notorioustommo · 2 months
I know we've been here before with the band, some great memories were made, but don't think we ever had the chance to do something like this right? Now that we're all doing our own thing, it's a little easier to actually explore places without getting recognized so much. It's nice. Anyways, since it's been ages since we were at the same place at the same time, I demand a hang out. Miss ya, Neil. I promise I won't get you into too much trouble or get eaten by a lion. @nhcran
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louistcmmo · 5 months
I may feel a little bit offended that you didn't give me a proper goodbye, lad. Since you're back out on the road, not sure when we'll be seeing each other again. I'm going to miss those Irish hugs. When do you got your next break? We shouldn't wait as long as last time to hang out again. @nihcrn
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danicampbellx · 8 months
so i may have heard you are going on tour again? any LA show planned because I'd love to hear The Show live. have to admit that your latest album is one that i've listened to the most last year. you are like the love song king. if i ever do get married, i need you as my wedding singer. @nialljamesxo
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pezxedwards · 6 months
Niall Horan, can't believe I'm here talking to you. Such a big fan. Been following you since the beginning. You probably have forgotten all about me now that you're such a huge star, selling out shows all over the world. @nialljamesxo
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shawnglam · 5 months
I'm a little bit offended you haven't asked me back for a show yet. Thought we had a lot of fun in London a couple of months ago. Was I just a one night thing to you, Horan? @nihcrn
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completemessx · 4 years
[ @nyctophiliah​ ]
Cuando recibió la llamada se quedó en shock, ni si quiera atinó a colgar el teléfono antes de salir disparado por la puerta. Niall condujo su motocicleta, sin respetar ni un semáforo, hasta la comisaría que le había anunciado la peor de las tragedias. Estacionó y se bajó para atravesar la puerta del establecimiento, el corazón aún latiendole a mil. Y entonces la vio, supo que a ella también le habían contado las terribles noticias acerca de sus mejores amigos. Por primera vez, el castaño no hizo ningún comentario grosero, ninguna broma subida de tono, simplemente arrastro los pies hasta ella y se sentó a su lado. “No puedo creerlo” soltó. No lo entendía hace tan solo unos días estaban riéndose, y compartiendo un almuerzo, y ahora la vida les pintaba una realidad mucho más triste.
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gomezcbb · 5 years
Running up behind the blonde male, Selena wrapped her arms around his back from behind and let out a giggle. “See hug and a surprise!” She grinned as she kept her arms tight before pulling away a bit. 
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misterljp · 7 years
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bro, let me tell you... being a dad is just as hard as it was last week. don’t do it, you have all this time. i rather be at the strip club right now and instead i’m watching cheryl breast feed. s.o.s.
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mommaxemma-blog · 7 years
Little One || Niall&Emma
Emma frowned as she woke up yet again, a sharp pain radiating through her as she sighed, checking the time on her phone and finally realizing she had been having contractions that were coming at closer and closer times, and not all over the place like they had been. She sighed a bit in relief but also a bit in fear, because that meant she was actually having real contractions and not just braxton hicks contractions. She moved herself closer to Niall, nudging him a bit to wake him up. “I think little one finally decided they wanted to be born.” She said softly, rubbing her stomach gently as the contraction hit it’s peak, trying to calm herself and the baby.
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deviantchronicles · 4 years
@walkerofclouds asked: 
"Who are you?"
[No muse specified, so you get the first that spoke up]
“I could ask you the same.”
A meeting of strangers in the woods. Behind the tall man the pale haired stranger had caught, shadows seemed to cling to too-old trees with trunks gnarled and twisted by the elements. Before him, the woods were the expected thin, young trees with bright green foliage. Between those trees, a tall, old house was barely visible. The whoops and laughter of children reached them, muffled and distant.
The dividing line between those familiar, young trees and those old, alien looking ones was too perfect and he was standing right at it.
The stranger himself was pale, nearly too much so and even in this green twilight they stood in, the unevenness of his complexion was evident. The predator-smile he levelled at her made the planes of his face move like jig-saw pieces. As if his skin had once been cut apart and reassembled with faint, silvery lines in between those pieces.
“‘Who are you’ is such a complicated question.”, he continued and took a step to her left, starting a slow circle around her. As he moved from that dividing line of young and old, the shadows seemed to cling to the fabric of his well-tailored suit for a moment, as if they did not want to let him go. When they did, the darkness that had been there seemed to lift a little. 
“Shall we start with names?”, he continued and his smile widened, showing bright white teeth that seemed too large, too blunt, too even to be human. “You may call me Niall.”
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joshroszx · 6 years
James, sin duda amaba a sus medio hermanos, pues había crecido con ellos pero lo único que lo desesperaba en varias ocasiones era que Niall era un tanto calmado por lo que James siempre trataba de “sacarlo de su zona de confort” y aquella tarde no fue la excepción ya que lo había prácticamente arrastrado a una fiesta  —Ten toma esto— expresó a la par que le tendía una bebida claramente adulterada con alcohol. ( @psyckooxl )
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completemessx · 4 years
❛ for once, i wish you’d choose me. ❜  - [ @pvdawan ]
“¿Tan en serio iba todo esto entonces?” se cuestiono alzando una ceja y observandole. De repente se sintió algo incomodo por no haber estado en la misma página todo ese tiempo. “Es decir, para que digas eso...debe ser así.”
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mommaxemma-blog · 7 years
Telling the Truth || Niall&Emma
Emma woke up and opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings and realizing she was in Niall’s guest room. She sighed a bit as she remembered what happened last night. She didn’t want to upset Niall by not sleeping in his room but she didn’t feel comfortable sleeping next to him after he said he loved Hailee. She may have feelings for him but she promised herself she wouldn’t come between his relationship with Hailee and she refused to ruin their friendship. She rubbed her stomach a bit as she slowly sat up and maneuvered her way out of bed. She stood up and adjusted the t-shirt of Niall’s that she was wearing before heading out the door and down the stairs, smiling when she saw Niall and Jax in the kitchen, Jax sitting at the kitchen table. She went and sat next to him and placed a soft kiss on his head with a smile. “Good morning little man, did you sleep well?”
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niamscozy · 8 years
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theliampxyne-blog · 8 years
+The Lads
Just like old times, eh? Well, without Zayn. So who’s sharing with who?
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@niallsthehoran @xlouistommox @ftharrys
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