lyscndersccmcnder · 1 year
"Nope. Whatever you are about to ask me, the answer is no, Kennedy." Lysander stated as he packed up his bag, sensing the hovering of the familiar woman not far behind him.
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blazingxwolves · 2 years
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"I did promise a certain husband a nice surprise," the alpha spoke as he stood in front of his husband as he slowly undid his shirt. The pups were fast asleep and Syrus had a lot of energy to burn and his husband always turned him on so much. Lysander was someone who always had his heart, they were his mate and they were just perfect and beautiful especially they way they sat. He slowly undid his shirt before tossing it and taking off his pants and walking closer, closing all distance between them. Strong hands slowly ran through the male's hair as he leaned in and kissed him with passion and desire.
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chip-foster · 2 years
“So, wh-what happens if you get lar-ryngitis?” It was a silly question, but amid preparations for launch day, Chip had been asked by supervisors to think of all the things that could go wrong. And while getting coffee at the same time as Lysander, he had a thought. “Str-Stess makes people sick.”
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surya-mirga · 3 years
Surya was desperately in need of a drink with some caffeine and alcohol in it after the long day she had. While sitting at the cafe counter, she spotted a familiar figure going by. She caught his eye, and lightly tapped the chair next to her with pointed toe of her shoes. 
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poppy-battenberg · 3 years
“I have a bet I really need to win,” Poppy declared as she approached the Head Gamemaker. She’d transitioned from carrying around a full bottle of wine to a cute little cocktail. “I swear I read in GAME magazine that you don’t eat meat. That bitch,” she turned and pointed to one of the other Games trainers, “says that can’t be true. I’ve got 50 bucks on the line, what can you say?”
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electra-tyr · 4 years
She was due to pick up the kids from their after school activity, having decided to spend the afternoon prepping Nova to take over for her in the next games. It still felt surreal, to know that she would be stepping down in a matter of days and that she wouldn’t have to worry until her own children's names began to enter the reaping bowl. That was a thought that crossed her mind often, and she knew that if the day would come then there was little she wouldn’t do to protect them. Leaning back in the elevator, she mostly ignored Lysander, knowing that in her current preoccupied state she wouldn’t be able to remain cordial... if how she spoke to him was considered that in the first place. When the elevator shuddered and the lights flickered briefly her hands tightened their grip on the elevator railing and as it came to a halt her eyes opened. The mention of a threat had her stiffening with tension and she stood straighter, glancing around as if it was possible to see. “Oh god...” she turned back to Lysander, “Do you have any idea on this threat?” @thevultur​
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monsterboysrp · 6 years
@seanrps || Lysander and Travis
The coupling had been an absolute success, not only in the moments but in the months following. Travis’s body took to it so smoothly that they often joked about him having been born for this; sure, his belly was big enough that he had trouble putting his own shoes on, much less other household tasks, but Lysander was happy to let him rest and enjoy the downtime as the eggs developed within him. The dendrite just couldn’t fathom how fortunate he was to have a mate such as Travis. He actually seemed to be enjoying this.
Lysander could sense when the day was getting near for the eggs to emerge. Their primitive minds could be heard by the elder creature, their growing discomfort at being confined, their growing hunger as their yolk reserves ran dry. Soon they would need to eat, and that drive was what initiated their hatching -- and they needed to be out before that happened. He watched Travis closely, knowing that the eggs would emit a hormone just before they were ready to hatch which would begin a simulated labor in the man -- strong enough to get the eggs laid, but not so uncomfortable as to make him unwilling to repeat the process sometime. Hopefully.
Lying in bed with Travis’s body tucked against his own, Lysander stroked a hand over the rounded shape of his belly, feeling the faint bulges of the eggs within. “Any day now,” he murmured, nuzzling the back of Travis’s neck.
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mackenziepctter · 5 years
“So Scamander, I heard you’re workin’ at the ministry,” Kenzie said. “How’s it goin’?”
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imnotjamespotter · 6 years
“– He gave me a toothbrush. Let’s egg his house.” / @gg-lysander
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“A fuckin’ toothbrush?!” James repeated, taking the plastic covered cheap toothbrush from the boy and staring at it in mere disbelief. The very expression on his face might have implied that he’d never seen a toothbrush in his entire life, but the truth was James was simply appalled. “This man needs to be arrested. Someone inform Azkaban that a prisoner has just escaped and is among us, in this very school.”
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chip-foster · 3 years
This was a carefully chosen spot. Underground, literally, with exclusive clientele. The bouncer almost didn’t let him in, until the manager came to the rescue, happy to have Chip Foster back. We’ve missed you. He’d miss himself, too. Familiar and unfamiliar faces were floating around him, offering comments about how happy they were to see him back in town. As if being absent from the Capitol was the only possible explanation for his absence.
When he arrived at the bar to order himself another drink, a glass was readily placed in front of him. “Someone else bought it for you,” the bartender explained, nodding to the other end of the bar. 
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surya-mirga · 3 years
After seeing the mostly empty Gamemaker tables in the ballrooms, Surya assumed they were all busy. It was the nature of the Games that everyone was “busy,” but some people were more actively doing jobs than others. When she saw Lysander in the hallway, she let the surprise show. “Gods or monsters?” she asked, nodding toward the entrance to each ballroom.
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monsterboysrp · 7 years
@seanrps || Lysander & Travis
“Darling?” The alien snuggled up against his husband’s side, his body warmer than usual. “Sweetheart, if you could do me a favor and wake up, please...” His hands were all over Travis, head nuzzling in the crook of his neck.
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chip-foster · 2 years
“Shit,” Chip muttered when the door opened. He didn’t know if they were actually in trouble, but he did know no one ran the idea by Lysander. It was a large supply closet, one mostly used for storing extra cords and screens and disks. That didn’t take up much room, so one day when things seemed slow, an air hockey table was moved into the space. Only the people in the tech departments knew about it, and none of the supervisors were told. Or so he thought. “Uh...” He was left high and dry by a fellow Gamemaker darting out the open door. “W-... Wanna play?”
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surya-mirga · 2 years
“Can I make you a deal?” Surya inquired as she stepped up beside Lysander at the cafe. “I’ll buy your coffee if you tell me more about that bird supposedly named Doorknob.”
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weasleyroxie-blog · 8 years
Não, você não entendeu. Esse vai ser o pior feriado da vida toda. É aniversário do vovô, então virão parentes de todos os lugares possíveis para lotar a Toca ainda mais do que ela já é lotada. Isso vai deixar tia Ginny irritada, porque ela não tem muita paciência para essas comemorações. Então vão haver diversas brigas ao longo da noite, com direito a pratos e talheres voando de um lado para o outro, enquanto Rose discute com tio Ron por causa do Malfoy, o que é realmente irritante, e Victoire continua na tensão sexual que ela tem com o Teddy, tentando disfarçar para o pai dela não reparar. E isso tudo em meio à minha avó querendo que eu me vista mais como uma menininha, e minhas tias distantes apertando minhas bochechas e me perguntando sobre os namoradinhos. Não quero isso, Lysander, você precisa estar comigo naquele lugar. 
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monsterboysrp · 7 years
@twinkfxrhire || Lucas & Lysander
Human sexuality still confused Lysander by many degrees. It was both the central focus of all civilization, and verboten in polite discussion. It was universally understood and yet hidden under layers of pretense and subtext. And while there were hugely profitable enterprises committed solely to connecting sexually-congruent humans to one another, one could also simply cut out the middleman and purchase a lover on a street corner.
He'd been watching the boy for weeks. Same corner, every Friday night like clockwork. Older gentlemen were his forte, and they would pick him up in fancy cars and visit fancy hotels, but they would always drop him back off on that dimly-lit corner to adjust his clothing and start the cycle over again.
No life for a lad to lead. Perhaps he could be persuaded of a more productive outcome and a mutually beneficial arrangement.
"Boy," he said, approaching brazenly. "Come with me."
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