#c: vynathr alria
rose-from-ashes · 27 days
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I plan to draw this but I gposed it first for clothes reference mostly and LMAO THEIR HEIGHTS ARENT EVEN EDITED... GOD
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rose-from-ashes · 5 months
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Ignore the washed out colors but OUU
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rose-from-ashes · 2 months
PSSSST HI HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND!!! slides over this character building question for vyn, cei, and vukmir! if they existed as npcs in the game that give a quest (or a quest chain maybe?), what would it be? and would there be a special item you get for completing it?
He gives a quest chain asking you to infiltrate someplace, possibly Ishgard, Ul'dah, Eulmore, or Garlemald in order to seek and rescue unfairly prosecuted or imprisoned individuals and such inside, giving them a safe out where he would not be able to due to his distinct appearance and reputation as a ruffian/warrior/beast/danger. Basically an underground railroad situation. He feels awful about being unable to save those people directly, and joining with someone less prominent would allow him to at least bring those people into an area he can actually defend. Mechanically, this would be dialogue, fetch quest, and sneaking quest heavy. He wants you to avoid combat, because he'd rather do the combat himself.
The special item would be a glamor garment or weapon from him of your choice, and repeating events would allow you to get the full set. Once you attain the full set, there would be a bonus quest wherein you get to speak to the people you've helped along the way, similar to the level 80 dark knight quest.
His npc name on first interaction until he introduces himself would be "Tall Stranger". The questline would be called "Cries in the Dark" and begin with a quest named "Hidden Injustice".
They give a quest chain where you help them for various experiments by gathering components or doing tasks, similar to the post arr urianger quest chain with the extreme trials. Just like with that questline, finishing it unlocks the ability to turn in components from the content of that questline in return for high quality equipment. There is a daily limit.
Their npc name until they introduce themself would be "Unnerving Garlean" and the first quest would be called "Hardware Requirements". This quest could exist in a theoretical pre-destruction Garlemald or Mare Lamentorum post-Endwalker. You would also meet their adoptive mother Herse at some point, if it takes place in Mare Lamentorum.
His quest/questline (either a very long quest or a questline with the same length just split between multiple smaller quests) and involve following a series of echo flashbacks in the Thirteenth following the Contramemoria from his perspective. At first he appears as a shadowy, vague figure, the vision distorted by centuries, but throughout it, he would grow more and more clear, until the player sees him in full just before the Calamity. Finally, we would see his Voidsent form after in the form of a statue that the visions lead us to with a description of his deeds as a Voidsent below, describing how he remained a great ruler afterwards, but eventually slipped into the Source, and has not been seen by his followers since, though spectres remain to guide them. The special item would be a statuette of him holding his sword high in defiance of his impending doom. The quest/questline would be called "Shadows of the Lost King".
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rose-from-ashes · 2 months
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A quick sketch of his lower half as a sin eater and...
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An example of what it can be like when the upper shell breaks. More often, it can be splitting in half to release an amorphous mass of clawing limbs and wolf heads and teeth, often with a pair or quintet of main arms to primarily fight with, sometimes with a main wolf head and a masklike human face below it, both crying gold. It can also be a floating orb like this, but still a mass of clawed limbs and wolf heads and anger. This is a more impartial but still provoked form. It's HEAVILY based on this specific art of an ophanim because i could not be assed, it's 3 am and just meant to be a reference, but I can't find the source/artist.
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As you can see I replaced the baby at the center with a toothy maw and the rings have teeth in a few places as well. Heehoo
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rose-from-ashes · 2 months
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Sin eater vyn! His lower half is a dragon. The hands are part of him, clutching at him. He lacks his beard and is naked and unscarred because his upper half represents mortal expectations for him to be some sort of "perfection", and if he had been "normal" from the start, he wouldn't have transitioned, if he was "perfect", he would be unmarred and gentle, not angry and scarred and mean and distinctly nonconforming in his gender. He rejects human boxes, but he feels them nonetheless, and they form as a shell around him as a sin eater, delicate cracks lining his form. In moments of anger, he breaks through the shell, revealing multiple wolflike maws and clawed arms and wings in a very vicious, angry, and 'biblically accurate angel' mess. The uncontrollable anger that is his greatest flaw, terrifying even his own.
The hands that clutch at his waist are the hands of the needy, people who need him and call for their all powerful hero. Expectations again.
Finally, his draconic lower half represents his draconic sympathies and desire to have fit in with them, and the fact that no matter how he builds a soft and polite shell over his upper half, he will never be able to be completely "normal" to either side. He will never belong. Too human to be dragon, too dragon to be human, too bestial to be either, too everything and yet never enough. He will always be angry and hurt, expected, called upon, but never truly understood or loved as is, in his eyes.
The other lightwardens are named for types of love. Vynathr's place within that order would be Philautia, self love. A bitter reflection of the utter lack of it within this form, this wretched existence. Some refer to him as such. But more accurately, he is no love nor virtue, but the final judgement which the Ascians have cast upon the First. His shell might be made of his failures, but the roiling eldritch monstrosity inside is the true nature waiting to emerge, when unleashed and no sooner. He is Scorn. The Scorn of the Ascians, the Scorn of the Gods.
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rose-from-ashes · 5 months
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rose-from-ashes · 3 months
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Archon loaf >:(
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rose-from-ashes · 4 months
Happy pride!
Vynathr is trans, nonbinary, pansexual/romantic, and somewhere on the ace spectrum (he enjoys and even actively wants sex at times, but doesn't really experience sexual attraction generally, and when he does experience want it's with people he's already had some kind of sexual encounter with.)
Emet-Selch is pansexual and has a complicated series of events regarding his gender—he's technically cis, but his gender really went from male? to ??? to ????????? to male? to male, rather than starting male and staying there.
The list goes on but those are my highest activity muses!
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rose-from-ashes · 7 months
New chapter up!
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rose-from-ashes · 5 months
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Vynathr (is the girlfriend)
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
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rose-from-ashes · 8 months
Next chapter’s up!
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rose-from-ashes · 8 months
Fun fact: Vyn hates teleporting because it makes him mildly nauseous. If he can avoid it, he won't do it. When he does have to do it, it's not awful, but he has to sit there and wait to settle. Because of this when he fought Titan he spent several minutes crouched behind a rock hiding waiting for his stomach to settle while actively being very aware that if he moved he'd be found by the kobolds. It was not fun. Teleporting to Thavnair was... Exciting.
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
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If you ever see Vynathr take a particularly interesting action just know it was probably inspired by my particularly interesting dad
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
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Sighs longingly at him
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rose-from-ashes · 6 months
How do you need to be touched?
your teeth are bared, as they have been, your jaw aching for so long as growls slip free. you always have to defend yourself. you lash out in fear. you need someone who does not shrink back... a hand falling slowly to your shoulder, however briefly, in a reminder that you do not have to lunge. there is no danger here, now.
Tagged by: @amaurotine, @dysloyalty
Tagging: YOUUUU
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