remy-authier · 2 years
The Undercroft isn’t a place Remy tended to venture down to. He can count on one hand the times he’d entered and his infrequent visits were brief. However, his mind kept wandering back to the place where the slaves of the castle were kept and the tiny bookcase he remembered seeing on the tour he took his firs day on the job. After determining he needed time away from the reorganization of the library, he decided to pack a crate of books and perhaps switch out the old ones down there. He picked a variety. Some autobiographies, some historical books, science books, art ones too--poetry and fiction all mixed in too. And as he stood there in the common space where the humble bookcase stood, he pulled a few books from the shelves and began to replace them. Only midway through did he realize he wasn’t in this common room alone. Looking up and over, he noticed a tall man and grinned. “Have you been here this whole time?”
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duskdrumming · 2 years
Dusk couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the sound of his stupid voice already filling the record store. This was her place, her little get away, and now... he was messing that up for her too. Rolling eyes she dropped them back down to the records. Duncan was pretty full of himself, and the girl at the register was cute enough he might just go about ignoring her completely. At least she had high hopes till an icy chill was running down her spin when she was spotted. “I knew it smelled musty in here, thought it was just old records but this explains it.” She let out eyeing him. 
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emma--williamson · 5 years
The cabin had been bliss, and it gave her a chance to start being herself again. Even though sometimes she still felt like he was there but her girlfriend, her sisters, Imogen, her parents and time gave her a chance to start healing. Sighing a little bit, she was in her office. Just finishing up a call, she hung up a moment later. She stood up, placing her hand onto her stomach for a moment. Hearing the door, she didn’t jump she was getting better at that. Not everyone was out to get her. Looking over at the door for a moment, that was when she seen Duncan. “I swear you like meeting me here.” She did her best to joke lightly. God, his cologne was really strong and she could really smell it now.
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alva-the-sweet-blog · 9 years
Alva knew that she was still crying by the time that she walked from Hell’s to her own home. She didn’t know if her home was going to be empty or if Duncan was going to be home. Gods, she hoped that her husband was home, she wanted to be comforted. Otherwise she didn’t know how she was going to handle this all by herself. After opening the door, she just dropped everything on the floor before walking up to their room to crawl into their bed.
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cxnner-ross · 10 years
Call || Wifey
Conner: Um Duncan
Conner: Hey yeah... Mia's with Cathleen right now.. er.. I don't think you know where I am do you?
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cxnner-ross · 10 years
Conner stood in front of Duncan's door with his hands shaking. He took deep breaths to calm himself down and slowly knocked on the door. He had gotten himself into a big mess and he had no idea how he was going to fix it. "Duncan..."
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