#caro i hope this is alright!!
pitchsidestories · 2 months
too shy (can't speak) II Caroline Graham Hansen x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1410
inspired by this request here, we hope you enjoy it !
“Finally, home.”, you sighed happily once you stepped into your apartment.
It was already late, but seeing the cozy, familiar interior of your home made you always feel at ease as it was such a contrast from the unpersonal, anonymous hotel rooms you were staying at when you were away with the team.
“I hate away games.”, Caroline grumbled who was standing right behind you.
“The team and you played so great though despite the rain and you’ve rewarded yourself with the ticket to the Champions League Final in Bilbao.”, you couldn’t stop gushing, speaking of the game against Chelsea made you fall in love with your childhood club all over again. Forgotten was the loss in the first leg at home.
“Can’t believe you would come with us for some stupid videos.”, the Norwegian shook amused her head.
“That’s my job, Caro.”, you replied.
“I know but everything was wet. Including your camera.”, she reminded you with a half-crooked smile.
“Yes, but I still managed to take a few photos and film some clips of you girls celebrating the win.”, you smiled proudly at the memory.
“At least something I guess.”, the football player shrugged.
“I should start sorting the content I made from the trip.”, you told her, you were about to start your laptop, but your girlfriend softly closed it again.
“That can wait until tomorrow.”, she declared earnestly.
“Alright.”, you gave in after a look at the clock in the living room.
“It’s late.”, Caroline stated.
“You’re right let’s go to bed.”, you decided.
“Yes, please.”, the forward nodded.
“Oh, I didn’t know it was here.”, you commented surprised when she handed you one of her old shirts hiding somewhere in your closet.
“You’re welcome.”, the Norwegian blushed, knowing full well that you loved wearing hers and she loved to watch you wearing them.
“I love it, it’s so soft.”, you hummed.
“Soft?”, Caroline raised an eyebrow at you.
“And it smells like you.”, you added, it was comforting to you especially when your girlfriend was away with her national team, it made you feel less alone.
“Oh, please.”, the forward rolled her eyes.
“What?”, you laughed lightly.
“I also smell like me.”, she noted grinning.
“That’s true, come on time to get some sleep.”, you responded warmly.
“About time.”, Caroline remarked delighted as she was laying next to you, the sheets felt nicely cool against her skin. Still smiling your girlfriend wrapped her arms around you.
“Bona nit.”, you mumbled, almost half-asleep.
“Good night.”, she gave you a soft kiss on your forehead before sleep called for her too.
Mapi came over for a visit as she so often did on your free days.
As usual, she sat in your kitchen and let her gaze wander around while you placed two cinnamon rolls on plates.
“Wait, what’s that? That wasn’t here before.“, Mapi said surprised.
You turned to her, setting a plate down in front of her: “What do you mean, Mapi?“
“This.“ She stood up, ignoring her cinnamon roll completely. She held up an ugly souvenir mug of Oslo.
“That’s not from me.“, you assured her with a laugh.
“Whose is it then?“, Mapi demanded to know with a raised eyebrow.
You shrugged: “I guess it belongs to Caro.“
“To Caro, huh?“, the defender smirked.
You could feel the blood rush into your cheeks as you admitted: “Yes, we… have been dating for a while.“
“Oh, we know.“
“You know?!“, you echoed incredulously.
“Everyone knows!“
You heaved a frustrated sigh: “I thought we were so discreet. Unlike Lucy and Ona.“
“You’re all very bad at hiding your relationships.“, Mapi laughed.
It took you a moment to process this information. You turned back to the kitchen counter and focused back on preparing iced coffee for yourself and an iced matcha latte for her.
“When was it obvious? Tell me.“
Mapi bit back another grin: “She’s less like a black cat when she’s around you.“
“She is, huh? Caro still hates me for taking photos of her at work though.“
“Yeah, you will never get her to like photos.“
“No, that’s true. But she has an album on her phone with photos of me taking pictures or filming.“, you admitted, biting your lip.
“You two are so cute!“, Mapi smiled as she took her matcha latte from you.
“I think you and Ingrid are even cuter.“
She took a sip and with a dismissive hand gesture said: “Oh please. Ingrid never left her stuff at my place.“
You paused in the middle of stirring your iced coffee and studied Mapis face: “Wait, you think she does this intentionally?“
“Let me see.“ Once again, the defender stood up and walked through your apartment, looking for any hint of Caroline.
You followed her around: “I mean she stored her sleeping shirt in my closet and I love to wear it…“
Apart from her shirt, the two of you also found a sweater, a pair of thick wool socks and several scrunchies that definitely weren’t yours. Apart from that, there was also a book in Norwegian on your nightstand. Definitely Caros as you didn’t even speak Norwegian.
“Is her toothbrush in your bathroom?“, Mapi asked as she opened the bathroom door.
You both started at the two separate sets of toothbrushes and toothpastes on the sink.
“They’re not both mine… so yes.“, you said.
Mapi crossed her arms and gave a single nod, signalling that she came to a conclusion: “I think it’s safe to say that she wants to move in.“
“Caro hasn’t asked me that though.”, you pointed out.
“And she won’t. Caro just will move her stuff here piece by piece.”, the defender realized smirking.
Deep down you knew that she was right, Caroline was the shier person in your relationship, maybe this was her way to show you that the Norwegian was ready for the next step.
“I’ll ask her, so we can all her stuff over here at once. You’d help us with moving, right? She doesn’t have many belongings at her place anyway.”, you decided.
“Of course, Ingrid and I’ll help.”, Mapi assured you.
“Thank you.”, you gave her a grateful look before you two returned to the kitchen table to the iced drinks to yap about everything else happening in and around the team.
In the evening you met Caroline for dinner at your favourite restaurant which was far off from the busy La Rambla. The candles on the table were lit and turned everything into a warm glow while you softly took the forwards hand into yours.
“Caro? Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.”, she nodded slightly nervously.
“Would you like to move in with me?”, you continued smiling.
“I uhmm. I guess it would make sense for us to move in together.”, your girlfriend stammered.
“I agree plus Ingrid and Mapi offered to help us.”, you added.
“They did? That’s great.”, Caroline responded calmly.
“And I’d love my home to be yours too.”, you continued, your voice turning a bit emotionally.
“Your place feels more like home than mine anyway.”, the footballer confessed, pressing a gentle kiss to your hand. Her confession was music to your ears.
“We should do it then.”, you beamed at her.
“But you’re not allowed to steal my shirts to sleep in them.”, your girlfriend warned you grinning.
“But.. okay.”, you sighed dramatically.
“I was joking.”, she quickly replied.
“Good, I promise I won’t steal all of them just the ones who are already there.”, you vowed with a sheepish smile on your lips.
“I know you’ll steal them.”, Caroline answered unconvinced by your promise.
“No, I swear I-.”, you began laughing.
“It’s okay, I’m willing to pay that price.”, the Norwegian waved it off, joining in your laughter. It was one of her favourite sounds in the world.
“Okay, when we’ve a deal.”, you said enthusiastically before kissing your girlfriend softly on her lips.
“Kjæreste? I’m home.”, Caroline announced happily a few weeks later, returning from her trip with the national team.
“Finally!”, you exclaimed delighted as you jumped into her open arms.
“This is exactly how I imagined it.”, she chuckled lightly while noticing you wore one of her old shirts.
“Didn’t you miss me?”, you pouted.
“You and your stupid camera? Yes, I did.”, Caroline admitted seriously.
“We missed you too.”, you whispered into her ear.
The forward closed her eyes for a moment, she was glad to be home with you.
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noaltbruh · 9 months
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@multifandom-hcs Hope you're having a good day too! :))
Bruno and Hermes dating hcs ❤️
Hermes 💋
Chaotic gf. I don't know if you're an introvert or an extrovert, but she will most definitely be more hyped than you for anything.
Loves to try new things with you and go on all sorts of date! From carnivals, to road trips, to that one random place you saw and you're not quite sure if it's a restaurant or a sex shop, but you'll find out together!
Wakes you up at three am. because she just got an idea for what you could do together and you have to do it NOW.
Big on PDA, she's constantly touching you or holding you near her even when you're in public, HECK ESPECIALLY when you're in public.
Loves to show you off to the Stone Ocean gang and can't shut up about how great her partner is.
Definetely teases you and gets even mushier with you if she sees you getting shy.
She'll speak up and stand up for you in any situation, whether that is a stand battle or someone cut in line in front of you.
Always has the biggest grin on her face as soon as she sees you.
Loves to drag you in troubles, but she honestly just wants to have fun with you. Don't worry, if things get out of hand, she knows how to handle policemen.
I think her kisses would be a bit rough, like you can just feel how eager she is to feel her lips on your body.
Is literally always complimenting you and your look, calling you hot, beautiful, handsome, pretty...Whatever you prefer!
"Breath taking as usual, caro/cara!" "I'm...Literally in my pajamas" "Your point?"
Shoplifts for you, I'm sorry. Like- maybe you just saw a cool jewel in a shop and told her you liked it, without really thinking much about it. The next day, you find that exact jewel at your front door.
Opens up about her past and how much she misses her sister, it's one of the few times she genuinely seems sorrowful.
Would love you even more if you accepted to visit her sibling's grave with her. She might cry on your shoulder, so please comfort her.
On a more optimistic note, if she visits her on his own, she even talks to her and you and how awesome you are.
She lets you keep your stuff in her tits without even having to ask her, it's just routine for you two by now.
Loves to do your makeup. Alternatively, if you don't wear it, she still asks you if she can try it on you because she's fully convinced you'd look great with it.
VERY flirty and completely shameless about it, no matter who is watching.
Can't cook lol, but she will gladly take you to any restaurant you like and she'll offer to pay for both of you!
...Yeah, pay.
Bruno 🤐
The boyfriend ever.
He's so romantic and gentle he literally makes me want to cry because he's so perfect and VSGABCAHZCSS.
Just being near him makes you feel safe, you'll never have to fear being judged as long as this man is your partner.
He's calm and understanding. No matter if something is troubling you or you're simply in a bad mood just because, he'll never lose his patience with you.
Encourages you in everything you do, whether that is a small task or a lifelong goal you're trying to pursue, Bruno will always be ready to support you and help you in any way possible.
Might be a bit busy from time to time due to his job, but he makes you to call and text you anytime he gets the chance too. He loves hearing your voice and he wants to be sure that you're doing alright.
He never closes a phone call without an "I love you, tesoro" at the end.
Will make up for the time he missed once he gets back home. He'll do whatever you want to and there aren't limits to how much he's willing to spend for his love.
Do you want to go on a trip to France for the weekend? He already has two tickets and a reservation in the best hotel of the city.
Remember that very fancy restaurant in the city center? Guess who has already reserved a table for two with a beatutil view on the entire city?
Truthfully, however, Bruno enjoys anything as long as he gets to spend it with you. Despite his role in the mafia, he also loves simpler, everyday life with his partner.
Even just going to the local market to buy something together makes him so incredibly happy, and gives him a sense of normality in the mess that's his life.
Not super big on showing affection in public, at least not as much as Mista or Narancia- but he always maintains even a small touch between you.
He loves to hold your hand as you walk, lets you hold on to his arm, or he wraps his arm around your waist.
Way more touchy and flirty in private. Bruno is smooth and knows excabtly where to provoke you or what to tell you to make you blush.
He puts his hand under your chin or on your cheek if you were to look away from him. You can see his proud, little smirk on his face.
The best cook in the gang, male wife material. His fish dishes are the best you'll ever try in your entire life.
Speaking of that, he'd love to go fishing with you. It reminds him of the time he spent with his father and sees it as a way to continue his family traditions. After all, you are his future wife/husband.
He has the kindest look on his face while explaining to you how to fish and it makes me want to explode.
He loves to massage your shoulders, for some reason. Maybe because it helps you relax, but it just feels very intimate to him.
He rubs your back and kisses you on the forehead whenever he hugs you. His embrace is warm and you wish you never had to let go.
Gives you flowers or any sort of gifts on the most random occasions. Don't worry, buddy, you didn't forget and important date, he's just a sweetheart and wanted to give you a present to make you smile.
Also, since you're dating him, you'll now have to take care of five children, aka the gang. I'm sorry, but you did this to yourself the moment you became his partner.
Don't worry, Abbacchio will help you... Perhaps.
On a more serious note, Bruno would love to have a family with you in the future. This man is MADE to raise children, adopted or not, anything is fine for him.
He thinks you'd be a great parent, but of course, if you don't want to be, he'll never force it on you :)
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outsideratheart · 1 year
You're Not Funny (Lucy Bronze x reader)
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A/N: Here's a little something for you @cpheath
You knew that you would have to play your best in order to beat Chelsea at Stamford bridge and that is exactly what the team did in the first half. Caro’s goal put you ahead in the 4th minute and since that moment Barcelona dominated. 
It was text book Barca, plays that you had practiced in training and everything was going great until it wasn’t. The ball had been played forward and Barcelona was on the attack once again. The goal scorer crossed the ball to where you were lurking near the back post. It wasn’t your best header but the ball did land at Frido’s feet only she wasn’t able to get a shot off. 
You were ready to reset when you saw her. Lucy was on the floor focusing on her knee. Given the amount of injures recently the dreaded three letters came to mind and panic begin to brew in your gut. Sandra is the first to her but you aren’t far behind her. 
“What’s wrong?” You kneel by her side “who was it? Tell me?” You’re ready to take on ten men. Nobody hurts Lucy and gets away with it. 
“Alright Rocky, calm down. Nobody touched me. It’s my knee” 
The calmness in her voice lets you know the pain was familiar but it didn’t easy the worry in the slightest. Lucy had surgery after the Olympics and you have seen first hand the tole the intensity she play with is taking on it. 
The team leaves to two of you be, using this time to discuss a strategy that will see them to the end of the game with a win. 
“Sub?” You ask and she nods her head. 
You make the change signal to Jonatan and call the medics over. Keira looks over from the group and you shake your head letting her know that Lucy wont be able to continue.
When you’re asked to move you flat out refuse. Your relationship well known so the medics should have known better. Once Lucy is ready she hold her hands out and you help her up. She leans on you as she tries to put weight on her right leg but it’s no use, the joint is too tender though Lucy being the stubborn mule that she is continues to try. 
“Baby that’s enough, Torre’s ready and waiting” 
Lucy puts almost all her weight on you as you help her to sidelines. 
“Carry out every check possible without taking her to the hospital. Entender?” 
“No! You see this” you point to the band on your upper arm “This means I’m the captain and you do as I say when you were that badge and they do what I say when it comes to my team” you trn your attention back to the medics “Every check, entiendes?”
“Entiendo” both medics say in unison. They would never admit it but they were scared of you especially when it came your to protective side. 
You had always been good at compartmentalising and it was moments like this when you appreciated it the most. You played the rest of the game with one thing in mind; get the win. At soon as the final whistle blew signalling the end of the game your focus has once again shifted and all you cared about was Lucy but you still had a job to do albeit a small one. The Chelsea players were quiet, of course they were you had just outplayed them in their own stadium. With quick hands shakes and small pleasantries you made you way through the blue team. 
Mapi was explaining a part in the game where you could improve when the last Chelsea player shook your hand. Truth is you wasn’t really paying attention, if you had then you might have noticed the Barcelona badge on her coat. 
“Well playe— Luce” your handshake soon turns into a reach out and hold of her hand. 
She knows what you want to do so she stands in front of you. You give her her once over, not fully believing that she is ok despite her walking and putting her weight back on her right leg. 
“See” she does a single leg squat to prove her point but she doesn’t get the reaction she hoped for “look at me go, i’m ready go play another 90 minutes”
“What are you doing! Don’t push it”
“I’m joking” 
“You’re not funny! I still want to talk to the medics. Something happened Lucy and I don’t like you joking about”
“Y/N i’m ok” you shake your head “no?” Lucy didn’t understand and you wouldn’t expect her to. 
Seeing your partner injured is tough and to see them go through surgery, well it sticks with you. Once they’re back on the pitch they don’t think about what they went though but you remember Lucy’s recovery vividly.
“You don’t get the play this off. I let you do it during and after the Australia game but no more. Your health needs to come first”
“Baby, look at me” Lucy doesn’t care about your surroundings, she cups your face forcing you to look her in the eyes “I’m ok, just a little bit sore. If you don’t believe me you can ask the physios I told them to answer all your questions honestly, we don’t have secrets” 
Lucy’s tone lets you know she’s telling the truth but you need the medics to confirm it in order to believe her. 
“Hop on” you take a few steps forwards and turn so that you back is facing her. 
“I get to ride Y/N Y/L/N”
“You do if you’re telling the truth” you say quietly so only she can hear you. It was a threat but Lucy knew she would get her reward because she was in fact telling you the truth, she was ok.
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oletus-writer · 1 year
Hello! Can I request Norton witha male s/o that looks more feminine and pristine. Oh poor Nonon having a gay panic to the widdle pretty boy :333
Oh gods am I going to have fun with this request.
Norton, Alva x feminine male s/o
Warnings: none
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As intrigued about how long your elegance would last, Norton was not very interested in you before he knew you were a man. Why would a man present so femininely? There were many troubles of being a woman, no?
However, once you explain that it is how you would like to present and that you could handle yourself well, he wouldn’t question it.
‘Oh, so that’s just how ya want to be? Alright, well I can’t question it.’
Secretly thinks you look cool. How do you manage to look so pristine while covered in sweat and blood in matches? Even Joseph and Mary could not compete.
And that was when he realised he liked you. Dear god - while Norton was not a sucker for the rules, liking a man so much still shook him. Would you find him disgusting for liking you?
‘I… well it turns out I quite like you, caro, even though we’re both men. Although I do think you like men. Am I wrong?’
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Ah, a new hunter in the manor. They were getting quite a lot of these recently - it was had to memorise all existing faces already, what with Alva’s brain damage from the two explosions, but he may have found an incentive to memorise people quicker. Santa Maria, you were so attractive it was hard to forget your name.
‘Hello. I am one of the more recent additions to this manor, The Hermit Alva Lorenz. Although I may be new, it does not mean that I do not know my way around the place. Please, come find me if you need anything.’
He definitely should not have said that, since he had been betrayed multiple times in the past, yet, an ache in his long-dead heart made him recklessly hopeful.
Your composure rivalled the aristocrats he had seen in the past, and the aristocrats he had encountered in the manor. Perhaps one day he’d like to see you loose that untouchable grace, but that day was not today.
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luneariaa · 3 months
ᯓ★٠ ࣪⭑ UNWELL. ( claudio s. )
missin' claudio hours,, :") and been unwell for the past two days, so have written this out of boredom 💜
no warnings except for the possible grammatical errors + lovey nicknames + fluff so i hope you guys enjoy 💌 ‼
dividers by @/saradika-graphics !! 💫
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It has been a relatively slow day so far-- or the past few days, dare you say. As for right now, you're still laying on bed with no plans being mentally made like you usually do, especially with the house chores since you feel as if you got no energy to spare; and it's still like around morning. Not that early, that is.
You somehow despised times like this, very much unbothered with your current posture, to which your legs are practically dangling by the edge of the bed and your head is not even on the pillow.
These past few days also have been undeniably exhausting, to say the least. But today, the feeling has become more evident than usual.
Not too long after and while you're still stuck within your own thoughts, Claudio stepped into your shared bedroom after doing something earlier-- presumably having prepared breakfast for the two of you like he always did. He's the best cook between the both of you, and you knew that well.
Something felt quite off, and he couldn't tell himself as to why just yet. Maybe it's because you would usually done something by now, or merely something akin to it. He doesn't have the heart to wake you earlier, knowing how peacefully you slept beside him, and all cuddled up.
The Italian exorcist adjusts your figure by placing them properly on the bed, before his hand landed upon your forehead, just in case if his instincts are correct. His slate blue eyes widened ever so slightly at the unexpected heat radiating off from it after.
A frown slowly forms upon his lips, but more so in a concerned manner, and you didn't even pay that much attention-- seemingly assumed that it's nothing too serious.
"Amore, you're burning up right now. Are you feeling alright?" He inquired gently, whilst checking your body temperature on some necessary parts; now letting you rest your head against his chest.
"Huh? Oh, now that you mentioned it.." You chuckled rather weakly and a bit unintentionally, nuzzling your face into the provided warmth of his hand that's apparently there. "I do, in fact, feel a little weird today with myself. Perhaps that might be the case."
He secretly detested to see you in this state of sickness-- it worries him a lot even if it's just something minor.
The frown remains, yet one of his hands are still on your face, caressing your cheek so, so lovingly tender. Despite it all, you could tell that he's deeply concerned by your current condition, even if it's not that all bad to you.
"I didn't even realize that I truly have fallen ill. I'm sorry for worrying you, caro."
His expression would instantly soften upon your words; sighing a bit, and a small smile is present after.
"You don't need to apologize for being sick, amore mio. It's never your fault; it's human nature after all, it's always bound to happen sometime."
"Besides, as your husband, I will happily and gratefully take on my responsibilities to take care of you forever, if I may and if fate allows us."
You didn't dare to deny his words at all, for all of them held the mere truth of his pure devotion towards you. It's making you feel all mushy and warm inside, and the sensations he's naturally giving you is almost too surreal to experience firsthand-- he always did it so flawlessly.
"But love, what about your work..?" You questioned him out of pure worry that you might have distracted him from doing something far more important, especially with his daily jobs. The hint of guilt is evident within your simple statement, and it saddens him deeply to hear you speak such words over your well-being.
But none of it mattered at this moment-- and he's sure of it. You are his top priority as his beloved wife; someone who's very much important to him. One that he cares and cherishes so much, more so than himself.
"Cuore mio, my works can always wait." He moves several strands of hair away from your face; his usual affectionate grin is present. "And I'm not going anywhere until you're fully healed and all better."
Any attempts of arguing with him would be very much futile, considering your current state of condition at this point. But eventually, your smile mirrors his own lovingly and understandingly, clearly appreciating his efforts.
Upon noticing the expression that you're giving him; Claudio couldn't help but to let a small endearing chuckle out of his lips, along with a forehead kiss being given out to you.
"Just stay here for a bit. I'll bring in some breakfast here that I've prepared earlier, so we can eat it together."
"Don't worry about the possible mess, or anything at all. I'll take care of everything, I promise you, tesoro mio."
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@luneariaa. do not repost; reblogs are welcomed. all rights reserved.
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 12
Can we mend the bond between Max and Miriam?
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More importantly can I get these indoor water features to work?
For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Amore (Italian) Love Arrivederci (Italian) Goodbye Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Buongiorno (Italian) Good morning Caro (Italian) Dear Ciao (Italian) Hello/Bye Grazie (Italian) Thank you Piccolo (Italian) Little one Schatz (German) Treasure Zia/Zio (Italian) Aunt/Uncle
Devin: *hums to self*
Alfred: Mama! Bon gee no (Buongiorno), what you doing Mama
Devin: Waiting for my bambinos to wake up
Alfred: I early riser
Devin: I know. Do you want your bath first while we wait for your brother to wake up
Alfred: Yes please Mama
While he doesn’t have the loving water quirk like his brother Alfred still enjoys a good splash about in the tub.
Rilian: MAMA! Mama I want bath please. Why Alfred bath
Devin: You were sleeping caro, give Mama a second then you can climb in
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Devin: Ciao, Devin Villareal here. Oh hey De! No it’s just a chill day, feel free to come around. Arrivederci
Alfred: Zia De?
Devin: Zia Deanna is going to come by and see us, how lucky are we. I think we best be in the gym this morning
Rilian: I can walk
Alfred: I race
Devin: Alright, let me get these dishes and I’ll see you there
The toddler take off down the long hallways, bobbling along with Alfred in the lead. Deanna lets herself in and passes the waddlers, giving them a brief squeeze as they complain about being in a race.
Deanna: Wanna spar? We’ve seen ma do it enough
Devin: Three more reps then I’m on it
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In the background Rilian and Alfred play with some of the more active toys.
Deanna: Why do you pull faces when we spar
Devin: I have to practice my battle face for ZBB. Met any cute girls yet
Deanna: *sighs* Not yet. Tamika’s idea of going to a singles night is sounding more and more appealing though
Devin: Just don’t say you’re my sister or they’ll want to date me instead
Deanna: *laughs* More like they’ll get my number just to collect an autograph long term
Devin: Like I’d give them an autograph if they’re stringing you along. And…. End scene!
Deanna: *laughs* I guess that’s actor for “end spar”
Devin: Grazi for coming by. Give my love to ma and pa... and Emisia or she’ll feel left out
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Following early lunch and naps the twins have convinced Devin they should watch Melodies of the City again. With each rewatch they get closer to remembering the words to the songs, not that not knowing ever stops their sing along.
Rilian: *blows kiss* Mama a screen star
Devin: *laughs* Grazie piccolo
Rilian: Next time we watch, hope Mama has red dress
Alfred: Me to!
Devin: Bambino’s, that’s not quite how it works. Mama had a yellow dress when she was filming so every time we watch Mama will have a yellow dress
Rilian: *sadly* Why?
Alfred: *sadly* Does Mama not like red?
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Before Devin can figure out how to respond she’s saved by the bell, Luna has arrived home.
Alfred: Mummy! I love Mummy! Hug?
Luna: Oh course. Mummy missed you. And Mummy missed you
Rilian: *laughs* Snuggles with Mummy
Luna: Did we have a good day
Alfred: Yes. Zia De came and we play
Rilian: After nap we watch Mama sing on screen
The boys are soon distracted by some kids show and Luna takes the opportunity to pull Devin into her arms.
Luna: *kisses* I missed you today to
Devin: *giggles* Same here
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Luna: So I’ve had an idea. Since we didn’t see Miriam at brunch I’ve invited her and Max for dinner
Devin: That’s a great idea! Although I don’t know that our house screams romantic atmosphere
Luna: I thought we could try Del Sol eatery again, maybe they just need a nice romantic dinner to get back on track
Devin: You have such a good heart amore mio
Luna: So do you schatz. Do you think Joey will be able to watch the twins on short notice
Devin: I think so, he doesn’t normally go... fishing on weekdays
Rilian: Zio Joey fish?
Alfred: He never show us fish
Rilian: We ask Zio Joey to see fish
Alfred: YES
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Max: This is a swanky place, wonder if I could nick that guys wallet
Luna: Max, behave! This is meant to be a nice relaxing dinner for you and Miriam
Max: If you say so. Don’t be surprised that she looks different though. Rocked back in with a new do and wardrobe
Luna: Different? Wait-back?
Max: I don’t know, she said something about wanting to look edgy, I wasn’t really listening
Luna: *sighs* Max, step number one is listen when your wife is talking
Max: I thought step number one was… you know… in bed
Luna: Apologising in clothes can be more important than apologising in bed you know
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Bonnie: *in monotone* Welcome to Del Sol Eatery, the best little gem in the valley
Devin: Yes hi, me again. Reservation for four under Villareal
Bonnie: *monotone continues* We offer our customers a range of dining experiences-
Devin: Not to be rude but we have heard your speech, know where the exits are and will continue to tip generously. Can you pretty please skip to the part where you show us our table?
Bonnie: *scoffs*
Devin worries she’s overstepped for a minute. It’s not as if she told her to get charisma lessons though, just to show them to a table. After an extra-long sigh Bonnie points to a table and Devin goes to grab it before the speech can start again.
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Devin: Wow… that’s a nice dress
Miriam: Thanks! I’m trying to go more gothic to bind with Max more
Devin: That’s… cute, but remember even if you’re in a relationship you still have to be yourself
Miriam: I just don’t think pastels were the right way to gel with him, too bright
Devin: How are you and Max? We missed you at brunch
Miriam: Yes I- I’m back for now at least. Oh here they come. Honey pie, we’re over here!
Max: Yes sugar, my eyes do work
Luna: I grabbed a placemat!
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Luna: I just realised you’ve never told me how you two met
Max: Oh look, a waiter, let’s order
The group peruses the menu and eventually settles on something to order. Again the conversation shifts back to romance.
Devin: Oh me and Lu met in high school
Max: Not this story again
Luna: Then tell us your story to pass the time. How did you meet? Who said I love you first
Max: Luna you know I’m not a sap
Luna: It’s not about being a sap, it’s about being able to say nice things about your partner
Max: Fine. Miriam, you have nice boobs
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Miriam: And you have a nice butt
Max: There, compliments done
Devin: Oh come on, I’m sure there’s more you like about each other
Max: Yeah Miriam, I’m sure there was a reason you came back that wasn’t another fake pregnancy or more money
Luna: *fake laughter* Such a unique sense of humour my brother has
Miriam: Why yes Max. I came back because I figured you needed someone to sleep with you
Devin: *quickly* What do you think about these pools? Didn’t the watcher fix things up in here? And I see no one in swimwear
Max: Swimwear?
Luna: Let us tell you all about it
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Eventually the food arrives and the talk can move to a more neutral territory. The tension never completely disappears but Max and Miriam stop taking bites out of each other and tuck into the food. Luna is worried about her brother and wonders if he’s keeping his hurt hidden or if he really thinks so little of Miriam now. When she and Devin meet each other’s eyes over the table she can feel her wife’s love without any words. She wants that for Max, even if he can be prickly as a hedgehog.
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Miriam: Thank you for treating us Luna, it was good to get out
Luna: You’re welcome but this one will technically be from Devin’s paycheck
Fan: OMG Devin Villareal! Can I have an autograph
Devin: I’m sorry, I’m actually eating with my family right now. But if you want to shoot a quick video…
Luna: Uh oh
Devin: That’s right, serenade time!
Devin bursts into song and Luna beams proudly. She used to get flustered when Devin would break into song in front of strangers but as her wife has gotten more famous she’s found it reassuring. Max may be having trouble, but her marriage gives her nothing but joy.
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hogwartsandhawkins · 1 year
Prove Me Wrong
Chapter 10: That's My Girl
If you need to catch up, here's the masterlist
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Summary: Chrissy being a major wing-woman. Steve, not so much.
Small playlist for this chapter:
Love It If We Made It - The 1975
No One Like You - Scorpions
That Way - Tate McRae
Your Love - The Outfield
Warnings: Underage drinking, swearing, mention of a cut on Billy's lip again. I think that's it for this chapter honestly. Let me know if I missed anything. It is also currently 4:40 in the morning, so keep that in mind while reading as I just finished it. It is proofread, but by a sleep-deprived author.
Word count: 4.9k
Author's Note: So. I thought Your Love was released a year before it actually was. So there's that. We're just gonna pretend for the sake of this chapter that it was in fact released in time for this party because I made the outline before realizing but the song just fit so well I couldn't leave it out.
Jess looked into her mirror, scrutinizing every last detail of her reflection. She looked at her black turtleneck, then followed down to the black leather skirt and tights, which she threw on after realizing how cold it would be tonight. Her eyes then left the mirror and stared down at her black Docs, wondering if it was too much black. She looked at her jean jacket thrown messily on the bed, along with the other abundance of clothes she had tried on earlier, and figured that would be enough color, and then looked at her hair again, hoping the curls from earlier today would still hold. She leaned over her dresser and picked apart her makeup, wondering whether her light application of mascara and eyeliner was enough, beating herself for not learning how to properly apply eyeshadow before tonight. She looked down at her dresser and found her pink gloss and began to apply it as she heard a knock on her bedroom before it abruptly swung open. 
“You almost done? I just barely escaped your dad asking about every last after high school plan I have.” Steve was now closing her door, whispering so her father couldn’t hear him. 
“Does this look okay? Is it too little or too much or…” She looked at herself in the mirror again, lifting her leg slightly to check whether the skirt would ride up due to the lack of friction her tights gave. 
Steve barely looked over at her before he shrugged, “Yeah, Jess, it’s fine.”
“Just fine?” She then started turning around, looking at herself from over her shoulder. 
“You look great. Amazing. Fantastic. You’re gonna be the cutest girl there.” Jess stopped looking at herself and back at Steve, flashing him a stern look. 
“I’m being serious, Steve.” 
“Jess. It’s cute. Can we please go now? I’m trying to get some food before we get there.”
Jess sighed, realizing that she has spent far too long in her room at this point, and picked up her jacket, looking at her bed and deciding to deal with the mess later. “Alright, let’s go.” 
Steve and Jess hurriedly ran down the stairs and toward the front door, beginning to open it before her mother chimed in, “Be safe, both of you! No drinking!” This earns a snort from Stan, who was messing with the TV. 
“Sure Bev, keep telling them that.” He then turned to Jess and gave her a knowing look before turning back to the TV. “You two be safe. And just no drinking and driving, Steve.” Mrs. Logan rolled the newspaper in her hand before smacking the back of Mr. Logan’s neck with it. 
“You got it, Mr. Logan,” Steve chuckled, now opening the door. 
“Bye!” But Mrs. Logan was now scolding Mr. Logan, who was only laughing at her annoyed tone, still hunched over the television set, both too occupied to hear her, allowing both teenagers to slip out. Jess locked the door with her key and hurried to Steve’s car, not wanting to be outside longer than she needed to. As they began to leave her street, Jess looked past Steve at the Hargrove/Mayfield driveway, noticing that Billy’s Camaro was already gone.  
“So, what we getting?” 
The two settled on Wendy’s as it was the closest to Carol’s, and one of the only fast-food chains in Hawkins, and sat in the parking lot as they ate. Jess remembered the $5 in her wallet that she kept zipped in the inside pocket of her jacket, attempting to hand it to Steve, who looked at the bill and then up at her before refusing it. “Yours wasn’t even that much.” He then turned back to his double burger, and continued to eat it, shaking his head as she tried once more to give him the $5. 
“Gas too.” 
“No,” he said with his mouth full, and, sighing, she put the bill back in her wallet, again. 
When they were done eating, Steve began to drive to Carol’s, popping a breath mint when they pulled up. There were about a dozen cars on her street, teenagers littering her front yard, which surprised Jess, considering how cold it was outside. But the beer bottles and red cups in each of their hands and along with enough cigarettes lit to catch the Perkins’ house on fire explained the desire to be outside. “Need one?” 
Jess took a mint as well, eyeing the blue Camaro as she did so. Seeing it made her stomach flip, causing her to look down at her outfit one last time before finally exiting the BMW. Once they began to walk closer to the house, they could clearly hear the blaring music, which Jess was sure was obnoxious to the rest of the neighbors. And she was equally as sure that Carol didn’t give a single shit. 
As she and Steve entered the house, Jess’s eyes began to wander the room. She had yet to see Billy but immediately saw Chrissy with Alicia, both in the kitchen. Once Jess got closer, they both waved them over. 
“Hey girls, looking gorgeous as ever.” 
Jess shot her head to Steve, hair whipping over her shoulder. “Oh, and I just looked fine?” 
“I said the word gorgeous at least once.” 
“Your skirt is so cute!” Chrissy ran her finger over Jess’s leather skirt before looking back up at her, sipping from her cup as she did. 
“Is Chrissy Cunningham actually drinking tonight?” Jess looked at her friend amusingly before Chrissy gave her a look into her cup, which ended up just being filled with pop. 
“Sorry to disappoint.” She smiled at Jess before turning back to Steve, “Have you seen Heather?” 
“No. I. Have. Not.” Steve then slowly turns away from the kitchen and towards the living room, where he finds her, sporting a perm and a color block jacket, which catches Steve’s attention, smirk now evident on his face. “And now I have.”
Jess rolls her eyes at him. It took Steve the whole month of November to get over Nancy, constantly saying that Jonathan was good for her and that he was happy for her, which never fooled Jess. And then he began to pointedly take an interest in Heather. She wasn’t sure whether it was an actual crush or distraction, but it was much better than hearing him going on and on about how Nancy’s interest in becoming a writer matched with Jonathan’s love for photography, making them perfect for each other, or how, at the end of the day their breakup was entirely mutual, so she never brought attention to the fact that he occasionally compared her to Nancy and let him take solace in the belief that he was finally over his heartbreak.  
He continues looking over at her before turning back to Jess, “Need a drink?” He then takes her by the hand and leads her to the punch bowl, looking back at Alicia and Chrissy, “Be right back.” He dips two cups in the bowl before handing one to Jess, shaking punch off his hand as she grabs the one handed to her. Jess looks toward the back door to then find Billy, who was standing with Katie, Jane, and Tina, all three of them hanging to every word that came out of Billy’s mouth. He was leaning closer to Katie, seemingly more interested in chatting her up that night, to Jane’s dismay. The realization that she may run into him tonight made her nervous again, downing her first drink of the night, making her shudder as it tasted like straight vodka, then dunking her cup in the bowl again for another. 
“Woah, settle down there, kid.”
“Okay, mom.”
“Just don’t want you to go all Wheeler on me.” Jess furrows her eyebrows at him, not taking a sip from her second drink before he explained himself. “Don’t know what I’d do if I found out we were bullshit too.” He begins to laugh this off as a joke, but he looks uncomfortable as the last words left his lips, looking as though he was replaying what happened at the last party he attended, causing Jess to pull him in a one-armed hug, keeping her drink up and steady to not spill it. 
“You know you’re way too cool to ever get me to say that.” Jess lets go of the hug before looking Steve in the eye, “I mean it.” 
Steve hits her shoulder in response, breaking eye contact as he does. “Ah don’t get all weird on me now.” He then looks back up, a grateful expression replacing his troubled one, “I need a drink.” He began to lift his cup to his lips. 
“I’ll drink to that.” Jess smiled, sticking her tongue out slightly, her teeth biting down on it so it didn’t go too far, and clanked her plastic cup with his before they both drank. He took another swig from his cup before looking back over at Heather dancing wildly with her friends. He then looked back over to Jess, who had already read the question from his look before he was able to ask. “Go on, I got Chris and Alicia.”
“You sure?”
“Go. But you better tell me if I need to get another ride.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“I’m sure Chrissy would take me home,” She then looked back over at her friend, who was still nursing her soda, “I mean, it’s not like she’ll be too drunk to.” 
Steve gave her cup one last cheers before he began strutting toward his current interest. Jess then walked back to her friends. As they continued to stay in the kitchen chatting, Chrissy began looking around. “Hey will you guys help me find Jas-“
“Ladies.” Jess felt someone standing behind her as Chrissy’s and Alicia’s eyes looked over her shoulders.
“What do you want, Hargrove,” Alicia snorted, already annoyed with his presence. She looked up above her glasses rim, waiting for an answer. Chrissy, however, didn’t need an answer, as she delicately sipped from her cup, which covered everything but her eyes as she began to eye Jess and then Billy, raising her eyebrows when her gaze would meet Jess’s. 
“Good to see you too, Spin.” Alicia rolled her eyes at the nickname. “By the way, that blonde in our History class is looking for you. You know, cute, glasses like yours, kinda short.” Alicia noticeably blushed at this, which made Chrissy shoot her hand to grab for her arm. 
“I’ll go help you find her.” She offered, winking back at Jess as she pulled Alicia away.
“Okay, then bye!” Jess shouted over her shoulder. She then looked back over at Billy, who was now in front of her, leaning against the kitchen counter with his left arm, his beer can in his right hand. 
“So, where’s Harrington hmm?” He asks this, acting like he didn’t just stand at the opposite side of the house, occasionally glancing up at her from his conversation, waiting for him to leave. Jess just nods over in Steve’s direction, him now making Heather giggle uncontrollably, flipping his hair for effect as he told whatever ridiculous story he was telling. Billy smirks at the sight of him flirting, slightly relieved. 
“I’m actually surprised you’re associating with me outside of school, Hargrove.”
“I see you almost every day after school.”
“Yeah, to do homework.” 
“What. I thought we were friends now?” His smirk crooked to his right, still avoiding the healing spot on his lip, tightening his grip on his can while leaning in. 
Jess shoots a glance at Steve again before looking back at Billy, but he notices and looks over at Steve as well, much longer than Jess did. His smile shifted, now downturned. “He looks a little too busy trying to get his dick wet to notice.” 
“No that’s not-“ Jess abruptly stops when Billy looks back over at her with his head now cocked to the other side, beginning to raise his eyebrow in anticipation of her lie. “Steve’s just skeptical of you. And I have to say, so am I…” 
“About what?” His voice changed from his usual teasing tone to one of annoyed confusion.
“It’s just, I’m surprised that you actually want to hang out with me here is all. I get wanting to be friendly as far as our project goes, but, this party, you could easily ignore me like you’ve normally done.” 
He laughed out once, a little harsher than intended. The number of times he’s watched her at parties, at school, at games, he forgot that no one else noticed. “You overthink shit, Jess.”
“Oh do I? I’m Steve’s best friend. You hate Steve. The end. Beside’s I’m-“
“You’re a lot more fun than you give yourself credit for.” 
“In a week, you’ve determined I’m ‘fun’.” Jess now sipped from her cup apprehensively. 
“I’ve known you longer than a week.” This made Jess quickly gulp down her sip before shaking her head in response.
“No. Not really.” 
“Eh.” He shrugs at her response, not willing to elaborate. “Well, I’ve liked this week.”
“Sure you have, Hargrove.” But Jess smiled at his confession, using her cup to hide the way the color in her cheeks changed, hoping that it could have been blamed on the alcohol if he noticed. 
Billy stared at her for a bit before pushing her cup down with his left index finger and looking into it. “Looks like you need a refill, Logan.” His smirk came back as he led her further into the kitchen, finding a beer can and cracking it open for her. Jess scrunched her nose at it. 
“I’m not really a beer kind of girl.” 
“Yeah well, based on how fast you downed your last two drinks, you may wanna slow down on the jungle juice.” 
Jess squinted her eyes at his statement, “Wait, how did you know-“ 
Billy quickly interrupted her, clenching his jaw, now annoyed at himself. “It’s either this or water, Logan.” Not willing to lose her buzz, she accepted the beer, sipping it, her mouth morphing with distaste. “Thatta girl.” They began to walk away from the kitchen and into the living room, talking about nothing, circling the room until they were back where Billy was standing previously, the back door open now, letting in much-needed cool air, Jess beginning to feel suffocated in the jean jacket she had on. It wasn’t an ideal spot for talking, as they were much too close to the stereo and were also met with the constant chanting of “Chug. Chug. Chug” coming from outside. As they continued their conversation, they began migrating closer together in order to hear better, occasionally having to repeat their sentences, practically screaming in the other’s ear. They continued this way until Tommy interrupted them. 
“Aye, B!” He hollered from outside, standing by a makeshift beer pong table. “Me and Carol versus you and Logan.” 
Billy licked his teeth in thought, “What do you say, Logan?”
The amount of alcohol in her made her slightly braver than she normally was, “What the hell.” 
“Alright,” He then turned to Tommy, “Get ready to get fucked up, Hagen.” 
“In your dreams,” Carol shot back. “We get first toss.”
“Why’s that?” 
“It’s my house,” Carol said simply and aimed for a red cup, all of which were already set up and filled most of the way with beer. When she missed Tommy shook his head.
“No babe, remember, the arch-“ 
“I swear to god, Tommy, if you talk about the arch one more time…” 
“Alright watch this.” Tommy then aimed and let go, watching it bounce with anticipation before making it into a cup as well. “Wooooo! That’s what I’m talking about!” He and Carol high-five as Billy takes the cup, and chugs it, winking at Jess when he was done. Billy then took the ball and effortlessly sunk it in one of the middle cups, making Tommy tsk in disappointment, taking the first cup for himself and downing it. 
“Alright, gorgeous, you’re up.”
Jess placed the ping pong ball in between her right index finger and thumb, carefully positioning her forearm up with the rest, and aimed for the middle, the ball bouncing off the rim of a cup once before landing in her targeted cup. “That’s my girl!” Billy exclaimed behind Jess, wrapping his arm over her left shoulder and squeezing her right shoulder with his hand, now holding his almost empty beer can with his right hand, pulling her back into his chest slightly. He then let go, gesturing for the balls to be returned to them. “Roll it back, Hagen.” 
“See that’s what I’m talking about, you see…” Carol shot Tommy a look of warning. Billy shot the ball and missed, Jess doing the same as Tommy grinned in satisfaction, you’re losing it, B.” Carol then took the ball and made it into the back corner cup after it bounced over many rims. When it was Tommy’s turn, his bounced over the rims as well, but eventually bounced too far left. 
“The arch, Tommy, the arch.” 
“Shut up, Carol.” 
They continued until Carol and Tommy had only two cups left, a significant amount less than Jess and Billy. As their remaining cups weren’t touching, Tommy looked down at them, ready to rearrange them for Jess as she prepared to shoot the ball. 
“Leave it.” Jess said then pointed at the one more to the left. “Hawaii.” She then began aiming at the cup she pointed at, which earned a stunned look from Billy, unaware that she knew of any other rules of beer pong besides ‘make it in a cup’. 
Tommy began drumming rapidly on the table, adding to the suspense, Carol joining in. Jess sat there for a moment longer as she lined up her shot carefully, remembering the exact way Steve would, and let go at the top of her toss, watching it swish into the cup she called. Billy then banged on the table “HELL YEAH, LOGAN.” 
“Fuck. Fuck.” Tommy handed one of the cups to Carol, them both downing their drinks around the same time. “Aye, Tina’s having a New Year’s thing, I wanna rematch then.” He then pulled Carol closer by the shoulder, making her cuddle into him before she realized he was beginning to coach her on her toss again. 
“Oh my god, Tommy.” She rolled her eyes, her smile still displayed on her face.
As they continued to walk away, Billy turned his attention to Jess, “Where the hell did you learn to play like that?”
Jess simply shrugged her shoulders, “Steve.” Billy shook his head, looking back into the house as he found Steve still chatting with the same girl from earlier. 
“Well, I guess there’s one thing pretty boy is good for.” Jess shoved his shoulder softly. She was now feeling the effects of their game, her head beginning to feel slightly lighter while her feet were a bit more of an effort to move. Billy noticed this as well, watching her before asking, “You need some water or something?” 
“Nope,” she responded, popping the p. 
“Yeah, okay.” He began to look inside again, thinking grabbing her a snack would be a good idea. “Let’s head back.” She did as she was told, making her way to the kitchen with Billy, coming across the bowl of punch again and beginning to take another solo cup from the stack next to the bowl. “Woah there-“
“You said I could have more when I was done with my beer.” 
“I did not say that.”
“Well, anyway.” She dunked her cup in, disregarding the look of disapproval from Billy. He then led her over to the dining room, where he sat her down at the table. There were only a few people there, and once he looked around the room, he looked back down at Jess. 
“Stay right here, I’ll be back.” He then beelined for Carol’s pantry, settling on an unopened bag of cool-ranch Doritos before heading back to Jess, who was still sitting in the chair he left her. He sat next to her and plopped the bag down on the table before setting his beer can down and opening the bag for her. 
“Oh my gosh I looove Doritos.” She was now slurring her words slightly, causing Billy to glance in her cup, noticing it was already halfway gone. He pulled the cup away slightly and pushed the bag closer, Jess now fully focused on the chips. He occasionally took a couple from the bag as they talked, Jess laughing at random points in their conversation, making Billy smile and shake his head, entertained by watching her in this state. He was constantly aware of the fact that school made her uptight at times. She always held her shoulders higher, stiffer, than most. And though he chalked it up to her nearly perfect posture, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was due to stress. But here she was, now slouched over the table, her hair no longer in perfect curls, gorging her way through a bag of chips and smiling at his every word, without a care in the world who watched.  Billy opened his mouth to speak until he was interrupted by the song switching, causing Jess to gasp. 
“Billy! I love this song!” Billy turned his head to the direction of the music, unable to recognize it at first. 
…On a vacation far away. Come around and talk it over.
“This song? You like this song?” When Jess nodded excitedly, Billy laughed out, “Do you know what this song’s about?” 
“Ugh, don’t ruin it! Come on!” She folded the Doritos bag and wiped her hand on her skirt before pulling Billy up, grabbing her drink in the process. Billy wasn’t much of a dancer at parties. He normally stood back, people watching, or got incredibly hammered to the point where he would knock out in his car for hours before driving home in questionable condition, but the way Jess pulled Billy up, still keeping the same elation from when the song first started, there was no way he would be able to say no. Not to her. He left his now empty can on the table as he followed her back to the living room, but instead of going toward the back, they were now heading toward the middle, where everyone seemed to share the same excitement for this song.
You know I’d do anything for you.
Jess began swaying to the beat of the song, mouthing the words as she looked back at Billy. “Oh come on, don’t be a party pooper.” She then sloppily grabbed his hand as he smiled at her with amusement, watching her sway his arm back and forth as she began to dance again. He continued to watch her, unable to find anything more enamoring as his hand moved with her own. 
Try to stop my hands from shakin’ ‘Cause somethin’ in my mind’s not makin’ sense.
His body began to sway slightly with her, though not too much to lose sight of her. She then faced him again, beaming at him before taking another sip of her drink. She began to lean forward slightly, causing Billy to wrap his hand around her waist, catching her from falling. He then took the cup from her and began drinking from it himself. 
“Hey! I’m not done with that!”
“Yeah,” he looked down at her, “Yeah you are.” He continued to drink from it until it was empty before she had the chance to complain any further. When he was done, he crushed the cup, smirking at her as he did so, but as he continued to look down at her, with her looking back up at him, he felt his chest tighten, his smirk slowly dropping as his eyes darted from her eyes, down to her lips and back up. But she was drunk, he knew this. And unfortunately, he knew they probably wouldn’t be here, dancing like no one was watching, if she wasn’t. He looked into her eyes again as he began to open his mouth when he saw a hand grab for Jess’s shoulder. 
Steve kept his attention on Heather, sipping on his water as he would be driving shortly. She was currently telling him about the new dog her family got when another song flipped on. 
Josie’s on a vacation far away
“You wanna dance?” 
Of course Steve wanted to dance. He began to lead her to the center of the room effortlessly twirling her around as she giggled. He gulped the rest of his water down, making sure he wouldn’t accidentally spill some on her, and then pulled her close, speaking in her ear so she could hear him. 
“Hey, so I was thinking…” However, he didn’t get to finish his sentence as he glanced up and saw Jess, stumbling into Billy as he grabbed her waist. 
Nope nope nope nope, absolutely not. Jess was obviously drunk, and of course, there was Billy. 
“Uh, hey, uh it’s getting kinda late. Would it be okay if I call you? Tomorrow? Cool?” He tried his best to look at her, but his attention kept gravitating toward Jess, now inches away from Hargrove.
“Uh, I, I guess…”
“Cool, I’ll see ya later,” Is all Steve said as he began to take off, leaving a very confused Heather to look around the room, unsure of what to do next. He quickly squeezed through the crowd and finally reached Jess, tugging at her shoulder lightly before shooting a look of disapproval to Billy. The song was nearing its end as Jess looked over her shoulder to see Steve. 
“Oh, hey Steve!” 
“It’s time to go, Jess.” He was now looking down at her, his tone urgent.
“Wait, no! I’m having fun-“ 
“Nah, he’s right, Logan.” Both of them now shot their attention back at Billy, Jess’s look holding disappointment while Steve’s held skepticism, fully expecting some kind of fight or pushback from Hargrove. “I was about to head out anyways.” He then took a Red out from his pack and put it between his lips before looking at the front door. He took in Jess’s face one last time before glancing at Steve, mumbling, “Get her home safe,” as he brushed passed him and exited the house. 
Steve squinted his eyes at his statement, annoyed he would say this. As if he wouldn’t have gotten her home safe. As if he cared that she got home safe. He shook his head in irritation as he lead them out of the house as well, waiting for Billy to leave first, not wanting the awkwardness of walking together. 
The drive back to Jess’s home was mostly silent until Steve decided he could no longer bury his questions. “So how the hell did you end up with Hargrove of all people? What happened to Chrissy?” He was still vexed at what he witnessed, more with Hargrove’s audacity than with Jess’s stupidity.  She just shrugged, slumping in the now leaned-back passenger seat. He kept glancing over at Jess, trying to keep an eye out on the road, but more interested in her response. “Am I gonna have to keep a better eye on you now?”
“He’s not that bad you know.” 
Steve sharply exhaled from his nose. “My face would say otherwise.” 
“Steve.” She was now looking at him, eyes seemingly sobering up as she confided in him, “I promise, it’s not all bad in there.” He kept his eyes on hers as much as he could while driving, trying to decipher what she meant. He saw the glimmer she held in her eyes when she knew something he didn’t, the glimmer begging him to trust her. It was the same look she held when she talked him through the upside-down for the first time. He continued to hold the stare, waiting for the glimmer to waiver, and when it didn’t, he simply nodded his head in resentful acceptance. 
“Whatever you say.” 
“Do you hate me?” Her eyes were losing their sobriety again as she asked this, her head slightly swaying in the seat as the car continued to move. 
When they pulled into Jess’s driveway, he parked his car and helped her to her door. “You know the drill, waive to me from the window when you get to your room. And then go to sleep.”
“Yup.” She unlocked the door, then locked it again. He then made his way back into his still-running car, looking up at her bedroom through his passenger window when he saw her open her windowpane. “Bye, Steve!” she shouted while waving down at him, causing him to rapidly gesture at her to shut the hell up. He shook his head in disbelief as he watched her smile brightly and closed her window, pulling the blinds closed. He waited till he saw her light turn off before pulling out of her driveway and driving back him. He kept replaying Jess’s words. It’s not all bad in there. But before he could dissect her statement further, he looked to his left to find Billy leaning against his own car, staring in the direction of Jess’s house, causing Steve to slow down slightly. Billy seemed to notice, nodding his head at Steve before flicking his cigarette to the pavement and stomping it out, walking along the side of his house afterward. Whatever you say, kid. 
@nix-rose @fandom-princess-forevermore @ooo---hazelgrimm---ooo @axionn @hml-main
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the-ampersand · 2 months
About sandbox campaigns
Let me tell you a story.
Last year I went to a big sci-fi/fantasy con in my country. I had been planning to go for years because there is a big emphasis in talks with authors and there were many relating to ttrpg topics. There was one about sandbox campaigns! I was excited!
But sadly, I left many of the talks very disappointed. The one that hurt me the most was, precisely, the one about sandboxes. In it, a national expert in the ttrpg industry explained how there are two (2) kinds of sandbox campaigns, either open world or "social". Maybe three if you also count urban campaigns as sandboxes.
"Ok," I thought "I completely disagree, but let's see where this goes".
Then, the speaker proceeded to explain her prep process. In a social campaign she firts creates the factions. She likes Legend of the Five Rings a lot, so she usually uses the five usual clans of the settings.
"Alright. That's reasonable".
Then, she proceeds to populate their factions with about seven to ten NPCs per faction.
I left at that very instant absolutely astounded.
In my personal opinion, sandbox campaigns don't need to be an exercise of immense prep from the GM. They can be and if it works for some people I am glad for them and I hope they have fun with that prep. But I don't think that's a really reasonable way to manage this kind of campaign for the majority of GMs and even less so for the majority of tables. (And giving a talk about it without properly disclaiming it can set up an impossible standard that might discourage many novice GMs that would consider sandbox campaigns as too labor intensive).
I believe sandbox campaigns should play with the interest of the players. As a GM one should set up an interesting backdrop to explore and interact with, with a varying degree of prep according to one's own interests. And then the players are the ones that will guide the prep needed for the next session by stating their intentions. I have seen several people here clamouring for the many benefits of asking one's players "So what's your plan for the next session, then?". And I think those benefits double when playing a sandbox campaign!
It allows for a true feeling of discovery, not only for the players, but for the GM as well! The GM doesn't need to know everything from the beginning, they can discover it in a fractal way, following the interests of the table (which includes the GM themselves, let's not forget that).
Let me give you an example.
I am currently starting a sandbox campaign based on Skerples' Magical Industrial Revolution. I am mashing it into my DIE campaign, but that's not important. This setting revolves around technology and the grave danger it poses when left unatended to the whims of idealistic inventors and shrewd investors looking to make a fortune. I did as much prep as I wanted:
Being a urban setting, I made small sheets for different neighborhoods and points of interest of the city. I also got the help of my players to do this with a small session of i'm sorry did you say street magic by Caro Asercion.
I set up small scenes to present to the players the different pre-apocalyptic inventions that will destroy the city if left unchecked. (And I added a ninth invention for DIE reasons even though that breaks the number 8 theme in the module)
And that's that! We are already three sessions in and we had an impromptu heist into the university, spent a day selling turnips in the market and met a guy who knows he is inside a narrative (DIE stuff). Next time we are going to attend to a flying machines engineering duel because that's what one of the players asked!
Admittedly, a lot of the prep in this campaign is already done by Skerples, shared with me through the module. But I could have gone with a vibe, a list of cool places to visit, a list of things loosely going on on the setting and a list of names to invoke when a new NPC appears. And you could probably do without any of those things!
What you need to set up a sandbox campaign is not a huge load of prep. Is just enough to present an engaging premise and to answer confidently enough to whatever shenanigans your players throw themselves into.
I have yet to write a single faction sheet. Or a NPC background. I possibly will. But that will be whenever I consider it fun enough.
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
I'd be happy to see Day 18 with Echo!
Too shy to undress? To eager to find the time to undress? To enthralled by that beautiful 501st blueish dress to take it off?
Doesn’t matter... Just... ECHO 💙
If you would want to 💙🤍💙
Caro, my love! 💙 This was such a spicy prompt, thank you for sending it in! I went with some sneaky, alleyway sex 😏
right here | arc trooper echo x fem!reader
Kinktober Day Eighteen: Clothes On
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Pairing: ARC Trooper Echo x Fem!Reader
Warnings: alleyway sex, penetration (p in v), hand over mouth, interruption
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Echo can’t say he’s especially surprised when you drag him by his vambrace down into a shadowy alley. And as much as his ARC training is screaming in protest, he's not exactly mad about it either. He’s meant to be on patrol, and that does technically include dark alleyways.
His backplate hits the duracrete wall as you press yourself against him. “What are you —?”
“Shhh," You bring your finger to your mouth in a shushing motion before nodding your head in the direction of the main street. He turns, his helmet registers a heat signature rounding the corner, heavy footsteps confirming it's one of his brothers. Holding his breath, he watches the trooper stroll past, too tired to bother looking in the alleyway.
Rhythmic footsteps fade into the distance as you move to undo the clasps of his helmet, lifting it up until he can see your amused smile with his own eyes.
“Hey, handsome.”
“Love,” He exhales, glancing sideways to the empty street, as you press your lips to the column of his neck, your hand wandering over his codpiece. That gets to him. “I — really? Here?”
You chuckle at the way he chokes on his words, kissing right under his ear. “What? I thought ARC Troopers like danger.”
Alright, that’s not, not true.
“We do! I do…but what about...you know...people?” It's a struggle to fake concern when his blood is rushing south to his cock.
“We’ll have to be quiet, then. What do you say? Wanna finish what we started this morning?” Your voice drops to a whisper, one he can barely hear as he rests his head against the wall.
It's true. He'd managed to make you come on his mouth this morning before you were interrupted. He's had your taste seared into his tastebuds since then, his cock never really softening.
"You'll be the death of me," He mutters through a rough exhale. Leave it to you to bring out the worst in him. "We have to be quick."
“Easy. I'm still wet from this morning.” Fuck. He can still feel the way your cunt spasmed around his fingers as he heard Fives yelling his name through the ship. He fumbles between the two of you to undo his codpiece, the sound of plastoid hitting pavement ringing out. It makes him wince, hoping no one heard, as your palms grazes over his cock.
This, he thinks as you take hold of his cock, is a dumb idea. But there isn't anyone else he'd rather be with than you. He smothers a moan while your fingers dance along the waistband of his trousers.
“Do you want my mouth, Echo? Want to come down my throat? Or in my pussy?”
He groans, curling into your warmth, molding himself to you. "Inside you. Haven’t been inside for days.”
“Since when did twenty four hours turn into days?” The teasing edge in your voice makes his hips jut into your hand. He needs to feel as much of you as he can. He answers you with a kiss, one that is desperate and bruising until goosebumps bloom on his skin.
You're the one to break the kiss, much to Echo's annoyance, so you can step away to take off your pants. With his hand replacing yours, he strokes himself as he watches you shimmy down your pants and underwear. You leave them just above your knees, low enough to give him access, but high enough to pull up if need be.
Switching spots, you face the wall, splaying your palms flat against the cold duracrete as you arch your back. The dull ache in your core grows as you present yourself to him. “Come on, ARC Trooper.”
He crowds you from behind, anchoring one hand to your hips while the other nudges the head of his cock at your opening. The teasing pressure at your opening has you moaning his name, your back dipping lower. All for him, just him. The way you respond for him, so open and so enamored, like he's some sort of treasure.
“You gonna let me fuck you?” His voice is cracked, his throat thick as he steps towards. If he’s going to get caught with his pants down, he'd rather be buried in you. “Right here?”
“Yes. Now please, before someone catches us.”
He pushes in, the sweet fullness of him making desire thud between your thighs so much so you swear your cells start to vibrate. You whine when you feel his pubic hair tickle the backs of your thighs. "Maker, Echo..."
It's only a moment of stillness before he's pulling out and pushing back into your wet heat in a single, deep thrust. Echo wishes he had time to devote to you, time to pull you apart, time to map all your dips and moles.
He adjusts his hold on your hips, fingers digging into your flesh is littered with tiny, crescent moons, and starts. Hard and fast until the wet slaps of skin bounce of the walls. Every drag, every pull of his cock against your fluttering walls winds you up, the coil of pleasure growing tighter with every snap of his hips.
"Fuck you really like this, don't you?" Echo pants, his desperation to come bleeding through in his actions. His hips bucking faster, his cock pushing into you a little bit further with every thrust. You're both desperate to come, the pleasure building until it's reached its tipping point. His balls tightened as he fills your cunt when —
“Echo! Where are you?"
Echo almost chokes on his tongue, blood pooling to his feet and cementing him in place.
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onippep · 1 year
So you want to explain the situation before or after red goes storming towards the tower?
Let's call that cheeto back.
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RRrrr..... (Maybe I should talk to him--)
Why's that matter?
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Hey. This the cowboy?
I-- it-- yesitis-- Peppino, you got a sec to talk? Righ'now?
Duh. Why else would I be calling?
R-right, well, I wanted to talk to ya about somethin' that involves the Tower--
Ooh, heeere we go.
--?!-- Ah, w-well, listen-- I wanted t' try and explain why things'er happenin' like they are. I know that your pal Fakie there got into a bit 'a trouble, and--
A fucking shotgun to the eye. Care to explain that bullshit?
--I heard! A-and that's horrid! Truly! I wouldn't ever want somethin' like that to happen t--
Uhhhh huh. Yep. Sure.
So how about you say your last fuckin' words right now while I still got you on the line? Consider this your head start before I start running.
Not fucking interested. On the count of three. One--
[hangs up]
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Do me a favour. Find the fucker that shot you, and take its gun.
Can you do that? Are you alright with doing that?
(It-- I can do that. I won't get hurt again.)
Good. You go on ahead first. I'll be there soon after.
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xrosaurax · 2 years
Fever Terzo (Fluff kinda)
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Tags: Terzo x Female!Reader, Soft Terzo
Word Count: 4,589
(A/N: This is my first Ghost fanfic, hope I can get some feedback to improve my writing, enjoy reading!💜)
Terzo has been working with his paperworks nonstop without taking a single break. He's been craving for your touch and company while he works with his papers but that never happened due to the deadlines of his works. Sister Imperator giving him loads of work without a care.
While Terzo is working in his office, You were preparing some tea and few sandwiches for your Papa, making it sure they are cooked just right, you put them on the silver serving tray, As you walk down the abbey hallway carefully with the tray in your hands, you were greeted by other sisters with a polite smile and slight bow, the weather is nice today. The sun rays through the colorful stained glass, it sure is sunny today, hoping Terzo is doing alright with his papers.
When you finally got into his office, you were standing in front of the big vintage wooden door, you knocked timidly, as you entered slowly, your eyes saw Terzo lying on the purple victorian chaise lounge, his arm covering his eyes, thinking he doesn't want to be disturbed. You've been standing there if you should disturb him or not, as you put your silver tray to his large wooden desk, you heard him whining in pain.
You turned around and walks closer to him, kneeling down next to him "Papa, are you alright?" You said quietly but softly, he slowly turned his head and looked at you. You felt bad for him as you see his eyes being soft and hurt, You put the back of your hand on his forehead and Oh lucifer he's hot. "ah! You're having a fever!. Stay here, I will get some medicines and a washcloth" You stood up and left his office.
After getting the things you needed, you moved one of his chairs near him and sat down, you got a bowl of cool water. You soaked the washcloth to the water and dried it, then putting it on his forehead and the other washcloth to the back of his neck. Seeing him breathing heavily makes you feel more bad for him, You can feel how hot his body is. You accompanied him for a moment, to fight your boredom, you walk up to his shelves, looking for an interesting book to read, you saw a title called "foto del mio bambino" you can't quiet tell what it means, since you're still learning italian.
You grab it out of the shelf, and it seems like a scrapbook, you thought to yourself if its filled with him sharing a moment with his ghouls on their tour, but when you opened the front cover, you saw a picture of young terzo instead, you aww'ed at his childhood pictures, you turned to the other page and saw him playing with young copia, you moved your hand to your chest with a warm smile on your face, admiring how cute terzo and copia are when they are young. You saw a funny picture of Terzo pranking Secondo.
You spent your time admiring the photos until Terzo called out your name "(Y/N)...." His voice is raspy and dry due to his sickness, you quickly turned around and walk up to him "ah papa! You need to drink this medicine, come on" You maneuvered him into sitting Position gently, You gave him the medicine and he swallowed it with water. He looked at you with a pleading face "Thank you...." "I was so worried when I hear you whining in pain, Papa.." you moved your hand to cup his cheek, he leans in to your touch "Call me Terzo instead, caro".
He kissed your palm down to your wrist weakly, Your cheeks heat up from what he just did, you tried changing the subject "A-Ah Terzo..you must be hungry right now, yeah?" He nodded and smiles warmly at you, you stood up "Alright, I will get some sandwiches from the tray I put here.." You put down the plate to his lap carefully and sat next to him.
He looked at you with pleading eyes "Feed me..." you smiled and nodded, grabbing the sandwich and fed it to him gently, He chewed the sandwich slowly while still looking at you, you blushed and looked away. "A-And maybe some tea, Terzo! It m-might calm your fever down.. " You stuttered but still smiling at him sweetly, "That was delicious, tesoro..did you make it?" "Mhm! i prepared all of these just for you" he then suddenly lays his head to your shoulder wrapping his arms around your waist, You can really feel how hot his body is.
He hummed in satisfaction, he felt comfortable in your arms, You stroke his raven hair and kissed his forehead. He leaned you down to lay in his pillow, then he nestled up to you, You felt your heart heating fast. Still stroking his silky black hair "Stay?....." He said softly "Mhm.. I will be here for you, Terzo" you felt him smiling and kissed your neck "ti amo tanto..." "I love you more.." you kissed his head then you both fall asleep.
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the-wanderer16 · 7 months
Thoughts on today's match..
1. Had a bad feeling when Ingrid went down 😕
2. The second goal should have counted, don't know why the ref will stop the game.
3. A few instances of bad refereeing.
4. Players like Caro, Aitana, Mariona and Patri are tired and need more rest or rotation.
5. Pina and Vicky could have been rotated in for second half to power up the mid-field. Or should have been changed in at the 60th min; they were only rotated in at the 74th.
6. Good defense from Levante, but what are the takeaways from this? How do we counter when the opponent has a fully loaded box.
7. Chances from corners are not taken well enough. Honestly, the goals that we have scored from a corner versus the number of chances we have a shot off the corner are extremely imbalance.
8. Possession is critical but leveraging on opportunities created is key.
All that being said, we move on to the next home match against Alt Madrid 💙❤️
I hope Ingrid is alright. It would be upsetting to have her injured, especially on Valentine 🙏🏻
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l-lend · 2 years
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Surpise Caro, my dear <3
You got me for the gift exchange. I do apologize if this isn't up to par with my usual work, but I hope you enjoy.
Warning(s): slightly suggestive, drinking, intoxication
The sun had begun to set for the evening as you neared your apartment. Your prize from the shops rested comfortably in the bag in your grasp. As you neared the door, a noise from the inside gave you a moment for pause. Your hand still wrist deep in your purse. After taking a moment to collect yourself, you unlocked the door and braced yourself for what was waiting for you beyond the threshold.
A familiar smell crept its way through the space, urging you onward. Was he home already?
“Howzer?” You called, hanging your purse on the nearby hook.
“In here,” He answered.
You felt your brows raise. Your pace picking up speed as you headed towards your kitchen. Captain Howzer was a clone of many talents; cooking was not one of them. As you turned the corner, a soft gasp left your lips.
Two meals were plated up on dishes with a pair of stemmed glassware perch on the counter.
“I uh...didn't expect you back so soon.”
Your gaze drifted to the captain. His usual armor exchanged for civilian clothing. A smile creeping across his lips as your eyes met his own honeyed gaze.
“You alright, mesh'la?”
A flash of warmth swept through your cheeks, “Yeah, I was just...what's the occasion?”
He chuckled, “I need a reason to spoil you?”
“No,” You tittered, taking the opportunity to wrap your arms around him.
His lips brushed against your forehead. A chaste appetizer that set your core alight just in that minor gesture.
“Would you mind pouring?” He ventured, gesturing to the stem ware.
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The now empty bottle rested innocently enough on the table. However with the passage of time, the dinner table had long since lost the pair's interest more in favor of attempts to stagger towards the bedroom. Each sloshed step punctuated by muffled curses and giggles. As you teetered with a hesitant step, a strong arm encircled your waist, keeping your footing more steady.
“Easy there, mesh'la.”
His tipsy tone doing nothing to mask his endearing undertones. His own steps could be compared to those of a newborn bantha.
“Gonna get you...safe in bed.”
A giggle bubbled up as you leaned against him, “I trust I'm in capable hands.”
With using the wall as a guide, the captain made his trek to the bedroom. A triumphant smile graced his lips as soon as he eased you back onto the bed. Your hands cupping his face delivering a lingering kiss.
“My hero.” Your hands remained despite the kiss being broken, “Are you staying tonight? For my protection of course, no telling if a strange man may try to waltz into my apartment and commandeer my kitchen.”
He chuckled soon keeping you company under the sheets, “Consider yourself guarded.”
The scent of him crept into your senses with the same comforting warmth as the sunset. Fingertips grazing warm skin drawing a pleased hum from the captain. Your lips curled as you cracked upon an eye scoping out your target.
“Sleep well mesh'la,” He murmured, his fingers combing through your locks.
A sigh left his lips as yours brushed the back of his neck, “Only if you help tire me out, Captain.”
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Congrats to your Follower Celebration (again? Not sure if I already send an ask *lmao* ) You deserve each of them!!! AND Thank you for your stories L!! Such a fun to read them!!
Do you still take requests??? Not sure...
Anyways... may I request
68. “I like you, like like you like you.” With Jesse or Hardcase?
Caro, my dear. Thank you for your saint-like patience while I was getting life to settle down a bit. I hope you enjoy <3
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Warnings: minors DNI, P in V, friends to lovers
“There she is.”
The clone halted his approach and locked his footing as the incoming missile launched at him. His arms extended to catch as soon as your feet left the ground. Arms wrapping around you as you collided with plastoid.
“Easy there, mesh'la.”
He glanced down to see a grin plastered on your face. His chastising going from halfhearted to ineffective in moments.
“What, I can't be excited that you're finally back?”
It had been ages, but after receiving coms that the 501st would be returning to Coruscant for shore leave, your days had been conquered by planning. Shopping lists that would make most bars look under stocked, holo films gathered of all of his favorites with some new additions to try out, and your closet. Your poor closet still looked as if a clothing bomb had gone off as you had spent hours upon hours selecting the perfect outfit to welcome him home.
“That's fair, so what's first on the list?”
“Take out from that hole in the wall and clearing out holo drama recordings?”
The clone tilted his head scrunching up his face as if to mull things over.
“I hear this season's juicy,” You tempted with a smirk, “scandals, betrayals.”
“Alright, you twisted my arm,” He chuckled.
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“I can't stay away anymore. I-I love you, Elora.”
“But...you're married to my sister.”
“Only because of the baby, but every second without you is an eternity.”
“Oh, Ambrose.”
“Oh you've gotta be kidding me?!”
“Just why!?”
You upturned your drink polishing it off before placing it among its other empty brethren on your coffee table. The holo drama began offering spicy snippets of the next episode as you both continued heckling the screen.
“This guy's terrible. What the kriff is gonna do when her sister finds out?” Hardcase vented.
He had abandoned his armor as soon as he reached your apartment in favor of some civvies you kept stashed just in case. The clone staggered to his feet. The alcohol already beginning to develop a comforting buzz behind his forehead.
“Resupply?” He asked, gesturing to the coffee table stacked with bottles and take out containers.
The moment you pursed your lips in thought, Hardcases's mind began to wander. How long had it been since you two met? Seemed like you two had always existed like this: sharing drinks, laughing at each other's jokes, always around to welcome him back after a tour. It was great....until he had to leave.
It would start with a hollow pang in his chest, which would eventually run its course. But not even some time dumping rounds through his trusty R6 would help lessen the weight of leaving you behind.
Your face was contorted with concern, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Sorry, spaced out for a minute there.” He dismissed with a chuckle.
Awkward silence invaded the room, which left the clone to retreat to the kitchen for liquid courage.
The holo drama had long since wrapped as you got yourself to your feet. The clone still absent. As you crept towards your kitchen, you caught the end of a one-sided conversation.
“Kriffing idiot.”
“Who's a kriffing idiot?”
He froze. Drinks still in hand. His gaze suddenly finding the floor very interesting.
Your approach went unnoticed until the feel of fingers on his chin, lifting his gaze to meet yours.
“Case, you know you can talk to me, right?”
His adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed.
“I...Iike you, mesh'la.”
“I like you too.”
He huffed a sigh through his nose, his hand holding your fingers to his face.
“I like you, like like you, like you.”
Your lips parted, heat rising to your cheeks.
“I....if you don't feel the same I und-”
He was silenced by your lips meeting his. The world fell away, only you and the clone who had captured your heart long ago. All too soon, you both came up for air.
A giggle bubbled up from your throat as you took in his adorably surprised expression.
“Good enough of an answer for you?”
The hint of a smirk curled his lips, “I might need you to repeat that.”
Rising to the bait, you pressed your lips to his once more. This kiss deeper and more urgent than the last. You barely heard the clatter of drinks being set hastily on the nearby counter before strong arms wrapped around you pulling you closer. Your tongue ventured out testing the seam of his lips earning a soft gasp from the trooper. The smoldering embers in your belly roaring to life as soon as his tongue joined yours.
“Mesh'la.” He breathed.
The hand at the small of your back twitched. One of his fingers tracing your spine. A surge of boldness took you as you grasped that hand moving it lower. A groan rumbled in his throat as he made contact with your ass. He gave a gentle squeeze to test the waters growing braver once your muffled moan met his ears.
Your own hands wandered the expanse of his chest blindly mapping out his pectorals before moving down to his abdomen.
“You sure about this?” He mumbled against your lips.
“Case, I've waited three tours for this.”
His hands swiftly moved to cradle your thighs before abruptly lifting you. You felt his grin at your surprised squeak. After the adjustment of encircling your legs around his waist, the trooper began making his way to your bedroom.
Your back soon met the plush mattress with him towering above you.
“Get this off.” You smirked, grabbing a fist full of his shirt.
He pulled away long enough to peel off his shirt tossing the article away.
“Your turn.”
Your top soon met the floor. You soon reached behind you and once you relieved the clasps of their duty, you bra was soon added to the floor. You giggled after following his entranced gaze.
“You can touch.”
He gingerly cupped one of your breasts before he planted his face in between the soft mounds. After another giggle left you, he said something but was muffled. Placing a hand on each side of his head, you lifted.
“Try that again?”
“This must be what heaven feels like.”
You let his head fall back into your chest with a half hearted roll of your eyes. The giggles morphing into moans as soon as his tongue graced your skin. You soon began squirming under him. The roaring fire in your belly only growing hotter.
“Case, come on,”
He lifted his gaze to look into your eyes.
“Pants off, trooper.”
The playful spark in his eyes matched his grin, “Now that's an order I can follow.”
As soon as he stood to disrobe, you took your chance to shimmy out of your pants. Your thumbs were already hooked into the waistband of your panties, but you stopped upon watching his pants hit the floor. A sizable bulge forming a tent in the front of his boxers. You moved forward batting his hands away. Your fingers dipping into the waistband of his boxers. Another hand ghosting over his bulge.
"Nice of you to stand at attention for me," you teased.
His laugh was laced with the undertones of a groan, “Well, when the occasion's right.”
After he gave the okay, his boxers were soon around his ankles. Your gaze plastered on what was hiding underneath.
“We don't have t-”
“Oh no, you're bringing that over here.”
He chuckled returning to his post. His lips seeking out yours. The pressure of his exposed cock against your thigh adding to your thinning patience to have him inside you.
You teeth grazed his bottom lip, “Get on your back.”
His arms wrapped around you as he rolled. Your chests pressed flush to each other. You offered another kiss before shifting to straddle him. His cock offering a delighted throb at being nestled between your sopping folds. Your hips rocked against his, earning a groan that trailed off into a whine.
“Feels so good already.”
Your fingers closed around his length as you lined him up with your entrance.
“Then you'll love this.”
The cheeky reply on his lips died in favor of a gasp. His hands moving to grip your hips. His head lulling back into the pillows. You stayed still to allow your body to adjust to his size. The stuttering twitches of his hips almost eliciting a giggle from you.
“Kriff, you're tight.” He gritted out, fingers pressing harder into your hips.
“I'll move in a minute,” You soothed, your fingertips skating over his chest, “just relax and let me show you how much I've wanted you.”
The look that met yours was equal parts adorable and sexy. His pupils blown wide from lust with warmth swirling within his irises the color of whiskey, and you wanted nothing more than to drink him in.
After a few moments, you gave an experimental rock of your hips. A white hot lance of pleasure shot up your spine. Your gaze locked to the ceiling as your rocking soon became shallow thrusts. Hardcase's strings of whispered praises spurring you onward.
When you tore your eyes away from the ceiling, the sight below was almost your undoing. His chest rose and fell with his ragged breaths. A sheen of sweat had begun to form on his temples. Grabbing one of his hands, you guided his fingers to your folds. His trigger finger resting upon your pearl.
“Case, please.”
Who was he to deny such a request?
It took little guidance apart from demonstrating that circling your pearl resulting in your heat giving him a squeeze. Soon he was easing you toward the peak like a pro. Circling in one direction only to change directions moments later. Alternating pressures and speeds to milk more of those sweet noises from you.
Much too soon for your liking, the peak of your pleasure was upon you, and he never let up. His name a hoarse cry as your back curved. Euphoria exploding along every nerve.
A curse tore from his throat at your muscles clamping down around him. His hips bucking up to chase the tightness. His own end approaching at an alarming rate.
“Mesh'la, I..” He was cut off by his groan.
“In.” You managed before his back arched tight as a bowstring.
His hands pressing your hips to his. His cock pulsing as your pussy continued to milk every last drop of his seed from him.
Eventually you eased him out of you in favor of laying in his welcoming embrace.
“So, you do that with all your friends?” He teased.
You chuffed out a laugh, “Friends, no, but with a boyfriend..”
His lips cut you off.
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understance · 1 year
Fic idea - Terzo trying to teach you Italian. He teaches you a dirty phrase. You have no idea. Hilarity ensues.
i tried my darndest to get this finished and out as quickly as possible! i hope you enjoy <3
“No no no no- it’s amo, my love. Ah-moe. Try again.” Terzo gave you a small encouraging smile from his spot across from you. The two of you sat at a small table in a corner of the ghouls common room, drinking tea and eating snacks. You had been there for about an hour before Terzo suggested teaching you a bit of Italian, as a way to pass the downtime. 
You nodded, copying the way he had pronounced the word. putting it into a full sentence,”Ti amo?” You questioned, looking up at him for signs of approval or disapproval. “Ah-ha! There you go! I told you you’d get the hang of it.” He exclaimed, looking at you with what could only be described as admiration.
You smiled, muttering a small thanks and ducking your head shyly. Terzo takes a sip of his tea and thinks for a moment- racking his brain for other words and phrases he could teach you. After not even a second of debating on whether or not this was a good idea, he quirks his eyebrows up, setting down his mug and readjusting in his seat. “Oh, i’ve got another good one. How about you try ‘dovremmo scopare’. ”
Without hesitation, you repeat the words, watching as Terzo tries to stifle a giggle behind his hand. Embarrassment washes over you, “Why are you laughing? What did you just make me say?” He only shakes his head, lowering his hand and successfully pushing down his giggle-fit. 
“It just means ‘you’re handsome’, nothing bad, I promise.” He lies straight through his teeth, holding his hands up in mock innocence. You glare at him for a second before coming to the conclusion that he would never make you say anything bad that could get you into trouble. “Hm, alright then.” You huff, taking a swig of your tea. 
After a brief (and slightly awkward) silence, Terzo’s eyes light up with another stupid idea. “Say…why don’t you go say that to our dear Omega? I’m sure he could use a sweet, small pick-me-up.” He nods towards the couch where the quintessence ghoul sat with Dewdrop and Alpha, browsing through TV channels. 
You think it over. While it could potentially come off as creepy and forward, he has been having a particularly rough week. With balancing his nurse duties, helping Aether ease in the new quintessence ghoul, and struggling with helping out paying taxes, he’s had a lot on his plate. 
“Sure, why not?” 
You take one last drink from your tea and stand up, walking over to the couch and stopping to stand off to the side -by the armrest- next to where Omega was sat. “Hey, Omega?” He turns his attention from the TV to you, fully rotating his torso, and smiles. “Hello there, caro. What can I do for you?” 
You shuffle your feet anxisoulsy, slightly intimidated by the big ghoul before you. Even while sitting, it was hard to ignore his size. You take a deep breath and hit a metaphorical ‘fuck it’ button in your brain, “Dovremmo scopare.”  
You watch as Omega’s expression changes- eyebrows shooting up and mouth falling open in surprise. From further down the couch, Dew bursts into laughter- gripping at his stomach and folding over himself. 
Immediately you realize somethings wrong. You damn near give yourself whiplash from how fast you turn to face Terzo, watching as he too begins to laugh. Your stomach drops, “What did I just say?!” 
Terzo tries to answer, but everytime he opens his mouth to speak he laughs even harder at his own stupid, childish joke. Alpha pipes in from the other end of the couch, “Uh, it means ‘we should fuck’.”  
Horror washes over you. You cover your face and sink to the floor, wishing it would consume you and drag you down into the deepest pit of Hell. You just said that to Omega. OMEGA. One of the most well respected, mature, and powerful ghouls in all of the Clergy. Scratch that- the most powerful ghoul in the Clergy. 
Omega reaches over to lightly pat your back, both comforting and reassuring you that he didn’t think you were a complete weirdo. 
You were going to drown Terzo, you decided.
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captainnameless · 1 year
Thinking about Little Charles coming to Carlos for comfort saying it’s not his fault and that he didn’t mean to block Lando
Poor baby and his Monaco curse 💔
no stop because i’m actually gonna cry for him, and it wasn’t his fault. as usual his engineer did not give him the information he needed to :(
i’m just gonna feed into my own delusion and pretend Seb’s still there, cause he didn’t want this to happen, but he did kind of worry it would. stupid curse.
so like:
Carlos tries to do some damage control, it’s not the Saturday either of them had hoped for but Charles’ has just exploded into way worse. He looks absolutely defeated coming out of the stewards and Carlos is glad he stayed just so he can;
“Come.” He hums, opening his arms for Charles to step into, the younger doing so effortlessly, fitting his face into the Carlos’ neck.
“I didn’t mean to.” He mumbles, voice dangerously close to a whimper.
“I know.” Carlos sighed, closing his arms around Charles, he choses not to say anything else, voice his thoughts or opinions, they won’t help Charles anyway.
They stand in silence for a while, hugging each other tight before Carlos realizes Charles is crying, he just holds him tighter, pressing a kiss to the top of Charles’ head and murmuring his most encouraging Italian.
They’re in a private enough spot to not have to worry about the media or personnel disrupting them, so Carlos lets Charles get out some of his frustrations. It’s a minute or two before Charles pushes himself out of Carlos’ arms, hands coming up to scrub at his face as he takes in a shaky breath.
“Do not apologize.” Carlos frowns, thumbing at a stray tear on Charles cheek. “It’s gonna be alright.”
Charles shrugs, unbelieving, but manages something that sort of resembles a smile to thank Carlos.
“Go home, get some rest.” Carlos says, pulling Charles in for a shorter hug. “Let today be today. Tomorrow can be tomorrow.”
Charles nods, at least he gets to go home tonight.
- -
The lights are on in the hall of the apartment and Charles frowns, because he’s pretty sure this morning he flicked them off. He doesn’t notice the shoes tucked away in the corner but there’s some noise coming from deeper in the apartment.
There’s a sudden uncomfortable feeling of an intruder but before it can sink in Sebastian’s head pokes around the corner of the wall. “You’re home.”
There’s a noise that comes out of Charles that he can’t really identify, and he kinda feels like melting into a pool on to the ground at the sight of Sebastian, of Seb, of Daddy.
He can’t quite get his words to work and trips over his own feet to get to Seb who catches him with a soft smile.
“Calm, Caro.”
“Daddy.” Charles finally manages as he clings to Seb, a fresh set of tears stinging at his eyes.
“I know.” Sebastian soothes, wrapping Charles up as tight as he can. Charles melts into Sebastian, dam breaking and a flurry of frustration coming out in rants mixed in English, French in Italian, mostly tears and vague gestures. Sebastian’s gets them moved to Charles couch somewhere in between and it’s a while before Charles realizes he’s stopped speaking, is safely tucked against Sebastian chest, his hairs being played with and his eyes sting fiercely but he’s no longer crying.
“Sweet boy,” Sebastian sighs, pressing a kiss to Charles’ forehead. “That sucked, huh?”
And Charles nods, heaves out a sigh. Because it did, it does, no need to sugar coat it.
“I wish I could fix it.” Sebastian whispers so quietly Charles isn’t sure he was meant to hear, but he wishes so too. They sit for a bit more before Sebastian offers a shower, Charles protests, unwilling to give up his prime cuddling position.
“Mio,” Sebastian soothes, poking at the pout on Charles’ lips. “A shower will make you feel infinitely better, and Daddy’ll make us a nice dinner.”
Charles seems unimpressed still, but Sebastian isn’t giving in.
“The quicker you go the quicker you’ll be back, and we can watch a movie during dinner. I’m not going anywhere, Schatz.”
Charles forces out the biggest sigh to show his displeasure, but obeys anyway, moved along by the “Good boy” send his way.
He’s back out of the shower later than he’d wanted to, but Seb had been nice. The hot water on his shoulders had eased the tension and it’d been hard to step out from under it, the apartment had filled with good smell during his shower though so eventually Charles had forced himself to move.
He’s attached to Sebastian the second he steps into the kitchen and the elder wraps his free arm around Charles while the other pulls out whatever is in the oven.
“Nice shower?” Sebastian asks and Charles nods into Sebastian’s shoulder, peeking over to see what’s cooking.
Sebastian presses a kiss to Charles’ damp hair. “It’s lasagna.”
As if on cue Charles’ stomach growls and Sebastian chuckles. “It’s done, Amor. We can eat.”
Sebastian pulls back the arm that was holding Charles and is earned a whine. “Daddy.”
“Gotta use both hands.” Sebastian soothes. “Just- a second.”
“You can hold me and do the food.” Charles gestures vaguely before reattaching himself to Sebastian.
Sebastian doesn’t stop his smile. “I can’t hold you both.”
“Have you gone weak that quick?” Charles quips, squeals when Sebastian swats at him.
“The cheek!” He accuses. “Even in misery you do not lose your tongue.” The lasagna gets abandoned in favor of getting both hands on the younger.
“Daddy’ll hold you alright.”
It’s easy to get Charles close with how near he was still standing and Sebastian seizes the opportunity to dig his fingers into Charles’ sides.
Charles shrieks, fails to escape quick enough and bursts into a fit of giggles at the tickling. “No! No, no no! Daddy!”
Sebastian relents, helps Charles back upright from where he’d almost collapsed onto the floor and hooks a finger under his chin. “Go sit on the couch, trouble.” He hums, pressing a kiss to Charles’ nose.
Charles nods, still out of breath before dashing for the couch.
They spend the night watching a new Netflix show and eating lasagna, Charles cuddled up and loved on the entire night.
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