brielle-thorne · 5 years
“You ready to unleash your inner child? I’m sure there’s a big kid inside of you.” Brielle flashed a smile over at Nik as she pushed an empty shopping cart towards him. She’d managed to get an after hours booking at the toy store for their toy dash portion of the date. “Although, before we start I will say, you’ve gotta wear this for the rest of the date.” She smirked, passing over an adult sized Santa costume.
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zanehartman · 6 years
Zane loved going to the gym. It wasn’t to maintain any of his muscle mass. It was more so that it helped to release steam. Though the best part of a supernatural town was that there were more weight options. The gym was much better than lifting cars. When he’d headed toward the punching bag, he saw a familiar face. “Funny, I believe this would be the first time that we keep encountering that no chaos is following. I almost want to cause some just for old time’s sake,” he said with a chuckle. The two of them had been in quite the chaos over the centuries. There were so many different stories that they had of general chaos. Sometimes his life read like an action movie and he wasn’t upset about that at all.
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Nik: What did I tell you about lying?
Tit, sadly: It only works on mom.
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fairytellerxo · 7 years
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Nikola ‘Nik’ Robles - Original Character
A Jaded Fantasy, Fated, Second Chance
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lunarchld · 7 years
“Quit staring! They’ll notice us!” Celeste to Nik
“Oh my goooood, I caaant...” Nik whispered back, glancing over to Celeste for a quick second before she looked back at the scene across the street. “It’s a train wreck... you can’t look away from a train wreck.” In that moment she was feeling so much secondhand embarrassment and she really wanted to walk away from it but she just couldn’t. “Maybe we should go say something?” Nik nudged her sister with an elbow. “Go... go say something...” As the oldest sister it was Celeste’s job to, like, intervene when shit got stupid. And by the looks of it, shit was getting stupid. 
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dancelikesamcarlson · 5 years
As the door to her boyfriend’s apartment opened, Samantha felt a wave of shame crash across her shoulders, because despite her bravado about the current situation the truth was the woman was humiliated. She knew it was wrong to go to work while under the influence, but she also knew she had a problem with no intention of doing anything about it. Instead of being honest about how she felt the redhead did what she did best and joked to shrug it off, breaking out into a cheeky grin. “It’s your fired girlfriend here, ready to get fucked out of her brain and celebrate her new found freedom.” She cackled, leaning forwards to press a intense kiss to Niklaus’ lips, sighing softly. “I’ve really fucked it this time right? So might as well just give into a world of pain, as of this moment I am no longer a ballarina, I’m simply an unemployed junkie.” Her stomach turned even as she spoke those words, hating every second of it and dangerously close to bursting into tears. “If you want to dump me it’s probably best you do it now, because if I get too high before you do I won’t be able to leave until I’m sober again and that’ll make shit real awkward for both of us.” @niklausxreign​
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coliincorrect · 4 years
Nik: I have no fears.
Mar: I'm cooking tonight.
Nik: I have one fear.
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sydney-moretti-blog · 8 years
The smell of death lingered in the air of the over sized house Nik had chosen for them to stay in. The body of the owner was still upstairs, looking as if she was peacefully sleeping in her bed as the bugs slowly began eating away at her. Why she was still here wasn’t something Sydney understood- something about keeping a low profile while they were stalking Ivan and his friends. “Nik?” she called out before a deep shaky sigh was released. The blonde finally took the time to register what she had done- how she hurt someone all because he wanted her to. Instantly she headed to the kitchen sink, running the water warm so should could clean her blood stained arm- tears threatening to form in her eyes as she relived the scene over and over in her mind- and Ivan- she had no business getting involved with a 130 year old vampire who could wipe her new born ass off the face of the planet. She needed to go to him, explain what the situation was not that it would probably matter “Are you here?”
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of-etherealisms · 9 years
(Scarlet || &. Nik)
    Scarlet was waiting eagerly outside her professor’s door, tight curls tucked behind her ear as she rocked back and forth on her heels, both anxious and eager to receive her latest test mark. She was practically standing with her face plastered against the window -- except, that would be rude, there was another student in there already -- so she ended up just hovering a few inches away, smiling nervously. She was so consumed with anticipation that she almost didn’t realize there was somebody else there, gaze seeming to penetrate into the depths of her soul.
    “Oh! Hiya!” The Pryde daughter chimed with a bright smile, stepping aside slightly. “I’m so sorry if I was in your way!”
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little-steiner · 10 years
fire starter
[ nikvgotze ]
Annaliese was slighty annoyed. It was somewhat silly to say that she already missed Oliver, but the point wasn't exactly the missing my brother part. It was much more about the missing the power. The situation in which she didn't get chosen by her brother over another person -- whoever that person is -- made her feel a little worried about how much power she still had on him. The ginger girl sighed out loud. That was silly of her to think like that, wasn’t it? Of course Oliver loved her above all things and all people, just an arrangement of rooms does not change that, right? She tried to convince herself, but still felt like she had to make herself present. It's harder to forget someone when this person is close to you.
She decided the to go visit Oliver's suite. He allowed her anyways, so it wouldn't be any problem. With the best smile she could put on her face, Anna walked confidently and once she was at the right door she knocked three times.
"Ollie? Are you there?" she waited and asked before trying to open the door, which by the way was not locked. "Ollie?" she called again and pushed the door and got into the room, but the person she met wasn't her brother. The sight of that familiar face made her smile sarcarstically. "So we meet. I would say that I’m glad to see you, except that I’m not, so. Do you mind saying already where my brother is, please? It's not like I have time to waste on you."
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fairytellerxo · 8 years
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                                   Nikola Hohrykova-Robles
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askoriginalbarbie · 11 years
[the-hybrid-klausmikaelson wants christmas]
It was Christmas morning, and Rebekah new that there was gifts under the tree for her and for her brothers. This would be the first Christmas they had in centuries. The last one was in the 1800's. She ran into Elijah's room jumping onto his bed waking him up and then Nik's room. When she jumped on the bed it reminded her of a time when she was a kid and would jump on her brothers bed when Christmas morning came. "Nik! Wakeup Nik! It's Christmas I want to open my presents." She shook him smiling. 
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forbesinthecloset · 11 years
Wet Puppy? Oops -- Nik
By this point, Billy was more than just drunk. Who knew dancing to Gangnam Style could actually be fun?! He was giggling all the way back to the drink area, arms flailing about with the cheekiest grin upon his face. He was having a blast, much to his surprise. The new guy actually impressed him. Keep in mind, it was quite hard to impress Bill Forbes.
He had gotten back to the bar, grabbing two shots of UV Blue, downing them with a huge WOOO and it was over to the pool with him. On the way, he saw Nik, chuckling as he walked over to him. "DUDE. Go--- uh. DRINK! and ssstuff."
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