mudblood-benjy · 5 years
We Look Like Fun || Maradoc (Au)
—¿Y al final vas a hacer un trago en mi honor?— preguntó la rubia con aquella sonrisa divertida mientras tomaba asiento en uno de los taburetes de la barra de aquel Bar muggle en el que Caradoc trabajaba —¿oh voy a tener que convencerte de otro modo?— McKinnon no tardó en guiñarle un ojo al chico
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the-raven-guy · 5 years
Ivan solo se acercó a Caradoc con la misma cara seria de siempre —-¿Oye ubicas a Glenda?— preguntó curioso —porque la amo y la hare mi esposa— ( @cardearborn )
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lene-mckinnon-blog1 · 5 years
—Bien ahora me debes una cerveza Caradoc— expresó la rubia fingiendo estar molesta de que el chico al no haberse fijado le hubiera tirado su bebida en aquella fiesta en la cual se habían encontrado pero pronto una pequeña sonrisa adorno los labios de la rubia ya que aquello no le importaba realmente y solo estaba molestando a su ex novio ( @cardearborn )
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a-force-of-alice · 7 years
The Mystery Anthology||Cardi and Ali
date: march 21. 1979
The time is close to half past ten. The moon high in the sky casting shadows across building walls, the rain starting up into a drizzle. Heels clicked against the slick ground small splashes from the puddles, hands were in her pockets of the trench coat that framed her tiny stature. Murder lingered in the air, it’s why the two of them were called out. She looks over at her partner, a sigh and a nod. The two of them walk over to a confused man, a body bag and magic residue. “Sargent.” She held out her hand. “You’re my special forces, look like a couple of kids.” Hold off on remarks. “Sergeant I assure ya we are well equipped to deal with such matters. May we see the body.” Shaking his head the officer nodded and led them closer. “And the crime scene has been left untouched?” A nod. Alice knelt down and motioned for the young man to follow suit. She lifted the bag up and narrowed her yes. “Shit, though I saw it all. Do ya see what I see?” She asked Caradoc before standing back up. “Who ever did this I don’t want too meet them or know what in their brain is ticking too.” She rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately that’s a luxury we can’t afford. We’ll take it from here.” Alice motioned Caradoc to lead the officers away. “And you won’t remember any of this.” She pulled out her wand and muttered the memory spell and then turned back to Caradoc. “Shall we then.”
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sturgthatpod-blog · 7 years
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❝   Prepare yourself you know it's a must     Gotta have a friend in Jesus     So you know that when you die     He's gonna recommend you     To the spirit in the sky  ❞
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goldensmileboy · 5 years
—Oye Caradoc— expresó acercandose a su compañero de la orden —el gas que te acabas de hechar estuvo muy poderoso— ( @cardearborn )
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maisieharker · 6 years
Between the chaos and carefully constructing a false account of her experiences the night of the Bonfire, Maisie had missed something. The news of the Minister’s death was a blow to all of the magical community. The Dark Lord, or whatever silly names wizards used in place of his given, had the added to the onslaught of distractions meddling within her mind. There was a sick fascination with the boldness of the attack, a clear message was sent with the assassination of the Minister. A stance of power, but, nonetheless Maisie believed the publicity to be wrapped in foolishness. It only fueled the fire behind her eyes, her need to eliminate the pureblood elitists that threaten generations of muggles...no...humans. She refused to buy into their oppressive traditions; belittling opinions hidden behind vocabulary. 
Thoughts faded quickly when Caradoc appeared in her vision. “’Doc,” She’d knew he’d been safe. She would have felt it if he wasn’t, but he’d been lost between the waves of discord. “I’m glad you’re okay. You’re okay, right?” 
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cruelcoldsmile-blog · 9 years
“I’m attracted to shiny things, so if it looks like I’m staring at your chest, it’s because I am.”
He quirks an eyebrow, lifting up the shirt he had just donned after yet another unsuccessful Quidditch practise. He hated to admit it, but after the gruelling few hours he had spent clinging to his broomstick like his life depended on it, Caradoc’s comment was exactly the sort of pick-me-up he had needed. This was only evident in the small smile he afforded the other boy, and not in his word, spat out much less harshly than they usually would be, “You’re like a bloody magpie, Dearborn. Go on, take a picture why don’t you? It’ll last longer than this tedious interaction will, I’m certain of it.” 
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mudblood-benjy · 5 years
—Oye Caradoc tu sudor huele a palomitas de maiz— expresó el chico riendo ( @cardearborn )
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the-raven-guy · 5 years
Ivan se acerco a Caradoc para tomarle la mano y besarla —Sabes a una roca en el desierto— expresó con cara de asco mas por la accion del beso que por cualquier cosa (  @cardearborn )
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hearthandhome-jones · 11 years
We have to get to the kitchens and get everything together or it'll be dark by the time we're out there!
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cruelcoldsmile-blog · 9 years
The next morning Rodolphus would wake up with a splitting headache and the taste of regret on his tongue, but right now he was perfectly content with where he was, underneath the Quidditch pitch beachers with his tongue down some Hufflepuff’s throat (one that he still could remember the name of, even if his life depended on it. Kayak or something stupid like that). The chain of events that had led to them ending up here were slightly hazy.. there had been a party on the grounds, he had been flirting with some hot guy that usually he wouldn’t even bother talking to, and lots of magical beers and a few drinking games later somehow one of them had tugged the other away from the crowd, and planted a rough (slightly sloppy) kiss that stank of alcohol on the others lips. 
It was a mistake, but as far as mistakes went, it was at least a satisfying one. And Rodolphus had the marks on his neck to prove it. 
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padraicmacmillan · 11 years
Has anyone seen Hagrid?
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