clarysgooding · 3 years
closed starter - clary & mark ( @nctural​ )
Clary jumped when Mark spoke behind her. “Jesus Christ, Hexner, one of these days I’m going to accidentally punch you if you keep scaring the crap out of me.”
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kinseysimons · 3 years
closed starter - @nctural​ ( mark & kinsey )
"You mean to tell me that we’re safer, all stuck in this place? That’s outrageous,” Kinsey said to another. 
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emma--williamson · 5 years
@evie-baker​ & @mark--watson​
After Brianne left, and Nina came to visit for a bit, Emma was in panic and did her best to hide it throughout her work day. So she sent Evie that text message needing to see them. She just needed to make sure Duncan was never going to be found. And maybe even convince them to leave town just for a bit. If Nina came home early it would just look like her older sister was visiting her. She had done a pretty damn good job keeping Evie and Mark out of this so far. Hearing a knock on the door, she moved over to it and opened it. “Hey. Come in.” She moved aside to let them both in.
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laurclparks · 3 years
closed starter - laurel & mark ( @nctural​ )
“This is so good,” Laurel said as she ate the pieces of watermelon. “We should do this more often, why don’t we do this more?”
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aprilstirling · 6 years
Me desculpe pelo interrogatório que eu fiz hoje mais cedo, talvez eu tenha exagerado um pouquinho. Não é como se você precisasse dar uma justificativa toda vez que vai sair com alguém. Eu prometo que não vou exagerar em outra ocasião. Aliás, o encontro foi bom?
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boysofcharm · 7 years
starter for @theindieflash​
A lot of people came to 'Fallen Angel' for a lot of different reasons, a gentlemen’s club really filled with beautiful decor and just as beautiful young men willing to serve those who were members. From the waiters to the bartenders to the ‘entertainment’ as it were. Beautiful young men in nice clothing that the club provided to for them to please the men who had enough money and status to a member here. Every man wanted something different, some just wanted a beautiful young man on their arm or lap to laugh at their jokes and look at them like they were their entire world. Others wanted more physical pleasure, seeking a new man every visit while some went back to their favorites again and again. Mark had been working here for two years and so he’d seen plenty of men with different wants, but Guy Richards was not really like any of them at all. 
At first it seemed like all the others, he wanted attention and sex and to try dirty and wicked things and everything in-between. But the man could get that anywhere he wanted and it became clear it wasn’t just that. He wanted attention, but not just for a night and while the sex was incredible he seemed to want something more, something almost intimate that Mark hadn’t really encountered before. This one was different and it was intriguing, but then again Mark wasn’t exactly the most normal of employee’s here either considering unlike the other boys here he didn’t work alone. “Well, well - look at this. Back again and here for us I take it?” He grinned, eyes on Guy who was in his favourite booth. But Mark wasn’t alone, an arm around the waist of a taller and leaner figure with bright amber eyes and a coy and cocky grin on his face. 
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"Looks like he really can’t stay away from us for long Marky” Stiles said to his work partner and lover. They were always a duo when it came to this place, two gorgeous guys for the price of one - so to speak. They’d been quick friends when they’d met two years ago on the job and realized how perfect of a pair they were. The handsome jock with nice arms and his puppy like smile and the smartass, pretty faced know it all with the sharp tongue. The best of both worlds as it were and seemingly a big favourite of one Guy Richards as the two of them slid into the booth either side of the older man. “So, just how much did you miss us? I thought the strapping and famous bachelor would have played a little harder to get. Not that we’re complaining” Stiles remarked, purring out the words and leaning against the man. 
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boysofdalton · 7 years
“Mason, seriously. Jesus dude, someone is going to see!” Mark hissed and cursed under his breath, his eyes darting around them before back at the other college boy. Today had been one of the big college campus parties, almost everyone who was anyone was there and enjoying themselves endlessly. Of course that meant Mark was there, being one of the big stars on the football team and had the reputation of most girls wanting to date him and most guys wanting to be him. But alas he was taken, he had a cheerleader girlfriend just like in every typical story just like this...well, at least on the surface. Because the truth was while Mark did like girls just like people thought, what he really enjoyed was guys...or rather one guy in particular. Mason Bradley. A fellow jock on the baseball team, pretty popular indeed and with a smart mouth to boot and currently having a six month long affair with Mark. At first it was just messing around, some booze and lowered guards and then some secret fuck buddy fun but in the past month or so it had become more than that even if Mark wasn’t admitting it out loud and Mason had been a little more...persistent.
Like right now, with the taller boy pressing Mark against the wall and lips on his neck and long fingers gripping his hip and keeping him there. “Dude I’m serious, someone is gonna see this shit and I can’t...fuck, that’s not fair” He shivered as he felt lips and teeth against that sensitive spot on his neck that the other knew completely drove him wild. Fuck.
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vxsicns · 7 years
‘Marky ¿estás prestando atención?’
El de mirada parda recolocó su humeante taza de café en el posavasos, enfocando por primera vez desde que entró al salón a la fémina de su misma mesa, poco contenta tras comprobar que el moreno no le hacía oídos a sus planes para el look en común del próximo baile. Se contuvo a soltar un suspiro que enervaría todavía más a la de enfrente y acabó encogiéndose de hombros, casi resignado “Lucy, hagas lo que hagas, no creo que debas de contar conmigo. Ya no” era mejor cortar los problemas de raíz, al menos le dictaminaron esa lección desde chico. Por supuesto – era de esperar – la rubia jamás aceptaría que él ya no tuviera un interés en seguir fingiendo el paripé de ‘pareja de ensueño’ en las cortes del alumnado. Tras dedicarle unas amenazas que difícilmente el moreno se las tomó como serias, acabo pavoneándose a la salida del café, no sin antes hacer tropezar a la inocente camarera que iba transportando los pedidos con su mejor equilibrio. Ocultó su semblante, abochornado, de la actuación de su acompañante y casi pidió que se lo tragara la tierra hasta que el bip de su teléfono realizó el milagro. Rápidamente lo tomó, desbloqueando el mensaje y creando que su mandíbula dejase de estar menos tensa, para luego extender un estiramiento feliz
‘Whoa. Das señales de vida ¿sabes lo aburrido que ha sido estar esta mañana en clase de química sin tus respuestas? Casi me quedo dormido encima del mechero’
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bettxrnow · 4 years
closed starter for @seattlites (mark)
Violet was coming out of yet another lecture, her mind occupied with thinking about plans to go to the pool and read her book, or maybe get a drink and pick someone up at the bar. After all, from what everyone had been saying, it was like the Olympic Village, so everyone was hooking up. She was in the middle of texting a colleague about swapping lecture notes, when she bumped into a tall, but yet firm person. She looked up, and damn.  “I’m so sorry, I guess i’m not good at walking and texting.” She said with a giggle. “I’m Dr. Violet Turner. Psychiatry.” 
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thelovelyicons · 5 years
153 Mahesh Jadu Gif Icons from Magnetism
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museformen · 8 years
a starter for @collegeboyshq
The Ashford Mansion was a grand sight indeed, towering over anything else even close to it; gated and walled off and seeming more like a fortress than any one persons home. Richard Ashford wasn’t exactly the kind of man to have many guests, with his hard eyes and almost constant scowl the fifty something year old man was a king of business and had more money then most people would ever know what to do with. It was usually how he got his way, how he’d managed to remain a king of the business world and why few tried to get in his way. It was also how he’d managed to get a husband about half his age and nothing in common with him. Mark had been new to the city, with little money to his name thanks to being kicked out by his parents for coming out of the closet and had wanted a fresh start. Richard had seemed appealing then, he’d turned on the charm to get what he’d wanted, he’d bought things for Mark and promised to take care of his bills, his college education and anything else he could need. 
He had done those things, but it was only after foolishly getting married at the age of nineteen that he realized what a bad idea it had been a few years down the road. Richard was difficult, short tempted and a recluse by nature and now that he had Mark, well, he didn’t seem to find him nearly as interesting.  It had been five years of this, five years of being married to the man and feeling more and more isolated and now that he was done with college he didn’t have that as a distraction and he began to realize what a crappy situation he was in. He had no job which meant leaving Richard would screw him over, especially with that army of lawyers of his who would make sure Mark probably never saw a penny of his money. Mark’s world suddenly felt very lonely and like things would only get worse.
Then he’d met Lucas. He was Richard’s new assistant after firing the last one for incompetence, he was Mark’s age with sharp features, long limbs and a smile that made Mark’s face feel warm and flustered. Richard already had an on-hand assistant, who was more seasoned and went with him to whatever destination around the world he was heading to for another business deal. But he needed one who could stay in the country, take care of things while he was away which was often. Which meant when Lucas wasn’t at the Ashford company he was at the house. With Mark.
Mark hadn’t planned an affair, he hadn’t planned any of this but maybe it was inevitable it happened. They had chemistry, Lucas looked at him in a way Richard hadn’t in years or maybe ever had. Lucas showed Mark things he’d never tried before, made him feel things sexually he’d never experienced with his husband and truth be told, emotionally as well. Which is how it was three months later and this was still going on and right now Mark was finding a warm, bright smile filling his face as his eyes fell on Lucas coming through the large front doors. Richard was gone again, another two weeks in who knows where and Mark had been hoping that Lucas would have the time to come over, it had been far too long since they’d been able to have any time together.
“You came” He said, all smiles as he moved in closer. “You have no idea how hard it’s been with you not here. I thought he’d never leave for another trip again. God I missed you.”
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uhrelapse · 3 years
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c:Mark Tennant
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aj-writess-blog · 6 years
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tag drop for mark riggs
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unsteadyxmuses · 6 years
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tag drop for mark riggs
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boysofdalton · 7 years
When Mark first met Guy Richards he’d been wet, almost completely naked and coming off one hell of an adrenaline rush. His college football team had just won a huge game for the team, Mark being the one to win the game for them at the least second so needless to say he’d been having one hell of a rush post-game. Having hit the showers after celebrating with the boys, in nothing but a towel and body glistening with water as he’d come out to find his coach standing there with the very man himself, Guy Richards. You didn’t have to know shit about business to know who he was, a king among men to a lot of people; basically making billions in the technology field. Hell Mark was pretty sure he had one of his phones. He was also known for probably being one of the cities most famous bachelors, getting whoever he wanted whenever he wanted and it made sense. He had power, money, good looks and confidence for days or at least that’s what people said. But apparently he was also a huge sponsor for the team and had come to congratulate them and promise big things were happening for them if the kept this up. Mark was excited like the rest of the team but couldn’t help but focus more on the fact he was pretty sure Guy’s eyes hadn’t left him the moment he came into view.
The second time the met was just an hour or two later, Mark was dressed in a white tank top that was tightly fitted with nothing else to hide his body considering how hot it was today; a baseball cap backwards, old jeans and even older sneakers. Looking pretty much like the ultimate frat boy stereotype but hey, it was comfortable and he enjoyed the look and others enjoyed the look on him. He’d been walking along when he heard a voice calling his name and glanced over his shoulder to see the impeccably dressed man heading his way. Huh, this was new. “Oh hey there, Mister Richards. What can I do you for?” He remarked, offering a casual nod and lopsided smile to the businessman. 
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aj-rpsss · 6 years
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tag drop for mark riggs
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