melody-robards · 4 years
“Well don’t you look pretty? I can hardly remember when the last time I got this dressed up was.”
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brielle-thorne · 5 years
“I can’t remember when the last time I got this glammed up was. This is a far stretch from my usual vibe of mashed potato in my hair and hand prints all over my jeans.”
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slytherinking-mlfy · 5 years
[ @ginnyyy-weasley ] cet aesthetic en noir et blanc serait presque crédible.
Qu’est-ce-que tu veux dire par là, Weasley?
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michaelaisms · 5 years
If there was one thing she loved more than anything about Ashcroft, it was that she knew most of the people who lived there. At least the ones who had grown up there. Which was why when she spotted Ginny ahead of her, she ran to catch up. “I’d say good morning, but it’s a little too early to count as good.” She quipped once she was within earshot of the other. “Or is your morning going amazingly well, actually putting the good in it?” @slvertears
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dragonflower-lily · 6 years
lily was sitting in the park. she was still trying to figure out where she was and what was going on. not to mention what she was going to do while she was there. she had classes and trainings to attend and she hoped that maybe time had stopped or something in the future. she didn’t want to get behind. she let out a sigh before looking up to see a familiar face. her hazel eyes widened as she spotted her mother. except it wasn’t as she had known her. it was a much younger her. “mom?” she called. “mom!” lily quickly got up and moved towards the other red head. ( @mcrcki )
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charliemclaggen · 6 years
Charlie heaved his friend to his feet, brushing him off and ignoring the anxiety in his chest that had followed seeing one of his players hit the ground so hard. Not only was he worried for his health, it brought back memories of his own accident that, even years later, he was desperately trying to forget. “You’re okay.” He muttered, brushing off the front of his robes and making sure he could stand unsupported. “See, you’re fine- you’re perfect. Just... walk it off, come on.” He moved to retrieve the abandoned broom laying to their right, handing it back over to his team member and ushering him towards the rest of the group. “Heads up, guys.” He called. “The Wronski Feint is supposed to trick the opposing team’s Seeker into hitting the ground like that! You need to know when to pull back or you’ll both hit the ground-” He winced as a sudden pain shot through his body, moving to rub absently at his own aching arms. “Which is the opposite of what we want. Pay attention!” He added, his voice weaker than it had been just moments before. He turned his back on his team, annoyed by the sudden pain he was feeling. He had been fine, why did he suddenly feel as though he couldn’t breathe? He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to compose himself, quieting the panic gripping at his chest, before opening them again. “Ah- Shit-” He jumped, taking a few steps backwards when his eyes landed on Ginny Potter. Once upon a time, the idea of swearing in front of Lucy’s aunt would have been unspeakable. But since working with the Cannons and closely with Ginny, he had come to see her as a colleague... a friend. “Sorry!” He ran a hand through his hair, laughing breathlessly. “You scared me! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” He glanced over at his team, now standing behind him and awaiting instruction. “Oh- I, uh...” He reached into the pocket of his Cannons hoodie, pulling out a Golden Snitch before releasing it into the air. “Whoever catches it doesn’t have to do laps tonight.” He caught Ginny’s eye, smiling warmly. “Is everything okay? Hey- if you tell anyone about my Seeker driving himself into the ground, you know I’ll have to kill you, right?” 
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parkerstanton-blog · 5 years
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So according to Buzzfeed, I’m not bullying you and I make friends easily.
Also, maybe ignore everything under the Shetland Sheepdog, k thanks.
– Ginny
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arlo-avery · 5 years
Arlo woke with a vague recollection of Lily kissing him gently and murmuring a hurried goodbye. He couldn’t remember where she was. Work, most likely. But he knew she would be home soon. Left to his own devices, he usually slept past noon, not used to the freedom of being able to sleep for as long as his body wanted him to. Even in her bed, he felt comfortable enough to do so. James was still not entirely happy with his sister’s situation, but they were making slow progress. And it had reached the point now that among a few trusted friends, he was pushing himself to wear short sleeved shirts, to expose the mark on his arm. As Lily and Lucy so often told him, it was a permanent fixture. Hiding it wouldn’t make it any easier to deal with, it only delayed the emotional trauma that he needed to overcome. Which was why, as he climbed lazily out of bed, he stared down at his forearm, taking in the brand and forcing himself to acknowledge how it had come to be there, stark against his pale and otherwise unblemished skin. He sighed softly, biting down on his bottom lip before running his left hand through his hair, listening for signs of James as he forced himself to focus on something present, something that would ground him. The apartment was silent, which didn’t surprise him. It was a weekday, after all. Anybody who wasn’t in hiding to avoid the wrath of their murderous parents was going to be at work or at school. Which was why he felt so confident as he opened Lily's bedroom door and stepped into her living room, and why he was so terrified to see a woman standing at the front door. Clearly she had just let herself in and it suddenly became clear to him that the sound of the door had drawn him out of his sleep. He recognised the red of her hair before anything else, but knowing who she was did nothing to quell his fear. They still hadn’t told the Potters, Lily still hadn’t told the Potters. And yet Ginny Weasley was standing before him, having just witnessed him step out of her daughter’s room with sleep tousled hair, in embarrassingly mismatched pyjamas. Panic began to seize at his chest but his wand was still in the bedroom, all he could do was stare wide-eyed and pray she wasn’t about to curse him. 
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but there’s comfort in the panic
     Amelia didn’t remember much on how she got there in the first place, her hands felt around finding what felt like sheets, pillow and a warm body next to her. The last memory she had was staring at the little calendar on her phone, the one that held no importance to anyone else but her. It was one of those milestones, ones that she thought about a lot during her childhood. Staying in one place for 6 months was baffling, making it to a full year was almost unheard of but now she wasn’t that kid that lived out of boxes, she was an adult and she was running for her own demons once again. The small light that peered through the window shined enough for her to find her clothes and her phone, almost tripping a couple times when her legs could barely hold up her own weight. The lines she didn’t get to finish were on the small mirror beside the nightstand and the rolled up dollar bill with what looked to be her bank card tucked away right next to it. She didn’t dare to turn on the light, it would just show her reflection in the mirror and that wasn’t something she was ready to see. Her hands reached up to try to wipe the clamminess off her face only to find a small bit of dried blood on her upper lip, but she shook her hands quickly as if they were on fire. 
    She wasn’t exactly sure how she got down the stairs and onto the sidewalk as the cars speed past her, from the signs she could see she was in West Rockford, the one side of town she had refused to be in alone and even more so at night. Her hands patted down her body trying to feel for her keys only to coming up empty and seeing her phone barely having enough to make one call before dying. She had promised herself she wouldn’t drag him into this mess so calling Brennan was out of the question. Her lungs took in as much air as she could and looked into her favorites with shaky fingers pressed on the contact picture of the Ginny and the blonde when they were in Colorado. “Hey, can you pick me up?”  Her words were shaky and desperate, almost vulnerable as she mustered up the courage to tell her the exact location. @profginnycho
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melody-robards · 4 years
“Alright, Stacey is down for a nap so we get a reprieve for a little while.” Melody declared as if it were some great big victory. “I’m thinking we pop some popcorn and watch a movie or something.”
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thriceapodfic · 5 years
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(Cover by Capitu)
[Podfic] Chuck Norris Isn't A Man With A Beard. He's A Beard With A Man, by SDK (65 words) by KDHeart, podfic_lover, the24thkey, thriceandonce, Arioch, Annapods, growlery, idellaphod, frecklebombfic, momopods, Podfic-Chicklet, Vaysh-podfics Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Millicent Bulstrode/Ginny Weasley Characters: Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bulstrode, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini Additional Tags: chuck norris - Freeform, Not a Chuck Norris fanfic, Crack, reading drunk writing, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Community: firewhiskeyfic Summary:
Chuck Norris knows if zebras are white with black stripes or black with white stripes.
A multi-voice podfic of SDK's story, recorded during Europodfriends 2018 in Berlin.
(Originally posted 2020-01-25)
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Billie: We started a band.
Signal: We’re called 999 Megabytes
Ginny: We haven’t gotten a gig yet.
(Source: Quick Jokes)
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wxldyxuth · 6 years
@chamberofmuses continued from here
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“They could be planning something. No idea what, but I don’t think that we can really trust squirrels,” Ginny hummed and looked over to her brother, away from the window. “Maybe the gnomes could scared them off. They’re all still out there right?”
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ben-booker · 7 years
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Ben had fully intended to spend most of his night with his date, but he still wanted to say hello to a few people at the dance. He and Alex had parted momentarily, giving him an opportunity to make his rounds and that’s when he spotted her. Smiling, he weaved his way through the crowd, stopping only when he was behind her. “Please, Professor. I really need to get into your class.” He grinned, bringing up one of their inside jokes. “You look stunning tonight, Gin.”
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garcdenflower-blog · 6 years
Valentine’s starter for ( @moonpvwers ) * Ginny
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Hans snaked his arms around the girl’s waist, pulling her closer towards him. It  was odd but he felt as though he could relate to her more than he could to anyone else before. As he glanced into her eyes a smile fell on to his lips. “ You are absolutely stunning, you know that? “ he asked her gently. “ That’s not even the best thing about you though. If I had to list all the amazing things about you I would go on forever. “ he pointed out with a chuckle. His fingers gently brushed through her hair as he held on to her, “ Thank you for putting up with me. I don’t know how or why but I really am thankful. “ he told her gently. 
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thriceapodfic · 6 years
Fandom: Harry Potter | Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley | Rating: G | Length: 0:01:16 | Summary: Ginny and Luna find time to relax and enjoy each other's company. | Cover Artist: bessyboo/coversbybessyboo
originally posted on 2018-02-21
original text link on DW on AO3 on DW (anthology) on Google Docs (all individual podfics from the anthology) download (right-click -> save as): mp3 (0.6 MB)
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