grangerliam · 6 months
TO: @robertsameliax
LOCATION: Outside of Perry Mason Law
Liam haven't seen or really spoken to Amelia since the night he walked out of her apartment. In all honestly, that was probably the lowest and most birth righted thing he had ever done. But it wasn't necessarily because he wanted to, he had a job to be at, and remaining in her presences would've probably made matters worse. Mainly because he was truly just saying anything at that point. He accused her of trying to trap him, which after the fact, was a truly hilarious notion. Because if anyone would attempt to trap the other, it was Liam. Instead of waiting at her apartment, he had made the decision to wait outside her office. He wasn't 100% sure she'd be there, but he figured he'd give it a try. His decision would be proven smart the second he saw her exit the building. Slowly walking up to her, he pressed his lips into a flat smile, "Hey--" He greeted, shoving his hands into his pockets, as he rocked back on his heels, "You haven't really been picking up the phone. Which, I mean, is fair." There was a small pause, before a sigh, "If you're not busy, I'd like to talk. Maybe get some food? My treat." He suggested, his eyes falling upon hers, "Please."
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xesotericconundrumx · 3 years
“alright so now we just let it sit for the time being, we’ll come back to it a little bit. so for now.” grabbing amelia by the hand she took her to the back and pointed at the roller skates. “come on, we’ll start here and then we can work our way out to the road. sitting on the chair she put on her holographic skates and stood up gracefully. “we had those weird ass skates you put your shoes in at the commune and they cracked and creaked all the time but once i started i couldn’t stop. my grandma bought me new ones the moment i arrived and it’s honestly the best feeling.” she rocked back and forth. “come on we’ll learn how to fall first.”
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@wxlksxflxfx​ for amelia
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the-raven-guy · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ said:  “¿Por qué vería las estrellas cuando puedo verte a ti?”
—Déjame adivinar estás aburrida y no encontraste nada mejor que hacer— expresó una vez que se encontró a la chica en aquel baile al cual claramente solo había asistido porque sus amigos lo habían llevado
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k-shacklebolt · 4 years
Fantastic Drunks & Where to Find Them | Shacklebones
Kingsley finishes the second of his drinks, alone, again, because Frank had to leave early, again. It’s the third time Kingsley has to stand alone until he’s done nursing his beer, forcing the thoughts that usually come with this amount of beer hidden. 
He glances around at the general depravity of the bar he was standing at: several groups of wizards were watching a Quidditch game between the Appleby Arrows and the Falmouth Falcons, both teams he doesn’t care for. He sips the stout he did not order (for he preferred beers of the lighter variety) and makes a chance turn of his head towards the door.
As if he hadn’t already gone through turmoil that week.
Amelia Bones, dressed as if she’s coming directly from the office, practically gliding into the bar as if the smoke and the heavy laughter did not affect her.
She does not initially meet his eyes, and for that he is eternally grateful. Because just at the moment she entered, his stout-bearing glass drops to the floor and shatters. Beer cascades around him and soaks his very nice jeans.
And there is a half a second where he doesn’t know what to do. He glances at the bartender, who gives him neither pity nor a reason to launch himself over the side of the bar so he can evade her. He turns to the rowdy gentlemen who are not paying attention, as the Arrows just scored a massively-desired goal. 
Amelia Bones then, winning in some sort of sick way, focuses her gaze on Kingsley and approaches. Quickly, he composes himself, sending a cleaning spell to both the glass and his wet pants in the hopes that he can gather the marginal bit of his dignity he can muster before she gets within smelling or seeing distance of the atrocity that he has become in her presence.
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“Uh...hi. Why are you here?”
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goldensmileboy · 4 years
Tenía un rato que se le había pasado el efecto de la poción envejecedora, y sin duda estaba sin entender que pasaba pero quería asegurarse que todos los que le importaban estaban bien así que no tardó en buscar a Amelia y una vez que la encontró acercarse a ella —Melia ¿estas bien?— preguntó con preocupación
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milosummers · 4 years
Milo wasn’t sure what he wanted exactly, but he knew he was jonesing. Maybe in half an hour or so he could slip away for a cigarette break, but until then he would just need to find a way of keeping himself occupied. The customers today weren’t regulars, there was nobody willing to engage in conversation with him, so after wiping down an empty table for a third time, he gave up on pretending to clean and made his way back to the bar. There didn’t seem to be anybody looking, and his boss wasn’t due in as far as he knew, so he grabbed an empty glass and poured himself a generous measure of the strongest whiskey he could find. He was so focused on the task, so overwhelmed by the need for a drink, that he only noticed Amelia when she was standing directly before him. 
“Fuck-” He cursed, spilling some of the amber liquid as he jumped at her sudden presence. “Merlin, Amelia- don’t do that to me.” He brushed himself down, setting the bottle back where it belonged before sliding the glass to the side of the counter. He wasn’t sure if she had noticed it, or if she would even comment if she had, but until she made it clear she knew exactly what he was doing, he wasn’t about to risk stealing from his place of work with a witness. He trusted Amelia, they had known each other for years, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Especially when you were breaking the rules. “Everything okay?” He asked, laughing breathlessly as he regained his composure. “Can I get you something?” 
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detmccallen · 4 years
closed starter for @akrongold​
It was only a matter of time and Tim was not surprised when he was laying on his couch and heard very curt demanding knocks against the wood of his door. Though he he could easily guess who would be standing behind the door when he pulled it open, Tim still grabbed his firearm when he headed towards the door then looked out the peephole, scanning the space behind and around the dark-haired woman standing in the hall before he undid the chain and deadbolt.
“Well, to what do I owe the pleasure?” He asked, taking a step back to allow Amelia into his place even as she made to storm her way inside with a huffy passion that had him working hard to hide his initial amused smile, settling it into something sterner to not further her anger. Shutting the door and relocking it, Tim turned back to Amelia and simply waited. He was well aware that she would have plenty to say to him, no doubt.
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littlepotterdoe · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ send  [ help ] — tu personaje encuentra al mío atascado en una prenda de ropa de la cual no puede salir sin ayuda.
—¿Como lograste siquiera que cupiera por tu cabeza— expresó empezando a tratar de quitarle el sueter a la chica
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canutx · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ send:  [ stuck ] — tu personaje encuentra al mío atascado en una posición extraña.
—¿quiero saber como acabaste así?— preguntó mientras observaba a la chica en esa posición extraña
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@bonesmelia​ send:  ♡:  Nuestros personajes durmiéndose accidentalmente juntos.
—Esa sin duda fue una fiesta— expresó la chica mientras se sentaba en el sillón de la casa de la chica —Aunque creo que aun tengo energia para más— un bostezo salió de sus labios y pronto se quedo dormida recargandose en la chica 
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denbrightjay · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ send:  [ shop ] — mi personaje está hablando de lo feo que es un artículo de la tienda, sin darse cuenta de que mi personaje tiene ese mismo artículo.
—Depeche Mode, son demasiados malos no sé como alguien puede comprar su música— expresó el chico sin darse cuenta de que Amelia estaba justo detrás de el con un disco de dicha banda
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grangerliam · 7 months
TO: @robertsameliax
TIME: 9:40AM
LOCATION: Her Place.
Liam laid quietly next to a sleeping Amelia, her petite body pressed up against his side. Nothing but peace seemed to fill the room as Liam flipped through messages on his business Instagram. As he answered a few of the messages, his phone began to vibrate in his hand. Vince's name flashed across the screen. Sliding to answer the call, Liam pulled himself out of bed, doing his best not to wake up Amelia. "What's up?" He'd greet his brother, after softly shutting the door to the bedroom behind him. "Hey, I don't know what you're doing, I probably don't want to. But I need you to come get Axel." Liam's jaw ticked, "Where's Allie?" He'd ask, already aware he wasn't going to like this answer. "I don't know, man. Her and Bill went out last night, and he came back. But I guess she hooked up with some dude? She's not picking up her phone, and there's no fucking way I'm leaving the kid with Bill. Nic works night shift, Chris can't do it, and I have to be at this new job at 11, so ---" He trailed off, not needing to add anything else. He knew Liam knew he meant come and get this damn kid, now. And he knew that if there was anyone who'd fit Axel last minute into their schedule, it was Liam. Liam rolled his eyes at the mention of his sister and father together. And then again at the fact that Allie was really doing this shit again. "Yeah, fine, give me 20 minutes."
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Without waiting for a response, Liam hung up the phone. Bringing his hand to his forehead, he'd become to rub his temples with the sides of his thumb and index finger. Frustration sitting in his chest, and tensing his muscles. "Fucking Allie." He'd mumbled to himself, before quietly heading back into the bedroom. Shutting the door, he'd claw back into the bed, placing a kiss against Amelia's forehead, down to her cheek, to the tip of her nose, and finishing off with a soft kiss against her lips. "Hey --" He greeted, he gave her the softest smile, "So, you sure you're ready to be reintroduced to the Grangers?" He asked, "Because not much has changed in ten years. Besides the fact that Bill showed back up, and Allie got knocked at up 16, and decided to be just about as good of a mom as Beth was." Calling his parents by their first names would shock most, but growing up where they did, it was truly a means of survival. Mom and dad were earned titles, and neither his or hers had earned it. "I gotta go get my nephew," He began to explain, "and I know you said you wanted to send the day together. Which is cool, but it's just going to involve a third person, or we can just rain check."
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partyboyludo · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ said:  “¿Qué? ¿No vas a decirme ‘salud’? Lo recordaré.”
—Oh disculpa no te había escuchado estornudar— realmente el chico estaba perdido en sus pensamientos por lo que no prestaba atención a su alrededor
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alecxfray · 4 years
closed starter - @ameliahopkirk​
“Mia, you don’t seriously believe that,” Alec said to the other. “That’s ridiculous!”
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the-raven-guy · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ said:  “Tienes suerte de ser lindx.”
—¿de que demonios hablas Bones?— expresó el chico aun extrañado por el comportamiento de Amelia 
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goldensmileboy · 4 years
@bonesmelia​ said:  “Por Dios, estoy tan solx.”
—Hey no estas sola, siempre me vas a tener a mi— expresó el chico abrazando a su hermana menor
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