entity. Leads an urban lifestyle, is low maintenance except for a few materialistic suggestions. Is firm on the decision that no familial or romantic ties would disrupt her decision to leave earth.
*SIDENOTE — this character is included in a roleplay set in the future. this data sheet contains an examination with the character's personal statements included.
0 notes
echovilled · 10 months
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meet cain: during his senior year in high school, cain tries to balance his studies, love life, and social life. however, he finds it much harder than he could have ever imagined with a serial killer on the loose.
learn more about him here:
Basic Information
Full Name: Cheasequah Awenasa
Cheasequah: The name Cheasequah is derived from the Tsalagi language and it means Red Cardinal Bird. Cain didn't receive his first name until a week after his birth. His great-grandmothers, grandmothers, and mother all participated in naming him, just as they had for other relatives around his age. They chose Cheasequah, inspired by the bright, windy day with sun-dappled maroon leaves that match the colors of a Red Cardinal Bird.
Awenasa: The name Awenasa is derived from the Cherokee Language and it means My Home. Native Americans did not adopt the custom of having surnames until 1900. Therefore, the only recorded Awenasa was a young man who went by the name of Salonitah “Sharp Shooter” Awenasa. Salonitah never knew his father as he died before he was born. In honor of his mother, he took her name "Awenasa" and used it as his official surname. She passed away in 1905.
Cain: Cain's nickname originated from the story of Cain and Abel. He found the drama of bloodshed, carnage, and family conflict thrilling, so he adopted the name for himself at the age of 7. His parents were obviously shocked and surprised, but much to his childhood annoyance, would still call him by his birth name.
Chess: Chess is derived from his first name, Cheasequah. His family mostly calls him by that name.
Age: 18
Date of Birth: September 27th, 2005
Birthplace: Seattle, Washington, United States
Cain was born in Seattle because his parents were temporarily living there for their careers before moving back to Ocean Shores a couple months after he was born.
Hometown: Ocean Shores, Washington, United States
Current Location: Ocean Shores, Washington, United States
Ethnicity: American Indian
Cherokee: On his mother's side, he comes from the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI), and on his father's side, he is from the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians. He has direct ancestors who were associated with the Indian Removal Act, The Trail of Tears and the 800 Cherokee Indians that lived amongst the Oconaluftee River that avoided the Trail of Tears entirely.
Gender: Cisgendered Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Cain’s family have notoriously preserved and raised each generation on traditional Cherokee beliefs. He’s raised to believe in Unetlanvhi (the Great Spirit) and practice those beliefs by participating in stomp dances and other ceremonies. Every year, he participates in two events held in Oklahoma, despite living in Washington.
Occupation: He works part-time as a ice cream scooper at an ice cream parlor and as a farm hand with his uncle during summer breaks.
Living Arrangements: Cain lives with his mother, father and three younger siblings in a 5 bedroom home in Ocean Shores, Washington.
In 1985, Cain's grandparents Yansa and Tsula Awenasa bought a plot of land and built their first home. After 15 years of living there and expanding the property, Tsula gifted the home to her youngest son (he was still living with them at the time), Cain's father Kanuna, in 2000. Kanuna and his wife Hialeah then raised their children in the home from 2005 onwards.
Bedroom Description
Cain’s bedroom can be described as cozy. The color theme of his bedroom is sage green, with dark wood floors. He has cream colored carpets that are 80% always littered with some kind of clothing until he picks it up. He has two huge connecting windows behind his bed that reaches out to the balcony (that he sneaks out of) that are covered with sheer taupe curtains. His furniture is made of dark wood to contrast that his entire room is painted a cream color. His nightstands are littered with an air diffuser, his keys, an alarm clock, two table lights, jewelry, emotional support water bottle and a framed picture of him with his favorite director Wes Studi. He has a desk that’s suppose to be for homework but it’s really to support his PC Gaming Desktop/Computer that supports games and editing videos. He has a low dresser that holds most of his trophies, awards, and other pictures of friends and family and a closet that’s built inside of his room. All over his walls are posters of movies, gaming and records of his favorite albums.
Cain's room is his personal space. If he's not out and about with his friends and family, he's usually vibing in his room.
Language(s) Spoken
Cain is fluent in two languages: English and Southern Iroquoian, which is spoken by the Cherokee Native Americans. His fluency is heavily reliant on the teachings of his grandparents, parents, and extended family members. Their objective is to prevent the near-extinct language from dying out completely within their family.
He can also speak Spanish, having been taking classes since Freshman Year. He is slightly above average in that language.
Physical Appearance
Hair Color
Eye Color
Dark Brown
166 lbs
Inverted Triangle, Muscular.
He has the average body of someone who works out constantly and has a high metabolism.
Cain has a scar that travels below his ear and up four inches towards his head. No one can see it since his hair has grown back, but it was caused by a hate-crime incident.
He has a scar on his left eyebrow that was caused by falling off a training horse when he was a kid. Although it has faded over time, it is still visible if you are up close.
He has a few scars around his body that he wouldn’t have the slightest clue as to where they came from.
His first tattoo is an ancestral tattoo that’s located on the middle of his back. The men in his family receive this tattoo once they reach the age of 18.
The second tattoo is located on his forearm. The tattoo honors his ancestry.
The third tattoo is a camera located on his right ear. It represents his love for films and his desired career aspiration in filmmaking.
Cain has both his ear lobes, helix and rooks pierced.
Usual Expression: Cain is known for his relaxed expression, which gives him an approachable vibe. His demeanor is one of his most notable characteristics, and it's easy to see why. He carries himself with a sense of calm and ease that makes people feel comfortable around him.
Distinguishing Characteristics
People notice Cain's hair before they notice him. Often in braids, straightened, half-do or just a ponytail, his hair reaches to the middle of his back, and he always takes good care of it.
Libra ☀️ Leo 🌙 Sagittarius ↗️
ENFP-A: Campaigners are true free spirits – outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. With their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. But even though they can be the life of the party, Campaigners don’t just care about having a good time. These personality types run deep – as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.
6w7 (The Buddy): Sixes with Seven wings are very outgoing people who love to be surrounded by friends and have a good time. They balance their time spent relaxing with hard work, which is sacred to them. They can be both cheerful and serious, gaining insight from their environment and the people around them to anticipate their actions and protect themselves.
Sanguine [Dominant]: The Sanguine is an extroverted, fun-loving, and playful personality type. They are activity-prone, impulsive, entertaining, and persuasive, often easily amused and optimistic. They are enthusiastic and expressive, and tend to be very affectionate. Sanguines are personable, receptive, open to others, and build relationships quickly. They are animated, excitable, approachable, accepting, and trusting of others. They smile and talk easily and often, and are skilled with words.
Moral Alignment
Neutral Good: A neutral good character typically acts selflessly, without considering whether the action is lawful or traditional. They are willing to cooperate with lawful officials, but they do not feel obligated to do so. If doing the right thing requires bending or breaking rules, they do not experience the same inner conflict that a lawful good character would.
Positive Traits
cooperative, diplomatic, fair-minded, social, reliable, hard-working, responsible, trustworthy, reactive, defiant, rebellious, optimistic, versatile, spontaneous, playful, high-spirited, practical, constantly seeking new and exciting experiences, curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, excellent communicator, festive, good-natured and romantic.
Negative Traits
indecisive, avoids confrontations, will carry a grudge, melancholic, defensive, evasive, anxious, cautious, people-pleasing, unfocused, disorganized, overly accommodating, overly optimistic, restless, misapplication of talents, becomes over-extended, lacks discipline.
Nice Guy
Beware of The Nice Ones
You Are Not Alone
Big Man on Campus
Lovable Jock
Innocently Insensitive
Animal Lover
Current Fear: Losing his personal support system and stability.
Horseback Riding, Skating, Surfing, Swimming, Video Editing, Scriptwriting, Making Film Reviews.
Sideways glance, likes to wink, arms crossed over chest, pinching the bridge of the nose, running hand through hair, standing with hands in pocket, passing hand over the face when tired, twisting rings on fingers, leaning against wall while talking, whistles while walking.
Love Language
Acts of Service
" Can helping with homework really be an expression of love? Absolutely! Anything you do to ease the burden of responsibilities weighing on an “Acts of Service” person will speak volumes. The words he or she most wants to hear: “Let me do that for you.” Laziness, broken commitments, and making more work for them tell speakers of this language their feelings don’t matter. When others serve you out of love (and not obligation), you feel truly valued and loved."
Quality Time
" In Quality Time™, nothing says “I love you” like full, undivided attention. Being there for this type of person is critical, but really being there—with the TV off, fork and knife down, and all chores and tasks on standby—makes you feel truly special and loved. Distractions, postponed activities, or the failure to listen can be especially hurtful. Whether it's spending uninterrupted time talking with someone else or doing activities together, you deepen your connection with others through sharing time."
Physical Touch
" A person whose primary language is Physical Touch™ is, not surprisingly, very touchy. Hugs, pats on the back, and thoughtful touches on the arm—they can all be ways to show excitement, concern, care, and love. Physical presence and accessibility are crucial, while neglect or abuse can be unforgivable and destructive. Appropriate and timely touches communicate warmth, safety, and love to you. "
Hip Hop/Rap, Pop, Dance, R&B, Indie, Theatre Soundtracks and Country Music.
Smoke Signals
Dead Poets Society
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Geronimo: An American Legend
The Outsiders
Powwow Highway
The Protagonists
Basketball, Football and Track
C4 Energy X Starburst Drinks, Lemon and Lime Water, Black Tea
Fry bread that is paired with toppings such as beans, meat, cheese, and tomatoes. Cedar plank salmon with wild rice and wild onions, that are served with eggs.
Representory Animal: Red Cardinal Bird
Kanuna Awenasa (47 years old): Kanuna is Cain’s father and has been a constant presence in Cain's life, as well as that of Cain's three other siblings. Not only has Kanuna been emotionally supportive of Cain, but he has also been physically present, providing guidance and a nurturing environment where Cain can express his emotions freely to him.
Hialeah Awenasa (45 years old): Hialeah is Cain's mother and they share a close relationship. Hialeah has a deep sense of protectiveness towards all of her children, but especially towards Cain since he will be leaving soon to attend college. Like any mother, Hialeah is always going to great lengths to ensure that she can be the best mother she can be and Cain, like any good son, is always appreciative of his mother and her efforts.
Amadahy “Ama” Awenasa (14 years old): Ama is Cain's younger sister, and they have a close relationship. However, things have recently become tense between them. This tension is somewhat expected, as Cain is leaving high school just as Ama is entering it. They are both at different stages in their lives, with different priorities and interests, and are generally shifting in different directions. While Ama wants to carve out her own future, Cain is using the excuse of being her big brother and knowing what and who is best for her. Despite their differences and ongoing bickering, Ama and Cain have always been there for each other, supporting one another through thick and thin.
Welala “Wesa” Awenasa (7 years old): Wesa is Cain's younger brother, and they have a close relationship. Though they share a typical big brother-little brother bond with all the arguments, fights, and annoying behavior that come with it, their bond runs deep. Cain hopes to set a good example for his brother, but his naturally rebellious nature is a contrast to that. At the same time, Cain cherishes their unique sibling dynamic.
Inola “Nini” Awenasa (6 Months old): Inola is Cain's younger sister, and they naturally have a close bond. Her arrival was a surprise to everyone, but Cain easily took on the role of as a big brother, as he has done twice before.
Extended Family
The Kanagagota Family
Maternal Great-Grandfather: Mato Kanagagota
Maternal Great-Grandmother: Lapahie Kanagagota ( Lapahie did not have a surname when she married Mato).
Maternal Grandfather: Citlali Kanagagota
Maternal Grandmother: Mitena Kanagagota (née Summerhill)
Uncle: Danuwoa Kanagagota
Uncle: Wohali Kanagagota
Aunt: Leotie Kanagagota
Mother: Hialeah Awenasa (née Kanagagota )
— Sidenote: The Kanagagota Family lives in upstate Carnation, Washington, where they own a farm. Cain's horses reside on the farm and he tries to visit them every weekend.
The Awenasa Family
Honorable Mention: The First Inheritor of the Awenasa Surname | Salonitah Awenasa
Paternal Great-Grandfather: Nakamo Awenasa
Paternal Great-Grandmother: Ayita Awenasa (née Onacona)
Paternal Grandfather: Yansa Awenasa
Paternal Grandmother: Tsula Awenasa (née Bravebird)
Aunt: Mohe Catawnee ( née Awenasa)
Uncle: Atohi Awenasa
Uncle: Austenaco “Austen” Awenasa
Father: Kanuna Awenasa
Aunt: Kamama Awenasa (Kanuna’s indentical twin sister)
Family’s Financial Status
Cain’s family’s financial status is Upper Middle Class.
Cain's mother is a Pediatrician and his father is an Aquatic Veterinarian. On top of that, The Awenasa and Kanagagota Family have had stable to comfortable jobs + careers since they moved to Ocean Shores and Carnation, Washington around 50 years ago. Although some family members live in various other states across the west coast, they all stay in touch and are able to support themselves and each other financially.
Cain himself has over $110,000 in his own personal savings due to his mother being an Eastern Band Cherokee.
American Quarter Horse: Stormcloud
Spanish-Norman Horse: Nightbreeze
Pyrenean Mountain Dog: Koda Awenasa
Entlebucher Sennenhund Dog: Misun Awenasa
Russian Blue Cat: Wahya Awenasa
Sidenote: Stormcloud and Nightbreeze do not reside with Cain. Instead, they live on the farm in Carnation, Washington with the Kanagagota Family.
Life Stages
Childhood: In the early days of Cain's life, joy and health were prevalent. His parents chose to be hands-on and hands-off when necessary, a sentiment echoed by his extended family, who he has been surrounded by since birth. Growing up, Cain didn't own many toys. It wasn't because his family couldn't afford materialistic things, but because he found more joy in mundane activities. During his 6th birthday party, his father bought him a brand new PlayStation set which he played with for a few hours. But the next morning, Cain was outside making mud pies and playing with a few of his friends who had stayed the night. His childhood, filled with nature, would only strengthened his need to get into trouble due to curiosity. He was rebellious to a fault and quick on his feet, so no one could catch him doing stupid things if they tried (but that doesn’t mean they never did). As a result, he was enrolled in school sports to expend some of his excess energy towards something positive, which worked until the racism against him became apparent. Cain had been surrounded by people who looked like him and had always been kind enough to make friends wherever he went, but many people can take advantage of that and thus he was bullied because of it, which started to irritate him. He had always been raised with the idea that one should treat others the way they would want to be treated.
Adolescence: During his teenage years, Cain has experienced many ups and downs. From the end of friendships to the end of relationships, but he believes that this is what shapes a person and he’s one to always learn from his mistakes. But, like all teenagers, nothing is ever clear-cut, no matter how hard he expresses his feelings about situations and people. Over the course of his middle and high school career, he’s became quite popular with the students but a little less popular with the faculty, except for his art and physical education teachers. He makes good grades, some above average to maintain a well adjusted GPA but his heart has always lied with telling stories and that’s mostly due to the influence of his grandparents, Yansa and Tsula, who are the family’s storytellers.
3 notes · View notes
echovilled · 10 months
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meet mina: after three years since her friend's disappearance, mina returns to their old winter cabin to seek answers. upon reuniting with her once-friends and the rekindling of an old flame, she discovers more than she bargained for when secrets and a murder are revealed amidst the frosty reunion.
learn more about her here:
᛫ ⤜⤜ BASICS ⤜⤁ ᛫
𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 ᛫ Mina Haneul Park/ Park Min-A (박민아)
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 ᛫ March 31st, 1995
𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐞 ᛫ Twenty-Five
𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 ᛫ Manhattan, New York, United States
𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 , 𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 ᛫ Korean, Asian
𝐬𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ᛫ Bisexual
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐲 ᛫ Cisgendered Female
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 ᛫ She/Her/Hers
𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫 ᛫ Business Economics and Political Science
𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐫 ᛫ Ex-Cheerleader, Dancer (1 Million & Fred Astaire Dance Studios), ex-Economics Honor Society Member and ex- Stern Business and Law Association Member
𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ᛫ Fashion Merchandiser
𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 ᛫ Choleric + Sanguine
↳ Mina is goal and bottom-line oriented, and can be very persuasive in promoting her ideas and goals. She is easily annoyed when others do not comply with their instructions or direction but it passes quickly; quickly aroused, easily calmed.
𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 ᛫ Chaotic Good
↳ Mina acts as her conscience directs her with little regard for what others expect of her.
𝐦𝐛𝐭𝐢 ᛫ ENTJ-A
↳ Mina is a natural-born leader, embodying the gift of charisma and overall confidence, she projects a natural authority that brings people together behind a common goal. She is also characterized by a ruthless level of rationality, using her drive, determination and sharp mind to achieve whatever end she’s set for herself.
𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐦 ᛫ 3w2: The Charmer
↳ Mina is ambitious, charming, and enthusiastic in her behavior. She is driven and loves to achieve. She tends to adapt their attitude her attitude to her environment, which can make her very effective communicator.
᛫ ⤜⤜ APPEARANCE ⤜⤁ ᛫
𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ᛫ 5’5”
𝐩𝐡𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞 ᛫ Mesomorph
𝐞𝐲𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ᛫ Dark Brown
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫 ᛫ Ebony/Black
𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 ᛫ She has an eyesmile when she’s laughing or when she’s happy. She has dark eyes and dark hair that makes her seem unapproachable. Faded, almost nearly invisible scars are littered around the left side of her body but can’t really be seen unless you’re up close.
𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐬 ׀ 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ᛫ she has the meaning of her middle name tattooed on her hip, small constellation tattoo on her ribcage and both of her ears are double pierced.
᛫ ⤜⤜ MISC ⤜⤁ ᛫
𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 ᛫ Seoul, The Republic of Korea 𝐚𝐛𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭 • hot-headed outbursts, cherry red lips, music through airpods, messy sheets and an unmade bed, tangled hair ties, pink cheeks and a starry gaze, full of dreams an desires, drunken confessions and incidental kisses, bruised feet with bandaged hands, hugs from the front, dramatic confessions, candy red apples with razor blades imbedded deep, gentle kisses before drifting to sleep, overwhelmed deeply with love, overwhelmed deeply with nightmares.
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൪ — In the distance we hear Mina Park, and up close we see the mirror image of Park Sooyoung though this one appears to be 25. Regardless, we remember her all the same ; our beautiful Spitfire.
❝ 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 ❞
Warm-hearted, Confident, Ambitious, Charismatic.
Hot-tempered, Brash, Tactless, Intolerant.
sarcastic comments, missed calls and unread text messages, heart shaped sunglasses after a rough night, self-care fridays, gossip, the sound of cheers, crowded dance studios, showing off, walk-in closests, red lipstick with silver jewerly, lingerie, quickly aroused and easily calmed, a candied apple with a razor blade embedded into it, romantic movies, various shades of red meaning much more than violence, the gleam of a spark in the darkness.
❝ 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐰𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐞 ❞
Small Secret: Mina tried to run away from home once when she was 17, but she didn't get very far. The reasoning for this is because she didn’t want to be brutally murdered or sex trafficked (even though she lived no where near an area where something like that was common to happen). She lasted about 2 hours outside before eventually returning home.
Big Secret: When Mina was 15 years old, she was the driver in a brutal car crash that killed her best friend. This happened while her family was visiting South Korea for the summer. Since the accident, Mina has not returned to South Korea.
❝ 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐬 ; 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 ❞
Freshman Year: She attended a freshman university party dressed as a Playboy bunny (her boyfriend at the time, Peace, went as Hugh Hefner) and had a lot of fun that night.
Sophomore Year: She had thought she was auditioning for the school’s talent show but got the room members mixed up and ended up dancing for the NYU’s Stern School of Business’ faculty meeting.
❝ 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞 ; 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐜𝐞 ❞
Mina's favorite holiday is Valentine's Day. She celebrates it for the aesthetic though, regardless of whether she is in a relationship or not.
Her favorite animal is the sealion.
Mina’s first language is Korean and her second is English.
She’s a huge extrovert and loves spending quality time with those she holds close.
She has a brother named Minsoo, he’s older than her by two years.
She’s a professionally trained dancer and has been dancing since she was 3 years old.
Her father is the Chairman of a Infrastructure Conglomerate that was founded by her grandfather almost 70 years ago. They have operations across East, South and Southeast Asia. Her mother is a District Federal Judge who helms from a Chaebol family in South Korea.
Instead of referring to herself as Korean-American, she prefers to describe herself as a "Korean vacationing in the United States.”
She absolutely loves the color red and wears it often.
She's a coastal girl and loves spending time at the beach in Upstate New York.
❝ 𝐍𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 ❞
— Mina started working with her father as a Fashion Merchandiser for a couple of fashion labels he owns. The career is flexible enough for her to continue traveling, dancing, and being a consumer of fashion and makeup, as she always has been. While her living location has not changed since college, she has not extended herself for Jason or his disappearance. If he wanted to found he would’ve made it known. Not all is lost with her relationships with her former group of friends, she does frequently keep in contact with Peace and Nimah.
❝ 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 ❞
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