proteanderg · 3 months
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Little guys, gals and nonbinary pals~ Needed some sprite practice so here's my OCs but 16x16~
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divasofaladonia · 1 year
for @furyful who sent: [PUPPY] from this meme
Men approached Alistair in a variety of ways, some were shy or nervous around his flirtation and endless confident, some were irritated by it and some just to meet him toe to toe with that attitude of his. But this perhaps a more bold approach then most, the word said in a way that sent a bit of surprising electricity through Alistair's body - it was new, enthralling and yet he kept his cool as purple eyes drifted over to the man in question, a flick of his tongue against his bottom lip and a raised brow of challenge.
"Hmm, really now? I've always been told I have more cat like energy - perhaps you were thinking of someone else" He replied, smirk on his lips growing a little in challenge. "Canines are little, what's the word, tameable. But you're welcome to call me it if it pleases you, does it?"
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afterdarkmuses · 3 years
continued from here
His voice sent a shiver through her, her bottom lip quivering every so slightly. A breath caught in her throat at the sudden life that was brought to her confines all too quickly for her brain to comprehend. She moved her gaze to him, eyes widening as she searched for some kind of hint or answer to what he had in mind. “Wh-what do you mean?” she asked, a slight tremble to her voice, feeling uncertain.
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forbidden-rain · 3 years
Valentine’s Day Twitter Campaign 2022 - UNDEAD
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Fufu, it’s adorable how your eyes sparkle upon seeing me. Show me that smile of yours, from now on and forevermore... ♪
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Thanks for always watching me ♪ I’ll be thinking of you while I sing on my next performance, I’d be happy if you’ll come and see me.
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Thanks for your support! I can hear your cheers and see your smile loud and clear. Keep on following me in the future!
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Thank you for supporting me all this time. I want to protect your smile, so I want you to stay by my side. 
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heartshapedskittles · 2 years
rei and kaoru enst*rs are both attracted to chubby enbys it's me im the chubby enby they're attracted to
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bokuno-zuko · 5 years
@tears-like-snow from [x] ! 
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Dead...? “What do you mean he died? Mom...” Shoto knew his eldest brother had disappeared from their household. It had been when he was still really little, and so he hardly remembered anything about Touya. Still, he knew that he’d been there. He remembered seeing him playing in the yard with Fuyumi and Natsuo. That was about it, though. And one day, he just wasn’t there anymore, simple as that.
The news that he’d died shook Shoto to the core, but more importantly his mother’s emotions were spilling out through her quirk-- he could ask more about it later. It was far more critical that she regain stability. “Mom, it’s okay. No one should have to bear that alone.” To think that Touya was dead all this time, on top of the abuse... He reached out to her carefully, trying to show her some comfort, making sure to use his right side over his left. In the hospital, she could only lash out so much, but he didn’t want her to be punished for something he’d inadvertently pushed her into.
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kxygjae · 6 years
rei & jae - let’s go party | flashback
Que Kim Youngjae era um garoto energético e alegre não era novidade para ninguém, portanto não tinha como negar uma festa e inclusive arrastar consigo os seus amigos mais tímidos. Quando pensou na sua lista extensa de amigos mais recatados a primeira pessoa que veio à sua mente foi Rei Shimizu, a lufana com quem o moreno havia simpatizado e inclusive havia achado fofa desde o primeiro momento que trocaram algumas palavras e acabaram formando uma amizade. Ele queria que a garota aproveitasse mais a vida e se soltasse mais um pouco, então não se sentiu um ruim amigo quando quase arrastou a garota pelos cabelos para aquela festa que a mesma não queria estar.
-- “Veja bem, vai ter um monte de garotos bonitos então já vale a pena nem que seja para lavar as vistas por que em Hogwarts só tem demónios mesmo.” -- ele tagarelava enquanto puxava a amiga para dentro da balada trouxa situada numa das ruas de Londres. Em questão de dois dias ambos voltariam para Hogwarts, então tudo o que o grifano queria era aproveitar o seu último dia de férias de Natal na companhia da amiga que havia ido encontrado-se com ele inocentemente, nem imaginando que seria arrastada pelo mais velho para uma balada trouxa. -- “Só fica perto de mim e se alguém tentar fazer algo com você me avisa que eu enfio a cabeça deles no vaso sanitário.” -- falou bem sério para deixar claro que não estava brincando e que era capaz de fazer isso e muito mais, afinal ele era muito protetor com as pessoas que gostava.
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modelacaoitsfun · 8 years
Trabalhos realizados
Ficheiros http://gaudi.fa.ulisboa.pt/~20141426/xadrez-conjunto.dwg http://gaudi.fa.ulisboa.pt/~20141426/xadrez.jpg http://gaudi.fa.ulisboa.pt/~20141426/jogada_1.max http://gaudi.fa.ulisboa.pt/~20141426/animacao%20xadrez.mp4
Lsp Peça impressa (peão) (defun c:peao( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”) (command “line” “0,0,0” “17.5,0,0” “”) (setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3))  (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”) (command “Extrude” “l” “” 4) (command “pyramid” “s” “5” “0,0,4” 5.41 22.5) ;(command “shade”) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) ) Conjunto de peças mais tabuleiro Peças
Lsp Rei corpo (defun c:rei( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”)(command “line” “0,0,0” “17.5,0,0” “”)
(setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3)) (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”)
(command “Extrude” “l” “” 4) (command “pyramid” “s” “5” “0,0,4” 5.41 45) ;(command “shade”) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) )
Lsp Rainha corpo (defun c:rainha( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”)(command “line” “0,0,0” “17.5,0,0” “”)
(setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3)) (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”)
(command “Extrude” “l” “” 4) (command “pyramid” “s” “5” “0,0,4” 5.41 40) ;(command “shade”) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) )
Lsp Bispo corpo (defun c:bispo( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”) (command “line” “0,0,0” “17.5,0,0” “”)
(setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3)) (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”)
(command “Extrude” “l” “” 4) (command “pyramid” “s” “5” “0,0,4” 5.41 30)
;(command “shade”) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) )
Lsp Torre/Cavalo corpo (defun c:torre ( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”)(command “line” “0,0,0” “17.5,0,0” “”)
(setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3)) (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”)
(command “Extrude” “l” “” 4) (command “polygon” 5 “0,0,4” “i” 6.7 ) (command “extrude” “l” “” 35 ) ;(command “polygon” 5 “0,0,25” “i” 2 ) ;(command “extrude” “l” “” 2 ) ;(command “polygon” 5 “0,0,25” “i” 1.5 ) ;(command “extrude” “l” “” 2 ) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) ;(command “shademode” “x”) )
Lsp Peão corpo (defun c:peao( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”) (command “line” “0,0,0” “35,0,0” “”)
(setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3)) (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”)
(command “Extrude” “l” “” 8) (command “pyramid” “s” “5” “0,0,8” 10.82 45) ;(command “shade”) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) )
Lsp de grupo (defun c:peao ( ) (setq pts (getvar “osmode”)) (setvar ‘osmode 1) (command “ucs” (getpoint “ Indique o ponto de inserção da peça. ”) “”)(command “line” “0,0,0” “40,0,0” “”)
(setq e1 (entlast)) (setq pt0 (getpoint “centro”)) (setq pt1 (getpoint “vertice”)) (setvar 'osmode 0) (setq pt2 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1)(/ (* 2 pi) 5)) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt3 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 2(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt4 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 3(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt5 (polar pt0 (+(angle pt0 pt1) (* 4(/ (* 2 pi) 5))) (distance pt0 pt1))) (setq pt6 (inters pt1 pt4 pt5 pt2)) (setq pt7 (inters pt2 pt5 pt1 pt3)) (setq pt8 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt1)) (setq pt9 (inters pt2 pt4 pt3 pt5)) (setq pt10 (inters pt4 pt1 pt5 pt3)) (command “pline” pt1 pt7 pt2 pt8 pt3 pt9 pt4 pt10 pt5 pt6 “cl”)
(command “Extrude” “l” “” 8) (command “polygon” 4 “0,0,8” “i” 15 ) (command “extrude” “l” “” 60 ) (command “erase” e1 “”) (command “ucs” “”) (setvar 'osmode pts) ;(command “shademode” “x”) ) Furniture & Fittings (trabalho de grupo)
Processo de elaboração do trabalho: Utilização do botão F12 para desligar o ‘dynamic input’ (que acerta os valores em casas decimais) Uso do ‘imageattach’ para a colocação da digitalização no ‘model space’ Criação de diversas layers de diversas cores para facilitação da execução dos desenhos técnicos - ‘Layer properties’ Xline (enter) [verticais e horizontais nos sítios pretendidos] Options - display, colors, interface element -> crosshairs Conversão de polegadas e pés para milimetros Scale all (enter) - seleccionar o ‘basepoint’ (enter) ref (enter) - escrever o número em mm autolisp cv_fraction, que nos deu o valor a atribuir à distância: (cv 6 3 3 4), alterando assim para a escala real do objecto.Nota: foi utilizado o AutoCAD Exportação do documento em PDF para impressão e entrega http://gaudi.fa.ulisboa.pt/~20141426/Final.dwg http://gaudi.fa.ulisboa.pt/~20141426/Final.pdf Trabalho realizado em grupo 3 (Carolina Carreira, Cláudia Rodrigues, Mafalda Quinas, Raquel Pereira)
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tall-talbot-blog · 9 years
“Hey I was wondering if...... I could borrow your fridge? Mines broken and.... Actually, I’m really sorry but I think I have the wrong apartment.” 
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proteanderg · 6 months
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Time to shear Sally's winter coat~
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forbidden-rain · 3 years
New Year Lines 2022 - UNDEAD
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Rei: Happy new year ♪ I shall keep myself warm and comfortable under the kotatsu until the sun sets…♪
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Kaoru: Happy new year. Lots of things sure happened last year, huh? But you know, I had fun just as much as how hard I’ve worked.
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Koga: Hey, happy new year. Not that I believe in stuff like these but my fortune slip says I’m gonna have some excellent luck this year.
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Adonis: Happy new year. I’ve been thinking of doing Hatsumode* so… would you like to join me?
* the first Buddhist temple or Shinto shrine visit of the Japanese New Year
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heartshapedskittles · 2 years
The feminine urge to make rei my bf☹️ engstars literally Just came out tho I can't give in This quickly☹️☹️☹️☹️ fuck u rei for making me feel things!!!!!
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klllcrqueen · 9 years
Ya te lo quieres coshar, pinche Rey.
🙄🙄🙄🙄 naaaaah, ¿Cómo crees?
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proteanderg · 11 months
OC Halloween Costumes!
Whew, managed to finish these despite getting sick in the middle of working on them~!
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Razza and Rey are going as scarecrows, but Razza didn't have any farm clothes and just borrowed some way too big ones from Rey. Ayla figured a quick repaint and some balloon bat wings would be a nice and easy costume that could be washed off later Sam decided to go as a lochness monster hoax costume, intentionally making it look quite bad, but still being made well enough to survive parties and swimming underwater to really sell it
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proteanderg · 1 year
Made a relationship chart for my main band of OCs~
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Blue: Family Green: Friend Yellow: Acquaintances Red: Unacquainted or not applicable I'll need to get art of everyone up posted, there's a few that haven't made it on my tumblr yet~
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proteanderg · 1 year
Rey - Moobloom
My most recent character, Rey! Like all Minecraft animals, they're Genderless, having traits of both male and female cows~ They're a friendly giant moo, and a big fan of lifting people up, giving them rides and the like to show off their moo-scles. And if you're staying for dinner, get ready for some of the finest meals on this quadrant of the Overworld!
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