thetinfoilhatlady · 2 months
Tinfoil Hat Lady on Beyond the Pale Podcast.
The “Hay” Day of crop circles ! Aug 4th 2024 I was on the Beyond the Pale with RB Ham podcast. My good friend Robert Hulse joined us for a great show as Robert and I are old crop circle reachers. Starting back in the late 80’s for Robert and myself from the late 90’s. I share some local formation photos and plant samples. Our years of field research is hard to cover in one go. There are many…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 11 months
Me on Mr Grey
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thetinfoilhatlady · 2 years
Virtues of the Heart
They say it's all about the heart right ? But what does that mean ? What are you 'supposed' to be doing with your life ? What do you want ? Why do you want it ? Who told you that ? The big secret is, you are more powerful than you know.
The perplexing nature of the human condition leaves us all bewildered. Thinking about finding meaning in life is just as daunting as thinking about the meaning of life. On most days we are running on a treadmill of jobs, kids, and meals. Home time tasks and walking the dog. Cutting the lawn and wearing cute clothes. Scrolling the Socials or listening to pod casts. Life goes quickly. What is it…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 2 years
The Glamourous Enemy
The Glamourous Enemy
The level of deception in our world is coming into clear focus. Many of us have been experiencing a tearing away of the ‘Veil’. Now we have the opportunity to clearly see how we have been deceived by so-called Authority. We have been like children, asleep in our own bedrooms, our parents out in the living room, standing guard. We were sleeping easy and the corrupt authorities wanted us left…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 2 years
Be you and Evolve
Be you and Evolve
You are so much more than you think you are. Humans are children of God.
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thetinfoilhatlady · 2 years
Sacred Inner Alchemy: The Spiritual Human Heart
The kingdom of God entered not into this world with a fight. The kingdom of God entered this world through a move of the Holy Ghost which came through Christ.
The kingdom of God entered not into this world with a fight. The kingdom of God entered this world through a move of the Holy Ghost which came through Christ. Why must we align with Christ Consciousness? To know who we are. A world run by the Demonic Global Adversary will not support humans knowing they are much more than their physical body. That indeed humans have 4 bodies (physical,…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 2 years
Beata Van Berkom on Wearefree.tv
Talking about the human condition, ET's, Jesus as a perfected human, Crop Circles, metaphysics and more. Self worth is imperative. Time to Wake Up to the powerful divine creations of God we truly are. Taking personal responsibility for processing our co
My interview with Micheal Bloom of We are free.tv out of Israel. Watch here: https://en.wearefree.tv/post/beata_van Talking about the human condition, ET’s, Jesus as a perfected human, Crop Circles, metaphysics and more. Self worth is imperative. Time to Wake Up to the powerful divine creations of God we truly are. Taking personal responsibility for processing our concepts. Not spiritually by…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 3 years
Who are You ?
Remote sessions available.
Remote sessions available.
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thetinfoilhatlady · 3 years
Patterns of Concern
I made a new video yesterday talking about some of the patterns that I am concerned about. Enjoy.
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thetinfoilhatlady · 3 years
Being OK with Not Knowing
When I was going through a painful divorce I would have video conversations with myself just to speak to someone about my feelings. It was easier to talk to the camera than to a human being. I never watched any of it back until years later when I watched short segments, just to see where I was at. One of the things enjoyed was when I came to the realization that I was going to have to ‘be okay…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 3 years
The Worth of a Human
The Worth of a Human
There seems to be a diabolical agenda underway. I previously wrote a blog about the ‘anti-human agenda’. It seems to be playing out quite correctly. The undertone of aggression against Humanity has grown to such a degree we no longer recognize our fundamental Rights and Freedoms. Due to the collective low opinion of the human species we hold, human rights and freedoms have been curtailed for a…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 4 years
Allowing Others to Choose
Allowing Others to Choose
Many of the people I communicate with are dismayed at some of the choices their family members co-workers and friends are making. I know it can be alarming when people make choices that we feel may not be in their best interest. However, because each of us fits perfectly into life, the life that we chose, we must be free to make choices out of our own free will. The problem of course arises…
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thetinfoilhatlady · 4 years
My Tuning Fork Treatment Explained
My Tuning Fork Treatment Explained
People are often curious about the various therapies I offer at Tinfoil Therapies. So today I’m going to go a little deeper into the Holy Harmony tuning fork bath treatment. These tuning Forks are based on the solfeggio frequencies and were created by Dr Len Horowitz. The Solfeggio/Holy Harmony™ Tuning Forks contain the 9 tones that are frequently referred to as the “Original Solfeggio Scale”. …
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thetinfoilhatlady · 4 years
Message to All Humans
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thetinfoilhatlady · 4 years
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Interview with ME on HPANWO Radio Been on Ben's show a few times now. This time we talk about the 2020 American election Sasquatch and more !
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thetinfoilhatlady · 4 years
Plandemic Indoctrination
Watch this while it’s still on the internet it is the sequel to the documentary on Dr. Judy Mikovits plandemic.
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thetinfoilhatlady · 4 years
Return of the Abcess
You know these little nether region glandular abbesses are sneaky. They can be growing in you, causing creeping reality stealing incremental pain. Slowly wearing you into submission. I was getting more tired. Feeling like something was trying to take over my mind and drag me down. Even after days off, though it was not dawning on me.
A friend from my work said she noticed I was…
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