calgoodie · 5 years
Three days spent going wild at a carnival had Calum significantly ready to get back to some normalcy. His conversation with Katya was still fresh in his mind and still making him a little sick to his stomach. She was one of his closest friends and to know she was struggling with her feelings for him the way she was made him feel awful, but he also knew it wasn’t something he could keep from Monica. He wanted so badly to be able to be more honest with her and earn her proper trust back and as terrifying as it was this felt like the way to do it. Luckily it was a quick walk up to her apartment, pulling the key out from it’s hiding spot as he let himself in, still finding it necessary to knock on her door just in case. “Babe are you home?” 
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phoenix-castillo · 4 years
Speed Meet | Monica & Phoenix
Valentine’s Day Event
evening, February 14, 2020  
After she got past her initial oh, young surprise in seeing her partner, Monica offered.. Phoenix, her name tag read, a warm smile. “Hi,” she chirped. “How’s you’re night been so far?”
Phoenix was used to the look of surprise that crossed the other's face at seeing her. Most people at this event were older than her, and it didn't help that she looked young for her age. "It's been good, thanks. Meeting people like this is fun. How about you?"
“It’s been good! A new experience, you know? I haven’t done something quite like this before,” Monica gestured around them to the event, “but it’s been fun. What about you? First time to a speed meet too?”
She nodded her head. "Yeah, it's been fun. I like meeting new people, and I try to go to events around town, not just ones on campus." Phoenix wanted to be part of Edgewood, not just another student here to go to school. "Now for the important questions: Which color best represents your personality? And if you were an animal, which would it be and why?"
Monica broke out into a grin at the questions; she liked this one already. "I've been told I give off yellow vibes. Which I agree with. I'm from California, so I grew up with lots of sunshine and positive vibes." As for an animal... "And I'd piiiiiick... a dolphin, maybe? Or a turtle. I've always been a beach baby, and they're super chill animals. Dolphins are great surfing buddies." She leaned forward, resting her chin in her hand, "What about you?"
Phoenix returned the grin, enjoying the positive energy she was getting from Monica.  She could see her as being yellow. "Whoa, you've surfed with dolphins? That's so cool!" That was the most exciting thing she'd heard all evening, and she'd heard a lot. "I never got the chance to go surfing when we lived in Santa Barbara for a few months. I'm not sure I have the balance for it." She tapped her finger on her chin and hmmed as if she hadn't already thought a lot about the questions before she asked. "I would probably be pink. As for an animal, I'm clearly a Phoenix." She grinned cheekily and pointed to her name tag.
“Mhm!” She could go on forever about her experiences with ocean critters, big and small. “It takes a lot of practice. My sister could never get into it, but if you’ve ever ridden a skateboard? My brother’s said it’s not too different?” Monica laughed, “That’s cheating. If we can pick mythical creatures, I wanna change my answer.”
"There goes that plan. I've never ridden a skateboard. I can do a bike, but I feel that wouldn't translate as well." Phoenix didn't think that surfing was something she would get super into, but it would be a fun experience to try out.  "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to imply that we were limited to 'real' animals." She made air quotes around "real".  "Please, expand your imagination and answer."
“Yeah, bike riding isn’t the same with balance. There’s a whole,” Monica moved her arms to mimic the spinning of tires, “gyroscope effect with the wheels that keeps you upright.” She left it at that before she could launch into any winded ramblings about surfing. They were on the clock, here. “Clearly I would be a selkie.” Monica’s proclamation was followed with a grin. “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why?”
Phoenix just nodded along, not caring to try and understand the physics. All she knew was that a gyroscope was a spinney thingy. "Nice, the best of both worlds there." She tilted her head as she thought. "Well, I've been to much of the US, so I guess it would be cool to visit another country. I think Italy would be fun. How about you?"
“Oh, Italy would be fun,” Monica agreed. “I’ve done a lot of moving around for work, mostly in the states, but I’ve never been to Europe. There’s this, hot air balloon festival, in Turkey. I’d love to go and see that. Or Spain.” For all the traveling she’d done, she still had quite the list of places she wanted to see.
"What do you do?" Phoenix asked. "That would be cool. I'm not really sure I've ever even seen a hot air balloon." She knew they were still around, but hot air balloons felt like an antique and foreign thing. "I would like to meet the people from everywhere and learn about all the different cultures."
"I work with aircraft in the Navy. Well- I'm in reserve, now, so it's not my fulltime gig anymore, but," Monica shrugged, letting the action end her sentence. "They're really neat. And riding in one is such a unique experience." Enough so (to her, at least) that she was willing to go to another country for the chance to do it again at a big festival. "If you ever get the chance, I definitely recommend it." Phoenix's comment brought a smile to Monica's face. "That's a really good goal."
Phoenix wiped a fake tear from her eye. "Monica, I think you might be the coolest person I've ever met." No wonder she knew the physics of bikes--she worked with airplanes. "I've never ridden in an airplane either. So much for being a bird." Her family did all of their moving around the country by car. She looked at the clock to see that there was less than a minute left. "Oh, we are running out of time. Do you wanna exchange numbers?"
Monica grinned at the compliment. "Thanks! You're pretty cool yourself." This had easily been on of her favorite conversations of the night. "Absolutely!" She leaned back to work her phone out of her pocket, quickly unlocking it and pulling up the new contact screen. "I can shoot you a text and let you know it's me so you have my number too, if you wanna do it that way?"
Phoenix grinned at the compliment back. "Sure." She then read out her number for Monica to input it. She got her phone out as well, ready to receive the text. "This night has been going by a lot quicker than I expected."
"It really has," Monica agreed, tapping out a quick Hey, this is Monica from the speed meet text while she talked. The buzzer signaling the end of their time together went off right as she hit Send. "Alrighty. Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Phoenix. I'm looking forward to talking to you more in the future."
Phoenix's phone vibrated a couple of seconds after the buzzer, almost like an echo. She glanced at the notification to make sure that it was Monica's. "You too, Monica. See you!" She gave a little wave as the people in the room started moving around again. 
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
Who would win in a fight? Hollis vs Calum. Madison vs Stella. Quentin vs Danny. Gabe vs Adeline. Shane vs Fallon. Cammy vs Bella. Evie vs Chanel. Katya vs Monica. Hannah vs Zelda. Paxton vs Rusty. Matty vs James. Charity vs Mer.
“Round 1: 
Hollis vs. Calum - HollisMadison vs. Stella - StellaQuentin vs. Danny - both little twinks to close to tell Gabe vs. Adeline - Gabe? What? Is this even…? Gabe. Shane vs. Fallon - ShaneCammy vs. Belly - Belly for sureEvie vs. Chanel - Evie are you kidding? Run Chanel Run! Katya vs. Monica - Calum get your girls Hannah vs. Zelda - Zelda is a cam girl. She’s gotta be able to defend herselfPaxton vs. Rusty - Rusty Matty vs. James - JamesCharity vs. Meredith - Meredith probably knows how to poison people. 
Something tells me we’re gonna be doing a hunger games simulator tonight.” 
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oxdahyun · 5 years
Não era praticamente segredo para ninguém o jeitinho inocente da Jeon, e por mais que a menina tentasse lutar contra esse seu jeito era praticamente impossível, afinal aquilo já fazia parte de si. A menina simplesmente acreditava demais nas pessoas, e sem dúvida que acabava por se deixar levar demasiado pelo seu coração. E por mais que a asiática tivesse noção que deveria ser menos inocente, ela não conseguia mudar. Contudo, os tempos que passara ao lado de Monica Lee sempre haveriam ajudado a garota a ser um tanto mais perspicaz no que tocava a certos assuntos. Por isso, após suas aulas, uma vez mais a mais nova haveria combinado de se encontrar com a cozinheira na casa da mesma. Ao chegar no apartamento da asiática, Dahyun dera três batidas na porta, afinal aquele era seu jeito de dizer que era ela. O sorriso tímido era uma constante em seu rosto, tal o tom rosado presente em suas bochechas. A coreana esperou que a outra abrisse a porta enquanto checava no seu celular se Galahad haveria lhe mandado alguma mensagem pedindo um serviço de última hora. Sentiu a porta abrir e logo voltou seu olhar para a figura da outra. --- " Oi, MoMo. "
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matissemartin · 7 years
text ; monica geller
matisse: hey are you at that lake party thing??
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josieclarington · 7 years
Truth or Dare?
We’re friends right?  So dare.
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gleedalegossip · 5 years
who do you think was having sex in pop’s bathroom?
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Wish I could say it was me but I’ve never stepped foot in there and now I probably never will. Honestly, it could be any number of people. I could see it being the hotter Puckerman, the hotter Berry, the hotter Hummel, or the crazy Evans or any combination therein. But if it was someone else entirely, I wouldn’t be shocked either. You humans in this town are the most sex-crazed maniacs and it’s the cause of many scandals so I wouldn’t have it any other way.
@firefighterxnoah @monixberry @ghoulishboyhummel @fieryclaraevans
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wondersofeos · 6 years
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→ Wonders of ℇos  ♡『190/∞』
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fairytellerxo · 7 years
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Monica Lowman - Original Character
A Jaded Fantasy, Fated, Second Chance
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aj-writess-blog · 5 years
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tag drop for monica cresswell
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calgoodie · 5 years
Sick. That’s all he could feel as he stood outside her door. It's not easy-living in a void, living and dying inside your head…wanting what you want so much that you'd give everything else to get it- but the time still passes, the days go on…and as long as there's still a tomorrow, there's always a chance that maybe someday things can go back to the way they were. This was something he needed to do. The sadness, the silence, the darkness, the loneliness... all of it held in a simple little moment. It felt like so much as he stood in the dimly lit hall with his hand waiting at his side. All he needed to do was reach up and knock but it’s like his fist refused to come to life. He’d spent all day traipsing around Dayton, lost in a maze of chaos, trying to find a hidden illusion; he’d been living on hope, ignoring reality, fueled only by feelings he didn’t understand. But now he was here. A shuddered breath escaping his lips as he reached up to knock on her door, taking a step back to give her space as he waited for her to open it. 
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reallifehqgossip · 5 years
What did you think of the barbecue?
“Micah got his weenie roasted, BIG news. Only know because I saw it while I was trying to eat my overly charred burger. They were literally at a table over. It was… astounding. I saw crying in the parking lot courtesy of Paxton, Calum and Monica fighting awkwardly over poor Shane, Quentin and Belly banging one out in the parking lot, Madison and Hollis playing Uno in one of the tents and DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH THE SOUNDS I HEARD COMING FROM THE BATHROOMS. Looking at you James and Stella. Seemed like a blast. Sad I got sunburned half way through and had to go home early. So my overall thoughts. A disaster. Did I miss anything?”
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matissemartin · 7 years
after texting monica, matisse pulled on a pair of pants and drove out to the aforementioned meeting spot. there were barely any people even in the restaurant which made him feel at ease when he pulled into the parking spot. monica hadn't arrived yet so he went ahead and ordered a drink while he waited.
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gleedalegossip · 5 years
I think that that Monica Berry isn't as gay as she pretends to be.
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I’m going to need a little more evidence to back up this claim. Mostly because for once, you have me intrigued, Little One.
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wondersofeos · 6 years
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→ Wonders of ℇos  ♡『67/∞』
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calgoodie · 5 years
Monica or Evie.
“Evie is still here. I would go to the ends of the fucking Earth for Evie. We are a package deal. You do not get one without the other. She is my soulmate. My person. My favorite fucking human on this Earth. I loved Monica. A part of me will always love Monica. But she got one thing right. My best friend will ALWAYS come first. Evie’s put the work in. You don’t get to suck my dick and go straight to being number one you sociopath.” 
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