mcnstercus · 5 months
closed starter - hen & lily & pj ( @lilithaine / @immcrtalsx )
Henrietta let herself soak up the sun, sunglasses on. She loved the fact vampire rings were made, because she would've missed the sun when she turned. Hen smiled when she saw the other. "Is this spot okay? I love a good brunch in the sun," she replied. "We can move inside though if you want to?"
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southherwoodbrew · 7 years
Boeretang Tripel
Olin kavereilla kylässä panemassa (postaus tulossa) Belgi Tripelin ja ne meinas he ittää melkee pari litraa muhjuista vierrettä kattilasta viemäriin! Otin sen pulloon talteen, annoin tasaantua, kaadoin muhjut pois ja pistin käymään keittiön nurkkaan. Mitähä sitä tästäki tullee :D ( = tod.näk. noin 8% tripel)
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^ hauskasti pinnassa näkyy vaahtona pullon pohjan muoto
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^ käyhän se
Kaadoin tosiaan ratin ja siivilän avulla kattilan pohjalta humalasetit kolapulloon. Hiivaa otin kans startterin päältä ihan vaan perus olutpulloon ~1dl pohjalle ja korkitin pullon kiinni. Kotona annoin vierteen tasaantua ja kaadoin toiseen kolapulloon varovasti välttäen kaatamasta muhjuja tähän toiseen pulloon. Ja olutpullosta hiiva perään ja jääkaapin viereen 23°C:hen pulputtamaan.
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1framboise · 11 years
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38/50: liú xiànhuá ♥
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mcnstercus · 11 months
closed starter - hen & pj ( @immcrtalsx )
Hen didn't really sleep well, the events from the night before made her feel... triggered, bringing back memories of times with her ex. She slipped downstairs, letting Lily sleep as her and PJ had stayed the night. She slipped out the front door to run to the café and grab the three of them some coffees. When she got back, she saw PJ was awake as well. "I'm sorry, did I wake you? I was just grabbing some coffees... and now I'm realizing I don't even know if you like coffee. Do you like coffee?"
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mcnstercus · 22 days
closed starter - hen & astoria ( @nctural )
Hen was absolutely exhausted, but she pushed that a side to find her sister. She moved Astoria hair around, setting her eyes on her. "Are you okay? Like really?" she asked.
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mcnstercus · 3 years
closed starter - hen & lily ( @lilithaine )
Henrietta was weaved her way through the crowd of residents, just when she was coming upon an opening, she ran straight into Lily. “Woah,” she said, grasping onto the other so the two of them wouldn’t go flying to the ground. “I am so sorry. Wouldn’t want to run over such a beautiful woman.”
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mcnstercus · 2 years
🍻 - our muses try some pride cocktails together - hen & adelina ( @immcrtalsx​ )
“You know, I may not be bisexual, but whatever that cocktail is, sounds really good,” Hen said to her friend. “I think I might try that, it looks like the colors are the flag too. What about you?”
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mcnstercus · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈 - our muses get ready to march in pride together - hen & lily ( @lilithaine​ )
Henrietta was getting ready to march in pride, struggling to pin a corner of the pansexual pride flag she had onto her shoulder. She spotted Lily down the road from her. “Lily!” she called out, waving her over. “Do you mind helping me pin this?”
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mcnstercus · 3 years
It had been a while since Henrietta was in Northknot, having taking time away to do other things. As the news about the murders carried and made it to her, she knew she had to come back. Hen took a job opening at the university and headed back to Northknot. She managed to unpack most of her things, but she needed some caffeine. She started a stroll to the café when she rounded a corner, slamming stright into someone. “Oh my God, I am so sorry, she instantly apologized and went down to help pick up the items that were dropped on the ground.
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mcnstercus · 3 years
closed starter - hen & lily ( @lilithaine​ )
Hen had been in her apartment, avoiding most of the world lately. Since the ghosts had begun to appear, she had watched so many people get reunited with their families, and it had begun to affect her, because while most could be reunited, she couldn’t. Her brother would never walk through the veil, and she will never see him again. It had been over a century, and there were days that it just hit her like it was yesterday. Hen spent most of those days running, moving from city to city, as if she was running from it completely. This time she wanted to stay in Northknot though.
She was in one of the flower fields within Northknot, looking for some to press. Her hands running over the flowers, remembering when she used to do this as a kid with her brother and sister. She heard someone approach, and Hen turned abruptly, taking a breath when she saw that it was Lily. “Oh hi, sorry you scared me,” she replied.
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mcnstercus · 3 years
closed starter - hen & adelina ( @immcrtalsx​ )
“Adelina De Salazar, I swear to everything, please tell me you talked to Vanya like I told you that you should do,” Hen said, handing Adelina a wine glass filled with blood. She sat down on the couch. “Or are you still being chicken?” she teased.
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mcnstercus · 3 years
closed starter - hen & adelina ( @immcrtalsx )
“Wow A, I almost forgot how stunning you look in formal wear,” Hen joked. “Are you here with anyone tonight?”
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mcnstercus · 3 years
closed starter - hen & astoria ( @nctural​ )
As soon as Hen heard about Astoria, she managed to track her sister down. There was nothing stopping her as she ran to find the other. She froze when she saw the familiar blonde. “Tori...?” she asked.
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mcnstercus · 3 years
tag drop
henrietta emily wood
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