#c: st. norne
florbelles · 2 years
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you are my treasure, my pale gold, the heart of my heart. you lie at the bottom of my being and gnaw upon my roots. (catherynne m. valente, deathless)
— for @blackreaches & @folklyric xx
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Inktober Day 27: Thunder
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Inktober 2018 Masterlist        
Loki Laufeyson x Plus!Size Reader DEMON
Warnings: +18 only! Blood! SMUT!
A/N: Um, so yeah this happened. ENJOY!
Thunder sounded loud overhead, it was an omen when it snowed & it thundered that it would snow once more in a few weeks, but that wasn’t what concerned her about thunder. It was a signal that the heavens had opened, that he realized she had gotten lose & was wreaking havoc on Midgard. The snow drenched in blood, bodies laying in her wake, it was really go big or go home because it wouldn’t be long till he found her once more. Once more, in chains, willingly brought back to Asgard to sit in her gilded cage till she escaped, as he claimed, to satisfy her blood lust.
He called her his little devil that sat on his shoulder, though it was more like his cock truth be told, though she wasn’t complaining, taking time thorough the empty streets. It was something that today’s culture didn’t adhere to, staying put at night, on snowy nights, it was something she loved about the 21st century. No one feared the dark like they should, the creature that roamed the streets that now half the town laid in disemboweled. Licking bloody lips to taste of the mortals she had torn into.
Looking down at blood covered leathers, green & black. His colors, something the god insisted she wore, now stained, like her bare feet, smiling down at them as they wiggled bloody toes in the grassy median. Jumping up to grab the very top of the light pole, to giggle & slide down.
“You’ve out done yourself this time Y/N,” came a cool voice behind her, the large framed female spinning, solid black eyes locking on the raven-haired god that smiled, careful to step around the body that was strewn across the lawn as he approached the creature that waited under the street light  patiently, fangs glittering.
“I did didn’t I,” she spoke sweetly, dancing around the god before finally standing before him, bouncing on the balls of bare feet like an excited child, black eyes boring into emerald ones asking for permission.
“Come here pet,” he smiled, opening leather clad arms for her to jump into excitedly.
The demoness quick to wrap thick thighs around toned waist, arms around his neck to sit up to look down at the god. Smiling up at fangs that glittered with blood, her Aesir soul burned away centuries ago when tender body was drug to Muspelheim by a fire demon that found away to use her as a play toy.
Attention shooting behind Loki to none other than Thor, who stood looking around at the death that surrounded him & scowling at her. Y/N looking down to Loki & pouting like a little child.
“What is he doing here,” she pouted, Loki’ arms looping under plump buttocks, looking over his shoulder & back to his pouting pet.
“You were a little to reckless this time little raven, best we hurry back, yeah,” he cooed up to the creature that continued to look a Thor, who was not happy.
“You promised,” she pouted once more, bucking at tented leathers, knowing what she spoke of.
“I know pet. When we get back to Asgard, I promise then,” he smiled gently, speaking to her as if she was a child, which it seemed she was, the god not having the heart to end her life when he found the demoness centuries ago, cowering in a dungeon on Alfheim, a prisoner of the light elves, HIS little havoc maker.
Moving slowly to place golden collar around soft neck, hand moving to blood splattered cheek to cherish it with calloused thumb, running over bloody lips. The creature kissing it before he pushed it onto velvet tongue, a low growl making its way through his chest as she suckled it, pressing metal stud that pierced her tongued along the pad, Y/N letting out a whimper as he pulled it free, nipping at it with sharp fangs.
“Only for you, pet,” he smirked up, Y/N bucking at now painfully hard cock.
Y/N wrapping her arms around cool neck, sinking lower to put sweaty head on leather shoulder so he could carry her like a child. This time one arm under plump buttocks while the other went around thick middle to caress over leather clad spine. The god cooing to her of how well she done & how he was going to take care of her when they returned. Finally, turning back to Thor who placed the battle axe over his shoulder, eyeing the creature his brother carried & smirking at the praises he gave her.
“You shouldn’t encourage her brother,” Thor scolded Loki, the creatures black eyes peeking out at the older god, sticking her tongue out at him for the blonde god return the favor.
“Honestly you two,” Loki scolded the two who were squabbling like brother & sister.
“She started it,” Thor spoke calmly, reaching out to boop blood splattered nose, the creature scrunching it as they walked further out of town so that it wouldn’t be obvious they were there.
“You need to be more careful little raven,” Thor began to scold her gently, sure not to upset, “you almost had the Avengers called on you if Loki hadn’t let me know you had gotten lose.”
“I will be more careful next time, promise,” Y/N spoke quietly, nose pressing into Loki’ hair to take in his clean scent.
“This may be your last outing for a while sweetheart,” Loki spoke over to the woman who let out a whine at the admission, but whispering a quiet “yes Loki,” into the gods ear as she pouted at Thor.
“Don’t worry, you will be loose soon enough, I’ll find something for you to wreak havoc on,” Thor chuckled watching the demons black eyes sparkle with excitement as they paused to be taken back to Asgard.
“Promise,” she asked enthusiastically, sitting up in Loki’ arms & looking between the two.
“Promise little raven. Now, the two of you need to get back, I need to clean up here,” Thor admitted, calling the Bifrost for the two.
Emerging on the other side, siting up in Loki’ arms in an open field, with nothing but open fields & wilderness for thousands of miles. Somewhere new for the little demon to enjoy, but what she wanted was wrapped tightly between thick thighs. A cool hand snaking up to the nape of soft neck to pull her down in a heated kiss, tongues fighting for dominance while seidr took away their ruined leathers.
The god all too happy to allow his little raven to take the lead. Sinking to his knees to fall to his back, taloned hand wrapping around thick shaft to sink down over it with a whimpering moan, velvet heat tightening the when fully seated on painfully hard cock. Taking her time, rocking against his hips as cool hands reached to plump hips to guide them, fingers digging into make her rock faster.
Warm hand falling to ones on her hip to pull it up to ample breast that begged to be attended to as she arched out to him, the god sitting up to take a pert bud into his mouth while palming the other.
“Norns little raven, you're not going to last are you,” Loki spoke, releasing the nipple to look up at delicate neck that sparkling gold encircled, binding her to him.
“You took to long to find me…,” Y/N moaned out, bucking harder, rubbing aching clit, looking down at the god who looked at her with reverence, emerald eyes blown with lust as hers twinkled with inky black that looked to house stars.
“On purpose lover,” he spoke, filling velvet cunt clinch around aching cock, throwing Y/H/C head back, ready for the coil to snap, but a harsh jerk to the collar brought her out of the moment, forcing the demoness to peer into sparkling emeralds that danced with mischief, a devilish smile on his lips.
“Not till I say,” he snarled, slamming his lips into hers harshly, biting for her lips to part while forcing her to still, holding her so she couldn’t move & swallowing whimpers of displeasure.
“Please Loki,” she whimpered on his lips, tongue soothing over bit lip as she laid sweaty forehead to his, body shaking, begging for release trying to buck against him as he rocked ample hips slowly, he was close, she knew him all too well.
“You going to be a good girl & cum for me then pet,” Loki spoke darkly holding to the collar but letting go to allow her to do what was needed for release.
“Yes, always,” she whimpered out breathlessly.
The demoness fucking Loki harder, hips bucking forcefully while the god swallowed every feral noise that fell from bloody lips as she came undone over him. Loki letting out his own grunt of release, still holding tight to the collar to pull her lips to his & thrusting one last time to spill into her. Velvet walls milking him of every last drop as both released & panted for breath.
“Good girl,” Loki praised the panting creature that collapsed into him, releasing the collar, a hand soothing over heated spine to help cool, leaning back on his elbow as she curled into him with a smile, kissing his chest as he brushed sweaty hair down.
“You can’t be loose for a while pet, but you still have my bed. I asked Thor to bring us here to have a bit of a run before you have to go back to our chambers,” Loki hinted to the wide-open space, the creature sitting up happily yet breathless, looking around the meadow.
“I can go anywhere,” she asked eagerly, not bothering to move from his lap, enjoying the fill of him inside her, hands delicately placed on toned abs when she finally looked back down.
“But what if I want to be right here,” she smiled to the god beneath her, leaning into a cool palm as he cherished sweaty cheek.
“You have me all to yourself when we get back,” he promised, the demoness grinding down, apparent that wasn’t the answer she wanted, the god quick to reverse roles to lay Y/N gently to sweat slicked back, thighs spreading eagerly to allow him deeper as he bowed over her, arms anchored on either side.
“You sure pet,” Loki groaned out, rutting into slick cunt, cock growing stiffer by the second, the creature wiggling against him eagerly in answer.
“Please fuck me again,” she smiled up at him happily, showing fangs as he laid a hand on her cheek, lowering down to speak on her lips.
“As you wish lover,” he spoke darkly, placing a gentle kiss before giving his demoness what she begged for.
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Tags: @dark-night-sky-99  @prettybubblesintheair  @gramaeryebard  @reallyheckinggay  @jovanna-shewolf  @andiyholly  @katstablook   @nickyl316h  @beets1bears1battlestargalactica @aslandia726 @moonfaery @furstinnajoelle   @itsbqueenthings
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