roguexpogue · 4 months
“ you’ve been so quiet. what’s on your mind? ”  
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"Just wondering where my dad is. He just took off on his boat never to be seen again. I don't know if he's dead or alive. Free or in prison. Did he make it to where he was going or did sharks get him. I know, I probably shouldn't give a damn because he's a fuckin asshole. He's my dad, you know. No matter how shitty your parents are you end up worrying about them cause their your family." JJ spilled out what was rolling around in his head to Sarah. He figured she'd get it. Her dad was piece of work too.
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exnzo · 8 months
The last time he laid eyes on Sarah Salvatore was when the sirens were also around playing mind games - he thought he had fooled them, he assured himself that Sarah was safe.
"So you did get out of town." Enzo held a mixture of curiosity and suspicion about how it all unfolded back then. What bothered him more at present was what she was doing here of all places. "Here for a family reunion, or just passing through?"
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hcrrifying · 1 year
( @sarahoh ) club medusa
"Fancy seein' you 'ere, pardner," Viktor put on a slow, southern drawl, leaning against the bar's counter with a lazy, drunken smile - eyeing the woman before them. "Smashed anymore shit lately?" They dropped the accent after a moment - reaching back to snatch a shot from some poor, inattentive fellow who hadn't realized their drink had been placed down, and offering it towards Sarah instead. "Here - it's fucking, on me."
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enxzo · 3 years
After escaping the maze he took Sarah somewhere safe, waiting for her little nap to be over. He listened, hearing her stir awake. “The good news is everyone is alive, well, apart from that one guy I killed.” That one guy being Stefan’s date, who was now someone else’s mess to clean up. Right now, his hands were full, making sure Sarah was able to survive this. Being a vampire.  “How you feeling?” 
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harvey---newell · 4 years
“You want to know something?” Harvey questioned, after he moved inside. He got back home from dropping Sarah off at daycare and moved into the kitchen to make them some breakfast.
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gotthegunannie-b · 5 years
puckitssarah said: That’s amazing! So excited for you, and I can’t wait to hear it!
Thank you so much. I am very excited for everyone to finally hear this. I’ve worked so hard on this album. 
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jamie--baker · 5 years
“Come here you!” Jamie crashed after Sienna who had escaped her bath. They had made a little mess with dinner tonight, so naturally he was going to give her a bath. But she had escaped and now they were both laughing about it the moment that he caught her. “Come on, sweetie. Let’s get you cleaned up before mommy gets home.”
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merriemarvels · 6 years
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Sarah and her twin brother Steven went to the Xavier School as kids, mostly because by that point their dad Billy was working there as an English professor. while Steven is only a mutant by technicality -- he carries the gene but never expressed it, so all he can do is shapeshift -- Sarah’s gene manifested in a similar way to her uncle and great-uncle. She’s a speedster, and trains under the moniker Bluestreak (which is a nickname Teddy gave her due to her tendency to ‘talk up a blue streak’).
When they’re older the twins change to Rush and Razor.
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mackenziepctter · 7 years
“I didn’t study, I’m so doomed for this test.”
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roguexpogue · 5 months
@heartsbreaking liked for a starter
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JJ sat there quietly for once with Sarah. He never actually had a one on one with the girl. She'd been through a lot with her dad. JJ didn't know how else to cope with his trauma than to make jokes. "We should start a club. We can call it my dad tried to kill me by strangulation."
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xesotericconundrumx · 3 years
Aiden looked down at his phone and smiled at Sarah’s text message from earlier. While not in the same major, their classes occasionally overlapped and Aiden was always grateful for a familiar face. He kept his feelings close to his chest, afraid of how others could use them. But Aiden was not a cynic, that would be a wrong reading of his character. He knew he felt flutters in his stomach when Sarah was around and he felt that before but he tried to keep his expectations at bay. When she finally arrived at the diner he waved and got up to greet her. “I haven’t ordered anything yet, cause I was waiting for you.” He smiled brightly and nervously rocked on his toes, “We should sit. Lets sit. Right. Sitting down now.” Smooth.
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@stcrlight​ for sarah
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lunaslovic · 7 years
What the.. || Joey & Sarah
Joey had wanted to talk to Sarah.. or anyone so badly after he received the rental form. This must have been some bad joke! However, having spent a day with Lucas he knew that some people seemed actually fairly strict about it. It was okay. There had always been crazy people around, he only didn’t expect Sarah to be one of them. Nevertheless, he had to wait until he finished packing his things so that the guards could pick him up. 
“Sarah!”, he called, knocking at her door wildly. She had a big house, must have been living a wealthier lifestyle lately. In the academy, such things never stood out all too much. Eventually, the blonde opened the door and Joey held out the paper, confused and clearly shocked. “You can’t be.. He can’t- No, you can’t be serious, Sarah, right!? What is this?” Joey shook his head, watching how the guards left as he entered the room. “The slave has a name, by the way”
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harvey---newell · 4 years
“How are you feeling, love?” Harvey asked, wrapping his arms around her from behind. Little Sarah was asleep, and even though he didn’t have all the answers about what they were, he just knew that he loved her and never wanted to lose her again.
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elijahroosemont · 8 years
But also 👉🏻✊🏻 reverse
“Well, how does it feel like, huh!?” Elijah fired at Sarah. He had no idea how he actually managed to get her into that position but if anybody found out, he sure as hell was going to get in trouble. Nevertheless, the past incidents left him no peace and he did what he had to do, proving her a point. “Maybe that’s why I didn’t like to fight you.. Because you look kinda pathetic like that” The words harsh, his voice failed to get them across with the same confidence. Truth be told, the male felt sorry for her already, surprised about what he was capable of just like that. 
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talon-harper · 8 years
       In her head the words repeated, pick up, pick up, pick up. It was Eight-thirty in the morning (one thing she could kill Jared for. They hadn’t seen each other and properly caught up for at least a year but even then he knew damn well if she wasn’t going in for a call time; eight-thirty was eight-thirty too early; but he did make the trip to her hometown so she couldn’t complain too much.) 
      A quick coffee, private school gossip and soapy stories later and how it went far more often than not there was a quick exchange, a memory of a one funny girl @sarah-bluth and a ten o’ clock audition at NBC Studios. “Sarah?! Hello? This better not be one of those ridiculous voicemail tricks where you think someone’s actually there...hello? Are you up? Get up!” 
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roguexpogue · 8 months
@storminmyveins for Sarah
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"You stepped on my foot!"
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