photographercbarker · 4 years
hmmm… Explains why things are drama free.. for now
Look, whatever you and Santana have against Rachel, I don’t want to be in the middle of it and I don’t want no part in it. 
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deckard---cain · 6 years
Would you like to?
Continued from here
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Britt needed to get her mind off of some things and think about some other things, so she went to the local bar and ordered a bottle of their best Red wine. She held the bottle in her hand and turned seeing the first person she came across. “Would you like to join me in a drink?” or several, was the rest of that unspoken sentence. 
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Deckard didn’t normally get out much, but since it was his second year, he figured he could afford a little leisure time. He didn’t expect to be asked so quickly, but he couldn’t think of a reason not to. “I don’t drink much, but I’ll help however much I can.” He never could turn someone down easily, and this was no exception.
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amethysthalsted · 6 years
Send 🌽 for our muses to go through the corn maze @brittany-s-peers
“Hey Britt, how’s it goin’? Wanna go in the corn maze with me? I need some girl time with someone.”
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willaflanagan · 4 years
@mrslopezpierce​: Wait, did you give birth to a little baby bear? Is it like a Scottish thing? Like in Brave? Congratulations! He is so cute!
Aha no no I didn’t. Just a little boy who looks like a little bear, he is so cute. Thank you so much. 
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PM: You precious unicorn, I want to hug you
Thanks Britt, not sure a hug would help all me problems right now.
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SANTANA: Hey, Britt Britt. You know I love you, right? Like, so much. So so much.
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SANTANA: So, Britt...
SANTANA: My mom said she ran in to you today.
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vanpalm3r · 9 years
remember when santana and brittany thought they were lowkey gay but they were actually really highkey gay and the entire school knew
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gameonfinn · 9 years
pierceeduh replied to your photo
I got into a fight and it wasn’t pretty!
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text {britt}
Dylan: I love youuuuu
Dylan: I might be a bit stoned but stiiiiill, I love youuu
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The day was finally here. Brittany had to leave. Santana had been dreading this for a while. She didn’t like having her girlfriend be any further than a 15 minute car ride away, and maybe that made her needy. Okay, it made her incredibly needy. It made her desperate. She just didn’t do well when she and Brittany were apart. It just made her sad. Sighing, she turned her keys in her car’s ignition and pulled them out, the engine falling silent and the radio cutting off, the car falling dormant in it’s parking space. “So,” she prompted quietly, turning to Brittany in the passenger’s seat.
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stanalikemadonna · 9 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MADONNA! I hope it brings you smiles and laughter. :)
Thankyou, Snowflake! I’ve had a wonderful day, and you and your family always manage to make me smile! 
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jaggedsnix-blog · 9 years
cominghomebrittany replied to your post: anonymous asked:What do you think...
IT’S ABOUT A CUP!!! FOR THE 5362816252th TIME!!!
Whatever you say.
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Though, I’m not really sure if I’d prefer it being 'bout my vag or the dumb cup. 
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