sm0kebreaks · 2 years
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Angel of the Vast
Patreon / Sketchbooks  / Mike Crew Monday
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halloweenstrangers · 2 years
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“I think I feel a headache coming on, no wait, that’s just Fitzroy.”
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touchofsomething · 2 years
Closed Starter
mistckesmade asked for [4 M/M] with William
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William looked down at the boy and smiled. He should feel bad that he was about to fuck his son’s boyfriend, but William didn’t gamble much in feelings that didn’t benefit him. As he let his cock spring free he nodded “Take your time and make it good” he told Mike “suck that dick like it’s the golden key”
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tinkerxtrixie · 2 years
“Mike!” Trixie caught up with the man, rather than running, she flitted her wings over towards him, landing right in front of him with a big smile. “Hi. Did you wanna go grab some food?” 
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trixie-belle · 4 years
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Trixie’s grand reveal to her best friend already gave her the massive case of the butterflies. She didn’t know why in the world she was nervous, but all she knew was that her knees slightly wobbled as she zipped up her boots. Nervously twirling the scepter in hand, she took a breath and emerged from her room, with the biggest smile on her face. “Soooo...how do I look?” She asked putting her hands on her hips and assuming the superhero stance. “Do I look like I’m ready to save the world?” 
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leoochoi · 4 years
Leo sat in one of the empty chairs by the bonfire, watching with a beer in one hand as it roared to life in front of him. Truth be told, he didn’t want to come on this trip. He was content staying home, going to the garage and getting his life in order while he still could. There were a lot of things on the horizon for him that he hadn’t even anticipated, and now he was picking up the pieces and praying they all fit together. He was lost in thought when someone settled next him. His first thought was ‘fuck off,’ but then he realized it was Mike. He still had some unresolved issues with the man, none that he knew about and none that he would actually do anything about, but the idea of him and Pey together didn't sit well with him. It made him nervous. But Mike was a good guy, and Leo wanted to believe he wouldn’t have done so had they been going out.
“You think if I throw my lighter in there, it’ll blow up?” He asked, his eyes still focused on the fire but tilting his head towards the man. @mikeyovng​
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ceceliaphamx · 4 years
continued from this dare.
The last time Cecelia kissed Michael, she was 15, they where behind the high-school and she’d just gotten braces. A lot had changed since then, in fact more things had changed than stayed similar, so Cecelia felt she was going in blind. Would the kiss be as awkward as it was when they were kids? Would they end up making out like many of the other pairs that evening? Did they have any chemistry left over? These were the questions filling her mind, but as Michael reached for her, her worries quickly melted away. It was like muscle memory and her hands knew where to go, her lips knew how to move against his, and she couldn’t help but allow them to curl into a smile. @mikeyovng​
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prettyboyapollo · 4 years
“Mike! Dude, so great to see you,” Apollo went to pull in the man for a hug. “Listen, I was supposed to make some lokmas and pastitsio for you and Teeny, but with shit going down, I’m thinking about getting that to you like--in a few weeks, is that cool?” 
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djfroggynav · 5 years
“Mike, my favorite comedian!” Nav yelled towards the man with a grin. “How the hell are ya, mate?” @xxmike-wazowski​
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rustysilver · 5 years
Rusty felt terrible. He would be lying if he said otherwise, and he was ninety-nine percent sure he looked as bad as he felt. He had originally planned to ask Mike for more pills, or for a way to contact their dealer who apparently had changed his number over the past few weeks. But he just couldn’t do it. He couldn’t stand to have another person disappointed in him. When Mike had responded, happy and eager for a chance to catch up, he just couldn’t do it. A meal would be nice, he told himself. Something warm and filling. It had to have been a day now since he had last eaten anything that didn’t come straight from a blister pack. He forced his hands into his pockets, using his shoulder to push open the door to the diner. Ironically the diner that Mike had given him the first pill in. The pill that had played such a big part in what he was beginning to think had been an inevitable relapse. He smiled tiredly when he saw his friend, making his way over to the booth and dropping down onto the seat opposite him. “Hey...” He murmured, not looking up right away.
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jokorbel · 5 years
You know you want to... | Mike & Jo
2pm, Mike’s Office | @miketconnelly
Ah, Michael Connolly. Now that’s a man whose face was a literal carving of the typical Republican politician, in fact Jo was sure she’d seen it replicated all across her side of the senate floor, as if they all emerged from the same old white man factory. But men like Connelly were useful, and she had no issue with him on a personal level, in fact she found him cute in a way. If only because she could remember his fresh face when he first entered the Senate, like a little kid getting its candy.
She eased herself into his office chair like she belonged there, smoothing out her skirt and leaning back to look at him. She always wore this knife edged smile, drifting the line between polite and electric, as if she was about to provide you with the most delicious words. Though time would only tell if Mike would like them quite as much as she did. “Why hello Michael, looking dashing as always...”
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“Hope you enjoyed my little speech the other day..”
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sm0kebreaks · 2 years
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mike crew got to be the test subject for testing out some wet brushes in photoshop
Patreon / Sketchbooks  / Mike Crew Monday
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halloweenstrangers · 9 months
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"Right.." Normally in these situations, Mike would've gotten out a cigarette to smoke but he quit long ago. He turned up the collar of his trench coat and turned to Henry.
"Remind me again why I agreed to this?"
@hellbleided oop hope u don't mind.
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touchofsomething · 2 years
Closed Starter
mistckesmade asked for [13 M/M] with Abram
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Abram had been tasked with looking out for someone named Mike Montgomery. Apparently someone’s from the guy’s life wouldn’t take no for an answer and now was stalking him in hopes of scaring the man to date. It was a frustrating case because whoever it was knew their stuff. He could slide in and out of the guys place with ease. Leave pictures so Mike knew he was watching. Maybe that was why the two agreed to this. Send the creep a clear messages. As Abram pulled back and slammed his cock back into the younger man he groaned “You sure this how you want to play it?” he asked, the window giving a clear view of the detective fucking the hell out of the younger man.
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stephsnow · 6 years
Stephanie fiddled with her sweater nervously as she carefully knocked on Mike’s door. “Um...Mike? It’s Stephanie!” 
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trixie-belle · 4 years
“Nope, I don’t make the rules. You have to have a dance party during a stressful week,” Trixie retorted as she got up from her seat as her Alexa started playing BTS’ Love Maze. “Come on, Mike, you gotta join me!” 
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