franksintrayaoi · 1 year
C:Gabi this is my dad,dad this is Gabe
G:*wearing a shirt that says "of course I cum fast,I got fish to catch!"*
Je:nice er..shirt
G:thanks!it's true.
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bennettbanner · 4 years
Bennett hadn’t actively been seeking out company, but the moment he noticed Gabi, hunched over a desk in the library, he decided to approach her. He was still getting to know her, coming to understand who she was as a person, but they had managed to establish a strong bond over the course of the week, sharing in their love of Medicine. Not only did they have common interests, but he had quickly come to notice her calming presence. It was one of the things he found so endearing, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t long for it now. He usually managed to get a solid eight hours of sleep every night, following his strict routines without fail. But after his initial argument with Cel, and the threat of a very serious conversation now looming over them both, he had found himself entirely unable to rest. He was beyond tired. “Hey,” he said quietly, shooting her an affectionate smile. “Mind if I join you?” @gabixrbarnes​
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text: Hello, Madam. This is Gabi, from the bakery. I was making chocolate covered strawberries earlier and it made me think of you.
[Text] Haha. 
[Text] Will you ever not think of me now?
[Text] Now you have me craving them. Such a tease.
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dxntdisappear-a · 6 years
open to all  connection: bystander, co-worker, friend, s/o, anybody
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her heart raced as she carefully collected glasses from the booth. shouts of vulgar language exchanged from one side to the other. the brunette tried to get herself out of the situation but found herself between it all. her worst nightmare, being caught between a brawl at work. the broken glass shattered across the floor. she eventually got herself to the end of the room, her body aching as she dragged her feet to safety. “fuck.” she mumbled unsure of how bad she was cut up. it was the final straw for her, she couldn’t take working there anymore. she was exhausted working from opening to a now pushed last call at four am. gabi felt herself becoming lightheaded, her body slowly giving up on her and collapsing on the floor.
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Fantasies | Lilith & Gabi
As far as Lilith could intuit, Gabrielle was a rather simple submissive; one who wanted to be led, cared for, and cherished. Her situation, however, was more complex. The existence of her daughter Dulcie came as quite the surprise, but it was not an unpleasant one. Complicating, yes, but in some ways the surprise was welcome. Lilith enjoyed the company of children, but she wondered what would be the appropriate way to relate to Dulcie should they ever meet.
In the meantime, she was eager to get to know the submissive, and the prospect of learning about Gabi’s innermost thoughts and fantasies excited her. Many things about the way this submissive treated her were exciting, and she had hoped to reciprocate those feelings. Inviting her over a second time, she waited for Gabrielle to arrive, dressed deliberately in another silky gown that both concealed and drew attention to her petite, pixie-like form.
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